
Showing posts from October, 2018

Download CSD Application Form for Service Personnel, NCOS and ORs October 26, 2018

Download CSD Application Form for Service Personnel, NCOS and ORs October 26, 2018  Download CSD Application Form for Service Personnel/NCOS/ORs CSD CHENNAI DEPOT Application form could be obtained from the CSD Canteen. The filled up Application form along with DD should be approved by the CSD Canteen Officer. A Purchase order will be issued by the CSD Canteen Officer. The Customer along with the purchase order has to come to the dealership for booking the vehicle.Registration charges, Insurance, Life time road Tax, Accessories and other expenses or extra and should be paid by the customer. Source:

Stepping Up of Pay-Consolidated Guidelines – Dopt Orders dt. 26.10.2018

Stepping Up of Pay-Consolidated Guidelines – Dopt Orders dt. 26.10.2018 No.4/3/20 17-Estt(Pay-I) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training North Block, New Delhi, Dated the 26th October, 2018 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Stepping up of pay-Consolidated guidelines-reg. The undersigned is directed to say that the issue of anomaly relating to senior Government employees drawing less pay than their juniors due to application of provisions of FR 22(I)(a)(1) is considered on merits for allowing stepping up pay of the seniors so as to bring it at par with that of the junior in accordance with the guidelines scattered in various OMs noted in the margin. A need has been felt to consolidate guidelines on stepping up of pay at one place keeping in view the provisions of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016, [in short CCS(RP)Rules, 2016] as the frequent references on such issues continue to be re...

Employment News Weekly Updates – October 2018

Employment News Weekly Updates – October 2018 Employment News Weekly Job Updates JOB HIGHLIGHTS EMPLOYEES STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION Name Of Post : Insurance Medical Officers Grade-II No.of Vacancies : 771 Last Date :10.11.2018 INDO-TIBETAN BORDER POLICE FORCE Name Of Post : Constable (Telecom) No.of Vacancies : 218 Last Date :27.11.2018 INTELLIGENCE BUREAU Name Of Post : Security Assistant (Executive) No.of Vacancies : 1054 Last Date :10.11.2018 INDO-TIBATAN BORDER POLICE FORCE Name Of Post : CONSTABLES (ANIMAL TRANSPORT) No.of Vacancies : 85 Last Date :13.11.2018 NARTHERN COALFIELDS LIMITED Name Of Post : Staff Nurse, Technician (CT Scan, MRI T and S Trainee) No.of Vacancies : 53 Last Date :12.12.2018 रोजगार सारांश कर्मचारी राज्य बीमा निगम को पद का नाम : बीमा चिकित्सा अधिकारीयों ग्रेड- II हेतु आवश्यकता रिक्तियों की संख्या : 771 अंतिम दिनांक :10.11.2018 भारत-तिब्बत सीमा पुलिस बल द्वारा पद का नाम : कांस्टेबल (दूरसंचार) हेतु भर्तियाँ रिक्तियों ...

Amended One Rank One Pension Tables – DESW Notification on 17.10.2018

Amended One Rank One Pension Tables – DESW Notification on 17.10.2018 [Click to View the All Amended OROP Tables] No.12(1)/2014/D[Pen/Policy]/Pt.II Government of India Ministry of Defence Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare New Delhi, 17th October, 2018 To The Chief of the Army Staff The Chief of the Naval Staff The Chief of the Air Staff Sub: One Rank One Pension to the Defence Force Personnel Sir, The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter No. 12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Policy)-Part-II dated 03.02.2016, appending 101 pension tables indicating rates of pension/family pension under OROP scheme notified vide this Ministry’s letter No.12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Po1)-Part-II dated 07.11.2015. 2. As per Para-3 of GoI, MoD letter No. 12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Pol)-Part-II dated 07.11.2015, OROP tables had been prepared on the basis of the average of minimum and maximum pension of personnel retired in 2013 in the same rank and with same length of service. However, in prepa...

