
Showing posts from February, 2014

AICPIN for Jan 2014 - Expected DA from Jul 2014

AICPIN for Jan 2014 - Expected DA from Jul 2014  All-India CPI-IW for January, 2014 declined by 2 points and pegged at 237 Consumer Price Index Numbers For Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) January 2014  According to a press release issued by the Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour & Employment the All-India CPI-IW for January, 2014 declined by 2 points and pegged at 237 (two hundred and thirty Seven). On 1-month percentage change, it decreased by 0.84 per cent between December and January compared with the rise of 0.91 per cent between the same two months a year ago. 

7th Central Pay Commission Terms of Reference - Cabinet approved ToR of 7th CPC

7th Central Pay Commission Terms of Reference - Cabinet approved ToR of 7th CPC 7th Central Pay Commission   The Union Cabinet today gave its approval to the Terms of Reference of 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) as follows:- a) To examine, review, evolve and recommend changes that are desirable and feasible regarding the principles that should govern the emoluments structure including pay, allowances and other facilities/benefits, in cash or kind, having regard to rationalization and simplification therein as well as the specialized needs of various Departments, agencies and services, in respect of the following categories of employees:- i. Central Government employees-industrial and non-industrial; ii. Personnel belonging to the All India Services; iii. Personnel of the Union Territories; iv. Officers  and   employees   of  the   Indian  Audit  and   Accounts Department; v. Members of regulatory bodies (excluding the...

Whether Cabinet Approved Merger of DA with Basic Pay today(28.2.2014)..?

Whether Cabinet Approved Merger of DA with Basic Pay today(28.2.2014)..? One of the leading news media ‘ IBN Live ‘ reported that “the Union Cabinet approved a hike in dearness allowance (DA) to 100 per cent from existing 90 per cent benefiting 50 lakh Central government employees and 30 lakh pensioners . The DA hike though, will not be merged with the basic pay“.“. On the other side, one of the popular media news agency, ‘ Business standard ‘ said that the “ Cabinet today approved merger of 50% dearness allowance of Central government employees and pensioners with their basic pay. However, it has deferred a decision on anti-corruption ordinances and Forward Contract Regulation (Amendment) Act. A special Cabinet meeting is likely tomorrow to take call on these ordinances “.


DEARNESS ALLOWANCE IS EQUIVALENT TO BASIC PAY CABINET COMMITTEE APPROVED 10% DEARNESS ALLOWANCE HIKE FOR CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES AND PENSIONERS DEARNESS ALLOWANCE IS EQUIVALENT TO BASIC PAY Basic Pay= 100% Dearness Allowance On 28.02.2014, the Cabinet Committee announced that it had given its consent to 10% Additional Dearness Allowance to all Central Govt Employees and Pensioners with effect from 1.1.2014. This took Dearness Allowance to 100%. Now, Central Government employees will be given 100% Dearness Allowance from the preceding date of 01.01.2014. But the Finance Ministry has not issued any relevant orders yet. We are hoping that the orders will be given before the end of this month. The 100% Dearness Allowance from 01.03.2014 will be given along with the salary. The Dearness Allowance of January and February will be given as arrears. The hike is applicable for Central Government pensioners too. In the current scenario, the Dearness Allowanc...

Voluntary Retirement under Fundamental Rule 56(k), 56(m) and Rule 48 - Amendment orders by Dopt

Voluntary Retirement under Fundamental Rule 56(k), 56(m) and Rule 48  - Amendment orders by Dopt Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions  Department of Personnel and Training North Block, New Delhi-100 001  Dated : 27th February, 2014 Subject : Voluntary retirement under FR 56(k), etc. and amendment of Rules. The provisions of Fundamental Rule 56(k), 56(m) and Rule 48 of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 relating to acceptance of request of voluntary retirement have been revisited as per the Central Administrative Tribunal, Principal Bench judgement dated 4th August, 2010 in 0.A.No.1600/2009 filed by Shri Gopal Singh Purohit Vs UOI & Others to bring them at par with each other.

7th CPC ToR to be taken up by Union Cabinet Tomorrow

7th CPC ToR to be taken up by Union Cabinet Tomorrow Cabinet Committee recommends Parliament prorogation Unprecedented number of proposals including the possibility of draft ordinances on anti-graft bills expected to be cleared by Cabinet on Friday The Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs on Wednesday recommended prorogation of Parliament ahead of Friday’s Cabinet meeting which is scheduled to clear an unprecedented number of proposals including the possibility of draft ordinances on the pet anti-graft bills of the Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi.

Renewal of CGHS Plastic Cards - CGHS Orders

Renewal of CGHS Plastic Cards - CGHS Orders The Department of Health and Family Welfare issued orders about the renewal of CGHS plastic cards… S 11011/1/2014-CGHS (P)  Government of India  Ministry of Health and Family Welfare  Department of Health and Family Welfare  CGHS (Policy) Division Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi  Dated: the 10th February, 2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Renewal of CGHS Plastic Cards – reg. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s O.M No.S.11012/3/2011-CGHS (P) dated 29.12.2011 laying down the guidelines for issue of individual plastic cards to CGHS beneficiaries. CGHS Plastic Cards were introduced in September, 2008 in Delhi NCR and the cards were initially issued with a validity period of 5 years. The CGHS Plastic Cards completing their validity period are due for renewal and accordingly fresh cards with renewed validity period are being issued by the Office of Additional Director, CGHS of the c...


