
Showing posts from August, 2012

Empanelment of private hospitals and diagnostic centres CGHS DELHI & NCR and JABALPUR

No: S.11011/23/2009-CGHS D.II/Hospital Cell / Part IX Government of India Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Department of Health & Family Welfare Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan New DelhI 110 108 dated the 31th August 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Empanelment of private hospitals and diagnostic centres CGHS DELHI & NCR and JABALPUR . The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the empanelment of hospitals under CGHS vide this Ministry's earlier Office Memoranda and to clarify that the following modifications have been approved under list of hospitals empanelled under CGHS in Delhi & NCR and Jabalapur.

Expected DA from Jan 2013 : AICPIN for the month of July 2012

Expected DA from Jan 2013 : AICPIN for the month of July 2012 Labour Bureau released the statistics of All India Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) for the month of July 2012 today. The index increased by four points and stood at 212. This  statistics report will make remarkable increase in percentage of Dearness allowance for Central Government employees and Pensioners. For the next additional instalment of Dearness allowance with effect from January 2013 for Central Government employees and Pensioners, this is the first index number among the six statistics reports from July to December. We will update the ‘Expected dearness allowance from Jan 2013’ will be soon in our site. watch regularly and write your comments on this subject. Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) July 2012 The All-India CPI-IW rose by 4 points and pegged at 212 (two hundred and twelve). On 1-month percentage change, it increased by 1...

Retirement Age 62 : Enhancement of superannuation retirement age of KV teachers

Retirement Age 62 : Enhancement of superannuation retirement age of KV teachers Enhancement of superannuation retirement age of KV teachers to be at par with retirement age of University teachers : – The subject has been taken as a discussion point in the JCM meeting of KVS held on 25.7.2012 at New Delhi. The point has been raised by the AIKVTA, the superannuation age of University teachers has been enhanced to 65 years and that of the teachers working under NCT Delhi Administration have been enhanced to 62 years. The demand for enhanced superannuation age of KV teachers was approved by the KVS BOG albeit alongwith such proposal for employees of KVS as a whole, MHRD did not approve the proposal forwarded by KVS. Thus KVS tricked the KV teachers by forwarding the approval of BOG for enhancement of superannuation age of all employees of KVS (not specifically for KV teachers) which has no precedence for age enhancement in any other department under GOI. 

JCM Meeting of KVS : Introduction of 5 days week in KVS

JCM Meeting of KVS : Introduction of 5 days week in KVS Introduction of 5 days week in KVS : An important discussion has been held in the JCM meeting of KVS, which was held on 25-07-2012 at New Delhi. The demand was submitted by the AIKVTA and it has been taken for the discussion in the JCM meeting. The point explained as "5 days week should also be implemented in KVs which may give space for students to pursue self learning as per their aptitude and interest Keeping them bound to school routine six days a week is determined to their natural growth of talent in various fields. While Western system of Education is quoted and applauded in ways, this important aspect of giving autonomy to students to pursue their hobbies and interests away from Vidyalaya binding is overlooked. In the interest of over burdened KV teachers also 5 day week should be introduced in Vidyalayas as has been in force for KVS HQ and Regional Offices" and KEVINTSA has also pointed out the same as ...

Restoration of 10 days EL along with 20 days HPL for KV Teachers

Restoration of 10 days EL along with 20 days HPL for KV Teachers Restoration of 10 days Earned Leave along with 20 days Half Pay Leave for KV Teachers : The main issue was pointed out by the AIKVTA in the JCM meeting as "GOI has restored the provision of 20 days Half Pay Leave (P.A) for teachers (Who are vocational staff) as per recommendations of 6th CPC. However, simultaneously the earlier provision of 10 days Earned Leave p.a. has been withdrawn. This has terminated a facility granted to teachers after long struggle, 10 days Earned Leave should be granted to KV teachers alongwith 20 days HPL as per recommendations of 6th CPC or at least it should be restored as was earlier to 6th CPC.

Extension of CGHS facilities to KV teachers

Extension of CGHS facilities to KV teachers Extension of CGHS facilities to KV teachers similarly as being extended to KVS(HQ) and KVS(Regional Office) staff and extension of CGHS facility to KVS employees at par with retired Government of India employees, AIKVTA pointed out in the JCM meeting of KVS. Teachers should also be granted CGHS facility as is being provided to KVS HQ and Regional Office Staff. The CGHS benefits available to Government of India employees after their retirement should also be available to retired KVS employees as is being extended to NCERT employees.

