
Showing posts from February, 2012

Paid Holiday to employees on the day of Poll

Paid Holiday to employees on the day of Poll Election Commission of India has declared to grant of paid holiday to employees on the day of poll in Punjab, Goa, Manipur, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. The General Elections to the Legislative Assemblies of Goa, Manipur, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand, 2012. As per the section 135B of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, which provides for the grant of paid holiday to the employees on the day of poll. The rule of section 135B says,

All India Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers - AICPIN for the month of January, 2012

AICPIN for the month of January, 2012 Ministry of Labour & Employment All India Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers            All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 for the month of January, 2012 increased by 1 point and stood at 198 (one hundred & ninety eight). During January, 2012, the index recorded maximum increase of 9 points each in Haldia and Bhilai centres, 7 points  in Jamshedpur centre, 6 points each in Tiruchirapally and Srinagar centres, 5 points  in 2 centres, 4 points in 7 centres, 3 points in 7 centres, 2 points in 11 centres and 1 point in 18 centres. The index decreased by 3 points each in Rangapara Tezpur and Godavarikhani centres, 2 points each in Madurai and Mercara centres, 1 point in 8 centres, while in the remaining 16 centres the index remained stationary.


GOVERNMENT FILES APPEAL AGAINST JUDGMENT ON MODIFIED PARITY IN PENSION LEGAL BATTLE FOR JUSTICE CONTINUES FOR PENSIONERS The Government has filed an Appeal against the 1ST November 2011 judgment of the Principal Bench of Delhi Central Administrative Tribunal on modified parity in pension to the pensioners retired prior to 1.1.2006. You may remember that the Principal Bench of Delhi CAT had directed implementation of OM dated 1.9.2008 based on the Government's Resolution dated 29.08.2008 accepting the recommendation of 6th CPC for modified parity of pension to pre 1.1.2006 pensioners by nullifying the clarificatory orders issued subsequently that denied the real content of the 6th CPC recommendation as accepted earlier by the Union Cabinet through its Resolution dated 29.08.2008. However now the Government has filed an Appeal against the judgment of the CAT.

National Pension Schemes will be linked to Aadhar, says Jairam

Ministry of Rural Development National Pension Schemes will be linked to Aadhar, says Jairam The Rural Development Minister Shri Jairam Ramesh today said that National Social Assisstance Programme, NSAP will be completely restructured and all payments under the scheme will be done through Aadhar-based payment system. Talking to a select group of media persons here, he said, the restructured system will be in place by 10th of March this year and it will ensure that each beneficiary under old age, disabilities and widow pension schemes will get one’s entitlement every month and there will be no delay in payments. He said, the Central government spends nearly 8,000 crore rupees under the NSAP scheme, but the devolvement of funds is being done in a complicated process in a layered manner, which he said will be rectified and only one State Agency will be identified for receipt of funds for final disbursement to pass book holders through Aadhar-based system.


MAGNIFICENT STRIKE BY CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES AND WORK Manishinath Bhawan, A/2/95 Rajouri Garden  New Delhi. 110 027 Date: 28th February 2012 PRESS STATEMENT The General Strike of Indian working class for which the call was given by the Central Trade Unions and endorsed by all the Federations and the Central and State Govt. Employees elicited the largest participation today. The increased participation of workers in the industrial action was indicative of the growing realization of the need to struggle against the present economic policies of the Govt. of India. The Central Govt. employees throughout the country responded to the call admirably in as much as the strike was almost total in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Manipur and about 80% in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, and partial in Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Arunachal P...

Strike disrupts banking, transport sector in Delhi

Strike disrupts banking, transport sector in Delhi New Delhi: The nation-wide strike against government's "anti-labour" policies had little impact on normal life in Delhi today though functioning of PSU banks was affected and a number of autos and taxi drivers kept their vehicles off the roads. Commuters complained that frequency of state-run buses was low as the 24-hour strike called by all major unions to protest the "anti-labour" policies of the government, rising prices and disinvestment of PSUs began this morning.

