
Showing posts from February, 2009

Age Limit for dependent children of Government servants and pensioners

Age Limit for dependent children for CGHS Age Limit for dependent children of Government servants and pensioners for avilingmedical facilities under CGHS... No.4-24/96-C&P/CGHS/CGHS(P) Government of India Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Department of Health & Family Welfare Nirman Bhawan,New Delhi-110003 dated 25 th February, 2009 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Age Limit for dependent children of Government servants and pensioners for avilingmedical facilities under CGHS and Central Servicecs (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944 - Regarding. The undersingned is directed to refer to this Ministry's O.M. of even number dated 31.5.2007 on the subject noted aboveand to say that the issue of inclusion of name of married son, aged below 25 years, in the CGHS Card of a CGHS beneficiariescovered under CS(MA), 1944 come up for consideration of this Ministry. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Deparment of Personnel & T...

Quota for Scouts, Guides and NCC cadets in group ‘D’ posts

Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions in written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha... There is no quota or bonus marks prescribed for recruitment of Scouts, Guides, NCC cadets and certificate holders of National Service Scheme (NSS) for recruitment to Group ‘D’ posts of Central Government. There is no such proposal of fixing quota or bonus marks for NSS certificate holders, under consideration. However, a scheme exists in the Central Government for appointment of meritorious sports persons to Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ categories in the Civil Posts/Services. Under this Scheme, the Ministries/Departments can appoint meritorious sports persons playing any of the 40 Games listed in the Scheme, to the extent of 5% of the direct recruitment vacancies to be filled in a year. This was stated by Shri Prithviraj Chavan, Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions in written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha toda...

Defence Employees Federations succeed great in policy matter...

The demand of the Defence Employees Federations , which was pending for a long period, was the sanction of Rs.5000 - 8000 (Pre Revised Scale) scale of pay to Master Crafts Man (MCM) grade. A lot of information was received stating that the government has approved the demand. As per the information those employees who are in Master Crafts Man (MCM) grade will be given Rs.4200 Grade Pay (Reviese Pay: PB-2 9300 - 8300) scale of pay and 20% of the employees in Highly Skilled strength will be given Grade Pay of Rs.2800. Existing Pay Structure Category Pre Revised Basic Pay Revised Basic Pay Grade Pay Ratio Actual Strength Skilled 3050-75-3950 PB-1 5200-20200 1900 45% 45% H. Skilled 4000-100-6000 PB-1 5200-20200 2400 55% 41% MCM 4500 PB-1 5200-20200 2800 25%(from H.S. Strength) 14% Proposed Pay Structure Category Pre Revised Basic Pay Revised Basic Pay Grade Pay Ratio Actual Strength Skilled 3050-75-3950 PB-1 5200-20200 1900 45% 45% H. Skilled-II 4000-100-6000 PB-1 5200-20200 2400 21% 21% ...

Additional D.A. for Central Government Employees from January-2009

Cabinet has approved a additional 6% hike in the Dearness Allowance for Central Government Employees from 01-January - 2009. (Total D.A. 16% + 6% = 22%.) Dearness Allowancce Date from which payable - Rate of D.A. per mensem From 1.1.2006 - No D.A. From 1.7.2006 - 2% of Basic Pay + NPA, where applicable From 1.1.2007 - 6% of Basic Pay + NPA, where applicable From 1.7.2007 - 9% of Basic Pay + NPA, where applicable From 1.1.2008 - 12% of Basic Pay + NPA, where applicable From 1.7.2008 - 16% of Basic Pay + NPA, where applicable From 1.1.2009 - 22% of Basic Pay + NPA, where applicable Know about D.A. :- Disbursement of D.A. twice in a year was introduced in V CPC. Before that, D.A. was announced whenever the price index of commodities goes up. There was incidents of payment of D.A. in between two months and also the recovery of the given D.A. from the salary due to the fluctuations in price index in 1978.

ACP (Assured Career Progression) clarification will be expected in next week

ACP (Assured Career Progression) clarification will be expected in next week “FAST TRACK COMMITTEE” meeting was held on 19-Feb-2009 at New Delhi. The following points were finalized as per the information received. 1. Assured Career Promotion (III – ACP) order will be announced next week. 2. Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 for Pharmacist will be discussed in the next meeting. 3. Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 will be given to Master Crafts Man (MCM), agreed by the Finance Ministry.

