Enhancement to Child adoption Leave from 135 days to 180 days



Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions

(Department of Personnel & Trainig

New Delhi the 20th August, 2009


Subject: - Enhancement to Child adoption Leave from 135 days to 180 days and extension of the facility of Paternity Leave to adoptive fathers.

I am directed to enclose herewith copies of the instructions of the Government of India regarding enhancement of Child Adoption Leave from 135 days to 180 days and extension of the facility of Paternity Leave to adoptive fathers in respect of Central Government Employees and to state that the instructions contained in this Department's Office Memorandum No.13018/1/2009-Estt(L) dated 22nd Jyly, 2009 and 13018/4/2004-Estt(L) dated 31st March, 2006 will be applicable mutatis-mutandis to members of the All India Services.

No. 13018/1/2009-Estt.(L)


Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions

(Department of Personnel & Trainig

New Delhi the 22nd July, 2009


Subject:-Enhancement of Child Adoption Leave from 135 days to 180 days and extension of the facility of Paternity Leave to adoptive fathers.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's O.M. No. 130 18/4/2004-Estt.(L) dated 31st March, 2006 regarding grant of Child Adoption Leave for 135 days to female Government servant on adoption of a child upto the age of one year, on the lines of maternity leave admissible to natural mothers. After implementation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendations, the period of maternity leave was enhanced from 135 days to 180 days. Subsequently, this Department has received representations requesting for enhancement of the period of Child Adoption Leave from 135 days to 180 days in line with the maternity leave. The matter has been examined in this Department and it has been decided to enhance the period of Child Adoption Leave from 135 days to 180 days.

2. A female Government servant in whose case the period of 135 days of Child Adoption Leave has not expired on the date of issue of these orders shall also be eligible for Child Adoption Leave of 180 days.

3. It has also been decided that a male Government servant (including an apprentice) with less than two surviving children, on valid adoption of a child below the age of one year, may be sanctioned Paternity Leave for a period of 15 days within a period of six months from the date of valid adoption.

4. These orders shall take effect from the date of issue.

5. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts.



Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions

(Department of Personnel & Trainig

New Delhi the 31st March, 2006


Sub: Grant of Child Adoption Leave for 135 days to the female Govt. servants on adoption of a child upto one year of age -

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's OM No.13018/4/89-Estt.(L) dated 25th October, 1989 regarding grant of leave to female Govt. servants on adoption of a child and to say that on having considered the justifications given by the Association of Adoptive Parents (ATMAJA) and the views of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare as well as those of the Department of Women & Child Development, it has been decided to extend the benefit of leave for 135 days to the adoptive mothers with fewer than two surviving children as 'Child Adoption Leave' on adoption of a child upto one year of age, on the lines of matemity leave admissible to natural mothers.

2. During the period of Child Adoption leave, she shall be paid leave sa1a:ry equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave.

3. Child Adoption leave may be combined with leave of any other kind.

4. In continuation of 'Child Adoption leave', the adoptive mothers may also be granted, if applied for, leave of the kind due and admissible (including Leave not due and Commuted leave not exceeding 60 (sixty)days without production of Medical certificate) for a period upto one year reduced by the age of the adopted child on the date of legal adoption without taking into account the period of Child Adoption leave, subject to the following conditions.

(i) This facility shall not be admissible to an adoptive mother already having two surviving children at the time of adoption.

(ii) The maximum period of one year leave of the kind due & admissible (including Leave not due and Commuted leave upto 60 days without production of Medical certificate) will be reduced by the age of the child on the date of adoption without taking into account Child Adoption leave as in following illustrations: - if the age of the adopted child is less than one month on the date of adoption leave upto one year may be allowed. . - If the age of child is six months and above but less than seven months, leave upto 6 months may be allowed. - If the age of the child is 9 months and above but less than ten months, leave upto 3 months may be allowed.

5. Child Adoption leave shall not be debited against the leave account

6. So far as persons serving in the Indian Audit & Accounts Departments are concemed, these orders are being issued after consultation with the C&AGof India.


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