Sad demise of Veteran leader and AIRF President Shri Umraomal Purohit COM. UMRAOMAL PUROHIT, THE LEGENDARY LEADER PASSED AWAY Father Figure of Trade Union Movement is no more AIRF All India Railwaymen's Federation COMRADE UMRAOMAL PUROHIT JI  FATHER FIGRURE OF INDIAN TRADE UNION MOVEMENT IS NO MORE With profound grief it is informed that our beloved leader Shri Umrao Mal Purohit Ji has left for heavenly abode at 4:50 AM today. Demise of Com Purohit ji will not only leave a void in our lives but also produce a setback to the trade union movements in India. He was a great statesman and leader of masses and classes.  In this hour of grief and sorrow, We Pray to Almighty Lord that his soul may Rest in Peace.  We also pay our hearty condolence to the bereaved family. Funeral of Shri Umnraopal Purohit will take place today afternoon at Mumbai. Flags on the Union Offices of All Affiliates of AIRF will fly HALFMAST for three days. Yours faithful...

LDC-UDC Grade Pay Issue – Demanding upgradation of the grade pay of LDC & UDC to Rs. 2400 & 2800 – Letter forward to MOSPI

LDC-UDC Grade Pay Issue – Demanding upgradation of the grade pay of LDC & UDC to Rs. 2400 & 2800 – Letter forward to MOSPI YET ANOTHER MILESTONE…..!! DEPARTMENT OF EXPENDITURE DIRECTS THE MINISTRY OF STATISTICS & PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION TO SEND PROPOSAL FOR UP-GRADATION OF GRADE PAY OF LDC & UDC TO THEM Dear members/friends, Department of Expenditure (DoE) vide OM No. 58(2)/E.III(B)/2014 dated 18th February, 2014(enclosed) has forwarded the letter/documents demanding upgradation of the grade pay of LDC & UDC to Rs. 2400 & 2800 respectively, to the Financial Adviser, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation(MoS&PI) with a direction to examine the representations and forwarding the same to DoE for consideration in the form of a proposal, through IFD. 

Retirement Age 62 and 10% DA from Jan 2014 - Cabinet expected to clear on Friday (28.202014)

Retirement Age 62 and 10% DA from Jan 2014 - Cabinet expected to clear on Friday (28.202014) As per media news, Union cabinet is going to meet on Thursday or Friday(27th or 28th Feb. 2014) and the Cabinet is expected to clear two main agenda points in the meeting as follows... One is Retirement Age 62 : Retirement age of Central Government employees will increase by two years from 60 to 62 with effect from 1.3.2014. Additional 10% DA from 1.1.2014 : 10% of Additional Dearness allowance from 1.1.2014 to all Central Government employees and pensioners, may be declared in the meeting.

Withdrawal of New Pension Scheme- NFIR submitted Justification report to Railway Board

Withdrawal of New Pension Scheme- NFIR submitted Justification report to Railway Board Following the All Indian Railwaymen's Federation( AIRF ), National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (NFIR) has now submitted the justification report of withdrawal of New Pension Scheme in the Ralways to Railway Board. The complete text of the justification report has been reproduced and given below for your ready reference...

50% DA Merger, Retirement Age 62 and Interim Relief – Cabinet is likely to clear some of these demands..!

50% DA Merger, Retirement Age 62 and Interim Relief – Cabinet is likely to clear some of these demands..! This week may bring cheer to central employees and pensioners Central Govt. employees and pensioners will find reasons to celebrate this week. The union cabinet is likely to clear some long awaited demands for it’s staff in the next meeting later this week The F.M., currently on foreign tour, likely to return India on 26th February and after which cabinet meeting is likely to take place. According to information available with us, merger of 50% D.A., an additional hike of 10% D.A. from 01.01.2014, granting of Interim Relief and enhancing retirement age to 62 years are under the consideration of Govt. and some of these are to be approved in the next cabinet meeting.

50% DA MERGER - Impact of Merger of 50% Dearness Allowance with Basic Pay

50% DA MERGER - Impact of Merger of 50% Dearness Allowance with Basic Pay Any possible to convert 50% of dearness allowance to dearness pay..! Everyone's pointing fingers at "Parliament Election"...!  50% DA MERGER 50% of dearness allowance had been merged with basic pay for Central Government Employees and Pensioners with effect from 1.4.2004. This was followed the recommendation of 5th Central Pay Commission and the Union Government had decided to merge 50% of dearness allowance with baisc pay and issued orders on 1.3.2004.  (61% - 50% = 11%) 50% of dearness allowance merged with basic pay and remaining 11% had been issued as normal dearness allowance with effect from 1.1.2004.

Central Government employees may get 50% DA merger - BSNL Employees Union

Central Government employees may get 50% DA merger - BSNL Employees Union One of the largest union BSNL Employees Union has expressed its thought through its official website that BSNLEU has already raised the demand of 50% IDA should be merged with basic pay and the resolution also passed in the CEC meeting recently held in Rajkot... BSNLEU strongly demanding 50% IDA Merge r... The text of the above news published in the website has been reproduced and given below for your information...

