
Showing posts from March, 2012

Revised Train Fares for Journey in AC-First Class, AC-2 Tier, Executive Class & First Class from Tomorrow

Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Railways 31-March-2012 15:27 IST Revised Train Fares for Journey in AC-First Class, AC-2 Tier, Executive Class & First Class from Tomorrow The Ministry of Railways has revised passenger fares with effect from tomorrow i.e. 1st April 2012 in AC-First Class, AC-2 tier, Executive Class and First Class only. There is no revision in other classes of travel. The revised fares in these classes would be applicable to all types of trains on Indian Railways network.

All India Consumers Price Index for Industrial Workers on Base 2001=100 for the Month of February, 2012

Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Labour & Employment 30-March-2012 18:04 IST All India Consumers Price Index for Industrial Workers on Base 2001=100 for the Month of February, 2012                          All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 for the month of February, 2012 increased by 1 point and stood at 199 (one hundred & ninety nine).

Grant of dearness allowance to state government employees

Grant of dearness allowance to state government employees Grant of dearness allowance to state government employees of Rajasthan The Finance Department of Rajasthan Government has decided to issue additional Dearness allowance to its employees from 1.1.2012. Memorandum has been published by the Finance Department regarding the subject of granting dearness allowance, the existing rate of Dearness allowance payable to the State Government employees, drawing in Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised pay) Rules, 2008, under Finance Department order No.F.6(1)FD(Rules)/2008 dated 15.09.2011 shall be revised from 58% to 65% with effect from 01.01.2012.

CCS(Leave) (Second Amendment) Rules, 2012.

CCS(Leave) (Second Amendment) Rules, 2012. [TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, EXTRAORDINARY, PART II, SECTION-3, SUB-SECTION (i)] Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training New Delhi. the 29th March, 2012. Notification GSR.......(E) .... In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 read with clause (5) of article 148 of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in relation to the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972, namely:-

CCS(Leave) (Amendment) Rules. 2012

 CCS(Leave) (Amendment) Rules. 2012 [TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, EXTRAORDINARY, PART II, SECTION-3, SUB-SECTION (i)] Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training Notification New Delhi. the 28th March, 2012. GSR......., In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 read with clause (5) of article 148 of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in relation to the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972, namely:-

Online Reservation of Concessional Tickets...

Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Railways 29-March, 2012 16:14 IST Online Reservation of Concessional Tickets All persons including physically handicapped persons can book full fare tickets on payment through the internet. However, booking of concessional tickets requiring verification of the requisite concession certificate and also retention of copies of the said certificate issued/signed by the competent authority at the railway counter as documentary evidence is not done through internet. Accordingly, the facility of e-ticketing has not been extended to such cases where the physical document is to be verified at the time of booking on concessional fare in case of disabled persons. Rail reservations through the IRCTC website are available from 00:30 hours to 23:30 hours. The services are not available for only one hour from 23:30 hours to 00:30 hours when the system is shut down for maintenance activity.

Management of Funds Under NPS

Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Finance 27-March-2012 18:12 IST Management of Funds Under NPS The investment of pension funds of Government employees, who are covered as subscribers to the New Pension System (NPS), was hitherto being made through a pooling arrangement whereby the funds of such employees were credited to a pool account (pending reconciliation of subscribers’ contribution details) from which such funds were allocated to pension fund managers for immediate investment in the best interest of the subscribers. These funds of the Government employees are being managed based on the investment Pattern prescribed by the Government.

Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2012 - Birthday of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar

Holiday on 14th April, 2012 - Birthday of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar. Department of Personnel & Training has issued an order pertaining that the declaration of holiday on 14th April, 2012 for all Central Government Offices including Industrial Establishments throughout India due to the birthday of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar. The order has been reproduced and given below for your convenient...  MOST IMMEDIATE F. No.12/2/2012-JCA-2 Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) North Block, New Delhi Dated the 27th March, 2012. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2012 - Birthday of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar.    It has been decided to declare Saturday, the 14th April 2012 , as a Closed Holiday on account of the birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, for all Central Government Offices including Industrial Establishments throughout India.

Revision of interest rates for small savings schemes

No.6-1.2011-NS.II(Pt.) Ministry of Finance Department of Economic Affairs (Budget Division) New Delhi, the 26th March, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Revision of interest rates for small savings schemes. The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of Finance's O.M. of even number dated 11th November, 2011, vide which the various decisions taken by the Government on the recommendations of the Shyamala Gopinath Committee for Comprehensive Review of National Small Savings Fund (NSSF), were communicated to all concerned. 2. One of the decisions of the Government based on the recommendations of the Committee relates to revision of interest rates every financial year, to be notified before 1st April of that year. Accordingly, the rates of interest on various small savings schemes for the financial year 2012-13 effective from 1.4.2012, on the basis of the interest compounding/payment built-in the schemes, shall be as under:

Release of additional instalment of Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief

Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Finance 23-March-2012 19:37 IST Release of additional instalment of Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief The Union Cabinet today gave its approval to release an additional instalment of Dearness Allowance (DA) to central government employees and Dearness Relief (DR) to pensioners w.e.f. 1.1.2012 representing an increase of 7% over the existing rate of 58% of the Basic Pay/Pension, to compensate for price rise. The increase is in accordance with the accepted formula, which is based on the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission.




