
Showing posts from December, 2012

Expected DA from Jan 2013 : AICPIN for the month of November 2012

Expected DA from Jan 2013 : AICPIN for the month of November 2012 Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) November 2012  The All-India CPI-IW for November, 2012 rose by 1 point and pegged at 218 (two hundred and eighteen). On 1-month percentage change, it increased by 0.46 per cent between October and November compared with 0.51 per cent between the same two months a year ago.  The largest upward contribution to the change in current index came from food items which increased by 0.86 per cent, contributing 1.01 percentage points to the total change. At item level, largest upward pressure came from Rice, Wheat Atta, Goat Meat, Milk, Onion, Potato, Tea (readymade), Snack Saltish, etc. The other items like Cooking Gas, Medicine (Allopathic), Bus Fare, Auto Rickshaw Fare, Flower/Flower Garlands, Tailoring Charges, etc. also put upward pressure in total change. 

Eligibility of Unmarried Daughters of Armed Forces personnel for grant of Family Pension beyond 25 years of Age

No. 2(2)/2012/D(Pen/Pol) Government of India Ministry of Defence Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare New Delhi the 14th Dcc., 2012 To The Chief of Army Staff The Chief of Naval Staff The Chief of Air Staff Subject: Eligibility of Unmarried Daughters of Armed Forces personnel for grant of Family Pension beyond 25 years of Age. Sir, The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s ID No.878/A/D(Pen/Sers)/04 dated 21.9.2004 extending the provisions of Department of P&PW OM No. 1/19/03-P&PW (E) dated 25.08.2004 and this Ministry’s letter No.I (3)/2007-D(Pen/Policy) dated 25.10.07 which makes unmarried / widowed / divorced  daughter  eligible for family pension beyond 25 years of age subject to fulfilment of other prescribed conditions, Attention is also invited to this Ministry’s ID No.9(6)/2007-D(Pen/Policy) dated 21.2.2008 under which it was clarified in consultation with Department of P&PW that liberalised...

Three types of Consumer Price Index Numbers maintained by Labour Bureau

Three types of Consumer Price Index Numbers maintained by Labour Bureau Calculation of CPI The Labour Bureau has been compiling and maintaining three different series of Consumer Price Index numbers viz. (i) Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100, (ii) Consumer Price Index Numbers for Agricultural Labourer on base 1986-87=100, (iii) Consumer Price Index Numbers for Rural Labourer on base 1986-87=100. These index numbers measure a temporal change in prices of fixed basket of goods and services consumed by the target groups and are compiled on the basis of the prices of selected goods and services which are collected every week/month and the weights assigned to them. Weights to the selected items are assigned on the basis of the expenditure incurred on them as revealed by the surveys conducted for the purposes. The index numbers for centre/state are compiled in several stages i.e. Sub-group, Group and General level. These centre/st...

UPSC conducting Special Class Railway Apprentices’ Examination, 2013

UPSC conducting Special Class Railway Apprentices’ Examination, 2013  Special Class Railway Apprentices’ Examination, 2013  The Union Public Service Commission will be conducting the Special Class Railway Apprentices’ Examination, 2013 on 20.01.2013 at various centres all over India as per notification.  E-Admission Certificates are available on the Commission’s website  Candidates are advised to download and check their e-Admission Certificates carefully and bring discrepancy, if any, to the notice of the Commission immediately.  Rejection letters citing the ground(s) for rejection have been issued through e-mails or speed post and also put on the Union Public Service Commission website  In case any difficulty faced by the candidates in downloading e-Admission Certificates, they may contact the UPSC Facilitation Counter on Telephone Nos. 011-23385271, 011-23381125 and 011-23098543 on any working da...

Emergency Treatment in CGHS Hospitals - List of Emergency conditions...

Emergency Treatment in CGHS Hospitals CGHS Hospitals – Getting treatment in emergency conditions Under emergency conditions, the empanelled hospitals are expected to provide treatment of CGHS beneficiaries in all available specialities… Private hospitals have been empanelled under CGHS only for such specialities for which they are eligible as per the terms and conditions of empanelment. However under emergency conditions, the empanelled hospitals are expected to provide treatment of CGHS beneficiaries in all available specialities. “Emergency” shall mean any condition or symptom resulting from any cause, arising suddenly and if not treated at the earliest opportunity would  be detrimental to the health of the patient or shall jeopardize the life of the patient".

Employment News : Central Government Jobs Dec 2012

Central Government Jobs Dec 2012 A new list of vacancies available in Central Government Sector with various categories and number of posts… 1. All India Institute of Medical Sciences Total vacancies – 37 Posts Application invited for the post of: Professors Last date: 15-02-2012 For more details and application format 2. Indian Institute of Management Application invited for the post of: Professor, Associate Professor & Assistant Professor Last date: 24-01-2013 For more details 3. Balmer Lawrie Application invited for the post of: AVP / VP (Marketing), Project Leader, Senior Manager & Asst. Manager/Dy Manager (IT) Last date: 16-01-2013 For more details 4. Power Grid Corporation of India Limited Application invited for the post of: Field Engineer, Field Supervisors Last date: 15-01-2013 For more details http://www.powergridindia....

