7th CPC Pay Matrix Calculator for Group ‘C’ Employees
Pay Matrix Calculator for Group ‘C’ Employees 7th Central Pay Commission Pay Matrix Calculator for Group ‘C’ Employees in Central Government Service We have presented here an another tool to find pay, allowance and other details of Group ‘C’ Staff working in Central Government Services as per the Government Decisions on 7th Central Pay Commission. First select your pay matrix level in the list of Level-1 to 5. According to the selection of level, the pay hierarchy will be shown. After, you select your basic pay then immediately the calculator will show your details of Basic Pay, DA %, HRA %, Transport Allowance, Travelling Allowance and the benefit of increment and also highlight of pay fixation on next level of Promotion or MACP. According to the Classification of Posts in Central Government Services [see the Gazette Notification], the Group ‘C” Employees are classified under Pay Matrix from Level-1 to Level-5 after implementation of 7th Pay Commission. Pay Matrix Calc