Central Govt to pay the Dearness allowance for state government employees

Central Govt to pay the Dearness allowance for state government employees Centre should pay DA of state govt employees as well: Mamata Kolkata, Feb 22 (PTI) Centre should come forward and pay the dearness allowance of state government employees as well, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee demanded today. "Whenever the Centre announces DA, state government employees should be given the same on a par (with central government employees). "They (Centre) give it (to central government employees) before elections. Will others (state government employees) suck their thumbs?" Banerjee asked.

AIRF Demanding Merger of 100% Dearness Allowance with Basic Pay

AIRF Demanding Merger of 100% Dearness Allowance with Basic Pay All India Railwaymen's Federation publishes the press statement regarding the merger of Dearness allowance with basic pay. The federation demanding merger of 100% Dearness allowance with basic pay for all purposes with effect from 1.1.2014. The text of the press release has been reproduced and given below for your information...

Grant of compensation in lieu of rent free accommodation - Finmin Orders

Grant of compensation in lieu of rent free accommodation - Finmin Orders No. 2/1/2014-E.II(B) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure New Delhi, 21st February, 2014. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject :- Grant of compensation in lieu of rent free accommodation. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s O.M No 2(7)/1997-E. 11(8) dated 14.03.2008 on the subject mentioned above and to say that consequent upon revision of rates of licence fee for residential accommodation under Central Government all over the country w.e.f. 01.07.2010 and also w.e.f. 01.07.2013 vide

Execution of Bond for availing Study Leave under rule 53(4) of the CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972 - regarding

Dopt Orders - Execution of Bond for availing Study Leave under rule 53(4) of the CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972 - regarding No. 13026/4/2012-Estt.(L) Bharat Sarkar/Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training New Delhi, the 18 February. 2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Execution of Bond for availing Study Leave under rule 53(4) of the CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972 - regarding. The undersigned is directed to state that Government servants are allowed to avail “Study Leave’ in terms of the provisions of rules 50-63 of the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972. The provisions of rule 53(4) mandates for execution of a bond by the Government Servant who is granted such leave in the relevant format prescribed for the said purpose i.e. Forms 7-10 of the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972.

Merger of 50% DA with Pay and grant of Interim Relief - NFIR

Merger of 50% DA with Pay and grant of Interim Relief - NFIR NFIR National Federation of Indian Railwaymen No.II/95/Pt. VI  Dated: 20/02/2014 The General Secretaries of Affiliated Unions of NFIR. Brother, Sub: Merger of 50% DA with Pay and grant of Interim Relief. NFIR has been writing to the Government of India (including Prime Minister, Finance Minister etc) for merger of 50% DA with pay through its letters dated 10/01/2013, 05/08/2013, 27/09/2013. Also in its 27th National Convention held at Visakhapatnam from 10th  to 12th December, 2013, the Federation had passed a resolution demanding merger of 50% DA with Pay and grant of interim relief to employees of Central Government including Railway employees.

7th CPC Terms of Reference - Whether Govt. actually merged Dearness Allowance with basic pay today (20/02) ?

7th CPC Terms of Reference - Whether Govt. actually merged Dearness Allowance with basic pay today (20/02) ? 7th CPC Terms of Reference Confederation Secretary Genera l informed today that " DOP&T has finalized the terms of reference of Seventh Central Pay Commission and submitted to Cabinet for approval.  Details of the terms of reference finalized by DOP&T is not disclosed to the staff side. Details will be known only after the Cabinet meeting which is likely to be held today evening or tomorrow".  (Date of Cabinet Meeting not confirmed)

Inclusion of DA Merger and Interim Relief in 7th CPC ToR - Cabinet likely to approve 7th CPC ToR

Inclusion of DA Merger and Interim Relief in 7th CPC ToR - Cabinet likely to approve 7th CPC ToR Inclusion of DA Merger and Interim Relief in 7th CPC Terms of Reference - Union Cabinet likely to approve the 7th CPC Terms of Refernce in the next meeting, media sources said.

INDWF published discussion points and the decisions taken in the meeting held on 6th Feb 2014 with MoD...

INDWF published discussion points and the decisions taken in the meeting held on 6th Feb 2014 with MoD...   INDWF published the detailed outcome of the meeting held on 6.2.2014 with Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (A), Ministry of Defence... The Following demands were discussed and the comments are given:

Granting of Transport Allowance to Deaf and Dumb Employees at double the normal Rates - Finmin Orders

Finmin Orders - Finance Ministry issued orders on granting of Transport Allowance to Deaf and Dumb Employees working in Central Government departments at double the normal Rates … No.21(2)12011-E.II(B)  Government of India  Ministry of Finance  Department of Expenditure North Block, New Delhi,  Dated: 19th February, 2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject- Grant of Transport Allowance to Central Government Employees – Extension of benefit of Transport Allowance at double the Normal Rates to Deaf and Dumb Employees – Implementation of the Order of the Apex Court – regarding.