MACP Scheme to Teachers of KVS

MACP Scheme to Teachers of KVS The point has been raised by the KEVINTSA in the JCM meeting of KVS as an additional agenda item with the permission of Chairperson. The point is that KVS is not granting MACP to teachers of KVs. The Commissioner, KVS clarified that the matter pertaining to grant of the benefits of MACPS to the teaching category employees of KVS is under active consideration of Ministry of HRD and Ministry of Finance, Government of India. The decision of the Government is still awaited.  The Chairperson, JCM was of the view that KVS may continue its efforts with the Ministry.

Committee to Look into Pay and Pension Grievances of Military

Committee to Look into Pay and Pension Grievances of Military The Committee chaired by Cabinet Secretary is comprised of Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister; Defence Secretary; Secretary, Department of Expenditure; Secretary, Department of Ex-Servicemen's Welfare and Secretary, Department of Personnel and Training. Consequent to change in charge of the then Secretary, Department of Expenditure to Department of Revenue, Secretary, Department of Revenue has also been co-opted as a Member of the Committee. Chief of Naval Staff & Chairman, Chiefs of the Staff Committee made a presentation to the Committee. 


Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Defence  30-August-2012 17:06 IST Pay Revision of URCs Employees The Unit Run Canteen (URC) employees are getting paid as per the rules regulating the terms and conditions of the services of the civilian employees of the URCs, issued by Army Headquarters in April 2003. These rules were made as per the directions of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India dated 4th January 2001, in the case of Union of India Vs. M. Aslam and others.  It has been held by the Hon'ble Supreme Court, in its order dated 28.4.2009, in the case of R.R. Pillai vs. Commanding Officer HQ SAC (U), that employees of URC are not Government Servants. Hence, the benefits of Sixth Pay Commission are not applicable to them. However, the basic pay of URC employees was enhanced by 50% w.e.f. 1.2.2009 and by another 15% w.e.f. 1.12.2009.  This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony in a written reply to Shri Veer Si...


CHILD CARE LEAVE : DOPT and  FINMIN ORDERS Introduction of child care leave in respect of Central Government employees as per recommeded in the sixth Central Pay Commission, women employees having minor children may be granted CCL by an authority competent to grant leave for a maximum period of 730 days during their enitre service for taking care of up to two children, whether for rearing or to look after any of their needs like examination, scikness etc. Hence Earned Leave availed specifically for this purpose only should be converted. Child Care Leave shall not be admissible if the child is eighteen years of age or older.

Clarification on the admissibility of House Rent Allowance (HRA) during the Child Care Leave (CCL) - Reg.

No. 2(9)12012-E.II(B) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure New Delhi, 27th August 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject- Clarification on the admissibility of House Rent Allowance (HRA) during the Child Care Leave (CCL) - Reg. The undersigned is directed to refer to Para 6(a)(i) of this Ministry’s O.M.No.2(37)-E.II(B)/64 dated 27.11.1965, as amended from time to time, on regulation of House Rent Allowance during Leave which stipulates that a Government servant is entitled to draw HRA.....during total leave of all kinds not exceeding 180 days and the first 180 days of the leave if the actual duration of leave exceeds that period, but does not  include terminal leave, ..... It has also been stipulated, thereunder, that drawal of the allowance (HRA) during the period of leave in excess of first 180 day availed of on grounds other than medical grounds mentioned in sub-para (ii), shall be subject to furnish...

KV School Admission : Relaxation in admission to Class XI in KV Schools

KENDRIVA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN F.No.110331-08/2011-12/KVS(HQ)Acad 21/8/2012 To Deputy Commissioner All Regional offices Sub : admission to Class XI, relaxation in criteria thereof. Sir/Madam, By now all schools under your jurisdiction would have applied the criteria as laid down in the admission guidelines 2012. for various streams of class XI and completed the admission process for Students of KV. They might also have extended fresh admissions to eligible candidates of other institutions in the order of priority laid down up to July 31st 2012. As you have all been a part of the decision regarding increasing the cut off subject wise as well as CGPA, yet at the end of the exercise you might have a situation where some of the schools still have an appreciable number of vacancies in a particular stream.


