
Showing posts from November, 2011

RBI's Young Scholars Award Scheme 2012

Young Scholars Award Scheme-2012 To encourage learning about the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) among the youth of the country, the RBI conducts a major awareness and sensitization exercise on the role of the Reserve Bank and the banking system across the country. This exercise, ‘RBI Young Scholars Award Scheme’ exposes youngsters to an actual banking and financial environment and inculcates a sense of pride in the selected ones of having had the opportunity to associate themselves with a prestigious organisation, the central bank of the country.

Notification for Launch of 10-Year National Savings Certificate (IX-Issue), 2011 Issued

Ministry of Finance Notification for Launch of 10-Year National Savings Certificate (IX-Issue), 2011 Issued In accordance with the decisions taken by the Government on the basis of the recommendations of the Committee for Comprehensive Review of National Small Savings Fund (NSSF), headed by Smt Shyamala Gopinath, the then Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Notifications on changes made in various small saving schemes except 10-Year National Savings Certificate, have already been issued on 25th November 2011.               The Notification for launch of new savings instrument, namely 10-Year National Savings Certificate (IX-Issue), 2011, has been issued today, the 29th November, 2011.               The major highlights of this scheme are as follows:  

CSD : Turnover and Profit of Defence Canteens

Ministry of Defence Canteen Stores Department (CSD) : Turnover and Profit of Defence Canteens PIB: Turnover of Defence Canteens. Turnover, Profit and Profit distributed to beneficiaries after depositing 50% in Consolidated Fund of India (CFI) of Canteen Stores Department (CSD) during the last three years, year-wise, is as under:-

AICPIN for the month of October 2011

Ministry of Labour & Employment All India Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial workers on Base 2001=100 for the Month of October, 2011 All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 for the month of October, 2011 increased by 1 point and stood at 198 (one hundred & ninety eight) .   During October, 2011, the index recorded maximum increase of 8 points in Darjeeling centre, 7 points in Yamunanagar centre, 6 points each in Hyderabad and Tiruchirapally centres, 5 points in 5 centres, 4 points in 7 centres, 3 points in 14 centres, 2 points in 18 centres and 1 point in 19 centres. The index decreased by 3 points in Mysore centre, 2 points each in Ernakulam, Lucknow, Kolkata and Guwahati centres and 1 point in Mundakkayam centre, while in the remaining 5 centres the index remained stationary.  

Tax Exemption on Central Police Canteen (CPC) Sales

Ministry of Home Affairs Tax Exemption on Canteen Sales The Central Para-Military Forces (CPMF) have sought VAT exemption on canteen sales. Chairman, Welfare And Rehabilitation Board (WARB) has written to the Chief Ministers of all the States and to the Union Territories for seeking exemption of Value Added Tax (VAT) to Central Police Canteen (CPC). Hon’ble Minister of State for Home Affairs and Home Secretary have also written to all the State Governments and Union Territory Administrations vide letter dated 30/09/2011 and 02/06/2008 for exemption of Value Added Tax (VAT) to Central Police Canteen (CPC). Till date, 12 States/UTs viz. Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand, Manipur, Meghalaya, Haryana, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Tamilnadu, Orissa, Kerala & Chandigarh have agreed for exemption of VAT on sales of Central Police Canteens.


STEERING COMMITTEE OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES ORGANISATIONS ON PFRDA BILL C/o AIRF, 4, State Entry Road, New Delhi – 110001 9868244035 PRESS STATEMENT Thousands of State and Central government employees, Railway workers, Defence workers, BSNL, University and School teachers today participated in a massive March to Parliament against the PFRDA Bill and to submit a petition to the Prime Minister to which millions of employees have subscribed their signature. The rally was addressed by the leaders of various organizations of employees and several Members of Parliament.   A seven member delegation consisting of Coms. S K Vyas, (Convenor, Steering Committee) Shiv Gopal Mishra, (General Secretary, AIRF), KKN Kutty, (Secy. General, Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers)   S.N. Pathak, (President, AIDEF) P. Abhimanyu (General Secretary, BSNLEU) Rajendran (General Secretary, STFI) and Sukomal Sen (Sr. Vice President, AISGEF) met the Hon'ble Prime Minis...

Achievements of DRDO

Ministry of Defence Achievements of DRDO PIB There are 50 laboratories/establishments functioning under Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). There is no proposal before the government to increase their number. DRDO is primarily engaged in design and development of strategic, complex and security sensitive systems for our Armed Forces. It has developed a number of systems during the last five years. These include missiles; unmanned aerial vehicles; radars; electronic warfare systems; sonars; torpedos; combat vehicles; bridging systems; combat aircraft; sensors; NBC technologies; parachutes; propellants and explosives; detonators; composite materials; fuel cells; antennas; communication systems; low intensity conflict technologies; etc. A large number of DRDO developed systems have been productionised and inducted into Services and many are in the induction stages. The value of these systems comes to about Rs.1,32,000 Cr.

