Age Limit for dependent children of Government servants and pensioners
Age Limit for dependent children for CGHS Age Limit for dependent children of Government servants and pensioners for avilingmedical facilities under CGHS... No.4-24/96-C&P/CGHS/CGHS(P) Government of India Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Department of Health & Family Welfare Nirman Bhawan,New Delhi-110003 dated 25 th February, 2009 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Age Limit for dependent children of Government servants and pensioners for avilingmedical facilities under CGHS and Central Servicecs (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944 - Regarding. The undersingned is directed to refer to this Ministry's O.M. of even number dated 31.5.2007 on the subject noted aboveand to say that the issue of inclusion of name of married son, aged below 25 years, in the CGHS Card of a CGHS beneficiariescovered under CS(MA), 1944 come up for consideration of this Ministry. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Deparment of Personnel & T...