
Showing posts from November, 2013

CGHS Orders - Notification of fresh empanelment of Private Hospitals & Diagnostic Centers under continuous Empanelment Scheme of CGHS, Chandigarh

CGHS Orders -  Notification of fresh empanelment of Private Hospitals & Diagnostic Centers under continuous  Empanelment Scheme of CGHS, Chandigarh GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (CENTRAL GOVERNMENT HEALTH SCHEME) O/o ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR, CGHS, CHANDIGARH 4th floor, Kendriya Sadan, SECTOR-9A, CHANDIGARH-160009 No.AD/CGHS/CHD/RMRCB/2013/5520-50 Dated : 30.09.2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Notification of fresh empanelment of Private Hospitals & Diagnostic Centers under continuous  Empanelment Scheme of CGHS, Chandigarh In response to Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi’s O.M No. S.11011/23/2009-CGHS D. IT/Hospital Cell (Part IX) dated 14.02.2013 & letter No.S.11045/23/2013/CGHS D.II (HEC)/CGHS(P)/Pt) dated 15.07.2013 forcontinuous fresh empanelment of private hospitals & diagnostic centers for city of Chandigarh, a committee co...

CGHS Orders - Fresh list of empanelment of Private Hospitals & Diagnostic Centres under Continuous Empanelment Scheme of CGHS, Chandigarh.

CGHS Orders - Fresh list of empanelment of Private Hospitals & Diagnostic Centres under Continuous Empanelment Scheme of CGHS, Chandigarh.  GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (CENTRAL GOVERNMENT HEALTH SCHEME) O/o ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR, CGHS, CHANDIGARH 4th floor, Kendriya Sadan, SECTOR-9A, CHANDIGARH-160009 No.AD/CGHS/CHD/RMRCB/2013/5188-5221 Dated : 11.09.2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Notification of fresh empanelment of Private Hospitals & Diagnostic Centers under continuous  Empanelment Scheme of CGHS, Chandigarh In response to Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi’s O.M No. S.11011/23/2009-CGHS D. IT/Hospital Cell (Part IX) dated 14.02.2013 & letter No.S.11045/23/2013/CGHS D.II (HEC)/CGHS(P)/Pt) dated 15.07.2013 forcontinuous fresh empanelment of private hospitals & diagnostic centers for city of Chandigarh, a committee consisting of two se...

CGHS Orders - New list of Private Hospitals & Diagnostic Centres under Continuous Empanelment Scheme of CGHS, Ahmedabad

CGHS Orders -  New list of Private Hospitals & Diagnostic Centres under Continuous Empanelment Scheme of CGHS, Ahmedabad GOVERNMENT OF INDIA OFFICE OF THE ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR CENTRAL GOVERNMENT HEALTH SCHEME CGHS/AHMD/PVT.HOSPITAL/1683 7/11/2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM The undersigned is directed vide Directorate General of Central Govt Health Services New Delhi office order No.S.11045/23/2013/CGHS D-II(HEC)/CGHS(P)(Pt) dated 15th July, 2013 to invite reference to Ministry of Health & FW office memorandum No.S 11011/23/2009-CGHS.D,II /Hospital Cell (Part IX) dated 14/2/2013 vide which continuous empanelment scheme was initiated for empanelment of private hospital/ diagnostic centres under CGHS.

CPWD Orders - Financial upgradation under MACP may be granted only on specific requests from individual Junior Engineers : CPWD clarification

CPWD Orders -   Implementation of MACPS to the cadre of JEs of CPWD... Financial upgradation under MACP may be granted only on specific requests from individual Junior Engineers : CPWD clarification Government of India Central Public Works Department No.55/4/2006-S&D/931 Date: 21-11-2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM  Subject: Implementation of Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) to the cadre of Junior Engineers of CPWD. Reference is invited to this Directorate OM of even No.897 dated 11.11.2013, vide which earlier order dated 31.3.2011 of this Directorate for keeping hold the implementation of the MACPS to the cadre of Junior Engineers has been revoked.

Dopt Orders - Closing of Central Government Offices in connection with general elections to the Legislative Assemblies etc. during 2013

Dopt Orders - Closing of Central Government Offices in connection with general elections to the Legislative Assemblies etc. during 2013 F.No.12/12/2013-JCA 2 Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel & Paining)  North Block, New Delhi  Dated the 26th November, 2013  OFFICE MEMORANDUM  Subject: Closing of Central Government Offices in connection with general elections to the Legislative Assemblies etc. during 2013.  The undersigned is directed to say that in connection with the general elections to the Legislative Assemblies of some States, scheduled to be held in 2013, the following guidelines, already issued by DOPT vide OM No. 12/14/99-JCA dated 10th October, 2001, have to be followed for closing of the Central Government Offices including Industrial Establishments in the States:- 

ECI Orders - Grant of paid holiday to employees on the day of poll — Regarding

ECI Orders -  Grant of paid holiday to employees on the day of poll — Regarding. General Election to the State Legislative Assemblies of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Rajasthan and Delhi and bye-elections to fill the casual vacancies in the StateLegislative Assemblies of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu — Grant of paid holiday to employees on the day of poll — Regarding. ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA NIRVACHAN SADAN, ASHOKA ROAD, NEW DELHI-110001. No.78/2013/EPS  Dated: 24th October, 2013 To 1. The Chief Secretaries to the Government of: - Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Rajasthan, Delhi, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. 2. The Chief Electoral Officers of: - Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram. Rajasthan, Delhi, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. 3. The Secretary to the Govt. of India, M/o Personnel Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Personnel and Training,  North Block, New Delhi. Subject:- General Election to the State Leg...

