
Showing posts from December, 2010


"90 Paisa" Wishing all Central Government Employees a Happy and Prosperous Happy New Year - 2011

Child Care Leave to Central Government employees - Clarification regarding

No. 13018 /1/2010-Estt. (Leave) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) New Delhi, the 30 th December, 2010 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:    Child Care Leave to Central Government employees - regarding The undersigned is directed to say that subsequent to issue of this Department OM of even number dated 07/09/2010, this Department has been receiving references from various Departments, seeking clarifications. The doubts raised are clarified as under:-       1. Whether Earned Leave availed for any purpose can be converted into Child Care Leave? How should applications where the purpose of availing leave has been indicated as 'Urgent Work' but the applicant claims to have utilized the leave for taking care of the needs of the child, be treated? Child Care Leave is sanctioned to women employees having minor children, for rearing or for looking after their needs like ex...

All India Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers on Base 2001=100 for the Month of November, 2010

All India Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers on Base 2001=100 for the Month of November, 2010 All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 for the month of November, 2010 increased by 1 point and stood at 182 (one hundred and eighty two). During November, 2010, the index recorded an increase of 6 points each in Siliguri, Jamshedpur, Tiruchirapally and Bhilai centres, 5 points each in Giridih, Coimbatore, Mariani Jorhat, Rourkela and Selam centres, 4 points in 4 centres, 3 points in 6 centres, 2 points in 13 centres and 1 point in 17 centres. The index decreased by 4 points in Ghaziabad centre, 2 points in Agra centre, 1 point in 11 centres, while in the remaining 16 centres the index remained stationary. The maximum increase of 6 points each in Siliguri, Jamshedpur, Tiruchirapally and Bhilai centres is mainly on account of increase in the prices of Rice, Goat Meat, Onion, Vegetable & Fruit items, Firewood, etc. The in...

Issue of Individual Plastic Cards to each CGHS Beneficiary- guidelines to pensioner beneficiaries

Misc.6024/2007/CGHS(HQ)/CGHS( P) Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Department of Health Nirman Bhawan. New Delhi Dated December 27, 2010 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:    Issue of Individual Plastic Cards to each CGHS Beneficiary- guidelines to pensioner beneficiaries The undersigned is directed to draw attention to the office memorandum of even number dated 30th December 2009 and to clarify that in response to representations received from pensioner CGHS beneficiaries, it has now been decided to partially modify para E (2 ) of the said memorandum. Para E (2) of the Office Memorandum of even number dated 30° December 2009. which reads as‘ The Plastic Cards ( which are identity cards ) are issued for a maximum period of Five years or till entitled for CGHS benefits. whichever may he earlier. The actual validity of CGHS Card for availing services shall he as per records available in CGIIS Data base. In case of CGFIS pensioners who have paid for ‘Rest of Lif...

Travelling Allowance Rules – Implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission – Journey on Transfer

Travelling Allowance Rules – Implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission – Journey on Transfer. In pursuance of the decision taken by the Government on the recommendation of the 6th Central Pay Commission relating to Travelling Allowance entitlement, revised entitlement of TA for journeys on transfer was notified vide Board’s letter of even number dated 1.12.2008. the provision under para C of the Annexure to the letter dated 1.12.2008 has led to lowering of the per km rates for transportation of personal effects by road on transfer in the case of A-I/A/B-I class cities. The provision under para C of the said letter has been reviewed and it has now been decided to replace the existing provisions contained therein under para C with the following: “ C. Transportation of House-hold effects on transfer The rates for transportation of personal effects by Road from the place of residence to the Railway Station at the old headquarters and from Railway Stati...

