
Showing posts from May, 2014


AICPIN FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 2014 - PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY LABOUR BUREAU Labour Bureau, Government of India Press Release Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers on Base 2001=100 CPI(IW) Base 2001=100 Monthly Index Letter - APRIL 2014 JANUARY 2014 237 FEBRUARY 2014 238 MARCH 2014 239 APRIL 2014 242 Click here for Press Release of AICPIN for the month of April 2014 Related posts... Friday, May 30, 2014 AICPIN FOR APRIL 2014 – EXPECTED DA JULY 2014 – 4th STEP COMPLETED


AICPIN FOR APRIL 2014 – EXPECTED DA JULY 2014 – 4th STEP COMPLETED As per the press release of Labour Bureau, All India Consumer Price Index (Industrial workers Base Year 2001=100) for  the month of April, 2014 increased by three points from 239 to 242. According to the hike of index for the month of April 14, the Expected DA from July 2014 is also increased by two percent from 3 to 5… The below table is clearly indicate the movement of AICPIN with increasing additional Dearness allowance month wise…( Click here to view updated DA Table... )

Recommendation of Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Compassionate Appointment - Dopt Orders

Recommendation of Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Compassionate Appointment-Regarding. Parliament Committee Matter IMMEDIATE  No.41013/1/2013-Estt(D) Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions  (Department of Personnel and Training)  OFFICE MEMORANDUM  Subject:- Recommendation of Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Compassionate Appointment - Regarding.  The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum of even number dated 25.03.2013 (copy enclosed) on the above mentioned subject wherein all the Ministries/Departments were requested to furnish an annual report in the enclosed proforma latest by 30th April of every year, indicating the status of implementation of Government instructions on compassionate appointment as on 31st March of that year. Initially separate reports for three years coveri...

Dopt Orders on revision of format for OBC Caste Certificate

Dopt Orders on revision of format for OBC Caste Certificate Revision of format for OBC Caste Certificate No.36036/2/2013- Estt.(Res.) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi Dated: 30th May. 2014 To, The Chief Secretaries of all the State Governments/Union Territories Subject: Revision of format for OBC Caste Certificate Madam/Sir, The Government of India had issued instructions on 8th September, 1993 vide DoPT OM. No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) providing for reservation to Other Backward Classes in the services and posts under the Government of India. The format of the Caste Certificate was prescribed vide Annexure A of the O.M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 15th November 1993. In the said format, the then Ministry of Welfare’s Resolution No. 12011/68/93-BCC(C) dated 10th September 1993 was mentioned, which contained the list of castes and communities ...

NFIR writes to 7th CPC to send Interim Report along with merger of dearness allowance

NFIR writes to 7th CPC to send Interim Report along with merger of dearness allowance NFIR writes to 7th CPC to send Interim Report to the Government along with the aspect of merger of dearness allowance with basic pay... Preliminary inter-action meeting between 7th CPC & NFIR — reg. NFIR National Federation of Indian Railwaymen 3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi-110 055 Affiliated to : IndIan National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) No.IV/NFIR/7th CPC/2013/Pt.Ii Dated: 29-05-2014 The Chairman, Seventh Central Pay Commission, New Delhi Respected Sir, Sub: Preliminary inter-action meeting between 7th CPC & NFIR — reg. Ref: Seventh CPC’s D.O. No.7CPC/22/Meeting dated 12th May, 2014. We express our sincere gratitude to the 7th CPC for extending invitation to the NFIR to take part in the inter-action meeting. As this being the first meeting of preliminary inter-action nature. ...

NFIR writes to Finance Minister to merge 50% of Dearness allowance with basic pay - 28.05.2014

NFIR writes to Finance Minister to merge 50% of Dearness allowance with basic pay - 28.05.2014 On 28th May 2014, NFIR General Secretary writes to new Finance Minister Shri. Arun Jaitley to consider the huge anticipated demand of merging dearness allowance with basic pay for Central Government employees and Pensioners... The letter is reproduced and given below for your ready reference...

Feedback of AIRF’s Preliminary Meeting held with the 7th CPC - AIRF

Feedback of AIRF’s Preliminary Meeting held with the 7th CPC - AIRF ALL INDIA RAILWAYMEN'S FEDERATION (Estd, 1924) 4,State Entry Road, New Delhi - 110055 INDIA No.AIRF/405(VII CPC)  Dated: May 28, 2014  The Secretaries,  All Affiliated Unions,  Dear Coms.,  Sub: Feedback of AIRF’s Preliminary Meeting held with the VII CPC  On the invitation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission for having Preliminary Interaction with All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF), a delegation of the AIRF, comprising of Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra, General Secretary AIRF, Com. Rakhal Das Gupta, Working President AIRF, Com. Ch. Sankara Rao, Asstt. General Secretary AIRF and Com. J.R. Bhosale, Treasurer AIRF, met today, i.e. 28th May, 2014, the Seventh Central Pay Commission(Hon’ble Justice Shri Ashok Kumar Mathur, Chairman, Shri Vivek Rae, Member, Dr. Rathin Roy, Member and Ms Meena Agarwal, Secretary, Seventh Central Pay Commission) in Hotel Janpat...