ORDNANCE FACTORY BOARD (OFB) - JCM III LEVEL MEETING DECISION AND DISCUSSIONS... JCM III level meeting of OFBoard Council (11th term 11th ordinary meeting) held on 01-03-2012 and 02-03-2012  at OFB Head Quarters on 01-3-2012, preliniminary meeting was chaired by Member/Personnel and on 02-3-2012 the main meeting was chaired by DGOF/Chairman, OF Board. Important decision taken, and implemented by OF Board are as follows, 1. For the newly directly recruited IES have been sent for one month induction training to be conducted by factory training schools. The scheme has been started. 2. To develop skills for the locals and to impart training skill development training program was inaugurated at NADP, Ambajhari on 13-02-2012 by Rajya Raksha Mantri. 3. For recruitment of all Group ’C’ posts (IES/NIES) a Central Recruitment Board for Ordnance Fys has been established having office at Ordnance Factory Estate, Ambajhari which will conduct recruitment process from 01-04-2012 centrally. ...

Additional DA from 1.1.2012, Cabinet likely to approve tomorrow...

Additional DA from 1.1.2012, Cabinet likely to approve tomorrow... We expected the same that didn’t happen last week, but this Thursday Cabinet may approve 7% additional Dearness allowance from 1.1.2012 for Central Government staff and pensioners. Normally, the decision on announcing DA to the central government employees was to take place on the 2nd week of March and September every year. But this procedure was being postponed for various reasons. Last year, the announcement of DA from July 2011 was also postponed. The decision on the additional DA from March 2012 is expected to be finalized on 22.03.2012 at the Cabinet meeting scheduled on that day.  

Mobile Polyclinics for Ex-Servicemen

Ministry of Defence Mobile Polyclinics for Ex-Servicemen Providing Medicare to Ex-servicemen and their dependents is an ongoing process and the endeavor of the government is to continuously upgrade the quality of medicare services being provided. The Government has approved opening of additional 199 polyclinics including 17 mobile polyclinics besides the existing 227 polyclinics to improve accessibility of Ex-servicemen to medical facilities. Out of 199 polyclinics, 43 polyclinics have already been operationalised.

Clarification on booking of tickets from an agency other than the authorized travel agents by non-entitled officers/staff

Clarification on booking of tickets from an agency other than the authorized travel agents by non-entitled officers/staff. Controller General of Defence Accounts, Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010 IMPORTANT CIRCULAR No. AN/XIV/14162/TA/DA/LTC Dated 19.3.2012 To All PCsDA/CsDA (Thru CDA mail server) Sub: Clarification on booking of tickets from an agency other than the authorized travel agents by non-entitled officers/staff. References are being received in this HQrs office seeking clarification on regulating of LTC claims in respect of officials who are not entitled to travel by air but carry out the journey by air (Air India/Pvt airlines) on LTC etc. due to unavoidable or other circumstances. Clarifications are also being sought as to whether a non-entitled officer should compulsorily book their air tickets from the authorized agents viz. M/S Barmer & Lawrie & M/S Ashoka Travels etc. as brought out in this HQrs office important circular of even number date...

Pension Scheme in Ordnance Factories

Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Defence 19-March-2012 16:17 IST Pension Scheme in Ordnance Factories The new pension scheme has been implemented in all the ordnance factories including Jabalpur based ordnance factories. HVF NPS Reformation Association, Avadi filed an OA before CAT Madras Bench challenging the implementation of New Pension Scheme introduced by the Government of India as unconstitutional and violative of Article 14, 16 & 21 of the Constitution of India contending, inter alia, that new pension scheme does not guarantee any minimum return on investment of employees. A strike had been called on 28.2.2012 by All India Defence Employees Federation, Indian National Defence Workers Federation and BharatiyaPratirakshaMazdoorSangh jointly demanding to scrap the new pension scheme.

Advances to Government Servants - Rate of interest for purchase of conveyances during 2011-2012.

F.No.5(2)-B(PD)/2011 Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Economics Affairs New Delhi, the 19th March, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Advances to Government Servants - Rate of interest for purchase of conveyances during 2011-2012. The undersigned is directed to state that the rates of interest for advances sanctioned to the Government servants for purchase of conveyances during 2011-2012 i.e. from 1st April, 2011 to 31st March, 2012 are revised as under :-

Interest Rates On GPF - 8.6% (eight point six percent) with effect from 1.12.2011

Interest Rates On General Provident Fund (GPF) has been revised to 8.6% (eight point six percent) with effect from 1.12.2011... Resolution - accumulations at the credit of subscribers to the GPF and other similar funds - 2011-2012(89 KB)  (Dated 19th March, 2012) (PUBLISHED IN PART I SECTION 1 OF GAZETTE OF INDIA) F.NO. 5(1)-B(PD)/2011 Government of India Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs) New Delhi, the 19th March, 2012 RESOLUTION It is announced for general information that during the year 2011-2012, accumulations at the credit of subscribers to the General Provident Fund and other similar funds shall carry interest at the rate of 8% (Eight per cent) for the period from 1.4.2011 to 30.11.2011 and 8.6% (eight point six percent) with effect from 1.12.2011. The funds concerned are:—

Retirement age of Kerala Government Employees raised to 56 from 55 years...

