
Showing posts from November, 2018

7th CPC House Building Advance – Loan Migration – CGDA

7th CPC House Building Advance – Loan Migration – CGDA Interest Bearing Advances/Seventh Central Pay Commission recommendation on migration of existing government employees who have already taken Home Loans from Bank / Other Financial Institutions Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts   Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt – 10 No.AN/VII/7117/GPF/2018-19 Dated: 19.11.2018 Sub: Interest bearing advances/Seventh Central Pay Commission recommendation on migration of existing government employees who have already taken Home Laons from Bank / Other Financial Institutions – reg. A copy of Government of India, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, Housing-II Section OM No.I-17011/11(4)/2016-H.III dated 31.01.2018 on the subject is enclosed herewith for your information and disseminating under your organisation. sd/-  (B.Chandra)  Accounts Officer (Admin) 7th CPC HBA – Migration of Existing Employees – MoHUA Orders on 31.1.2018 ...

Wrong Practice Followed by Banks in Payment of Defence Pension – PCDA Circular 207

Wrong Practice Followed by Banks in Payment of Defence Pension – PCDA Circular 207 Incorrect/Wrong practice being followed by banks in payment of Defence Pension on e-PPOs. O/o the principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pensions)  Draupadi hat Allahabad-211014 Circular 207 No. AT/Tech/358-II Dated: 12.11.2018 To 1. The Chief Accountant, RBI Deptt. of Govt. Bank Accounts, Central office C-7, Second Floor, Bandre- Kurla Complex, P B No. 8 143, Bandre East Mumbai-400051  2. The Director of Treasuries of all state  3. The Manger CPPC of Public Sector Banks including IDBI  4. The CDA (PD) Meerut……….  5. The CDA-Chennai……….  6. The Nodal Officers (ICICI/ AXIS/HDFC Bank).  7. The Pay & Accounts Officers.  8. Military and Air Attache, Indian Embassy Kathmandu, Nepal.  9. The DPDO…………  10 The Post Master………….. Sub: Incorrect/Wrong practice being followed by banks in payment of Defence Pension on ...

Modification of Pay-Slip of Industrial Employees Under OFB – PCA(FYS) Orders 14.11.2018

Modification of Pay-Slip of Industrial Employees Under OFB – PCA(FYS) Orders 14.11.2018 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA  MINISTRY OF DEFENCE  OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL CONTROLLER OF ACCOUNTS (FYS)  10-A, S.K. BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA: 700001  PAY TECH SECTION No.Pay/Tech-1/0195 Dated 14.11.2018 To  The CsFA (Fys)  _____________  _____________  _____________ Subject : Modification of pay-slip of Industrial employees under OFB- regarding. Reference : This office earlier circular no dated 25/09/2017 and further 16/10/2017. Consequent on implementation of 7th CPC OFB had invited proposal from all SGMs/GMs as well as PCA (Fys) on modifications of pay-slips of IEs in OFB. On receiving feedback from different Gp controllers, the suggestions were forwarded to Wage Package Team, Ishapore for incorporation in the Wage Package. The updated format of wage package has been accepted by OFB and some further modifications for incorporation o...

DPC After Retirement – Procedure and guidelines – Dopt Orders dt. 15.11.2018

DPC After Retirement – Procedure and guidelines – Dopt Orders dt. 15.11.2018 Promotion of Government Servants found fit by review DPC after retirement – Procedure and guidelines to be followed F.No.22011/3/2013-Estt.(D) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension  Department of Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi  Dated 15th November, 2018 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub : Promotion of Government servants found fit by review DPC after retirement – procedure and guidelines to be followed The undersigned is directed to invite reference to this Department’s OM of even number dated 25.1.2016 which deals with the grant of notional promotion to a Government servant exonerated in a disciplinary proceedings after retirement. However, the cases of Government servants who are found fit by review DPC after their retirement on account of revision of seniority list of the feeder cadre, upgradation of below benchmark APARs etc. ...

