
Showing posts from March, 2019

Enforcement of Model Code of Conduct w.r.t. General Elections – DoPT Orders

Enforcement of Model Code of Conduct w.r.t. General Elections – DoPT Orders Enforcement of Model Code of Conduct w.r.t General election to Lok Sabha, Assemblies of some States & certain Bye-elections Compliance with the Model Code and related instructions :- Election Matter A-43014/2/2018-Ad.IV Government of India Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi, The 18th March, 2019 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: General election to Lok Sabha 2019 and Legislative Assemblies in the State of Andhra Pradesh, Arunchal Pradesh, Odisha and Sikkim and certain bye-electinos – Enforcement of Model Code of Conduct – reg. The undersinged is directed to enclose a copy of each of D.O. letter No.1/41/2019-Cab dated 11.03.2019 and O.M. No.1/41/2019-Cab dated 12.03.2019 received from Cabinet Secretariat, for information and compliance. Encl. As above sd/- (Brij Mohan) Under Secretary to the Government of India Source: Conf...

NC(JCM) meeting with Cabinet Secretary on 13-04-2019

NC(JCM) meeting with Cabinet Secretary on 13-04-2019 National Concil (JCM) meeting with Cabinet Secretary on 13-04-2019 – Confederation  Juglal Singh Deputy Secretary (JCA) Tele: 23092338 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL & TRAINING MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS NORTH BLOCK NEW DELHI 110001 F.No.3/1/2019-JCA Dated: 22nd March, 2019 Dear Sir, The 47th Meeting of the National Council (JCM) is scheduled to be held on April, 13 2019 (Saturday) at 11.:30 AM in Conference hall, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Cabinet Sercretary. 2. Kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting. Yours sincerely, sd/- (Juglal Singh) To All Staff Side Members of the National Council (JCM) – (As per lis attached) Source: Confederation

KV Class-1 Admission 2019 : Region wise RTE & SGC Lottery Schedule

KV Class-1 Admission 2019 : Region wise RTE &  SGC Lottery Schedule Region Wise RTE & Single Girl Child Lottery  Schedule Region Lottery Date Lottery Time Slot AGRA 26-03-2019 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM AHMEDABAD 26-03-2019 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM BENGALURU 26-03-2019 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM BHOPAL 26-03-2019 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM BHUBANESWAR 26-03-2019 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM CHANDIGARH 26-03-2019 12:30 PM to 01:30 PM CHENNAI 26-03-2019 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM DEHRADUN 26-03-2019 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM DELHI 26-03-2019 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM ERNAKULAM 26-03-2019 12:30 PM to 01:30 PM GURUGRAM 26-03-2019 12:30 PM to 01:30 PM GUWAHATI 26-03-2019 12:30 PM to 01:30 PM HYDERABAD 26-03-2019 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM JABALPUR 26-03-2019 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM JAIPUR 26-03-2019 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM JAMMU 26-03-2019 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM KOLKATA 26-03-2019 11:30 AM to 12:3...

National Council (JCM) Dharna on 28-03-2019 is deferred

National Council (JCM) Dharna on 28-03-2019 is deferred All the Constituent Organizations of National Council (JCM) Sub:-Holding of regular meetings of the National Council (JCM), Standing Committee of the National Council (JCM) and the Departmental Council (JCM) as per the JCM Scheme – deferment of the proposed Dharna at Delhi on 28th of March, 2019. Ref:-DOPT letter F.No.3/1/2019-JCA dated 22/3/2019 Dear Comrades, Cabinet Secretary already fix the meeting of the National Council (JCM) on 13/4/2019 vide letter referred above (copy enclosed). In view of above a dharna proposed by JCM Members on 28th March 2019 has been deferred in consultation with the principle Office Bearers of various Federations. With greetings, Yours Comradely, sd/- (Shiva Gopal Mishra) Convener Source: Confederation