CPAO Orders - Grant of another instalment of Dearness Relief to the freedom fighters and their eligible dependants under the Swatantrata Sainik Samman Pension (SSSP) Scheme, 1980, w.e.f. 01.08.2013.

CPAO Orders - Grant of another instalment of Dearness Relief to the freedom fighters and their eligible dependants under the Swatantrata Sainik Samman Pension (SSSP) Scheme, 1980, w.e.f. 01.08.2013. No.08/01/2013—FF(P) Government of India / Bharat Sarkar Ministry of Home Affairs / Grih Mantralaya Freedom Fighter & Rehabilitation Division 2nd Floor, NDCC-II Building, Jai Singh Road,  New Delhi, the 8th November 2013. To The Chief Controller of Accounts, Ministry of Home Affairs, North Block, New Delhi-110 001. Sub:- Grant of another instalment of Dearness Relief to the freedom fighters and their eligible dependants under the Swatantrata Sainik Samman Pension (SSSP) Scheme, 1980, w.e.f. 01.08.2013. Sir, I am directed to refer to this Ministry's letter No. 08/08/97-FF(P) dated 16th / 20th August 1997 wherein it was decided that central samman pension be linked with the price index in an appropriate manner.

Dopt Orders - Relaxation in eligibility condition for Combined Section Officers/PS Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination-2012 & 2013

Dopt Orders - Relaxation in eligibility condition for Combined Section Officers/PS Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination-2012 & 2013 No. 4/4/2012-CS-II(A) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel & Training Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Dethi-110003. Date: 22nd November, 2013 ORDER Whereas the Central Secretariat Stenographers Service Private Secretary Grade (Limited Departmental Competitive Examination) Regulations, 2010 provide that for being eligible to appear in the Private Secretary Grade (Limited Departmental Competitive Examination) any regular Personal Assistant of the Central Secretariat Stenographers’ Service (CSSS) possessing a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University, on the crucial date, inter-alia, should satisfy the following condition :-

Directorate of Estates Orders - Revision of flat rates of Licence fee for General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) throughout the country

Revision of flat rates of Licence fee for General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) throughout the country. No.18011/1/2013-Pol-III Government of India Ministry of Urban Development Directorate of Estates Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi, Dated: 21st November, 2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Revision of flat rates of Licence fee for General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) throughout the country. In terms of SR-324(4), the Government has decided to revise the flat rates of licence fee recoverable for the residential accommodation available in General Pool and also in Departmental Pools of Ministries & Departments of the Government of India throughout the country (except in respect of substandard/unclassified accommodation of Ministry of Defence, accommodation for service personnel of the Ministry of Defence and accommodation under the control of Ministry of Railways), as shown in the Annexure.

Dopt issued orders on grant of incentive for acquiring higher qualifications.

Dopt issued orders on grant of incentive for acquiring higher qualifications. Inclusion of additional qualifications / Review of the qualifications listed in the Annexure to this Department’s OM No 1/2/89-Estt.(Pay-I) dated 9/4/1999... No.1/3/2008-Estt.(Pay-I)(Vol.II) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training North Block, New Delhi dated the 22nd November 2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM  Subject: Grant of incentive for acquiring higher qualifications - Inclusion of additional qualifications / Review of the qualifications listed in the Annexure to this Department’s OM No 1/2/89-Estt.(Pay-I) dated 9/4/1999 -reg. The undersigned is directed to refer this Department’s OM of even number dated 28.4.2009 and subsequent reminders of even number dated 17.6.2009, 20.8.2009, 30.10.2009, 7.1.2010 and 23.3.2010 calling for suggestions regarding addition / deletion of qualifications listed in the Annexu...

7th CPC NEWS - Record Note of the meeting to discuss the possible Terms of Reference (ToR) for the 7th CPC with the representatives of the Staff Side of JCM

7th CPC NEWS - Record Note of the meeting to discuss the possible Terms of Reference (ToR) for the 7th CPC with the representatives of the Staff Side of JCM Record Note of the meeting held on 24.10.2013 at 3.00 PM to discuss the possible Terms of Reference (ToR) for the 7th CPC with the representatives of the Staff Side of JCM. IMMEDIATE No16/15/2012-JCA Government of India Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi 19th November, 2013 Sub: Record Note of the meeting held on 24.10.2013 at 3.00 PM to discuss the possible Terms of Reference (ToR) for the 7th CPC with the representatives of the Staff Side of JCM The undersigned is directed to forward herewith a copy of the Record Note of the meeting held with Staff Side on 24.10.2013 to discuss the possible Terms of Reference of the Seventh Central Pay Commission.


ACP OR MACP-REGARDING ALLOWING INDIVIDUAL OPTION ALLOWING INDIVIDUAL OPTION TO CHOOSE EITHER ACPS OR MACPS BY THE EMPLOYEES-REGARDING A copy of the D.O. letter written by the Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development to the Secretary, DOPT for allowing individual option to choose either earlier ACPS or MACPS by the employees is given hereunder.  Shri Moloy Panja of Kolkota has forwarded this letter to this Association. We reproduced the letters and given below for your information...

Directorate of Estates Orders - Revision of guidelines for allotment of accommodation to former President(s), former Vice President(s) and former Prime Minister(s) or in case of death to their spouses.