Retirement Age 62 - All set to hike central retirement age to 62 years

All set to hike central retirement age to 62 years It may sound like ridiculous as number of times articles regarding this topic has published in different websites and newspapers. But as per our sources and media reports, centre finally decided to hike retirement age to 62 years. The process has received PM's nod and awating cabinet approval which is likely to be obtained in the next meeting. The newly set up seventh CPC has recommended this hike in an interim report which got Govt. approval.

Dopt issued orders on Lokpal and Lokayuktas (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2014

The Lokpal and Lokayuktas (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2014 MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS (Department of Personnel and Training) ORDER New Delhi, the 15th February, 2014 S.O. 409(E). - Whereas the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (1 of 2014) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act) came into force on the 16th day of January, 2014; And whereas Section 44 of the said Act requires making of a declaration of assets and liabilities by the public servant to the competent authority in the manner provided under the said Act; And whereas Section 44 of the said Act requires furnishing of information relating to assets and liabilities, (i) by the public servant on the occasion of entering upon office within thirty days from the date of assumption of office, and (ii) by a public servant holding his office as such within a period of thirty days from the date of coming into force of the said Act;

Reservation for persons with disabilities - Dopt Orders

Dopt Orders - Reservation for persons with disabilities - Computation of reservation - Implementation of the judgement of Hon'ble Supreme Court in the matter of Union of India & Anr. Vs. National Federation of Blind & Ors.  No. 36012/24/2009-Estt.(Res)  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions  Department of Personnel & Training  North Block, New Delhi  dated the 14th February, 2014  OFFICE MEMORANDUM  Subject : Reservation for persons with disabilities - Computation of reservation - Implementation of the judgement of Hon'ble Supreme Court in the matter of Union of India & Anr. Vs. National Federation of Blind & Ors.  The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's O.M. of even number dated the 3rd December, 2014 on the subject cited above conveying the judgement of the Hon'ble Supreme Court dated 8.10.2013 in the matter of Civil Appeal No.9096 of 201...

Special concessions/facilities to Central Government Employees working in Kashmir Valley

Dopt Orders - Special concessions/facilities to Central Government Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached/subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Government. No. 18016/3/2011-Estt.(L) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) New Delhi, the 17th February, 2014. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Special concessions/facilities to Central Government Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached/subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Government. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. No. 18016/3/2011- Estt.(L) dated 27th June, 2012 on the subject mentioned above and to state that it has been decided to extend the package of concessions/incentives to Central Government employees working in Kashmir Valley for a further period of one year w.e.f. 01.01.2013. The revised package of incentives is as per annexure.

OROP - One Rank One Pension Accepted by Central Government

OROP - One Rank One Pension Accepted by Central Government The Central Government has accepted the principle of ‘ one rank one pension ’ for the defence forces and has allocated Rs. 500 crore for this purpose. The Government has allocated Rs. 500 crores to the Defence Pension Account in the current financial year itself for implementation of One Rank One Pension scheme for the Defence Forces of the country. Making the announcement in Parliament today during his Interim Budget Speech, the Finance Minister Shri P. Chidamram said that this decision will be implemented prospectively from the financial year 2014-15. The Finance Minister said the Government had decided to walk the last mile and close the gap for all retirees in all ranks. He said the demand of the Defence Services for One Rank One Pension (OROP) had been there for a long time and had been an emotive issue. 

Retirement Age 62 - Proposal for raising Retirement Age to 62 waits for Cabinet Nod

Retirement Age 62 - Proposal for raising Retirement Age to 62 waits for Cabinet Nod Proposal for raising Retirement Age to 62 waits for Cabinet Nod We have heard it so many times . Every one of us got tired of hearing this rumour again and again. But this time this news may not fade away just as a rumour. Because the series of events that had happened until now listed below are telling that it will be come true soon. 1. Though there is no any demand from any corner to raise the retirement age of central government employees to 62 years, a parliamentary panel has recommended a proposal to increase the retirement age of government servants to 65 years. The report of the standing committee of Parliament on social justice and empowerment tabled in the Parliament on 7th of this month. Ample justification also was given for their recommendation to increase the retirement age.


50% DA MERGE OR INTERIM RELIEF FOR CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES As everyone knows the Central Government has constituted the 7th Pay Commission and named its Chairmen recently. The decision of the government to constitute the 7th CPC has triggered many expectations among the central government employees. Among them was the merger of 50% DA with basic pay as done in the 5th CPC. But the 6th CPC did not recommended anything like that. It is understood that the employees are eagerly awaiting for an economic relief from the soaring prices of essential commodities. There are instances of announcing interim relief (I.R) to the employees apart from DA by a newly constitute pay commission prior to their implementations in the past.

Justification to Scrap New Pension Scheme - AIRF submitted to Finance Minister

Justification to Scrap New Pension Scheme - AIRF submitted to Finance Minister AIRF has submitted Material Justification for the Abolition of New Pension System this will be sent to Hon'ble Finance Minister through Hon'ble Railway Minister. Justification to Scrap New Pension Scheme AIRF ALL INDIA RAILWAYMEN'S FEDERATION No.AIRF/24/(C) Dated : February, 2014 The Executive Director, Estt.(IR), Railway Board, New Delhi Dear Madam, Sub: Justification to Scrap New Pension Scheme It was agreed in the Joint Meeting, held on 7th February, 2014 with Full Board that, necessary material/justification may also be furnished by the Federations for proposed refernce to be sent to Hon'ble Finance Minister from the Hon'ble Minister for Railways. Accordingly, we are sending herewith a detailed justification for taking necessary action in the matter.

