
Showing posts from December, 2015

Revision of pension in r/o pre-2006 Commissioned Officers/JCOs/ORs pensioners/ Family pensioners

Revision of pension in r/o pre-2006 Commissioned Officers/JCOs/ORs pensioners/ Family pensioners OFFICE OF THE PR. CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS (PENSIONS) DRAUPADI GHAT, ALLAHABAD- 211014 Circular No. 551 Dated: 28.12.2015 Subject :- Revision of pension in r/o pre-2006 Commissioned Officers/JCOs/ORs pensioners/ Family pensioners. Reference:- This office Circular No. 547 dated 11.09.2015. Pension Disbursing Agencies are aware that as per this office Circular No. 547 dt.- 11.09.2015, Service/Family Pension in respect of JCOs/ORs are to be revised w.e.f. 01.01.2006 by the Pension Disbursing Agencies as per tables attached with circular. Specific tables for revision of Special Pension/Invalid Pension/ Service Element of Disability Pension in respect of Pre- 01.01.2006 PBORs retirees discharged with less than 15 years of qualifying service and Service Pension of TA personnel irrespective of their qualifying service have not been prepared as the Pension Disbursing A...

Anomaly in Pension Fixation as per Recommendations of 7th Pay Commission

Anomaly in Pension Fixation as per Recommendations of 7th Pay Commission One of our regular reader Mr.Visvesvara M K has expressed his views about the calculation of pension for pre-20016 pensioners as per the 7th Pay Commission. There is an anomaly in pension fixation of pre-2016 pensioners as per 7th CPC recommendations. The 7th CPC has offered two options.

NC JCM and Confederation described it as retrograde recommendations, unexpected and unacceptable

Central Government need to pay attention to the flaws of the 7th Pay Commission report The statistics reveals that there are 88% of total strength of Government servants are in Group ‘C’ Category. Obviously those who are representing these 88% at the Forums which are constituted to negotiate with concerned Departments and Government about their issues are capable of weighing the advantages and disadvantages of recommendations of 7th central pay commission. The Staff Associations and Workers federations are the one who are representing Group C and Group B at various levels of negotiating forums know the plights and facts of government servants more than anybody. They in fact never utter a word of praise on 7th CPC recommendations since the day the report was submitted to the Finance Minister.

KVS issued guidelines on Air Travel on Tour / LTC

KVS issued guidelines on Air Travel on Tour / LTC Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (HQ) 18, Institutional Area, SJS Marg New Delhi – 110 016 F.No.1-1/2015/KVS (JC-Fin) Date: 17.12.2015 The Deputy Commissioner & Director, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, All Regional Offices & ZIETs. Sub: Guidelines on Air Travel on Tour / LTC Sir/Madam, During the audit on the accounts of Regional Offices and Kendriya Vidyalayas, the audit parties observed that the officers entitled for travel by Air have booked their Air Tickets through private travel agencies, which is not in order as per the extant orders and have also objected to it.

Fight for uniform multiplication of 14 times of the Grade pay


PWDs in Central Government – 7th Pay Commission Recommendations

PWDs in Central Government – 7th Pay Commission Recommendations Person With Disabilities in Central Government – 7th Pay Commission Recommendations PWDs in Central Government The government provides three percent reservation in jobs for PWDs. Apart from this reservation at the entry stage, DoPT has issued instructions regarding identification of jobs, post-recruitment and pre-promotion training, providing aids/assistive devices, accessibility and barrier free environment at work place, preference in government accommodation, grievance redressal, and preference in transfer/posting for PWDs. In a recent notification, a provision has been made for ten years’ (fifteen years in case of SC/ST and thirteen years in case of OBC candidates) relaxation in the upper age limit for direct recruitment to civil posts/services under the Central Government.

Demand of Central Govt employees to increase the Fitment Factor recommended by 7th CPC

Demand of Central Govt employees to increase the Fitment Factor recommended by 7th CPC The demand to increase the 2.57 Fitment Factor along with the hike of 14.29 percent is growing among the Central Government employees The 900-page long report of the 7th Pay Commission was submitted to the government on November 19. One of the most important recommendation on the report is the Fitment Factor. It is the most important factor deciding the hike of salaries of the Central Government employees. Fitment Factor is used to calculate the revised basic pay of existing employees with effect from the implementation of 7th CPC. The new revised basic pay of a Central Government employee is calculated by multiplying his/her current (Pre-revised) basic pay with the Fitment Factor.

Bunching benefit in Pay fixation is recommended by 7th pay commission in some situation

Bunching benefit in Pay fixation is recommended by 7th pay commission in some situation 7th Pay commission in its report stated at page 79 entitled Entry Pay, that,” Although the rationalization has been done with utmost care to ensure minimum bunching at most levels, however if situation does arise whenever more than two stages are bunched together, one additional increment equal to 3 percent may be given for every two stages bunched, and pay fixed in the subsequent cell in the pay matrix.

Rounding off of a fraction of a rupee in regulation of additional pension – MoD Order on 23.12.2015

Rounding off of a fraction of a rupee in regulation of additional pension – MoD Order on 23.12.2015 In cases the pension/family pension of old pensioners has been fixed/revised without rounding off the additional pension, in those cases also, the additional pension may be rounded off in the next higher rupee hereinafter. However, no arrears for the period from 1.1.2006 on account of such rounding off would be paid in those cases.

AIRF has demanded Payment of Arrear of Productivity Linked Bonus paid to Railwaymen for the year 2014-15

AIRF has demanded Payment of Arrear of Productivity Linked Bonus paid to Railwaymen for the year 2014-15 Payment of Arrear of Productivity Linked Bonus to Railwaymen for the year 2014-15 The Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Bill, 2015 was introduced in Lok Sabha by the Minister of State for Labour and Employment, Mr. Bandaru Dattatreya, on December 7, 2015. The Bill seeks to amend the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965. AIRF has demanded an Arrear on PLB for FY 2014-15.