Retirement age of Kerala Government Employees raised to 56 from 55 years... Finance Minister of Kerala Government made the announcement in his budget speech, raised the retirement age of State Government employees and teachers to 56 years. Presenting the budget in the assembly today, Mr.K.M.Mani said that the enhancement of the age of superannuation of state government employees and teachers to 56 years from the existing 55 years.

Finmin Order : Date of next increment in the revised pay structure under Rule 10 of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008.

Grant of One Incremnet - Finmin Orders Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 — Date of next increment in the revised pay structure under Rule 10 of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008. MOST IMMEDIATE No.10/02/2011-E.III/A Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure New Delhi, the 19th March, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:— Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 — Date of next increment in the revised pay structure under Rule 10 of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008. In accordance with the provisions contained in Rule 10 of the CCS (RP) Rules, 2008, there will be a uniform date of annual increment, viz. 1st July of every year.  Employees completing 6 months and above in the revised pay structure as on 1st of July will be eligible to be granted the increment. The first increment after fixation of pay on 1.1.2006 in the revised pay structure will be granted on 1.7.2006 for those employees for whom the date of next increment w...

State Bank of India to recruit 9600 clerks and stenographers...

Clerical Recruitment [Assistants and Stenographers] in State Bank of India. SBI is going to recruit more than nine thousand vacancies as the post of clerks and stenographers across the country. The minimum payment for these posts in metro such as Mumbai would be around Rs.15,000 per month. STATE BANK OF INDIA CENTRAL RECRUITMENT & PROMOTION DEPARTMENT ADVERTISEMENT NO. CRPD/CR/2011-12/5A CLERICAL RECRUITMENT [ASSISTANTS AND STENOGRAPHERS] • This advertisement is in modification of our earlier advertisement CRPD/CR/2011-12/05 dated 27.12.2011 • The vacancy position stands revised. • Revised Vacancies: Assistants - 8500 ( Inclusive of 3100 vacancies already advertised vide our advertisement dated 27.12.2011).

Employment News Weekly Updates : Job Highlights (17 MARCH 2012 -23 MARCH 2012)

Employment News Weekly Updates : Job Highlights  (17 MARCH 2012 -23 MARCH 2012) State Bank of India requires 9600 Clerical posts (Assistant) and Stenographer (Hindi/English) in Clerical Cadre. Last Date for online Registration 26.03.2012. ( Advertisement link) Kashi Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank Varanasi requires 108 Officer MMG Scale-III-Group ‘A’ Officer MMG Scale-II-Group ‘A’, Officer JMG Scale-I Group ‘A’. Last Date for online Registration : 04.04.2012. ( Advertisement link ) Reserve Bank of India invites applications for 13 posts of Security Guards. Last Date : 16.04.2012. Public Service Commission Uttar Pradesh invites applications for 945 various posts in various Departments. Last Date : 17.04.2012 Airport Authority of India requires 558 Deputy Company Secretary/Deputy General Manager, Manager and Jr. Executives. Last Date for online Registration : 01.04.2012 . Indian Army invites applications from male candidates for recruitment of 182 Havildar Education in Group ‘X’ an...

Exemption limit for income tax by just Rs 20,000 from Rs 1,80000 to Rs 2 lakh...

Government raised the exemption limit for income tax by just Rs 20,000 from Rs 1,80000 to Rs 2 lakh. The new tax slabs are as follows: Up to Rs 2 lakh: No tax From Rs 2 lakh to 5 lakh: 10% From Rs 5 lakh to 10 lakh: 20% Above Rs 10 lakh: 30% The homeowners of apartments can enjoy tax exemption of Rs. 5000/. Spent on maintenance.  This exemption level has been increased from Rs.3000/- to Rs. 5000/- Exemption permitted upto Rs 5000/- for expenses incurred on Preventive Health Check up Exemption of Rs 10000 on interest earned from Savings Bank depsosits for people with income upto Rs 5 Lakh Source: AIRF

Service Tax Exempted for Items on Negative List

Ministry of Finance Service Tax Exempted for Items on Negative List Health Care, Services Provided by Charities, Religious Persons, Independent Journalists, Sportspersons Among Others also Exempted from Service Tax In his Budget Speech, the Union Finance Minister ShriPranab Mukherjee said that the Government has proposed to tax all services except those in the negative list. The list comprises 17 heads. The important inclusions in the negative list comprise all services provided by the Government or local authorities, except a few specified services where they compete with private sector.