AIRF - Preliminary submission to the 7th Pay Commission

AIRF - Preliminary submission to the 7th Pay Commission   Preliminary submission to the VII CPC  ALL INDIA RAILWAYMEN'S FEDERATION (Estd, 1924) 4,State Entry Road, New Delhi - 110055 INDIA  No.AIRF/405(VII CPC)  Dated: May 28, 2014  Justice Shri Ashok Kumar Mathur,  Chairman,  Seventh Central Pay Commission,  New Delhi  Dear Sir  Sub : Preliminary submission to the VII CPC  I, on behalf of 13 lakh Railwaymen, welcome you and the Members of the VII CPC, would like to submit the following as a preliminary step towards our approach and expectations from the VII CPC.  All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF) was established in the year 1924, and the leadership of this federation was heralded by the eminent personalities like Shri V.V. Giri, who was one of the founder members of the AIRF and was the General Secretary of the AIRF for long 10 years from 1927-37. Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Naraya...


QUALIFYING SERVICE FOR PROMOTION  Eligibility for promotion : - It is necessary to fix suitable standards for promotion from one grade to another, including minimum length of service in the lower grade. As far as possible, the minimum length of service in the lower grade prescribed as a condition for promotion to the higher grade should not markedly be different from that prescribed by other Departments for promotion to similar grades involving the same nature of duties and responsibilities. 

Enhancement of monetary ceiling for issue of sanction of medical claims - Confederation

Enhancement of monetary ceiling for issue of sanction of medical claims - Confederation CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES & WORKERS  1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi -110001  Website:  Email: Ref: CONFD/GENL/2014 Dated : 28-05-2014 To  The Secretary  Ministry of Finance  Department of Expenditure  North Block, New Delhi Sir,  Sub: Enhancement of monetary ceiling for issue of sanction of medical claims. At present the monetary ceiling for sanctioning medical claims is restricted to Rs.2 lakhs for Head of the Department. The Internal finance division is delegated for the sanction of medical claims above two lakhs to five lakhs. Now a days the medical  treatment has become too costly. The claims above two lakhs are increasing and accumulating at Internal finance division of the various Departments/Ministries.


LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF MEMORANDUM TO 7TH CPC EXTENDED As per the request of the JCM National Council Staff side, 7th Central Pay Commission has granted extension of time upto 15.07.2014 (15th July 2014) for submission of memorandum by individual organizations other than JCM staff side. The following is the revised time schedule (Last date). 1.  JCM National Council Staff side                :  30.06.2014  2.  All other Federations/Unions/Associations  :  15.07.2014 JCM National Council Staff side will be submitting a common memorandum before 30.06.2014 on the common demands of the Central Government Employees. The Copy of the JCM Staff side memorandum will be placed in the website.

Reimbursement of Medical bills in r/o Defence Civilians

Reimbursement of Medical bills in r/o Defence Civilians Important Circular OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS CARIAPPA MARG LUCKNOW-226002 No. Pay/IV/Med/7007/Ord Dt. 23.05.2014 To The Officer-In-Charge Sub:- Reimbursement of Medical bills in r/o Defence Civilians During the audit of Medical Claims pertaining to your office some shortcomings have been noticed to your office which are appended below. 1. The medical claims are submitted along with the Hospital Bills without PAN,TIN,TAN printed on the Bills. 2, The claims/treatments of Emergency nature are submitted without any assessment from the Addition A Director of the concerned CGHS cities.

Unions and Associations are seriously involved in filling up the questionnaires prepared and sent by the 7th CPC

Unions and Associations are seriously involved in filling up the questionnaires prepared and sent by the 7th CPC The sheer pace of the 7th CPC has impressed the central Government employees so much that their expectations have started to grow. It has come to our knowledge that a number of unions and associations are seriously involved in filling up the questionnaires prepared and sent by the 7th CPC . It is also well known that on behalf of the National Council JCM Staff Side, the questionnaire had already been filled with the approval of all members and has been sent. ( Click here to view the reply ) There is no uniform pay scale or promotion hierarchy for the Central Government employees. The departments functioning under each Ministry are evaluated separately. Promotions and pay scales are decided based on the post/category of the employees in each of those departments. Based on these segregations, the employee unions/associations of each department are preparing t...