EMPLOYMENT NEWS : Latest Government Jobs

The shortlisted latest Government vacancies are listed in the table below as Ministry wise for youngsters/job seekers and we have made an easy way to search the details of the vacancies. 26th November, 2011 ISSUE OF EMPLOYMENT NEWS- E.N. NO. 35  NO. OF PAGE: 64  

Employment News :Job Highlights (26 NOVEMBER 2011 -02 DECEMBER 2011)

Employment News Weekly : A new list of Central Govt. Job vacancies available in various Ministries/Departments of Central Government has been published by Employment News under the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting.  Job Highlights (26 NOVEMBER 2011 -02 DECEMBER 2011) Union Public Service Commission invites applications for various posts. Staff Selection Commission (Eastern Region) requires Sepoy and Draftsman. Staff Selection Commission (NWR) requires Sepoy and Draftsman. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited, New Delhi invites applications for recruitment of Senior Management Trainees. CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun invites applications for various posts.

Recognising Labour Union

Ministry of Labour & Employment Recognising Labour Union PIB: Labour is placed in the concurrent list of the Constitution and both the Central Government and State Governments are designated as the ‘appropriate Government’ in respect of areas of their jurisdiction. In the Central Sphere, there are clear guidelines/ directives for verification of membership of Trade Unions for purpose of granting recognition to the majority Union. In the Central Sphere, no recognition is pending, for the want of proper guidelines and directives. Verification of membership of Trade Unions operating in organizations falling under the jurisdiction of State Government are carried out by the respective State Government. Hence, the details of disputes are not maintained by the Central Government.

Pension for Ex-Servicemen of Pre-Independence Era

Ministry of Defence Pension for Ex-Servicemen of Pre-Independence Era PIB : Ex-servicemen with service less than 15 years as PBOR and less than 20 years as Commissioned Officers are not entitled to pension as minimum qualifying service is a mandatory requirement to earn pension. Minimum qualifying service is an essential criterion for earning pension in the Armed Forces as per the existing Army, Navy & Air Force Pension Regulations. There is no proposal under consideration of the government to grant pension to a large number of armed forces personnel who retired during pre-independence period but are still alive and not entitled to any pensionary benefits.

Canteen Stores Department :Transparency in Working of CSD

Ministry of Defence Transparency in Working of CSD Introduction of new items for sale through Unit Run Canteens involves following steps:- (i)    Receipt of application from the prospective suppliers; (ii)    Scrutiny of the application form; (iii)    Informing the discrepancies to the firm, if any; (iv)    Samples are put up to Preliminary Screening Committee (PSC) consisting of representatives from the three Services viz., Army, Navy and Air Force besides CSD representatives; (v)    Preliminary Screening Committee (PSC) short lists the items; (vi)    Short-listed item is subjected to factory inspection/hygiene inspection/Composite Food Laboratory (CFL)/Analytical Food Laboratory (AFL) depending upon the nature of the item;

Permanent and Temporary Workers :Average Daily Earnings

Ministry of Labour & Employment Permanent and Temporary Workers PIB According to the survey conducted by National Sample Survey Office during 2009-10 and the information collected under the Employment Market Information Programme of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, the total number of workers in organised and unorganised sectors was 2.87 crore and 43.7 crore respectively, in 2009-10.  Information on permanent and temporary workers in the country is not maintained separately. The details of average daily earnings   (in Rs.) of the workers are as follows as per Labour Bureau Report, 2007-08 on Average Daily Earnings:

Women in Defence Forces Women are inducted in Armed Forces as Officers

Ministry of Defence PIB: Women in Defence Forces Women are inducted in Armed Forces as Officers. The strength of women officers in the three Services of the Armed Forces during the last three years and the current year (Service-wise), is as under: Year Strength of Women Officers (Excluding Army Medical Corps, Army Dental Corps and Military Nursing Services) - Army Navy Air Force 2008 1072 173 957 2009 1030 176 915 2010 999 191 889 2011 1055 288 936 There is no separate fixed sanctioned strength for recruitment of Women officers in the Armed Forces and they are recruited within the overall authorised strength of officers in the respective Service. They are inducted as Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs) in various Se...

Insurance Coverage of Workers

Ministry of Labour & Employment Insurance Coverage of Workers PIB: As per BPL survey, 2002, there are about 6 crore estimated BPL families (a unit of five) in the unorganised sector. Initially, it was proposed to cover all the 6 crore BPL families under Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) providing for smart card based cashless health insurance cover of Rs. 30000 per family per annum. However, the experience shows that only about 60% of BPL families become available for enrolment. As such about 3.6 crore BPL families are to be covered under the scheme. It is the endeavour the government to cover all such families by 2012-13.