Employment News : Railway Recruitment Boards invites applications for recruitment of 6449 posts. Last Date : 09.04.2012 - Application Form

Railway Recruitment Boards invites applications for recruitment of 6449 posts. Last Date : 09.04.2012 Railway Recruitment Boards invites applications for recruitment of 6449 posts Last date for RRB recruitment 2012 application form submission: 09.04.2012 till 17:30 hrs Last date for receipt of application form for far flung areas: 24.04.2012 till 17.30 hrs RRB exam 2012 date for Engineering jobs is on: 09.09.2012. Centralised Employment Notice No.01/2012 Applications are invited in the prescribed format as enclosed (on a good quality A-4 size bond paper 80 GSM using one side only) from eligible Indian Nationals for the following posts. Applications complete in all respects along with required enclosures should be sent by post to the concerned Railway Recruitment Board.

Union Budget 2012-13 Highlights

Ministry of Finance Union Budget 2012-13 Highlights ·         Budget identifies five objectives relating to  growth recovery, private investment, supply bottlenecks, malnutrition and governance matters ·         GDP growth to be 7.6 per cent (+ 0.25 percent) during 2012-13 ·         Amendment to the FRBM Act proposed  as part of Finance Bill.  New concepts of “Effective Revenue Deficit” and “Medium Term Expenditure Framework” introduced ·         Central subsidies to be kept under 2 per cent of GDP; to be further brought down to 1.75 per cent of GDP over the next 3 years.


DETAILED INCOME TAX RATES ... click here Exemption Limit for Individual Taxpayers Raised to Rs. 2 Lakh Upper Limit of 20 Per Cent Tax Slab Raised to Rs. 10 Lakh Deduction up to Rs. 10,000 Proposed for Savings Bank Interest Senior Citizens not Having Income from Business Exempted from Payment of Advance Tax The exemption limit for the general category of individual taxpayers has been enhanced to Rs. 2,00,000 from Rs. 1,80,000 in the General Budget 2012-13, presented by the Union Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee in the LokSabha here today. This measure will provide tax relief uptoRs. 2,000 to every taxpayer in this category. The Finance Minister, Shri Mukherjee introduced the DTC (Direct Taxes Code) rates for personal income tax, marking progress in the direction of movement towards DTC and GST (Goods and Services Tax).             It has also been proposed to raise the upper limit of 20 per cent tax slab from ...

Revision of Stitching Charges of uniform/livery items...

Revision of Stitching Charges of uniform/livery items... Dopt orders 2012 Ministry of Personnel, P.G. Pensions, Department of Personnel and Training has directed to all concerned departments of Central Government throgh the Office Memorandum (No.18/1/2011-Dir.(C) dated 23rd January, 2012) regarding that the Stitching chargeof uniform/livery items. Revision of stitching charges for woolen pant to Rs.180 and for woolen salwar to Rs.60, these would be admissible once in two years.

CBSE ORDER : Minimum Qualification for KV Teachers...

CBSE ORDER : Minimum Qualification for KV Teachers... Central Board of Secondary Education has ordered recently regarding that the minimum qualifications for appointment of teachers for classes first to eight standard. In accordnace with the provisoins of Affiliation Bye-Law 21, of the Board, the Management Committee of the School's affiliated to the Board shall ensure that the teachers appointed in School's hereinafter to teach classes I to VIII possess the required minimum qualification stipulated by NCTE.

Central Government contemplates to introduce new Health Insurance Scheme...

Central Government contemplates to introduce new Health Insurance Scheme... Central Government contemplates to introduce new Health Insurance Scheme for the serving employees and pensioners in non CGHS areas... The Central Government has once again declared, the New Health Insurance Scheme for Central Government employees and Pensioners is on consideration to extend on non CGHS cities. Now, the serving Central Government employees in non CGHS places are provided medical facilities under CS(MA) Rules, 1944. Pensioners are not covered under these Rules. They are getting very little amount of Rs.300 per month as Fixed Medical Allowance in lieu of medical facility. Whereas the pensioners residing in non CGHS areas have the option to become a CGHS member in any CGHS covered city of thier choice to avail the medical facilities under the scheme.

Central Government ready to implement Performance Related Incentive Scheme (PRIS)...

Central Government ready to implement Performance Related Incentive Scheme (PRIS) to its employees... The Central Government has finally decided to implement the Performance Related Incentive Scheme (PRIS) recommended by the Sixth Pay Commission for all Central government employees. Minister of State for Personnel V.Narayanasamy told in Rajya Sabha with a written reply, the recommendation has been accepted by the Government, Guidelines are being worked out through inter-departmental consultation.

Central Government reduces Provident Fund interest rates...

Central Government reduces Employees Provident Fund interest rates to 8.25%... The Central Government has declared to reduce the rate of interest on deposits in the Employees Provident Fund to 8.25 per cent for 2011-12. This is the first time to reduce the single largest rate cut in over a decade.

Defence Pension Adalat at Vijaywada on 19th and 20th April, 2012

Defence Pension Adalat at Vijaywada on 19th and 20th April, 2012 Defence Pension Adalat at Siddhartha Auditorium, Mughalrajpuram, Vijaywada on 19th and 20th April, 2012 As per the Annual action Plan of Controller General of Defence Accounts, New Delhi in consultation with the Ministry of Defence, the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pensions) Allahabad will be organising a Defence Pension Adalat at Vijaywada (AP) during the month of April, 2012 for redressal of grievances of Defence pensioners including Defence Civilians drawing pension through PUBLIC SECTOR BANKS, TOs’ and DPDOs in the State of Andhra Pradesh and adjoining areas.