Directorate of Estates Orders - Revision of guidelines for allotment of accommodation to former President(s), former Vice President(s) and former Prime Minister(s) or in case of death to their spouses. No.12029/2/87-Pol.II(Vol.V) Government of India Ministry of Urban Development Directorate of Estates Policy-II Section Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi-110 108. Dated the 14th November, 2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Revision of guidelines for allotment of accommodation to former President(s), former Vice President(s) and former Prime Minister(s) or in case of death to their spouses. The guidelines for allotment of residential accommodation to former President(s), former Vice President(s) and former Prime Minister(s) or in case of their death, to their spouses were issued vide this Directorate O.M. No.12029(2)/87-Pol.II dated 6.12.1991. These guidelines have been reviewed in the Ministry of Urban Development in the light of the similar provisions contained in the ...

Finmin Orders - Advances to Central Government Employees —- Rate of interest for purchase of conveyances during 2013-2014.

Finmin Orders - Advances to Central Government Employees —- Rate of interest for purchase of conveyances during 2013-2014. Advances to Government servants — Rate of interest for purchase of conveyances during 2013-2014. F.No. 5(2)-B(PD)/2013 Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Economic Affairs New Delhi, the 12th November, 2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Advances to Government servants — Rate of interest for purchase of conveyances during 2013-2014. The undersigned is directed to state that the rates of interest for advances sanctioned to the Government servants for purchase of conveyances during 2013-2014 i.e. from 1st April, 2013 to 31st March, 2014 are revised as under:

PCDA Pension Orders - Implementation of income criteria for dependent parents of Armed Forces Personnel for grant of two family pensions.

PCDA Pension Orders - Implementation of income criteria for dependent parents of Armed Forces Personnel for grant of two family pensions. O/o THE PR. CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS (PENSION) DRAUPADI GHAT, ALLAHABAD- 211014 Circular No. 516 Dated: 6.11.2013 Subject: Implementation of income criteria for dependent parents of Armed Forces Personnel for grant of two family pensions. Reference: This office Circular No. 400 dated 05.12.2008. As per para 11.2 of MOD letter No.-17(4)12008(2)/D(Pen/Pol) dated 12.11.2008 the dependency criteria for the purpose of family pension shall be the minimum family pension along with dearness relief. Now the Ministry of Defence has clarified that the GOI, Ministry of Personnel, PG& Pensions, Department of Pension & Pensioners' welfare no.- 1/11/2011- P&PW(E) dated 30th November 2011 (copy enclosed) is applicable mutatis mutandis on family pensioner of Armed Forces wherein the family pension admissible to benefici...

CGHS Orders - Nomination Facility under CGHS for Claiming Medical Reimbursement in Event of Death of Principal CGHS Cardholder

Nomination Facility under CGHS for Claiming Medical Reimbursement in Event of Death of Principal CGHS Cardholder The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has simplified the procedure by providing an option to the principal CGHS cardholder beneficiary to nominate a person to claim reimbursement of medical expenses in the event of his/her unfortunate death.

MoD Orders - Revised Designations in respect of Industrial Employees

MoD Orders - Revised Designations in respect of Industrial Employees working in Defence Depratments... MINISTRY OF DEFENCE DGQA/ADM-10 REVISED DESIGNATIONS IN RESPECT OF INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYEES A/86320/JCM-III/DGQA/ADM-10 18th April 2013 As per SRO 100/2012 forwarded to all concerned vide this HQ letter No A/86320/RR/IE/DGQA/Adm-10 dated 05th December 2012, the various grades of Industrial Cadre have been re-designated as under:-

MoD Orders - Revised Interim Scales of Contractual Manpower for ECHS Clinics

MoD Orders - Revised Interim Scales of Contractual Manpower for ECHS Clinics No. 22(72)/06/ D(Res)/US(WE) (Vol-IV) Government of India Ministry of Defence Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare New Delhi the 12th November, 2013 To, The Chief of Arimy Staff The Chief of Navy Staff The Chief of Air Staff Subject:- Revised Interim Scales of Contractual Manpower for ECHS Clinics Sir, In continuation of Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence letters No.22(1)/01/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 30th December, 2002 and No.22D(44)/2007/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 18th October, 2010, the undersigned is directed to convey the approval of the competent authority to the following revised interim Scales of Contractual Manpower for ECHS Clinics, to tide over the immediate functional difficulties being faced by ECHS clinics in providing quality medical care to ECHS beneficiaries:-

Postal Department Orders : Counting of training period (Prior to posting) for drawing increments

Postal Department Orders : Counting of training period (Prior to posting) for drawing increments No 4/2008 400 (Corr) Government of India Ministry of Communications & IT Department of Posts (Establishment Division) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi - 110001 Dated: 14.10.2013 Sub: Counting of training period (Prior to posting) for drawing increments. This has the reference to your office letter 127/PM/G II/C-266 dated 17.07.2013 on the subject cited above. 2. In this context, I am directed to convey that GIO (1) below FR 26 provides that where a person has been selected for regular appointment and before formally taking over the charge of the post for which selected person is required to undergo training, training period undergone by such a Government servant whether on remuneration or otherwise counts as duty for the purpose of drawing increments.  This order is applicable only in case of direct recruits.  Further Rule 10 of CCS (RP) Rules...

