
Showing posts from April, 2018

Expected DA from July 2018 Calculator for CG Employees & Pensioners

Expected DA from July 2018 Calculator for CG Employees & Pensioners AICPIN for Jan, Feb and Mar 2018 only updated in the calculator. Remaining Apr, May and June months indices are need to calculate the DA. You can enter your imaginary number in the calculator and get the expected percentage hike in DA… In case of same index for further three months...  In case of one point increase in index for further three months...   In case of two point increase in index for further three months...  In case of one point decrease in index for further three months...

AICPIN March 2018 – Press Release in Hindi and English

AICPIN March 2018 – Press Release in Hindi and English Labour Bureau released today the press release of All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers) for the month of March, 2018. The index remain stands at 287 and when compare to the last month statistics, there is no change. Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief for Central Government Employees and Pensioners is calculated based on the CPI(IW) Base Year 2001=100. The simple calculation table is given below…(To calculate further, Click here )

Expected DA July 2018 – AICPIN for March 2018 Stands at 287

Expected DA July 2018 – AICPIN for March 2018 Stands at 287 Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) – March, 2018 The All-India CPI-IW for March, 2018 remained stationery at 287 (two hundred and eighty seven). On 1-month percentage change, it remained static between February and March, 2018 when compared with the increase of (+) 0.36 per cent between the corresponding months of previous year. The maximum pressure to the change in current index came from Food group contributing (-) 0.25 percentage points to the total change. At item level, Wheat, Arhar Dal, Eggs (Hen), Poultry (Chicken), Onion, Tamarind, Coconut, Tomato, Sugar, Cooking Gas, Fire Wood, Flowers/Flower Garlands, etc. are responsible for the decrease in index. However, this decrease was checked by Rice, Fish Fresh, Apple, Bitter Gourd, Brinjal, French Bean, Lady Finger, Lemon, Parval, Peas, Potato, Radish, Doctor’s Fee, Bus Fare, etc., putting upward pressure on the index. The year-on-year inf...

Disbursement of Salary for April 2018 On 27th April 2018 AP Circle

Disbursement of Salary for April 2018 On 27th April 2018 AP Circle Disbursement of Salary (both Departmental and GDS) for the month of April 2018 On 27/04/2018 AP Circle DEPARTMENT OF POSTS : INDIA O/o the Chief Postmaster General, AP Circle, Vijayawada – 520013 To GM, Finance O/o GM, Finance Dak Sadan, Abids, Hyderabad-01 No.U/Misc/2016 dated at Vijayawada dated at Vijayawada – 13 the 25.04.2018 Sub: Disbursement of salary for the month of April 2018 to all offices of Andhra Pradesh Circel on 27.04.2018 due to Banks holiday on 28.04.2018 being 4th Saturday and 29.04.2018, 30.04.2018 being Sunday and Holiday respectively – reg. I am directed by the Competent Authority to intimate that the salary (both Departmental and GDS) will be disbursed to all officers of Andhra Pradesh Circle on 27.04.2018 instead of 28.04.2018 / 30.04.2018 due to closing of banking services on 28.04.2018 being 4th Saturday and 30.04.2018 being holiday on the occasion of Buddha ...

5 Day Week in LIC: 2nd and 4th Saturdays as Holiday to LIC Employees

5 Day Week in LIC: 2nd and 4th Saturdays as Holiday to LIC Employees Introduction of ‘Five Day Week’ in LIC of India F.No.S-11011/21/2015-Ins.1 Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Financial Service Jeevan Deep Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi, Dated 20th April, 2018 To The Chairman, Life Insurance Corporation of India, Central Office, Yogakeshema Building, J.B.Marg, Mumbai-400021 Sub : Introduction of ‘Five Day Week’ in LIC of India Sir, I am directed to refer LIC’s letter Ref: Per/ER/A/G/2015 on the subject mentioned above and to convey Government’s approval for declaring 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month as holiday in Life Insurance Corporation of India, in line with Public Sectro Banks. Copy of notification declaring 2nd and 4th Saturdays as holiday in the Corporation is enclosed for further necessary action. Yours faithfully, sd/- (Mritunjay Singh) Under Secretary to the Government of India Source l...