DOPT ISSUED CLARIFICATIONS AS FAQ ON MACP SCHEME Department of Personnel and Training has once again published some more clarifications on the Scheme of MACP as FAQ.  This Department has already issued an clarification order recently and besides there were some more doubts on the scheme to implement to the employees of Central Government, these clarifications may be used to clear to give upgradation under the scheme. We have reproduced the content of the order and given for your ready reference here.

DOPT issued FAQ on MACP Scheme

DOPT published some important instructions and standing orders through an order regarding MACP Scheme as FAQ. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs) ON MODIFIED ASSURED CAREER PROGRESSION SCHEME 1. What is Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) ? The MACP Scheme for Central Civilian Government Employees is in supersession of earlier ACP Scheme. Under the MACP Scheme three financial Up-gradations are allowed on completion of 10,20,30 years of regular service, counted from the direct entry grade. The MACPS envisages merely placement in the immediate next higher grade pay as given in Section I, Part-A of the first schedule of the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2008, in case no promotion has been earned by the employee during this period.    2. From which date the MACPS is effective? The MACPS is effective w.e.f. 01.09.2008 or on completion of 10, 20 & 30 years of continuous regular service, whichever is later. Financial upgradation will also be admissible w...

Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) for the Central Government Civilian Employees

A-11014/6/2012-EC.VI/832  Government of India  Directorate General  Central Public Works department Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi,  Dated 21st August,2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) for the Central Government Civilian Employees. Reference is invited to this Directorate Circular of even No dated 26th July, 2012 on the above mentioned subject. It has been further decided that MACPS scheme in the cadre of JEs of CPWD may please be kept in abeyance till further orders.

Payment of Dearness Allowance w.e.f. 01.07.2012 to the employees and executives of FCI on IDA pattern governed by pre-revised pay scales effective from 01.01.1997

File No. WRC/17/1/2012  FOOD CORPORATION OF INDIA  HEADQUARTERS, KHADYA SADAN   16-20 BARAKHAMBA LANE New Delhi, dated 16th August, 2012 (CIRCULAR No. WR-11-2012-12) Subject : Payment of Dearness Allowance w.e.f. 01.07.2012 to the employees and executives of FCI on IDA pattern governed by pre-revised pay scales effective from 01.01.1997. Ref: Hqrs. Circular No. WR-11-2012-05 dated 22nd February, 2012. In continuation of this office Circular referred to above, the employees and executives who are drawing pre-revised pay scales effective from 01.01.1997, the Dearness Allowance payable shall be revised from the existing rate of 114.6% of (Basic Pay + Dearness Pay) to 122.6% of (Basic Pay + Dearness Pay ) w.e.f  01.07.2012. It is also informed that, the Dearness Allowance rate for the quarter of April to June, 2012 had remained unchanged and as such paid at the rate of 114.6% of (Basic Pay + Dearness Pay).

LTC by air to visit Jammu & Kashmir and North Eastern States – Clarification regarding

No.EP 18(2)/2011  FOOD CORPORATION OF INDIA  HEADQUARTERS  16-20, BARAKHAMBA LANE, NEW DELHI Dated: 27th July, 2012 (Circular No.EP-10-2012-18) Subject : LTC by air to visit Jammu & Kashmir and North Eastern States – Clarification regarding. Reference is invited to Circular No.EP-10-2008-15 dated 28.05.2008 circulating the DOP&T’s O.M. F.No. 31011/4/2007-Estt.(A) dated 02.05.2008 regarding “CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 – Relaxation for travel by air to visit NER and Circular No.EP-10-2010-16 dated 12.07.2010 circulating the DOP&T’s O.M. No. 31011/2/2003-Estt(A-IV) dated 18.06.2010 regarding “CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 – Relaxation for travel by air to visit J&K. 2. Doubts have been raised as to “whether the  employees of the Corporation whose Headquarters and Hometown is same, can avail the benefit of Leave Travel Concession to NER and j&k  as per the scheme as contained in the Department of Personnel and Training, Office Memorandu...