Pension Portal Orders : Clarification regarding rule position for payment of gratuity to the employees covered under New Pension Scheme

Pension Portal Order s : Clarification regarding rule position for payment of gratuity to the employees covered under New Pension Scheme No.7/2/2013-P&PW(F) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions Department of Pension &Pensioners Welfare (Desk-F) 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, NewDelhi- 10003 Dated the 15th October, 2013 Office Memorandum Subject : Clarification regarding rule position for payment of gratuity to the employees covered under New Pension Scheme The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of Defence OM.No12(15)/2013-D(Civ.II) dated 12.7.2013 & 26.9.2013 on the subject noted above and to say that the provision of CCS(Pension) rules are not applicable to government servants appointed on or after 1.1.2004. This department is in the process of framing rules on New Pension scheme. 

Dopt Orders - Preparation of Select List for the year 2012 of Grade I (Under Secretary) of the CSS -Vigilance status and statement of minor / major penalties imposed etc.

Dopt Orders -  Preparation of Select List for the year 2012 of Grade I (Under Secretary) of the CSS -Vigilance status and statement of minor / major penalties imposed etc. No.5/6/2013-CS.I(U) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi-110003 Dated the 12th November, 2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Preparation of Select List for the year 2012 of Grade I (Under Secretary) of the CSS — Vigilance status and statement of minor / major penalties imposed etc. The undersigned is directed to refer lo DoPT's O.M of even number dated 18.10.2013 and subsequent reminder dated 01.11.2013 on the subject mentioned above (available in the web site of this Department at -> DoPT -> central secretariat ->CSS -> promotion -> regular -> SO to US) and to say that fresh vigilance status of officers whose names figure in Annexure have...

Confederation News - Parliament March on 12th December 2013

Confederation News - Parliament March on 12th December 2013 against the neo-liberal policies of the Central Government ENSURE MASS SCALE PARTICIPATION IN THE 2013 DECEMBER 12TH PARLIAMENT MARCH CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES & WORKERS 1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi – 110001 Website: WWW. Email: Ref: CIRCULAR NO. 9 Dated - 13.11.2013 To All CHQ Officers All General Secretaries C-O-Cs All Chief Executives of Affiliated Unions ENSURE MASS SCALE PARTICIPATION IN THE 2013 DECEMBER 12TH PARLIAMENT MARCH

Statement of Srikant Kumar Jena on Consumer Price Index

Statement of Srikant Kumar Jena on Consumer Price Index  Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation  14-October-2013 17:31 IST Statement of Srikant Kumar Jena on Consumer Price Index  Shri Srikant Kumar Jena, Minister of State (Independent charge), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation announced the release of the monthly provisional Consumer Price Index (CPI) on Base 2010=100 along with annual inflation rates for September 2013, compiled by the Central Statistics Office. Final CPI numbers for the month of August 2013 have also been released. 

Air Travel on official account - relaxation of government instructions regarding

Air Travel on TA-LTC (Official Account) - relaxation of government instructions... No. AV.18011/05/2012-AI Government of India/Bharat Sarkar Ministry of Civil Aviation/ Nagar Vimanan Mantralaya Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport New Delhi-110003, dated : 27.09.2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Air Travel on official account - relaxation of government instructions regarding . Ministry of Finance (MoF) vide O.M. No. 19024/1/2009-E.IV dated 13.7.2009 inter alia envisaged that in all cases of air travel, both domestic and international, where the Government of India bears the cost of air passage, the officials concerned may travel only by Air India. For travel to stations not connected by Air India, the officials may travel by Air India to the hub/ point closest to their eventual destination, beyond which they may utilize the services of another airline etc. Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) vide O.M. No.31011/2/2006- Estt.(A) dated 27th July, 200...

CPWD Orders - Implementation of MACP to the cadre of Junior Engineers of CPWD

CPWD Orders - Implementation of Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) to the cadre of Junior Engineers of CPWD. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Urban Development Central Public Works  Department  No.55/4/2006-S&D/897 Date 11 Nov 2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Implementation of Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) to the cadre of Junior Engineers of CPWD. Reference is invited to this Directorate OM of even No. 1576 dated 9.11.2010, vide which the implementation of the MACPS to the cadre of the Junior Engineers /Assistant Engineers / Adhoc Executive Engineers was kept on hold.

LDC-UDC ISSUE : Deputy Secretary JCA writes to Under Secretary CS-II, DoPT

LDC-UDC ISSUE : Deputy Secretary JCA writes to Under Secretary CS-II, DoPT As published by ALL INDIA ASSOCIATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF (NON GAZETTED):- LDC-UDC ISSUE: DEPUTY SECRETARY JCA WRITES TO UNDER SECRETARY CS-II, DOP&T Dear friends, I am posting a letter addressed to Shri K Suresh Kumar, Under Secretary, CS II Section, DoPT returning the proposal for the upgradation of Grade pay of LDC and UDC on the ground given therein. This letter was not attached with the original documents while returning the case to the Association by the CS II. Shri Bipin Kumar Pandey has obtained this letter through RTI and forwarded to me through e-mail.

Merger of Dearness Allowance with the Pay of the Central Government Employees - reg.

Merger of Dearness Allowance with the Pay of the Central Government Employees - reg. PRIME MINISTER FORWARDS GS/NFIR's LETTER ON DEMAND FOR MERGER OF DA TO DOPT   Prime Minister's Office New Delhi - 110101 Sub: LETTER OF Sh. M RAGHAVAIAH NFIR, 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD, NEW DELHI-55 A letter dated 27-09-2013 received in this office from Sh. M RAGHAVAIAH is forwarded herewith for action as appropriate.