Employment News : Advertisement for the post of Junior Game Supervisor and Office Assistant on Contract basis in CCSCSB.

Central Civil Services Cultural & Sports Board Department Personnel and Training Ministry of Personnel, Pubic Grievances and Pensions GOVERNMENT OF INDIA 361, B-Wing, 3rd FIoor Lok Nayak Bhawan New Delhi- 110003 Advertisement for the post of Junior Game Supervisor and Office Assistant on Contract basis in CCSCSB. Central Civil Services Cultural & Sports Board, society under Department of Personnel & Training for promotion of Sports and Cultural activities among the Central Government employees wants to employ a suitable person (on contract basis) for the post of Junior Game Supervisor and Office Assistant on a consolidated salary of Rs 25,000/- per month and Rs. 12.000/- per month respectively. The contract is initially for a period on one year to be renewed on year to year basis after appraisal of performance. The various requirements like educational qualification, age and experience etc for post will he as under:

EPF Contribution

Ministry of Labour & Employment EPF Contribution The following steps have been taken by the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation to recover the outstanding amount: 1.    Attachment and sale of movable and immovable properties of the defaulting establishments. 2.    Appointment of receiver to run the business of the defaulting establishments. 3.    Arrest and detention of defaulter. 4.    Prosecution of defaulters before courts of law. 5.    Levying damages as penalty.

Revision of Pension under PF Scheme

Ministry of Labour & Employment Revision of Pension under PF Scheme PIB : The pension on fixed rates is provided to the employees retiring under the Provident Fund (PF) scheme. The Central Government had constituted an Expert Committee for reviewing the Employees Pension Scheme, 1995 entirely including revision of Pension. The Expert Committee submitted its report to the Central Government on 5th August, 2010 and the recommendations of the Committee were placed before the Central Board of Trustees, Employees’ Provident Fund [CBT (EPF)] for consideration on 15th September, 2010. The CBT (EPF) directed that the report be first considered by the Pension Implementation Committee (PIC). The PIC has since finalized its report and sent it to Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation for placing it before the CBT (EPF) for taking a final decision in the matter.

Promotion of Section Officers of the CSS to Grade I (Under Secretary) of the CSS on adhoc basis regarding.

Dopt order : Promotion of Section Officers of the CSS to Grade I (Under Secretary) of the CSS on adhoc basis regarding. Time Bound No.5/7/2011-CS.I(U) Government of India Ministry of Personnel. PG and Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) 2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, New Delhi-110003 Dated the 28th November, 2011 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Promotion of Section Officers of the CSS to Grade I (Under Secretary) of the CSS on adhoc basis regarding.             The undersigned is to say that due to on going litigation, this Department has not been in a position to bring out Select Lists of Under Secretary after 2008 and accordingly this Department has been resorting to adhoc promotion in the grade. This Department proposes to do another round of adhoc promotion to meet the immediate requirement of USs. In order to proceed further, a statement has been prepared depicting availability of ACRs/...

Central Government employees’ retirement age

Raising the Retirement age of Central Government employees Union Minister of Labour and Employment Shri.Mallikarjun Kharge has given the answers to key questions raised by Shri.P.Viswanathan in the Lok Sabha regarding the raising of retirement age for Central Government employees. Questions : (a) Whether the Government proposes to raise retirement age and retirement pension in private sector in the country ; (b) if so, the details thereof ; (c) whether the Government has issued any directions to implement the above recommendations ; (d) if so, the details thereof ; and (e) the time by which the above proposals are likely to be implemented ?   Answers :

CGDA clarifies enhancement of rate of various allowance by 25% when DA goes up by 50%

Enhancement of rate of various allowance by 25% to Central Government employees, when DA goes up by 50%. The Department of Controller General of Defence Accounts (CGDA) has once again directed to all concerned establishments regarding that the enhancement of rate of various allowances by 25%, when Dearness allowance goes up by 50%. In order to this department has received various clarifications about the enhancement of allowances, a detailed office order has been published by this department. In every individual order itself mentioned clearly that the rate of allowance will automatically be increased by 25% with effect from the date on which the Dearness allowance went up by 50% (i.e. 01.01.2011). We have tabled the allowances with the orders, date and download link…

Submission of Immovable Property Return by Group ‘A’ officers for the year 2011 (as on 1st January, 2012) placing on the public domain

Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt -110 010 MOST IMPORTANT CIRCULAR No AN-I/1479/5/IPR Dated: November 22nd, 2011. To, (i) All Principal Controllers. (ii) All Controllers. (iii) Ail WAs (including PIFA) & Equivalent officers. Subject :- Submission of Immovable Property Return by Group ‘A’ officers for the year 2011 (as on 1st January, 2012) placing on the public domain . In compliance of Government of India orders as notified under DOP&T circular No.11013/3/2011-Estt. A-IV dated 11th April, 2011, Annual Properly Returns as on January 1, 2011 of Members of All India Service and other Group ‘A’ Central Service officers were required to be placed in public domain, by respective cadre controlling authorities. Accordingly, keeping in view the time constraints the IPRs for the year-2010 (as on 01.01.2011) of all IDAS Officers, as made available to this HQrs. office were placed in the public domain.