Pension Payment Tracking Software has been Launched in 15 Ministries/Departments on pilot basis

Pension Payment Tracking System Software has been Launched in 15 Ministries/Departments on pilot basis... The system will keep retiring employees informed of the progress of pension sanction process through SMS / E-mail in future. The application will help in monitoring the delays which take place in sanction of pension and retirement benefits to a retiring Government Servant. 

Representation of SC, ST, OBC, Minorities and the Women on Selection Board / Committees - Dopt Orders

Representation of SC, ST, OBC, Minorities and the Women on Selection Board / Committees - Dopt Orders F.No.42011/2/2014-Estt.(Res) Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions  Department of Personnel &Training  New Delhi, dated the 13th February, 2014  OFFICE MEMORANDUM  Subject: Representation of SC, ST, OBC, Minorities and the Women on Selection Board / Committees.  The undersigned is directed to draw attention of the Ministries/Departments to this Department's O.M. No.42011/15/1995-Estt(SCT) dated 1lth July, 1995. Para 2 provided as follows:-  " 2. In partial modification of the above instructions it has now been decided that wherever a Selection Committee Board exists or has to be constituted for making recruitment to ten or more vacancies in Group 'C' or Group 'D' posts or services it shall be mandatory to have one Member belonging to SC/ST/OBC and one Member belonging to Minority ...

Defence employees proposed indefinite strike from 17.02.2014 withdrawn

Defence employees proposed indefinite strike from 17.02.2014 withdrawn MERELY PASSING RESOLUTIONS OR CONDUCTING STRIKE BALLOT WILL NOT BRING SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEMS FACED BY THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES! Defense employees proposed indefinite strike from 17.02.2014 withdrawn Only sectional demands discussed by defence ministry. No discussion or ensurance about DA merger, Interim Relief, Date of effect of 7th CPC and New Pension Scheme. On the other hand, despite of 96 percent Railway employees voted in favour of indefinite strike on the issues of Pay Commission, DA Merger, Interim Relief, New Pension Scheme etc, Railway unions have not taken it seriously.

Meeting with Chairman of AS(A) - AIDEF, INDWF & BPMS in connection with the Notice of “Indefinite Strike” from 17.02.2014 by Defence Civilian employees.

Meeting with Chairman of AS(A) - AIDEF , INDWF & BPMS in connection with the Notice of “Indefinite Strike” from 17.02.2014 by Defence Civilian employees. Minutes of the meeting held on 06.02.2014 - AIDEF, INDWF & BPMS in connection with the notice of “Indefinite Strike” from 17.02.2014 by Defence Civilian Employees MINISTRY OF DEFENCE D(JCM) Subject :- Follow up action on the ‘Minutes’ of the Meeting held on 06.02.2014 under the Chairmanship of AS(A) with the representatives of Recognized Federations of MoD i.e. AIDEF, INDWF & BPMS in connection with the Notice of “Indefinite Strike” from 17.02.2014 by Defence Civilian employees.



Dopt Orders – Electronic Indian Postal Order – extension of service to Indian Citizens residing in India

Dopt Orders – Electronic Indian Postal Order – extension of service to Indian Citizens residing in India No.1/44/2009-IR  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions  Department of Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi  Dated the 13th February, 2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject :- Electronic Indian Postal Order – extension of service to Indian Citizens residing in India. In continuation to this Department’s OM. of even number dated 22/03/2013, it is intimated that Department of Posts has extended the “eIPO" (electronic Indian Postal Order) service to Indian citizens residing in India also w.e.f. 13.02.2014, for purchasing Indian Postal Order electronically by paying a fee online through e-Post Office Portal i.e. It can also be accessed through India Post website

Ordnance Employees Federations agreed to withdraw indefinite strike from 17.2.2014

Ordnance Employees Federations agreed to withdraw indefinite strike from 17.2.2014 Defence civilian staffers agree to put off strike Three federations representing around 4 lakh Defence Civilian Employees today decided to postpone their proposed indefinite strike from February 17 after receiving assurances from Defence Minister AK Antony regarding their demands.

Resolution adopted in the joint meeting of the three recognized federations (AIDEF / INDWF / BPMS) in the meeting held on 12/02/2014

Resolution adopted in the joint meeting of the three recognized federations (AIDEF / INDWF / BPMS) in the meeting held on 12/02/2014 ALL INDIA DEFENCE EMPLOYEES FEDERATION INDIAN NATIONAL DEFENCE WORKERS FEDERATION BHARATIYA PRATIRAKSHA MAZDOOR SANGH Camp: New Delhi Date:12/02/2014 Resolution adopted in the joint meeting of the three recognised Federations (AIDEF INDWF&  BPMS) in the meeting held on 12/2/2014 at New Delhi  A Joint meeting of the 3 Federations to review the decision taken for an indefinite strike to be observed from 17/2/2014 by the 4 lakhs Defence Civilian Employees, on the wake of the negotiations held with the Addl. Secretary(A) MoD and the subsequent meeting held with the Hon'ble Defence Minister Shri.A.K.Antony on 06/2/2014. The following representatives participated in the meeting. 1) All India Defence Employees Federation i) Shri.S.N.Pathak, President ii) Shri.C.Srikumar, General Secretary 2) Indian National Defence...