No proposal to do away with the existing procedure of Submitting annual life certificate

No proposal to do away with the existing procedure of Submitting annual life certificate Delay in giving pension benefits There is no such proposal to do away with the existing procedure of Submitting annual life certificate by the pensioner to renew their pension payment. Yes Madam. Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare has implemented an online system called ‘BHAVISHYA’ for retiring Central Government Civil employees. The system provides for on-line tracking of pension sanction and payment process. Tracking can be done by the individual as well as the administrative authorities for all actions preparatory to grant of pension and other retirement benefits. Facility also exists for tracking payment of subsequent monthly pension. This is in line with the priorities of Government to ensure transparency and accountability in systems and processes.

DOPT exempted the parents of differently abled children from the mandatory transfers

DOPT exempted the parents of differently abled children from the mandatory transfers Key initiatives of the Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) YEAR ENDER 2015 The Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has taken various initiatives during the year 2015. These initiatives aim at working in the direction of larger public interest and to establish accountability and transparency. In a landmark decision, the Government scrapped Interviews for recruitment to lower posts wherever it could be dispensed with. This was followed by the Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Dr. Jitendra Singh writing D.O. letters to Chief Ministers of all States in September to take the lead in carrying forward this initiative with respect to State Government jobs.

MACP on Promotional Hierarchy – Written reply in Parliament

MACP on Promotional Hierarchy – Written reply in Parliament MACP on promotional grade The employees including Group ‘C’ (which includes erstwhile Group ‘D’) are granted three financial upgradations under Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) Scheme in the next immediate Grade Pay hierarchy as per CCS(Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 on completion of 10, 20 and 30 years of regular service.

Actual Impact of 7th Pay Commission on Government Finances

Actual Impact of 7th Pay Commission on Government Finances Government expenditurer on CG employees and actual impact on government finances Comrades, There are various reports in the media about the impact of the 7th CPC recommendations on the common man and the government resources at large, the reports suggest that additional amount of Rs one lakh crores of public money has been spent for implementation of the 7th CPC recommendations for 35 lakhs central Government employees, Perhaps the strongest criticism of Pay Commission awards is that they play havoc with government finances and also state government demand support to implement the 7th CPC recommendations. At the aggregate level, these concerns are somewhat exaggerated and which is totally wrong.

Bonus Arrears to be Paid on Account of Increase in Calculation Ceiling with Effect from April 2014

Bonus Arrears to be Paid on Account of Increase in Calculation Ceiling with Effect from April 2014 Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Bill 2015 to increase the Bonus Calculation Ceiling and eligibility ceiling has been Passed in Lok Shabha yesterday. As per the provisions of Bonus bill the Bonus Calculation ceiling has to be raised from 3500 to 7000 and eligibility ceiling of wage from 10000 to 21000 per month. Earlier Cabinet gave its approval for this Bonus bill and said it will be come into effect from 1.4.2015 after passed in Parliament.

Bonus calculation ceiling revised from April 2014 – Arrears of bonus likely!

Bonus calculation ceiling revised from April 2014 – Arrears of bonus likely! LS passes Bonus Bill; benefits to accrue from April 2014 The Lok Sabha on Tuesday passed a bill allowing doubling of wage ceiling for calculating bonus to Rs 7,000 per month for factory workers with establishments with 20 or more workers, with the benefits being applicable retrospectively from April 2014. The Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Bill, 2015, was passed by a voice vote, with some members objecting to the raising of eligibility limit for payment of bonus from a salary of Rs 10,000 per month to Rs 21,000.

2 Increment days proposal ignored by 7th Pay Commission

2 Increment days proposal ignored by 7th Pay Commission There is no explanation in the report of 7th CPC about the suggestion regarding the 2 Increment Days in respect of Central Government employees given by the NC JCM Staff Side . Prior to the 6th Pay Commission, there was separate increment date for each central government employees. Sixth Pay Commission recommended uniform increment date for all the central government employees and the new conditions for granting of increment. As per the sixth CPC recommendations, Government servants completing six months and above in the same Grade Pay as on 1st of July are eligible to be granted the Increment.

Eligibility criteria of a school for Reimbursement of Children Education Allowance – Clarification issued by CGDA

Eligibility criteria of a school for Reimbursement of Children Education Allowance – Clarification issued by CGDA Office Of The Controller General Of Defence Accounts Ulan Satar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt – 110010 No. AT/IV/4909/Vol VII Dt:-18.12.2015 To, All PCsDA/CsDA PCoA (FyS) Kolkata SUB: Clarification on Reimbursement of Children Education Allowance REF: This HQrs letter No. AT/IV/4909/Vol V dated 22nd May 2014 The matter regarding admissibility of CEA in r/o of the children studying in Pre-primary schools run by Army welfare Education Society (AWES) was referred to MoD by Hqrs office.

Action programme of NJCA on 26 Point Charter of Demands submitted by NJCA

Action programme of NJCA on 26 Point Charter of Demands submitted by NJCA NJCA NATIONAL JOINT COUNCIL OF ACTION No.NJCA/2015 Dated: December 21, 2015 All the Constituent Organizations & NJCA Members, Dear Comrades, I am confident, by this time you must have studied the 26-point Charter of Demands, submitted by the NJCA to the Cabinet Secretary on 10th December, 2015, circulated vide NJCA’s Circular No.NJCA/2015/7th CPC dated 11th December, 2015.

Minutes of Meeting of SC of National Council (JCM) Staff Side with DoPT on 9.10.2015

Minutes of Meeting of SC of National Council (JCM) Staff Side with DoPT on 9.10.2015 DOPT published today in its official portal regarding the Minutes of Meeting of Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) Staff Side held on Friday, the 9th October, 2015 under the Joint Chairmanship of JS(AV). G.I., Min. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.3/1/2015-JCA, dated 18.12.2015 Subject: Minutes of Meeting of Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) Staff Side held on Friday, the 9th October, 2015 under the Joint Chairmanship of JS(AV), DoPT&T – regarding.