Dopt Orders regarding change in the date of Holiday on the occasion of Muharram

Dopt Orders regarding change in the date of Holiday on the occasion of Muharram MOST IMMEDIATE F.No. 12/10/2013-JCA-2 Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) North Block, New Delhi Dated the 11th November, 2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Change in the date of Holiday on the occasion of Muharram -reg . The Holiday on the occasion of Muharram was listed on Thursday the 14th November, 2013 vide Annexure I of this Department’s O.M. No 12/4/2012-JCA-2 dated 5th June, 2012. This was dependent on sighting of the Moon. It has now been decided that for offices in Delhi / New Delhi, the Holiday on the occasion of Muharram will now be on Friday, the 15th November, 2013 and all Central Government Administrative offices located in Delhi / New Delhi shall remain closed on account of Muharram on 15th November, 2013.

Dopt Orders on revision of Training Allowance and Sumptuary Allowance

Dopt Orders on revision of  Training Allowance and Sumptuary Allowance -  Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission-Revision of rate of Training Allowance and Sumptuary Allowance - Clarification regarding

CPCB Orders - Regulation of LTC Claims

CPCB Orders - Regulation of LTC Claims CENTRAL POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD (Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India) Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar, Delhi-110 032 No.C-22013/113/90 Admn.(P)/2342 30th Oct, 2013 CIRCULAR The instances have come to the notice, where employees apply for LTC and proceed without sanction of LTC as well as the leave. It has also been noticed in some of the cases that the Divisional Head (Leave Sanctioning Authority) has only recommended the leave which does not mean the leave is granted. For proceeding on LTC it is informed to all that without grant of leave and sanction of LTC an employee cannot proceed on LTC.  The Member Secretary, Central Board has viewed it very seriously and following instructions are issued for information and for strict compliance by all the employees;

FAQ on Dearness Relief to Central Civil Pensioners

FAQ on Dearness Relief to Central Civil Pensioners Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  (Central Civil Pensioners)  (Last updated/Reviewed: 04.11.2013) DEARNESS RELIEF  G.17 What is the extent of neutralization of relief granted to pensioners?   100% neutralization of relief is granted to all pensioners at the same rate like serving employees.  G.18 Is the Dearness Relief payable on original basic pension or on reduced pension after commutation?  The Dearness Relief is payable on original basic pension before commutation. 

Commutation of Pension - Some Question and Answers on Retirement Benefits - Pensioners Portal

Commutation of Pension - Some Question and Answers - Pensioners Portal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  (Central Civil Pensioners)  (Last updated/Reviewed: 04.11.2013) COMMUTATION OF PENSION  G.1 How much of the pension can be commuted?  A pensioner can opt to commute up to 40% of the pension admissible at the time of retirement.  G.2 Is there any limit on commutation of pension?   A Government servant shall be entitled to commute for a lump sum payment up to 40 per cent of his pension. 

Question and Answers about Gratuity - Pensioners Portal

Question and Answers about Gratuity - Pensioners Portal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  (Central Civil Pensioners)  (Last updated/Reviewed: 04.11.2013) GRATUITY  F.7 When will the gratuity withheld at the time of retirement be released?  The withheld amount of gratuity under sub-rule (5) of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972, the retiring Government employees, shall be paid immediately on production of "No Demand Certificate" from the Directorate of Estates after actual vacation of the Government accommodation.  The Directorate of Estates shall ensure that "No Demand Certificate" shall be given to the Government employee within a period of fourteen days from the actual date of vacation of the Government accommodation and the allottee shall be entitled to payment of interest (at the rate applicable to General Provident Fund deposit determined from time to time by the Government of India) on the excess withheld amount of gratuity which is required t...

FAQ on Extraordinary Pension - Pensioners Portal

FAQ on Extraordinary Pension - Pensioners Portal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (Central Civil Pensioners) (Last updated/Reviewed: 04.11.2013) EXTRAORDINARY PENSION F.1 How the percentage of disability computed?  To whom it is applicable? The computing of percentage of disability is applicable only for the Government servants retiring under CCS (EOP) Rules. The extent of disability or functional incapacity is determined in the following manner for purposes of computing the disability element forming part of benefits:-

Clarifications given as FAQ on the subject of Family Pension to Central Civil Pensioners - Pensioners Portal

Clarifications given as FAQ on the subject of Family Pension to Central Civil Pensioners - Pensioners Portal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  (Central Civil Pensioners)  (Last updated/Reviewed: 04.11.2013) FAMILY PENSION  E.12 Who is to authorize payment of family pension and death gratuity when a Govt. servant dies while on deputation ?  In the case of a Govt. servant who dies while on deputation to another Central Govt. Deptt., action to authorize family pension and death gratuity in accordance with the provisions of chapter IX of the pension Rules shall be taken by his Head of Office of the borrowing department.  In the case of a Govt. servant who dies while on deputation to a State Govt. or while on Foreign Service, action to authorize the payments of family pension and death gratuity in accordance with the provisions of Chapter IX of the pension Rules shall be taken by the Head of Office or the cadre authority which sanctioned the de...

Pension Rules for PSU Absorbees - Pensioners Portal issued clarifications as FAQ...