Issuing of CGHS plastic cards to CGHS beneficiaries

Issuing of CGHS plastic cards to CGHS beneficiaries The below information was presented as a written reply to a question about the CGHS Cards by the Minister of Health and Family Welfare Shri.Ghulam Nabi Azad in the Parliament on 14th December, 2012 as follows… Government has issued detailed guidelines for issuance of individual plastic cards to CGHS beneficiaries vide Office Memorandum No. S.11012/3/2011-CGHS(P) dated 29th December, 2011 which is available at the CGHS website

Unemployment News : State-wise number of educated and uneducated job seekers including SCs/STs and OBCs as on 31-12-2009

State-wise number of educated and uneducated job seekers including SCs/STs and OBCs as on 31-12-2009 . As per latest information available, state-wise number of both educated and uneducated job seekers including SCs/STs and OBCs, all of whom may not necessarily be unemployed, registered with employment exchanges in the country as on 31-12-2009 is given below...   State-wise number of educated and uneducated job seekers including SCs/STs and OBCs as on 31-12-2009   (in thousand) Sl. No. State/Uts Educated Uneducated 1 Andhra Pradesh 1450.3 551.4 2 Arunachal Pradesh 17.5 18.5 3 Assam 1493.5 222.9 4 Bihar 694.1 129.2 5 Chhattisgarh 1143.5 215.7 6 Delhi 449.4 11.4 7 Goa 101.7 1.1 8 Gujarat 832.7 72.8 9 Haryana 772.9 186.0 10 Himachal Pradesh 708.7 93.4 11 Jammu And Kashmir 77.0 244.6 12 Jharkhand 461.9 162.9 13 Karnataka 381.5 201.7 14 Kerala 3740.6 616.3 15 Madhya Pradesh 1555.8 380.5 16 Maharashtra 2230.0 778.3 17 Manipur 423.8 244.7 1...

KV Schools in India: Fees likely to increase in KV Schools…

KV Schools in India: Fees likely to increase in KV Schools… The KV Sangathan board of governors meeting held on Friday and decided to increase with a principle approval. The meeting presided over by Human Resource Development Minister M.M.Pallam Raju. It was the principal approval to the proposal of hike in fees. The fees may be hike as Rs.1250 per month from the existing fee of Rs.300. The last time KVS hiked fee in 2009. At present 1090 KV schools in India as on 01.08.2012 with 10,91,931 students.

Extension of the revised orders on encashment of Earned Leave and Half Pay Leave to industrial employees

No. 12012/3/2009-Estt.(L) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training  New Delhi, Dated the 28th December 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Extension of the revised orders on encashment of Earned Leave and Half Pay Leave to industrial employees. The undersigned is directed to state that the matter regarding extension of revised orders on encashment of Earned Leave and Half Pay Leave lo industrial employees at par with the non industrial Central Government employees covered by the CCS (Leave) Rules. 1972 has been under consideration of this Department. It has been decided in consultation with the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) to extend the provision of this Department’s OM No.14028/3/2008-Estt (L) dated 25th September 2008, mutatis mutandis to industrial employees of Ministries/Department other than Railways. 

Rotational Transfer of Assistants of CSS

F.No.7/4/2012-CS.I(A) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training  Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi, Dated the 27th, December, 2012 ORDER In accordance with the Rotational Transfer Policy for Central Secretariat Service, rotational transfers of the officers of Assistants’ Grade mentioned in Annexure-I are hereby ordered. This order covers those officers who have completed more than sixteen years in the same cadre-unit of CSS and are not within two years of superannuation. 2. All participating Ministries/Departments of Central Secretariat Service shall comply with the transfer orders strictly and relieve the concerned officers at the earliest No request for retention of any of the officers shall be entertained by this Department.

Child Care Leave : Grant of Child Care Leave without any reason - Demanded by NFIR

'Grant of Child Care Leave without any reason' - NFIR 'This demand is not feasible for acceptance' - Railway Board Railway Board is answered to the demand on Child Care Leave from NFIR that ' this demand is not feasible for acceptance'...  We are providing here the content of the Railway Board letter to NFIR regarding the above subject for your information... GOVERNMENT OF INDIA / BHARAT SARKAR  MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS / RAIL MANTRALAYA  (RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(P&A)I-2012/CPC/LE-5 New Delhi, dated 17.12.2012 The General Secretary,  NFIR,  3, Chelmsford Road,  New Delhi – 110055.  All Indian Railways & Production Units  (As per mailing list) Dear Sir, Sub: Grant of Child Care Leave without any reason. The undersigned is directed to refer to your letter No. 1/5(f) dated 14.11.2012 and to state that as per the extant instructions contained in Board’s letter dated 23.10.2008 and 12.12.2008, woman...

Continuation of ad-hoc appointment in the grade of Assistant of CSS -regarding

No.4/2/2006-CS-II(B) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training  3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi - 110 003, Dated the 21st, December, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Continuation of ad-hoc appointment in the grade of Assistant of CSS -regarding. The undersigned is directed to refer Lo this Departments OM of even number dated 02.07.2012 on the subject mentioned above, vide which Cadre Units were permitted to continue ad-hoc appointments in the grade of Assistant upto 31.12.2012. Further continuance of these appointments has been reviewed in this Department and it has been decided to extend the ad-hoc appointment in Assistant Grade of the remaining UDCs of Select List year 1994 and upto 2003 in respect of General and SC candidates and upto Select List year 2005 in respect of ST candidates. for a further period upto 30.06.2013 or till regular ...

Extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation under FR56(d)

No.26012/15/2010-Estt(A-IV) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & pensions Department of Personnel & Training New Delhi, dated the 19th December, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Re-Constitution of Department Peer Review Committee for considering the cases for extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation. The Prime Minister has approved the composition of the Standing Peer Review Committee in respect of Department of Information Technology with the following composition for considering the cases for extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation under FR56(d).

Employment News : Part time work is also on rise in India...