Ratio of minimum and maximum pay in 7th Pay Commission

Ratio of minimum and maximum pay in 7th Pay Commission The pay scale of officers of Secretary level has been recommended Rs 2,25,000/- and minimum pay has been recommended Rs18,000/-. The 7th CPC ratio is 1:12.5 The ratio of minimum and maximum pay (Secretary level, not Cabinet Secretary) was 1:10.66 in 4th CPC. Further it was 1:10.19 in 5th CPC and 1:11.42 in 6th CPC. 7th CPC has extended it to 1:12.5 whereas it had been recommended in previous Pay Commissions the ratio of minimum and maximum pay should not exceed 1:8. The pay scale of officers of Secretary level has been recommended Rs 2,25,000/- and minimum pay has been recommended Rs18,000/-.

Implementation of 7th Pay Commission Recommendations – Taking Leave on 1-1-2016 will affect the effective date of Pay Revision

Implementation of 7th Pay Commission Recommendations – Taking Leave on 1-1-2016 will affect the effective date of Pay Revision A Department of Para Military Forces has informed its officials that Revision of Pay will be effected from 1st January 2016 only for those who are present on duty on 1st January 2016. If he goes on leave on 1st January 2016, the increased pay will be effected only from the date of which such employee resumes duty and not from the first of January 2016. The message sent for respective Department is given below.

Minimum pension fixed for retired Central Government employees

Minimum pension fixed for retired Central Government employees Minimum Pensions The minimum pension fixed for retired Central Government employees is Rs. 3,500/- per month with effect from 01.01.2006. For pensioners, including those retired from public sector corporations and other establishments, to whom the Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS), 1995 framed under the Employees’ Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 applies, provision of a minimum pension of Rs. 1,000/- per month has made with effect from 01.09.2014.

Change of nomenclature of the posts of Assistant of Central Secretariat Service

Change of nomenclature of the posts of Assistant of Central Secretariat Service G.I., Min. of Per. & Trg., O.M.F.No.21/12/2010-CS.I(P), dated 21.12.2015 Approval of the competent authority is hereby conveyed for change of nomenclature of the posts of Assistant of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) and Upper Division Clerk and Lower Division Clerk of Central Secretariat Clerical Service (CSCS) as under:

Is attendance compulsory for Central Government employees on the implementation day (01.01.2016) of the 7th CPC recommendations?

Is attendance compulsory for Central Government employees on the implementation day (01.01.2016) of the 7th Pay Commission recommendations? Central Government employees are wondering if there will be any consequences of taking leave on January 1, 2016, the date of implementation of the 7th Pay Commission report. The recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission regarding the salaries and perks for the Central Government employees will come into effect from January 1, 2016 onwards. Many are curious to find out the connection between the date of implementation of 7th CPC and reporting to work on the day. Normally, the date of joining work, date of getting the promotion, date of receiving the increments, transfer date, and retirement dates are very important for a Central Government employee. In the average service period of a Central Government employee, he/she is likely to witness two or three Pay Commissions. Keeping this in mind, it would be better to not absent oneself on J...

Ajay Maken comments on the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission

Ajay Maken comments on the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission 7TH CENTRAL PAY COMMISSION’S RECOMMENDATIONS ARE DETREMENTAL TO LARGE SECTION OF EMPLOYEES​ The Chairman of Seventh Central Pay Commission Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur has since presented voluminous recommendation consisting of 875 pages to Hon’ble Finance Minister. When we go through the recommendations it appears that it anti low paid employees and failed to improve their financial condition, short of suggesting measures for better and encouraging working conditions for them. It is tilted towards higher level officers.

Analysis and Recommendations of 7th Pay Commission on House Rent Allowance

Analysis and Recommendations of 7th Pay Commission on House Rent Allowance Allowances related to Housing  : House Rent Allowance (HRA) : Presently, HRA is payable at the following rates: HRA recommendation-1There are a large number of demands for paying HRA as a percentage of (Basic Pay + DA), instead of as a percentage of Basic Pay alone, as at present. Representations have also been received regarding enhancement of percentage rates and having only two classifications of Metros and Non-metros (instead of the present classification of X, Y and Z cities).

Instruction regarding simplified procedure for claiming Children Education Allowance: Revised Procedure: JCOS/ OR – PCDA(CC)

Instruction regarding simplified procedure for claiming Children Education Allowance: Revised Procedure: JCOS/ OR – PCDA(CC) Instruction Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Central Command) Cariappa Road, Cantt., Lucknow, Pin Code – 226002 No.ORs Cell/07/PAO Cir Dated: 07/12/2015 To, The Officer – Incharge All LAOs/ RAOs Sub: Instruction regarding simplified procedure for claiming Children Education Allowance: Revised Procedure: JCOS/ OR (the involvement of LAOS in the Revised audit procedure for CEA claims). Ref: This office letter No. even dated 10.06.15 (copy enclosed). Please take the reference of above mentioned letter which has been forwarded to your office alongwith HQrs office letter No.AT/16/Appex-J/Revised 2011/VI dated 27.05.2015 (copy enclosed), stating that after implementation of HRMS 2.0, audit procedure of payment of CEA will undergo substantial change. These instructions, inter-aha, stipulate involvement of LAOS in carrin...

Abolishment of the practice of interview for Group B and C posts

Abolishment of the practice of interview for Group B and C posts The Central Government has decided to dispense with the interview for all Group ‘C’ and non-gazetted Group ‘B’ category in Central Government by 31.12.2015. If a Department considers interview absolutely necessary for any specific posts, then clearance of Department of Personnel & Training is necessary.

Reservation in promotion – Minister replied in Rajya Sabha

Reservation in promotion – Minister replied in Rajya Sabha The DoPT Minister replied in Parliament, while answering a question about the stand of Central Government on reservation in promotion cases involving Central Government employees as follows… “The reservation in promotion is provided to Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) at the rate of 15% and 7.5% respectively in posts and services under the Central Government. As on 1.1.2013, the representation of SCs and STs was 17.55% and 7.72% respectively.

