Execution of Bond for availing Study Leave under rule 53(4) of the CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972 - regarding

Dopt Orders - Execution of Bond for availing Study Leave under rule 53(4) of the CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972 - regarding

No. 13026/4/2012-Estt.(L)
Bharat Sarkar/Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi, the 18 February. 2014

Subject: Execution of Bond for availing Study Leave under rule 53(4) of the CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972 - regarding.

The undersigned is directed to state that Government servants are allowed to avail “Study Leave’ in terms of the provisions of rules 50-63 of the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972. The provisions of rule 53(4) mandates for execution of a bond by the Government Servant who is granted such leave in the relevant format prescribed for the said purpose i.e. Forms 7-10 of the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972.

2. The said Bond executed by the Government servant requires putting in specified period of service after expiry of the Study Leave as prescribed by provisions of rule 50(5) of the said rules.

3. It has come to the notice of this Department that the provisions of the aforesaid bond are being circumvented and officers who have availed Study Leave proceed on prolonged spells of leave due and admissible to them and thus do not put in active service for the requisite period as indicated in the bond executed by them.

A. In view of the above position, the provisions of the prescribed format of the Bond have been reviewed in consultation with the Department of Legal Affairs and it has been decided that the prescribed forms 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the CSS (Leave) Rules, 1972 may be revised by incorporating a specific clause confirming commitment of the Government servant to put in requisite active service after expiry of the Study Leave. The copies of the revised formats are enclosed herewith. The grant of Study Leave shall continue to be regulated in terms of the relevant provisions of the rules as indicated in para 1 above. Ministry of Home Affairs etc are requested to ensure that the necessary Bond in respect of grant of Study Leave under the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 may henceforth be obtained in the revised formats.

5. These orders are being issued after consultation with the C&AG of India in respect of persons serving in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department.

6. Formal amendments to CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 are being issued separately.

(Mukul Ratra)
Director (L&A)

Source: www.persmin.gov.in


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