Clarification on Risk Allowance – DoPT Orders dt.16.11.2018

Clarification on Risk Allowance – DoPT Orders dt.16.11.2018 Clarification to be obtained from Ministries/Departments regarding Risk Allowance No.A-27018/ 01/2017-Estt.(AL)  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions  Department of Personnel & Training Block No. IV, Room No.409  Old JNU Campus, New Delhi  Dated 16th November, 2018 Office Memorandum Subject: Implementation of Govt. Decision on 7th CPC recommendations on Risk Allowance- reg. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Deptt’s O.M. of even no. dt. 07.03.2018 requesting the Ministries/Departments to provide the details regarding number of employees eligible for Risk Allowance and estimated annual expenditure in the prescribed performa thereon. 2. Despite reminders dt. 17.04.2018 and 29.10.2018, till date only 15 Ministries/Departments have responded. All Ministries/Departments who have still not furnished the information are requested to fur...

KVS Advt. No.14 – Selection List for Interview VP– Notification 16.11.2018

KVS Advt. No.14 – Selection List for Interview VP– Notification 16.11.2018 List of candidate shortlisted for interview for the post of Vice-Principal uploaded on 16th November, 2018 Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has released the Selection List for Interview for the post of Vice-Principal VENUE OF INTERVIEW : KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN HQ, 18, INSTITUTIONAL AREA SHAHEED JEET SINGH MARG NEW DELHI-110016 General Category: 260 Candidates OBC Category: 123 Candidates SC Category: 62 Candidates ST Category: 37 Candidates OH Category: 8 Candidates HH Category: 6 Candidates HH Category: 4 Candidates Click to View Notification

KVS Advt. No.14 – Selection List for Interview – Notification 16.11.2018

KVS Advt. No.14 – Selection List for Interview – Notification 16.11.2018 List of candidate shortlisted for interview for the post of Principal updated on 16-11-2018) Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has released the Selection List for Interview for the post of Principal VENUE OF INTERVIEW : KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN HQ, 18, INSTITUTIONAL AREA SHAHEED JEET SINGH MARG NEW DELHI-110016 General Category: 46 Candidates SC Category: 26 Candidates ST Category: 11 Candidates OH Category: 7 Candidates HH Category: 4 Candidates Click to View Notification

KVS Advt. No.14 Interview Venue and Dates for Principal Post – Notification 16.11.2018

KVS Advt. No.14 Interview Venue and Dates for Principal Post – Notification 16.11.2018 Notice regarding Interview for the post of Principal & Vice-Principal and cut-off marks of shortlisted candidates. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has released the Date and Venue for Interview for the post of Principal and Vice Principal on 16th November 2018 on its portal.  The KVS also intimated, the result of written test held on 3.11.2018 will be published after conducting the interview. Click to view Notification 

All India Protest Day – Violation of Rule 7 CCS (Conduct) Rules – DoPT

All India Protest Day – Violation of Rule 7 CCS (Conduct) Rules – DoPT National Movement for Old Pension Scheme (NMOPS) has decided to observe “Gherao of Parliament House” on 26th November, 2018 All India Protest Day for 26.11.2018 – Instructions under CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 – Regarding MOST IMMEDIATE  OUT TODAY No C-45018/1/2017-Vig.  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions  Department of Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi,  Dated the 12th November, 2018 Subject: All India Protest Day for 26th November, 2018 – Instructions under CCS (Conduct Rules), 1964 – Regarding. It has been brought to the notice of the Government that National Movement for Old Pension Scheme (NMOPS) has decided to observe “Gherao of Parliament House” on 26th November, 2018 in order to demand withdrawal of New Pension Scheme (NPS). 2. The instructions issued by the Department of Personnel and Training prohibit the Go...

Minimum Pay Scale Applicable to Temporary Employees – SC

Minimum Pay Scale Applicable to Temporary Employees – SC Daily Wagers Entitled To Minimum Wages Applicable To Regular Employees Holding The Same Post, Reiterates SC [Read Judgment] The Appellants are entitled to be paid the minimum of the pay scales applicable to regular employees working on the same posts.’ The Supreme Court on Wednesday reiterated that temporary employees are entitled to draw wages at the minimum of the pay scales which are applicable to the regular employees holding the same post. The bench allowed appeals filed by daily rated workers employed in Group ‘D’ posts in the Forest Department in Uttar Pradesh against Allahabad High Court judgment that had dismissed their please. The high court had relied on Supreme Court judgments in State of Haryana v. Tilak Raj and State of Punjab v. Surjit Singh to hold that the daily wagers are not entitled to the minimum of the pay scales. Before the bench, the appellants placed reliance on an earlier decision...