Pension Rules for PSU Absorbees - Pensioners Portal issued clarifications as FAQ... Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  (Central Civil Pensioners)  (Last updated/Reviewed: 04.11.2013) P.S.U. ABSORBEES  D.1 What are the terms and conditions of Central Govt. employees who are absorbed in Central Public Sector Undertaking /Central Autonomous Bodies? The terms and conditions of Central Govt. employees who are absorbed in Central Public Sector Undertaking /Central Autonomous Bodies, are regulated as per the DOPT OM No.28016/5/85-Estt.(C) dated 31.1.86 and DOP&PW OM No.4(12)/85-P&PW dated 13.3.87. The Administrative Ministries/Departments have already been delegated powers to deal with such cases of absorption without obtaining prior concurrences of this Department.  Those absorbed in Central Public Sector Undertaking are eligible for pension and retirement gratuity as admissible under relevant rules. Those absorbed in the Central Autonomous Bo...

Doubts and Answers on Disbursement of Pension to Central Civil Pensioners - Pensioners Portal

Doubts and Answers on Disbursement of Pension to Central Civil Pensioners - Pensioners Portal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  (Central Civil Pensioners)  (Last updated/Reviewed: 04.11.2013) PENSION DISBURSEMENT  E.5 Can a pension account be opened in any branch of any bank? No, a pension account cannot be opened in any branch of any bank. There is a list of public sector and private sector banks in each State in which a pension account may be opened. For latest information about the list please visit the website of Central Pension Accounting Office, 

Pensioners Portal issued FAQ on the subject of Qualifying Service for Central Civil Pensioners...

Pensioners Portal issued FAQ on the subject of Qualifying Service for Central Civil Pensioners... Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  (Central Civil Pensioners)  (Last updated/Reviewed: 04.11.2013) QUALIFYING SERVICE  B.1 Does all leave period qualify for pension and gratuity? All leave for which leave salary is payable qualifies for pension and gratuity. Extraordinary leave (EOL) on medical certificate (MC) also qualifies for pension and gratuity. EOL without MC qualifies only on account of inability to join duty on civil commotion or when granted for a higher scientific & technical study qualifies. 

General Pension Rules for Central Civil Pensioners by Pensioners Portal

General Pension Rules for Central Civil Pensioners by Pensioners Portal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  (Central Civil Pensioners)  (Last updated/Reviewed: 04.11.2013) GENERAL  D.5 Whether any Identity Card is issued to Pensioners? Identity Card to Pensioners is issued by the respective Ministry/Department/Office. The format of Identity Card has been revised vide OM No 41/21/2000-P&PW(D) dated 25.7.2013. 

FAQ on Pension Policy for Central Civil Pensioners

FAQ on Pension Policy for Central Civil Pensioners Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  (Central Civil Pensioners)  (Last updated/Reviewed: 04.11.2013) PENSION POLICY A.1 Which rules govern Civil Pension?   Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules,1972. A.2 What is the formula for pension revision for pre-2006 pensioner/family pensioner?  In terms of para 4.1 of OM No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 1.9.2008, the pension/family pension will be consolidated w.e.f. 1.1.2006 by adding together (i) The existing pension/family pension,(ii) Dearness Pension, where applicable, (iii)Dearness Relief @24% of basic Pension/Basic Family Pension plus dearness pension as admissible vide OM No.42/2/2006-P&PW(G) dated 5.4.2006 and (iv) Fitment weightage @40% of the existing pension/family pension. Where the existing pension at (i) includes the effect of merger of 50% of DR w.e.f. 1.4.2004, the existing pension for the purpose of fitment weightage will be r...

Clarifications issued as FAQ on Pension Procedure for Central Civil Pensioners

Clarifications issued as FAQ on Pension Procedure for Central Civil Pensioners Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  (Central Civil Pensioners)  (Last updated/Reviewed: 04.11.2013) PENSION PROCEDURE  E.1 What is the meaning of the following terms?  (a) Pension Disbursing Authority  (b) Pension Sanctioning Authority  (c) PPO Issuing Authority

New Pension Scheme (NPS) - FAQ by Pensioners Portal

New Pension Scheme (NPS) - FAQ by Pensioners Portal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  (Central Civil Pensioners)  (Last updated/Reviewed: 04.11.2013) NEW PENSION SYSTEM   NPS.1 The CCS(P) Rules are applicable to govt. servants appointed on or before 31.12.2003.Are the employees who joined pensionable establishments of Govt. of India after 31/12/2003 eligible for any benefits under these rules?  In accordance with DoP&PW O.M. No. 38/41/06-P&PW(A) dated 5.5.2009 such employees who joined after 31/12/2003 and/or their families may be given the benefit of disability pension or family pension provisionally till the finalization of rules under the National Pension System (NPS) on death/injury. 

Dopt orders - Seeking ex-post facto concurrence for extension of deputation

Dopt orders - Seeking ex-post facto concurrence for extension of deputation No.2/3/ 2009-CS.I (U) Government of India Department of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) Khan Market, Lok Nayak Bhavan, New Delhi, dated 1st November, 2013. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Seeking ex-post facto concurrence for extension of deputation - All Ministries/ Departments are aware CS.I Division, DoPT is the cadre controlling authority for CSS Officers. Grant of cadre clearance inter-alia for deputation in respect of US and above level officers of CSS is centralized in CS.I Division. CSS Officers of these levels can proceed on deputation only after obtaining cadre clearance by this Department. Extension of deputation beyond the initial period of deputation also requires prior concurrence of this Department. However, there are instances where concurrence of this Department has been sought for extension in deputation much after the expiry of in...