Notification from CBSE: Regarding Recruitment Examination

Notification : Regarding Recruitment Examination CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION No.CBSE/Vig./F.13336/2011/ Dated : 28th Feb., 2011 NOTIFICATION Consequent upon the recommendations of the Finance Committee in its meeting held on 27.12.2010 and its ratification by the Governing Body of the Board in its meeting held on 29.12.2010, it is notified that for all the recruitments examinations done by CBSE for appointment to the Board:-

Central Government employees to travel by air to North Eastern Region on LTC

Special Package for North-Eastern Region   The Ministry of Tourism, as a part of its promotional activities releases print, electronic, online and outdoor media campaigns to promote various tourism destinations and products of the country including the North East Region. Besides, North East specific media campaigns are launched to promote the entire North East Region. The Ministry of Tourism provides complimentary space to the North Eastern States in India pavilions set up at major international travel fairs & exhibitions. Further, In relaxation of CCS (LTC) Rules 1988, the Government has decided to permit Government servants to travel by air to North Eastern Region on LTC as follows:-  

Ministry of Railways - Cancellation/Partial Cancellation/Diversion of Certain Trains

Ministry of Railways Cancellation/Partial Cancellation/Diversion of Certain Trains to be Effective from 1st December 2011 Keeping in View The Safety of The Passengers Ministry of Railways has decided to cancel/partial cancellation/divert mail/express trains during fog period from 1st December 2011 to 31st January 2012.  Earlier this was announced to be  effective from 20th December 2011.  This is being done keeping in view the safety of the travelling passengers.  It may also be noted that the fog conditions this year have occurred earlier than normally forecast and also as compared to last year and which is resulting in preponement of schedule of cancelled trains etc.  The cancellation etc. of trains  is being announced  in advance  so that travellers can plan their alternative journeys accordingly and are put to minimum inconvenience. Zonal Railways have also been requested to constantly keep a watch on fog conditions, keep reviewing the s...

Employment News : SMS alerts to the publications of uploading Release Orders by DAVP

SMS alerts to the publications of uploading Release Orders by DAVP (Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity) under Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. A new facility has been introduced by DAVP, of sending SMS alerts to the publications concerned within seconds of uploading any Release Orders for an advertisement. This would help the publishers to know about the advertisement issued to them even when they are not browsing the website of DAV. The following SMS agencies are currently empanelled with DAVP on a pilot basis. The empanelment of these agencies is valid till 14 Dec 2011.


AMENDMENT IN TATKAL RESERVATION SCHEME EFFECTIVE FROM 21.11.2011 In order to prevent misuse of Tatkal scheme by agents/unscrupulous Clements, Railways have amended the Tatkal scheme for reservation of tickets. The following are the measures/ changes announced in the scheme which would come in force from 21.11.2011 and those are: *The Advance Reservation period (ARP) of Tatkal scheme has been reduced from 2 days at present to 1 day excluding the day of journey from the train originating station *No refund will be granted on cancellation of Tatkal confirmed tickets subject to the exception such as cancellation of trains/late running of trains for more than 3 hours, etc. *No. duplicate Tatkal tickets will be issued. Duplicate tickets will be issued only in exceptional cases but on payment of full fare again including theTatkal charges.

General Provident Fund : Rate of interest for GPF deposits

General Provident Fund (Central Services) Rules 1960 All Temporary Government servants after a continuous service of one year all re-employed pensioners (other than those eligible for admission to the Contributory Provident Fund ) and all permanent government servants are eligible to subscribe to the Fund. A subscriber, at the time of joining the Fund is required to make a nomination, in the prescribed form, conferring on one or more persons the right to receive the amount that may stand to his credit in the Fund in the event of his death, before that amount has become payable or having become payable has not been paid. A subscriber shall subscribe monthly to the Fund except during the period when he is under suspension. Subscription to Provident Fund are stopped three months prior to the date of superannuation. Rates of subscription shall not be less than 6% of subscriber’s emoluments and not more than his total emoluments. Rate of interest on GPF accumulations at present is 12% ...