Nation-wide strike evokes mixed response

Nation-wide strike evokes mixed response The 24-hour country-wide strike called by major trade unions on Tuesday to protest anti-labour policies of the govt and rising prices evoked a mixed response with the banking and transport sector hit in some parts. In West Bengal, there were fewer vehicles on the road but several schools and government offices remained open following the warning given by Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee that absence from duty will be treated as a break in service.   Director General of Police Naparajit Mukherjee said in Kolkata that the situation was normal in the districts.

Expert Group for Modernisation of Indian Railways Presents its Report to Minister of Railways

Ministry of Railways Expert Group for Modernisation of Indian Railways Presents its Report to Minister of Railways Report Suggests a Total Funding of Rs. 822,671 Crore in Next Five Years ‘Mission Mode’ Approach for Focus Areas Suggested The Expert Group for Modernisation of Indian Railways, constituted by the Ministry of Railways under the Chairmanship of Shri Sam Pitroada, Advisor to the Prime Minister, presented its report to the Minister of Railways, Shri Dinesh Trivedi, at a function, here today. The purpose of the Expert Group was to recommend ways and means to modernize Indian Railways to meet the challenges of economic growth, the aspirations of the common man, the needs of changing technology and the expanding market while at the same time ensuring adequate focus on addressing social and strategic requirements of the country in consonance with Indian Railways’ national aspirations. Present on the occasion among others were the Minister of State for Railways, Shri Bharatsinh...

Trade unions reject PM's appeal to call off strike

Trade unions reject PM's appeal to call off strike Trade unions have rejected Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's appeal to call off the all-India strike on Tuesday. Dr. Singh reportedly got in touch with the Congress-backed Indian National Trade Union Congress president G. Sanjeeva Reddy and urged him to convey his appeal to the apex body of the unions coordinating the strike. It is the first time since independence that trade unions of all hues have got together to register their protest on a wide range of issues stemming out of the liberalisation policy.


CENTRAL TRADE UNIONS DECIDE FOR COUNTRYWIDE GENERAL STRIKE ON 28.2.2012   Message from ALL INDIA BANK OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION... The Central Trade Unions in a meeting congratulated the mass of the working people for their massive response to the programme of countrywide Jail Bharo/Satyagraha of 8th November 2011 jointly organised by Central and other Trade Unions of India.    The Central Trade Unions also convey their appreciation to the independent All India Federations if the employees and workers for their active wholehearted support to the call of countrywide Satyagraha/Jail Bharo.    The Central Trade Unions noted with serious concern that despite several rounds of united protests by the entire trade union movement of the country, the Government has remained totally unresponsive to major concerns of the working people.  Rather anti-worker moves are being taken to further aggravate the rise in prices through frequent hike in power tariff, urea, etc besid...

One Day Strike on 28th February, 2012 - NFIR

One Day Strike on 28th February, 2012 Message from NFIR... The Working Committee of INTUC  in its meeting held at Puducherry on 29th & 30th November, 2011 has approved the decision of the Central Trade Unions to go for one day strike on 28th February, 2012 on the following issues.



Make the 28th February strike a historic success... BSNL Employees Union

Make the 28th February strike a historic success Message from BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi... "The Indian working class is all set to go on a strike tomorrow, which is going to be the biggest strike the country has even witnessed. The strike will also be a very big success in BSNL, which will start from 0000 hrs on 28.02.2012 and will end at 0000 hrs on 29.02.2012. Comrades are requested to make last minute mobilization to make the strike a grand success".

Labour Minister appeals trade unions not to go on general strike

Ministry of Labour & Employment Labour Minister appeals trade unions not to go on general strike Union Labour and Employment Minister Shri Mallikarjun Kharge has appealed to the major central trade unions not to go on countrywide general strike tomorrow.

Strike on 28.02.2012 by AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata - Charter of demands

Strike on 28.02.2012 by AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata - Trade Unions draw up Charter of demands... FAX FROM ; OFFICE OF THE CGDA ULAN BATAR ROAD, PALAM, DELHI CANTT, – 10 TO All the PCsDA/CsDA Subject : Strike on 28.02.2012 by AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata

Residents of the State of J and K (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit for Recruitment to CCS and Posts) Amendment Rules, 2011

Residents of the State of J and K (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit for Recruitment to CCS and Posts) Amendment Rules, 2011. [TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, EXTRA ORDINARY, PART-II, SECTION 3, SUB-SECTION (i)] Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) New Delhi, dated the 30th December, 2011. NOTIFICATION G.S.R. (E) -------- In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 and clause (5) of article 148 of the Constitution, and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India in relation to the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit for Recruitment to Central Civil Services and Posts) Rules, 1997, namely:-

Increment issue - Dopt order for Granting one increment to the Central Government Employees may be issued very soon...