TAX PAYERS MAY GET SOME RELIEF FROM BUDGET TOMORROW — 15 March 2012 New Delhi, Mar 15 : Tax payers will be looking forward to some relief from Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee who is expected to raise the income tax exemption limit to at least Rs 2 lakh in his budget proposals to be unveiled in the Lok Sabha tomorrow. The Minister may also marginally raise the slabs in other tax brackets of 10 per cent, 20 per cent and 30 per cent. The Direct Taxes Code (DTC) Bill has also made a mention of it.

Internet Broadband Facilities

Ministry of Communications & Information Technology Internet Broadband Facilities The number of Broadband connections provided by the end of December 2011 are 13.35 million. As per the objectives contained in draft National Telecom Policy 2012, it is proposed to Provide affordable and reliable broadband on demand by the year 2015 and to achieve 175 million broadband connections by the year 2017 and 600 million by the year 2020 at minimum 2 Mbps download speed and making available higher speeds of at least 100 Mbps on demand. Following schemes being implemented under Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF), will further increase the broadband internet penetration in rural areas:

Monitoring of Networking Sites

Ministry of Communications & Information Technology Monitoring of Networking Sites Government has notified Information Technology (Intermediaries guidelines) Rules, 2011 under Section 79 of the Information Technology Act, 2000. These rules provide for the intermediaries which includes social networking sites to observe due diligence and safeguards for prevention of hosting of obscene, blasphemous, pornographic, paedophilic, defamatory etc. material on their website. Further, sections 67, 67A and 67B of the Information Technology Act, 2000 provides stringent punishment and fine for publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic form as well as for publishing or transmitting material containing sexually explicit act, or depicting children engaged in sexually explicit act.

CVC Recommendations for Action Against Corrupt Officers

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions CVC Recommendations for Action Against Corrupt Officers As per extant practice CVC is consulted at two stages, viz., for the first stage advice as to whether evidence collected during the preliminary inquiry merits either a major or a minor penalty in Disciplinary proceedings. After conclusion of the Inquiry, the case records are again referred to the CVC for the second stage advice on the basis of charges held to be partly or fully proved or not proved. Details of number of advices tendered by the Commission in respect of officials of Central Government etc. at the first stage during the last three years i.e. 2009, 2010 and 2011 is as under:-

Corruption by Civil Servants

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Corruption by Civil Servants The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has registered following number of cases under Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 against All India Service (AIS) officers, other Central Service Officers and other officers during last three years i.e 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012 (upto 29.02.2012):- Year PC Act Cases 2009 795 2010 650 2011 600 2012 (upto 29.02.2012) 149 Out of these, 33 cases have been registered against 42 All India Service Officers (AIS) as follows:- Year   No. of Cases   No. of AIS (All India Service Officers) in these cases 2009 14 17 2010 09 11 2011 07 11 2012 (upto 29.02.2012) 03 03 Total 33 42* *...

Govt mulling insurance plan for central govt officials

Govt mulling insurance plan for central govt officials New Delhi: Government on Friday said it was contemplating introduction of a health insurance scheme for central government employees and pensioners on a pan India basis. In reply to a question in Lok Sabha, Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad said the scheme would be an alternative to the existing CGHS scheme. "The proposal is to make this scheme voluntary and contributory for serving employees and pensioners. However, it is proposed to be made compulsory for new entrants in Government service," Azad said.

Incentive increments for outstanding sports achievements

Incentive increments for outstanding sports achievements... RBE No.26/2012 Clarification / Corrigendum No.21 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. 2011/E(Sports)/4(1)/ 1/Policy Clarifications New Delhi, 29th February 2012 The General Manager (P), All Zonal Railways, including CLW, DLW, ICF, RWF, RCF, Metro/Kolkata, The CAO(R)/DMW/Patiala, The DG/RDSO/Lucknow. Sub:- Incentive increments for outstanding sports achievements. Ref:- Board’s letter No. 2010/E(Sports)/4(1)/1(Policy) dt 31.12.2010.    Please connect Para 9.1 of Board’s policy letter referred above on the subject matter.    In this connection it is clarified that Railway Administration can grant incentive increments, only for the sports achievements in the Championships/ Events concluded on or after the date of issue of above referred policy letter. All other cases of incentive increments shall be dealt with as per policy in vogue at the time of such sports achievem...

Trivedi to present maiden Rail Budget tomorrow

Trivedi to present maiden Rail Budget tomorrow "Rail Budget is going to be like whatever it should be," Railway Minister Dinesh Trivedi said in New Delhi on Tuesday while giving finishing touches to the documents of budget 2012-13. Trivedi will present his maiden Rail Budget in the Lok Sabha after the question hour on Wednesday. Asked about the possibility of fare hike, which has not been touched since 2003, he declined to comment saying, "Tomorrow is the budget, no preview." There are speculations about the possibility of safety cess being imposed on train fares to mop up Rs 5,000 crore as recommended by Kakodkar Committee. Parliamentary committees, Planning Commission and railway unions have suggested fare hike in all classes to raise funds for the national transporter. Given the financial condition of railways, Trivedi has to make a tight ropewalk catering to the need of massive upgradation of rail infrastructure and also improving passenger amenities...