Now AFD items can purchase from URC Canteens

Now AFD items can purchase from URC Canteens List of Nominated URCs – AFD Items Through Select URC in Lieu of CSD  Depots Procedure WRT Sale of “Against Firm Demand (AFD) ITems Through Select Unit Run Canteens in Lieu of CSD Depots Tele :26182117 Integrated HQ of MoD (ArmY) Quartermaster General’s Branch Canteen Services Dte West Block 3, Wing-lll, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-1 10066 No 9535O/Q/DDGCS/ AFD 22, January 2019 HQ Northern Command(OL) HQ Eastern Command(OL) H Q Centra I Conr rnand-(OL) HQ ARTRAC (Q) Air HQ (Accts) HQ DG Assam Rifles DGBR (Q), DG NCC(Lgs) E in C Brgnch, OFB KSB, DIAV HQ Southern Command (OL) HQ Western Command (OL) HQ-South-Western Command (OL) Naval HO (PDPS) HQ SFC, HQ IDS, HQ ANC HQ Coast Guard (AD) DGQA, DRDO(DMS),DAD DG NSG. IG SFF PROCEDURE WRT SALE OF “AGAINST FIRM DEMAND (AFD) ITEMS” THROUGH SELECT UNIT RUN CAN_TEENS IN LIEU OF CSD DEPOTS 1. Further to CS Dte letter No 95350/Q/DDGCS/AFD dated 27 November 2018 and 95...

AFD Items Through Select URC in Lieu of CSD Depots

AFD Items Through Select URC in Lieu of CSD Depots Procedure WRT Sale of “Against Firm Demand  (AFD) ITems Through Select Unit Run Canteens  in Lieu of CSD Depots Tele :26182117 Integrated HQ of MoD (ArmY) Quartermaster General’s Branch Canteen Services Dte West Block 3, Wing-lll, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066 No 9535O/Q/DDGCS/ AFD 25, January 2019 HQ Northern Command(OL) HQ Eastern Command(OL) H Q Centra I Command-(OL) HQ ARTRAC (Q) Air HQ (Accts) HQ DG Assam Rifles DGBR (Q), DG NCC(Lgs) E in C Brgnch, OFB KSB, DIAV HQ Southern Command (OL) HQ Western Command (OL) HQ-South-Western Command (OL) Naval HO (PDPS) HQ SFC, HQ IDS, HQ ANC HQ Coast Guard (AD) DGQA, DRDO(DMS),DAD DG NSG. IG SFF PROCEDURE WRT SALE OF “AGAINST FIRM DEMAND (AFD) ITEMS” THROUGH SELECT UNIT RUN CAN_TEENS IN LIEU OF CSD DEPOTS 1. Further to CS Dte letter No 95350/Q/DDGCS/AFD dated 27 November 2018 and CS Dte letter No 95350/Q/DDGCS/AFD 22 January 2019. 2 Additional lis...

Revised eligibility criteria for engagement to GDS posts

Revised eligibility criteria for engagement to GDS posts Revised eligibility criteria for engagement to Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) posts No.17-02-2018-GDS Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Post (GDS Section)  Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001 Dated: 22.03.2019  To All Chief Postmasters General/Postmasters General  Subject: Revised eligibility criteria for engagement to Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) posts.  I am directed to invite your kind attention towards DG Posts’ orders of even number dated 08.03.2019 and to inform that the para X of revised eligibility criteria for engagement to GDS post may be substituted with the following para:-  (i) The following Minimum TRCA shall be payable to the different categories of GDS post as mentioned Directorate Order No 17-31/2016- GDS dated 25.06.2018  Minimum TRCA of all categories of GDS as per working hrs/Levels SI.No. Category Minimum TRCA for 4 Hours/level ...

CSD Car Prices in India Updated 2019 – Latest Prices of Maruti, Hyundai, Honda, Toyota, Ford, Mahindra and Tata

CSD Car Prices in India Updated 2019 – Latest Prices of Maruti, Hyundai, Honda, Toyota, Ford, Mahindra and Tata CSD Car Prices at discount Rates by through Canteen Stores Department to Defence Force Personnel in India 2019 – Latest Prices of Maruti, Hyundai, Honda, Toyota, Ford, Mahindra and Tata CSD Maruti Car Prices 2019 CSD Hyundai Car Prices 2019 CSD Honda Car Prices 2019 CSD Tata Car Prices 2019 CSD Mahindra Car Prices 2019 CSD Toyota Car Prices 2019 CSD Canteens in India CSD (Canteen Stores Department) provides a tremondus service to all group of Armed Forces Defence Personnel and some other ordnance employees working under Defence Ministry since 1948. CSD Depots located spread over in India around 34 Depots and has crossed a turn-over of Rs.17,000 crores in 2016-17. URC Canteens CSD provides its consumers, all over the country, quality products of daily use at rates less than those prevailing in the market. These items are meant for sale to Armed forces, Defence ci...