The order for Granting one increment to the Central Government Employees may be issued in the first week of March 2012 Sources close to the DOP&T informed that the issue of granting one increment to the government servants, whose increment date falls between February 2006 and June 2006, has been forwarded to Finance Ministry for its approval. According to the sources, the Finance Ministry gave its approval to this proposal as agreed by the Government in the National Anomaly Committee. The Federations representing National Anomaly Committee approached the Government to issue the order very soon, since the decision of granting one increment to the govt servants was taken in the National Anomaly Committee on 5th January 2012. It is believed that the federations were informed that due to the ongoing Elections for state assemblies in some states, issuing order is delayed. As per the Election Schedule the elections for state assemblies for 5 States are commenced on 28-1-2012, and the ...

7 bank unions call for strike on February 28; services may be hit

7 bank unions call for strike on February 28; services may be hit NEW DELHI: As many as seven employees' unions of banks have given a call for strike on Tuesday, demanding stringent measures to recover bad loans and opposing outsourcing of non-core activities to the private sector. "Seven bank unions of nine have given strike call for stringent and effective measures to recover bad loans of banks and unilateral imposition of Khandelwal committee recommendations," All India Bank Employees Association ( AIBEA) General Secretary C H Venkatachalam told PTI.

Union Labour Minister’s Appeal to Trade Unions

Union Labour Minister’s Appeal to Trade Unions Union Labour and Employment Minister Shri Mallikarjun Kharge has appealed to the major central trade Unions to desist from going on countrywide general strike on February 28,2012.The Minister has issued the following appeal here today: ‘ I am pained to learn that all major central trade unions have decided to observe a countrywide general strike on 28th february 2012 when the whole attention of the country is focussed on achieving high economic growth. It may be appreciated that the UPA Government has taken strong measures to contain price rise, as a result of which prices of commodities have decreased significantly in recent months. It is well-known that the interest of the common man is paramount for the UPA Government in all policy decisions, particularly relating to the weaker sections of society, farmers and working class. In pursuance to these avowed objectives the Ministry of Labour and employment has taken many radical steps to i...

Diamond Jubliee Year Celeberations of ESIC Concludes

Ministry of Labour & Employment Diamond Jubliee Year Celeberations of ESIC Concludes Union Labour and Employment Minister Shri Mallikarjun Kharge has said that Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC ), which was established with an ambition to provide integrated health care and social security to India’s working class in the organized sector and their families, over a period of time has become the backbone of the working class in the country. Speaking at the concluding function of the Diamond Jubilee Year Celebrations of ESIC here today, Shri Kharge said numerous benchmarks of excellence, quality and services have been achieved by ESIC during the last six decades. He said “it has served as an agent for empowering the workforce with social security. Not only the worker and their families have been protected from adversity, but it has also facilitated the acceleration of urbanization and industrialization of the country”. Referring of the achievements of the ESICs during th...


THE MACHINERY FOR JOINT CONSULTATION AND COMPULSORY ARBITRATION The Scheme for Joint Consultation  and Compulsory Arbitration for the Central Government Employees was introduced in the year 1966 on the lines of the Whitely Councils of the United Kingdom.  This is a declaration of joint intent regarding the common approach of the Government of India on the one hand and the employees’ organisations on the other for joint consultation and smooth working.  The basic objectives of the Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM) are as under:- To promote harmonious relations between the government and its employees.