Proceedings of the Interactive Session on e-service book - DOPT Order

No.21011/30/2009-Estt. (Allowance) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension Department of Personnel & Training New Delhi, December 24, 2010 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Proceedings of the Interactive Session on e-service book held on 14th December. 2010 at North Block, New Delhi . The undersigned is directed refer to the D.O. of even number dated 2nd December, 2010 from Ms. Marnta Kundra Joint Secretary, regarding Interactive Session of Nodal Officers on e-service book on 14th December, 2010. The detailed discussion on various issues including the current status of the implementation was held. The Proceedings of the Session are enclosed. All Ministries/Departments are requested to take further necessary action. s/d (Simmi R. Nakra) Director Department of Personnel & Training Proceedings of the two interactive Sessions on 14th December. 2010 at 10:30 AM and 03:OO PM in Room No.72, North Block, New Delhi in connection with e...

AIIMS may increase charges for private wards and rooms

AIIMS may increase charges for private wards and rooms New Delhi, Dec 28 (PTI) The premier All India Institute of Medical Sciences might increase charges for private wards and rooms and use the additional money generated to drive down the cost for various services at the general wards. The proposal has been approved by the Standing Finance Committee and the Governing Body of AIIMS, but has not been given effect as yet as required mechanisms for providing required consumables like medicines need to be set up, hospital sources said. A circular was issued by the Financial Adviser, AIIMS in November, 2010 asking for details of various user charges in the Institute. It was based on a questionnaire developed by the Costing Accounting Unit of the Ministry of Finance. AIIMS authorities and the government have been exploring ways to modernise the premier institute cinluding setting up of the Valiathan committee which has already submitted its report. Source: PTI

Reckoning of Running Allowance as pay for the purpose of deduction of Income Tax

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWA BAORD) No. F(X)I-91/23/3 New Delhi, Dated 28-12-2010 As per Standard List I, II, III Sub: Reckoning of Running Allowance as pay for the purpose of deduction of Income Tax. ************** In continuation of Board's letter of even number dated 13.07.2000, a copy of the Notification of Ministry of Finance (Central Board of Direct Taxes) No. S.O. 2820(E) dated 22nd November 2010 regarding substitution of the letters figures and words "Rs.6,000/- per month" with letters, figures and in sub rule (2) in the table against serial number 4 in column 4 is enclosed for information and guidance. Receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged. s/d (V.Rama Manohar Rao), Joint Director, Finance (Exp.)-I, Railway Board DA : As Above More details please visit NFIR website...

Reimbursement of cost of Safety Shoes in favour of Trackmen (Gangmen), Keymen, Mates, Gatemen & Trolleymen - NFIR's on 27th & 28th December, 2010

NFIR National Federation of Indian Railwaymen 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD, NEW DELHI - 110 055 Affiliated to : Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) Internatinal Transport Worker's Federation (ITF) MESSAGE No.9/2010 (PNM) Dated - 28-12-2010 The General Secretaries of Zonal Unions of N.F.I.R. Sub: Reimbursement of cost of Safety Shoes in favour of Trackmen (Gangmen), Keymen, Mates, Gatemen & Trolleymen - NFIR's on 27th & 28th December, 2010. The demand of NFIR for enhancement of reimbursable amount to not less than Rs.1000/- towards the cost of Safety Shoes for Tarackmen, Keymen, Mates, Gatemen and Trolleymen was discussed in the PNM Meeting held on 27th & 28th December, 2010 with the Railway Board. Consequently the Railway Board has agreed to revised the amount. It is expected that revision would be Rs.900/-. The Trackmen category should be informed accordingly. Yours fraternally, s/d (M.Raghavaiah), General Secretary Courtesy : NFIR

Pay hike for KSCB staff

Pay hike for KSCB staff The State government has issued orders revising the pay scales of employees of the Kerala State Cooperative Bank with retrospective effect from April 1, 2007. Addressing a press conference here on Monday, Cooperation and Coir Development Minister G. Sudhakaran said the government had accepted the pay revision report of a panel headed by the Principal Secretary (Cooperatives), according to which the minimum upward revision for the last grade employee will be Rs.1,500 and that of Chief General Manager will be Rs.11,000. The KSCB will have to incur an additional burden of Rs.18 lakh a month or Rs. 2.16 crore a year. The Board of Directors had been authorised to work out the details of arrear payment. He said the existing running master scale of Rs.6,000-37,700 had been revised to Rs.7,825-50,450. The following are the revised pay scales for various categories of employees with the existing scale in brackets: Peon/attender 7,825-20,975 (6,000-14,775), Clerk: 9,...