Permission for commercial employment after retirement – Application Form

Permission for commercial employment after retirement – Application Form No. 27012/3/2014-Estt. (A) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, P. G. and Pensions Department of Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi-110001 Dated: 16th December, 2015 Office Memorandum Subject: Procedure for grant of permission to the pensioner for commercial employment after retirement – revision of Form 25

Verification of claims of candidates belonging to SCs, STs and OBCs for purpose of appointment to posts/services – Dopt orders

Verification of claims of candidates belonging to SCs, STs and OBCs for purpose of appointment to posts/services – Dopt orders No.36011/1/2012-Estt.(Res.) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training Establishment Reservation — I Section North Block, New Delhi-110 001 Dated the 7 December, 2015 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Proposed guidelines on reiteration of instructions on verification of claims of candidates belonging to SCs, STs and OBCs for purpose of appointment to posts/services-reg.

Flaws in OROP concept – Ranson

Flaws in OROP concept – Ranson The concept of One Rank One Pension (OROP) is to bridge the gap between the rate of pension of the current pensioners and the past pensioners, and also future enhancements in the rate of pension to be automatically passed on to the past pensioners. In armed forces, equality in service has two components, namely, rank and length of service. Hence, two armed personnel in the same rank and equal length of service should get same pension irrespective of date of retirement and any future enhancement in rates of pension be automatically passed on to the past pensioners. The proposal per-se sounds legitimate and reasonable but seems to be lopsided and without much merit.

Lok Sabha during next week will take up The Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Bill, 2015 – PIB Report

Lok Sabha during next week will take up The Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Bill, 2015 – PIB Report Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs 20-December-2015 11:39 IST As Winter session enters final lap, Rajya Sabha to take up some pending Bills 18 Bills with allotted discussion time of over 43 hours on unfinished agenda for Rajya Sabha Upper House to discuss role of Arunachal Pradesh, price rise Lower House to take up Payment of Bonus and National Waterways Bills 12 Bills passed and 6 introduced in Lok Sabha during this session so far; 1-0 in Rajya Sabha

Issue of Pensioners Identity Card to pensioners – Specimen of Pensioners Identity Card

Issue of Pensioners Identity Card to pensioners – Specimen of Pensioners Identity Card  - Pension Portal Issued Orders on 17.12.2015 No.41/2/2000-P&PW(D) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES & PENSIONS DEPARTMENT OF PENSION & PENSIONERS WELFARE LOK NAYAK BHAVAN, KHAN MARKET, NEW DELHI, DATED THE 17TH December, 2015 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Issue of Pensioners’ Identity Card to Pensioners The undersinged is directed to say that the revised instructions laying down guidelines/specifications for issue of Identiy Card for pensioners have been issued vide this Department’s OM of even no. dated 12.08.2015 and 20.08.2015. Meetings were also taken on this issue by Secretary (Pension) with the representatives of all Ministries/Departments on 3rd/4th September 2015. A copy of the minutes of the meeting is again sent herewith.

Wage hike in 7th Pay Commission and Trade Union Action

Wage hike in 7th Pay Commission and Trade Union Action Wage hike and trade union action Comrades , The 7th CPC has cheated the 35 lakhs Central Government Employees and 50 lakhs pensioners, by announcing meagre 14.29% wage hike, in actual term of increase for serving employees after deduction of Income tax, enhanced subscription of CGEIS, licence fee, CGHS etc the net increase is actually varies from 1% to 4 % increase. The similar situation was existing for central Government employees during the 5th CPC , as the 5th CPC had recommended 20% wage hike after strike notice was served then the Third Front Government agreed to provide 40% wage hike, recently the 6th CPC had provided 54% wage hike.This is lowest wage hike by any pay commission.

7th Pay Commission Report : Employees’ Expectations versus Disappointments

7th Pay Commission Report : Employees’ Expectations versus Disappointments “7th Pay Commission Report – From the perspectives of various employees and employees’ unions” On November 19, the 7th Central Pay Commission submitted its report on the salaries, pensions, and benefits for more than 50 lakh Central Government employees. Within hours, the websites and news media began to give their elaborate interpretations and opinions about the recommendations. Mr. Krishnan, the secretary of Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers , on his website, gave a scathing review of the report, listing out all the drawbacks and disappointments. This was followed by similar opinions from almost all the other employees associations.

Verification of claims of candidates belonging to SCs, STs and OBCs for purpose of appointment to posts/services – Dopt orders

Verification of claims of candidates belonging to SCs, STs and OBCs for purpose of appointment to posts/services – Dopt orders No.36011/1/2012-Estt.(Res.) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training Establishment Reservation — I Section North Block, New Delhi-110 001 Dated the 7 December, 2015 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Proposed guidelines on reiteration of instructions on verification of claims of candidates belonging to SCs, STs and OBCs for purpose of appointment to posts/services-reg.

Dopt Minister Clarifies on Retirement Age 58 or 33 Years of Service

Dopt Minister Clarifies on Retirement Age 58 or 33 Years of Service In Lok Sabha today, the Dopt Minister Shri Jitendra Singh said that there is no proposal to reduce the retirement age to 58 years of age or 33 years of service for Central Government employees.

Comparison on fixation benefit given by 6th CPC & recommended by 7th CPC – IRTSA

Comparison on fixation benefit given by 6th CPC & recommended by 7th CPC – IRTSA COMMON MULTIPLE FACTOR NEEDS TO BE HIKED At present, without implementing 7th pay commission recommendations, year on year increase in the expenditure in both pay and pension has averaged about 11%. Thus real increase on account of increase in pay, all allowances & pension will be only 12.55% (23.55% – 11% = 12.55%). Real increase on account of Pay & DA will be only 5% (16% – 11% = 5%). It is clearly evident that financial implications will be very marginal on account of implementation of 7th CPC recommendations. In the scenario of increase in Government revenue every year and reduction in staff strength of every year, pay element in Government expenditure will come down every year with respect to revenue earning or GDP.