Government Of India Notification About IME India Recognition

Mechanical Engineers (India), Mumbai Course, equivalent to Degree in Mechanical Engineering Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of Higher Education New Delhi, the 24th November, 2006 NOTIFICATION No.F.23 – 2 / 2001 – TS.III. The Institute of Mechanical Engineers (India), Mumbai has been running Section A & B of Association Membership Course, equivalent to Degree in Mechanical Engineering since 1976, vide this Ministry’s letter No.F.18 – 31 / 71 – T.2 dated 28.05.1976 and part I & II of Technician Polytechnic, since 1988, vide this Ministry’s letter No.F.1 - 5 / 87 / T.7 / T.13 dated 11.07.1988.In the year 2002, while withdrawing the recognition of these courses, Government of India allowed the IME (India), Mumbai to approach this Ministry for recognition of their Diploma / Degree courses only after the removal of all the deficiencies pointed out by AICTE. Accordingly, the above Institute submitted a request along with the req...

CGHS - Reimbursement of Medical Expenses will get from two sources - Insurance Agencies and from the CGHS

Office Memorandum from Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on 19-February-2009. CGHS - Payment / Reimbursement of Medical Expenses to Beneficiaries under CGHS and Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944 from two sources - from Insurance Agencies and from the CGHS or from the Ministry / Department. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare carefully considered and it has been dicided, with the approval of the Compentent Authority that beneficiaries who have subscribed to Medical Insurance Policies in addition to availing CGHS facilities / Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944, may be allowed to calim reimbursement sources should not exceed the total expenditure incurred by the beneficiary first on the insurance company, which would issue a certificate indicating the amount reimbursed to the Director, CGHS or Head of Department of the Ministry / Department concerned.

pay commission arrears (Blanace of 60%) Government Employees, are likely to be disappointed...!

No pay commission arrears to be paid before elections Consumer goods manufacturers, expecting to see a revival of demand from the nearly Rs 16,500 crore Pay Commission arrears for government employees, are likely to be disappointed. More than 8.3 million central government employees and pensioners will have to wait till at least August 2009 to receive the second instalment of Sixth Pay Commission arrears This became clear from the Interim Budget presented last week, which has not sought Parliamentary approval in its expenditure estimates for the first four months of the next fiscal starting April 2009, said a senior finance ministry official. “The new government will have to seek Parliament approval when they submit the budget,” said the same official. The Rs 32,000-crore domestic consumer durables industry was betting big on the Pay Commission’s recommendations to act as an added impetus to sales. Industry observers believe the arrears would have enabled a major chunk of consumers ...

Representations regarding revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners

F.No.38/37/08-P&PW (A) Government of India Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare ******* Lok Nayak Bhawan,New Delhi-110003 dated 11 th February, 2009 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Representations regarding revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners. The undersingned is directed to say that in accordance with instructions contained in para 4.2 of this Department's OM of even number dated 1.9.08, the fixation of pension will be subject to the provision that the revised pension, in no case, shall be lower than fifty percent of the minimum of the pay in the pay band plus the grade pay corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale from which the pensioners had ritired. In the case of HAG+ and above scales, this will be fifty percent of the minimum of the revised pay sclae. It was clarified in the OM dated 3.10.2008 that the pension calculated at 50% of the minimum of pay in the pay band plus grade pay would be calculated at the...

Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendation ofthe Sixth CPC – Revision of provisions regulating gratuity

No.7/7/2008-P&PW (F) Government of India Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare ******* Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, NewDelhi-110 003 dated 13 th February, 2009 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendation ofthe Sixth CPC – Revision of provisions regulating gratuity . The undersigned is directed to saythat in terms of para 7.1 of this Department’s O.M. No.38/37/2008-P&PW(A)dated the 2 nd September, 2008 issued in implementation of thedecision taken on the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, thebenefit of adding years of qualifying service for the purpose of computation ofpension shall stand withdrawn with effect from the date of issue of the O.M. 2. Sixth Central Pay Commission in Para5.1.33 of its Report made the following recommendation: “Linkage of fullpension with 33 years of qualifying service should b...

Memorandum to Honorable Prime Minister

A Massive Rally of more than a lakh of Indian Working Class including Government employees and Public Sector employees was held in Delhi on 18.02.2009 in front of the Parliament. Leaders of the Central Trade Unions and all India Federations including Confederation addressed the Rally before a delegation went to submit a Memorandum to Honorable Prime Minister. The Mass Rally was addressed by leaders of Central Trade Unions like AITUC – All India Trade Union Congress CITU – Centre of Indian Trade Unions UTUC – United Trade Union Congress TUCC – Trade Union Coordination Centre AIUTUC -All India United Trade Union Centre All India Federations and Unions like AIBEA-All India Bank Employees Association AIDEF – All India Defence Employees Federation AIIEA - All India Insurance Employees’ Association AISGEF - All India State Government Employees Federation and Confederation. The Rally warned the Government of intense struggles by the Working Class to protect against ...