Latest Pass News from NFIR

Latest Pass News from NFIR NFIR National Federation of Indian Railwaymen 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD, NEW DELHI - 110 055 Affiliated to : Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) Internatinal Transport Worker's Federation (ITF) MESSAGE No.II / 50 / 1 I / 15 Dated - 27-12-2010 General Secretaries of Affiliated Unions of N.F.I.R. Reg: Privilege Pass - Eligibility **** As already advised, those who are in the Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- will be made eligible for AC-2 Tier and those in Grade Pay Rs.2800/- will be entitled for AC-3 Tier in Privilege Passes. Those in Grade Pay Rs.1900/-, Rs.2000/- and Rs.2400/- while proceeding on duty will be eligible for AC-3 Tier travel. Orders above position was earlier also conveyed and again reiterated for information of staff. M.Raghavaiah General Secretary from Railway Board, PNM Meeting at Rail Bhawan Source : NFIR

CBSE to affiliate 5 Delhi schools with its international board

CBSE to affiliate 5 Delhi schools with its international board The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will affiliate five schools in India with its ‘international board’. As many as 20 schools functioning in foreign countries are already affiliated with the CBSE International Board. Harmeet Kaur Waraich, principal of Nankana Sahib Public School, Ludhiana, said this after returning to the city from Bangalore, where she attended the 17th annual conference of CBSE Sahodaya School Complexes on December 20 and 21. Waraich said: “This declaration was made by CBSE Chairman Vineet Joshi and Head (Innovative and Research), CBSE, Dr Sahdna Parashar. After already affiliating 20 schools in foreign countries in the session 2010-2011, it now plans to include five schools of Delhi from the coming academic session on an experimental basis. If the feedback is satisfactory, more schools will be affiliated to the CBSEIB.” The conference was attended by nearly 500 CBSE school principals fr...

Introduction of Automated System of Allotment in lower types of Govt. houses

No.12035/16/2010-Pol.II Govt. of India Ministry of Urban Development Directorate of Estates Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Dated 22nd December, 2010 Office Memorandum       Subject: - Introduction of Automated System of Allotment in lower types of Govt. houses. -------------------       With a view to introduce complete transparency, speedy allotment, higher occupancy of houses and enable the applicants to get houses of their choice, it has been decided to introduce the Automated System of Allotment in lower type as already introduced earlier in the higher types. In this system, list of all vacant houses and also the waiting list is placed on the website of this Directorate and the applicants are require to give their option for one or more houses of their choice in order of priority keeping in view their seniority as per procedure metioned herein under:- ...

Employees may not be able to challenge CAT judgement in SC

Employees may not be able to challenge CAT judgement in SC NEW DELHI: Bad news is in store for government employees contesting matters relating to their service conditions in the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) as they may not be able to challenge the judgement in the Supreme Court. Government employees not satisfied with CAT orders on their service matters will continue to appeal in High Courts as government's plan to enable them approach the apex court directly has received a thumbs down from the top law officer. Recently, the Department of Personnel had asked the Law Ministry whether the present system of CAT orders being challenged in High Courts be changed to fast track disposal of cases of government employees relating to their service conditions and employment rules. The Law Ministry referred the matter to Attorney General Ghoolam Vahanvati who opined against the move saying a 1997 Supreme Court judgement on the issue should continued to be followed. "As...

