
Showing posts from July, 2019

June AICPIN will finalize the DA from July 2019

June AICPIN will finalize the DA from July 2019 AICPIN for June 2019: Data to be released today All India Consumer Price Index data for the month of June, 2019 will be released today by the Labour Bureau. Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers Base Year 2001-100 (AICPIN) is an important factor to determine the Dearness allowance for Central Government employees and Pensioners. Dearness allowance is granting twice in a year to all Central Government employees and Pensioners including Defence and Railways. First installment of additional Dearness allowance is sanctioned from January to June and the second installment from July to December every year. The below table describe the percentage of Dearness allowance granted as installments… CLICK TO READ CONTINUE...

AICPIN June 2019: Expected DA July 2019 Calculation will be over!

AICPIN June 2019: Expected DA July 2019 Calculation will be over by tomorrow! AICPIN FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 2019 6 MONTHS’ STORY OF ‘EXPECTED DA JULY 2019’ COMES TO AN END! All India Consumer Price Index (AICPIN) for the month of June 2019 will be released on 31.7.2019 by the Labour Bureau under Ministry of Labour and Employment. 7th CPC DA Calculation: There was no change in the calculation method of Dearness allowance after implementation of 7th Pay Commission with effect from 1.1.2016. The 12 months’ average factor only changed. In 6th CPC the average factor was 115.76 and now the factor is 261.42. The new formula is given below… Percentage of Dearness Allowance = (Average of AICPN for last 12 months) – 261.42 x 100 / 261.42. Labour Bureau already released the CPI (IW) numbers for five months from January 2019 to May 2019. One more month data need to complete the calculation of additional DA percentage from July 2019. After releasing the AICPIN for th...

CPI (IW) Table May 2019 – How to calculate AICPIN?

CPI (IW) Table May 2019 – How to calculate AICPIN? Additional DA from July 2019 for CG Employees and Pensioners The first installment of additional dearness allowance for Central Government employees and Pensioners due from July 2019 The calculation of additional DA and DR is in the final stage. Out of 6 months of AICPIN, we have 5 months from January to May 2019 and need one more month of statistics to calculate the exact percentage of additional DA and DR from July 2019. How to calculate AICPIN? How to calculate the Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers on Base 2001=100 The Labour Bureau under Ministry of Labour and Employment has calculate the statistics with several aspects. The Labour Bureau has been compiling and maintaining three different series of Consumer Price Index numbers viz. (i) Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 (ii) Consumer Price Index Numbers for Agricultural Labourer on base 1...
VRS in three Defence Services – 2016 to 2018 Report Voluntary Retirement Service in Defence Services in India (Army, Navy, Air Force) Ministry of Defence Attrition Rate in Armed Forces Details of officers who left the services voluntarily from three Defence Services in the last three years are as under:- Today's Discussion - Click to Read Hot Questions & Answers Expected DA from July 2019: DA 4% Confirm…5% Possible! - Click for more details Year Army Navy Air Force 2016 353 138 186 2017 383 137 205 2018 412 102 184 Recruitment in the Armed Forces is a continuous process. The Government has taken a number of measures to reduce the shortages. These include sustained image projection, participation in career fairs and exhibitions and publicity campaign to create awareness among the youth on the advantages of t...

Biometric Attendance System in Central Govt Offices

Bio-metric Attendance System in Central Govt Offices Bio-metric Attendance System in Central Government Offices and Attached, Sub Ordinate Offices in India Central Government decided to implement the Bio metric Attendance System in all Central Government Offices in 2014. This system is working with the authentication of Finger Print of every employee. Fingerprint-based biometric devices have been installed to accurately record the time of entry and exit of employees. This system greatly reduces chances of error. Bio metric System is an enabling platform only, there is no change in regular formalities like office hours, late attendance etc. The Govt notified for all Ministries and Departments for purchasing the Bio metric equipment should be as per the specifications of DeitY on DGS&D from authorized vendors only. The Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) has provided the technical guidance for installing the system. The Central governmen...

Press Release of AICPIN for May 2014 – 2 Points increased and stood at 244

Press Release of AICPIN for May 2014 – 2 Points increased and stood at 244 Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) – May, 2014 No. 5/1/2014- CPI GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF LABOUR & EMPLOYMENT LABOUR BUREAU `CLEREMONT’, SHIMLA-171004 DATED: the 30th June, 2014 Press Release Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) – May, 2014 The All-India CPI-IW for May, 2014 increased by 2 points and pegged at 244 (two hundred and forty four). On 1-month percentage change, it increased by 0.83 per cent between April, 2014 and May, 2014 when compared with the rise of 0.88 per cent between the same two months a year ago. The largest upward pressure to the change in current index came from Food group contributing 1.65 percentage points to the total change. At item level, Rice, Coconut Oil, Fish Fresh, Poultry, Milk, Onion, Vegetables & Fruits, Sugar, Cigarette, Electricity Charges, etc. are responsible for the increase in index. However, thi...