Shri Arun Jaitley Assumes Charge as Minister of Finance

Shri Arun Jaitley Assumes Charge as Minister of Finance  Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Finance  27-May-2014 16:32 IST Shri Arun Jaitley Assumes Charge as Minister of Finance  The newly appointed Union Minister of Finance, Shri Arun Jaitely assumed charge of his office here today.  After assuming the charge, the Finance Minister was briefed on the key initiatives and policy issues by the Secretaries of the different departments of the Ministry of Finance.  The Finance Minister also held a meeting with the senior officials of the Ministry to have a first hand information regarding the ongoing issues and the forthcoming challenges facing the Indian economy among others. 

President appoints Cabinet Ministers, Ministers of State (Independent Charge) and Ministers of State

President appoints Cabinet Ministers, Ministers of State (Independent Charge) and Ministers of State The President of India has appointed Shri Narendra Damodardas Modi as the Prime Minister of India. Further, as advised by the Prime Minister, the President has appointed the following as members of the Council of Ministers. The President of India, as advised by the Prime Minister, has directed the allocation of portfolios among the following members of the Union Council of Ministers :- CABINET MINISTERS Shri  Narendra Modi Prime Minister 1 Shri Raj Nath Singh Home Affairs 2 Smt. Sushma Swaraj External Affairs Overseas Indian Affairs 3 Shri Arun Jaitley Finance Corporate Affairs  Defence 4 Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu Urban Development Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation Parliamentary Affairs 5 Shri Nitin Jairam Gadkari Road Transport and Highways Shipping 6 Shri D.V. Sadananda Gowda Railways 7 Sushri Uma Bharati Water Resources, ...

CHARACTER OF POSTS : Ministerial or Non- Ministerial

CHARACTER OF POSTS : Ministerial or Non- Ministerial Character of Posts of Ministerial or Non- Ministerial,  Tenure posts,  Gazetted and Non-Gazetted  and Industrial& Non-Industrial... CHARACTER OF POSTS  Ministerial or non- ministerial  Ministerial servant means a Government servant of a subordinate service whose duties are entirely clerical, and any other class of servant specifically defined as such by general or specific order of a local government. Local government does not include a Chief Commissioner. FR 9(17)  (a) Those member of Group B service whose duties are predominantly clerical shall be called as  (b) Having regard to the nature of the duties attached to them, the posts of Private Secretary to Secretaries and Joint Secretaries should be classified as ‘Ministerial’.  (c) Unless already classified, all new posts should be classified into ‘Ministerial’. 

Early Closure of Offices in connection with the Swearing in Ceremony of the newly elected Prime Minister of India on 26.05.2014

Early Closure of Offices in connection with the Swearing in Ceremony of the newly elected Prime Minister of India on 26.05.2014  No.12/15/2014-JCA 2  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions  (Department of Personnel and Training)   North Block, New Delhi  Dated the 23rd May, 2014  OFFICE MEMORANDUM  Sub: Early Closure of Offices in connection with the Swearing in Ceremony of the newly elected Prime Minister of India on 26.05.2014  In connection with arrangements for the Swearing in Ceremony of the newly elected Prime Minister of India on 26.05.2014, it has been decided that the Government offices located in the North Block, South Block and Hutments would be closed early at 13:00 hrs. on 26th May, 2014 (Monday). 

Why is Annual Increment denied to employees retiring in June?

Why is Annual Increment denied to employees retiring in June? Until 01.01.2006, the date of implementing employee’s annual increment was fixed on the basis of his/her date of appointment or promotion option. After the 6th CPC, it was decided that 1st July of each year would be the uniform date of implementation of annual increment for all Central Government employees.  Employees who are appointed after January 1st are not eligible for that year’s annual increment on July 1. They qualify for annual increment only the next year.  The revised pay rules said that "If an employee is on leave or is availing joining time on the 1st of July, the benefit of annual increment in pay will be drawn only from the date on which he resumes duty and not from the first of July. Each year, employees who retire in the month of June are not given the annual increment of the year since they do not report to work on 1st July. Only those employees who resume duty on July 1st are e...

Booking of Retiring Rooms through railtourismindia website now...

Booking of  Retiring Rooms through railtourismindia website now... Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Railways 21-May-2014 14:21 IST Computerised Booking of Retiring Rooms on Indian Railways Indian Railways provides lodging facility through retiring rooms to its passengers at stations spread across the country. The Retiring Room Application has been developed to computerize the booking of retiring rooms at the railway stations. At present, booking of retiring rooms has been computerized at 67 stations. The Rooms can be booked on computer terminals placed at these stations as well as on internet through the website Currently, booking / cancellation, up-gradation and extension are available in the retiring room application.