SSC to recruit over 90,000 Constables in CPOS through Common Process 8,000 Personnel to be Recruited for FCI

Employment News Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions SSC to recruit over 90,000 Constables in CPOS through Common Process 8,000 Personnel to be Recruited for FCI PIB The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will be conducting examination for recruitment of Group ‘B’ Non-Gazetted and Group ‘C’ Non-Technical Personnel for Government of India.  During 2011-12, the Commission will be offering at least 90,000 jobs.            It has now been decided that there will be a single common recruitment for all six CPMFs and the Notice for the Combined Recruitment of Constables (General Duty) and Riflemen in CPOs, 2012 is scheduled to be published on 3rd December, 2011.  MHA has indicated the tentative vacancies as below: Assam Rifles : 8724 BSF             : 16484 CISF            : 2500...

Officers Sent for Training Programmes

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Officers Sent for Training Programmes A total of 1846 officers have been sent under the Domestic Funding of Foreign Training (DFFT) Scheme since 2000. Service-wise details are as under :- All India Services (IAS, IPS and IFoS)         : 938 Other Group ‘A’ Services                       : 359 Central Secretariat Service                     : 215 State Civil Service                                 : 265 Central Secretariat Stenographers Service : 26 Others          ...

Advertisement for engaging retired doctors on contract basis in CGHS dispensaries of Delhi

Pt.I F.No.-4-4/2009-CGHS/GE 4578-84 Government of India Office of the Additional Director (HQ) Central Govt. Health Scheme 9, Bikaner House New Delhi Dated: 17-11-11 To, The Additional Director CGHS South Zone / Central Zone\ North Zone/ East Zone, New Delhi Sub: - Advertisement for engaging retired doctors on contract basis in CGHS dispensaries of Delhi. Sir,      Please find enclosed the Advertisement matter and the application format for engaging retired doctors on contract basis in CGHS, dispensaries of Delhi which have been approved by the competent authority. You are requested to put up the notice in your administrative officers and wellness centre under your administrative control. This notice is also being put up all CGHS website for vide publicity. In case the applications are received against this advertisement in the Zones they are to be forwarded to the office of undersigned at the earliest so that same can be put to the ...

Grant of Interim Relief to State Government Pensioners and Family pensioners

PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub:- Grant of Interim Relief to State Government Pensioners and Family pensioners. GOVERNMENT ORDER NO. FD (Spl) 265 PEN 2011 BANGALORE, DATED: 22nd NOVEMBER 2011           In G.O.No.FD 23 SRP 2011 dated 15.06.2011 Government have constituted an Official Pay Committee for considering various demands of State Government employees. Pending receipt of the recommendations of the Official Pay Committee. Government have decided to sanction Interim Relief at the rate of 15% of basic pension/family pension with effect from 1st November 2011 to the State Government pensioners/family pensioners and pensioners/family pensioners of local bodies, aided educational institutions and retired non-teaching staff of the Universities. 2. Accordingly, Government are pleased to sanction Interim Relief at the rate of 15% of basic pension/family pension with effect from 1st November 2011 to the State Governmen...

Decisions on the recommendations of the Committee for Comprehensive Review of National Small Savings Fund (NSSF)

No.6-1/2011-NS.ll (Pt.) Ministry of Finance Department of Economic Affairs (Budget Division) New Delhi, the 11th November, 2011. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Decisions on the recommendations of the Committee for Comprehensive Review of National Small Savings Fund (NSSF).       The Thirteenth Finance Commission in its Report had, inter alia, recommended that all aspects of the design and administration of the NSSF be examined with the aim of bringing transparency, market linked rates and other much needed reforms to the scheme. As a follow up of this recommendation, the Government had constituted a Committee on 8th July, 2010, headed by Smt.Shyamala Gopinath, the then Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India for comprehensive review of NSSF. The terms of reference of the Committee included review of the existing parameters for the small saving schemes in operation and recommend mechanisms to make them more flexible and market linked; review of th...

Action Against Corrupt Officers

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Action Against Corrupt Officers The CBI seeks sanction for prosecution of Government Servants in respect of Prevention of Corruption Act cases under section 19 of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. As on 31.10.2011, there are 189 number of requests for prosecution sanction pending with various Central Government Ministries/Departments/State Governments. Details of these cases are enclosed at Annexure ‘A’. During the year 2011, CBI has filed charge-sheets against 782 public servants in Prevention of Corruption Act cases. According to information furnished by CBI, sanction for prosecution has been denied by different departments in respect of 85 numbers of public servants during the year 2011. There is no centralized data reflecting the reasons for denial of such sanctions. Such denial is generally based on merits of individual cases by the concerned Disciplinary authority. Several steps have been taken by the Governm...