Notice for Pensioner – Submission of Life Certificate

Notice for Pensioner – Submission of Life Certificate GOVERNMENT OF INDIA   MINISTRY OF FINANCE   DEPARTMENT OF EXPENDITURE   CENTRAL PENSION ACCOUNTING OFFICE Trikoot-II, Bhikaji Cama Place,  New Delhi – 110066  Phone: 26174596, 26174456, 26174438 Notice for the Pensioners All the pensioners are required to submit their life certificate to the authorised banks for pension in the month of November each year for continuation of their pension. To facilitate the pensioners and as a welfare measure, biometric machines have been installed in Grievance Cell, CPAO for the pensioners who want to submit their life certificate online through Jeevan Praman. Pensioners can contact CPAO reception for availing the service. For physically handicapped pensioners CPAO will liaison with the Banks and the pensioners to get their life certification done. Pensioners can contact CPAO through our toll free number 1800-11-7788, email, and...

FAQ for Pensioners Regarding Digital Life Certificate (DLC)

FAQ for Pensioners Regarding Digital Life Certificate (DLC) Frequently asked questions for Pensioners regarding Jeevan Pramaan / Digital Life Certificate (DLC) What is Jeevan Pramaan/Digital Life Certificate (DLC) ?   Jeevan Pramaan is a biometric enabled Aadhaar-based Digital Life Certificate for pensioners. Jeevan Pramaan i.e DLC is generated for individual pensioner using his/her Aadhaar number and Biometrics. How is this different from traditional Life Certificate issued by Govt Officers/ Agencies? For Jeevan Pramaan (DLC) the pensioner is not required to present himself/ herself personally before the Pension Disbursing Officer. DLC does not have to be submitted physically to the Pension Disbursing Agency ( Bank/Post Office etc ) as it is available to them digitally and. is automatically processed by the Pension Disbursing Agency. Also each DLC has a unique id called the Pramaan-Id. Is the Pramaan ID / Jeevan Pramaan i.e DLC valid for life ? The Pramaan ...

Life Certificate for Pensioners – Application Format with Non-Employment Certificate

Life Certificate for Pensioners – Application Format with Non-Employment Certificate “Revised Application Format of Life Certificate for Pensioners” STATE BANK OF INDIA   CERTIFICATE TO BE SUBMITTED BY PENSIONER A) LIFE CERTIFICATE Certified that I have seen the pensioner ________________________________________  (Name of pensioner), holder of Pension Payment Order No. ____________________ and  he / she is alive on this date. Savings Bank A/c No. Name & Designation of Authorised Officer Specimen Signature of pensioner Seal Place:  Date B) NON-EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATE # I declare that I have not received any remuneration for serving in any capacity in an establishment of Central Government or a State Government or a Government Undertaking or from a Local Fund during the period November ____ to October _____. # I declare that I have been employed / re-employed in the office of _________________ and was in receipt of the f...

7th CPC Training Allowance – DoPT Order dt.12.11.2018

7th Pay Commission Training Allowance – DoPT Order dt.12.11.2018 Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission-Revision of rate of Training Allowance No.13024/01/2016-Trg. Ref.  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions  Department of Personnel and Training  [Training Division (IST/IIPA)] Block-4, Old JNU Campus  New Mehrauli Road,  New Delhi-67 Dated: November 12, 2018 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission – Revision of rate of Training Allowance. In continuation of this Department’s O.M. No.13024/01/2016-Trg. Ref dated October 24, 2017 on the subject cited above, the undersigned is directed to state that the contens of para I (ii) and (iii) of the said O.M. may be read as follows: Also check: Training Allowance – Revised Rates for JCOs/OR Para I 9ii): ...

Improvement in Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula – NJCA

Improvement in Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula – NJCA Meeting of the NJCA on 19-11-2018 – New Delhi NJCA National Joint Council of Action  4, State Entry Raod, New Delhi – 110055 No.NJCA/2018 Dated: November 9, 2018 All Members of the NJCA Sub: Meeting of the NJCA It has been decided to hold meeting of the National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) on 19th November, 2018 from 16.00 Hrs. in JCM Officer, 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi, to take stock of the current situation in regard to non-settlement of major pending issues, viz. (i) Improvement in Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula (ii) No Progress in respect of NPS Covered Central Government Employees (iii) Other pending issues related to National and Departmental Anomalies. All of you are requested to make it convenient to attend the aforementioned meeting of the NJCA, so as to take the consensus decision for future course of action in the prevalent scenairo. With Fraternal Greetings,  ...