Entry Pay for KV Teachers Appointed On or After 1.1.2006

Entry Pay for KV Teachers Appointed On or After 1.1.2006 Entry Pay for Direct Recruits Appointed on or after 1.1.2006 Pay Fixation in the Case of Persons Other han Such Direct Recruits. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan 18, Institutional Area Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg New Delhi – 16 F.No.1 10239/52/2018/KVS (HQ)/Budget Dated: 29.10.2018 Deputy Commissioner/Director Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan All Regional Offices and ZIETs Sub: Central Civil Services(Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 – Section II of the Part ‘A’ of the First Schedule thereto – entry pay for direct recruits appointed on or after 1.1.2006 and pay fixation in the case of persons other than such direct recruits. Madam/Sir, I am directed to refer to MHRD letter No.F.3-6/2018-UT.2 dated 23rd Oct,2018(copy enclosed) on the subject mentioned above and to forward herewith a copy Of Department of Expenditure’s O.M.No.8-23/2017-E.IIIA dated 28.9.2018 conveying therein the decision of the Government of India on the ma...

Tamil Nadu Govt Holiday List 2019 – G.O.Ms No.840 Dt. 29.10.2018

Tamil Nadu Govt Holiday List 2019 – G.O.Ms No.840 Dt. 29.10.2018 The State Government of Tamil Nadu Published the List of Public Holidays for 2019 As per Negotiable Instruments Act, the Tamil Nadu Government has declared 23 public holidays to all group of state government employees and officers including co-operative banks for the year 2019. Tamil New Year Day on Sunday Deepavali on Sunday Milad-un-Nabi on Sunday…. more to know click the Notification  Click to View Notification More latest news about Holidays TN Govt Declared Holiday on 5.11.2018 Compulsory and Restricted Holidays for CG Employees 2019

TN Govt Declared Holiday on 5.11.2018

TN Govt Declared Holiday on 5.11.2018 The State Government of Tamil Nadu declared Holiday on 5th November, 2018 TN State Government has issued order for declaring a local Holiday on 5th November, 2018 due to the festival of Diwali. The Holiday declaration is not based on Negotiable Instruments Act. Employees should come for duty on 10th November, 2018 instead of the above said holiday.

3 Options To Pensioners to Authenticate His/Her Life

3 Options To Pensioners to Authenticate His/Her Life “At present following three options are available with pensioner/family pensioner to authenticate his/her life” Submission of Life Certificate GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF EXPENDITURE CENTRAL PENSION ACCOUNTING OFFICE TRIKOOT-II, BHIKAJI CAMA PLACE, NEW DELHI-110066 CPAO/IT&Tech/Life Certificate/2 Vol-V/2018-19/147 23.10.2018 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject :- Submission of ‘Life Certificate’. It has been observed that the Authorized Banks are not adhering to extant rule regarding submission of life certificate issued vide OM No. CPAO/Tech/Life Certificate/ 2014-15/31-72 dated-30.01.2015 and subsequent OM No. CPAO/Tech/Life Certificate/ 2 Vol-V/2017-18/178 dated-08.01.2018 (Copies Enclosed). At present following three options are available with pensioner/family pensioner to authenticate his/her life: I. By presenting himself/herself to the authorised bank officer to record the ...

No Dearness Relief to Pensioner(Ex-MP) – CPAO Order dt.23.10.2018

No Dearness Relief to Pensioner(Ex-MP) – CPAO Order dt.23.10.2018 “Dearness relief on the pension should not be paid to the pensioners… ” GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF EXPENDITURE CENTRAL PENSION ACCOUNTING OFFICE TRIKOOT-II, BHIKAJI CAMA PLACE, NEW DELHI-110066 CPA0/IT&Tech/Salaries & Allowances of MPs/70/2018-19/146 23.10.2018 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Applicability of Dearness Relief to the pensioner/Family Pensioner It has come to notice that the dearness relief is being paid on the pension to the pensioners who are not entitled to dearness relief on their pension. In this regard attention is invited to the Para 19.4 of the Scheme for Payment of Pension to Central Government Civil Pensioners by Authorized Banks (copy enclosed) wherein it is stated that the dearness relief on the pension is not payable to pensioners mentioned below:- 1) President/Vice-President 2) Ex-MP Lok Sabha 3) Ex-MP Rajya Sabha CPPCs of th...