Employment News : Part time work is also on rise in India... Rise in Part-Time Work  The World Bank in its World Development Report 2013 has pointed out that part time and temporary wage employment are now major features of industrialised and developing countries and that in India, the number of temporary workers that employment agencies recruit grew more than 10 percent in 2009 and 18 percent in 2010. Part time work is also on rise in India with the share of informal workers in total employment in organized firms grew from 32 per cent in 2000 to 52 per cent in 2005 to 68 per cent in 2010. The propensity of firms to hire contract workers has increased over time for all firms employing 10 or more workers. 

Revision of designations of erstwhile Group ‘D’ staff in Railways

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA / BHARAT SARKAR MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS / RAIL MANTRALAYA (RAILWAY BOARD) No. PC-VI/2009/I/I/3 dated 19.12.2012 The General Secretary, AIRF, 4, State Entry Road, New Delhi The General Secretary, NFIR, 3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi Sub:- Revision of designations of erstwhile Group ‘D’ staff. While recommending upgradation of all existing Group 'D’ employees to Group 'C’in Grade Pay Rs. 1800 (equivalent to Group ‘C’ scale of R. 2750-4400), 6th CPC in para 3.7.9 of its report has provided that job description of the Group 'D' posts shall be so upgraded and placed in Group 'C’, and revised and re-defined with emphasis on multi skilling so that a single employee is able to perform various jobs. Further, DOP&T in their OM dated 30-04-2010 has suggested that single designation may be adopted for posts whose duties are similar in nature. While indicating that designation of Multi-Tasking Staff may be adopted for some com...

New Timings for CGHS Wellness Centres

No: S.11030/55/2012-CGHS(P)  Government of India  Ministry of Health &Family Welfare  Department of Health & Family Welfare Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan  New Delhi 110 108 dated the 20th December, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : New Timings for CGHS Wellness Centres The undersigned is directed to state that with a view to improve the functioning of CGHS and ensure optimum utilization of available manpower resources, it has been decided to revise the timings of CGHS Wellness Centres from the present timings of 7.30 AM to 1.30 PM to the new timings of 9.00 AM to 4.00 PM. 2.    The CGHS Wellness Centres in New Delhi which are currently functional for 24 hours, will continue to function as usual in shifts.

Details of amount invested by the Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) in private sector

Amount of EPFO Invested in Private Sector The below information was submitted by the Minister of State for Labour & Employment Shri  K. Suresh in the Parliament in as a written reply to a question on 19th December, 2012... Details of amount invested by the Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) in private sector, non-banking companies and annual return as per the coupon rate during the last three years and current year are as under:-

Proposal to issue Passport to CG Employees through their respective departments…

Proposal to issue Passport to CG Employees through their respective departments… There is any proposal to issue passport to Central Government employees and their family members through their respective departments..! This doubt has been raised in the Parliament and the Minister of External Affairs has submitted a written reply to this question, "Since the issue of passports is a Central subject and was allotted to the Ministry of External Affairs under the Transaction of Business Rules, the issuance of passports in India is done solely by Ministry of External Affairs through designated Passport Issuing Authorities, which are MEA Headquarters (CPV Division), 37 Passport Offices, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Administration and Missions/Posts abroad. Hence, passports to Central Government employees and their family members will continue to be issued by these designated Passport Issuing Authorities".

Latest Census of Group wise Central Government Employees...

Latest Census of Group wise Central Government Employees...  Latest position of group wise Central Government Civilian Employees working in Central Government Departments as on March 2011...  As per the latest information available, the estimated number of Group A, B, C and erstwhile Group D regular Central Government Civilian Employees (including Union Territories) is given below...

Parliamentary Consultative Committee meeting on Comprehensive Amendments in Labour Laws Moots Effective Implementation and speedy Grievance Redressal

Parliamentary Consultative Committee meeting on Comprehensive Amendments in Labour Laws Moots Effective Implementation and speedy Grievance Redressal  Members participating in the meeting of Parliamentary Consultative Committee on Comprehensive Amendment in Labour Laws have urged the government for the effective and speedy implementation of labour laws along with the timely redressal of Grievances. In meeting held yesterday the members raised the issue of Child labour Laws alongwith the Contract Labour Law reforms. Union Labour & Employment Minister Shri Mallikarjun Kharge, who chaired the meeting assured the members for due consideration on the issue raised. 

Revised guidelines for allotment of Government accommodation to the Journalists and Press Cameramen - Directorate of Estates Orders

Review of guidelines for allotment of Government accommodation to Journalist and Press-cameramen. Directorate of Estates revised guidelines for allotment of Government accommodation to the Journalists and Press Cameramen and published on its portal today. According to the getting payment the entitlement of Government accommodation has been revised. An office memorandum is directed clearly the revised guidelines and we are reproduced here... Click here to read the complete manual of "Government Residence (General Pool in Delhi) Rules, 1963... File No. 12035/18/94-Pol.II (Journalists) Government of India Directorate of Estates Nirman Bhawan New Delhi Dated 19.12.2012 Office Memorandum Subject:- Review of guidelines for allotment of Government accommodation to Journalist and Press-cameramen. The undersigned is directed to refer  this Directorate’s OM of even number dated 19.11.2001 vide which revised guidelines for allotment o...

Grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme-Clarification for Railway Employees...

Grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme-Clarification for Railway Employees...   An another clarification order has been issued by the Railway Board to its employees regarding the Grade Pay would be admissible under MACP to an employee holding feeder post in a cadre where promotional post is in the same Grade Pay. The nodal department of the Union Government, DOPT has informed the the financial upgradations under ACP/MACP Schemes cannot be to higher Grade Pay than what are be allowed to an employee on his normal promotion...   The Railway Board order has been reproduced and given below for your consideration...

