
Showing posts from May, 2016

Latest Development on 7th CPC recommendations – Confederation News

Latest Development on 7th CPC recommendations – Confederation News “Empowered Committee has made up their mind to recommend to the Government a slight increase in the Minimum Wage. No indication was however given as to the consequential revision of the Fitment Formula and Pay Matrix. There had also not been any hint about the need to restore the percentage of the HRA, which the 7th CPC has recommended for reduction.” Latest Development on 7th CPC recommendations NJCA National Joint Council of Action 4, State Entry Road New Delhi-110055 Ph: 011-23365912, 23343493, Fax: 23363167 No.NJCA/2016 Dated May 27, 2016 All Constituent Organisations, National Council(JCM) Dear Comrades, As there had been no response from the Government to our communication dated 2nd May, 2016, we decided to seek an appointment with the Cabinet Secretary. Accordingly a delegation consisting of the following members of the NJCA met Cabinet Secretary, Shrl P.K. Sinha on 26. May 2016....

The Empowered Committee is Expected to Meet on 11th June 2016

Many unconfirmed sensational news about 7th Pay Commission – Exclusive Report by GServants The Empowered Committee is Expected to Meet on 11th June 2016 Some news on 7th pay commission are being posted in couple of websites -on a nearly daily basis. All Central Government Employees are eagerly searching for latest news about 7th pay commission regularly. But to attract these visitors, some websites keep posting some unconfirmed news on a regular basis. When reading this, the CG Employees wanted to check the authenticity of the news with their Association Leaders. While asking them, they expect that the Leaders should tell, “Yes, it’s true”. But the worst part of this story is the Federation Leaders couldn’t tell anything against their wish. The top level Union leaders are flooded with queries about pay commission from Cg Staffs when they come to headquarters. Unfortunately they have no answers to this queries. In addition to that, by posting this unconfirm...

Development of Single Window Service for Central Civil Pensioners

Development of Single Window Service for Central Civil Pensioners . GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF EXPENDITURE CENTRAL PENSION ACCOUNTING OFFICE TRIKOOT-II, BHIKAJI CAMA PLACE, NEW DELHI-110066 PHONES : 26174596, 26174456, 26174438 CPAO/IT&Tech/Single Window Service/2016-17/38 17th May, 2016 Office Memorandum Subject:- Development of Single Window Service for Central Civil Pensioners. CPAO is in final stage of developing a single window service for Central Civil Pensioners providing them access to pension process status and all the required information about their Pension & revision details, also providing for Grievance Registration facility and its status to pensioners. This service also intends to track each pension case from the initial stage of preparation of list of all government servants who are due to retire within next twelve to fifteen months on quarterly basis and its submission to concerned Pay & Accounts ...

Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners of All India Services – delinking the pension from qualifying service of 33 years

Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners of All India Services – delinking the pension from qualifying service of 33 years. F:No. 25014/1/2013-AIS-11 Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension (Department of Personnel & Training) North Block, New Delhi-110001 Dated the 12th May, 2016 To All the Chief Secretaries of State Governments/UTs. Subject: Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners of All India Services – delinking the pension from qualifying service of 33 years. Sir, I am directed to refer to the above mention subject and to say that in compliance of the judicial pronouncement, the Department of Pension & Pensioners vide its O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 06/04/2016 has decided that the pension of pre-2006 pensioners, in no case, shall be lower than 50% of corresponding scale in the fitment table delinking the pension from qualifying service of 33 years and the same is to be revised w.e.f. 0`1.01.200...

Entitlement of various types of residential accommodations based on the revised Pay Scales recommended by 6th CPC

Entitlement of various types of residential accommodations based on the revised Pay Scales recommended by 6th CPC-reg . NFIR National Federation of Indian Railwaymen No. II/23/Part II Dated: 13/05/2016 The Secretary (E), Railway Board, New Delhi Dear Sir, Sub: Entitlement of various types of residential accommodations based on the revised Pay Scales recommended by 6th CPC-reg . Ref: (i) NFIR’s PNM Item No. II/2014. (ii) NFIR’s letter No. II/23/Part II dated 08/04/2016. During the course of discussions on item No. I l/2014 in the PNM meeting held with the Railway Board on 08th/09th October 2015, the Official Side stated that as per entitlement of Government accommodation applicable to Central Government employees as notified by the .Ministry of Urban Development the entitlement of employees having Grade Pay Rs. 1800/- is also a Type-I quarter. It was further stated that modification of the entitlement of employees in Grade Pay 1800/- from Type-I t...