Expected DA- Status, as of March 2014

Expected Dearness Allowance from July 2014 for Central Govt Employees and Pensioners... Expected DA- Status, as of March 2014 Expected Dearness Allowance from July 2014 : This time there is a considerable slackening in the pace of the expected DA. It looks as if there are plenty of reasons for it. As of March, the AICPIN has increased by one point and is at 239. The rapid increase in Consumer Price Index (IW) has been brought under control now. Election is believed to be one of the reasons for it. Since price rise and inflation are under control, there is not much of an increase in All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers. With a fall in the prices of essential commodities, the AICPIN points have actually reduced.

Regarding empanelment of 'Delhi Heart and Ling Institute, New Delhi' under CGHS, Delhi

Regarding empanelment of 'Delhi Heart and Ling Institute, New Delhi' under CGHS, Delhi. No:S.11011/07/2014-CGHS (HEC) Government of India Directorate General of Central Govt. Health Scheme Shahjahan Road, Bikaner House New Delhi 110 108, dated the 16th May, 2014 Subject: Regarding empanelment of 'Delhi Heart and Ling Institute, New Delhi' under CGHS, Delhi. With reference to the above mentioned matter, attention is drawn to the Office Order of even number dated 14.03.2014 vide which empanelment of Delhi Heart & Lung Institute, New Delhi was suspended from the list of empanelled hospitals under CGHS for a period of six months or till further orders which ever was earlier, as it had withdrawn cashless facilities for CGHS beneficiaries.

Will the 7th CPC fulfil the demands of LDCs and UDCs?

Will the 7th CPC fulfil the demands of LDCs and UDCs? For a number of years now, especially after the 6th CPC, the problems faced by LDCs and UDC s have started gaining prominence. The unity and sense of purpose among them makes them look all set for the kind of victory that Pharmacists had. Common sense of purpose, unity and dedication sure make success possible! In order to decrease the number of grades, the 6th Pay Commission combined all the different grades between Grade Pay 1300 to Grade Pay 1800 into a single grade – Grade Pay 1800, thereby wiping out the entire Group ‘D’. As a result, everybody became Group ‘C’ employees. Even those who lacked the minimum education levels, illiterates and everybody else were lumped into Group ‘C’. Their Grade Pay was also raised to Rs. 1800. But, at the same time, employees working as LDCs, who have a minimum educational qualification of Class XII and also possess some technical education, were not given any upgrading. Instead,...

Stepping up of pay of Senior Assistants of the Central Secretariat Service (CSS) drawing less pay on promotion in the Section Officers Grade than their juniors.

Dopt Orders - Stepping up of pay of Senior Assistants of the Central Secretariat Service (CSS) drawing less pay on promotion in the Section Officers Grade than their juniors. IMMEDIATE No.18/2/2007-CS.I Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) Lok Nayak Bhavan, 2nd Floor, Khan Market, New Delhi-100 003, the 20th May 2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Stepping up of pay of Senior Assistants of the Central Secretariat Service (CSS) drawing less pay on promotion in the Section Officers Grade than their juniors. The undersigned is directed to say that instructions were issued by this Department for stepping up of pay of senior Assistants of CSS drawing less pay on promotion to the Section Officers’ Grade than their juniors vide OM No. 5/16/80-CS.I dated 13.4.1988, OM No. 5/21/92-CS.I dated 23.2.1994 and OM No.5/1/96-CS.l dated 8.10.1996. Subsequently, on references from certain Ministrie...

Grant of TA to Non-official members attending the SCOVA meetings Permission to perform AIR Journey for journey above 1000 kms

Grant of TA to Non-official members attending the SCOVA meetings Permission to perform AIR Journey for journey above 1000 kms. F. No. 42/11/2014-P&PW(G) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi - 110003 Date:- 19th May, 2014 To All the Pensioners Associations under present SCOVA Sub:- Grant of TA to Non-official members attending the SCOVA meetings Permission to perform AIR Journey for journey above 1000 kms. I am directed to refer to the subject noted above which was one of the Agenda items for the 24th Meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies and was referred to the Department of Expenditure for the further consideration.

Demand to calculate House Rent Allowance based on Census 2011 should gain prominence..!

Demand to calculate House Rent Allowance based on Census 2011 should gain prominence..! Demand to increase House Rent Allowance Must Get Stronger! House Rent Allowance to Central Government employees is now calculated on the basis of the population census of 2001 . The cities and towns are classified as X, Y, and Z, based on their population. Employees in these towns are eligible for 30%, 20% and 10% House Rent Allowances respectively. Population census is conducted once every ten years. The most recent census was held in 2011. Official information and findings of the Census was sent by the registrar General & Census Commissioner to the Finance Ministry a long time ago. It is well known that the Confederation Secretary General had recently sent a letter to the Finance Ministry reiterating that the House rent Allowance must be recalculated on the basis of the new Census-2011 report.