Unreserved Ticketing System(UTS)

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (Bharat Sarkar) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Rail Mantralya) (RAILWAY BOARD) **** New Delhi, dated 16.12.2010 No.2010/TG-I/10/UTS-II Chief Commercial Managers, All Zonal Railways. (COMMERCIAL CIRCULAR NO.61 OF 2010) Sub: Unreserved Ticketing System(UTS)       Please refer to instructions issued vide this office letter No.2002/TG.I/10/P/UTS dated 15.02.2007(Commercial Circular No.14 of 2007) wherein it was advised that on the day of journey, refund of tickets issued through UTS should be permitted at ticket issuing station or at the cluster station. 2.      The matter has been reviewed and in supercession of the instructions dated 15.02.2007 referred to above, it has been decided as under:- i.      The existing system of issuing tickets within the cluster will continue and will not be extended to either within the zone or Server ii.     ...

Breaking News on Entitlement of Privilege Pass issue in Railways

Breaking News on Entitlement of Privilege Pass After lots of hiccups, All India Railwaymen Federation’s proposal to give 2 AC pass to Grade Pay Rs. 4200, 3 AC Pass to Grade Pay Rs. 2800 & also 3 AC pass to staff with GP 1900, 2000 & 2400 travelling on duty, has finally been accepted by Railway Board. After kind approval of MR orders are likely to be issued shortly. General Secretary/AIRF has thanked all Railwaymen for keeping the patience & also extends greetings to Hon’ble MR & Board on resolving the Pass issue. Source: AIRF

Last Date For Change of Option as per Rule No.11 CCS Rules(Revised Pay) 2008 is 31.12.2010

AS PER RULE NO:11 THE LAST DATE FOR CHANGE OF OPTION IS 31.12.2010 When the 6th pay commission was implemented ,all central govt employees were asked to give option form as per rule No:11 in the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules-2008, it was asked that whether the implementation of 6th cpc is to be from 01/01/2006 or on any other date(Promotion/Increment). Almost all employees opted 01/01/2006 for the implementation But employees requested in the JCM level that, they may get additional financial benefit of they option for any other date rather than 01/01/2006.The govt accepted the JCM’s(National Anomaly Committee) opinion and provide one more chance to give new option as per Rule No.11 to the beneficial employees. This chance is closing at 31.12.2010. Particularly employees who got promotion after 01/10/2006, have to calculated the differences individually and they may get some financial benefit the last Date for this exercise is an 31st December, 2010 What says Rule No.11… Fixation of p...

Stepping up of pay of senior Assistants/PAs Central Secretariat Service (CSS)/Central Secretariat Stenographers' Service (CSSS)

No.7/7/08-CS.I (A) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions Department of Personnel & Training 2 nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi-11003 Dated: 22 nd December, 2010 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Stepping up of pay of senior Assistants/ PAs of CSS/CSSS promoted prior to 01.01.2006 & Drawing less pay than assistants/PAs of CSS/CSSS promoted after 01.01.2006.          A large number of references were received from various Ministries/Departments and service Associations regarding stepping up of pay of senior Assistants/PAs Central Secretariat Service (CSS)/Central Secretariat Stenographers' Service (CSSS) promoted prior to 01.01.2006 and drawing less pay than Assistants/PAs of CSS/CSSS promoted after 01.01.2006. 2.       The matter has been examined in consultation with Ministry of Finance. The Department of Expenditure vide UO No. 10/1/2009-IC dated 14.12.2009 ...

Happy Christmas

Wishing from "90 Paisa" to all the Central Government Employees a Very Very Happy Christmas ..!


ENTITLEMENT AND PROCEDURE FOR PURCHASE OF ITEMS AGAINST FIRM DEMAND (AFD) CATEGORY –I A) FOUR WHEELERS (CARS): OFFICERS 1. Eligibility: a) All Commissioned / Honorary Commissioned Officers (serving / retired). b) Widows of Service Officers. c) Equivalent status of Civilian Officers / Officers of CSD. However, they will have to pay sales tax / Value Added Tax as applicable in the respective State. d) All GREF Officers (serving / retired). e) All SSC and EC Officers who have put in five years of reckonable service before release. f) One of the parents i-e. either the father or the mother of unmarried deceased officers. g) Either of the officers child, if both the parents have died and the child is drawing pension from Defence Estimates. 2. Other conditions: a) Applicant must not have purchased a four wheeler (Car) within the last two years on the day of submission of the application. In addition, the applicant will have to give an undertaking that he/she will not sell the...

