
Showing posts from June, 2015

Requirement of taking prior permission for leaving station / headquarters from going abroad while on leave – Dopt

Requirement of taking prior permission for leaving station / headquarters from going abroad while on leave – Dopt G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.F.No.11013/8/2015-Estt.A-III, dated 29.6.2015 Subject: Requirement of taking prior permission for leaving station/ headquarters from going abroad while on leave. Undersigned is directed to say that a need for further streamlining the procedure for grant of permission for going abroad on private visit has been felt. A draft of instructions and the formats for grant of permission are attached. Comments/ views, if any, in this regard may be sent to the e-mail address latest by 10th July, 2015.

7th CPC likely to recommend Jan 1, July 1 as Annual Increment days

7th Pay Commission likely to recommend Jan 1, July 1 as Annual Increment issuing days “On July 1 of each year, annual increments are given for all the Central Government employees. So, tomorrow is the “Increment Day” for all.” The 6th Pay Commission had introduced the practice of granting annual increment for all on the same day. Until then, increments were implemented for the employees based either on their date of joining or on their promotion dates. In order to reduce the monthly work burden and for administrative expediency, suggestions from the various departments were presented to the 6th Pay Commission to recommend a single day as increment date. The 6th Pay Commission had recommend 1st July of earch year as increment day. From 01.01.2006 onwards, July 1 was made the day of implementation of annual increments to all CG staff.

‘Expected DA July 2015’ to be finalized – May 2015 AICPIN to be announced today

‘Expected DA July 2015’ to be finalized – May 2015 AICPIN to be announced today ‘DA from July 2015’ will most likely be finalized today; DA calculation stands at nearly 6%, as of now. The price of petrol and diesel is one of the most important factors that influence the prices of general commodities. Petrol and diesel prices had increased by 10 to 15% in the month of May. Experts believe that it will have a huge impact on the prices of essential commodities too.

Grant of age concession to the Persons with Disabilities for direct recruitment to civil posts/services under the Central Government – Dopt Orders

Grant of age concession to the Persons with Disabilities for direct recruitment to civil posts/services under the Central Government – Dopt Orders G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.F.No15012/1/2003-Estt.(D), dated 29.6.2015 Subject: Grant of age concession to the Persons with Disabilities suffering from (a) blindness or ow vision, (b) hearing impairment and (c) locomotor disability or cerebral palsy for direct recruitment to civil posts/services under the Central Government. The undersigned is directed to say that the following age concessions have been provided to physically handicapped persons for recruitment under the Central Government:

AICPIN points for the month of May to be announced Tomorrow

AICPIN points for the month of May to be announced Tomorrow “The Ministry of Labour will announce the ‘All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers’ for the month of May, tomorrow; AICPIN indicates the rise and fall of prices of essential commodities across important towns and cities in the country”. After significant changes in the Agricultural and Rural AICPIN points in the month of May, there is tremendous curiosity regarding the AICPIN points for the industrial workers. The index of Agricultural and Rural AICPIN had increased by 6 and 7 points to 811 and 816 respectively. CPI (IW) BY 2001=100 points indicate the fluctuation of prices of essential commodities. If the CPI (IW) points increase, it leads to an increase in the percentage of additional Dearness Allowance for Central Government employees and Pensioners.

Govt mulls increasing eligibility limit of bonus from 10000 to 21000

Govt mulls increasing eligibility limit of bonus from 10000 to 21000 Central Government is considering to increase the eligibility limit of bonus from 10000 to 21000. According to media source, the Central is going to give a green signal to the much awaited decision to raise eligibility limit of bonus from Rs.10000 to 21000. And the calculation ceiling also hike from Rs.3,500 to Rs.7,000 The payment of Bonus (Amendment) ordinance 2007 according to which section 12 of the payment of Bonus Act 1965 had been amended raising the ceiling for calculation purpose from salary of 2500/- P.M. to Rs.3500/-P.M. w.e.f. 01.04.2006. And also amended the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 to raise the eligibility limit for payment of bonus from the salary or wage of Rs. 3500/- per month to Rs. 10000/- per month.

Additional list of hospitals under CGHS Delhi & NCR

Additional list of hospitals under CGHS Delhi & NCR Department of Health and Family Welfare issued lot of amendment orders from time to time(12.11.2014 & 10.02.2015, 24.02.2015, 12.05.2015 and 24.6.2015) regarding the empanelment of hospitals under CGHS. In continuation of this Department OM dated 1.10.2014, an additional list of hospitals (including dental clinics & eye centres) have also been empanelled under CGHS in Delhi & NCR w.e.f. 24.06.2015.

Tatkal booking likely to get easier – IRCTC

Tatkal booking likely to get easier – IRCTC “Attempts are being made to simplify the extremely popular Tatkal reservation system.” Tatkal booking is a blessing in disguise for train travelers who urgently need tickets, but the process of booking tickets on this system could be a constant source of irritation. Though plenty of reasons are attributed to it, the main grouse is the slow server connectivity and the IRCTC website’s inability to handle multiple user load. Addressing this issue, Sandeep Dutta, the Chief Public Relation Officer of IRCTC, which is a sister concern of the Indian Railways, said, “All over the country, more than ten lakh tickets are reserved everyday, of which about 50% is booked through IRCTC.