21st meeting of the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) to be held on 27th September, 2012 in New Delhi

F.No.42/45/2012-P&PW(G)  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions  Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak  Bhavan,  Khan Market, New Delhi – 110003  Date: 6th August, 2012 To  All the scova members,  (As per list Attached) Subject : 21st meeting of the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) to be held on 27th September, 2012 in New Delhi. Sir, 21St meeting of the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) of the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare will be held on Thursday, the 27th September, 2012 at 11 AM at Civil Services Officers’ Institute (CSOI), Rendezvous Gr. Floor., F-116, Multi Storey Apartments, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110 001. The meeting will be chaired by the Hon’ble Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public grievance & Pensions. 2. All Pensioners Associations are requested t...

Employment News : Targets for Employment Growth

Ministry of Labour & Employment Targets for Employment Growth Eleventh Five year Plan aimed at creating 58 million additional job opportunities for skilled and unskilled labour force on current daily status basis at an average rate of growth of 2.73 percent per annum from projected employment of about 402 million at the beginning of the Eleventh Five Year Plan to about 460 million at the end of the Plan. As per results of the two most recent rounds of quinquennial labour force surveys on employment and unemployment conducted by National Sample Survey Office during 2004-05 and 2009-10, about 20 million additional job opportunities were created at an average rate of growth of around 1 per cent per year during 2004-05 to 2009-10. 

Pay and Pension Matters of Personnel

Pay and Pension Matters of Personnel The committee chaired by Cabinet Secretary is comprised of Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister; Defence Secretary; Secretary, Department of Expenditure; Secretary, Department of Ex- Servicemen's Welfare and Secretary, Department of Personnel and Training. Consequent to change in charge of the then Secretary, Department of Expenditure to Department of Revenue, Secretary, Department of Revenue has also been co-opted as a Member of the Committee. Chief of Naval Staff & Chairman, Chiefs of the Staff Committee made a presentation to the Committee. 

Clarification sought by Audit on encashment of sIck leave

No.2(14)/2012-DPE(WC) Government of India Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises Deportment of Public Enterprises Public Enterprises Bhawan, Block No.14. CGO Complex, New Delhi-110 003 Dated: 17th July, 2012 To Shri.R.Sridhara Deputy Director Office of the Principal Director of Commercial Audit and Ex-Officio Member, Audit Board Bangalore - 560 001 Subject : Clarification sought by Audit on encashment of sIck leave. I am directed to refer to your letter No.Reports/DPE/2011-12/814 dated 7/3/2012 on the subject mentioned above.

Keeping certain allowances outside the 50% ceiling for Perks and Allowances

No.2(20)/2012-DPE(WC) Government of India Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises Deportment of Public Enterprises Public Enterprises Bhawan, Block No.14. CGO Complex, Lodhi Rood, New Delhi-110 003 Dated: 29th June, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: -  Keeping certain allowances outside the 50% ceiling for Perks and Allowances. The undersigned is directed to refer to O.M. No. 2(51)/2010-DPE(WC)GL-X/2011 dated 01/06/2011 regarding pay revision of executives and Non-unionized supervisors of CPSEs w.e.f. 1/1/2007. Representations hove been received from CPSEs/Administrative Ministries regarding keeping various allowances/benefits/perks including project allowance, higher conveyance allowance to persons with disabilities, etc. outside the 50% allowance.

Employment News : Status of employment in the country during the last three years

Employment News : Status of employment in the country during the last three years SURVEY ON EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT The below information was presented by the Minister of Labour and Employment Shri.Mallikarjun Kharge in a written reply to the questions asked about the ‘Black marketing of train tickets’ in Lok Sabha on 13.8.2012. Reliable estimates of employment and unemployment are obtained through quinquennial labour force surveys conducted by National Sample Survey Office. Last such survey was conducted during 2009-10. As per the three most recent quinquennial labour force surveys on employment and unemployment, estimated employment in the country on usual status basis was 397.0 million in 1999-2000, 459.10 million in 2004-05 and 465.48 million in 2009-10. Second Annual Employment and Unemployment Survey (2011-12) has been conducted by Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India. The Report of this Survey has been released on 19th July 2012.