Appointment on Fake Caste Certificates

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions PIB Appointment on Fake Caste Certificates As per information received from various Ministries/ Departments etc. 1832 appointments were allegedly secured on the basis of fake/false caste certificates, details of which, along with the action taken thereon. The Central Government had requested Ministries/Departments etc. to give information about appointments made on the basis of fake/ false caste certificates on 28.01.2010. The Government instructions provide that an appointing authority should verify the caste status of SC/ST/OBC candidates at the time of initial appointment. They also provide that if a person has secured appointment on the basis of a false certificate, he should not be retained in service. In addition, the Government may also prosecute such a person.

LTC-80 Scheme : A new Domestic Fare List updated

Air India is frequently updating the new list of domestic fares on its website for passengers to check in online. The new fare list has now been updated as two tables on 11th November 2011, one is domestics fares and another is LTC Scheme. Leave Travel Concession Scheme LTC- Executive class & Economy Class Air India offers the Leave Travel Concession scheme both in Executive Class and Economy Class for travel on the Domestic network. Details of the scheme are as under : - Application All types of journeys in Business Class and Economy Class on Domestic Sectors. Eligibility Employees of the State Governments, Central Government, Public Sector Undertakings and Educational institutions recognized/aided by Centre, State Government and or affiliated to any of the University / Educational Boards and their family members traveling on leave and availing LTC facility. Child & Infant Fares Not Permitted.

Pending Vigilance Certificate/Major-Minor Penalty Certificate & APAR Certificate for preparation of panel of PPS for the Select List Year, 2010-reg.

Dopt orders No.5/26/2010-CS.II Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel and Training 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, New Delhi Dated the 23rd November, 2011 Office Memorandum Subject : Pending Vigilance Certificate/Major-Minor Penalty Certificate & APAR Certificate for preparation of panel of PPS for the Select List Year, 2010-reg. Reference is invited to this Deptt's OMs of even number dated 11/8/2011, 23/9/2011, 24/10/2011 and 2/11/2011 wherein cadre units were requested to send the Vigilance Clearance & Major/Minor Penalty certificate for the last ten years in respect of PPS(ad-hoc)/PSs who are likely to be in the zone of consideration for regular promotion to the grade of PPS for the select List Year 2010. Cadre Units/Individuals concerned were also requested to certify that the APAR/ACR for the year 2008-2009 has been seen by the concerned officer and the officer has nothing to repr...

Railway Minister urges railway employees to join hands for substantial expansion & modernisation of Indian Railways

Ministry of Railways Railway Minister urges railway employees to join hands for substantial expansion & modernisation of Indian Railways The 56th annual railway awards function 2011 concludes today   The 56th Annual Railway Awards function 2011 was held here today i.e. 21st November 2011.  The Union Railway Minister, Shri Dinesh Trivedi was the Chief Guest at the function while the Ministers of State Shri K. H. Muniyappa and Shri Bharatsinh Solanki were present as Guests of Honour.  Chairman, Railway Board Shri Vinay Mittal, all Board Members, General Managers of Zonal Railways & Production Units and other senior officials of the Ministry of Railway were among those present on the occasion. In his address, Shri Trivedi said that in this recession period which has affected developed countries of Europe and America adversely, the whole world is looking towards India which has maintained an 8 per cent economic growth.  He said that India has emerged as...

Parliamentary Consultative Committee on Railways Meets

Ministry of Railways Parliamentary Consultative Committee on Railways Meets Railways to Ensure High Quality Catering Service to Passengers : Dinesh Trivedi The Minister of Railways, Shri Dinesh Trivedi said that Indian Railways has taken several measures to implement its new Catering Policy 2010 which aims at providing hygienically prepared, tasteful and wholesome food at reasonable prices to the passengers. He said that as a result of the new policy and its vigourous implementation by the Railways, complaints arising out of catering have come down by 49.9 per cent during October 2010 to September 2011 as compared to the corresponding period of last year. The Railway Minister assured that many more reforms, technical and institutional have been initiated which will fructify in the days to come. He informed that mega base kitchens initially at New Delhi, Mumbai, Secunderabad, Chennai and Howrah are proposed to be set up under the new policy.

Streamlining of Procedure for disposal of Medical Reimbursement Claims (MRCs) in CGHS

CGHS Medical Reimbursement Claims – A complete Streamlining of Procedures CGHS Medical Reimbursement Claims – A complete Streamlining Administrative Procedures The “Central Government Health Scheme” (CGHS) provides comprehensive health care facilities for the Central Govt. employees and pensioners and their dependents residing in CGHS covered cities. Started in New Delhi in 1954, Central Govt. Health Scheme is now in operation in Allahabad, Ahemdabad, Bangalore, Bhubhaneshwar, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Dehradun, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Jabalpur, Kanpur, Kolkatta, Lucknow, Meerut, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna, Pune, Ranchi, Shillong, Trivandrum and Jammu. Though, a number of complaints are being received from the pensioner beneficiaries about the slow and tardy pace of disposal of MRC claims (Medical Reimbursement Claims) by CGHS, Complaints have also been received about the unnecessary harassment of pensioner beneficiaries who are also senior citizens, affecting them m...