The number of vacant posts on Indian Railways as on date is around 1.7 lakh

Vacant Posts in Railways The number of vacant posts on Indian Railways as on date is around 1.7 lakh including 32646 posts reserved for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes. Filling up the vacancies of reserved as well as unreserved posts is continuous process. Some vacancies always remain due to non-availability of eligible empanelled candidates in the recruitment and promotional grades. Indents have been placed to Railway Recruitment Boards to fill up Group ‘C’ vacancies and Railway Recruitment Cells to fill up Group ‘D’ vacancies. Wherever eligible candidates to filll up promotional vacancies are not there, the posts are diverted to the recruitment grades and filled up by direct recruitment from open market.

Bogus caste certificates - DoP&T

Fake caste certificates have come to the notice of the Government Some complaints of appointment on the basis of fake caste certificates have come to the notice of the Government. If it is established that a candidate secured employment on the basis of a fake certificate, he is removed from service. Instructions have been issued that the caste status of a candidate claiming to belong to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Class should be verified at the time of initial appointment as well as at the time of every important upturn of employee’s career so that any person may not get appointment on the basis of fake certificate. Information about fake caste certificates is not centrally maintained. This information was given by the Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office and Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Shri Prithviraj Chavan in a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha today.

Facilities being given to Gramin Dak Sewaks

The Government is giving the following facilities to Gramin Dak Sewaks : i) Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA): On the pattern of pay scales for regular Government employees, following 7 TRCAs (plus Dearness Allowance on pro-rata basis) have been prescribed for the Gramin Dak Sewaks: TIME RELATED CONTINUITY ALLOWANCE (TRCA) For GRAMIN DAK SEWAKS Sub-Postmasters Rs.2125-50-3125 For GRAMIN DAK SEWAKS BPMs Rs.1280-35-1980 (For those with work-load up to 3 hours) Rs.1600-40-2400 (For those with work-load more than 3 hours) For GRAMIN DAK SEWAKS Mail Deliverers/Stamp Vendors Rs.1375-25-2125 (For those with work-load up to 3 hours 45 minutes) Rs.1740-30-2640 (For those with work-load more than 3 hrs 45 mts) For other Categories of GRAMIN DAK SEWAKSs viz. GRAMIN DAK SEWAKS Mail Carriers/Mailmen/Mail Packers/Mail messengers Rs.1220-20-1600 (For those with work-load up to 3 hours 45 minutes) Rs.1545-25-2020 (For those with work-load more than 3 hrs 45 mts) (ii) Dearness ...

Order from Ministry of Finance regarding Travelling Allowance

Travelling Allowance Rules F.No.19030/3/2008-E.IV Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure New Delhi, 18th February, 2009 CORRIGENDUM Subject :- Travelling Allowance Rules-Implementation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. In para 4 (C) column (3) of O.M. No. 19030/3/2008 – E.IV dated 23-09-2008 on the above subject, the following may be corrected:- Rage per km. for transport by road (Rs. Per km.) Read 18.00 (Rs.0.30 per kg in per km. 18.00 (Rs. 0.003 per kg/per km.) 18.00 (Rs.0.30 per kg per km. 18.00 (Rs. 0.003 per kg/per km.) 9.00 (Rs.0.31 per kg per km. 9.00 (Rs. 0.0031 per kg/per km.) 4.60 (Rs.0.31 per kg per km. 4.60 (Rs. 0.003 per kg/per km.) (Y.P.SEHGAL) Deputy Secretary (EG) No. 19030/3/2008-E.IV Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure New Delhi, 22nd January, 2009. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Travelling Allowance Rules - Implementation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. Consequent upon the issue o...

One-rank one-pension for Ex-Servicemen

The demand for one-rank one-pension stands already examined in detail and was not found acceptable due to administrative, financial and legal reasons. Moreover, the pensionary benefits of the Personnel Below Officer Rank, particularly of the three ranks of Sepoy, Naik and Havildar, were significantly increased wef 1.1.2006 by increasing weightage from 5 years to 10, 8 and 6 years respectively and by allowing pension of pre-1.1.1996 retirees to be computed with reference to the maximum of the pay-scale introduced wef 01.01.1996. In consultation with Ministry of Finance, the benefits thus accrued to PBOR have been allowed to be retained while revising their pension as per Government decision on the 6th CPC recommendations wef 1.1.2006. However, the Government is also examining whether certain improvements can be made in the pension being given to the old pensioners. This information was given by Minister of State for Defence Shri MM Pallam Raju in a written reply to Shri Rajeev Cha...

