
Showing posts from August, 2009

UGC draws up scheme to address faculty shortage

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has decided to tap all available resources to address the problem of faculty shortage and upgrade the skills of college/university teachers as the country seeks to expand higher education facilities. Since faculty shortage cannot be addressed overnight, the UGC has drawn up a scheme to involve academics from outside the university system to enhance faculty resources of universities, particularly at the post-graduate and research levels. In particular, the UGC is eyeing research organisations, research and development units of Central and State public-sector undertakings and business corporations, Non-Resident Indians and Persons of Indian Origin working with academic, research and business organisations overseas, and foreign academicians and researchers having a demonstrated interest in Indian studies. Two modalities have been evolved for their engagement with the university system: The “adjunct faculty” route for younger and mid-career p...

Central wants equal to states..!

Teachers demand increase in entry level salaries Primary school teachers affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Primary-school Teachers Federation (TNPTF) observed fast in front of the Railway Station here on Sunday demanding better wages. K. Anbarasu, district president of TNPTF, said that the State Government should immediately increase the entry level salaries for primary school teachers to the scale of Rs. 9,300-Rs. 34,800 plus Rs. 4,200 fixed by the Central Government. “At present, a newly-recruited teacher in the state is entitled for the scale of Rs. 5,200- Rs. 20,200 plus Rs. 2,800 though many other states have already implemented the Central Government’s recommendations,” he pointed out. The agitators also wanted the Government to come out with revised pay scale structures for teachers in the ranks of selection and special grades. Some of the other demands included hike in house rent allowance, disbursal of education allowance and time scale pay for teachers appointed on cons...

Car through CSD - New system raises officers’ hackles

Over 30 serving and retired officers of the Army showed resentment against the recently introduced system for purchasing car through CSD at the CSD depot in Ambala Cantt here. Earlier, the Army officers had to deposit the amount of the vehicle to be purchased with the CSD depot in Ambala Cantt and the depot issued them the release order. After submitting the release order with the car dealer, the officers got the delivery of the vehicle. As per the new system, after getting the delivery of the vehicle, the army officers will have to report to the depot manger along with the vehicle and a representative of the dealer. After checking the documents, engine number and chassis number of the vehicle, the depot will issue them a sale deed document and then only the officers will be allowed to drive their car. The Army officers have to face a lot of harassment while completing the formalities of the newly introduced system. Most of the Army officers, even from Haryana, prefer to purc...



Child Care Leave in respect of Central Government employees as a result of Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendations — Clarification

No. 13018/2/2008-Estt.(L) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training New Delhi, the 2nd December, 2008. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Child Care Leave in respect of Central Government employees as a result of Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendations — Clarification The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even number dated 11th September, 2008 regarding introduction of child care leave in respect of Central Government employees and subsequent clarifications vide O.M. dated 29th September, 2008 and 18th November, 2008. It is further clarified that child care leave sanctioned prior to issuance of O.M. No. 13018/2/2008-Estt.(L) dated 18th November, 2008 shall be treated as child care leave and shall be deducted from the Child Care Leave account of the Government servant concerned. No adjustment against any other kind of leave shall be made in this regard. The Child Car...

Grant of additional pension on attaining the age of 80 years regarding

OM No.38/48/09-P&PW(A) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare) ******* Norht Block,New Delhi-110 003 the 27th August, 2009 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- OA No. 504 of 2009 filed in the Central Administrative Tribunal, Ernakulam Bench - Grant of additional pension on attaining the age of 80 years regarding. The following Applications filed OA No. 504 of 2009 in the Central Administrative Tribunal, Ernakulam Bench seeking direction of the hon'ble CAT that the pensioners/family pensioners may be given the additional quantum of pension/family pension, in terms of Department of Pension & PW Resolution No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 29.8.2008, OM No.38/48/09-P&PW(A) (pt.I) dated 3.10.2008, just after their completion of the age of 79 years: 1. Sothern Railway Pensioners Association, Gopalan Vaidyar's Compound, Tileri Road, Bolar, Mangalore. 2. Shri....


