Latest Development on 7th CPC recommendations – Confederation News
Latest Development on 7th CPC recommendations – Confederation News “Empowered Committee has made up their mind to recommend to the Government a slight increase in the Minimum Wage. No indication was however given as to the consequential revision of the Fitment Formula and Pay Matrix. There had also not been any hint about the need to restore the percentage of the HRA, which the 7th CPC has recommended for reduction.” Latest Development on 7th CPC recommendations NJCA National Joint Council of Action 4, State Entry Road New Delhi-110055 Ph: 011-23365912, 23343493, Fax: 23363167 No.NJCA/2016 Dated May 27, 2016 All Constituent Organisations, National Council(JCM) Dear Comrades, As there had been no response from the Government to our communication dated 2nd May, 2016, we decided to seek an appointment with the Cabinet Secretary. Accordingly a delegation consisting of the following members of the NJCA met Cabinet Secretary, Shrl P.K. Sinha on 26. May 2016....