Central Pensioners : 37% are in the 60-70 age group

Central Pensioners : 37% are in the 60-70 age group Age Analysis of Pensioners as on 01.01.2014 : Payment of additional pension/family pension with advancing age came into force based on recommendations of the VI CPC. This Commission, with a view to ascertain the strength in various age groups, called for information on age profile of pensioners and family pensioners. The data with regard to pensioners in terms of various age groups, as reported to the Commission, for the five categories of pensioners’ viz., Central Civil, Railways, Post, Defence (Civil) and Defence (Services) is as under :

Strength of Central Govt Pensioners as on 01.01.2014

Strength of Central Govt Pensioners as on 01.01.2014 Strength of Pensioners as on 01.01.2014 : Pensioners can be broadly categorised into Civil and Defence. Within civil pensioners there exist three broad categories: Central Civil, Railways and Post. As on 01.01.2014, as per data reported to the Commission, the total number of pensioners were 51.96 lakh. The category wise break up is shown in the pie chart below Pensioners and Family Pensioners The break-up of the total 51.96 lakh pensioners as on 01.01.2014 between pensioners and family pensioners, category wise, is as under: The table above brings out the following: i. Of the total 51.96 lakh pensioners as on 01.01.2014, 11.83 lakh viz., 23 percent were family pensioners. ii. Civilian pensioners consisting of Central Government Civil, Railways and Posts, as on 01.01.2014 number 27.81 lakh while defence pensioners (including defence civilians were 24.15 lakh. Defence pensioners (including defence family pensioners a...

Rationalisation of Death Gratuity by 7th Pay Commission

Rationalisation of Death Gratuity by 7th Pay Commission The Commission has received representations pointing to a need for rationalization of current slabs for death gratuity, especially for the slab of 5 to 20 years of qualifying service in which family pensioners are stated to be placed at a disadvantageous position. Analysis and Recommendations : As per Rule 50 of Pension Rules, the death gratuity admissible will be as follows, subject to the maximum limit prescribed for the gratuity:

Reduction in the time period for Restoration of Basic Pension

Reduction in the time period for Restoration of Basic Pension The Commission has received a number of representations requesting reduction of restoration period of commuted portion of pension from the existing 15 years.

7th Pay Commission Report on Leave Encashment of EL

7th Pay Commission Report on Leave Encashment of EL Enhancement of ceiling of Earned Leave for purposes of Leave Encashment The Commission has received representations seeking raising the ceiling limit of 300 days to 450 days for purposes of Leave encashment.

Grant of one time relaxation from the ceiling of 5% for compassionate appointment in Ministry of Defence

Grant of one time relaxation from the ceiling of 5% for compassionate appointment in Ministry of Defence. BPMS writes a letter to Defence Minister regarding compassionate appiontment in the establishments of MoD. BHARATIYA PRATIRAKSHA MAZDOOR SANGH (AN ALL INDIA FEDERATION OF DEFENCE WORKERS) Ref: GENC / MOS / Appointment / 01 Dated: 10.12.2015 To, Dr. Jitendra Singh, Minister of State, Subject: Grant of one time relaxation from the ceiling of 5% for compassionate appointment in Ministry of Defence. Hon’ble Sir, Through this letter, I would like to invite your attention to the following grievance of Civilian employees working in the Ministry of Defence:-

Recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission relating to Pension/Retirement Benefits – RSCWS

Recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission relating to Pension/Retirement Benefits – RSCWS RAILWAYS SENIOR CITIZENS WELFARE SOCIETY IDENTIFIED & RECOGNISED BY DOP&W GOI UNDER PENSIONERS PORTAL No. RSCWS/CHD/7th CPC Rep/2015-1 Dated: 6th December, 2015 Secretary, Government of India, Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare, 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi. Subject: Recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission relating to Pension/Retirement Benefits Reference: Your office letter No. 38/66/13-P&PW(A)(Vol.II) Dated 1st/3rd December, 2015 We would like to draw your kind attention to the following major points of serious injustice with the Pensioners, with a request for justice and required relief for the Pensioners: 1. FIXED MEDICAL ALLOWANCE (Ref: Para 8.17.51): It is regretted that the 7th CPC has recommended no enhancement of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) for Pensioner for day to day medical treatment not requiring...

New Rules for Cancellation and Refund of Railway Tickets

New Rules for Cancellation and Refund of Railway Tickets Under normal circumstances no refund is granted on confirmed, RAC and Waitlisted tickets after the departure of the train. With effect from 12.11.2015, certain provisions of Railway Passengers (Cancellation of tickets and refund of fare) Rules have been amended and comprehensive Railway Passengers (Cancellation of tickets and refund of fare) Rules 2015 have been notified through Gazette Notification G.S.R. 836(E). dated 04.11.2015.

Recommendations on Family Planning Allowance in 7th CPC Report

Recommendations on Family Planning Allowance in 7th CPC Report Family Planning Allowance Family Planning Allowance (FPA) is granted to Central Government employees as an encouragement to adhere to small family norms. The existing rates are as under:

7th CPC recommended to extend the benefit of MACP to DSC Personnel

7th CPC recommended to extend the benefit of MACP to DSC Personnel Grant of Financial Upgradation under MACP to the DSC Personnel The proposal of the Services is that the benefit of MACP should be extended to the Defence Security Corps (DSC), on the grounds that they have been implemented for all government employees including defence forces personnel except DSC personnel. To advance their case it has been contended that Ex-Defence Forces Personnel reenrolled into DSC are treated as a fresh intake for pay and allowances and do not carry forward the financial and other benefits availed in the former service and are placed in the lowest pay scale in the Pay Band. There is very limited scope for promotion in DSC due to restricted rank structure. Hence, denial of the financial upgradation under MACP Scheme to DSC Personnel, in their view, is totally unjustified.