National Pension Scheme (New Pension Scheme) Some questions and answers about New Pension Scheme (NPS) 1. What is the New Pension System (NPS)? The NPS is a new contributory pension scheme introduced by the Central Government for its own new employees. Under the new pension system, each new central government employee will open a personal retirement account on joining service. Every month, and till the employee retires or leaves government service, a part of the employee's salary will be transferred into this account. When the person retires, he will be able to use these savings to take care of the needs and expenses of his family during old age. 2. Who is covered by the NPS? You are covered by the NPS if a.You joined central government service on or after 01 January 2004, and b.You are an employee of a Central (Civil) Ministry or Departments, or c.You are an employee of a non-civil Ministry or Department including Railways, Posts, Telecommunication or Armed...

Grant of Non-P.L.Bonus (Ad-hoc bonus ) to Central Government Employees for the year 2008-2009.

No.7/23/2007/E III (A) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure NewDelhi,Dated 28th August,2009. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (Ad-hoc bonus ) to Central Government Employees for the year 2008-2009. The under signed is directed to convey the sanction of the President to the grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (Ad-hoc bonus ) equivalent to 30 days emoluments for the year 2008-2009 to the Central Government Employees in Group C and D and all non-gazetted employees in Group B, who are not covered by any Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme. The Calculation ceiling of Rs.3500/- remain unchanged. The payment will also be admissible to the Central Police and Para-military Personnel and Personnel of Armed Forces. The orders will be deemed to extended to the employees of Union Territory Administration which follow the other bonus or ex-gratia scheme. 2. The benefit will be admissibl...

Payment of second instalment of 60% arrears to Quasi-Government Organisations, Autonomous Organisations

No.7/23/2008-E.III(A) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure NewDelhi,Dated 27th August,2009. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Payment of second instalment of arrears on account of pay revision of employee of Quasi-Government Organisations, Autonomous Organisations, and Statutory Bodies, etc. set up by and funded/controlled by the Central Government. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's orders issued under Office Memorandum of even number dated 30th September 2008 and 7th October 2008 extending the revised pay structure for the Central Government employees on the basis of the recommendation of the 6th Central Pay Commission to the employees of Autonomous Organization, etc whose pattern of emolument structure sacles and allowances(in particular the Dearness Allowance, the House Rent Allowance and City Compensatory Allowance) were identical to those of the Central Government employees. 2. A...

Filling up of the post of Secretary-Cum-Controller

No.24012/18/2008-Estt.(B) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) Norht Block,New Delhi, the 27th August, 2009 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Filling up of the post of Secretary-Cum-Controller of Examinations- in the pay scale PB-4, Re. 37,400-67,000+ GP-8700/- (Director leve]), Staff Selection Commission (Hqrs), New Delhi on deputation basis. It is proposed to fill up the post of Secretary-Cum-Controller of Examinations, Staff Selection Commission with Headquarters at New Delhi in the pay scale of Rs. PB-4, Rs. 37,400-67,000 + GP-Rs.8700/- (Director level). The eligibility criteria as per Recruitment Rules is given in the Annexure- 1. The pay and other conditions of service of the selected officer will be regulated in accordance with this Department's OM.No. 2/29/91-Estt (Pay-II) dated 05th January, 94, as amended from time to time. 2. Application of only such officers will be considered as a...

IIT faculty seek study compensation Years lost for PhD cited

IIT teachers have demanded financial compensation apart from their basic salaries for the years they spend in higher learning and pursuing a PhD instead of working after undergraduation. The teachers have suggested that the compensation either be provided as a fixed monthly allowance or as a percentage of their basic salary through a scheme existing in apex scientific research organisations. This is the first time the IITs have specifically cited the higher qualifications their teachers require to join the faculty — unlike in most universities — to argue for better pay. This demand was partly articulated in a memorandum submitted by the All India IIT Faculty Forum — a body elected by teachers at the premier engineering schools — to the human resource development ministry on Monday. Faculty sources confirmed that an additional document explaining this new request would be submitted to the ministry soon. Faculty across the IITs are protesting against a new pay regime notified...