Revised OROP Tables to Defence Forces Personnel – PCDA Circular No. 608

Revised OROP Tables to Defence Forces Personnel – PCDA Circular No. 608 “OROP Tables No. 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 63, 64, 74, 83 and 92 have been Modified” [Click to View the All Amended OROP Tables] OFFICE OF THE PR. CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS (PENSIONS) DRAUPADI GHAT, ALLAHABAD- 211014 Circular No. 609 Dated: 26.10.2018 Subject:- One Rank One Pension (OROP) to the Defence Forces Personnel. Reference:- Gol, MoD letters No. 12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Policy)-Part-II dated 07.11.2015 and 03.02.2016 circulated vide this office Circular No. 555 dated 04.02.2016 and amended vide Circular No. 557 dated 17.03.2016, Circular No. 566 dated 16.09.2016, Circular No. 580 dated 05.07.2017, Circular No. 581 dated 02.08.2017. A Copy of GoI, MoD letter No. 12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Pol)-Pt-II dated 17.10.2018 which is self explanatory, is forwarded herewith for further necessary action and immediate implementation. 2. Consequent upon issuance of GoI, MoD letter dated 17.10.2018, the table...

7th CPC Notional Fixation for Defence Pensioners – PCDA Circular No. 608

7th CPC Notional Fixation for Defence Pensioners – PCDA Circular No. 608 PCDA Circular No. 608 – Defence Pensioners 7th CPC Notional Fixation 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th CPC Concordance Tables for Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners Office of the Principal CDA(Pensions) Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad-211014 Circular No.608 Dated:26.10.2018 To The Officer-in-Charge ROs/ PAOs (ORs) Subject: Revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners/ family pensioners in implementation of Govt. decision on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission concordance tables-regarding. Reference: (1) This office Circular No. 570 dated 31.10.2016 and No. 585 dated 21.09.2017. (Available on the website of this office (2) GoI, MoD letter No.17 (01)/2017/(02)/D(Pension/Policy) dated 17.10.2018. Attention is invited to Para-4 of Gol, MoD letter No. 17 (01)/2017/(02)/D(Pension/Policy) dt 05.09.2017 circulated vide Circular No. 585 dated 21.09.2017, wherein it...

Re-engagement of Retired Gazetted Officers in Exigencies of Services

Re-engagement of Retired Gazetted Officers in Exigencies of Services “Monthly remuneration of a retired officers being re-engaged be determined by reducing Pension-from his/her last pay drawn (i.e. Basic Pay +DA)” “Maximum age limit of the re-engagement shall be 65 years.” GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) NO. 2018/Trans Cell/S&T/Contractual Staff Dated:25.10.2018 The General Manager, All Indian Railways/PUs, NF(Con),CORE The DG/RDSO/Lucknow, DG/NAIR/Vadodara CAOs, DMW/Patiala, WPO/Patna, COFMOW/NDLS, RWP/Bela, CAO/IROAF Sub: Re-engagement of Retired Gazetted Officers in Exigencies of Services. Ref: (1) PCPO/CR’s letter no. P/HQ/R/952 dated 21.08.2018. (2) Board’s letter No.E(NG)-II/2007/RC-4/CORE/1 dated 16.10.17. Keeping in view the difficulties being experienced by Zonal Railways due to vacant posts of Gazette Officers and with reference to letter at (1) above, Board (MS, FC & CRB) have approved re-engagement of retired of...