7th CPC News - Suggestions of Staff Side on Terms of Reference of the 7th Pay Commission - BPMS writes to DOPT

7th CPC News - Suggestions of Staff Side on Terms of Reference of the 7th Pay Commission - BPMS writes to DOPT  BHARATIYA PRATIRAKSHA MAZDOOR SANGH (AN ALL INDIA FEDERATION OF DEFENCE WORKERS)  (AN INDUSTRIAL UNIT OF B.M.S.)  (RECOGNISED BY MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, GOVT. OF INDIA)  REF: BPMS / DoP&T / 7th CPC / 250 (6/1/M) Dated: 31.10.2013  To, The Secretary (JCA), Govt of India, Min of Pers, PG & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training, North Block, New Delhi – 110001 Subject: Terms of Reference of the 7th Pay Commission Reference: Your letter No. 16/15/2012-JCA, dated 30.09.2013 Respected Sir, With due regards, your attention is invited to the letter cited under reference whereby suggestions of the Staff Side on the subject matter have asked for. Hence, according to this federation the terms of reference of the 7th CPC should be as under:-  

KVS Orders regarding Pay Bill Deduction of annual subscription for recognized association

KVS Orders regarding Pay Bill Deduction of annual subscription for recognized association Change of membership from one Association to another -reg KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN 18, Institutional Area Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, NEW DELH1-110016 F.11083-5/2012-KVSHQ (Admn-I)/Part-II Dated: 31-10-2013 The Deputy Commissioner  Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan  All Regional Offices Sub: Change of membership from one Association to another -reg. Sir/Madam, I am to refer to the subject cited above and to say that the queries from the various corners are being received as to whether a member of one recognized association can change the membership to another recognized association in the mid of session.

CGHS Reimbursement at 25% higher rates that 2002 CGHS rates are applicable - ECHS

ECHS Orders - CGHS Reimbursement at 25% higher rates that 2002 CGHS rates are applicable... ECHS Orders - CGHS Reimbursement at 25% higher rates that 2002 CGHS rates are applicable to those ECHS members who have taken any emergency treatment in a non empanelled hospital for or for those undergoing any planned listed procedure in a non empanelled hospital after taking prior sanction of Central Org ECHS.

BSNL Order - Refusal of promotion by an employee cannot be construed as a right...

BSNL has issued guidelines for in case of refusal of promotion by the employee... Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (A Govt. of India Enterprise) (Pers.I Section) 4th floor, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi No. 400-204/2013-Pers.I Dated: 01-Nov-2013 All Heads of Telecom Circles/ Metro Districts/Maintenance Regions/ Projects/Stores/BRBRAITT/ALTTC. All other Administrative Units, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited Subject: Refusal of promotion - guidelines thereof. As per the HR policy in BSNL, promotions are being granted in various grades with the approval/ acceptance of the appropriate competent authority. Promotions are important from both individual's as well as Organization's perspective and forms a mutually obligatory aspect of the employer-employee relationship. Therefore, refusal of promotion by the employee cannot be construed as a right and its acceptance by the Competent Authority can also not be taken for granted.

Employment News - 9702 posts which are lying vacant in KVS...

Employment News - 9702 posts which are lying vacant in KVS Employment News - 9702 posts which are lying vacant in KVS - Primary Teachers and Trained Graduate Teachers Recruitment regarding... KVS Memorandum Regarding Recruitment (01.11.13) KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN 18, Institutional Area Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, NEW DELH1-110016 F.No.11046/2/2013/ KVS(HQ) (E.II)/SHT  Dated: 01.11.2013 MEMORANDUM Although process of the recruitment for the year 2011-12 has been completed in KVS but the Primary Teachers and Trained Graduate Teachers could not be posted as the operation of select panel for the year 2011-12 is sub-judice and process for the recruitment against vacancies for different categories of teachers for the year 2012-13 & 2013-14 is on the way.

KVS Orders : Payment of DA Arrears, Bonus and Salary for October 2013 to KV Staff reg.

KVS Orders :  Payment of DA Arrears, Bonus and Salary for October 2013 to KV Staff reg. KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN 18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, NEW DELH1-110016 F. No. 110238/2/2013/KVS (HQ)/ Budget Date: 01.11.2013 To The Deputy Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, All Regional Offices/ ZIET’s. Subject:   Disbursal of salary for October 2013, Bonus and DA arrears to staff reg. Sir/ Madam, This has a reference to the subject cited above and to state that the salary to the staff of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan is being disbursed by Union Bank of India through its web-portal for which adequate funds is regularly remitted to the UBI well in time by the Sangathan. The existing system of disbursal of salary to the staff through UBI Web-portal is not only a hassle free and full proof arrangement but also saves time on both sides. As a result, all employees of Sangathan are getting their salary on the last working day....

Pensioners Portal Orders - Department of Pension Proposes to Introduce Common Nomination Forms for Pensioners

Pensioners Portal Orders 2013 - Department of Pension Proposes to Introduce Common Nomination Forms for Pensioners Department of Pension Proposes to Introduce Common Nomination Forms for Pensioners : With a view to simplifying the procedure, the Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare proposes to introduce Common Nomination Forms for the benefits of  Gratuity, General Provident Fund,  Commutation, Arrears and CGEGIS. Comments and Suggestions are invited from all concerned, including pensioners and pensioners' associations on the use of these Forms in place of the existing Forms. No. 1/12/2013-P&PW (E) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi Dated: 1st Nov, 2013 Circular Sub: Introduction of Common Nomination Forms for Nominations under various Rules - inviting comments - regarding. The undersigned is directed to sta...