DEFERMENT / POSTPONEMENT OF THE PROPOSED INDEFINITE STRIKE - AIDEF/INDWF/BPMS ALL INDIA DEFENCE EMPLOYEES FEDERATION  INDIAN NATIONAL DEFENCE WORKERS FEDERATION  BHARATIYA PRATIRAKSHA MAZDOOR SANGH Ref:01/AIDEF/INDWF/BPMS/14 Date: 12/02/2014  Camp: New Delhi To  The Defence Secretary,  Ministry of Defence,  South Block, New Delhi. Sub: Deferment/postponement of the proposed indefinite strike. Ref; 1) Strike Notice No.01/AIDEF/INDWF/BPMS14 Dt; 28/01/2014. 2) VIde MoD ID NO.19(5)/2013/D(JCM) Dtd: 07/02/2014. Sir, The representatives of the 3 Federations perused the minutes of the meeting held on 06/02/2014 under the chairmanship of AddI. Secretary(A) with the representatives of recognised Federations of MoD I.e. AIDEF, INDWF, & BPMS in connection with the notice of Indefinite strike from 17/2/2014 by Defence Civilian Employees.

Central Govt Employees Strike - Confederation congratulates to all CG Employees for participating in two days strike..

Central Govt Employees Strike - Confederation congratulates to all CG Employees for participating in two days strike.. CONGRATULATES ALL THE CENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES WHO MADE THE BEGINNING OF THE TWO DAYS STRIKE A MARVELLOUS AND THUNDERING SUCCESS - SECRETARY GENERAL

Press Release on Strike - Postal, Income tax, Civil Accounts, Ground water Board, Botanical Survey of India etc., participate in Two Days Strike from Today...

Press Release on Strike -  Postal, Income tax, Civil Accounts, Ground water Board, Botanical Survey of India etc., participating in Two Day Strike from Today... Confederation Secretary General has published the press statement of the strike as follows... P R E S S     S T A T E M E N T Dated: 12th February, 2014    As per the report received at the Central Head Quarters of the Confederation, near about 13 lakhs Central Government Employees have commenced the two day strike from Midnight of 11th Feb. 2014. For 48 hours. The Strike action will continue upto the midnight of 13th Feb. 2014.  The functioning of the Government in the Postal, Income tax, Civil Accounts, Ground water Board, Botanical Survey of India, and many other organisations have been totally paralysed as in these departments, the offices could not even be opened .   

Central Govt. employees on strike from today

Central Govt. employees on strike from today About one million Central Government employees (except those in the Railways and Defence) began a 48-hour strike from midnight of February 11 to go on till February 13. The major demands of the strike organisers, the Confederation of CGEs and Workers, are: a) Withdrawal of the new Contributory Pension Scheme and re-introduction of the Statutory defined Benefit Pension Scheme for all government employees.  b) Dispensing with the Contract/Casual System of employment in government service  c) Merger of DA with pay, Grant of Interim Relief and hold negotiations and settle the terms of reference for the seventh CPC.

Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers Called for Strike Today and Tomorrow…

Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers called for Strike Today and Tomorrow… Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers has called for strike from 2014 Feb 12th 00.00 AM onwards… Two days Nationwide Strike on 12th and 13th(Wednesday and Thursday) Feb 2014… More than thirteen lakhs Central Govt employees shall participate in 2 days nationwide strike, commencing today in pursuance of charter of demands are… 

Non-Filing of ITR-V in returns with refund claims-relaxation of time-limit for filing ITR-V and processing of such returns -regarding.

Income Tax : Non-Filing of ITR-V in returns with refund claims-relaxation of time-limit for filing ITR-V and processing of such returns -regarding. Circular No. 04/2014 Government of India  Ministry of Finance  Department of Revenue  Central Board of Direct Taxes North Block, New Delhi  Dated the 10th of February, 2014 Subject: – Non-Filing of ITR-V in returns with refund claims-relaxation of time-limit for filing ITR-V and processing of such returns -regarding. Several instances of grievances have come to the notice of the Board stating that a large number of returns-of-income for Assessment Year (‘AY’) 2009-2010, which were electronically filed without a digital signature in accordance with procedure laid down under the Income-tax Act, 1961 (‘Act’), were not processed as such returns became non-est in law in view of Circular No. 3 of 2009 of CBDT dated 21.05.09. Paragraphs 9 and 10 of the said Circular laid down that ITR-V had to be furni...

CGEWHO - Details of Housing Projects completed under Central Government Employees Housing Scheme...