Pay hike for Karnataka state government employees

Pay hike for Karnataka state government employees Pay hike for state government employees on cards Bangalore, Mar 13 (PTI) An official committee set up to recommend revision of pay to Karnataka Government employees headed by Development Commissioner and Additional Chief Secretary Subir Hari Singh has submitted its report to the state government. The comittee submitted the report to Chief Minister D V Sadananda Gowda yesterday, official sources said.

Provision of computer at the residence of officers of the level of Joint Secretary or equivalent and above-reg.

Provision of computer at the residence of officers of the level of Joint Secretary or equivalent and above-reg. No. 7(4)/E. Coord/2011 Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure New Delhi dated 10th January, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: – Provision of computer at the residence of officers of the level of  Joint Secretary or equivalent and above-reg.    The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM Nos. 7(4)/E.Coord./99 dated 1st August, 2000, dated 4th March, 2002 and 29th July, 2004 on the above subject. Keeping in view the advancement and rapid obsolescence in the configuration of desktop computers, it has been decided, in consultation with D/o Information Technology, that subject to the minimum configuration as in the Annexure to this OM, Ministries/Departments may decide on the configuration (hardware and software) of desktop computers to be provided to officers of the level of Joint Secretary and above themselves. ...

Introduction of Annual Medical Examination for the Group ‘A’ officers of Central Civil Services of age 40 years and above

No. 21011/1/2009-Estt (A)- Part Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) North Block, New Delhi,1st February, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Introduction of Annual Medical Examination for the Group ‘A’ officers of Central Civil Services of age 40 years and above . The undersigned is directed to say that a scheme of Annual Medical Check-up is already operating in respect of All India Service officers. This Department had taken up the issue of covering Group A’ officers of Central Civil Services/posts for Annual Medical Check-up in consultation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure). It has now been decided that Group ‘A’ officers of Central Civil Services/Posts of and above the age of 40 years will be covered by the Annual Medical Check- up scheme. The following package rates for the above purpose have been approved:-


EXPECTED DEARNESS ALLOWANCE FROM JAN 2012… The king of all allowances… Dearness Allowance The magnet word of ‘Dearness Allowance’ is the commonly used among the Central and State government employees and Pensioners. As it is the only allowance which they can expect twice in a year to overcome the financial burden in their families. Even though they are entitled to receive a number of allowances, it may vary depends upon the work, workplaces and climatic conditions. Some of these allowances has limitations and paid only to the eligible employees according to the nature of work. But the Dearness Allowance is not like that. This allowance is paid to all central government employees evenly without any specific limitations.

Employment News : Employment News Weekly Job Highlights from 10th MARCH 2012 to 16th MARCH 2012

Government Job vacancies in Employment News for this week - Job Highlights  ( 10 MARCH 2012 -16 MARCH 2012 ) Employment News has issued one more new list of Indian Government Jobs / Vacancies in various Indian Government Departments for this week from 10.03.2012 to 16.03.2012 Job Highlights  (10 MARCH 2012 -16 MARCH 2012) Union Public Service Commission notifies Engineering Services Examination, 2012. Last Date : 09.04.2012. Union Public Service Commission notifies Indian Police Service Limited Competitive Examination, 2012. Last Date : 01.04.2012 Railway Recruitment Boards invites applications for recruitment of 6449 posts. Last Date : 09.04.2012 Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force invites applications from male Indian Citizens for filling up 709 posts of Constables (Tradesman) in various trades. Last Date : 26.03.2012. Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) requires 606 Senior Technical Assistant ‘B’, Technician ‘A’ & Administrative & ...

Time limit for Advance Reservations to be increased from 90 days to 120 days.

Time limit for Advance Reservations to be increased from 90 days to 120 days. With reference to the Railway Board Commercial Circular No. 12 of 2012, it has been decided to increase the advance reservation period from 90 days to 120 days on experimental basis (excluding the date of Journey) w.e.f. 10.03.2012.

DA from Jan 2012 – Cabinet will decide in the next meeting on 15.03.2012

Dearness Allowance for Central Government Employees and Pensioners... Rate of additional Dearness Allowance from January 2012, Cabinet Ministry will decide in the next meeting which will be held on 15th March 2012... DA from Jan 2012 – Cabinet will decide in the next meeting… DA from Jan 2012 – Cabinet will decide in the next meeting wich is held on 15.03.2012 … The additional Dearness allowance which is announced every six months by the Central Government to the Central Government employees and the Pensioners is based depending upon the price hike of essential commodities all over the nation.

Fixation of ‘range of seniority’ (zone of promotion) for promotion of Stenographers Grade ‘D’ to Personal Asaistant(PA) Grade of CSSS for the Select List Year- 2010—reg.