Employment News Weekly Report – Recruitment in Railways and RBI

Employment News Weekly Report – Recruitment in Railways and RBI Employment News has uploaded another fresh list of vacancies in Central Govt Sector for Indian job seekers. This time Railway Board and Reserve Bank of India. More than 2000 vacancies in Railways and 500 vacancies in RBI… 1. Railway Recruitment Board Name of Post –unior Engineer, Depot Material Superintendent, Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant, Sr. Section Engineer and Chief Depot Material Superintendent. No. of Vacancies – Over 2000 Last Date – 26.07.2015 2. Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai Name of Post – Professor cum Principal, Assistant Professor, Technical Officer, Officer-in-charge etc. No. of Vacancies – 22 Last Date – 03.07.2015

Yoga made compulsory in Central Government Schools

Yoga made compulsory in Central Government Schools Smriti Irani, the Minister for Human Resource Development has announced that all over the country, yoga has been made compulsory in all the Central Government run schools, including Kendriya Vidyalayas and Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas. CBSE board, with over 18,000 schools, is planning a strategy on how to implement the order. After releasing the handbook and syllabus for yoga sessions in New Delhi, Smriti Irani said, “80 marks will be given for practical yoga. Therefore, this will not become an additional burden on the students.”

We want One Rank One Pension too: Paramilitary Forces

We want One Rank One Pension too: Paramilitary Forces We want OROP too: Paramilitary Forces Even as the Centre struggles in implementing the One Rank One Pension (OROP) system for former defence personnel, members of the paramilitary forces have now presented a demand to be included in the pension scheme. More than the armed forces, we are the ones who are at the warfronts. We are being discriminated against when it comes to pension schemes. We want the OROP scheme to be implemented for us too, they say.

Review of instructions on appointment to Non Functional Selection Grade – Dopt Orders on 25.6.2015

Review of instructions on appointment to Non Functional Selection Grade – Dopt Orders on 25.6.2015 G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.22038/1/2015-Est (D), dated 25.6.2015 Subject: Review of instructions on appointment to Non Functional Selection Grade of Organized Group ‘A’ Central Services-regarding. Reference is invited to the Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) Office Memorandum (OM) No. 28038/1/88-Estt.(D) dated 09.10.1989 & OM No. 28038/1/88- Estt.(D) dated 22.11.1990 regulating appointment to Non Functional Selection Grade (NFSG) of organized Group ‘A’ Central Services and DPC Guidelines issued by this Department vide OM Nd1 22611/5/86-Estt.(D) dated 10.04.1989.

7th Pay Commission expected to submit its report to the Centre in September

7th Pay Commission expected to submit its report to the Centre in September “The 7th Pay Commission’s status quo explanation on its report has created a huge buzz” According to reliable sources of information, the 7th Pay Commission is expected to submit its final report including the revised pay and pension structure for Central Government employees and pensioners to the Central Government on in the first week of September. As confirmation of the news, the 7th Pay Commission, on its official website had published an announcement yesterday. It said, “Pay and Pension proposals, expectations in facilities & benefits, and valuable suggestions were received from Central Government employee unions, associations, members of the Defence services and NC JCM Staff Side. All these will be considered. Personal interactions shall not be held anymore. All the demands and suggestions have been examined and the task of preparing the final recommendation report has almost ended. In a...

7th Pay Commission completes its task in the time frame and finalization of the report is underway

7th Pay Commission completes its task in the time frame of 18 months and finalization of the report is underway The 7th Central Pay Commission has published a report on its official portal yesterday in order to know all stake holders regarding their meetings and its report.  It ensured that the 7th CPC report will be completed within the time frame of 18 months and it will not entertain any further meetings. 7th Pay Commission Report including revised Pay and Allowances for Central Government Employees, is on final stage. The official report published by 7th CPC as follows...

CSD Purchase Entitlement for Car, Bike, TV, WM and Refrigerator for all categories

CSD Purchase Entitlement for Car, Bike, TV, WM and Refrigerator for all categories Entitlement for AFD-I items such as Refrigerator, TV, Washing Machine and Two wheelers, f or all categories after every three years. GUIDELINES FOR PURCHASE OF FOUR / TWO WHEELERS & OTHER AFD-I ITEMS ENTITLEMENT FOR FOUR WHEELERS:

Strict disciplinary action shall be taken against regular latecomers – Dopt Orders

Strict disciplinary action shall be taken against regular latecomers – Dopt Orders DoPT Orders Disciplinary Action on Regular Latecomers “Fingerprint-based biometric devices have been installed to accurately record the time of entry and exit of employees. This system greatly reduces chances of error.” The Department of Personnel & Training is the coordinating agency of the Central Government, has issued an order yesterday which suggests that disciplinary action be taken against Central Government employees who are regularly late to work. All Central Government employees should adhere to the time guideline. A number of employees have made it a habit to report late to work. Strict disciplinary action shall be taken against such employees.

Demand of staff side to increase the subscription and the insurance coverage – NC JCM

Demand of staff side to increase the subscription and the insurance coverage – NC JCM “The Staff Side recalled the assurance held out by the Commission earlier to have the actuarial assessed by an expert agency to accede to the demand of the staff side to increase the subscription and the insurance coverage. The Staff Side was of the opinion that their suggestion to share the subscription in the ratio of 3:7 was reasonable but in the absence of an expert study, the Government might not accept the same. The commission said that they would explore the possibility of such an assessment by the LIC before finalization of the report.”

Merger of DA with Pay and Interim Relief – National JCA Meeting held on 8.6.2015

Merger of DA with Pay and Interim Relief – National JCA Meeting held on 8.6.2015 NATIONAL JOINT COUNCIL OF ACTION 4, State Entry Road New Delhi–110055 No.NJCA/2015 Dated: June 15, 2015 All the Members of the NJCA, Dear Comrades, Sub: National JCA Meeting held on 8th June The National JCA, which met at the Staff Side Office on 8th June, 2015, took note of the fact that quite a few states are yet to hold the State Level Conventions. The meeting also noted that the strike decision taken on 28th April, 2015 has not been percolated down to the rank and file of the workers. 