CISF(ASSTT.CONDT.)LTD. Departmental Exam 2010 & 2011 Results Announced

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions CISF(ASSTT.CONDT.)LTD. Departmental Exam 2010 & 2011 Results Announced PIB The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced the result of the Central Industrial Security Force (Assistant Commandants) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2010 and 2011. Written exam for this was held by  UPSC on 19.06.2011 and the Personality Test held from 31st October  2011 to 5th November, 2011. A total number of 41 candidates have been recommended for appointment which includes 32-General, 06-Scheduled Castes and 03 Scheduled Tribes candidates.   Appointment to Central Industrial Security Force Service will be made according to number of vacancies available and due consideration to the provisions contained in the Rules for the Examination. The number of vacancies reported by  Central Industrial Security Force for the year 2010 and 2011 are  21 (16-General; 03-SC & 02-ST) and 20 (16-General...

Employment news of this week (19.11.2011 to 25.11.2011)

Employment news of this week (19.11.2011 to 25.11.2011) This week on Employment News weekly, Staff Selection Commission (Western Region) invites applications for various posts. Staff Selection Commission :- The main responsibility of the Staff Selection Commission is to make recruitment to Group C (non-technical) & Group B (non-gazetted- both technical & non-technical) posts in departments of Government of India, its attached & subordinate offices except those for which recruitment is made by the Railway Recruitment Boards & Industrial Establishments. The Staff Selection Commission is also assigned the task of conducting Departmental Examinations for Promotion from Group D to LDC Grade' , Promotion from LDC to UDC Grade and Promotion from Stenographers Grade D to Stenographers Grade C besides holding Periodical Typewriting Tests in English & Hindi.

Child Care Leave to State Government Employees

Child Care Leave to State Government Employees West Bengal State Government women employees will enjoy Child Care Leave very soon. The proposal of Child Care Leave for working women employees in the State Government has been sent to Finance Department for its clearance, sources said. As per the proposal, a women employees shall be granted 730 days during their entire service for taking care of up to two children fro rearing/looking after any of their need, like examination, sickness etc.

Fresh empanelment of private hospitals and diagnostic centres and revision of package rates applicable under CGHS BANGALORE, BHOPAL, KANPUR, JABALPUR, MUMBAI, HYDERABAD, DELHI AND PUNE

No: S.11011/23/2009-CGHS D.II/Hospital Cell / Part IX Government of India Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Department of Health & Family Welfare Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan New Delhi 110 108 dated the 16th November, 2011. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Fresh empanelment of private hospitals and diagnostic centres and revision of package rates applicable under CGHS BANGALORE, BHOPAL, KANPUR, JABALPUR, MUMBAI, HYDERABAD, DELHI AND PUNE. The undersigned is directed to invite reference to this Ministry’s Office Memoranda of even number dated the 8th December 2010 and the 19th January 2011 vide which continuous empanelment scheme has been initiated under CGHS, BANGALORE, BHOPAL, KANPUR, JABALPUR, MUMBAI, HYDERABAD, DELHI AND PUNE for treating CGHS beneficiaries. The CGHS rates applicable have already been notified and are available on CGHS website. Three rates were notified, one for super-speciality hospitals, the second for hospitals that were accred...

Dopt order : Collection of data in respect of sanctioned strength and incumbency position in all the grades of CSS/CSSS/CSCS

Collection of data in respect of sanctioned strength and incumbency position in all the grades of CSS/CSSS/CSCS No. 21/26/2011-CS-I(P) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi, the 18th November, 2011 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Collection of data in respect of sanctioned strength and incumbency position in all the grades of CSS/CSSS/CSCS All the Ministries/Departments were requested vide this Departments O.M. of even number dated 22/9/2011 ( copy enclosed) for furnishing data in respect of sanctioned strength and incumbency position as on 1st September, 2011 in all the grades of CSS/CSSS/CSCS. The required information is still awaited from 36 Ministries/Departments/Offices (as per list attached).

Continuous empanelment hospitals and Diagnostic Centres under ÇGHS IN MUMBAI, TRIVANDRAM, GUWAHATI, DEHRADUN AND SHILLONG

No. S.11011/23/2009-CGHS-D.II/Hospital Cell (Part IX) Government of India Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Department of Health & Family Welfare Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan New Delhi 110 108 dated the November 14 2011 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Continuous empanelment hospitals and Diagnostic Centres under ÇGHS IN MUMBAI, TRIVANDRAM, GUWAHATI, DEHRADUN AND SHILLONG              With a view to ensuring comprehensive health care to CGHS beneficiaries, CGHS has been, apart from the Government Hospitals. empanelling private hospitals and diagnostic centres by floating tenders periodically. The latest tender process in this context commenced in the second half of 2009 and through this process package rates for different treatment procedures and investigations have been notified in 2010. As a part of this process, certain hospitals and diagnostic centres which have accepted these rates and als...