Employment News :Recognition of Certificate/Qualification of I.T.I upgraded as Centre of Excellence (COE) and its acceptance for the purpose of employment in railways

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) RBE No.16/2012 No.E(NG)-II/2005/RR-1/7. New Delhi, Dated :01/02/2012. The General Manager (P), All Zonal Railways/Production Units, CORE/Allahabad, MTP/Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai, CAO (R), DMW/Patiala, COFMOW/New Delhi, Director General, RDSO/Lucknow & RSC/Vadodra, Director, IRISET/Secundrabad, IRICEN/Pune, IRIEEN/Nasik & IRIM&EE/Jamalpur and Chairmen/Railway Recruitment Boards; Managing Director/Konkan Railway Corporation Limited. Sub: Recognition of Certificate/Qualification of I.T.I upgraded as Centre of Excellence (COE) and its acceptance for the purpose of employment in railways. Ref: (i) Board’s letter of even number dated 27.12.2006 (RBE No. 196/2006).       (ii) Ministry of Labour & Employment’s Gazette Notification dated 07.11.2007, 21.7.2010 and 7.9.2010 (enclosed) The proposal for recognition of certificate / qualification imparted by Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) ...

Dopt issued clarification on Children Education Allowance

No.12011/07(ii)/2011-Estt.(AL) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension Department of Personnel and Training New Delhi, 21-02-2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Children Education Allowance. Subsequent to issue of Department of Personnel & Training’s O.M. No.12011/03/2008—Estt.(Allowance) dated 2nd September, 2008 and clarifications issued from time to time on the subject cited above, a number of references have been received on certain aspects of Children Education Allowance / Hostel Subsidy. After due consideration of the references, in consultation with the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, the following modifications/alterations are carried out with effect from the date of issue of this O.M. on pro-rata basis: i. Development Fee/Parents’ Contribution charged by the school/institution in lieu of tuition fee shall be reimbursed. The Government servant will have to certify to the effect that tuition fee has not been ch...

Clarification on Children Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy

No.12011/07(i)/2011-Estt.(AL) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training New Delhi, 21st February, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Children Education Allowance - Clarification. The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Personnel & Training’s O.M. No.12011/03/2008—Estt.(Allowance) dated 2nd September, 2008, and subsequent clarifications issued from time to time on the subject cited above, and to state that various Ministries / Departments have been seeking clarifications on various aspects of the Children Education Allowance / Hostel Subsidy. The doubts raised by various authorities are clarified as under:

Fixation of ‘range of seniority’ (zone of promotion) for promotion of Stenographers Grade ‘D’ to Personal Assistant (PA) Grade of CSSS for the Select list Year 2010

MOST IMMEDIATE No. 5/1/2012-CS-II(C) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training 3rd floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi-110003. 16th February, 2012. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Fixation of ‘range of seniority’ (zone of promotion) for promotion of Stenographers Grade ‘D’ to Personal Assistant (PA) Grade of CSSS for the Select list Year 2010. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s Order No.20/51/2009-CS.II dated 27.1.2011 vide which it has been decided, inter-alia, to fill up all existing direct recruitment vacancies in the PA grade only by way of promotion through seniority quota as a one-time measure. In addition to the vacancies of PAs earmarked for direct recruitment, the vacancies of PAs earmarked to be filled up through Seniority Quota (SQ) for SL year 2010 are also being filled up by way of promotion through SQ. Accordingly, it has been decided to fix the ‘range of seniority’...


  Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan  18 Institutional Area,  Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg  New Delhi – 110016  Tel: 26858570  Fax No. 26514179  Website:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ...

Employment News : Minimum Wages Act Coverage for all Employments...

Ministry of Labour & Employment Key Recommendations of 44th Session of Indian Labour Conference  Minimum Wages Act Coverage for all Employments Raising The Wage Ceiling in the Employees Provident Fund, Enhancement of Pension Under Employees Pension Scheme 95, Portability of PF Account, Reduction in the Requirement of Minimum Continuous Service, Etc. Stress on Matching the Large Scale Skilling Targets with Creating Similar Number of Openings in the Area of Employment Maternity Leave Under the Maternity Benefit Act be Increased from the Present Level of 12 Weeks to 24 Weeks

Enhancement of various allowances by 25% from 01-01-2011 owing to over 50% increase in Dearness Allowance..