Empowered Committee for Running allowance in 7th Pay Commission Pay Structure

Empowered Committee for Running allowance in 7th Pay Commission Pay Structure Railway Board has constituted Empowered Committee for Running Allowance in 7th Pay Commission Pay Structure – NFIR urges Railway Board to finalise Running Allowance related issues after due negotiations with Railway Federations soon NFIR National Federation of Indian Railwaymen No.IV/RSAC/Conf./Part VI Dated: 11/05/2016 The Secretary (E), Railway Board, New Delhi Dear Sir, Sub: Empowered Committee for Running Allowance in the 7th CPC Pay Structure-reg. Ref: Railway Board’s order No. ERB-U2016/23/1 dated 05/05/2016. The Railway Board has since issued an order dated 05/05/2016 constituting Empowered Committee for Running Allowance in the 7th CPC Pay Structure. According to Board’s letter, ED/PC-I, Railway Board shall be the Convener of the Empowered Committee and five EDs of different directorates shall function as its members. In this connection, NFIR desires to convey t...


CALCULATION ARREARS ON 50% PENSION FOR JCO/OR HOW TO GO ABOUT CALCULATION OF ARREARS OF JCOs & Ors :- With coming of this rule the arrears will be due to those persons who have been receiving Pension lesser than the 50% of “Minimum of Pay in Pay Band” w.e.f. 01 Jan 2006 to 30 June 2014 ie upto the date of implementation of the OROP Scheme. 2. Hence the first and foremost item to know is the “Min of Pay in Pay Band” pertaining to your Group and Rank. The above chart has been derived from various Circulars issued by PCDA(P). Do intimate in case there be some changes and modification is needed. 3. The amount by which you have been getting lesser than this amount is the Basic difference now payable per month. 4. In case of JCOs & ORs three Circulars ie 547, 430 and 501 are important. There will thus be three differences corresponding to periods as under :- (a) Difference between MP in PB and figures in 547 from 01 Jan 2006 to 30 June 2009. (b) Difference b...

MACPS benefits in the promotional hierarchy – Clarification orders issued by Dopt on 17.5.2016

MACPS benefits in the promotional hierarchy – Clarification orders issued by Dopt on 17.5.2016 No. 22034/04/2013-Estt.(D) Government of India Ministry of Personnel Public Grievance & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi Dated: 17.05.2016 Office Memorandum Subject :- References/Representations/Court Cases in various Ministries / Departments / Organisations for grant of MACPS benefits in the promotional hierarchy – reg. In continuation of Department of Personnel Training’s earlier O.M. of even no. dated 20.01.2016 and dated 01.03.2016 on the above mentioned subject, the undersigned is directed to forward a copy of the decision dated 28.04.2016 of Hon’ble CAT, Calcutta Bench in OA No. 351/00195/2014 filed by Shri S.H.K. Murti & Others Vs. UOI &Ors whereby the demand of the applicant for MACP in promotional hierarchy has been dismissed, for necessary action and compliance. The Hon’ble Tribunal in the aforesaid deci...

Implementation of 7th CPC and Enhancement of Minimum Wage/Multiplying Factor – NJCA

Implementation of 7th CPC and Enhancement of Minimum Wage/Multiplying Factor – NJCA “A Cabinet Note is being prepared and is likely to be submitted to the Cabinet, Government of India, very shortly. We are not very sure that, the demands raised by the Staff Side, NC/JCM have been incorporated in that Cabinet Note”. – NJCA NJCA National Joint Council of Action 4, State Entry Road New Delhi-110055 Ph: 011-23365912, 23343493, Fax: 23363167 No.NJCA/2016 Dated: May 17, 2016 All Constituent Organisations, National Council (JCM) Dear Comrades, Sub: Meeting with the Cabinet Secretary On 5th May, 2016 I met the Cabinet Secretary, Government of India, and once again draw his attention towards my letter NO.NC/JCM/2016 dated: May 2, 2016, a copy of the said letter was also handed over to him. During discussion I also mentioned about the anguish of the Central Government employees because of inordinate delay in implementation of VII CPC recommendations and ...