Clarification regarding Primus Ortho & Spine Hospital

No: S.11011/23/2009-CGHS D.II/Hospital Cell (Part I) Government of India Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Department of Health & Family Welfare ************* Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan New Delhi 110 108 dated the 16 th November , 2010 O F F I C E M E M O R A N D U M Subject:     Clarification regarding Primus Ortho & Spine Hospital, Chandra Gupta Marg, Chanakya Puri, New Delhi 10 021       The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the Office Memorandum of even number dated 20 th October 2010 on the above subject, and to clarify that Primus Ortho & Spine Hospital, Chandra Gupta Marg, Chanakya Puri, New Delhi 10 021 would continue to be on CGHS , Delhi panel at old( pre-revised ) rates till the matter is decided by Hon’ble High Court of Delhi as per the directions of Hon’ble High Court of Delhi in WP( C ) No. 6720 of 2010 filed by ‘Delhi Hospital Society Regd., ‘ vs Union of India and Others. ...

Withdrawl of Stiff/Severe major penalty in Railways

RBV No. 14/2010 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS RAILWAY BOARD No. 2010/V-1/DAR/1/1 New Delhi, dated 11 Aug. 2010 (i) The General Manager (Vigilance) CR, ER, ECR, ECoR, NR, NCR, NER, NFR, NWR, SR, SCR, SER, SECR, SWR, WR, WCR and CORE. (ii) Chief Vigilance Officers (CVOs) CLW, DLMW, DLW, ICF, RCF, RWF, CORE, METRO, RDSO, CONCOR, IRCON, IRCTC, IRFC, KRCL, MRVC, RAILTEL, RITES, RVNL, RLDA & DFCCIL. Sub: Advance Correction Slip No. 12 Consequent upon the decision of the Central Vigilance Commission to withdraw the term stiff/severe minor/major penalty and Board's letter of even number dated 26.4.10 conveying the decision. Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) have decided to make certain changes to para 514.2 of Chapter-V, paras below (iv) and (ix) of 807 and para 821.2 of Chapter-VIII of the Indian Railways Vigilance Manual (2006 Edition), as per the enclosed Advance Correction Slip No.12. (Vikas Purwar) Director Vigilance (M) Railway Bo...


KNOW YOUR PAY FIXATION ON PROMOTION & MACP… Pay fixation is done for an employee if he/she gets a promotion. There is a slight difference of Pay Fixation in Promotion and MACP upgradation… We are receiving a number of queries as comments regarding the Pay Fixation from the viewers and we try our level best to reply to all queries. But due to non-availability of certain individual information, we are unable to answer everything they have asked for. As the employees are in different departments of the Central government establishments, the line of promotion (hierarchy) also differs. If any inputs from the departments regarding the line of Promotion and MACP can be obtained from your side, the confusion related to the Promotion and MACP may be clarified. For example, please see the table given below… X, Y, Z are three different departments. An employee appointed as basic grade of clerical post... Employee's Detail X Y Z An employee appointed as 3050-4590 3...

AdmissibiIity of House Rent Allowance in the event of non-acceptance or surrender of railway residential accommodation

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) RBE Np.I762010. New Delhi, dated 08 -12-2010 NO.E(P&A)ll-2010/HRA-2 The General Managers, All Indian Railways & Production Units etc. (As per mailing lists No.I&III) Sub: AdmissibiIity of House Rent Allowance in the event of non-acceptance or surrender of railway residential accommodation. Ref: Board’s letters No. (i) E(P&A)ll-87/HRA-15 dated 16-5-1988 (ii) E(P&A)ll-95/HRA-3 dated 14-2-1996 (iii) E(P&A)ll-99/HRA-2 dated 12-7-1999 & 16-3-2000 (iv) E(P&A)ll-2002/HRA-4 dated 16-10-2002 and, (v) E(P&A)ll-2002/HRA-4 dated 9-5-2003 Attention is invited to Board’s letters quoted above delegating powers to the General Managers and other Heads of Organisations directly controlling allotment of quarters to railway servants for sanction of House Rent Allowance in accordance vith the prescribed conditions to the categories of railway employees specified therein. This delegation of ...