Re-opening of KV Schools after winter break - Holidays continue upto 15th January 2013...

Re-opening of KV Schools after winter break - Holidays continue upto 15th January 2013... The management of KVS has decided after with the consultation of various Regional Offices, re-opening of KV Schools after the winter holidays will be rescheduled as per the condition of respected central government offices. It will be either 14th or 15th Janurary 2013, due to festival of Ponal and Sankaranti. The order has been published in the official portal of KVS and the same is reproduced here... KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN 18, INSTUTUTIONAL AREA, SHAHEED JEET SINGH MARG, NEW DELHI - 110016 File No. 110334/1/2012-KVS HQ(Acad.)/Part FiIe/6099-6131 Dated 19/12/2012 To The Deputy Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, All Regional Offices. The Director, ZIETs Subject :- Re-opening of Kendriya Vidyalayas after Winter Break-reg. Madam/Sir, This office has been approached by various Regional Offices of KVS and some VVIPs with regard to re-opening of KVs after Winter...

Group wise representation of Other Backward Classes (OBC) in Central Government Services as on 1.1.2011

Group wise representation of Other Backward Classes (OBC) in Central Government Services as on 1.1.2011 OBCs in Government Jobs As per information received from various Ministries/ Departments, the Group- wise representation of Other Backward Classes (OBCs) in Central Government services as on 1.1.2011 is as under:-

Reservation for Persons with Disabilities — Dopt Orders

No.36035/6/2012-Estt.(Res.) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training North Block, New Delhi dated 14th December, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Reservation for Persons with Disabilities — reg. This Department had issued instructions vide O.M. No.36035/3/2004-Estt.(Res.) dated 29.12.2005 regarding reservation for Persons with Disabilities, which are in line with the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (PwD Act, 1995). 2. It has been brought to the notice of this Department that the Ministries/Departments are not complying with the instructions of this Department regarding reservation to Persons with Disabilities in posts/services under the Central Government, particularly instructions related to carry forward of the unfilled reserved vacancies, interchange among the three categories of disabi...

PSU bank unions to go on strike tomorrow

PSU bank unions to go on strike tomorrow The unions claimed that about 7 lakh employees of various public sector banks would participate in the strike.  NEW DELHI, DEC 19: Four bank employee unions will go on one-day strike tomorrow to protest the Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill and merger plans of banks.  The unions decided to go ahead with the strike after the conciliatory meeting with Indian Banks’ Association before the chief labour commissioner here failed, AIBEA General Secretary, C H Venkatachalam said.  Besides All India Bank Employees Association (AIBEA), Bank Employees Federation of India (BEFI), All India Bank Officers’ Association (AIBOA) and National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE) are participating in the nationwide strike. 


HISTORIC MARCH TO PARLIAMENT TODAY ON 20th DECEMBER, 2012 HISTORIC PARLIAMENT MARCH ON 20-12-2012 Historic Parliament March was conducted by Central Trade Unions, Confederation of Central Government Employees  & Workers, Bank, LIC, Defence Employees Federation, State Employees Federation on 20-12-2012. Protesting against PFRDA Bill, FDI, Out Sourcing, Price Rise,. About 10 lac Workers through out the country took part in the Parliament March and criticised the anti people, anti Worker and anti Farmer policies of Government of India.

Grant of Dearness Relief to the Railway pensioners who are in receipt of provisional pension or pension in the pre-revised scale of 5th CPC w.e.f.01.07.2012

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Railway Board)   S.No.PC-VI/306 No.PC-V/2009/A/DR/1   RBE No.140/2012 New Delhi, dated 12.12.2012   The General Managers/CAO(R), All Indian Railways & PUs, (As per standard mailing list)   Sub: Grant of Dearness Relief to the Railway pensioners who are in receipt of provisional pension or pension in the pre-revised scale of 5th CPC w.e.f.01.07.2012 .   A copy of Office Memorandum No.42/13/2012-&PW(G) dated 25th October, 2012 of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare) on the above subject is sent herewith for your information and necessary action.   2. In pursuance of the enhanced rates of ex-gratia to the surviving SRPF(C) retirees issued vide Board’s letter No.F (E)III/98 1/Ex-Gr./3 dated 15-11-2006, para 1(ii) of DoP&PW’s O.M. dated 25th October, 2012 may be read as under :-

Revision in the rate of Special Allowance in respect of staff working in Central Ticket Checking Squad of Railway Board

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Railway Board)   S.No.PC-VI/306 No.PC-V/2009/A/DR/1   RBE No.140/2012 New Delhi, dated 12.12.2012   The General Managers/CAO(R), All Indian Railways & PUs, (As per standard mailing list)   Sub: Revision in the rate of Special Allowance in respect of staff working in Central Ticket Checking Squad of Railway Board. Ref: Boards letter No. 81/Ticket Checking/2/3 dated 12.05.1981. The issue of revision in the rate of Special Allowance admissible to staff working in the Central Ticket Checking Squad of Railway Board has been under consideration of the Board for quite Some time. It has now been decided to enhance the rate of Special Allowance in respect of staff working in Central Ticket Checking Staff from the existing rates to Rs.200/-p.rn. irrespective of Grade Pay w.e.f. 01.09.2008.

Removal of Jain Hospital, Jagriti Enclave, New Delhi from the list of Hospitals/Diagnostic Centres empanelled under CGHS – reg.