Chairperson's note dated 19.05.2014 regarding implementation of the Cadre restructuring

Chairperson's note dated 19.05.2014 regarding implementation of the Cadre restructuring Message from Chairman-II Greetings to the officers and staff of the IC&CE. This message is in continuation of my earlier message dated 12.5.2014. As I had mentioned the implementation of the CR has to be taken up in right earnest, but it will require patience and perseverance. I have got a number of communications urging that immediate DPCs be held as officers are retiring every month. There is a lot of anxiety as to how the CR is to be implemented. Through this message I would like to apprise to you all of the steps being taken at CBEC level and also reiterate to you those steps which are required to be taken by Cadre Controlling Authorities (CCAs).

7th Pay Commission Ready for Online Survey

7th Pay Commission Ready for Online Survey Intends to Gather Suggestions via Web Survey: The 7th Pay Commission is all set to utilize the power of the internet. The decision, to not confine itself to just the opinions of the Central Government officials and various employees federations and instead gather feedback from all employees, is a very appreciable one. The Central Government appointed the 7th Central Pay Commission on February 28, 2014, comprising Justice Shri Ashok Kumar Mathur as Chairman, Shri Vivek Rae as full time Member, Dr. Ratin Roy as part time Member and Smt. Meena Agarwal as Secretary and enumerated a list of tasks for the Commission. To examine various issues relating to emoluments’ structure, retirement benefits and other service conditions of Central Government employees and to make recommendations on the changes required. 

Cadre Review of Clerical Staff in Ordnance Factories Organisation - INDWF

Cadre Review of Clerical Staff in Ordnance Factories Organisation - INDWF By Fax/Speed Post GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF DEFENCE ORDNANCE FACOTRY BOARD 10-A, SHAHEED KHUDIRAM BOSE ROAD KOLKATA – 700 001 Sub: Cadre Review of Clerical Staff in Ordnance Factorise Organisation. After implementation of VIth CPC report by Government, there is a growing demand from Staff Side to review the cadre structure of clerical staff in the light of recommendations of VIth CPC and accordingly OFB has constituted a committee. 02. The recommendations of the Committee has been accepted by OFB and are summarised below…

Appointment and Submission of Report Dates of all Pay Commissions…

Appointment and Submission of Report Dates of all Pay Commissions… The official website of Seventh Central Pay Commission has published the details of all Central Pay Commission’s appointment date and report submission date recently… Seventh Central Pay Commission In a resolution dated 28th February, 2014, Government of India has appointed the Seventh Central Pay Commission comprising Justice Shri Ashok Kumar Mathur as Chairman, Shri Vivek Rae as full time Member, Dr. Ratin Roy as part time Member and Smt. Meena Agarwal as Secretary. The Commission is headquartered in Delhi and has been given 18 months from date of its constitution to make its recommendations. To this end the Commission will set up its team of Officers, Advisers, Institutional Consultants and Experts and call for required information and documents from Ministries and Departments of Government of India and various Service associations.


MINISTERIAL STAFF(LDC & UDC) OF FARAKKA BARRAGE PROJECT WRITES TO LEADER STAFF SIDE REGARDING MACP ON PROMOTIONAL HIERARCHY BASE Anomalies in the Pay Fixation in respect of LDC/UDC categories of 6th CPC (MACP) Scheme.. . MACP ON PROMOTIONAL HIERARCHY ISSUE MACP ON PROMOTIONAL HIERARCHY/UPGRADATION OF GRADE PAY OF LDC & UDC-MINISTERIAL STAFF OF FARAKKA BARRAGE PROJECT WRITES TO LEADER STAFF SIDE To MR. N. SOMAIAH LEADER, STAFF SIDE, DEPARTMENTAL COUNCIL, MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES, C/O, TAKSHASILA VIDYAPEETHAM, DASAIGUDAM ROAD, SHANTHI NAGAR, SURYAPET, DIST. NALGONDA (ANDHRA PRADESH). Sub:- Anomalies in the Pay Fixation in respect of LDC/UDC categories of 6th CPC (MACP) Scheme. Sir, We the undersigned employees belonging to the post of LDC/UDC are working in Farakka Barrage Project, under your kind control as well as under Govt. of India, Ministry of Water Resources beg to lay the following facts for your kind consideration and necess...

Letter from 7th Central Pay Commission to GOI Secretaries for data contribution on Open Government Data(OGD)

Letter from 7th Central Pay Commission to GOI Secretaries for data contribution on  Open Government Data( OGD)  Letter from 7th Central Pay Commission to GOI Secretaries for data contribution on OGD Platform GOVERNMENT OF INDIA SEVENTH CENTRAL PAY COMMISSION NEW DELHI – 110001 MEENA AGARWAL SECRETARY No. 7CPC/21/Secy.’s Dated: May 2, 2014 Dear This is further to my DO letter No. 7CPC/15/Questionnaire dated 9th April 2014, enclosing a Questionnaire through which the views of your Ministry were sought on the various aspects of the broad issues that the Seventh Pay Commission is mandated to address.

