
Showing posts from May, 2018

Revision of Minimum Pay and Fitment formula due to increased revenue collections of the Central Government

Central Govt should increase Minimum Pay and Fitment formula – Karnataka COC Revision of Minimum Pay and Fitment formula due to increased revenue collections of the Central Government Comrades, Today none of the 7th CPC related demands of Central Government Employees are settled. The assurance given by the Group of Ministers to the NJCA leaders regarding increase in Minimum Pay and Fitment formula is in paper even after a lapse of 20 months. Now the Finance Minister has replied in Parliament that “no change in Minimum Pay and Fitment formula is at present under consideration”. To avert the 11th July CG employees strike the Hon’ble Prime Minster had instructed the group of Hon’ble Ministers including Shri Rajnath Singhji, Hon’ble Home Minister, Shri Suresh Prabhuji , Hon’ble Railway Minister and Shri Arun Jaitelyji , Hon’ble Finance Minister to hold discussions with the Staff Side (JCM) on 30th June 2016 and the Shri Arun Jaitelyji , Hon’ble Finance Minister ha

Non-issue of Pension slip by banks

Non-issue of Pension slip by banks CPAO/1T&Tech/Bank Performance/37 (Vol III)/2018-19/23 Dated: 15.05.2018 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Non-issue of Pension slip by banks. Attention is invited to para 4.6.6 of CPPC Guidelines issued by CPAO whereby it has been mentioned that “The Home Branch will meet all information needs of the pensioner using the CPPC system. The CPPC software will display on the computer screen, options and view of the details of calculation of pension and its breakup of the pension paid to the pensioner/ family pensioner. The Home Branch will act as intermediary between the pensioner & CPPC and, besides providing accounts statement, provide to the pensioners the TDS, pension slip, the Due and Drawn Statement in respect of each arrear and the Annual Income Statement”. In view of the above, Heads of CPPCs and Heads of Government Business Divisions of all the authorized banks are requested to strictly adhere to the above mentioned provisi

Exercising of Option for Fixation of Pay – Finmin Clarification

Exercising of Option for Fixation of Pay – Finmin Clarification Implementation of CCS (RP) Rules 2016-Exercising of option for fixation of pay Ministry of Defence Department of Defence D(Civ I) Subject: Implementation of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016 – Exercising of option for fixation of pay This is regarding exercising of option for fixation of pay in the revised pay structure in terms of following provisions of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016: Para 5 Save as otherwise provided in these rules, a Governments servant shall draw pay in the Level in the revised pay structure applicable to the post to which he is appointed. Provisio 1: Provided that a Government servant may elect to continue to draw pay in the existing pay structure until the date on which he earns his next or any subsequent increments the existing pay structure or until he vacats his post or ceases to draw pay in the existing pay structure. Provisio 2: Provided further that in cases where a Government serva

Strike-Call given by Bank Unions on 30th & 31th May 2018

Strike-Call given by Bank Unions on 30th & 31th May 2018 Office of the CGDA Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010 No.AN/III/3012/Circular/Vol.VII Dated 17.05.2018 To, All PCsDA/PCA (Fys.)/PIFAs/CsDA/CFAs/IFAs (through CCDA website) Subject: Strike-Call given by Bank Unions on 30th & 31th May 2018. The SBI (CMP) Hyderabad has intimated that Bank Unions have given a notice for all India bank strike on 30th and 31st May 2018. The SBI (CMP) has further requested all the controllers to upload salary/ pension payment files on SBI CMP portal by 25th of May with NPB 28th May 2018. In order to avoid delay and for smooth processing of salary/pension payment, it is advised to upload payment files within stipulated time with NPB 28th May 2018. sd/- (Praveen Kumar Rai) Sr. Dy. CGDA (AN) Authority:

Comprehensive Procedure, Guidelines and Check list for Empanelment of Private Hospitals

Comprehensive procedure, guidelines and check list for empanelment of private hospitals GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No.2016/H-1/11/58/Policy New Delhi, dated 25.4.2018 The General Managers, All Indian Railways & Production Units, Sub: Comprehensive procedure, guidelines and check list for empanelment of private hospitals. Ref:- SER’s letter no.CMD/SER/Hosp. Tie-up/2303 Dated 14.11.2017. PCMD/SER vide their letter under reference had sought necessary guidelines to be followed while empanelling private hospitals in consequence of powers delegated to the GMs for empanelment of private hospitals vide Railway Board letter no. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dated 18/10/17 and to the DRM’s for divisions and CWMs for workshops vide letter no.2017/Trans/01/Policy/Pt 1 dated 30/11/17. Such powers are to be exercised by the delegated officers in person and shall not be delegated below. Hence now no proposal for empanelment is required to be

Expected DA Calculator for CG Employees and Pensioners 2018

Expected DA Calculator for CG Employees and Pensioners 2018  ‘Expected AICPIN (All India Consumer Price Index Number) Calculator’ Select Your ‘Expected AICPIN’ Given in the Calculator  as 6 Options of Decreasing and Increasing(Right & Left of the Selected AICPIN). Once Select the AICPIN for the Month of April, Then Again Select Your Expected Number as Shown in the Calculator.