Mutual Transfer involving employees working in two different grades

Mutual Transfer involving employees working in two different grades “Mutual Transfers may also be permitted between staff in two different grades but only in the recruitment grade of the cadre and not in intermediate grades.” GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No.E(NG)I-2018/TR/8 New Delhi, Dated: 26.10.2018 The General Manager (P), All Indian Railways/PUs, New Delhi. Sub:- Mutual Transfer involving employees working in two different grades. In terms of para 310 of IREM Vol. I 1989 Edition, Railway Servants can seek mutual transfer in the corresponding cadre of two Divisions/Offices/Railways and retain the seniority of the junior employees in their respective new units. The procedure for mutual transfer have recently been further simplified vide:- (i) Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2017/TR/24 dated 22.09.2017 (RBE No. 131/2017) which delegates powers to Divisional Railway Managers in respect of mutual transfer, and (ii) Board’s letter No....

RRCB holds Recruitment Examination for over One Crore Candidates

RRCB holds Recruitment Examination for over One Crore Candidates “Google link Map Also Been Provided On the RRCB Admit Card” Landmark Recruitment Drive by Railway Recruitment Control Board (RRCB) RRCB holds Recruitment Examination for over One Crore Candidates for Recruitment to Level-1 Posts The examination is being held in over 400 centers. Each day 3 to 4 Lakh Candidates appear at the examination and the attendance is over 60% To help Candidates reach the test centers, Google link map has been provided on the admit card Railway Recruitment Control Board (RRCB) has achieved a milestone of holding recruitment examination for over one crore candidates for recruitment to Level-1 posts (erstwhile Gr.D). In all, 1.89 crore candidates are to sit for this examination to compete for recruitment against 62907 vacancies of Level- 1 posts. This mammoth examination has been organized by Railway Recruitment Control Board for Indian Railways. The examination is being held in over 400 ...

How to Calculate Pay for Defence Personnel? – Formula for Fixation of Pay

How to Calculate Pay for Defence Personnel? – Formula for Fixation of Pay Formulae for Fixation of Pay from 3rd CPC to 4th CPC If 20% x of B.P (3rdCPC)Value is less than 75 then B.P+ D.A + A.D.A + ad hoc DA + IR-1 &IR-2 + 75 = 4th CPC Basic Pay Otherwise, B.P + D.A + A.D.A+ ad hoc DA + IR-1 & IR-2+ + 20% of B.P= 4th CPC Basic Pay Formulae for Fixation of Pay from 4th CPC to 5th CPC. 2.98 x (4th CPC B.P) + 100 = 5th CPC Basic P Formulae for Fixation of pay from 5th CPC to 5th CPC (10-10-1997) As per change of scale if occur. Formulae for Fixation of Pay from 5th CPC to 6th CPC Click to continue reading...

What is Concordance table? and How it works?

What is Concordance table? and How it works? Concordance Tables for Defence Pensioners Point-wise explanation of transition of Pay in Concordance table 1. This concordance table comprises of transition of pay pertaining to Sailors from 3rd CPC to 7th CPC. (Seven groups- X,Y,Z, Flight Engineers, Flight Signalers/Flight Gunners, Y Group(S/M, IMSF,Aviation,MA Part II), Z Group (S/M, IMSF) 2. As per Rule 11 of Special Navy Instructions No.1/S/86 “a sailor who has been drawing the maximum  of the existing scale for more than one year as on 1st January 1986 shall be allowed the next increment in the revised scale with effect from 1st January 1986” The row starts with Max refer to the same condition. 3. SI stands for Stagnation increment.Those who reached Maximum of scale for more than two years are getting benefit of stagnation increment. 4. In calculation of increment for X-Group sailors in 6th CPC, X pay may Please be added to Basic and Grade pay X pay for sailors was 1...

Clarification on modalities of transfer of NPS – DoPT Orders dt. 11.10.2018

Clarification on modalities of transfer of NPS – DoPT Orders dt. 11.10.2018 No.49014/2/2014-Estt.(C)-PT.I Government of India Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions Department of personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi Dated: 11th October, 2018 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Clarification on modalities of transfer of the NPS contribution to casual labourer with temporary status to their GPF accounts. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s 0M No.51016/2/90-Estt (C) dated the 10th September, 1993 vide which a scheme for grant of temporary status to the casual employees was framed. The scheme applied to those casual labourers who were in employment on the date of the issue of the 0M and had rendered one year of continuous service in Central Government offices, which meant that they must have been engaged for a period of at least 240 days (206 days in the of offices observing days week). The scheme did not apply to Departments of Telecom ...