Performance is the main constraint on Annual Increment in 7th CPC

Performance is the main constraint on Annual Increment in 7th CPC Withholding Annual Increments of Non-performers after 20 Years There is a widespread perception that increments as well as upward movement in the hierarchy happen as a matter of course. The perception is that grant of MACP, although subject to the employee attaining the laid down threshold of performance, is taken for granted. This Commission believes that employees who do not meet the laid down performance criterion should not be allowed to earn future annual increments.

RBI denies Message on Currency Notes circulating on Social Media

RBI denies Message on Currency Notes circulating on Social Media The Reserve Bank of India has today denied having issued a communication circulating on social media alerting members of public that banks will not accept currency notes with scribbling on them from January 1, 2016. The Reserve Bank has reiterated that all currency notes issued by it are legal tender and banks and members can freely and without fear accept them in exchange for goods and services.

Travelling Allowance – Analysis and Recommendations of 7th Pay Commission

Travelling Allowance – Analysis and Recommendations of 7th Pay Commission This allowance is in the nature of travel entitlements for different ranks of government employees. No demands have been received regarding this allowance. Analysis and Recommendations : The Commission opines that the present provisions are adequate. Hence, status quo is recommended with the present system of differentiation based on Grade Pay duly substituted by the Levels of the Pay Matrix:

IRTSA requested to grant of Fixed Medical Allowance of Rs.2000 pm to all Pensioners

IRTSA requested to grant of Fixed Medical Allowance of Rs.2000 pm to all Pensioners IRTSA requested to grant of Fixed Medical Allowance of Rs.2000 pm to all retired employees & Pensioners in its memorandum submitted to the Joint Secretary of Implementation Cell, 7th Central Pay Commission as follows…

‘Good’ to ‘Very Good’ – 7th CPC enhancing the performance level for MACP and Regular Promotion

‘Good’ to ‘Very Good’ – 7th CPC enhancing the performance level for MACP and Regular Promotion The 7th Pay Commission has recommended on the benchmark level for MACP and Regular Promotion in Central Government services. The 7th Pay Commission feels that a significant change is required in promotion aspect. The benchmark for performance appraisal for MACP as well as for regular promotion.

Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme (MFCS)

Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme (MFCS) Following the VI CPC’s recommendations the MFCS was brought into effect from 01.01.2011 in all departments declared as scientific by Ministry of Science and Technology except in DRDO and Departments of Atomic Energy and Space, which have continued with MPS. As per the extant instructions of DoPT dated 10.09.2010, Scientists and Engineers who possess academic qualification of at least Master’s Degree in Natural or Agricultural Sciences or Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine and hold scientific posts defined therein are covered under MFCS. Holders of MSc (Electronics) and MSc (Applied Electronics) are also covered under MFCS as their degrees have been considered equivalent to Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering.

Merit Promotion Scheme (MPS) instead of MFCS – 7th CPC Report

Merit Promotion Scheme (MPS) instead of MFCS – 7th CPC Report The three scientific Departments of DRDO, and Departments of Atomic Energy and Space have the Merit Promotion Scheme (MPS) instead of the MFCS. The three scientific Departments of DRDO, and Departments of Atomic Energy and Space have the Merit Promotion Scheme (MPS) instead of the MFCS. However, while MFCS is meant only for Group `A’ posts, MPS extends to Group `B’ and Group `C’ posts as well.

Notification on appointment of Judicial Committee on OROP – DESW Orders issued on 14.12.2015

Notification on appointment of Judicial Commitee on OROP – DESW Orders issued on 14.12.2015 Finally the Central Government issued orders on appointment of a one man judicial committee headed by Justice L.Narasimha Reddy, retired Chief Justice of Patna High Court. The copy of the order is given below for your ready reference… No.12(01)/2014-D(pen/Pol)-Part-II Ministry of Defence (Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, 14th December, 2015 Whereas the Central Government has decided to implement One Rank One Pensin (OROP) for the Ex-Servicement for payment of uniform pension to the armed forces personnel retiring in the same rank with the same length of service, regardless of their date of retirement, which implies that briding the gap between the rate of penion of current and past pensioners at periodic intervals.

Indefinite Strike from 1st week of March 2016: Charter of Demands

Indefinite Strike from 1st week of March 2016: Charter of Demands INDEFINITE STRIKE FROM 1st WEEK OF MARCH 2016 – SECRETARY, JCM (NC) STAFF SIDE WRITES TO GOVERNMENT. CHARTER OF DEMANDS 1. Re-compute the minimum wage on the basis of the actual commodity prices as on 1.7.2015and factor the Dr. Aykroyd formula stipulated percentages for housing and social obligations, children education etc. Revise the fitment formula and pay levels on the basis of the so determined minimum wage; We are not in agreement with the methodology adopted by the 7th CPC in computing the minimum WAGE. We give hereunder briefly the reasons thereof.

7th CPC recommendations are far beneficial is beyond doubt – BHARATH KUMAR

7th CPC recommendations are far beneficial is beyond doubt – BHARATH KUMAR The author of the article Shri. M.Dorai mentions about 32% increase granted as fitment benefit on pay and grade pay excluding D.A. since the VI CPC had granted 40% fitment benefit on basic only excluding D.A. It appears some readers do not understand what 225% stands for. 225% is the actual pay plus grade pay and D.A. as on 1/1/2016 which we actually will be drawing under 6th CPC pay pattern. Out of 225%, 100% denotes Basic+ Grade Pay, the additional 125% stands for D.A. as on 1/1/2016(present D.A. as on 1/7/2015 is 119% + 6% as on 1/1/2016=125%), totalling to 225%. +32 (32% fitment on pay + Grade pay) = 257(2.57 factor).

Group X Pay for JCOs/ORs – 7th CPC Recommendations

Group X Pay for JCOs/ORs – 7th CPC Recommendations The 7th Pay Commission has recommended in its report regarding the Group X Pay for JCOs / ORs in Group X at Rs.6,200 per month for all X trades which involve obtaining a qualification which is equivalent of a diploma recognised by AICTE. Group ‘X’ pay for JCOs/ORs and equivalent has been sought to be enhanced by four times from the existing rate of Rs.1,400 per month. In the context of change in nature of warfare the requirement of a higher technological threshold has been emphasised by the Services. In Defence services, there two groups ‘X’ and ‘Y’ in the three services, by way of the entry level qulaification thershold and the training imparted.