No.5/1/2012-CS-II(C) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension Department of Personnel and Training 3rd floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi date 9th March, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Fixation of ‘range of seniority’ (zone of promotion) for promotion of Stenographers Grade ‘D’ to Personal Asaistant(PA) Grade of CSSS for the Select List Year- 2010—reg . Reference is invited to this Department’s O.M. of even  number dated 16th February, 2012 on the subject mentioned  above vide which all the cadre units were requested to place the cases of all eligible Stenographers Grade ‘D’ who were covered within the prescribed ‘range of seniority’ and who had not yet been included in the Select List of PAs of CSSS before the DPC to  assess their suitability or otherwise for promotion to the PA grade of CSSS. Cadre Units were also requested to furnish the  recommendations of the DPC alongwith vigilance clearance in  respect of...

One day pay cut for absence on strike day

One day pay cut for absence on strike day The state government has decided to cut a day’s salary of employees who skipped work on the day of the Citu-sponsored general strike on February 28, but spared them the break-in-service clause it had threatened to invoke. Today’s order, issued by the finance department, came as a relief to many employees who were absent that day. As a last-ditch attempt to foil the strike, Mamata Banerjee had threatened on strike-eve to crack the break-in-service whip on those employees who would ignore the chief secretary’s circular and be absent on February 28.

Employment News : Recruitment of 1100 Probationary Officers in JMGS I in Generalist Cadre

Recruitment of 1100 Probationary Officers in JMGS I in Generalist Cadre UCO Bank - A Govt. of India Undertaking - New Delhi UCO Bank, a leading Public Sector Bank, invites ONLINE applications for the post of Probationary Officers in Junior Management Grade Scale-I from candidates who have taken the Common Written Examination (CWE) for Probationary Officers conducted by IBPS in 2011. Candidates should have a vallid Score Card issued by IBPS, Mumbai and should meet the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the given Advertisement... APPLICATION PRINTOUT REPRINT

President of India's Message on the Occasion of International Women's Day

Prime Minister's Office President of India's Message on the Occasion of International Women's Day The President of India, Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil in her message on the occasion of International Women's Day, which is being observed tomorrow has said: - "Every year, International Women’s Day is being celebrated on 8th March, to dedicate ourselves to strive for a world based on gender equality and justice. It is a day to celebrate the spirit of ordinary women, who have played extraordinary roles in shaping their families, communities, society and countries. At the same time, it is a day to reflect on the progress made in achieving the goal of all-round development of women, and of implementing a pro-active agenda of change.

Local purchase of stationery and other articles from Kendriya Bhandar, NCCF and other Multi-State Cooperative Societies having majority shareholding by the Central Government.

Local purchase of stationery and other articles from Kendriya Bhandar, NCCF and other Multi-State Cooperative Societies having majority shareholding by the Central Government. No. 14/1/2009-Welfare Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training, (Welfare Section) Room No.361, 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi, the 5th March, 2012. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Local purchase of stationery and other articles from Kendriya Bhandar, NCCF and other Multi-State Cooperative Societies having majority shareholding by the Central Government. The Ministries/Departments may kindly refer to Department of Personnel and Training 0.M. No.14/12/94-Welfare (Vol.II) dated 5.7.2007 on the above subject. It is stated that the validity of the O.M. dated 5.7.2007 beyond 31.3.2010 was extended with the approval of competent authority for a period of two years i.e. upto 31.3.2012 vide O.M. N0.14/1/2009-Welfare dated 16.3.20...

Preparation of panel of Senior Principal Private Secretary of CSSS for the SL Year 2012 - calling for ACR/APAR, vigilance clearance etc.

No.2/2/2012-CS-II(A) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi - 110 003. Dated the 5th March 2012. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Preparation of panel of Senior Principal Private Secretary of CSSS for the SL Year 2012 - calling for ACR/APAR, vigilance clearance etc.    The undersigned is directed to say that in connection with the subject mentioned above, the ACR/APARs, latest Vigilance Clearance and major/minor penalty certificate fur the last 10 years in respect of Principal Private Secretaries as indicated in Annexure to this OM may please be furnished to this Department positively by 27.03.2012.

Promotion of Senior Principal Private Secretary to the post of Principal Staff Officer (PSO) of CSSS. - reg.

No.1/1/2012-CS-II(A) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi - 110003. Dated the 6th March 2012. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: - Promotion of Senior Principal Private Secretary to the post of Principal Staff Officer (PSO) of CSSS. - reg.    The undersigned is directed to say that in connection with the subject mentioned above, the ACRs/APARs, latest Vigilance Clearance and major minor penalty certificate for the last 10 years in respect of Senior Principal Private Secretaries as indicated in Annexure to this OM may please be furnished to this Department positively by 26.03.2012.