LDE (Teaching)-2018: Last Date Extended upto 1st May 2018

LDE (Teaching)-2018: Last Date Extended upto 1st May 2018 Notice – LDE (Teaching)-2018: Last date of submission of Online Application is extended upto 01-05-2018. F.11055-1/2016-KVS(HQ)/RPS/LDE-Teaching Posts/ Date: 25-04-2018 NOTICE It is hereby informed to all eligible teachers of KVS who are willing to apply for the post of Vice-Principal, PGT, TGT & H.M. for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination-2018 through Web Portal that the last date of submission of Online Application is extended upto 01-05-2018. sd/- (TAJUDDIN SHAIK) Assistant Commissioner (RPS) Click to view order Authority:

Air Travel Entitlements for Journeys on Tour or Training

Air Travel Entitlements for Journeys on Tour or Training Air Travel entitlements for journeys on tour or training; revision of instructions reg – RBE 61/2018 RBE No.61/2018 Government of India/Bharat Sarkar Ministry of Railways/Rail Mantralaya (Railway Board) RBE No.61/2018 New Delhi, dated 24.04.2018 No. F(E}I/2017/AL-28/41 General Manager, All Indian Railways, PUs etc. (As per Standard Mailing List} Sub: Air Travel entitlements for journeys on tour or training; revision of instructions reg. In partial modification of Board’s letters of even number dated 24.08.2017 & 25.09.2017 on the subject, it has been decided by Board to revise the Air Travel entitlements of railway officers for journeys on tour or training in the following manner: A. Journeys by Air within the Country 2. Further, in partial modification of Board’s letter of even number dated 25.09.2017, it has also been decided by Board that grant of Air Travel permission to offic...

Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance to Central Government Civil Pensioners

Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance to Central Government Civil Pensioners residing in areas not covered under Central Government Health Scheme Circular No.C-184 No.G1/C/0197/Vol-II/Tech O/o the PCDA (P), Allahabad Dated: 23.04.2018. To, —————————————- —————————————- (All Head of Department under Min. of Defence) Sub: - Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance to Central Government Civil Pensioners residing in areas not covered under Central Government Health Scheme-reg. Ref: -This office Important Circular No.17, dated 20.06.2000. Please refer to this office Circular No.17, dated 20.06.2000 wherein Central Government Civil Pensioners, residing in an area not served by any CGHS dispensary or any corresponding Health Schemes administered by other Ministries/Departments, as the case may be, even though their places of residence may fall within the limits of a CGHS covered cities, are required to submit the following documents for claiming Fixed Medical Allowance:- ...

Writ Petition No. 844/2014 in High Court of Delhi filed

Writ Petition No. 844/2014 in High Court of Delhi filed by Ms. Rama Pandey, Teacher, Kendriya Vidyalaya V/s UOI & others No.2-16/2017-PAP [E-3070642] Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts [Establishment Division/PAP Section] Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi – 110 001 Dated: 23.04.2018 To All Chief Post Masters General, All Post Masters General All General Managers (Postal Accounts & Finance), All Directors of Accounts (Postal), The Director, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai National Postal Academy, Ghaziabad’ U.P. All Directors of PTCs Sub.: Writ Petition No. 844/2014 in High Court of Delhi filed by Ms. Rama Pandey, Teacher, Kendriya Vidyalaya V/s UOI & others – regarding’ I am directed to forward herewith the copy of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training Office Memorandum No. 13018/6/2013-Estt.(L) dated 29th January, 2018 on the subject cited above for k...

142% DA to GDS from 01.01.2018 – Orders issued

142% DA to GDS from 01.01.2018 – Orders issued Payment of Dearness Allowance to Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) effective 01.01.2018 onwards No.14-3/2016-PAP Government of India Ministry of Communication Department of Posts (Establishment Division)/P.A.P. Section Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi — 110 001. Dated: 24 April, 2018 To, All Chief Postmaster General All G.Ms. (PAF)/Directors of Accounts (Posts). Subject: Payment of Dearness Allowance to Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) effective 01.01.2018 onwards —reg. Consequent upon grant of another instalment of Dearness Allowance with effect from 1st January, 2018 to the Central Government Employees vide Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure’s O.M. No.1/1/2018-E-II(B) dated 15.03.2018, duly endorsed vide this Department’s letters No. 8-1/2016-PAP dated 19.03.2018 and Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM No.1/3/2008-E.II(B) dated 28.03.2018, the Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS)...