New Pension Scheme: Advantages of being a IRA compliant subscriber and features of Tier-II account

CONTROLLER GENERAL OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS ULAN BATAR ROAD, PALAM DELHI CANTT - 110010 No.AT-I/NPS/CORR/II Date 7th Dec 2010 The Pr. AO(NPS) (All 37 Pr.AOs) Sub: NPS: Advantages of being a IRA compliant subscriber and features of Tier-II account. Please find enclosed write-up on the merits of IRA compliance as well as the features of Tier-II account received from the NSDL Mumbai vide letter No AS/KV/SB/201022434 dated 12-10-2010. The other write up is related to Tier-II account under the New Pension Scheme wherein details such as interfacing entity for Tier-II account, opening a Tier-II account, NPS architecture of Tier-II account, transactions in Tier-II account, and charges for Tier-II account have been mentioned. Copies of the write-ups which are self explanatory, may be forwarded to the DDOs mapped with the PAOs under your jurisdiction for information of all the subscribers. s/d Sr.Dy.CGDA(AT-I) Click he...

Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Central Government Civilian Employees - Clarification regarding

Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Central Government Civilian Employees - Clarification regarding. No. 5034/3/2008-(D) (Vol.II) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) / Establshment (D) North Block, New Delhi the 1st November, 2010 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject :     Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Central Government Civilian Employees - Clarification regarding.      A joint committee is set up to examine the anomalies pertaining to the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) vide Department of Personnel & Training O.M.No.11/1/2010-JCA dated 03-05-2010 . 2.      During the joint committee meeting it was pointed out by the Staff Side that the word 'new organization' of the last line of para 24 of Annexure-I of MACPS dated 19.05.2009 was not in consonance with the spirit of...

Consolidated guidelines on cadre review of Central Group ‘A’ Services

No. I-11011/1/2009-CRD Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training 3 rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi-110003 December 14, 2010 Office Memorandum Subject: Consolidated guidelines on cadre review of Central Group ‘A’ Services.     The undersigned is directed to say that provisions governing the process of cadre review of Central Group ‘A’ Services are contained in various Office Memoranda issued by the Department of Personnel and Training and the Department of Expenditure. As a part of this Department’s endeavour to keep the personnel policies relevant to current and future needs, these provisions have been reviewed in consultation with various stakeholders and it has been decided to issue a consolidated and revised set of guidelines on cadre review. The revised guidelines are given below. Besides, the broad issues concerning cadre review have been elaborated in the revised M...

Second Meeting of the Joint Committee on MACP - Agenda

2nd Meeting of the Joint Committee on MACPS AGENDA ITEMS WITH COMMENTS Item No. 1 Provide for Grade Pay of the Next Promotional Post under MACP The modification in the ACP Scheme providing for placement in the immediate next higher Grade Pay in the hierarchy of the Revised Pay Band and Grade Pay will not assure any career progression in as much as it would be a placement in the hierarchy of a Department. To assure real career progression the placement in the Pay Scale of Promotion post has to be provided for. It is therefore proposed that the modification in the earlier ACP of placement in the immediate next higher Grade Pay may be withdrawn and placement in the Grade Pay of the promotional post may be restored. Item No. 3 Option for Earlier ACP Scheme The MACP Scheme provides for placement in the immediate next higher grade pay in the hierarchy of the recommended revised pay bands and grade pay after 10, 20 and 30 years of service. On the other hand the earlier ACP Scheme...