Transfer on deputation/foreign service of Central Government Employees – DoPT Orders dt.18.10.2018

Transfer on deputation/foreign service of Central Government Employees – DoPT Orders dt.18.10.2018 Transfer on deputation/foreign service of Central Government Employees to ex-cadre posts under the State Governments/ Union Territories or to any entity controlled by and located in the States /UTs F.No.2/15/2017-Estt.(Pay-II) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training North Block, New Delhi Dated:lkktober, 2018 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Transfer on deputation/foreign service of Central Government Employees to ex-cadre posts under the State Governments/ Union Territories or to any entity controlled by and located in the States /UTs – relaxation of para 8.5 of O.M. dated 17.6.20 10. This Department’s OM No. 6/8/2009-Estt.(Pay-II) dated 17th June, 2010 regulates Pay, Deputation (Duty) Allowance, Tenure of Deputation / Foreign Service and other terms and conditions on the subject of deputation...

Pension Revision for PBOR – PCDA Circular 607

Pension Revision for PBOR – PCDA Circular 607 Revision of pension in respect of Personnel below Officer Rank (PBOR) discharged prior to 01.01.2006 OFFICE OF THE PR. CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS (PENSIONS) DRAUPADI GHAT, ALLAHABAD- 211014 Circular No. 607 Dated: 01/10/2018 To, 1.The Chief Accountant, RBI, Deptt. Of Govt, Bank Accounts, Central Office C-7,Second Floor, Bandre- Kurla Complex, P B No. 8143, Bandre East Mumbai- 400051 2. All CMOs,Public Sector Banks. 3. The Nodal Officers, ICICI/HDFC/AXIS/IDBIBanks 4. All Managers, CPPCs 5. Military and Air Attache, Indian Embassy, Kathmandu, Nepal 6. The PCDA(WC),Chandigarh 7. The CDA (PO),Meerut 8. The CDA Chennai 9. The Director of Treasuries, All States 10.The Pay and Accounts Officer, Delhi Administration, R K Puram and Tis Hazari, New Delhi. 11.The Pay and Accounts Office, Govt of Maharashtra, Mumbai 12.The Post Master Kathua (J&K) and Camp Bell Bay. 13. The Principal Pay and Acc...

OROP Revised Pension Tables – Affected Tables No.5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 63, 64, 74, 83 and 92 and also in Table No.7

OROP Revised Pension Tables – Affected Tables No.5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 63, 64, 74, 83 and 92 and also in Table No.7 “Affected tables No.5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 63, 64, 74, 83 and 92. The modified tables are enclosed herewith” “Table No. 7, the pension rate of Hony.Nb.Subedar with qualifying service of 13 years, amendment may be carried out in table No. 7“ List of OROP Amendment Tables as per Notification dt 17.10.2018 OROP Table No.5 –  Click to view Modified Table OROP Table No.14 –  Click to view Modified Table OROP Table No.23 –  Click to view Modified Table OROP Table No.32 –  Click to view Modified Table OROP Table No.41 –  Click to view Modified Table OROP Table No.50 –  Click to view Modified Table OROP Table No.63 –  Click to view Modified Table OROP Table No.64 –  Click to view Modified Table OROP Table No.74 –  Click to view Modified Table OROP Table No.83 –  Click to view Modified Table OROP Table No.92 –...

Amended One Rank One Pension Tables – DESW Notification on 17.10.2018

Amended One Rank One Pension Tables – DESW Notification on 17.10.2018 [ Click to View the All Amended OROP Tables ] No.12(1)/2014/D[Pen/Policy]/Pt.II Government of India Ministry of Defence Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare New Delhi, 17th October, 2018 To The Chief of the Army Staff The Chief of the Naval Staff The Chief of the Air Staff Sub: One Rank One Pension to the Defence Force Personnel Sir, The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter No. 12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Policy)-Part-II dated 03.02.2016, appending 101 pension tables indicating rates of pension/family pension under OROP scheme notified vide this Ministry’s letter No.12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Po1)-Part-II dated 07.11.2015. 2. As per Para-3 of GoI, MoD letter No. 12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Pol)-Part-II dated 07.11.2015, OROP tables had been prepared on the basis of the average of minimum and maximum pension of personnel retired in 2013 in the same rank and with same length of service....