7th CPC Increment: Increment Day for CG Employees

7th CPC Increment: Today Increment Day for CG Employees 7th Pay Commission Increment: Increment Day for Central Government Employees on 1.7.2019 After implementation of 7th Pay Commission, all group of Central Government employees are getting an annual increment on 1st January or 1st July of every year. Most of the employees are getting an annual increment 1st July of every year. So, today Increment Day for Central Government Employees. The Central Govt has decided to implement the two date option with effect from 1.1.2016 as per 7th CPC recommendations. Before that, only one date (1st July of every year) for annual increment in the regime of 6th Pay Commission. Calculation of Annual Increment The rate of Annual Increment is 3% of Basic Pay (Matrix Pay). However, there is no calculation of 3% of basic pay. All we know the 7th Pay Commission designed and recommended the Pay Matrix Table for all group of CG Employees. From the table itself, we could see the next basic p...

7th CPC Overtime Allowance (OTA) for CG Employees

7th CPC Overtime Allowance (OTA) for CG Employees No Overtime for Central Government employees: Discontinuatin of Overtime Allowance for CG Employees – Rajya Sabha Q & A Discontinuation of Overtime Allowance In Rajya Sabha on 27.6.2019 Minister Dr.Jitendra Singh answered to a question in a written form about the Overtime Allowance for Central Staff as follows… “In pursuance of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission, the Government has decided to discontinue overtime allowance for categories other than operational staff and the industrial employees governed by statutory provisions, w.e.f. 1.7.2017. what says 7th CPC on Overtime Allowance? The 7th Pay Commission has recommended to discontinue Overtime for all categories of CG employees other than Operational Staff and Industrial Employees who are governed by statutory provisions may be accepted. Operational Staff: All non-ministerial non-gazetted Central Government servants directly in...

DA Calculation Table: Easy 7 Steps to calculate additional DA

One of the most attractive allowance for Central Government employees and also Pensioners (Dearness Relief) Dearness allowance is one of the important allowance for all Central and State Government employees. Once in a six months, the Dearness allowance percentage will increase according to the Consumer Price Index. The calculation of Dearness allowance is very simple, but we have the statistics of CPI(IW) for six months from January to June and July to December. For the calculation of additional Dearness allowance from July 2019, we have 6 months of AICPIN from January to June 2019. Yesterday Labour Bureau released the index for the month of May 2019. And we need one more month of CPI to calculate exact percentage of Dearness allowance. How to calculate Dearness Allowance: Easy 7 steps to better understand the calculation of Dearness Allowance A = Month & Year B = AICPIN (CPI IW BY 2001=100) C = Total of 12 Months D = Average of 12 Months Total E = Increa...

AICPIN May 2019 Two Points Increase – Expected DA Fixed at Next Level

AICPIN May 2019 Two Points Increase – Expected DA Fixed at Next Level All India Consumer Price Index for the month of May 2019 has been released by the Labour Bureau on 28th of this month and the CPI(IW) index has jumped to 314 by adding of two points, due to the pressure from Food Group index. At item level, Wheat Atta, Arhar Dal, Groundnut Oil, Poultry (Chicken), Milk Buffallo, Chillies Green, Garlic, Ginger, Onion, Banana, Brinjal, Carrot, French Bean, Green Coriander Leaves, Lemon, Potato, Tomato, Electricity Charges, Medicine­ Allopathic, etc. are responsible for the increase in index. Out of 6 months of AICPIN needs to calculate the Dearness allowance and Dearness relief, we received 5 months statistics only. The 5th month i.e. May 2019 index is increased 2 points is remarkable. Along with the increase, the percentage of additional dearness allowance from july 2019 is kept in next level. MONTH AICPIN DA% Jan-19 307 ...

Retirement Age in CHS: Retirement Age to 65 years to Teaching sub-cadre of Central Health Services

Retirement Age in CHS: Retirement Age to 65 years to Teaching sub-cadre of Central Health Services The retirement age to 65 years for the officers of Teaching sub-cadre of Central Health Services (CHS). The Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare replied in Lok Sabha on 21.6.2019 to a question in writtern form. The reply is given below… RETIREMENT AGE IN CHS Government had decided on 05.06.2008 to increase the retirement age to 65 years for the officers of Teaching sub-cadre of Central Health Services (CHS). Thereafter, Government decided on 31.05.2016 to increase the retirement age to 65 years in respect of General Duty Medical Officers, Non-Teaching and Public Health Specialists. Today's Discussion - Click to Read Hot Questions & Answers Expected DA from July 2019: DA 4% Confirm…5% Possible! - Click for more details Further, it was also decided on 27.09.2017 to increase the retirement age to 65 years for the other officers of Central Me...

7th Pay Commission not to applicable for CPSE and BSNL Employees

The recommendations of 7th Pay Commission are applicable to Central Government employees and not to the employees of CPSE, BSNL and MTNL . In Rajya Sabha on 27th June 2019, the Minister of Communications, Law and Justice and Electronic and Informaion Technology Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad said in writtern reply to a question as follows… The recommendations of 7th Pay Commission are applicable to Central Government employees and not to the employees of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) including Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL). CPSE Pay Revision 2017 Today's Discussion - Click to Read Hot Questions & Answers Expected DA from July 2019: DA 4% Confirm…5% Possible! - Click for more details Below Board Level Executives (Table 3.1) Grade / Level Pre-revised w.e.f. 1.1.2007 Revised w.e.f. 1.1.2017 Min. – Max. Min. – Max. E0 12600 – 32500 300...