New Pension Scheme - Recruited on or after 1.1.2004

THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY - PART I - SECTION 1 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY New Delhi, Monday, December 22, 2003/PAUSA 1, 1925 Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs) (ECB & PR Division) NewDelhi,the 22nd December,2003. F.No.5/7/2003-ECB & PR. – The Government approved on 23rd August, 2003 the proposal to implement the budget announcement of 2003-2004 relating to introducing a new restructured defined contribution pension system for new entrants to Central Government Service, except to Armed Forces, in the first stage, replacing the existing system of defined benefit pension system. (i) The system would be mandatory for all new recruits to the Central Government Service from 1st of January 2004 (except the armed forces in the first stage.). The monthly contribution would be 10 percent of the salary and DA to be paid by the employee and matched by the Central Government. However, there will be no contribution form the Govern...

Women employees allege harassment at workplace

Women employees of Balaji Wafers today took out a rally in protest against the alleged sexual harassment at work place. In a memorandum submitted to the district collector H S Patel, they alleged that eve teasing and harassment of women employees had become a daily routine in the company. When they approached management with complaints, they were allegedly misbehaved and insulted, the memorandum said. The women employees have been on strike for last three days and have warned not to resume work until action is taken by the management in this regard. They have the support of CPI-M in their protest. Patel could not be contacted for his comment. Source: PTI

Meeting with FM - Update news from AICEIA

In continuation of the meeting chaired by the Secretary (Revenue) on 23.07.2009, a meeting was called by the JS (Per) of Expenditure Ministry. The President and SG attended the meeting. Representatives of the ITEF and Customs Preventive Federation also attended. In the course of the meeting, the Expenditure Authorities conceded that it is not possible to merge the cadres of STA and Inspector due to functional distinction. However they were not ready to commit on the upgradation to Rs. 4600/- and instead they suggested some alternate measures like 2-3- 4 additional increments/ higher start in the pay band/ putting 80% of Inspectors in Rs. 4600/- and the rest in Rs. 4200/- who will move to Rs. 4600/- after 4 years/ clarification that promotion from STA to Inspector would entail FR 22 fixations. We categorically stated that none of the suggestions would solve the problem faces by the cadre. They even suggested that all the Inspectors presently on the rolls can be granted Rs. 4600/- and t...

Completion of PARs of IAS Officers

F.No.4/8/2008/EO/PR GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel and Training (Office of the Establishment Officer) New Delhi, Dated the 21st August, 2009 CIRCULAR Subject: Completion of PARs of IAS Officers within the fixed time schedule. The PARs of IASofficers are required to be completed at different stages strictly as per the time schedule given in the Rule 9.1 of PARRules of the All India (PAR) Rules, 2007. Rule 5.1 of these rules provides that "if PAR for a financial year is not recorded by 31st December of the year in which the financial year ended, no remarks may be recorded thereafter and the officer may be assessed on the basis of the overall record and self assessment for the year, if he has submitted his self assessment in time". 2. Accordingly it has been decided that for the PARs of the year 2008-09, only such remarks of the Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting authorities w...

IIT faculty expecting sepecial addditional 'Scholastic Pay' Rs 15,000 per month

For the first time in the Indian Institutes of Technogy's 50-odd years of existence, faculty members have asked the government for a special additional 'scholastic pay' of Rs 15,000 a month to compensate them for their 'low-paying' jobs. The suggestion for this special pay was part of a memorandum that the All India IIT Faculty Federation submitted to the Ministry of Human Resources and Development on August 23, stating that the pay structure proposed is unacceptable and a threat to the IIT system. This special pay is expected to compensate the IIT faculty members for the "notional" financial loss they incur compared to people of comparable qualifications in other sectors. "Every other government organisation gives special incentive to its employees, except the IITs. We are resentful that the ministry has abandoned us like this," said Bhartendu Seth, president, IIT Bombay Faculty Forum and professor of mechanical engineering. "The Govar...

Announcement of 60% Arrears from Finance Ministry has been released just now...!