Government of India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Department of Health and Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi – 110 001   No.S.11011/03/2012-CGHS/HEC   Dated the 18th December, 2012   ORDER   Sub: Removal of Jain Hospital, Jagriti Enclave, New Delhi from the list of Hospitals/Diagnostic Centres empanelled under CGHS – reg.   CGHS vide its O.M  No. S. 11011/23-2009-CGHS D.II/Hospital Cell(Part I) dated 7.10.2010 issued a list of private hospitals and diagnostic centres empanelled under CGHS, wherein Jain Hospital, Jagriti Enclave, was empanelled for Neurology & Neurosurgery.

Removal of Dr. Garg Multi-specialty and Dental Research Centre, Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad (UP) from the list of Hospitals/Diagnostic Centres empanelled under CGHS – reg.

Government of India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Department of Health and Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi – 110 001   No.S.11011/03/2012-CGHS/HEC   Dated the 18th December, 2012   ORDER   Sub: Removal of Dr. Garg Multi-specialty and Dental Research Centre, Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad (UP) from the list of Hospitals/Diagnostic Centres empanelled under CGHS – reg.   CGHS vide its O.M. No. S.11011/23-2009-CGHS D.II/Hospital Cell (Part I) dated 7.10.2010 issued a list of private Hospitals and diagnostic centres empanelled under CGHS, wherein Dr. Garg Multi-specialty and Dental Research Centre, Nehru Nagar Ghaziabad was empanelled as Dental Clinic.

Removal of Kalra Hospital, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi from the list of Hospitals/Diagnostic Centre empanelled under CGHS – reg.

Government of India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Department of Health and Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi – 110 001 No.S.11011/03/2012-CGHS/HEC Dated the 18th December, 2012 ORDER Sub: Removal of Kalra Hospital, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi from the list of Hospitals/Diagnostic Centre empanelled under CGHS – reg.   CGHS vide its O.M No. S. 11011/23-2009-CGHS D.II/Hospital Cel(Part I) dated 7.10.2010 issued a list of private hospitals and diagnostic centres empanelled under CGHS, wherein Kalra Hospital, Kirti Nagar was included as General purpose hospital including Cardia logical investigations, Cardiothoracic Surgery and Joint replacement.

Removal of Orthonova Hospital, Safdarjung Development Area, New Delhi from the list of Hospitals/Diagnostic Centres empanelled under CGHS – reg.

Government of India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Department of Health and Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi – 110 001 No.S.11011/03/2012-CGHS/HEC Dated the 18th December, 2012 ORDER Sub: Removal of Orthonova Hospital, Safdarjung Development Area, New Delhi from the list of Hospitals/Diagnostic Centres empanelled under CGHS – reg.   CGHS vide its O.M No. S. 11011/23-2009-CGHS D.II/Hospital Cell(Part I) dated 7.10.2010 issued a list of private Hospitals and diagnostic centre empanelled under CGHS, wherein Orthonova Hospital, Safdarjung Development Area was empanelled for Orthopedic Surgery.

DOPT rejected the proposal for restoration of earlier ACP with one time relaxation to opt for MACP…

DOPT rejected the proposal for restoration of earlier ACP with one time relaxation to opt for MACP…   MACPS for the cadre of Junior Engineers/Assistant Engineers in CPWD…   The last proposal was sent to DOPT for consideration on above subject have also been rejected by DOPT and intimated that running of MACPS though with one time relaxation together with ACPS for a part of the cadre is contrary to the provisions of MACP Scheme. The reply of Dopt letter is reproduced and given below for your ready reference… 

Promotion of LDC of Central Secretariat Clerical Service (CSCS) on ad-hoc basis – Continuance of Ad-hoc appointments regarding

No.3/2/2010-CS-II  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances & pensions  Department of Personnel & Training 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,  New Delhi dated 19th December, 2012. Office Memorandum Subject : Promotion of LDC of Central Secretariat Clerical Service (CSCS) on ad-hoc basis – Continuance of Ad-hoc appointments regarding . The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even number dated 28th June, 2012 whereby cadre units were permitted to continue the ad-hoc appointments in the UD Grade of CSCS up to 31.12.2012 and to say that the continuation of the ad-hoc appointments in the U.D grade made by the cadre units has been reviewed in this Department. Since availability of regular UDCs through normal modes of recruitment prescribed under the CSCS Rules may take some more time, it already have been working as UDC on ad-hoc basis in the UD Grade of CSCS may be extended up to 30th June, 2013 or...

Effective implementation of Right to Information Act : DOPT offering Short-term Internships Course

F.No.1/21/2012-IR  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances & pensions  Department of Personnel & Training North Block,  New Delhi – 110 001  Dated 18th December, 2012. Office Memorandum Subject : Internship for Undergraduates pursuing five year Integrated course in Law under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme on "Improving Transparency and Accountability in government through effective implementation of Right to Information Act" for the year 2012-13. The undersigned is directed to say that Department of Personnel & Training is offering short-term internships to Undergraduates pursuing five year integrated course in Law to conduct an analysis of RTI applications in select public authorities. The guidelines issued by this Department in this regard on 15th October, 2012 (copy enclosed) have been circulated to reputed Law Schools and Universities.

Preparation of panel for PPS of Select List year 2012, Calling for deficient APARs etc.-regarding

Most Immediate No.5/26/2010-CS.II(A)  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances & pensions  Department of Personnel & Training 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, New Delhi  Dated 18th December, 2012. Office Memorandum Subject : Preparation of panel for PPS of Select List year 2012, Calling for deficient APARs etc.-regarding. In continuation of this Department’s OM of even number dated 5.10.2012 and subsequent reminder dated 26.11.2012 on the subject mentioned above, I am to say that the deficient, Vigilance Clearance/Major Minor penalty certificate/Disclosure certificate in respect of some Private Secretaries whose names have been indicated in Annexure to this OM are yet to be furnished by the concerned cadre units. 