Severe steps taken to prevent black marketing of train tickets

BLACK MARKETING OF RAIL TICKETS The below information was presented by the Minister of Railways Shri.Mukul Roy in a written reply to the questions asked about the 'Black marketing of train tickets' in Lok Sabha on 9.8.2012. During peak rush periods/festival seasons, when demand outstrips supply, some cases of cornering/black marketing of railways tickets by touts and cases of connivance with railway officials come to notice at the time of surprise inspections and preventive checks conducted at reservation offices. Zone-wise details of the number of cases of touts apprehended/prosecuted/punitive action taken and the number of Railway staff found involved in black marketing of railway tickets against whom action has been taken under the Discipline and Appeal Rules during the year - 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 ( upto June, 2012 ) are appended in Appendix - I and II. The details of authorised agents/sub-agents found involved in irregularities during this period...

Government has undertaken several steps to improve the functioning of CGHS - Minister replied in Lok Sabha

Health & Family Welfare Minister Shri.Ghulam Nabi Azad replied in Lok Sabha on 17.8.2012 to the question of 'what action taken by the Government, whether complaints have been received about the dissatisfaction of a large number of Central Government Employees with the services provided by the Government under the Central Government Health Scheme'. PERFORMANCE OF CGHS While CGHS endeavors to provide best possible health care facilities to the large number of beneficiaries consulting / visiting CGHS Wellness Centres (approx. 1.2 Crore during the last one year), some complaints are received about unsatisfactory services. 


REVISION OF TATKAL SCHEME The below information stated by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Railways Shri.K.H.Muniyappa in response to a written question in Lok Sabha. The salient features of modified Tatkal Scheme which was introduced in August 2004 and revised from time to time are attached in Appendix.  With a view to streamline booking of reserved tickets, the following steps have been taken:- 


ANOMALIES IN PAY SCALE OF TEACHERS The below information stated by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Human Resource Development Shri.DR.D.Purandeswari in response to a written question in Lok Sabha. Majority of School Teachers in the country, are under the administrative control of State/UT governments who prescribe their salary and allowances as well as the terms and conditions of service.  For schools under the administrative control of the Central Government, revised pay scales based on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission for teaching staff have been adopted and no anomalies are reported. 

Retirement age of Teachers and Lecturers

Minister of State in the Ministry of Human Resource Development Shri.DR.D.Punrandeswari informed in Lok Sabha in a written reply of two various questions regarding the retirement age of teachers and lecturers. Retirement age of Teachers and Lecturers Que : Whether the Union Government has issued any instructions to increase the retirement age of teachers/lecturers/professors from the present limit? Ans : The age of superannuation of teachers in Central Educational Institutions in Higher & Technical Education coming under the purview of the Central Government has been enhanced to 65 years in March 2007. Que : The amount of financial burden Centre would bear of the increased arrears for the first four years period, between April 2006 and March 31, 2010 if States followed its orders and the modalities of disbursement of the arrears amount? Ans : The Central Government is committed to bear 80% of the additionality on account of arrears to be paid to teachers for ...

Compensation to Security Personnel of Central Armed Police Forces

Compensation to  Security Personnel of Central Armed Police Forces The below information informed by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Home Affairs Shri.Jitendra Singh in response to a written question in Lok Sabha. Compensation to Security Personnel 327 personnel of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) were killed during the last three years.  All compensation and other pensionary claims have been settled except in 03 cases of CRPF which are pending for want of succession certificate from the Court of Law. 

Suspension of Booking of holiday home at Mysore for two months (from 15.08.2012 to 15.10.2012) regarding – Directorate of Estates orders

The Central Government Holiday Homes and Touring Officers Hostel, Directorate of Estates has informed to all Central Government Employees and Officers that the booking of holiday home at Mysore is being suspended for two months from 15.8.2012 to 15.10.2012. The detailed orders has been issued by the Department of Directorate of Estates on its official website on 16th August, 2012, we have reproduced the content of the order and given below for your information... NOTICE / MOST IMMEDIATE No. D-11016/16/87-Regions Government of India Directorate of Estates Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Dated 16.8.2012 Office Memorandum Subject: Suspension of Booking of holiday home at Mysore for two months (from 15.08.2012 to 15.10.2012) regarding. The work of vertical extension of existing holiday home at Mysore is in full swing as well as dismantling of existing water proofing at Ground Floor has started due to which there is a seepage in the Ground Floor Rooms. Besi...