Finance Minister clears CBEC Cadre restructuring

Finance Minister clears CBEC Cadre restructuring Chairperson's note regarding implementation of the Cadre restructuring Implementation of the Cadre Restructuring of the department has been approved by Hon’ble FM on 10.05.2014- Chairperson’s note regarding implementation of the Cadre restructuring Greetings to the IC&CE family. It is my pleasure to inform you that implementation of the cadre restructuring of the department has been approved by the Hon’ble FM on 10.5.2014. Months of hard work and waiting have finally paid off. The cadre restructuring is late by 7 years, even so there is a cause for happiness as a large number of promotions in different grades can now take place. However, we have no time to rest as the implementation of the CR requires focus and a lot of hard work.

Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance Rs.100 p.m. to Central Government pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS - Clarification reg.

Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance Rs.100 p.m. to Central Government pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS - Clarification reg. Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of 5th Central Pay Commission - Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance @ Rs.100/- p.m. to Central Government pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS. Clarification orders issued by the Department of Pensioners Portal today on its official portal regarding the FMA to Central Government pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS...

Eligibility conditions for promotion from Group ’C’ to Group ’B’ posts in the Accounts Department

Eligibility conditions for promotion from Group ’C’ to Group ’B’ posts in the Accounts Department - Railway Board Government of India Ministry of Railways Railway Board RBE: 42/2014 No.E(GP99/2/22 New Delhi, Dated:06/05/2014 The General Manager (P), All Indian Railways &  Production Units. Sub: Eligibility conditions for promotion from Group ’C’ to Group ’B’ posts in the Accounts Department. Ref.: Railway Boards letters No.E(GP)99/2/22 dated 22.7.2004, 29.04.2009 and 29.03.2010. In terms of instructions contained in Board’s letter of even number dated 22.7.2004, Group ‘C' employees with 03/05 years of non-fortuitous service in the grade the minimum of which is Rs.5000/- and in higher Group ‘C’ grades (Vth CPC) are eligible for being considered for appearing in the 70%S election/30% LDCE held for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts in the major departments having ‘Organized Services’s including Accounts Department. Consequent upon implementation of the...

Children Education Allowance - Frequently asked questions (13.05.2014)

Children Education Allowance - Frequently asked questions  (13.05.2014) Government of India Ministry of Railways Railway Board No.E(W)2008/ED-2/4  New Delhi, Dated:09/05/2014 The General Manager (P), All Indian Railways & Production Units. Sub: Children Education Allowance - Frequently asked questions. Please refer to Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 01.10.2008 followed by subsequent letters regarding revised policy instructions / clarification on Children Education Allowance admissible to Railway Servants, based on the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission.

Requisition of information regarding transfer, retirement, voluntary retirement, resignation, missing, long leave and death of officials who have been allottee of GPRA

Requisition of information regarding transfer, retirement, voluntary retirement, resignation, missing, long leave and death of officials who have been allottee of GPRA Request for furnishing of information regarding transfer, retirement, voluntary retirement, resignation, missing, long leave (with medical certificate and without medical certificate) and death of Government officials, who have been allottees of General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) and disciplinary action taken against the delinquent allottees of GPRA to the Directorate of Estates and its regional offices.


MEETING REGARDING 7TH CPC - INDWF MEETING REGARDING 7TH CPC INDWF Indian National Defence Workers Federation INDWF/7th CPC/002/2014 Dt. 09.05.2014 To All affiliates of INDWF Unions/Associations Dear Affiliates, The 7th CPC has circulated the questionnaire to all Federations/Unions and Associations and all stake holders and to the Ministries and Departments under Govt. of India; to response to the 7th CPC questionnaire by 9th May 2014. On receipt of this, the National Council JCM Staff Side met on 6th and 7th May 2014 at Delhi and discussed the issues. After due discussion, a consolidated report has been prepared on the questionnaire and has been forwarded to the 7th Pay commission on behalf of the JCM National Council constituents, in which the INDWF is also a constituent Organisation and submitted the same by Indian National Defence Workers Federation.

Oral evidence by the federations before 7th CPC - AIRF

Oral evidence by the federations before 7th CPC - AIRF Shiva Gopal Mishra Secretary National Council (Staff Side) Joint Consultative Machinery for Central Government Employees 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi —110001 No.NC-JCM-2014/7th CPC May 8, 2014 The Secretary, 7th Central Pay Commission New Delhi Sub:- Oral evidence by the federations before 7th CPC Respected Madam, As per the prevailing practice after submission of memorandum by the Federations / Associations to the 7th CPC, there may be oral evidence before the 7th CPC by the Staff Side of National Council (JCM) and Federations separately.