7th CPC Concordance Tables for Defence Pensioners

7th CPC Concordance Tables for Defence Pensioners Revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners/ family pensioners in implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission Concordance tables No. 17(1)/2017 (02)/D(Pension/Policy) Government of India Ministry of Defence Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare New Delhi, dated: 17th October, 2018 The Chief of the Army Staff The Chief of the Naval Staff The Chief of the Air Staff Sub: Revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners/ family pensioners in implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission Concordance tables- regarding . Sir, The undersigned is directed to convey that instructions were issued for revision of pension/family pension with effect from 1.1.2016 in respect of Armed Force pensioners/ family pensioners who retired/ died prior to 1.1.2016 vide this Ministry’s letter No. 17(01)/2017(02)/ D(Pension/Policy) dated ...

IB Security Assistant Recruitment 2018 – 1054 Vacancies – Notification Download

IB Security Assistant Recruitment 2018 – 1054 Vacancies – Notification Download Online applications for the post of Security Assistant(Exe) in IB. Description of the post Name of post Security Assistant/Executive Classification General Central Service, (Group ‘C’) Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial Pay scale : Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 2000 (PB-1) plus admissible Central Govt. allowances. [Under revision as per the recommendations of 7th C.P.C.] INTELLIGENCE BUREAU (MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Security Assistant/Executive Exam 2018 Online applications are invited from Indian nationals for direct recruitment to the post of Security Assistant (Executive) in the following Subsidiary Intelligence Bureaux, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India. Applicants are advised to go through all parameters under different paras and sub-paras mentioned below and satisfy themselves about their eligibility in terms of age limit, essential qualifications, e...

Dopt Orders on LTC dt. 24.4.2018 – Emergency Passage Concession

Dopt Orders on LTC dt. 24.4.2018 – Emergency Passage Concession Dopt Orders on LTC dt. 24.4.2018 – Emergency Passage Concession “Allowance & Special Facilities for civilian employees of the Central Government serving in States and Union Territories of the North-Eastern Region and in the Andaman & Nicobar Island and Lakshadweep Group of Islands” F.No.31011/12/2015-Estt.A-lV Government of India Ministry of Personnel, public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training Establishment A-IV Desk North Block New Delhi, Dated April 24,2018 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: LTC facilities to the Civilian employees of the Central Government serving in States of the North-Eastern Region, Ladakh region of State of Jammu & Kashmir and in Union Territories of Andaman & Nicobar Island and Lakshadweep Group of Islands — Implementation of recommendations of 7th CPC. The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Expenditure’s No....

Travel entitlements of Government employees for the purpose of LTC post 7th CPC - Dopt's clarification on 18.10.2018

Travel entitlements of Government employees for the purpose of LTC post 7th CPC - Dopt's clarification on 18.10.2018 7th Pay Commission Travel Entitlements - Clarification Orders issued by DoPT on 18.10.2018 "Many Government employees in Level 6 to Level 8 of the Pay Matrix had inadvertently travelled by air on LTC during the intervening period from 13.07.2017 to 19.09.2017" "Relaxation to this Department's O.M. of even no. dated 19.09.2017, it has been decided to allow the claims of the Government employees in Level 6 to Level 8 of the Pay Matrix, who had travelled by air as per the revised TA rules while availing LTC during 13.07.2017 to 19.09.2017" Read DoPT Order dt. 19.9.2017 : Travel entitlements of Government employees for the purpose of LTC post Seventh Central Pay Commission – clarification reg. Read also Finmin Order dt. 13.7.2017 : Travelling Allowance Rules – Implementation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission Now read the lat...