Supplementary Memorandum to 7th Central Pay Commission – IRTSA

Supplementary Memorandum to 7th Central Pay Commission – IRTSA Pros and Cons of Pay Band and Grade Pay System Indian Railways Technical Supervisors Association already submitted a complete memorandum to 7th Pay Commission on 26.5.2014 and Oral evidence and Power Point Presentation also by IRTSA on 12.12.2014. Now, an another supplementary Memorandum submitted to 7th Central Pay Commission on 17.6.2015. The rejoinder memorandum insists on the demands of Higher Grade Pay and Classification of posts of Technical Supervisors in Railways. (Click to read all memorandums submitted to 7th CPC)

Observance of punctuality in Government Offices - Dopt orders on 22.6.2015

Observance of punctuality in Government Offices - Dopt orders on 22.6.2015 G.I., Dept. of Per.& Trg., O.M.No.11013/9/2014-Estt.A-III, dated 22.6.2015 Subject: Observance of punctuality in Government Offices. Instructions have been issued from time to time with regard to the need to observe punctuality by Government servants. Responsibility for ensuring punctuality in respect of their employees rests within Ministries/ Departments/ Offices.

Finance Ministry approved 10th Bipartite Settlement Wage Revision for Bank employees

Finance Ministry approved 10th Bipartite Settlement Wage Revision for Bank employees for period 1.11.2012 to 31.10.2017 Salary Revision for Officer Employees of Public Sector Banks governed by Officer’s Service Regulation – 10th Bipartite Settlement for period 1.11.2012 to 31.10.2017 Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Financial Services Jeevan Deep. IIIrd Floor, Parliament Street, New Delhi, Dated the June 19, 2015 To Sh. M.V.Tanksale, Chief Executive, Indian Banks’ Association, Mumbai. Subject: Salary Revision for Officer Employees of Public Sector Banks governed by Officer’s Service Regulation – 10th Bipartite Settlement for period 1.11.2012 to 31.10.2017 Sir. I am directed to refer to your letter No. HR&IR/KSC/GOVT/665 dated 25th May, 2015 on the above subject and to say that Government has ‘No objection‘ to IBA authorizing the Banks to pay revised salary and arrears of pay and allowances to serving officers and revised pe...

One Rank One Pension – Central Government Ignores Week-long Protests

One Rank One Pension – Central Government Ignores Week-long Protests “The protests that began in New Delhi’s Jantar Mantar last Monday, demanding immediate implementation of the OROP continues even as the government chooses to turn a blind eye towards it” Ex-servicemen have been protesting now for a week at New Delhi’s Jantar Mantar, demanding the immediate implementation of the OROP scheme. Similar protests are also on at 20 important cities in the country to put pressure on the government to act. The series of protests is jointly organized by 30 ex-servicemen welfare organizations, under the leadership of Chairman of IESM, Maj. Gen. Satbir Singh. Speaking to the media, Satbir Singh said, “Until now the Government has not tried to negotiate with us. If there are no results for the protests, we will shift our protests to Bihar.”

Relief for Muslim Employees observing fast during Ramzan month & traveling long distances for IFTAR

Relief for Muslim Employees observing fast during Ramzan month & traveling long distances for IFTAR GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No.2015/G/35/1 Dated : 15.06.2015 CIRCULAR During the Holy month of Ramzan, the time of Iftar coincides with setting of the sun, which takes place quite early.

Early closure of CG offices on 20.6.2015 (Saturday) in connection with Mass Yoga Demonstration

Early closure of CG offices on 20.6.2015 (Saturday) in connection with Mass Yoga Demonstration Mass Yoga Demonstration on 21.06.2015 (Sunday) at Rajpath New Delhi Early closure of offices on 20th June, 2015 (Saturday) at 13.00 Hrs. in connection with Mass Yoga Demonstration at Rajpath on 21.06.2015 (Sunday). G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.12/2/2015 -JCA-II, dated 19.6.2015 Sub:- Early closure of offices on 20th June, 2015 (Saturday) at 13:00 Hrs. in connection with ‘Mass Yoga Demonstration’ at Rajpath on 21.06.2015 (Sunday).

One time permission for change over from CPF to GPF Scheme for teaching and non-teaching staff of KVS

One time permission for change over from CPF to GPF Scheme for teaching and non-teaching staff of KVS KENDRIYA VIDVAlAYA SANGATHAN 18-INSTITUTIONAL AREA, SHAHEED JEET SINGH MARG, NEW DELHI -110016 F.No. 110125/2015/KVS/CPF to GPF /GR.KVS/928 Dated: 15/6/15 Shri M. Krishnan, Secretary General, Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers, 1st Floor, North Avenue, P.O. Building , New Delhi – 110001. Subject: Conversion from CPF to GPF. Sir, I am to refer to your letter no. KVS/2013-2015 dated 29.04.2015 addressed to the Secretary, MHRD on the captioned subject and to inform you that the matter regarding one time permission for change over from CPF to GPF Scheme for teaching and non-teaching staff of KVS was considered by MHRD in consultation with Department of Expenditure. The Ministry of HRD vide their letter No. F.3-14/2012-UT-2 dated 7th April, 2015 has informed that the Department of Expenditure after examining the proposal has inter-al...