Submission of Memorandum by the Federations of Central Government Employees - AIRF

Submission of Memorandum by the Federations of Central Government Employees - AIRF Shiva Gopal Mishra Secretary National Council (Staff Side) Joint Consultative Machinery for Central Government Employees 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi —110001 No.NC-JCM-2014/7th CPC May 8, 2014 The Secretary, 7th Central Pay Commission New Delhi Sub:- Submission of Memorandum by the Federations of Central Government Employees Respected Madam, Kindly refer to my discussion with you and the Chairman of 7th CPC with regard to extension of the time limit for submission of memorandum by the Federations of Central Government Employees. In this regard I wish to submit that while the Memorandum on behalf of the Staff Side of the National Council (JCM) would be forwarded before 30th June 2014, it may not be possible for the Federations / Associations to forward the Memorandum before 30th June 2014 since they have to consult their constituent organizations.

Dopt Notice - Stipulated time for redressal of the pensioners grievances

Dopt Notice - Stipulated time for redressal of the pensioners grievances No.A-60011/03/2014-Ad.1  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions  (Department of Personnel 8s Training)  North Block, New Delhi  Dated 30th April, 2014  NOTICE All the pensioners of the Department of Personnel & Training are hereby informed that they can meet the Director (Admn.) in Room No. 05, North Block, New Delhi-110001 for redressal of their grievances from 10.00 am to 11.00 am on every Friday. 

BPMS Reply to the 7th Pay Commission Questionnaire

BPMS Reply to the 7th Pay Commission Questionnaire BPMS today published the answers to the questionnaire of 7th Central Pay Commission… ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONNAIRE OF 7TH CPC 1 SALARIES  1.1 The considerations on which the minimum salary in case of the lowest Group ‘C’ functionary and the maximum salary in case of a Secretary level officer may be determined and what should be the reasonable ratio between the two.     Answer 1.1:- We are of the opinion that the consideration on which the minimum salary in case of lowest Group ‘C’ functionary should be based on the norms set by the 15th International Labour Conference (ILC) with certain amendments. Earlier Central Pay Commissions have kept in the mind that the minimum salary is applicable at the time a person joins the Government which will usually be at a young age when a person may be married and may not have responsibility of parents or many children and accordingly, the family unit for minimum...

Dopt Orders for this week between 5th May to 10th May 2014

Dopt Orders for this week between 5th May to 10th May 2014 Department of Personnel & Training  ( The Department of Personnel & Training is the coordinating agency of the Central Government in personnel matters, specially in respect of issues concerning recruitment, training, career development and staff welfare. DOPT- It is as powerful as a magical spell for Central government employees.  This is the powerful department that decides on all the service-related issues of the Central Government employees. One of the important duties of the department is to resolve all the problems and issues faced by Central Government offices all over the country. 

Denying cashless /credit facilities to eligible CGHS beneficiaries - Action taken against Fortis Escort Hospital

The Department of Central Government Helath Scheme has issued an order regarding suspension of empanelled hospital due to denying cashless/credit facility to eligible CGHS beneficiaries... GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Office of the Additional Director Central Government Helath Scheme Kendriya Sadan Parisar, Block-B, GF, Sector-10, Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jaipur No.CGHS/JPR/12-58/2014(Admn.)  Dated: 14/03/2014 ORDER CGHS has empanelled private hospitals and diagnostic centres in various CGHS covered cities to provide health care facilities to CGHS beneficiaries. Empanelment of the private hospitals is done under a contractual agreement between the Government of India and the private hospitals and diagnostic centres on mutually agreed terms and conditions.

List of Allowances & Advances increased by 25% due to DA touched to 100% with effect from 1.1.2014.

List of Allowances & Advances increased by 25% due to DA touched to 100% with effect from 1.1.2014.  List of all allowances and advances enhanced by 25% from the existing level from 1st January 2014 in order to enter the Dearness allowance into 100%. Already in January 2011, followed the 6th CPC recommendations, all the allowances and advances had been enhanced by 25% due to Dearness allowance crossed 50% mark. This is second time to get the allowances at revised rates.  The complete list of allowances and advances to eligible for Central Government employees including Railway employees are compiled by NFIR and the same we reproduced for your ready reference as under..

Final version of Reply to 7th CPC Questionnaire formulated by Staff Side JCM National Council

Final version of Reply to 7th CPC Questionnaire formulated by Staff Side JCM National Council The final version of reply to 7th Pay Commission questionnaire formulated by JCM Staff Side National Council and published today on the official blogs of all federations.  Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers, All India Railwaymen's Federation and National Federation of Indian Railwaymen, three major federations are today published the detailed reply to the questions asked by the 7th Pay Commission . The questionnaire seeks responses on 42 queries grouped under 15 topics.  The reply of all questions are reproduced and given for your ready reference...

