
Showing posts from August, 2008

New Revised Paybands and Grade Pay

Revised Pay Bands and Grade Pays for posts carrying present scales in Group ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ & ‘D’ except posts for which different revised scales are notified separately. SL.No. Post / Grade Present Scale Name of Pay Band Pay Bands Grade Pay 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 S-1 2550-55-2660-60-3200 1S 4440 - 7440 1300 2 S-2 2610-60-3150-65-3540 1S 4440 - 7440 1400 3 S-2A 2610-60-2910-65-3300-70-4000 1S 4440 - 7440 1600 4 S-3 2650-65-3300-70-4000 1S 4440 - 7440 1650 5 S-4 2750-70-3800-75-4400 PB-1 5200 - 20200 1800 6 S-5 3050-75-3950-80-4590 PB-1 5200 - 20200 1900 7 S-6 3200-85-4900 PB-1 5200 - 20200 2000 8 S-7 4000-100-6000 PB-1 5200 - 20200 2400 9 S-8 4500-125-7000 PB-1 5200 - 20200 2800 10 S-9 5000-150-8000 PB-2 9300 - 34800 4200 11 S-10 5000-175-9000 PB-2 9300 - 34800 4200 12 S-11 6500-200-6900 PB-2 9300 - 34800 4200 13 S-12 6500-200-10500 PB-2 9300 - 34800 4200 14 S-13 7450-225-11500 PB-2 9300 - 34800 4600 15 S-14 7500-250-12000 PB-2 9300 - 34800 4800 16 S-15 8000-275-13500 PB-2 9300 - 34800 54...


Anxiously e xpect all................Pay Commission...! The Notification officially to be released tomorrow or on Monday only. NEGATIVE: 1. As already analysed by the National Executive of Confederation of Central Government Employees the denial of Need Based Minimum Wage as per 15th ILC norms Rs.10,000 for Group 'D' but only granting of Rs.7,000 as Minimum wage to Group 'C' is most disappointing. 2. The fitment formula of 1.86 times of basic pay as on 1.1.2006 do not ensure even minimum wage rise of 40% to employees while the Group A officers 3. Group D employees without Matriculation qualification would only get the fitment in 1S scale with 1300/- grade pay and not PB-1 scale with 1800/- pay now until they are retrained suitably. The Non-Matriculate Group D officials who retired between 1.1.2006 and now would not be eligible for the PB-1 at all and thus deprived even this minimum wage of 7,000/- level and therefore their pension benefit would go down. A major disap...

Highlights of the 6th Central Pay Commission

Implementation of the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission The Union Cabinet today gave its approval for implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. The revised pay scales will come into effect from 1/1/2006 and revised rates of allowances from 1/9/2008. The Cabinet has also decided that arrears will be paid in cash in two instalments – first instalment of 40% during the current year (2008-09) and the remaining 60% in the next financial year (2009-10). 2. The Cabinet has broadly accepted the recommendations of Sixth CPC with some modifications in the wake of representations received from various sections/Associations of Central Government employees. The new system of four Pay Bands with 20 Grade Pays recommended by the Commission has been accepted with some minor modifications. 3. The minimum Basic Pay for a Government servant has been increased to Rs.7000 from Rs.6660 recommended by the Sixth CPC. ...