Write ups regarding experience submitted by a few retiring CG employees and uploaded in the Anbhav portal

Write ups regarding experience submitted by a few retiring CG employees and uploaded in the Anbhav portal G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.21/13/2015-CS.I (P), dated 19.6.2015 Subject: – “Anubhav”- showcasing outstanding work done during service – submission of details by the retiring employees regarding. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM. of number dated 19th March 2015 and 13th April, 2015 on the subject mentioned above. 2. Write ups regarding experience/outstanding contribution submitted by a few retiring employees of CSS/CSSS uploaded in the “Anubhav” portal are still to be published. HoO and HoD of the Ministries/Departments concerned are requested to kindly scrutinize the pending write-ups for acceptance/publication at the earliest. Authority : Click to view the order

Yoga Day 21.6.2015 (Sunday) : No Compulsory Attendance for CG Employees

Yoga Day 21.6.2015 (Sunday) : No Compulsory Attendance for CG Employees Celebration of International Yoga Day on 21st June, 2015 : Last year, on October 2, which is a national holiday, all the Central Government employees were made to come to work in order to participate in the Swachh Bharat campaign, launched by Modi. But this time, invitation issued for only higher officials to participate in the function of Mass Yoga Demonstration at New Delhi on 21.6.2015 (Sunday).

OROP Scheme – VK Singh says the Centre is certainly committed to implement

OROP Scheme – VK Singh says the Centre is certainly committed to implement “For more than four days now, the relay fast protests by the ex-servicemen have been on in New Delhi demanding the immediate implementation of the OROP scheme.” All over the country, in 20 cities, the relay fast protests by ex-servicemen, seeking the immediate implementation of the One Rank One Pension scheme have entered its fourth day. Meanwhile, the Central Minister, VK Singh, who was in Hyderabad yesterday, has told the PTI news agency that the OROP scheme will definitely be implemented. Minister of State for External Affairs General VK Singh, “I’m very confident that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will definitely fulfill all his promises. Steps are on to implement the scheme. Some confusion regarding the calculations has to be sorted out. The Modi government will very soon address the needs of the ex-servicemen. Please do not lose hope,” he added.

7th Pay Commission Fitment Formula and Minimum Wage Calculations – Karnataka COC

7th Pay Commission Fitment Formula and Minimum Wage Calculations – Karnataka COC Shri.P.S.Prasad General Secretary of COC Karnataka expressed his views about the calculation of fitment formula and computation of minimum wage of 7th CPC on its blog. He hinted in this article that most of the pay commissions have accpeted 70% of the staff side demand. Especially NC JCM Staff Side demands to fix minimum wage at Rs.26000. We reproduced the complete article and given below for your information…

NFIR strongly opposes the rationalisation of Railway employees working on Indian Railways

NFIR strongly opposes the rationalisation of Railway employees working on Indian Railways NFIR National Federation of Indian Railwaymen 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD, NEW DELHI – 110 055 No. IV/NFIR/S.R./2014/Part.III (HLRRC) Dated: 17.6.2015 Shri Suresh Prabhu, Hon’ble Minister of Railways, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi Dear Sir, Sub: Media reports – Rationalisation of Railway employees working on Indian Railways – reg. NFIR is disappointed to learn from the reports received through the print media based on the press statement issued by the Railway Board (MS) — appeared in today’s news papers that the Board has since started implementation of the recommendations of Shri Bibek Debroy Committee Report on the pretext or rationalisation of Railway employees working on the Indian Railways. Federation has further come to know that the rationalisalion process is aimed at reducing the existing strength of manpower available on the system and for the said purpose, the Railway Boa...

Modi suggests Aadhaar-based solution to pensioner’s issues

Modi suggests Aadhaar-based solution to pensioner’s problems Prime Minister Narendra Modi has suggested that an Aadhaar-based solution be found to the difficulties that plague the pensioners. Officials must take steps to issue Aadhaar cards to all ex-servicemen. At a recent gathering of ex-servicemen held under the leadership of Narendra Modi, it was stated that retiring servicemen face difficulties in obtaining their pensions. During the meeting, Modi advised the officials to ensure that “solution to the pension-related problems be found and given to the defence pensioners through the Aadhaar card.”

Implementation of OROP likely by the year-end

Implementation of OROP likely by the year-end “A series of statements and assurances from various ministers and higher officials had increased the expectations and worsened the situation.” Sources say that the much anticipated and much-delayed One Rank One Pension scheme will come into effect before the end of this year, ahead of the Bihar elections. For a very long time now, army personnel have been demanding that the OROP scheme be implemented. They have now stepped up their demand now. Relay fast protests were held in 20 cities, including New Delhi, yesterday.

Implementation of Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System in all KV Schools

Implementation of Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System in all KV Schools KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN (HQ) 18, Institutional Area, S.J. Marg, New Delhi-110016. F. No. 11090-50/2015KVS (S&S) Date: 15.06.2015 The Deputy Commissioner/Director Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, All Regional Offices/All ZlETs IMPORTANT Subject: Implementation of Common Biometric Attendance System Madam/Sir, As a part of the “Digital India” program of Government of India, it has been decided to implement common Biometric Attendance System (BAS) which will enable an employee to register attendance by simply presenting his I her biometric (finger print/ Iris) which will be authenticated online by doing one to one match with the bio-metric stored in the UIDAI data base against the employee’s Aadhaar number. This Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System needs only Aadhaar number, basic demographic details and a photograph of the user at the time of user registration wh...

Tatkal Booking Timings Change – Online Booking Passengers Pleased

Revision of Tatkal Timings – Passengers are happy with the steps taken by the Railways? Tatkal Booking Timings Change – Online Booking Passengers Pleased There is now a reduction in the jamming of the IRCTC website that occurred because AC and Second Class passengers were trying, at the same time, to book tatkal tickets online. It has therefore now become easier for passengers to book second class tickets on the internet. Nearly 15000 tickets are being booked through IRCTC website at tatkal hours. The huge traffic will be diverted into two segments such as AC and Non AC.