Set up 7th Pay Commission – 'Basic pay should be increased by at least 50% in the next pay commission...' - AIRF

Set up 7th Pay Commission – Basic pay should be increased by at least 50% in the next pay commission... - AIRF ‘Set up VIIth Pay Commission’ VISAKHAPATNAM: The central government should set up the seventh pay commission and pump in Rs 50,000 crore over the next five years to revive the ailing railways. This was among the 38 demands put forth by the All India Railwaymen’s Federation (AIRF). AIRF also demanded that over 2.5 lakh posts under various categories in Indian Railways be filled up. Addressing a conference here on Tuesday, ahead of the 88th annual general conference of AIRF, general secretary Shiva Gopal Mishra said the basic pay should be increased by at least 50% in the next pay commission. He slammed the Union finance ministry for delaying the funds being granted to the railways and said several demands were accepted by the railway board, but have been kept pending by the finance ministry. Mishra warned that if the government fails to adhere to the demands of t...

Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance to Railway Pensioners - Railway Board Orders

Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance to Railway Pensioners - Railway Board Orders Government of India Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) RBA No.38/2012 No.2012/AC-II/21/Misc. Matters New Delhi, dated 02.11.2012 General Managers/FA&CAOs/CPOs All Indian Railways and Production Units Sub: Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance to Railway Pensioners Railway Board has been receiving representations from Pensioners / Pensioners Association and Federation on the issue of non-payment of Fixed Medical Allowance to the pensioners on account of non-endorsement / wrong endorsement of their eligibility in the PPO.

Pay Fixation for Board Level Executives of CPSEs - DPE Orders

Pay Fixation for Board Level Executives of CPSEs - DPE Orders Finalization of terms and conditions including pay fixation in respect of Board Level Executives of CPSEs, revised procedure thereof. F.No.2(34)/12-DPE-(WE)-GL-XX/12 Government of India Ministry  of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises Department of Public Enterprises Public Enterprises Bhawan Block No.14, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Dlehi, the 14th December, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub : Finalization of terms and conditions including pay fixation in respect of Board Level Executives of CPSEs, revised procedure thereof. The undersigned is directed to state that at present the terms and conditions, including pay fixation, of Board level executives of CPSEs are finalized after vetting by DPE. In this regard para '15' of DPE O.M. dated 25.6.1999 (Annex-I) for 1997 pay revision and para '2' of DPE O.M. dated 30.12.2009 (Annex-II) standard terms and conditions for 200...

Reservation in Promotion for SCs and STs in Government Jobs - Rajya Sabha Passes the Amendment Bill

Reservation in Promotion for SCs and STs in Government Jobs - Rajya Sabha Passes the Amendment Bill Rajya Sabha Passes Constitutional Amendment Bill  The Government of India has always been concerned about the welfare of downtrodden especially Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. As a part of the affirmative action, reservation in promotion had been available to the SCs and STs since 1955. However, some decisions of the Supreme Court like in Indra Sawhney, Veer Pal Singh Chauhan and S. Vinod Kumar cases had caused certain effects on the scheme of reservation in promotion for SCs and STs. To overcome these effects, the Government had brought four Constitutional amendments, namely, 77th, 81st , 82nd and 85th amendments. 

Withdrawal of Clarification dated 05.09.2011 on Grace Marks Policy for promotion

Withdrawal of Clarification dated 05.09.2011 on Grace Marks Policy for promotion The Clarification dated 05.09.2011 delegating the job of application of Grace Marks Policy to DPCs is withdrawn. F.No. DE-2009/ITO/SCT/Availed Benefits/DIT(IT)/5466 DIRECTORATE OF INCOME TAX (IT) Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue Dated : 13.12.2012 Withdrawal of clarification -I dated 05.09.2011 This Directorate vide F.No.DE-2009-2011/ITO/SCT/Availed Benefits/DIT had issued clarification-I dated 95.09.2011 in respect of awarding the Grace Marks to the result of those SC/ST candidates who have already qualified in the past with relaxed standards so as to enable them to attain the " OWN MERIT STATUS" . As this clarification has delegated for promotion as a ITO/ITI to DPCs, many anomalous situations have been reported to have arisen out of various interpretations of application of Grace Marks Policy by various DPCs resulting into grievances and representations....

Clarification regarding 'Own Merit Status'

Clarification regarding 'Own Merit Status'. It is clarified that there is no concept of grace marks in betterment attempt and grace marks awarded to any Betterment candidate in 2010 and 2011 DE are being withdrawn. F.No. DE-2009/ITO/SCT/Availed Benefits/DIT(IT)/5447 DIRECTORATE OF INCOME TAX (IT) Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue Dated : 13.12.2012 CLARIFICATION References have been received from various charges with regard to the award of grace marks to those candidates belonging to SC/ST category who have already qualified in the past with the relaxed standards so as to enable them to attain the ‘Own Merit Status’ by appearing in a betterment attempt or otherwise.

Retirement age of KV Teachers - Enhancement of retirement age was not agreed in JCM Meeting held on 18.10.2012

Retirement age of KV Teachers - Enhancement of retirement age was not agreed in JCM Meeting held on 18.10.2012 One of the major demand submitted by the associations of KV Employees to discuss in the JCM Meetings to enhance the retirement age at par with the retirement age of University teachers...