MACP scheme for Defence Service personnel – No marked change in 7th CPC Report

MACP scheme for Defence Service personnel – No marked change in 7th CPC Report Assured Career Progression The Services have sought four financial upgradations under MACP scheme at 6, 12, 18 and 24 years of service or on completion of six years of continuous service in same Grade Pay. It has been stated that 60 percent of the soldiers (i.e., Sepoys and Naiks) are deprived of the third financial upgradation on account of an early retirement.

One Rank One Pension to retired/serving personnel of CAPF

One Rank One Pension to retired/serving personnel of CAPF One Rank One Pension As per report received from the Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO), Ministry of Finance, total number of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) and Assam Rifles (AR) pensioners are 3,28,010 and the pension expenditure as disbursed by Banks for the period 01/04/2014 to 31/03/2015 is Rs.4317.38 crore. The posted strength of CAPFs and AR as on 01/11/2015 is 8,94,616 (AR-67,018, BSF-2,48,799, CRPF-2,89,182, CISF-1,29,468, ITBP-81,747 & SSB-78,402).

7th Pay Commission Fixation of Pay : Initial Appointment on or after 1.1.2016

7th Pay Commission Fixation of Pay : Initial Appointment on or after 1.1.2016 Fixation of Pay as per the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission : Initial Appointment on or after 1.1.2016 may be fixed as follows…

Proposal to increase the ceiling of Bonus – Minister replied in Parliament

Proposal to increase the ceiling of Bonus – Minister replied in Parliament Changes under Bonus Act Shri Bandaru Dattatreya, the Minister of State (IC) for Ministry Labour and Employment in reply to a question in Lok Sabha today stated that there is a proposal to increase the eligibility limit and calculation ceiling under the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.

Enhancement of retirement age of PSU Bank Officers

Enhancement of retirement age of PSU Bank Officers The CEO&MD and DMD of Industrial Finance Corporation of India Ltd. (IFCI Ltd.) were appointed with effect from 12.12.2013 for a period of three years. IFCI became a Government Company with effect from 07.04.2015. The Appointments Committee of Cabinet has approved the continuation of CEO&MD and DMD of IFCI Ltd. beyond their age of superannuation till the completion of their contract period i.e. upto 11.12.2016.

7th Pay Commission recommendations on Bonus Schemes

7th Pay Commission recommendations on Bonus Schemes Bonus Schemes and Performance Related Pay Bonus Schemes in the Central Government : Apart from DAE/DoS, there are bonus payments to Group `B’ (non-gazetted) and Group `C’ Central Government employees. The bulk of these employees are covered under the Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) Scheme, which is implemented in Railways, Posts and Telecommunications, production units under the Ministry of Defence and other establishments The system of Performance Linked Bonus (PLB) and Ad hoc Bonus have been prevalent in the Central Government for a fairly long time. Therefore, for the replacement of the existing bonus schemes with any other incentive scheme, prior consultation with the stakeholders was considered essential.

Assessment of INDWF of the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission

Assessment of INDWF of the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission ASSESSMENT OF INDWF OF THE RECOMMENDATION OF 7TH CPC Minimum Pay : Though the Commission claims to have adopted Dr. Aykroyd formula in calculating minimum wages, the rates of commodities based on which the recommendations of the commission is made is significantly deviating from the rates mentioned in the National Council of JCM proposal. The JCM proposal in this regard should be reiterated. A comparison between existing and proposed VII CPC minimum pay is given below. The retrograde nature of the commission’s recommendations in this regard can by understood by this table.

7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Table Level 13, 13A and 14

7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Table Level 13, 13A and 14 We have given the table for the level from 13, 13A and 14 of Pay Matrix Table recommended by the 7th Pay Commission. The hierarchy stages are given as index 1 to 40(vertical line) and the levels are given as numbers from 13, 13A and 14 (Horizontal line). And the difference between the stages are also shown in the table for your ready reference. Source:

7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Table Level 10 to 12

7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Table Level 10 to 12 We have given the table for the level from 10 to 12 of Pay Matrix Table recommended by the 7th Pay Commission. The hierarchy stages are given as index 1 to 40(vertical line) and the levels are given as numbers from 10 to 12 (Horizontal line). And the difference between the stages are also shown in the table for your ready reference. Source:

7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Table Level 6 to 9

7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Table Level 6 to 9 We have given the table for the level from 6 to 9 of Pay Matrix Table recommended by the 7th Pay Commission. The hierarchy stages are given as index from 1 to 40 (shown in vertical line) and the levels are given as numbers from 6 to 5 (Horizontal line). And the difference between the stages are also shown in the table for your ready reference. Source:

7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Table Level 1 to 5

7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Table Level 1 to 5 We have given the table for the level from 1 to 5 of Pay Matrix Table recommended by the 7th Pay Commission. The hierarchy stages are given as index 1 to 40(vertical line) and the levels are given as numbers from 1 to 5 (Horizontal line). And the difference between the stages are also shown in the table for your ready reference. Source:

Pay Matrix Table for Defence Personnel

Pay Matrix Table for Defence Personnel 7th Central Pay Commission has recommended an important ready recokner unique table for Central Government employees and Defence Personnel and also for both the Pensioners. Separate pay matrices for Civilian employees, Defence Forces personnel and those of the Military Nursing Service (MNS) have been prepared, cell by cell, after due diligence and deliberations.  The structure, which essentially is the same for all segments, has been simplified so that each employee can find his or her place in the proposed matrix. All the employees belonging to various services will proceed according to their respective service conditions by earning increment on the basis of merit.  Any disturbance of the matrix structure will have a serious repercussion on the inter se positioning of various levels in the hierarchy, all of which have been extensively deliberated upon, along with the service conditions of all the employees serving in Governme...