One Rank One Pension – Ex-servicemen launch nationwide stir

One Rank One Pension – Ex-servicemen launch nationwide stir Ex-servicemen have launched a series of protests all over the country demanding the implementation of the One Rank One Pension scheme. A massive relay hunger strike began in New Delhi. In select cities around the country, ex-servicemen gathered in huge numbers to express their dissatisfaction against the government.

Revision of time limit for submission of final claims reimbursement of medical expenses under CS(MA) rules, 1944 – CGHS Orders on 27.5.2015

Revision of time limit for submission of final claims reimbursement of medical expenses under CS(MA) rules, 1944 – regarding. No. S. 14025/19/2015-MS Government of India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Department of Health & Family Welfare Nirman Bhagavan, New Delhi Dated : 27th May, 2015 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Revision of time limit for submission of final claims reimbursement of medical expenses under CS(MA) rules, 1944 – regarding. The undersigned is directed to refer to OM No. F. 29-40/68-MA dated 15.10.1968 in which it was laid down that submission of final claims for reimbursement of medical expenses of Central Government servants in respect of a particular spell of illness should ordinarily be preferred within 3 months from the date of completion of treatment.

INDWF reports on last meeting with 7th Pay Commission

INDWF reports on last meeting with 7th Pay Commission Highlights of the meeting : 7th CPC report will be submitted to the Government of India well within the time by September 2015 VII CPC report will be implemented on their recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2016 and not from 01.01.2014 as demanded Removal of Grade Pay has been proposed by replacing the earlier existing scale of pay. The present anomaly of Grade Pay Hierarchy while granting MACP has to be changed to promotional Hierarchy. Rectification of MACPs aberrations. Equal qualification in Recruitment Rules should be given equal pay scale based on Recruitment Rules. In respect of Pension, for the pre pay commission retirees and after pay commission retirees will be taken care by following some metrics and will be taken care.

Discussion Points of National Anomaly Committee Meeting held on 9.6.2015 – INDWF

Discussion Points of National Anomaly Committee Meeting held on 9.6.2015 – INDWF The National Anomaly Committee Meeting was held on 9.6.2015 under the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary(E) DOP&T alongwith Joint Secretary(Pers), Dept. of Expenditure, M of Finance and JS DOP&T (Pers) with the staff side members of National Council JCM Standing Committee from 15.00 Hrs to 17.00 Hrs on the agenda already submitted. The undersinged being the Member Standing Committee of JCM NC also attended the meeting.

CBDT Extended the last date for filing return of income for AY 2015 to 31.8.2015

CBDT Extended the last date for filing return of income for AY 2015 to 31.8.2015 Extension of due date of filing return of income for Assessment Year 2015-16 Central Board of Direct Taxes, Department of Revenue has notified for extending the last date for filing of Income Tax for the Financial Year 2015-16 from 31st July 2015 to 31st August 2015.

Feedback of NC JCM Staff Side meetings held on 8th, 9th June 2015 by Confederation

Feedback of NC JCM Staff Side meetings held on 8th, 9th June 2015 by Confederation Confederation General Secretary M.Krishnan published the discussion summary of all the meetings held on 8th and 9th June 2015 on their official blog. National Council JCM Staff Side had met separately on 8th June 2015 and National JCA also met on the same day. The National Anomaly Committee meeting held on 9.6.2015 under the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary (E) DoPT. And the final meeting with the 7th Pay Commission was held on the same day.

Will the 7th Pay Commission accept NC JCM’s Demand of Rs.26,000 as the Minimum Wage?

Will the 7th Pay Commission accept NC JCM’s Demand of Rs.26,000 as the Minimum Wage? The National Council JCM, which represents over 40 lakh Central Government employees all over India, has demanded that the minimum wages be raised to Rs.26,000 per month. With each passing day, new doubts and expectations keep growing in the minds of the Central Government employees, which is clearly reflected in the kind of questions that we have been receiving lately. Members of the 7th Central Pay Commission have been touring the country for more than 10 months now. The readers want to know when they would return to office and start drafting their report. Will the Commission submit its report before the end of the year? And, most importantly, will the Commission accept the NC JCM’s demand of fixing Rs.26,000 as the minimum wage?

Aadhaar based authentication of Life Certificate for pensioners – Minutes of the meeting held on 3-6-2015

Aadhaar based authentication of Life Certificate for pensioners – Minutes of the meeting held on 3-6-2015 Aadhaar based authentication of Life Certificate for pensioners Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd June, 2015 for review of status of Aadhaar based authentication of Life Certificate for pensioners. G.I., Dept. of DPPW., O.M.No.1/19/2014-P&PW(E), dated 10.6.2015 Sub: Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd June, 2015 for review of status of Aadhaar based authentication of Life Certificate for pensioners.

NOC Not Required for Central Government Employees Seeking Passports

NOC Not Required for Central Government Employees Seeking Passports Although the Government thinks that tough guidelines are not required for issuing passports, the new format seeks more personal information Currently, passports for Central Government employees are issued only if they produce a general No Objection Certificate. In some Government offices, getting an NOC is very difficult. Keeping this in mind, the Ministry of External Affairs has advised that new procedures be followed instead of submitting an NOC.

Meeting with the 7th Pay Commission Satisfactory – NC JCM Staff Side

Meeting with the 7th Pay Commission Satisfactory – NC JCM Staff Side “Members of the National Council JCM, which represents over 40 lakh Central Government employees all over India, met with the team of higher officials of the 7th Central Pay Commission on 9.6.2015” It was revealed that the meeting with the 7th CPC was very satisfactory. By the end of August, the committee will submit its recommendations and from Jan 2016, the new pay scale, including all the allowances, will be implemented based on this report.