Implementation of Reservation Policy

Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions 23-August-2012 17:29 IST Implementation of Reservation Policy All establishments of the Government of India are implementing the policy of reservation in services in all Groups including Group ‘B’ and ‘C’. Number of Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Class (OBC) and General category candidates appointed by direct recruitment in Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ posts during the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 is given in the following table: 


DISPARITY IN PAY SCALES OF TEACHERS The below information stated by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Human Resource Development Shri.Dr.D.PURANDESWARI in response to a written question in Lok Sabha on 22nd August 2012. The overall present student-teacher ratio in Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) is 29:1. Recruitment and appointment of teachers’ post sanctioned under on-going schemes of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) is done by the respective State Governments as per their rules. The salary and allowances payable to the teachers and the terms and conditions of their services are also determined by the respective State Governments.


EXPERT COMMITTEE ON KVS AND NVS The below information stated by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Human Resource Development Shri.Dr.D.PURANDESWARI in response to a written question in Lok Sabha on 22nd August 2012. The overall present student-teacher ratio in Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) is 29:1. The Government has assigned a comprehensive review of the scheme of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan(KVS) to Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Bangalore vide order dated 6th February, 2009. IIM, Bangalore has since submitted its report on 15th February, 2011. KVS have been asked to place the recommendations of IIM, Bangalore before the Board of Governors (BOG) of KVS for its considerations/recommendations. However, no such Expert Committee has been constituted to suggest improvement in the management and working of Navodaya Vidyalayas.

Second design of Aakash tablets

Second design of Aakash tablets The below information stated by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Human Resource Development Shri.E.AHAMED in response to a written question in Lok Sabha. Government is considering a second design of Aakash tablets, Aakash Tablet on 5th October, 2011, higher specifications (which include 700 MHz Cortex A8 processor as against 366 MHz Arm 11 processor, 3200 mAH battery as against 2100 mAH battery and capacitive touch screen as against resistive touch screen) at the same price have been necessitated to overcome the initial difficulties observed in the devices. Earlier this project for procurement and testing of 1,00,000 Low cost tablets was assigned to IIT Rajasthan but in view of certain intractable problems being faced by them, now the project has been transferred to IIT Bombay for carrying it forward. Since the first phase of 1, 00,000 tablets are targeted to the students in higher technical education institutions so as to ascertai...

Restructuring / Reorganisation of Staffing pattern of Trackmen on Indian Railways

Restructuring / Reorganisation of Staffing pattern of Trackmen on Indian Railways. Government of India Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) S.No.PC-VI/297 RBE No.91/2012 No.2010/CE-I(Spl)/GNS/15(Pt.) New Delhi, dated 17.08.2012 The GMs/CAOs(R) All Indian Railways and Production Units (As per mailing list) Subject : Restructuring / Reorganisation of Staffing pattern of Trackmen on Indian Railways. The issue of carrer progression and working conidtions of Trackmen on Railways has regularly been raised at various fora from time to time in the past through both the recognized Federations, Accordingly, a Joint Committee comprising of representations of both the recognized Federations and Senior Administrative Grade Officers (SAG) of Railway Board was consitituted to consider career progression of Tackmen alsongwith review of their existing channel of promotion etc. Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) have considered the report of the Committee and decided that the e...

Upgradation of Facilities in Railway Hospitals

Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Railways  23-August-2012 16:59 IST Upgradation of Facilities in Railway Hospitals  There are sufficient medical facilities and doctors available in the hospitals of Indian Railways. A network of 125 well equipped hospitals and 586 health units provide necessary health care to Railway beneficiaries.  There are 2504 sanctioned posts of doctors in Indian Railways. As on date there are 2240 doctors on roll. Vacancies of doctors in Railways are filled up by posting Union Public Service Commission selected doctors. Vacancies are also being filled up by appointing Contract Medical Practitioners including specialists, ensuring continuous availability of doctors. 