Relaxation of Upper Age Limit for Recruitment to Central Civil Services and Posts - Gazette Notification published by Dopt

Relaxation of Upper Age Limit for Recruitment to Central Civil Services and Posts - Gazette Notification published by Dopt [TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, EXTRA ORDINARY, PART-II. SECTION 3. SUB-SECTION (i)] Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) New Delhi, dated the 30th December. 2011 NOTIFICATION G.S.R. (E)---------—-In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 and clause (5) of article 148 of the Constitution, and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India in relation to the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit for Recruitment to Central Civil Services and Posts) Rules, 1997, namely: 1. (1) These rules may be called the Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir (Relaxation of Upper A...

Dopt : Rotational Transfer of Section Officers with more than 16 years of service in the same Ministry/Department

IMMEDAITE TIME BOUND F. No. 6/10/2012-CS-I(S) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training 2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi. Dated the 5th March, 2012. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Rotational Transfer of Section Officers with more than 16 years of service in the same Ministry/Department.    The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM No. 21/7/2011-CS.I (D) dated 08th September, 2011 vide which the details of Section Officers who have completed more than 7 years in the same Ministry/Department in whatever capacity was sought in connection with Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1654 dated 10.08.2011. The information has since been received from Ministries/Departments and has been compiled. A decision has been taken in DOP&T to implement RTP in a systematic manner with the approval of the Competent Authority. The implementation schedule has been circulated to al...

Central Government Releases Fund for Post Matric Scholarship

Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment Central Government Releases Fund for Post Matric Scholarship Ministry for Social Justice & Empowerment released an amount of Rs.41,51,07,000 /-(Rupees-Forty one crore fifty one lakh seven thousand only) to the State Government of Chhattisgarh, towards central assistance for the current financial year 2011-2012,under the centrally sponsored scheme of Post-Matric Scholarships to student belonging to Scheduled Castes.

Recognition of National Federation of Postal Employees and Federation of National Postal Organizations in the Department of Posts

Government of India Ministry of Communications & IT Department of Posts (SR Section) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi- 110 001 No 6/2/2002-SR (Vol-II) Dated the 1st March, 2012 OFFICE ORDER Subject:- Recognition of National Federation of  Postal Employees and Federation of National Postal Organizations in the Department of Posts . The undersigned is directed to convey the approval of the Competent Authority to the recognition of federations namely. (i) National Federation of Postal Employees; and (ii) Federation of National Postal Organisations, in the Department of Posts, in terms of instructions contained in O.M. No.2/14/98-JCA dated 3rd July 2002 of the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, Department of Personnel and Training.


MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DEPARTMENTAL COUNCIL (JCM) A meeting of the Departmental Council (JCM) under the Chairpersonship of Secretary(Posts) was held on 10.02.2012. The following were present: Official Side Staff Side 1. Ms. Manjula Prasher, Secretary(P) & Chairperson, Departmental Council(JCM) 1. Shri K.V. Sridharan,Leader 2. Ms. Yesodhara Menon, Member(P) 2. Shri Giriraj Singh, 3. Ms. Suneeta Trivedi, Member(Plg.) 3. Shri M. Krishnan, 4. Shri Santosh Gauriar, Member(O) 4. Shri D. Theagarajan 5. Kalpana Tiwari, CGM MB&O 5. Shri D. Kishan Rao 6. Shri S.K. Sinha, CGM PLI 6. Shri Ishwar Singh Dabas 7. Shri Tilak De, DDG(MM&Estates) 7. Shri T. N. Rahate 8. Shri V.P. Singh, DDG(Estt.) 8. Shri P. Suresh 9. Shri Salim Haque, DDG(P) 9. Shri Pranab Bhattacharjee ...

Railway union warns over shortage of staff, supports fare hike

Railway union warns over shortage of staff, supports fare hike Central Railway Mazdoor Sangh (CRMS) today said that privatisation, outsourcing, and shortage of staff were creating safety issues. It also supported the proposal to hike fares. Addressing a press conference ahead of the Safety Week of the Indian Railways, R P Bhatnagar, CRMS president, said here that union had requested the administration to fill up the vacancies many times, but to no avail. On the Mumbai suburban local network, around 1,000 motormen were needed as against the current strength of 705, he said.

Implementation of Rotational Transfer Policy in respect of officers of the Central Secretariat Service (CSS) in all grades

No. 4/12/2011-CS-I (D) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) Lok Nayak Bhavan. New Delhi The 2nd March, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Implementation of Rotational Transfer Policy in respect of officers of the Central Secretariat Service (CSS) in all grades. The Rotational Transfer Policy of CSS officers prescribes a fixed tenure of posting for an officer of the Central Secretariat Service in a particular Ministry/Department. One of the objectives of the Rotational Transfer Policy is gaining of exposure by the officers to different challenging situations in varied Ministries / Departments which will not only help them individually to progress in their career but result in the betterment of the administrative system as a whole.

Air India Pilot Face Disciplinary Action

Ministry of Civil Aviation Air India Pilot Face Disciplinary Action Lose Training Captain Status, Removed From Administrative Duties Air India had removed Capt. Sebastian Joseph, Deputy General Manager (Operations) from all administrative duties and seized his Training Captain status which includes status of Check Pilot, Examiner and Instructor for three years. Air India has informed Civil Aviation Minister Ch Ajit Singh who had sought for details on the report that Air India retains pilot caught drunk on duty.