Brief of the meeting held on 09.06.2015 between NC/JCM(Staff Side) and 7th Pay Commission

Brief of the meeting held on 09.06.2015 between NC/JCM(Staff Side) and 7th CPC No.NC/JCM/7th CPC/2015 Dated: June 9, 2015 All Constituents of NC/JCM(Staff Side), Dear Comrades, Sub: Brief of the meeting held on 09.06.2015 between NC/JCM(Staff Side) and 7th CPC A meeting of National Council JCM Staff Side with 7th Pay Commission was held on 09.06.2015 at New Delhi. It was last meeting of 7th Pay Commission with JCM. JCM had already submitted memorandum regarding common issues of Central Government Employees to 7th CPC on 30th June, 2015. JCM submitted memorandum in two parts. Part one deals with Pay, allowances, advances, facilities, benefits et., Part II is concerning retirement benefits, viz Gratuity, Pension, Medical facilities etc.

Holidays to be observed in Central Government Offices during the year 2016 – Dopt Orders on 11.6.2015

Holidays to be observed in Central Government Offices during the year 2016 – Dopt Orders on 11.6.2015 G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.F.No.12/7/2015-JCA-2, dated 11.6.2015 Subject: Holidays to be observed in Central Government Offices during the year 2016 – reg. It has been decided that the holidays as specified in the Annexure -I to this O.M. will be observed in all the Administrative Offices of the Central Government located at Delhi/New Delhi during the year 2016. In addition, each employee will also be allowed to avail himself/herself of any two holidays to be chosen by him/her out of the list of Restricted Holidays in Annexure – II. 2. Central Government Administrative Offices located outside Delhi /New Delhi shall observe the following holidays compulsorily in addition to three holidays as per para 3.1 below: 1. REPUBLIC DAY 2. INDEPENDENCE DAY 3. MAHATMA GANDHI’S BIRTHDAY 4. BUDDHA PURNIMA 5. CHRISTMAS DAY 6. DUSSEHRA (VIJAY DASHMI) 7. DIWALI ...

Final Meeting between NC JCM Staff Side with 7th Pay Commission – AIRF Report

Final Meeting between NC JCM Staff Side with 7th Pay Commission – AIRF Report Meeting between NC JCM Staff Side with 7th Pay Commission Today NCJCM Staff Side under the leadership of Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra/Secy Staff Side NC JCM met with 7th Pay Commission to discuss issues pertaining to pay scales of Central Government Employees and Pensioners.  Pictures of the meeting is being released underneath. Details of the deliberations held during meeting are being reproduced herein.

7th CPC Report Submission Expected in August - NFIR Published details of Yesterday's Final Meeting

7th CPC Report Submission Expected in August - NFIR Published details of Yesterday's Final Meeting  Minimum wage -  Rate of Increment -  Fitment Formula Qualification related Pay Scales - Pay parity for common categories - Date of effect of revised Pay Structure and allowances Upward revision of Ex-gratia to the families of employees killed in the course of performing duties - Parity in pension for eliminating the discrimination, Rectification of MACPS aberrations - Grant of increment to those retiring on 30th June and 31st December of the year.

NAC Meeting today : Upgradation of Pay for LDC and UDC will be discussed

Upgradation of Pay Band and Grade Pay of LDC and UDC will be discussed in National Anomaly Committee Meeting. NAC Meeting today : Upgradation of Pay for LDC and UDC will be discussed The Secretary, NCJCM Staff Side has already informed that a meeting NAC will be held after the final Meeting of NCJCM with 7th Pay Commission. Accordingly the DOPT is holding the National Anomaly Committee Meeting today at 3.00 PM at New Delhi. The office Memorandum issued to all Staff Side Members 0f The National Anomaly Committee stated that.

Income Tax for Premature Provident Fund withdrawal of more than Rs.30,000

Income Tax for Premature Provident Fund withdrawal of more than Rs.30,000 The Government has announced that income tax will be imposed if, at the time of premature withdrawal, the Provident Fund amount is in excess of Rs.30,000. Finance Minister brought a new provision in his budget that allows for TDS on Provident Fund withdrawal before five years of continuous service. When calculating the period of continuous service of five years, the previous employment can also be included. The intention of this at promoting long-term savings. The amendment will come into force from June 2015.

Clarification on Children Education Allowance as FAQ issued by Railway Board on 1.6.2015

Clarification on Children Education Allowance as FAQ issued by Railway Board on 1.6.2015 A table of ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ issued by Railway Board regarding Children Education Allowance. The order repeatedly indicates the same line of sentence for the question of ‘Third Child’ as ‘ Reimbursement is permissible only the two eldest surviving children..’ And also clarified for the questions of Number of Note books and Recognition of Educational Institution in form of FAQ. Reproudction of the order and given below for your ready reference…

Defence Civilians Medical Aid Fund – Exemption from Income Tax on donation exceeding Rs.250

Defence Civilians Medical Aid Fund – Exemption from Income Tax on donation exceeding Rs.250 Exemption u/s 80 (G) of Income Tax Act on donation to DCMAF – PCDA Orders Defence Civilians Medical Aid Fund (DCMAF) Ministry of Defence Room No. PC – l, B-Block Dalhousie Road,New Delhi-110011 19 March 2015 To Heads of All Defence Units All Labour Welfare Commissioners

One Rank One Pension – Ex-Servicemen Decide to Fight

One Rank One Pension – Ex-Servicemen Decide to Fight Ever since Narendra Modi took charge as the new Prime Minister, expectations have been running high. When expectations run high, so do disappointments. Despite the fact that some time is needed for implementing the various promises that his party had made during the Parliamentary elections, questions are also being raised as to why there is such a long delay.

