Exercised writing an Option as per Rule No.6 within 3 months
RULE No. 6 Exercise of Option - (1) "The option under the provisos to Rule 5 shall be exercised in writing in the form appended to the Second Schedule so as to reach the authority mentioned in sub rule (2) within three months of the date of publication of these rules or where an existing scale has been revised by any order made subsequent to that date, within three months of the date of such order. Provided that – (i) in the case of a Government servant who is, on the date of such publication or, as the case may be, date of such order, out of India on leave or deputation or foreign service or active service, the said option shall be exercised in writing so as to reach the said authority within three months of the date of his taking charge of his post in India; and (ii) where a Government servant is under suspension on the 1st day of January, 2006 , the option may be exercised within three months of the date of his return to his duty if that date is later than the date presc