DOPT published today on its official website regarding the 'Administrative Tribunals', the clarification is given as  ‘FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS’ and it placed under for your information… FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ON ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS Q.1 What is the objective behind setting up of Central Administrative Tribunal? Ans. To provide in-expensive and speedy relief to Central Government Employees in respect of their grievances related to service matters. Q.2 What are the jurisdiction of a Central Administrative Tribunal? Ans. CAT adjudicates disputes with respect to recruitment and conditions of service of persons appointed to public services and posts in connection with the affairs of the Union or other local authorities with the territory of India or under the control of Government of India and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Steps Taken to Prevent Misuse of Tatkal Tickets

Ministry of Railways Steps Taken to Prevent Misuse of Tatkal Tickets With a view to reduce the scope for misuse, Tatkal tickets are issued on production of self attested photocopy of one of the prescribed proof of identity and the same in original is required to be carried during the journey, to verify the bonafide of passengers. However, during peak rush periods when the demand outstrips the availability, some cases of black marketing of reserved tickets by touts come to notice at the time of surprise inspections and preventive checks conducted at reservation offices. During the period from April 2012 to June 2012, a large number of checks were conducted during which 930 unauthorized agents/touts were apprehended/prosecuted.  During the current financial year (upto June 2012), Indian Railways Catering & Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) has permanently deactivated 14 subagents for involvement in irregularities. Moreover, with a view to keep a check on the activiti...

Transaction Failures in E-Ticket Booking

Transaction Failures in E-Ticket Booking During the period from April 2011 to March 2012, while 11.62 crore tickets were booked successfully through the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) website, in 96.12 lakh cases payment was settled but tickets were not booked.  In May 2012 and June 2012, in 13.19 lakh and 11.41 lakh cases respectively payment were settled but tickets were not booked. The reasons for such incomplete transaction included non availability of lower berths, entry of wrong password, network failure etc. 

Correcting Anomalies in Sixth Central Pay Commission

Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Defence  22-August-2012 13:38 IST Correcting Anomalies in Sixth Central Pay Commission Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission and several improvements made thereon by the Government have been largely well received by the armed forces personnel including ex-servicemen. Some issues regarding service conditions, pay, pension and allowances have subsequently been received. These issues are examined by the Government on case to case basis. In the matter relating to retirement benefits, an Anomaly Committee was set up under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Defence/Finance). This Committee identified some anomalies which have since been addressed to by the Government. 

Retirement Age of High Court Judges

Ministry of Law & Justice Retirement Age of High Court Judges The Constitution (One Hundred and Fourteenth Amendment ) Bill, 2010 provides to increase the retirement age of Judges of High Courts from 62 to 65 i.e. at par with the retirement age of Judges of the Supreme Court. Giving this information in written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha, Shri Salman Khurshid, Minister of Law & Justice, said that the Bill was taken up for discussion in the Lok Sabha on 28.12.2011. However, the discussion has remained inconclusive due to adjournment of the Winter Session.

Contribution Towards Employee’s Pension Fund

Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Labour & Employment  22-August-2012 16:42 IST Contribution Towards Employee’s Pension Fund An amount of Rs. 14,767.47 crore (as per unaudited Balance Sheet of 2011-12) has been received as contribution in Employees’ Pension Fund for the financial year ending on 31.3.2012.  An amount of Rs. 1,62,980.04 crore is balance in Employees’ Pension Fund Contribution Account as on 31.3.2012.  The whole amount of Employees’ Pension Fund stands invested. Rs. 57,087.01 crores is invested in Public Account and balance is invested in securities. 

Reservations for SC/ST in Ordnance Factory Board

Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Defence  22-August-2012 13:26 IST Reservations for SC/ST in Ordnance Factory Board The provisions for giving reservation in employment and promotion to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes employees in Ordnance Factory Board are applied to all posts Gazetted/Non-Gazetted/Non-lndustrial Employees/Industrial Employees, as per instructions/rules of Department of Personnel and Training. For Group 'A' officers the reservation is applied only up to lowest rung in recruitment only.

Latest list of Sainik Schools functioning in India

Latest list of Sainik Schools functioning in India The below information was given by the MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE SHRI A.K. ANTONY in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha on 13th August 2012 about Saninik Schools. At present, there are twenty four Sainik Schools under the Ministry of Defence in the country. Their state-wise location is enclosed as Annexure-A.  Sainik Schools are established on receipt of a specific request from a State Government. It should also agree to provide land alongwith funds for the creation and maintenance of basic infrastructure, equipment and facilities and also provide scholarships to the cadets of that state. A Memorandum of Agreement is also required to be signed by the State Government to this effect.  As regards opening new Sainik Schools, proposals have been received from the State Governments of Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh for setting up new Sainik Schools in Sambalpur, Sagar and Chi...