NMC stresses on 20% Interim Relief for State and Central Government Employees – News Report

NMC stresses on 20% Interim Relief for State and Central Government Employees – News Report The National Mazdoor Conference has urged the Chairman of the newly formed 7th Pay Commission recommend that 20% interim relief be given to all Central and State Government employees.  As per Newspapers report that the National Mazdoor Conference has also strongly demanded that these recommendations be submitted to the new government that is likely to form at the Centre.  The NMC President, Subhash Shastri said in a letter to 7th Pay Commission that along with the State and Central Government employees, the interim relief of 20% of basic pay be also extended to pensioners too and that these demands be recommended as soon as the Election Commission’s restrictions(Model Code of conduct Rules) end.   Shastri emphasised that whenever the recommendation of the commission are submitted to the Central government, the Commission should extend these recommendations to th...

Implementation of 2nd & 3rd upgradation under MACP Scheme in Railways - AIRF

Implementation of 2nd & 3rd upgradation under MACP Scheme in Railways - AIRF AIRF urged to Railway Board to stop recoveries from the employees, due to messy implementation of 2nd & 3rd upgradation under MACP Scheme... AIRF writes to Railway Board regarding to deny to eligible employees granting of 2nd & 3rd upgradation under MACP Scheme in Railways with appropriate orders and illustrations. He said in the letter, "The Board are therefore, requested to further look into the matter in totality, as this would undo the provision already made vide Railway Board's letter dated 10/6/2009 & 29/12/2011, resulting in a lot of recoveries from the staff in case of whom the MACPS has been implemented in terms of Railway Board’s letter under reference at S.No-1. 

Grant of Dearness Relief to CPF beneficiaries in receipt of ex-gratia payment w.e.f. 01.01.2014

Grant of Dearness Relief to CPF beneficiaries in receipt of ex-gratia payment w.e.f. 01.01.2014 F. No. 42/10/2014-P&PW(G) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi - 110003 Date: 07th  May, 2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Grant of Dearness Relief to CPF beneficiaries in receipt of ex-gratia payment w.e.f. 01.01.2014 in continuation of this Department's OM No. 42/13/2012-P&PW(G) dated 17th Oct, 2013, the President is pleased to grant the Dearness Relief at the rate of 5th CPC w.e.f.1.1.2014 to the following ... (i) The surviving CPF beneficiaries who have retired from service between the period 18.11.1960 to 31.12.1985 and are in receipt of ex-gratia @ Rs.600/ p.m. w.e.f. 1.11.1997 under this Department's OM No. 45/52/97-P&PW(E) dated 16.12.1997 & revised to Rs.3000, Rs.1000,Rs.750 & Rs....

Agenda for next meeting of the Standing Committee of the National Council JCM - BPMS

Agenda for next meeting of the Standing Committee of the National Council JCM : Grant of MACP benefit to the eligible employees in the Hierarchy of promotional grade - BPMS BHARATIYA PRATIRAKSHA MAZDOOR SANGATHAN (AN ALL INDIA FEDERATION OF DEFENCE WORKERS)  (AN INDUSTRIAL UNIT OF B.M.S.)  (RECOGNISED BY MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, GOVT. OF INDIA)  CENTRAL OFFICE: 2-A, NAVEEN MARKET, KANPUR – 208001, PH & FAX : (0512) 2332222  MOBILE: 09415733686, 09235729390, 09335621629, WEB :  REF: BPMS / MACPS / 64 (7/3/M) Dated: 05.05.2014  To, Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra, Secretary, Staff Side, National Council JCM, New Delhi.  Subject: Agenda for next meeting of the Standing Committee of the National Council JCM: Grant of MACP benefit to the eligible employees in the Hierarchy of promotional grade.   Dear Sir, I have come to know that a meeting of the Standing Committee of the National Council JCM is s...

Delhi HC refuses to stay functioning of Seventh Pay Commission

Delhi HC refuses to stay functioning of Seventh Pay Commission New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Tuesday declined to stay the functioning of the Seventh Pay Commission while hearing a plea that challenged a notification on inclusion of a former IAS officer as a member of the panel. Justice Sudershan Kumar Misra also issued notice to the central government on the plea filed by retired members of the all India Services, central civil services and armed forces against the government's February 28 notification constituting the commission. The petitioners argued that inclusion of a former Indian Administrative Service officer, Vivek Rae, in the four-member commission give rise to a "real likelihood of bias" on his part to give a favourable recommendation to the IAS. The petition said: "The impugned resolution, by retaining the practice of including a member of the IAS as a member of the commission has given rise to a real likelihood of bias on the par...