Revision of the rates of Central Secretariat Deputation on Tenure Allowance – Dopt Orders

Revision of the rates of Central Secretariat Deputation on Tenure Allowance – Dopt Orders Revision of the rates of Central Secretariat (Deputation on Tenure) Allowance to officers of All India Services and Organized Group ‘A’ Central Services on their appointment as Under Secretary, Deputy Secretary and Director in the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme No.2/10/2017-Estt.Pa-II Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi Dated : 24th Apri1,2018 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Revision of the rates of Central Secretariat (Deputation on Tenure) Allowance to officers of All India Services and Organized Group ‘A’ Central Services on their appointment as Under Secretary, Deputy Secretary and Director in the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme. In supersession of the order contained in OM No.2/22(A)/2008-Estt.(Pay II) dated 3rd Septemb...

Grant of additional pension to the pensioners of U.T. Chandigarh

Grant of additional pension to the pensioners of U.T. Chandigarh – reg. No.38/6/18-P&PW(A) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi, Dated the 18th January, 2018 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Grant of additional pension to the pensioners of U.T. Chandigarh –reg. I am directed to refer to your UO No. CPAO/IT & Tech/U.T. Chandigarh/50/2016-17/167 dated 14th December 2017 on the above subject and to say the in accordance with Rule-2 of CCS (Pension) Rules, these rules are applicable to Government servants appointed substantively to civil services and posts in connection with the affairs of the Union. As mentioned in your note dated 24.4.2017, the employees and pensioners of U.T. Chandigarh are governed by the rules and orders as applicable to the employees of Punjab Civil Services. However, the employees of other U.T. Administrations are...

CSD AC Prices 2018: Panasonic Split AC at Chennai Depot

CSD AC Prices 2018: Panasonic Split AC at Chennai Depot Canteen Stores Department Price List 2018: The latest price list of Panasonic Split Air Conditioner based on Chennai (Tamil Nadu) Depot. Defence Personnel are requested to check availability and rates before indent SPLIT AIR CONDITIONER 67365 CS-CU-UC 18SKY4 SER 1.5 TON 4 STAR COPPER 30,076 67366 CS-CU-KC 18SKY5SER 1.5 TON 5 STAR COPPER 32,993 67367 CS-CU-YS 18SKY INVERTOR 1.5 TON 3 STAR COPPER 38,293 67368 CS-CU-UC12SKY3 SER 1.0 TON 3 STAR COPPER 23,169 67369 CS-CU-UC18SKY5 SER 1.5 TON 3 STAR COPPER 24,598 67370 CS-CU-UC24SKY3 SER 2.0 TON 3 STAR COPPER 34,632

Processing of Revision of Pension under 7th CPC – CPAO

Processing of Revision of Pension under 7th CPC – CPAO Common mistakes by PAOs in processing of Revision of Pension under 7th CPC – CPAO CPAO/1T&Tech/Revision(7th CPC)/19.Vol-III (D)/2017-18/12 19.04.2018 Office Memorandum Subject: Common mistakes by PAOs in processing of Revision of Pension under 7th CPC 7th CPC Pension Revision cases are to be settled in a time bound manner. This office is receiving more than 3000 pension revision cases on daily basis. However, it has been observed that about 5 to 10 percent cases are returned by this office to PAOS due to Various discrepancies. The reasons to return are indicated by this office in each case. To facilitate the PAOs, a list of common mistakes made by PAOs has been prepared and enclosed herewith at Annexure-A. In view of above all the PAOs are requested to ensure that 7th CPC revision cases are sent correctly to CPAO to speed up the processing of the same in a time bound manner. Encl: As above ...

Check Your Pay and Allowances as per 7th CPC

Check Your Pay and Allowances as per 7th CPC Check your pay and allowances as per the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission with our exclusive calculator. We provided here a simple and elegant calculator to calculate your monthly pay including dearness allowance, transport allowance, house rent allowance and NPA.