Modi Government to Raise Bonus Limits from Rs.3500 to Rs.4500

Modi Government to Raise Bonus Limits from Rs.3500 to Rs.4500 The Government has decided to raise the upper limit for the annual bonus that is being given to Central Government employees all over the country. Payment of Bonus (Amendment) ordinance 2007 according to which section 12 of the payment of Bonus Act 1965 had been amended raising the ceiling for calculation purpose from salary of 2500/- P.M. to Rs.3500/-P.M. w.e.f. 01.04.2006. And also amended the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 to raise the eligibility limit for payment of bonus from the salary or wage of Rs. 3500/- per month to Rs. 10000/- per month.

Investment guidelines for NPS Scheme with effect from 10.6.2015 – PFRDA Circular

Investment guidelines for NPS Scheme with effect from 10.6.2015 – PFRDA Circular Investment guidelines for NPS Schemes (Applicable to Scheme CG, Scheme SG, Corporate CG and NPS Lite schemes of NPS and Atal Pension Yojana) w.e.f, 10th June, 2015. Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority issued an important circular regarding the investments guidelines for NPS Scheme with effect from 10.6.2015 "NPS investments have been restricted to 5% of the ‘paid up equity capital’* of all the sponsor group companies or 5% of the total AUM under Equity exposure whichever is lower, in each respective scheme and 10% in the paid up equity capital of all the non-sponsor group companies or 10% of the total AUM under Equity exposure whichever is lower, in each respective scheme."

Meeting with 7th Pay Commission – NC JCM meets all Standing Committee Members on 8.6.2015

Meeting with 7th Pay Commission – NC JCM meets all Standing Committee Members on 8.6.2015 NC JCM(Staff Side) has decided to meet all the standing committee members before the final Meeting with 7th Central Pay Commission will be held on 9.6.2015. And National Anomaly Committee meeting on 12 pending NAC items also expected to be held on 9th June 2015. MEETING WITH 7TH CPC Shiva Gopal Mishra Secretary National Council (Staff Side) Joint Consultative Machinary For Central Government Employees 13-C. Ferozshah Road. New DelhI – 110001 E Mall No.NC/JCM/7th CPC/2015 Dated: May 30, 2015 All the Standing Committee Members of the National Council, JCM (Staff Side)

House Rent Allowance, Travel Allowance increased for select cities

House Rent Allowance, Travel Allowance increased for select cities Based on the Census of 2011, the House Rent Allowance and Travel Allowance for Central Government employees of a few cities are going to be hiked. At the cabinet meeting, under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, it was decided that, based on the Census report of 2011, the status of 29 towns and small towns is going to be upgraded. Central Government employees employed in these cities and towns will be eligible to grant revised House Rent Allowance and Rravel Allowance with effect from April 1, 2014. This would cost the government exchequer an additional Rs.128 crores annually. House Rent Allowance to Central Government employees is now calculated on the basis of the population census of 2001. The cities and towns are classified as X, Y, and Z, based on their population. Employees in these towns are eligible for 30%, 20% and 10% House Rent Allowances respectively. Population census is con...

All India General Strike on 02.09.2015 – Joint declaration of the Central Trade Unions

All India General Strike on 02.09.2015 – Joint declaration of the Central Trade Unions Click here to view the Joint Declaration of National Convention of Workers on 26.5.2015 INDIAN NATIONAL DEFENCE WORKERS FEDERATION ESTD 1959 (Recognised by Govt. of India) R. SRINIVASAN General Secretary INDWF/Circular/019/2015 Date: 01.06.2015 To All Affiliated Unions of INDWF, Dear Colleagues, We are herewith enclosing the copy of the Joint declaration of the Central Trade Unions (CTUs) which met on 26.05.2015 at Delhi. In the Joint Declaration, the Central Trade Unions in the National Convention of workers expressed deep concerns over anti-worker, anti-people and pro-corporate actions of the present Government at the centre in pursuance of the policy of globalisation.

Calculation formula for payment of Night Duty Allowance – PC of A(Fys) Circular on 29.5.2015

Calculation formula for payment of Night Duty Allowance – PC of A(Fys) Circular on 29.5.2015 Payment of Night Duty Allowance (NDA) at revised rates to the eligible civilian employees working in the Establishments under the Ministry of Defence CIRCULAR OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL CONTROLLER OF ACCOUNTS (FYS)  10A, S.K.BOSE ROAD, KOLKATTA, 700001 Pay/Tech-II/1206/2015/08 Dated: 29.05.2015 Subject: Payment of Night Duty Allowance (NDA) at revised rates to the eligible civilian employees working in the Establishments under the Ministry of Defence With respect to this office Circular No. Pay/Tech-II/1206/2015/07 dated 28-05-2015 it is further instructed that the formula for payment NDA (Night Duty Allowance) to all eligible categories (IE/NIEs/NGOs) of employees working in Ordnance Factories organization will hence forth be revised. The hourly rate for NDA is to be calculated on the basis of revised band Pay plus Grade pay plus DA divided by 195 hours, being ...

Central Secretariat employees demanded removal of stagnation and timely promotions

Central Secretariat employees demanded removal of stagnation and timely promotions Central Secretariat employees have demanded removal of stagnation in Services and facilitation of timely promotions. Central Secretariat employees demand timely promotions Central Secretariat employees have demanded removal of stagnation in Services and facilitation of timely promotions. A deputation of “Central Secretariat Services Forum” led by its Convenor, Shri D.N.Sahoo called on Dr Jitendra Singh, Minister of State Personnel, here today and thanked him for his positive and cooperative response to all their grievances in the past one year and expressed the hope that he would also find a way out to overcome the anomaly in Services which has been adversely affecting them for the last several years. They also handed over a memorandum to him.