Pay Matrix Table for Central Government Employees

Pay Matrix Table for Central Government Employees The 7th CPC designing a pay matrix which is simple, transparent, predictable and easily comprehensible.  Level -1 To 5 Level -6 To 9 Level -10 To 12

Assessment of INDWF on 7th CPC Recommendations – Fitment, Annual Increment MACP and Cadre Revivew

Assessment of INDWF on 7th CPC Recommendations – Fitment, Annual Increment MACP and Cadre Revivew Fitment : The fitment of the pay in the new pay structure is recommended at 2.57 times of the Basic Pay drawn, which has been arrived based on the Minimum Pay of VI CPC and the proposed Minimum Pay by VII CPC. The NC JCM proposal of Minimum Pay and Fitment ratio should be reiterated.

NJCA decides to go on indefinite strike from 1st Week of March 2016

NJCA decides to go on indefinite strike from 1st Week of March 2016 NJCA MEETING DECISION INDEFINTE STRIKE FROM 1ST WEEK OF MARCH 2016 Meeting of the National Joint Council of Action (Railways, Defence and Confederation) was held on 08.12.2015 at JCM National Council Staff Side office, New Delhi. Detailed deliberations on 7th CPC related issues (including Gramind Dak Sewaks and Casual, Contract and daily-rated workers) was held and a Common charter of demands was finalised.
Reservation For Minorities At present, there is no reservation in Civil Posts and Services under the Government of India and admission to Central Educational Institutions for Minority Communities declared by the Central Government under Section 2(c) of National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992. However, Central Government carved out a sub quota of 4.5% for minorities, as defined under Section 2(c) of National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992 [viz. Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhist and Zoroastrians (Parsis)], from within the 27% reservation for OBCs in Civil Posts and Services under the Government of India and admission to Central Educational Institutions.

Minimum Government and Maximum Governance

Minimum Government and Maximum Governance A citizen friendly and accountable administration is the focus of the government. A series of steps to achieve this goal have been initiated. These include simplification of procedures, identification and repeal of obsolete/archaic laws/rules, identification and shortening of various forms, leveraging technology to bring in transparency in public interface and a robust public grievance redress system. Doing away with the practice of submitting Affidavits for small level executive jobs in the Government and allowing Self-Certification of certificates is one important step in this regard. This has greatly led to the reduction in time and effort on the part of both the citizen as well as the officials in many Government offices.

Tackling Corruption

Tackling Corruption With a view to ensure timely disposal of disciplinary cases and to maintain a mechanism for probity among Government servants, the Department of Personnel & Training has recently issued instruction to all the Ministries and Departments vide Office Memorandum No. 29062/6/2015-AIS(I)(Pt.I) dated 30.9.2015, eliciting information in a standardized format in disciplinary cases for its monitoring. The Department of Personnel & Training handles Prevention of Corruption Act / Disciplinary cases against officers of Indian Administrative Service, Under Secretary and above level officers of Central Secretariat Service, and Group A officers of CBI. As the Cadre Controlling Authority, the Department of Personnel & Training review disciplinary cases relating to these services on monthly basis.

Need reservation for more communities

Need reservation for more communities Demand for Reservation in Service The benefits of reservation to various communities included in the list of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Classes are available in Central Government services and posts, as per the instructions issued by Government, from time to time. Demands from various communities for inclusion of their community to avail the benefit of reservation are received by the Government from time to time.

One Rank One Pension to retired/serving personnel of CAPF

One Rank One Pension to retired/serving personnel of CAPF One Rank One Pension As per report received from the Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO), Ministry of Finance, total number of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) and Assam Rifles (AR) pensioners are 3,28,010 and the pension expenditure as disbursed by Banks for the period 01/04/2014 to 31/03/2015 is Rs.4317.38 crore. The posted strength of CAPFs and AR as on 01/11/2015 is 8,94,616 (AR-67,018, BSF-2,48,799, CRPF-2,89,182, CISF-1,29,468, ITBP-81,747 & SSB-78,402).

MACP scheme for Defence Service personnel – No marked change in 7th CPC Report

MACP scheme for Defence Service personnel – No marked change in 7th CPC Report Assured Career Progression The Services have sought four financial upgradations under MACP scheme at 6, 12, 18 and 24 years of service or on completion of six years of continuous service in same Grade Pay. It has been stated that 60 percent of the soldiers (i.e., Sepoys and Naiks) are deprived of the third financial upgradation on account of an early retirement.

Group X Pay for JCOs/ORs – 7th CPC Recommendations

Group X Pay for JCOs/ORs – 7th CPC Recommendations The 7th Pay Commission has recommended in its report regarding the Group X Pay for JCOs / ORs in Group X at Rs.6,200 per month for all X trades which involve obtaining a qualification which is equivalent of a diploma recognised by AICTE. Group ‘X’ pay for JCOs/ORs and equivalent has been sought to be enhanced by four times from the existing rate of Rs.1,400 per month. In the context of change in nature of warfare the requirement of a higher technological threshold has been emphasised by the Services. In Defence services, there two groups ‘X’ and ‘Y’ in the three services, by way of the entry level qulaification thershold and the training imparted.

7th CPC recommendations are far beneficial is beyond doubt – Bharat Kumar

7th CPC recommendations are far beneficial is beyond doubt – BHARATH KUMAR The author of the article Shri. M.Dorai mentions about 32% increase granted as fitment benefit on pay and grade pay excluding D.A. since the VI CPC had granted 40% fitment benefit on basic only excluding D.A. It appears some readers do not understand what 225% stands for. 225% is the actual pay plus grade pay and D.A. as on 1/1/2016 which we actually will be drawing under 6th CPC pay pattern. Out of 225%, 100% denotes Basic+ Grade Pay, the additional 125% stands for D.A. as on 1/1/2016(present D.A. as on 1/7/2015 is 119% + 6% as on 1/1/2016=125%), totalling to 225%. +32 (32% fitment on pay+Grade pay) = 257(2.57 factor).