DA for Bank Officials from Nov, Dec 2013 and Jan 2014

DA for Bank Officials from Nov, Dec 2013 and Jan 2014 Indian Bank Association has uploaded an order in thier official website regarding Dearness allowance for Workmen and Officer Employees in Banks. The order said, after releasing the AICPIN(I-W) for the month of September 2013, the percentage of Dearness allowance is increased to 96.15%. The official order has been reproduced and given below for your information...

Minutes of III Level JCM Meeting : CGDA Publishes the Minutes of the 44th Steering Committee Meeting of III level JCM Council

Minutes of III Level JCM Meeting : CGDA Publishes the Minutes of the 44th Steering Committee Meeting of III level JCM Council CONTROLLER GENERAL OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS ULAN BATAR ROAD, PALAM, DELHI CANTT. -10 Subject:- Minutes of the 44th Steering Committee Meeting of III level JCM Council of the CGDA HQrs. held on 19.09.2013 at 10:30 am in Conference Hall, office of the CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.

Department of Posts Orders - Grant of Grade Pay of Rs 1800 to Group D/MTS who retired/expired from service after 31-08-2008 without having- been imparted trainin

India Post Orders -  Grant of Grade Pay of Rs 1800 to Group D/MTS who retired/expired from service after 31-08-2008 without having- been imparted training. Government of India Ministry of Communications & IT Department of Posts GDS Section Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,  New Delhi-110 001 File No. 1-20/2008-PCC (pt) Dated: 03.10.2013 Sub: - Grant of Grade Pay of Rs 1800 to Group D/MTS who retired/expired from service after 31-08-2008 without having- been imparted training. The issue of allowing Grade pay of Rs. 1800 to those erstwhile group D non- matriculate employees who retire/died beyond 29-08-2008 without being imparted prescribed training for one reason or the other is currently under examination in consultation with Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure.

Grant of Grade Pay of Rs. 1800/- in PB-I to Para-medical Employees : ESIC Order

Grant of Grade Pay of Rs. 1800/- in PB-I to Para-medical Employees : ESIC Order Grant of Grade Pay of Rs. 1800/- in PB-l to all group "D" Employees including Para-medical Employees appointed in ESIC Hospitals/Institutions as per the pre-amended Recruitment Rules. HEADQUARTERS OFFICE EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION No. A-28112/1/2009-Med. VI. Dated 21.10.2013 To The Director (Medical) Delhi/Noida All Medical Superintendent of ESIC Hospitals, Sub:- Grant of Grade Pay of Rs. 1800/- in PB-l to all group "D" Employees including Para-medical Employees appointed in ESIC Hospitals/Institutions as per the pre-amended Recruitment Rules.

DOPT ORDERS - Model Recruitment Rules for posts of Accounts Cadre

DOPT ORDERS - Model Recruitment Rules for posts of Accounts Cadre No. AB-14017/32/2012-Estt. (RR) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training New Delhi Dated the 31st October, 2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Model Recruitment Rules for the various posts of Accounts Cadre-reg. The Model RRs for the posts of Junior Accounts Officer/Accountant and Accounts officer of Accounts Cadre issued by this Department have been reviewed in the light of 6th CPC recommendations.

Expected DA from Jan 2014 - AICPIN for the month of September 2013

Expected DA from Jan 2014 - AICPIN for the month of September 2013 Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) September 2013 According to a press release issued by the Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour & Employment the All-India CPI-IW for September, 2013 rose by 1 points and pegged at 238 (two hundred and thirty eight). On 1-month percentage change, it increased by 0.42 per cent between August and September compared with 0.47 per cent between the same two months a year ago.

PCA(FYS) Orders - Fixation of pay on direct recruitment by UPSC

CIRCULAR  OFFICE OF THE P.C.A.(FYS)  10 A, S. K. BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA-700001 No. P/O/I/Circular                                                                                 Dt: 25-10-2013 Subject :  Fixation of pay on direct recruitment by UPSC. The issue regarding pay fixation in respect of the officers who were directly appointed through UPSC on or after 1-1-2006 and are in receipt of less pay than what they were actually drawing in their earlier department was under correspondence with the CGDA Office. However, clarification in this regard has since been received and it has been confirmed that such cases are to be treated as per provisions of FR22B(I) subject to fulfilment of the conditions inherent in FR-22B(l).

Govt rejects demand for higher Fixed Medical Allowance to Central Govt Pensioners...

Govt rejects demand for higher Fixed Medical Allowance to Central Govt Pensioners: Appeal for revision of fixed medical allowance for the Central Govt. Pensioners: No.4/4/2013-P&PW (D) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES & PENSIONS (DEPARTMENT OF PENSION & PENSIONERS’ WELFARE) 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan New Delhi-110 003. Dated the 8th July, 2013 To Shri Harchandan Singh, Secretary General, 32, Phase-6, Mohali-160055. Sub:- Appeal for revision of fixed medical allowance for the Central Govt. Pensioners . Sir, Please refer to your letter dated 23/6/13 on the above mentioned subject. Comments item concerning this Desk is as under:

DPE Orders : Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC

DPE Orders : Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations. F. No. 2(42)/97--DPE (WC) -GL-XIXV/13  Government of India Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises Department of Public Enterprises Public Enterprises Bhawan Block 14, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003, the 24th October, 2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM  Subject: Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations. The undersigned is directed to refer to Para No. 2 and Annexure-III to this Department's O.M. dated 24.10.1997 wherein the rates of DA payable to the employees of CPSEs following CDA pattern pay scales, who are governed by HPCC recommendations had been indicated.