Enhancement of various allowances by 25% from 01-01-2011 owing to over 50% increase in Dearness Allowance.. . F.No.5-06/2011-PAP  GOVERNMENT OF INDIA  MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS AND I.T.  DEPARTMENT OF POSTS  [ESTABLISHMENT DIVISION]  DAK BHAWAN, SANSAD MARG, NEW DELHI-110116 THE 24th JANUARY, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM SUBJECT : ENHANCEMENT OF VARIOUS ALLOWANCES BY 25% FROM 1.1.2011 OWING TO OVER 50% INCREASE IN DEARNESS ALLOWANCE - REG. The undersigned is directed to say that a number of references and queries have been received in this Directorate from various Circles seeking clarifications in respect of increase of various allowances consequent upon increase in the Dearness Allowance beyond 50% w.e.f. 1st January, 2011. The issue has been examined in consultation with Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure). It may be recalled that, on implementation of the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission, necessary orders in respect of various ...


REGULATION OF STRIKE PERIOD- REITERATION OF INSTRUCTIONS ISSUED VIDE LETTER NO. 8/27/97 SR (Pt) DATED 23.06.1998. D.G. Posts No. 8/15/2011-SR dated 1st February, 2012.             As you aware, the Postal Joint Council Action served a notice of Indefinite Strike with effect from 17.01.2012 accompanied by a 25 point Charter of Demands. All the items were discussed in detail in a series of meetings taken by Secretary/Members of the Postal Services Board and minutes of the meeting were sent to you vide communication dated 16.01.2012. 2.         In this regard attention is invited to para 24 of the minutes of the meeting dealing with imposing FR-17A against strikers. Instructions on the subject were issued by the Department vide D.O. letter No. 8-27/97-SR (Pt) under the signature of the then Member Development which inter alia states that the provisions of FR-17A in respect of Departmental Employees and Rule 23 of ED Conduct and Servi...

Clarification regarding regulation of payment of employer’s share of contribution to the Contributory Provident Fund during the period of reverse deputation

No.6/8/2009-Estt.(Pay II) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training New Delhi, the 15th February, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Clarification regarding regulation of payment of employer’s share of contribution to the Contributory Provident Fund during the period of reverse deputation. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M.No.6/8/2009-Estt.(Pay II) dated 17th June, 2010 vide which instructions were issued for regulating the terms and conditions of pay, Deputation (duty) allowance etc. on transfer on deputation/foreign service of Central Government employees to ex-cadre posts under the Central Government/State Governments/Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies, Universities/UT Administration, Local Bodies etc. and vice versa.

From Today Onwards, Carrying of Original ID Proof is Compulsory during Train Journey in All Air Conditioned Classes

Ministry of Railways From Today Onwards, Carrying of Original ID Proof is Compulsory during Train Journey in All Air Conditioned Classes  New Condition is Not Applicable on Passengers Upgraded to AC Class From  today onwards i.e. 15th February 2012, anyone of the passengers/the passenger booked on the ticket issued from computerized Passenger Reservation System (PRS counters) and Internet (i-ticket) undertaking journey in AC-3 tier, AC-2 tier, 1st AC, AC Chair Car and Executive Classes will have to carry one of the nine prescribed proofs of identity (in original) during the journey.  The passengers of these AC classes would be required to produce the Identity Card in original as and when required failing which all the passengers booked on that ticket will be treated as without ticket and charged accordingly.  However, the Identity Card (in original or its photocopy) will not be required at the time of purchase reserved AC tickets from PRS counters or i-ticket. ...

Re-reimbursement of Children Education Allowance to Railway employees - NFIR

NFIR  National Federation of Indian Railwaymen  (Affiliated to Indian National Union Congress)  (Affiliated to International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) London) No.I/13(a) Dated – February 06, 2012 Sub: Re-reimbursement of Children Education Allowance to the employees - Unjustified decision to deny the Allowance on the plea on non-production of original bills - S.C.Railway Ref : Railway Board's letter No. E(W)2008/ED-2/4 dated 01.10.2008 & 10.06.2009 . NFIR enclose copy of C.P.O. South Railway's circular No.SCR/P-HQ/Ruling/0/866/P(R) 249/III dated 8.4.2011. Vide Para V (3) of the circular of South Central Railway, it has been stipulated that the claim made by the employee should not be processed unless it is accompanied with the bills in original. This condition is causing hardship to those employees who have produced certified copies of the bills as the original bills were misplaced / lost. NFIR contends that so long as claim...