Posting of husband and wife at the same station
Posting of husband and wife at the same station F.No.28034/9/2009-Estt.(A) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) North Block,New Delhi, Dated the 30th September, 2009. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Posting of husband and wife at the same station. In view of the utmost importance attached to the enhancement of women's status in all walks of life and to enable them to lead a normal family life as also to ensure the education and welfare of the ·children, guidelines were issued by DOP&T in O.M No. 28034/7/86-Estt.(A) dated 3.4.86 and No.28034/2/97-Estt.(A) dated 12.6.97 for posting of husband and wife who are in Government service, at the same station. Department had on 23.8.2004 issued instructions to all Mins.lDeptts. to follow the above guidelines in letter and spirit. 2. In the context of the need to make concerted efforts to increase representation of women in Central Gove...