Civil Services Examination – Relaxation of number of attempts – Dopt

Civil Services Examination – Relaxation of number of attempts – Dopt Subject:- Civil Service Examination – Relaxation of number of attempts The Central Government has approved “two additional attempts to all categories of candidates w.e.f. Civil Services Examination 2014, with consequential age relaxation of maximum age for all categories of candidates, if required.” Source: []

Feedback of the meeting held on 7.2.2014 between the Full Board and the Federations on Strike Ballot Charter - AIRF

Feedback of the meeting held on 7.2.2014 between the Full Board and the Federations on Strike Ballot Charter. A.I.R.F.  All India Railwaymen’s Federation  (Estd, 1924)  4,State Entry Road,  New Delhi – 110055 No.AIRF/24(C) Dated: February 7, 2014 The General Secretaries, All Affiliated Unions, Dear Coms.,  Sub: Feedback of the meeting held on 7.2.2014 between the Full Board and the Federations on Strike Ballot Charter. On the call of Railway Board, a meeting was held today between the Federations and Full Board under the chairmanship of Chairman, Railway Board, to discuss Charter of Demands of the Federations. Railway Board was represented by the CRB, FC, MS, MM, ML and MT. In the meeting, following deliberations were taken place.

Proposed model for promotion of Master Craftsman and Chargeman in Defence Ordnance Establishments

Proposed model for promotion of Master Craftsman and Chargeman in Defence Ordnance Establishments RE-STRUCTURING OF CADRE ARTISAN STAFF IN DEFENCE RRS FOR THE POST OF MCM AND CM Ministry of Defence D(Civ-I) Subject: Restructuring of cadre artisan staff in Defence Establishments in modification of recommendations of 6th CPC - framing of Recruitment Rules for the posts of Master Craftsman (MCM) and Chargeman both in the same GP of Rs.4200/-

2 days All India Bank Strike on 10th and 11th February 2014 - Conciliatory talks fail...

2 days All India Bank Strike on 10th and 11th February 2014 - Conciliatory talks fail... Today's Conciliatory meeting (06-02-2014) inconclusive Strike stands Observe 48 hours Strike on 10th and 11th February 2014 Subsequent to the call for 2 days' All India Bank Strike on 10th and 11th February 2014, the Conciliation Proceedings were held today before Shri B.K. Sanwariya, Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) at New Delhi. IBA was represented by Shri M.V. Tanksale, Chief Executive, Shri K. Unnikrishnan, Dy. Chief Executive. The meeting was also attended by the officials from Department of Financial Services, Government of India. From the UFBU side, the leaders of all constituent unions were present.

Comments and Suggestions on Composition of 7th Central Pay Commission for CG Employees...

Comments and Suggestions on Composition of 7th Central Pay Commission for CG Employees... We have compiled some important comments or suggestions and given below for your information... J P Yadav said... In the 7th CPC there is no any member included from the group 'C' & 'B' employees. There would be again monopoly to increase pay scale of group 'A' officers............. February 4, 2014 at 6:27 PM   Shashi said... Sir, It is to glad to hear for consequent 7th pay commission. But the government again seat a high educated person for hike of payment for group A officers please make and take needful action for group b and c employees February 5, 2014 at 2:11 PM  

Notice for strike by the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers on 12th and 13th February, 2014 - Dopt Orders

Notice for strike by the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers on 12th and 13th February, 2014 - Dopt Orders TIME BOUND No. 33011/1(S)/2014-Estt-B-(I)  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, Public & Grievances and Pensions  Department of Personnel & Training Dated the 10th February, 2014. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Notice for strike by the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers on 12th and 13th February, 2014. The undersigned is directed to intimate that the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers have given notice that the members of the affiliates of these Confederation will go on strike on 12th and 13th February, 2014 in pursuance of their Charter of Demands.

DA Calculation for the month of December 2013 - CPI-IW declined 4 points

DA Calculation for the month of December 2013 - CPI-IW declined 4 points Labour Bureau has published the detailed report of AICPIN for the month of December 2014 as press release on 31st Jan 2014 through its official portal, how the Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) suddenly declined by four points and stands at 239 and Agricultural and Rural Labourers index also decreased by 12 and 11 points respectively in the same month... The impact of four points declined in CPI-IW will reflect in the " Expected DA from July 2014 '... For your information... DA calculation Sheet for the period between Jun to Dec 2013 as follows...

Parliamentary panel urged to raise the retirement age to 65 years...

Parliamentary panel urged to raise the retirement age to 65 years... Raise age of retirement to 65: House panel NEW DELHI: A parliamentary panel has urged the Centre to raise the retirement age to 65 years, noting that growing lifespan was adding to the need for "productive ageing".  The recommendation for increase in retirement age comes with a reminder that senior citizens would form 12.4% of the total population in 2026 from 7.5% in 2001.  "The committee feels that with the increase in life expectancy and relatively better state of health of people, the government needs to look at continuity of employment up to 65 years," said the report of standing committee of Parliament on social justice and empowerment tabled on Friday. 

CPWD Orders on Reimbursement of Medical Claims under CGHS

CPWD Orders on Reimbursement of Medical Claims under CGHS No. 21/26/2013-EC-X  GOVERNMENT OF INDIA  DIRECTORTE GENERAL OF WORKS  CENTRAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi  Dated the 24th January, 2014 To  1. All the CEs/SEs/SEs(Coord.)/EEs/DDG (Hort.)/DDOH. Subject: Reimbursement of Medical Claims-Regarding Sir,  After repeated requests and making available of the required formalities for processing of reimbursement of medical claims, it has been observed that the medical reimbursement claims are still being received in this Directorate are forwarded/processed in a very casual manner resulting in delay in final settlement of claims of individuals and settling medical claims of different C.G.H.S. approved Hospitals.