Leave Travel Concession -CCS Rules

LTC Rules - Leave Travel Concession Rules  as per 6th CPC - (w.e.f. 01.09.2008)  1. LTC Rules is allowed all Government servants irrespective of the distance between headquarters and their home town.  2. LTC Rules is allowed Hometown" means the town, village or any other place declared as such by the servant and accepted by the controlling officer.  3. LTC Rules is allowed only to those who have completed one year of service on the date of journey.  4. LTC Rules is allowed for self and family.  5. LTC Rules is allowed only to the family (in the case of an employee under suspension).  6. LTC Rules is allowed to journey to “Home Town” once in a block of two years.  7. LTC Rules is allowed journey to “Any place in India” once in a block of four years.  8. LTC Rules is allowed to expression "any place in India" will cover any place within the territory of India whether it is on the mainland, or overseas....

The Sponsoring Committee of Trade Unions has decided to organize the Massive March to Parliament

Tomorrow - March to Parliament The Sponsoring Committee of Trade Unions has decided to organize the Massive March to Parliament Programme on 18th Feb. 2009. All COCs will take as many numbers of comrades as possible to participate in the programme. Particularly the adjoining states of Rajastan, Haryana, Punjab, M.P., U.P. will take to mobilize maximum number of comrades to take part in the March along with other sections of the Working Classes. Charter of Demands as follows… 1. Stop retrenchment/lay-off and wage cuts on the pretext of financial crisis. 2. Prioritise on relief to the common people. Any relief or concessions granted to industry, domestic or foreign, must ensure and guarantee protection of jobs and additional employment generation. 3. Halt further deregulation of financial sector, strengthen public sector banks and insurance companies, impose embargo on non-banking and speculative activities by the banks and financial institutions including the fo...

Key Features of Interim Budget 2009 - 2010

Interim Budget leaves direct taxes unchanged... Key Features of Interim Budget 2009 - 2010 The Gross Domestic Product increased by 7.5 per cent, 9.5 per cent, 9.7 per cent and 9 per cent in the first four years from fiscal year 2004 - 05 to 2007 - 08 recording a sustained growth of 9 per cent for three consecutive years for the first time. The growth drivers for the period were agriculture, services, manufcturing along with trade and construction. Due to revision in Educational Loan Scheme by the Government number of beneficiaries increased from 3.19 lakh to 14.09 lakh and amount of loan outstanding increased from Rs.4500 crore as on March, 31, 2004 to Rs.24260 crore as on September 30, 2008. 500 ITIs upgraded into centers of excellence. National Skill Development Corporation created in July, 2008 with initial corpus of Rs.1000 crore. Scope of the pre-metric scholarship for children of those engaged in unclean occupations expanded and rates of scholarship duubled in 2008-09. Annual...

Awards of Board of Arbitration Pending with the Government from 2006

Statement Containing 16 Pending Board of Arbitration Awards: 1.C.A. Ref. No. 6/95 Weightage for Night Duty for employees drawing pay more than Rs.2200 and Night Duty Weightage allowance to Nurses. 2. C.A. Ref. No. 2/2002 Notional Pay for computation of HRA / CCA for the period from 1.1.96 to 31.7.97. 3. C.A. Ref. No. 3/2001 Allotment of proper revised scale to categories of Sr. Auditors. Sr. Accountants. Head Clerks & Account Assts. in Ministries/Departments. 4. C.A. Ref. No. 1/2004 Revision of Washing Allowance. 5. C.A. Ref. No. 2/2004 Revision of rates of Over Time Allowance. 6. C.A. Ref. No. 6/2004 regarding payment of Night Duty Allowance in revised pay scales from 1.1.1996 7. C.A. Ref. No. 5/2004 Regarding treating the advance increments granted to Stenographers for the speed test as pay for all purposes. 8. C.A. Ref. No. 3/2004 Revision of rates of Transport Allowance. AWARDS PENDING IN PARLIAMENT: 1.C.A. Ref. No. 3/86 – Encashment of earned leave while i...