F.No. l/l/2008-IC Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure Implementation Cell NewDelhi,Dated 25th August,2009. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Payment of second instalment of arrears on account of implementation of Sixth Central Pay Commission's recommendations. As communicated vide this Department's Resolution No.l/l/2008-IC dated 29th August, 2008, the Government had decided that the arrears on account of implementation of Sixth Central Pay Commission's recommendations will be paid in cash in two instalments - first instalment of 40% during the year 2008-09 and the remaining 60% in the financial year 2009-10. The first instalment has already been paid in 2008-09. It has now been decided that the remaining 60% of arrears may now be paid to the concerned Government servants . 2. Further, as already stipulated vide this Department's O.M. No 1 (2)/ EV/2008 dated 17th August, 2009, in the case of post - 0l.01.2004 entrants into the Central G...

India roles out indigenous T-90 Bhishma tanks

The first batch of indigenously built T-90 tanks "Bhishma" was flagged off by Minister of State for Defence M.M. Pallam Raju here on Monday. The rolling out ceremony was organised at the Heavy Vehicles Factory (HVF), Avadi near here. The HVF manufactured the Bhishma tanks in collaboration with Russia. The HVF is aiming to produce 100 Bhishma tanks per year. The Bhishma tanks are equipped with 125mm smooth bore gun stabilised in elevation and azimuth, 12.7mm anti-craft machine gun and 7.62mm co-axial machine gun supported with high accuracy sighting systems and also Automatic Loader ensuring high rate of fire. Bhishma''s capability to fire guided missile in addition to conventional ammunition using the same main gun barrel is a significant factor. The integrated fire control system of Bhishma consists with the gunner''s sight, guided weapon system and ballistic computer facilitates accurate firing of conventional ammunitions as well as the guided...

IIT professors go on mass casual leave for pay hike

Hundreds of faculty members of the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) Bombay and Roorkee went on mass casual leave Monday protesting disparities in pay. IIT Delhi professors will go on leave Tuesday. “The pay hike given by the government is at least 30 percent less at the lower level (of faculties) and at higher level it is 40 percent less than what we had asked for. It will be difficult for us to attract good faculty members,” Saumya Mukherjee, professor at IIT-Bombay, told reporters. Holding placards, the professors came out of the IIT-Bombay campus in a long line. They said that to become a professor at any IIT, a student needs to have a PhD, which involves around six more years of study. This entails loss of income. Had they taken up a government job, they would have earned at least Rs.2.3 million, they claimed. “The government is not even giving us the scholastic pay which is a compensation for the loss in earning,” said another professor from IIT-Bombay. IIT-Roork...

Meeting with JS(Personal) Department of Expenditure in the matter of Grade Pay of Rs.4600 fixed for 24.8.2009

F.No.3(1)/E.II(A)/2009 Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure Central Board of Excise & Customs NewDelhi,Dated 19th August,2009. To Shri Koushik Roy, Secretary General All India Central Excise Inspector Association. Shri Venugopalan Nair, The President, All India Customs Preventive Service Federation Sub:- Meeting scheduled to be held on 24.8.2009 (at 16.30 Hrs.) with JS(Pers.) Department of Expenditure on merger of three pay scales on the recommendations by 6th CPC and proposal for upgradation of Pay Scales- regarding. Sir, I am directed to say that in the meeting held on 23.7.2009, Secretary(Revenue) had desired that a group of three representatives each from CBEC & CBDT Associations may JS(Pers.), Deptt. of Expenditure in order to arrive at a solution in the matter. 2. Accordingly, JS(Pers.), Department of Expenditure has fixed a meeting with the representatives of the Service Associations under CBEC and CBD...

FR SR, Part III Central Civil Services - Leave Rules

FR & SR Part III Central Civil Services - Leave Rules 1. Short title and commencement (1) These rules may be called the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972. (2) They shall come into force on the 1st day of June, 1972. 2. Extent of application Save as otherwise provided in these rules, these rules shall apply to Government servants appointed to the civil services and posts in connection with the affairs of the Union, but shall not apply to- (a) Railway servants; (b) persons in casual or daily-rated or part-time employment; (c) persons paid from contingencies; (d) workmen employed in industrial establishments; (e) persons employed in work-charged establishments; (f) members of the All India Services; (g) persons locally recruited for service in Diplomatic, Consular or other Indian establishments in foreign countries; (h) persons employed on contract except when the contract provides otherwise; (i) persons in respect of whom special provisi...