Requirement of vigilance clearance for officers going abroad on private visit: DoPT’s clarification to CBDT

Requirement of vigilance clearance for officers going abroad on private visit: DoPT’s clarification to CBDT No.C-29016/2/2014-Ad.VI(A)  Government of India  Ministry of Finance  Department of Revenue  (Central Board Direct Taxes) New Delhi, the 3rd February, 2014. To  All CCsIT/DGsIT Subject:- Private foreign visit- Reg. Sir/Madam, I am directed to refer to the subject mentioned above and to state that requirement of vigilance clearance is a pre-requisite for granting permission to the officers/officials on private foreign visit as advised by DOP&T vide O.M. No. 11012/15/2013-Estt.A dated 2nd January, 2014(copy enclosed).

Recovery of wrongful/excess payments made to Government servants – Dopt Orders

Recovery of wrongful/excess payments made to Government servants – Dopt Orders F.No.18/26/2011-Estt (Pay-I)  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pension  Department of Personnel and Training North Block, New Delhi,  Dated the 6th February, 2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Recovery of wrongful/excess payments made to Government servants. The undersigned is directed to say that the issue of recovery of wrongful/excess payments made to Government servants has been examined in consultation with the Department of Expenditure and the Department of Legal Affairs in the light of the recent judgement of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in Chandi Prasad Uniyal And On vs State Of Uttarakhand And Ors, 2012 AIR SCW 4742, (2012) 8 ‘SCC 417, decided on 17th August, 2012. The Hon’ble Court has observed as under: 15. We are not convinced that this Court in various judgments referred to hereinbefore has laid down any proposition of law that only if...

Regulation of pay on imposition of a penalty under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 – Dopt Orders

Regulation of pay on imposition of a penalty under CCS (CCA) Rules , 1965 – Dopt Orders No.6/3/2013-Estt (Pay-I)  Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions  Department of Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi   Dated the 6th February, 2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Regulation of pay on imposition of a penalty under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965.     The undersigned is directed to say that the following penalties prescribed in the Rule 11 of CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965, have a bearing on the pay of the officer:

Confederation writes to all MP’s regarding 2 Days Strike

Confederation writes to all MP’s regarding 2 Days Strike 2014 FEBRUARY 12th & 13th 48 HOURS STRIKE CONFEDERATION REQUESTED INTERVENTION OF MP’S – COPY OF THE LETTER SENT TO ALL MP’S CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES AND WORKERS  First Floor North Avenue Post Office Building  New Delhi. 110 001.  Website: confederationhq.  E Dated: 4th February, 2014 D/14/2014(2)(MP) Dear Sir,  The Confederation of Central Government employees and workers is the apex level organisation of all Federations/Associations/Unions of CGEs other than in the Railways and Defence establishments.  In our last National Executive meeting, we were constrained to decide to call upon our members to organise TWO DAYSs strike on 12th and 13th February, 2014 in pursuance of our charter of demands.

Confederation News – Explanatory Note on Demands of Central Govt Employees

Confederation News – Explanatory Note on Demands of Central Govt Employees Demands of CG Employees : Revision of wage with effect from. 1.,01.2011 and Merger of DA with pay…etc., CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES AND WORKERS  North Avenue Post office, Firstg floor  New Delhi. 110 001.  Website: confederationhq.  E Dated: 4th Feb. 2014. EXPLANATORY NOTE ON DEMANDS Item No. 1. Revision of wage with effect from. 1.,01.2011.  The present wage structure of the Central Govt. Employees has been made on the basis of the 6th Central Pay Commission’s recommendations.  The 6th CPC introduced a new concept in the form of Pay band and Grade Pay.  The recommendations of the Commission were implemented with effect from 1.1.2006 in the case of Pay and in the case of allowances with effect from 1.9. 2008.  In the case of Central Public Sector undertakings, the wage revisions n...

CGDA Orders – Two Days Strike on 12.02.2014 & 13.02.2014 by AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata.


Action Taken Report (ATR) on the minutes of the 23rd meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA)

Pensioners Portal Orders 2014 - Action Taken Report (ATR) on the minutes of the 23rd meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) . F. No. 42/2/2014-P&PW(G)  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions  Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,  Khan Market, New Delhi – 110003 Date: 31st January, 2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Action Taken Report (ATR) on the minutes of the 23rd meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA). Please find enclosed herewith a copy of Action Taken Report (ATR) on the decisions of the 23rd meeting of the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) held on 20th September, 2013 in New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) for kind perusal.

Composition of 7th CPC – Profile of Chairman and Members…

Composition of 7th CPC – Profile of Chairman and Members… Short profile of Chairman and Members of 7th Central Pay Commission… Yesterday, Central Government has appointed a committee for implementing an another and 7th pay commission for Central Government Employees. We compiled a short profile of the Chairman and Members of the committee as follows…

Confederation News on composition of 7th CPC - Seventh CPC constituted, but No DA Merger...