Now AFD items can purchase from URC Canteens
Now AFD items can purchase from URC Canteens
List of Nominated URCs – AFD Items Through Select URC in Lieu of CSD
Procedure WRT Sale of “Against Firm Demand (AFD) ITems Through Select Unit Run Canteens in Lieu of CSD Depots
Tele :26182117
Integrated HQ of MoD (ArmY)
Quartermaster General’s Branch
Canteen Services Dte
West Block 3, Wing-lll, R.K. Puram,
New Delhi-1 10066
Integrated HQ of MoD (ArmY)
Quartermaster General’s Branch
Canteen Services Dte
West Block 3, Wing-lll, R.K. Puram,
New Delhi-1 10066
22, January 2019
HQ Northern Command(OL) HQ Eastern Command(OL) H Q Centra I Conr rnand-(OL) HQ ARTRAC (Q) Air HQ (Accts) HQ DG Assam Rifles DGBR (Q), DG NCC(Lgs) E in C Brgnch, OFB KSB, DIAV |
HQ Southern Command (OL) HQ Western Command (OL) HQ-South-Western Command (OL) Naval HO (PDPS) HQ SFC, HQ IDS, HQ ANC HQ Coast Guard (AD) DGQA, DRDO(DMS),DAD DG NSG. IG SFF |
1. Further to CS Dte letter No 95350/Q/DDGCS/AFD dated 27 November 2018 and 95350/Q/DDGCS/AFD dated 07 January 2019.
2. The revised list of 179 nominated URCs at 141 stations, based on the recommendations received from the environment is attached as Appendix A.
3. Profit on AFD Stores. As on date, the profit loaded on AFD Stores is deposited with CFI/ CSD HO. Proposal for sharing of profit between CSD HO and nominated URCs is being taken up with BOCCS, on stabilization of the revised policy.
4. Nominated URCs Only.
(a) All actions as per CS Dte letter at para 1 ante will be completed before 31 January and revised procedure will be rolled out on 01 Feburary 2019.
(b) Further, the cost of peripherals (i.e, Pin Pad Reader, Smart Card Reader, SSAM Card and SAM Card) to be procured from M/s SCPL (as per requirement of URC) remains the Same i.e as per existing rates.
(c) Details of Support Pack/ Annual Maintenance Contract will be intimated separately.
5. List of Nominated URCs wrt balance Stations including Delhi, will be released subsequently.
6. This letter will be read in conjunction with CS Dte letter No. 95350/Q/DDGCS/AFD dated 27 November 2018. CS Dte letter No. 95350/Q/DDGCS/AFD dated 07 January 2019 is hereby superseded.
7. This letter may please be disseminated to all concerned and given wide publicity
(Naveen N)
Lt Col
For Brig CS
Lt Col
For Brig CS
Copv to:-
QMG Branch/ 01(E) — For information Please
CSD HO – For info, implementation and dissemination to all depots
M/s SCPL – For info and necessary action please.
QMG Branch/ 01(E) — For information Please
CSD HO – For info, implementation and dissemination to all depots
M/s SCPL – For info and necessary action please.