MOBILE BANKING SERVICE: SMS (Short Message Service) through Mobile Phones – State Bank of India Most of the Central Government Employees are receiving payments through banks. The State Bank of India, which has the largest network in India stands on top among other banks in the field also. Recently, State Bank of India has introduced a new facility is Mobile Banking Service, which employees can receive the details of their transactions in their account through Mobile Phones. To avail this facility, employees should apply for the same mentioning their Mobile Number and Account Number. Employees will be informed through SMS (Short Message Service) about the transactions of Salaries, GPF, LTC and other Advances as soon as it is credited in their respective accounts. In same the way Debit Account transactions also. State Bank of India to offer end-to-end banking service such as account-to-account money transfer, utility bill payments and account-related queries, amongst other...

Revision of pay scale of teachers in Universities and Colleges

Government’s clarification regarding implementation of the decision on revision of pay scale of teachers in Universities and Colleges Government’s attention has been drawn to a news item appearing in certain sections of the print media alleging delay on the part of the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development and the UGC in implementing the decision on revision of pay scale of teachers in Universities and Colleges. It is clarified for general information that the MHRD has already issued Government’s decision vide communication No.1-32/2006-UII/UI(i) to UGC on 31.12.2008 revising pay with effect from 1.1.2006 and some of the service conditions of teachers and equivalent positions. Copies of the said communication were endorsed, among others, to Chief Secretaries of State Governments with clear advice in regard to what the State Governments are expected to do in order to be eligible for Central assistance. In view of this, no separate order is required to be is...

Expected O.M. for Night Shift Allowance as per revised basic pay

More than four lakh Ordnance Employees are expecting clarification regarding Night Shift Allowance as per reivsed basic pay. After implementation of sixth CPC , Railway Employees are getting their Night Duty Allowance is as per revised basic pay from Dec-2008 itself. M.O. has published on Dec-2008 by the Ministry of Railways. But still Ordnance Employees are getting their Night Duty Allowance is as per pre revised basic pay. Rates of Night Duty Allowance (NDA) with effect from 1.9.2008 for 'Intensive', 'Continuous' and 'Excluded' categories and Workshop staff. S.No. Pay Band Grade Pay Rate of NDA (in Rs.) 1. 4440 - 7440 1300 39.05 2. 4440 - 7440 1400 39.60 3. 4440 - 7440 1600 40.70 4. 4440 - 7440 1650 40.95 5. 5200 - 20200 1800 78.25 6. 5200 - 20200 1900 78.25 7. 5200 - 20200 2000 79.30 8. 5200 - 20200 2400 81.45 9. 5200 - 20200 2800 83.65 10. 9300 - 34800 4200 141.65 11. 9300 - 34800 4600 143.80 Rates of Night Duty Allowance (NDA) with effect from 1.9.200...

ACP Scheme for Direct Recruit Group 'B' and Group 'C' offficers

ACP Scheme in the case of Direct Recruit Group 'B' and Group 'C' offficers working in the field formations under CBEC - regarding. ACP Scheme, with the approval of Competent Authority the under mentioned Inspectors of Central Excise, Preventive Officers / Examiners are hereby granted 2nd financial up-gradation /1st Financial up-gradation in the case of Appraiser (Direct Recruit) / Superintendent etc. under the ACP Scheme and are accordingly placed in the pay scale of Rs. 8000-275-13500 from the date as shown below... Click and Download here...

Acceptance of Part-Time employment by the members of the All India Service

Government of India - Department of Personnel and Training It has come to the notice of this Department that there is some doubt about allowing members of the All India Service to accept Part-time employment in other Government, Quasi-Government or an Autonomous body not controlled by the Government or a private body. Such employment, even though it is outside office hours, is contrary to the principle embodied in rule 13(1) of the All India Service (Conduct) Rules, 1968, which stipulates that no members of the Service shall except, with the previous sanction of the Government , engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business, or negotiate for or undertake, any other employment. Allowing a member of the Service to take part-time employment before/after office hours in other organizations may result in some Deterioration in his efficiency because if he does part-time work in addition to his full working hours in his office, he may not get sufficient time for rest and recreation ...

The regular promotions of the employees are decided on the basis of recommendations made by the D P C

Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) The regular promotions of the government employees are generally decided on the basis of recommendations made by the Departmental Promotion Committees. The Departmental Promotion Committees are constituted to judge the suitability of officers for - (a) promotions to “Selection” as well as "Non-selection" posts (b) assessment of the work and conduct of probationers for the purpose of determining their suitability for retention in service or their discharge from it or extending their probation and subsequent confirmation if found suitable for retention in service. The UPSC should be associated with DPCs in respect of all Central Civil Services/posts belonging to Group 'A' where promotion is based on the principles of “Selection cum Seniority” unless it has been decided by the Government not to associate the UPSC with a Group 'A' DPC. The UPSC need not be associated in respect of the posts belonging to Grou...