Booking Through New Tatkal System to be Introduced from Tomorrow

Ministry of Railways Booking Through New Tatkal System to be Introduced from Tomorrow PIB     To ensure the reserved accommodation in trains to the passengers, who need to travel by trains within a very short notice due to emergency, Shri Dinesh Trivedi, Hon’ble Minister for Railways has advised to implement new Tatkal booking scheme on and from Monday (tomorrow), 21 November 2011. This Tatkal booking facility is to be introduced to eliminate the possibility of booking of tickets by touts/miscreants through Tatkal scheme and sell to the passengers in emergency, against high premium. Booking procedure through new Tatkal scheme is given below:- The Advance Reservation Period (ARP) of Tatkal scheme is reduced from two days to one day excluding the day of journey from the train originating station w.e.f Monday, 21 November 2011. For example, if a train is to depart from the originating station on the second of the month, the Tatkal quota for that particular train...

From the Desk of AIRF General Secretary...

Tile with “From the Desk of General Secy. - Nothing Without Struggle. ” article from AIRF General Secretary Mr. Shiva Gopal Mishra, the letter has been uploaded on its official website today. He demands various issues like, 25% increase in running allowance demand, merging of Grade I and Grade II employees of technical branches, case of awarding 4800/- to Sr. most inspectors and Supervisors…etc. We have reproduced here full contents of the letter for your consideration… Nothing Without Struggle. About phrase is from Greatest Epic of India, Mahabharat When Lord Krishna wanted to make a compromise between Pandvas and Kauravas with merely 5 villages under Pandava’s control and rest entire estate with Kauravas but Kaurvas replied “Can’t give a peace of land even equal to the top of needle without a war. Same situate before us today Govt. of India is insisting us for confrontation on our every demand by adapting delaying tactics. May if be (i) 25% increase in running allowance dem...

Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 — Payment of IDA at revised rates-regarding.

Department of Public Enterprises has issued an office memorandum regarding the subject of IDA in revised rates to its employees and officers. The Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 — Payment of IDA at revised rates-regarding. F.No. 2(70)12008-DPE (WC)-GC-XVII/2011 Government of India Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises Department of Public Enterprises Public Enterprises Bhawan Block 14, CGO Complex. Lodi Road, New Delhi-I 10003 Dated: 21st October, 2011 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 — Payment of IDA at revised rates-regarding . In modification of this Departments O.M. No.2(50)/86-DPE (WC) dated 19.07.2011, the rate of DA payable to the executive...

Expenditure Control in BSNL - clarification reg.

Clarifications on withdrawal of Leave Encashment while All India LTC / Homo Town and regarding freezing of All India LTC for two years w.e.f. 05-09-2011 from BSNL . BHARAT SACHAR NIGAM LTD (A Government of India Enterprise) No.: 13-05/2011-PAT(BSNL) Dated: 18-Nov-2011 Subject : Expenditure Control in BSNL - clarification reg.              Kindly refer to the letter No. 7-8/2010/EF/Part/1 dated 05-09-2011 of AGM (EF-I), BSNL Corporate office on the subject mentioned above conveying the decision of competent authority regarding withdrawal of Leave Encashment while All India LTC / Homo Town and regarding freezing of All India LTC for two years w.e.f. 05-09-2011. Following clarifications are issued in this regard — 1. The order dated 05-09-2011 is applicable to all BSNL employees — absorbed, directly recruited and working on deputation / deemed deputation in BSNL w.e.f. 05.09.2011.

CSD Canteen Price List : Latest CSD Price List of Bikes

Canteen Stores Department – Depot – Chennai Fort : Latest CSD Price List of Motor Bikes We have compiled here the latest CSD prices of Two Wheelers/Motor Bikes. The most selling products of Bajaj, TVS, Yamaha, Royal Enfield and Suzuki prices are providing here for your convenience… You are advised, please before indent the items you once again confirm the prices and availability of your choice at your nearest Depot or Unit Run Canteens. All prices given in the table are at Chennai base only.   Hero Motor Cycle : CSD Price List at Chennai Depot (Updated on Sep 2017) Hero Motor Cycle CSD Price list Index Items Amount 63074 HF Deluxe Drum Kick Cast 33862 63119 HF Deluxe Drum Self Cast 40384 63105 Hero Splendor Plus 41439 63120 Hero Motor Cycle Splendor + Cast wheel 42002 63214 Motor Hero Splendor Pro Drum Self Cast 45021 63215 M / Hero Splend...