PCDA Circular 2016: Transfer of Pension Account

PCDA Circular 2016: Transfer of Pension Account Transfer of pension account from one Pension Disbursing Authority (PDA) to another PDA O/o The Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension)   Draupadighat, Allahabad-211014 Circular No. 206 No.AT/Tech/30-XX Dated: 02/11/2018 To  01. The Chief Accountant, RBI Deptt. of Govt. Bank Accounts, Central  office C-7, Second Floor, Bandre- Kurla Complex, P B No. 8143, Bandre East, Mumbai-400051  02. The Director of Treasuries of all State……………  03. The Manager CPPC of Public Sector Banks including IDBI  04. The CDA (PD) Meerut  05. The CDA, Chennai  06. The Nodal Officers (ICICI/AXIS/HDFC Bank)….  07. The Pay & Accounts Officer……………  08. The Military. & Air Attache, Indian Embassy, Kathmandu, Nepal  09. The D.P.D.O…………………….  10.Post Master, Kathua (J &/ K) and Camp Bell Bay Sub: Transfer of pension account from one Pension Disbu...

CGHS Meerut – Empanelment of Dental Clinic – November 2018

CGHS Meerut – Empanelment of Dental Clinic – November 2018 Empanelment of Private Hospitals, Exclusive Eye Hospitals/Centres, Exclusive Dental Clinic, Cancer Hospitals/Units Diagnostic Laboratories and Imaging Centres under CGHS-2017. Now, CGHS Meerut has decided to empanelment of Vision Eye Care and Laser Centre Hospital up to 31.12.2018. Hospital Name: Vision Eye Care and Laser Centre Hospital Address: 48, Near Radha Govind Mandap, Garh Raod, Meerut Facilities Empanelled for: Eye Care Centre, General Services Specialized Services: Cataract/Glaucoma, Retina Medical/Glaucoma, Cornea (Excluding & Surgical, Cornea (Excluding cornea transplant), Occuloplasty & Adnexa (Excluding socket reconstruction and major trauma, fractures), Strabismus.

CGHS Hospitals in Meerut As on 1.11.2018

CGHS Hospitals in Meerut As on 1.11.2018 UPDATED ON 11th NOVEMBER 2018 LIST OF EMPANELLED HOSPITAL / DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE 2018 UNDER CGHS MEERUT HOSPITALS:- MEERUT 1. Dayanand Nursing Home   Address: 47/L-4, Jawahar Quarters, Begum Bridge, Meerut Tel.No:0121-2664894  Facilities Empanelled for: General Purpose 2. Lokpriya Hospital Address: Samrat Place, Garh Road, Meerut, Tel.No:0121-2760040  Facilities Empanelled for: General Purpose plus added Facilities i.e., Orthopaedic Surgery (including Joint Replacement and Arthroscopic surgeries), Urology (lithotripsy, dialysis & other surgeries excluding renal transport), Gastroenterology & G1 Surgery (Excluding liver transplantation). Plastic Surgery including burns, Paediatrics & Pediatrics & Pediatric Surgery, Neurology & Neurosurgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology surgeries including Hysterectomy, ENT including specialized surgeries, ophthalmology (Eye Care) (Cataract / Glaucoma, ...

LTC-80 Scheme: Air India LTC Revised Fare List Nov 2018

LTC-80 Scheme: Air India LTC Revised Fare List Nov 2018 Air India released an another updated list of Air Fare Nov 2018 AIR INDIA LTC REVISED FARE LIST NOV 2018 SECTOR & V.V HLTC (ECONOMY CLASS) DLTC (EXECUTIVE CLASS) Basic Fare Basic Fare Agartala Kolkata 8750 17880 Agra Delhi 8750 17880 Agra Khajuraho 8750 17880 Agra Varanasi 9500 19320 Ahmedabad Chennai 17500 35400 Ahmedabad Delhi 11050 22440 Ahmedabad Mumbai 8750 17880 Aizawl Imphal 8750 17880 Aizawl Kolkata 8750 17880 Amritsar Delhi 8750 17880 Amritsar Mumbai 17500 35400 Amritsar Nanded 17500 35400 Aurangabad Delhi 15050 30560 Aurangabad Mumbai 8250 21000 Bagdogra Delhi 15200 30600 Bagdogra Kolkata 8750 17880 Bengaluru Bhubaneshwar 15100 30600 Bengaluru ...