STRIKE DECLARATION NATIONAL CONVENTION OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES Ref: Confdn/Genl/2016-19 Dated – 14.03.2018 “DEFEAT THE DISASTROUS NEO-LIBERAL POLICIES DEFEAT THE ANTI-LABOUR RULING CLASS POLITICS BEHIND IT” 10th JUNE 2018-HYDERABAD STRIKE DECLARATION NATIONAL CONVENTION OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES Venue : SUNDARAIYYA VIGNANA KENDRAM, BAGALINGAMPALLY, HYDERABAD Time : 10 AM to 5 PM Dear Comrades, Attack on the working class and peasants as a whole and Central Government Employees in particular are mounting day by day. The entire working class and peasantry are on struggle path. The farmers long march in Maharashtra is the latest mass struggle. None of the 7th CPC related demands of Central Government Employees are settled. The assurance given by the Group of Ministers to the NJCA leaders regarding increase in Minimum Pay and Fitment formula is in paper even after a lapse of 20 months. Now the Finance Minister has replied in Parli

Entitled to CGHS Facility Even After Attaining the Age of 25 years

Entitled to CGHS Facility Even After Attaining the Age of 25 years “Eligibility of Permanently Disabled Unmarried Son of a CGHS Beneficiary to avail CGHS facility” No.4-24/96-C&P/CGHS(P)/EHS Government of India Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Department of Health & Family Welfare EHS Section Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: the 7th May, 2018 Office Memorandum Subject: Eligibility of Permanently Disabled Unmarried Son of a CGHS Beneficiary to avail CGHS facility – Reg. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s Office Memoranda of even number dated 31.05.2007, 29.08.2007 and 02.08.2010 vide which the entitlement of the son of a CGHS beneficiary beyond the age of 25 years was conveyed. As per the two Office Memoranda under reference, it was indicated that an unmarried son of a CGHS beneficiary suffering from any permanent disability of any kind (physical or mental) will be entitled to CGHS facility even after attaining the a

Posting of Husband and Wife at the Same Station - Dopt orders

Posting of Central Government Employees Posting of Husband and Wife at the Same Station - Dopt orders Concerning the posting at the same place of husband and wife who are working in Government service, the transfer issues have been raised in Parliament on several occasions. In 1980’s these demands began to show its seriousness, because the percentage of women employees were increased in joining the Government services. The Central Government also observed this issue from various forums, a circular had been issued by the Department of Social Welfare in Feb 1976 to all Head of Departments to give serious consideration to the requests of posting of husband and wife at the same station. In order to that order, lot of women employees started to send their request to transfer at the place where their husbands are posted. The Central Government gave its utmost importance to this issue and as far as possible and within the constraints of administrative feasibility, the husband an

Revision of Provisional Pension Sanctioned under Rule 69 of the CCS (Pension) Rules – DoPT Orders

Revision of Provisional Pension Sanctioned under Rule 69 of the CCS (Pension) Rules – DoPT Orders No.25014/06/2016.AIS-II Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi–110001 Dated the 18th April, 2018 To The Chief Secretaries of all the State Governments and UTs. Subject: Revision of Provisional Pension Sanctioned Under Rule 69 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. Sir, I am directed to refer to the Department of Pension and Pensioner Welfare’s OM No.38/49/16-P&PW(A) dated 12th February, 2018 (copy enclosed) regarding “Revision of Provisional pension”. 2. The applicability of the provisions of the aforesaid OM regarding grant of Provisional Pension sanctioned under Rule 69 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 has been considered by this Department and it has been decided to make the provisions of the aforesaid Office Memorandum of Department of Pension and Pensi

Review of the Recruitment Rules – Service Rules

Review of the Recruitment Rules – Service Rules F.No.AB-14017/14/2018-Estt.(RR)(3139661) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training Establishment-I Division North Block, New Delhi Dated: 08th May 2018 Office Memorandum Subject: Review of the Recruitment Rules/Service Rules (RRs/SRs) — reg. DOPT vide OM AB-14017/14/2018-Estt.(RR) dated 31.12.2010 issued instructions laying down guidelines for framing/ amendment/relaxation of Recruitment Rules. Para 3.1.5 Of the guidelines provide that the recruitment/ rules should be reviewed once in 5 years with a view effecting such change as are necessary to bring them in conformity with the changed position, including additions to or reductions in the strength of the lower and higher-level posts. Subsequently, this Division vide OM No. AB-14017/61/2008-Estt.(RR) dated 25.03.2014 re-iterated these instructions. 2. However, it has come to the notic