Next meeting of JCM of KVS will be held on 15.2.2013

Next meeting of JCM of KVS will be held on 15.2.2013 The next meeting of JCM of KV Sangathan will be held on 15th February, 2012. The time and venue will be communicated in due course. The last meeting of JCM of KVS held on 25.7.2012 and 18.10.2012 respectively. Official Minutes of the meeting of the JCM of KVS held on 25.07.2012 KVS is not granting MACP Scheme to teachers of KVs... KVS clarified on the issue of 5 Days Week in KV Schools

Rotational Transfer of Under Secretaries with more than five years service in the same Ministry/Department

No.5/8/2012-CS.I(U)-Part-I Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training  CS.I Division 2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi, Dated 17th December, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Rotational Transfer of Under Secretaries with more than five years service in the same Ministry/Department. The undersigned is directed to say that it is proposed to transfer Under Secretaries who have completed five years or more in the same Ministry / Department as on 1.1.2012 (Annexure-I refers). The list does not include officers due for superannuation upto 31.12.2014 as officers within two years of superannuation are excluded from the purview of Rotational Transfer Policy applicable to CSS officers.

Induction of Trackmen into other departments – Revision of age limit regarding

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA / BHARAT SARKAR  MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS / RAIL MANTRALAYA  (RAILWAY BOARD) No.E(NG)I-99/CFP/23(Vol.II) New Delhi, dated 02.08.2012 The General Managers (P) All Indian Railways and Production Units (As per mailing list) Sub: Induction of Trackmen into other departments – Revision of age limit regarding. In terms of the extant provisions contained in para 179(xv) of Indian Railway Establishment Manual Vol.I, (Revised Edition-1989) First Re-print Edition-2009, the lower age limit of Trackmen for induction to Workshops against 10% and 40% quotas has been prescribed as 45 years.


RESERVATION REGISTERS AND ROSTER REGISTERS 5.1  In case of cadres having more than 13 posts, all appointing authorities should maintain reservation registers in the format given in  Annexure-I .  5.2  Reservation roster registers will be maintained in format given in the Annexure-II for cadres having less than 14 posts. 5.3  Following principles shall be followed for preparation and maintenance of reservation registers and reservation roster registers: (a) Separate registers/ roster registers shall be maintained for appointments made by direct recruitment and promotion. In case of promotion, separate registers / roster registers shall be maintained for each mode of promotion viz. limited competitive examination, selection, non-selection, etc.

List of Office Bearers of AIKVTA - KVS

List of Office Bearers of AIKVTA - KVS KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN 18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeel Singh Marg, New Delhi 110 602 F.11083-5/2012/KVS(Admn.-I) Date 12-12-2012 The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan All Regional Offices Sub: Circulation of list of office bearers of AIKVTA — regarding. Sir/Madam, I am to refer to the subject noted above and to inform you that the National Convention of AIKVTA was held on 08 and 9th December, 2012 at Kendriya Vidyalaya Masjid Moth to elect the office bearers and CEC members of AIKVTA Accordingly, a list of elected office bearers of AIKVTA as submitted by the General Secretary, AIKVTA is forwarded herewith for your information. You are requested to circulate the list among the Kendriya Vidyalayas under your jurisdiction. Yours faithfuilly, (Dr. E.Prabhakar) Joint Commissioner (Pers.) List of Office Bearers Elected in the 19th National Convention of AIKVTA...


INCREASE IN RESERVATION QUOTA Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment Shri.Balram Naik submitted as written reply to the questions regarding reservation quota in Lok Sabha on 10th December 2012 as follows... As per Census, 2001, the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the country`s population is 16.2% and 8.2% respectively. 

Clarification provided on reservation in promotion by the Minister in Lok Sabha...

Clarification provided on reservation in promotion by the Minister in Lok Sabha... RESERVATION IN PROMOTION Minister of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Shri.V.Narayanasamy replied to a question in Lok Sabha on 12th December 2012 regarding the subject of reservation in promotion. In his written reply, reservation is available to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes at the rate of 15% and 7.5%, respectively, in all Groups viz. A, B, C (including erstwhile Group D posts) in case of promotion by non-selection method. In case of promotion by selection method, reservation is available in Group B, C and upto the lowest rung of Group A at the same rates. 

All Insurance Companies are selling their policies online - IRDA

All Insurance Companies are selling their policies online - IRDA Online Sale of Insurance Policies  Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) has informed that all Insurance Companies functioning in the country are selling their policies online except Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd. (AICIL), Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation (ECGC), L&T General Insurance, Raheja QBE General Insurance, SBI General Insurance and Shriram General Insurance. IRDA has informed that the likely benefits of purchasing policies online are as under:- i. Availability of Lower Premium rates due to reduced operational expenses o the company, ii. Quick and hassle free purchase of the policies, iii. Policyholder may take an informed decision by liking into the products available online, iv. Renewal of the policy becomes easier, v. In case of a claim event, intimation may be given in a faster way than otherwise. The manner of settlement of claims are as per...


FILLING UP OF RESERVED VACANCIES -  DOPT BROCHURE FILLING UP OF RESERVED VACANCIES (CHAPTER-6) Direct Recruitment  6.1  When direct recruitment is to be made for reserved as well as unreserved vacancies on any one occasion, a single advertisement should be issued specifying clearly therein the vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and OBCs.  6.2  While notifying the vacancies to the local or the regional employment exchange, a single requisition should be sent to the Employment Exchange for such reserved and unreserved vacancies. The number of vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and OBCs out of the total vacancies notified should be clearly indicated in the requisition to the employment Exchange. The following certificate should also, be given in the requisition:  "Certified that the number of vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/OBCs/ex-servicemen/ Persons with Disabilities is ...