Govt to review IIT faculty pay

With faculty from across the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) calling off lectures and threatening dire consequences like mass resignation, the Centre has sat up and promised to revisit the pay structure it formulated for IIT teachers. On Friday, HRD minister Kapil Sibal said his officials would take a look at the salary offered to faculty and rework the pay structure if need be. Sibal said the problem was that though at the entry level, IIT teachers get more salary, selection for the next promotion, unlike the UGC system where it is automatic, results in disparity. “We will look into it,” he said. On their part, IIT professors continued their protest. At IITMadras, faculty stayed away from classes on Friday and IIT-Bombay teachers refused to conduct lectures on Monday. The Union government recently announced pay scales for faculty at centrally-funded technical institutes but declared a salary structure lower than what was recommended by the Govardhan Mehta Committee,...

Prime Minister didn’t announce 60% Arrears in his Independence Day Speech ..?

All knew that arrears could be given as two installments when 6th CPC was announced. Having announced that 40% Arrears would be given in the financial year 2008-09 and 60% arrears would be given in the Financial Year 2009-10, the government gave the 40% arrears to all CG employees on Oct-2008. Though 60% arrears should have been given before March 31st, it was speculated by all that the Prime Minister would indirectly deliver the expected message on Independence Day like he did the previous year. But Prime Minster did not give any indicator of it in his message on Independence Day Speech. It was perhaps, because of the Finance Ministry’s (Department of Expenditure) O.M. released on 17 August 2009. For having not registered to the New Pension Scheme being appointed on or after 2004 the Finance Ministry has given Permanent Retirement Account Number (PRAN) application form along with the order. After the above said criteria gets over i.e., the return of application forms duly fil...

Enhancement to Child adoption Leave from 135 days to 180 days

No.11019/27/2008-AIS-11I GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Personnel & Trainig New Delhi the 20th August, 2009 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: - Enhancement to Child adoption Leave from 135 days to 180 days and extension of the facility of Paternity Leave to adoptive fathers. Sir/Madam, I am directed to enclose herewith copies of the instructions of the Government of India regarding enhancement of Child Adoption Leave from 135 days to 180 days and extension of the facility of Paternity Leave to adoptive fathers in respect of Central Government Employees and to state that the instructions contained in this Department's Office Memorandum No.13018/1/2009-Estt(L) dated 22nd Jyly, 2009 and 13018/4/2004-Estt(L) dated 31st March, 2006 will be applicable mutatis-mutandis to members of the All India Services. No. 13018/1/2009-Estt.(L) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances ...

Ordnance MCM will get Rs.4200 Grade Pay at par with Railways MCM

The demand to establish the payment of MCM-Ordnance at par with Railway MCM-Ordnance will not be heard again. The problem which started with 5th CPC has been settled with the emergence of 6th CPC. Ordnance-MCM who had been availing payment equivalent to Railway-MCM till 4th CPC, after the establishment of 5th CPC ceased to receive so. After 5th CPC, Ordnance-MCM received pay range as Rs.4500-7000 , whereas Railways received pay range of Rs.5000-8000. The demand which started at that time has been rendered to action by the government at last. A Fast Track Committee was put into formation to solve the problem that arose for Railways MCM. Ordnance and Postal departments too joined the committee. The committee disscussed various issues at various time period. A condition was put forth that for the implementation of Rs.5000-8000 to Ordnance-MCM they have to accept the proposal of dividing Highly Skilled Grade into two segments. Having accepted the proposal the Ordnance MCM was ...

CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 - Guidelines regarding prevention of sexual harassment

No. 11013/3/2009-Esst.(A) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) North Block, New Delhi Dated the 7th August, 2009 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 - Guidelines regarding prevention of sexual harassment of working women in the workplace. In continuation of the Department of Personnel and Training's O.M. of even number dated the 21st July, 2009 on the abovementioned subject, the undersigned is directed to say that the following may be substituted for the existing instructions in para 1 (v) thereof :- "(v) The Complaints Committee established in each Ministry or Department or Office for inquiring into complaints of sexual harassment shall be deemed to be the Inquiring Authority appointed by the Disciplinary Authority and the Complaints Committee shall hold, if separate procedure has not been prescribed for the Complaints Committee for holding the inquir...