OROP continues to make headlines

'One Rank One Pension' continues to make headlines “Prime Minister declared once again that OROP is a finalized issue.” News continues to surface regarding the One Rank One Pension (OROP) scheme, which is eagerly being awaited by lakhs of ex-servicemen and their families all over the country. For more than thirty years now, the Central Government continues to struggle to implement the OROP scheme. There were rumours that Prime Minister Narendra Modi might make announcements regarding this at the first year celebrations rally that was held in Mathura. But, nothing happened.

Nutritious Snacks to be introduced in Central Government Canteens

Nutritious Snacks to be introduced in Central Government Canteens The DOPT has, on 28.05.2015, issued a circular regarding nutritious food items at Central Government Canteens. Departmental Canteens functioning from Central Government Offices/Establishments are providing beverages, snacks and meals to the employees. An illustrative list of vegetarian items of menu has been provided vide para 1.10 of Administrative Instructions on Departmental Canteens in Government Offices and Industrial Establishments.

Brief on the meeting of the NAC held today under the chairmanship of Dopt Secretary

Brief on the meeting of the NAC held today under the chairmanship of Jt. Secretary(E), DoP&T, Government of India Shiva Gopal Mishra Secretary Ph: 23382286 National Council (Staff Side) Joint Consultative Machinery 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001 E-Mail: No.AIRF/NAC Dated: May 29, 2015 All Constituents of the National Council(JCM)(Staff Side), Dear Comrades, Sub: Brief on the meeting of the NAC held today under the chairmanship of Jt. Secretary(E), DoP&T, Government of India As per notification No.11/1/2015-JCA dated 12.05.2015 of the DoP&T(Government of India), meeting of the National Anomaly Committee was held today under the Chairmanship of Jt. Secretary(Estt.), Jt. Secretary(Pers.) and officials from other establishments and Ministry of Railways were also present.

7th Central Pay Commission’s Final Meeting with JCM Staff Side National Council on 9.6.2015

7th Central Pay Commission’s Final Meeting with JCM Staff Side National Council on 9th June 2015 at 11 AM at New Delhi Confederation published the letter received from 7th Central Pay Commission regarding the final meeting with NC JCM Staff Side on 9.6.2015. The letter is reproduced and given below for your information…

Will 7th Pay Commission recommend the Revised Pay Scale without Grade Pay?

Will 7th Pay Commission recommend the Revised Pay Scale without Grade Pay? Is there a possibility that the 7th Pay Commission would introduce the new Pay Scale for the CG Employees without Grade Pay? Unionist who had interacted directly with the members of the 7th Pay Commission say that the chances are high. Although it is impossible to confirm this at the moment, all the employee federations have, through their memorandum, requested that the Grade Pay system be avoided this time.

Revision of classification cities for the purpose of House Rent Allowance and Transport Allowance to Central Government employees

Revision of classification cities for the purpose of grant of House Rent Allowance and Transport Allowance to Central Government employees Revision of the classification/upgradation certain cities/towns on the basis of Census-2011 for the purpose of grant of House Rent Allowance and Transport Allowance to Central Government employees The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has given its approval to the proposal of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure for reclassification/upgradation of certain cities/towns on the basis of Census-2011, for the purpose of grant of House Rent Allowance (HRA) and Transport Allowance to Central Government employees.

Expected DA July 2015 – AICPIN for the month of April 2015

Expected DA July 2015 – AICPIN for the month of April 2015 No.5/1/2015-CPI GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF LABOUR & EMPLOYMENT LABOUR BUREAU `CLEREMONT’, SHIMLA-171004  Dated : 29th May, 2015 Press Release Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) – April, 2015 The All-India CPI-IW for April, 2015 increased by 2 points and pegged at 256 (two hundred and fifty six). On 1-month percentage change, it increased by (+) 0.79 per cent between March, 2015 and April, 2015 when compared with the increase of (+) 1.26 per cent between the same two months a year ago.

Outcome of National Anomaly Committee Meeting held on 29.5.2015 – Next NAC Meeting 9.6.2015

Outcome of National Anomaly Committee Meeting held on 29.5.2015 – Next NAC Meeting 9.6.2015 CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES & WORKERS 1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi – 110001 Website: WWW. Email: Patron S.K.Vyas 09868244035 – President K.K.N.Kutty 09811048303 –  Secretary General M.Krishnan 09447068125 Dear Comrades, Su b: Discussion in the National Anomaly committee meeting. The meeting of the National Anomaly Committee was held today at Room No. 72 , North Block. Mrs. Mamatha Kundra, JS(E) Department of Personnel and Training chaired the meeting. The Staff side was represented by:


CENTRAL TRADE UNIONS NATIONAL CONVENTION OF WORKERS WAS HELD ON 26.05.2015 DECLARATION. The National Convention Calls upon the Central Trade Unions All India General Strike on 2nd September, 2015. NATIONAL CONVENTIONAL OF WORKERS, 26.5.2015, DELHI DECLARATION This National Convention of Workers being held under the banner of joint platform of all the Central Trade Unions of the country along with independent national federations of all sectors and service establishments expresses deep concern over anti worker, anti-people and pro-corporate actions of the present Govt. at the Centre in pursuance of the policy of the globalisation. During this period the Govt. has been over-busy in amending all labour laws to empower the employers with unfettered justifys to “hire and fire” and stripping the workers and trade unions of all their justifys and benefits besides aggressively pushing through almost unlimited FDI in strategic sectors like Railways, Defence and Financial Secto...