INCOME TAX REFUND : ALL INDIA DATE FOR REFUNDS ALONGWITH INTEREST PAID UPTO OCTOBER 2012... Income Tax Refund Processing of returns of income, including those with refund claim, is a continuous process. Statutory time limit to process returns of income is with reference to the financial year of their receipt. As per the Income Tax Act, 1961 returns received during the financial year can be processed upto one year from the end of the financial year in which the return is received. Therefore, returns for the accounting periods as F.Ys 2009-10 and 2010-11 if filed during F.Y. 2011-12 can be processed upto 31.03.2013.

Ban on new recruitment in Central Government Departments..!

Ban on new recruitment in Central Government Departments..! Any ban order on recruitment in Central Government Services..? Important reply as clarification by the concerned Ministry was submitted in the Parliament on 12.12.2012.

Revision of PPO in respect of pre-2006 Pensioners/Family Pensioners - Minutes of the meeting held on 21.11.2012

Minutes of the meeting held on 21st November, 2012 regarding Revision of PPO in respect of pre-2006 Pensioners/Family Pensioners MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 21st November, 2012 REGARDING REVISION OF PPOs FOR PRE·2006 PENSIONERS/FAMILY PENSIONERS INCLUDING PRE·1990 PENSIONERS / FAMILY PENSIONERS A meeting was held on 21st November, 2012 at 09:45 AM in the Conference Room, 5th Floor, Sardar Patel Bhavan, New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Shri Sanjay Kothari, Secretary (Pension, AR&PG) with the officials of 15 Departments/Ministries having maximum number of unrevised Pension Payment Orders (PPOs) pertaining to pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners under the CPAO network and Ministry of Railway, D/o Ex-servicemen Welfare, D/o Posts and D/o Telecommunications. The objective of this meeting was to review the progress made by these Ministries/Departments in the revision of PPOs in respect of pre-2006 pensioners. 2. The list of participants is at An...

Appointment against 30% DE quota vacancies in LDC grade of CSCS - Dopt orders

Lower Division Grade Departmental Competitive Examination for Group ‘C’ Staff  2012 held by Staff Selection Commission - allocation of qualified candidates -  regarding. Most Immediate No. 13/3/2011-CS.II (B) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training  3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi, Dated the 14th December , 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Lower Division Grade Departmental Competitive Examination for Group ‘C’ Staff 2012 held by Staff Selection Commission - allocation of qualified candidates - regarding. The undersigned is directed to say that the final result of Lower Division Grade Departmental Competitive Examination for Group ‘C’ Staff 2012, which was held on 25.03.2012, has been declared by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) for appointment against the 30% DE quota vacancies in LDC grade of CSCS. SSC has allocated 16 qu...

Clarification on granting entry grade of Rs.5000-8000 to Diploma Engineers as per 5th CPC in BRO...

Clarification on granting entry grade of Rs.5000-8000 to Diploma Engineers as per 5th CPC in BRO... Pay scale of diploma engineers in BRO In the Lok Sabha Defence Minister replied to a question about the pay scale of diploma engineers in Border Roads Organisation on 12th December 2012. The Fifth Central Pay Commission (CPC) in Chapter 87 of its report made specific recommendations in respect of officers and staff of Border Roads Organisation (BRO). However, there was no specific recommendation for upgradation of pay scale for diploma holder engineers of BRO. All the specific recommendations made by the 5th CPC in respect of BRO staff as accepted by the Government have already been implemented. There is therefore no question of any arrears being pending for payment to diploma holder engineers. 

Special concessions/facilities to Central Government Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Government - Clarification

No.18016/4/2012-Estt.(L) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training  New Delhi, the 14th December , 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Special concessions/facilities to Central Government Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Government - Clarification.   The undersigned is directed to refer to DOPT OM No.18016/3/2011-Estt.(L) dated 27.6.2012 extending the Special concession/facilities to Central Government Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached/ subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control or Central Government for the period with effect from 1.1.2012 to 31.12.2012 and to say that this Department has been receiving references seeking clarifications.  The doubts raised are clarified as under:- 

Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group 'C' Staff, 2013 (Grade Pay of Rs.1800) Regulations, 2010 - regarding

Most Immediate No. 13/7/2011-CS.II (B) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training  3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi, Dated the 12/13th December , 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group 'C' Staff, 2013 (Grade Pay of Rs.1800) Regulations, 2010 - regarding. The undersigned is directed to refer to Staff Selection's letter No. 10/4/2012-P&P-II dated 06.12.2012 on the subject mentioned above and to request that the vacancy position for Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group 'C' Staff, 2013 (Grade Pay of Rs.1800) may be calculated as per the provisions of CSCS Rules, 1962, as amended on 08.11.2010. The total number of vacancies falling under DR Quota that are to be abolished in terms of instructions contained in this Department's O.M. No....

Budget tablet ‘Aakash’ to all students within the next five years..!

Budget tablet ‘Aakash’ to all students within the next five years..! Software of Aakash Tablet  At present there is no concrete proposal to provide the budget tablet ‘Aakash’ to all students within the next five years. However, under the National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT), a project is being implemented by IIT Bombay to achieve the following deliverables:  (i) The acquisition of 1,00,000 Low Cost Access cum Computing Devices (LCADs) for teacher empowerment,  (ii) The Testing of these LCADs and  (iii) The Hardware & software optimization of LCADs.  IIT Bombay is engaged in the development of pedagogically efficient multi –lingual educational applications for various levels of education and is making efforts to provide the Aakash tablet with the latest versions of the standard Open Source operating systems such as Android and Linux.  This information was given by the Mini...