Revised Pay Scale from 1.7.2017 for Karnataka Govt Employees

Revised Pay Scale from 1.7.2017 for Karnataka Govt Employees Check Your Revised Pension / Family Pension as on 1.7.2017 REVISED SCALES OF PAY:  The existing scales of pay are revised as specified below:-  DATE OF EFFECT: The revised scales of pay shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 1st July 2017. The monetary benefit of the revised scales of pay shall be admissible from 1st April 2018. The increase in pay and allowances and pension on account of the revision of scales of pay shall be payable in cash with effect from 1st April 2018.  The revised scales of pay are linked to the cost of living situation represented by the index average of 276.9 points as on 1st July 2017 in the All India Average Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers (General) (Base: 2001=100).  The revised pay scales are specific segments of Master scale of pay of Rs.17000-400-18600-450-20400-500-22400-550-24600-600-27000-650-29600-750-32600-...
Financial Upgradation and NFG to Pharmacists under MACP Grant of financial upgradation under ACP/MACP Scheme and Non Functional Grade to Pharmacists No.Pay/Tech-I/01 (6th CPC) Pharmacist Dated: 13.04.2018 To All CFAs / Br. AOs Subject: Grant of financial up gradation under ACP/MACP Scheme and Non Functional Grade to Pharmacists. The issue of grant of ACP/MACP to Pharmacists on acceptance of Fast Track Committee Report, the Government of India, vide Min of Fin, Deptt of Expenditure F.No.1/1/2008-IC dated 18.11.2009 was referred to our HQrs office for clarifications on the following points. (i) Whether the pharmacists (GP Rs.2800/-) who have already been granted higher scale/GP (GP 4200/-) by virtue of ACP or otherwise prior to effective date of OM dated 18.11.2009 are again to be allowed Non Functional Upgradation (GP 4200/-) under the above provisions. (ii) Further, doubt has been raised regarding mode of fixation of pay while on granting ACP after NFU, as ...

NPS Subscribers: Submit FATCA Self-Certification through Online

NPS Subscribers: Submit FATCA Self-Certification through Online Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and Central Registry of Securitization Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest (CERSAI) Ministry of Finance Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority prescribes New NPS Subscriber Registration Form – Additional Mandatory Requirements Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has been established by the Government of India for regulation and development of Pension Sector in order to protect the old age income security of subscribers. PFRDA takes various initiatives from time to time in order to simplify and improve the operational issues in National Pension System (NPS) like new functionality development under NPS architecture, simplification of account opening, withdrawal, grievance management etc. In this regard, it has been decided by the Authority to make bank account details and mobile no. mandatory to provide ease of operation for th...

NPS Subscribers: Know your FATCA Compliant Status

NPS Subscribers: Know your FATCA Compliant Status Click here to Know your FATCA Compliant Status Online Submission of FATCA Self-Certification Subscribers registered on or after July 1, 2014 are mandatorily required to submit FATCA Self–certification Please follow the steps given below for online Self-Certification: Log-in to your NPS account (please visit Click on sub menu “FATCA Self-Certification” under the main menu “Transaction” Submit the required details under “FATCA/CRS Declaration Form” Click on “Submit” You are requested to read and tick “Declaration & Authorization by all customers” Click on “Confirm” Enter OTP received on your registered mobile number. After Authentication through OTP, Acknowledgment for the completion of FATCA Self-certification will be displayed. You are requested to provide Online Self-certification even if you have submitted /sent the physical Self-Certification form to CRA. Kindly note, you are req...

Expected DA Calculator from July 2018 for CG Employees and Pensioners!

Expected DA Calculator from July 2018 for CG Employees and Pensioners! Expected DA Calculator from July 2018 Central Government employees losing interest in Dearness Allowance? It is becoming very obvious these days that the Central Government employees and pensioners are fast losing interest in Dearness Allowance. Dearness Allowance is given to the Central Government employees once every six months, in order to help them maintain their lifestyle against the rising prices. Fluctuations in the prices of 392 essential items are recorded regularly at 78 various locations and their data is tabulated once every month to calculate the All India Consumer Price Index Number(AICPIN) , which is then released by the Centre. Dearness Allowance is thus calculated. For ten years now, we have been calculating the Dearness Allowance in advance and releasing the numbers. This is why we are able to sense an acute loss of interest among the Central Government employees in recent tim...

Latest LTC 80 Air Fare List

Latest LTC 80 Air Fare List Latest and revised fare list of Air India LTC 80 Scheme Air India LTC 80 Scheme: A new and revised fare list has been published with effect from 1st April 2018 by Air India. LTC 80 Fare in Air India from 1st April 2018 LTC 80 Fare in Air India from 1st April 2018 SECTOR & V.V HLTC   EconomyClass DLTC   ExecutiveClass BASIC   FARE BASIC   FARE Agartala  Agartala Kolkata 8750 17880 Agra  Agra Delhi 8750 17880 Agra Khajuraho 8750 17880 Agra   Varanasi 9500 19320 Ahmedabad Ahmedabad  Chennai 17500 35400 Ahmedabad Delhi 11050 22440 Ahmedabad  Mumbai 8750 17880 ...