Swachh Bharat Pakhwada (May 16-31, 2016) Action Plan for Pensioners’ Associations

Swachh Bharat Pakhwada (May 16-31, 2016) Action Plan for Pensioners’ Associations No. 55/10/2016-P&PW (C) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi Dated the 9th May, 2015 The Secretary / President All identified Pensioners’ Associations (As per enclosed list) Subject; Swachh Bharat Pakhwada (May 16-31, 2016) Action Plan for Pensioners’ Associations. Sir, As you are aware Government of India has launched Swachh Bharat Mission to achieve total sanitation and cleanliness by 2nd October, 2019. It has, therefore, been desired that each Ministry, based on the Ministry’s areas of responsibility, draw out and implement at least a fortnight long action plan every year to bring into focus, its contribution towards Swachh Bharat Mission and also to carry out substantive work related to Swachhta. 2. As a step towards this direction, this Department has...

Introduction of SPARROW for CSSS officers

Introduction of SPARROW for CSSS officers No. 25/1/2016-CS-II(A) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi Dated 12th May, 2016. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Introduction of SPARROW for CSSS officers. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated 13.04.2016 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the website enabling online filing of APAR for CSSS officers has been made live by this Department which may be accessed through https:/ 2. In this regard, all the Ministries/Departments of CSSS were requested to nominate officers to perform the roles as functionaries i.e. Custodian (Nodal Officer), Custodian(Alternative Functionary), PAR Manager and EMD Manager. The Ministries/Departments were requested to provide the same information in respect of officers nominate...

One Rank One Pension – Last date for representation on Pension Anomalies extended

One Rank One Pension – Last date for representation on Pension Anomalies extended F. No. 12(39)/2015/D(Pen/Pol)(Part-V) Ministry of Defence Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare D(Pension/Policy) New Delhi, Dated 09.05.2016 Public Notice for addressing anomalies on One Rank One Pension (OROP) Government of India, Ministry of Defence, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare vide Public Notice No. 12(39)/2015/D(Pen/Pol)(Part-V) dated 13.04.2016 had invited representation, suggestions/views on the revised pension as notified under OROP order dated 03.02.2016, to the MoD, DESW through post or by email by 29th April 2016. 2. Keeping in view several representations received requesting for the extension of last date for submission of representation, suggestions/views on the revised pension as notified under OROP orders, the last date of the submission of representation, suggestions/views has been extended upto 15th May 2016. Postal Address: Under Secretary/D(Pensio...

Govt is not in favour of a negotiated settlement on the 7th CPC related issues with the staff side – Confederation

Govt is not in favour of a negotiated settlement on the 7th CPC related issues with the staff side – Confederation GOVT SHOULD NOT TAKE THE JCM(NC) STAFF SIDE FOR A RIDE CONFRONTATION WILL BECOME INEVITABLE IF UNILATERAL ORDERS ARE ISSUED It seems that Modi Govt. is not in favour of a negotiated settlement on the 7th CPC related issues with the staff side. The Seventh CPC report was submitted on 19th November 2015. Six months are almost over since then. Till date the Govt. has not come forward for a negotiated settlement. Instead, Empowered Committee of Secretaries (ECoS) headed by Cabinet Secretary conducted a meeting with the staff side on 1st March 2016. In the meeting Govt. did not disclose its mind on any of the demands raised by the staf fside in the charter of demands submitted to Govt. Staff side explained the justification for each demand but official side didn’t make any comment, either positive or negative. The concluding paragraph of the minutes of the meeting rea...

Filling up the post of Director, National Institute of Social Defence(NISD) under the D/o Social Justice and Empowerment

Filling up the post of Director, National Institute of Social Defence(NISD) under the D/o Social Justice and Empowerment. F.No.4/1/2012 EQ(MM-II) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions Department of Personnel & Training North Block New Delhi Dated 10th May, 2016 To, 1. The Chief Secretaries, All State Governments. 2. All Secretaries, Ministries/Departments of Government of India Subject : Filling up the post of Director, National Institute of Social Defence(NISD) under the D/o Social Justice and Empowerment. Sir/ Madam, It is proposed to fill up the post of Director, National Institute of Social Defence(NISD) under the Department of Social Justice & Empowerment. NISD is an autonomous organization. This is a non CSS post. 2. Officers of the rank of Deputy Secretary/Director of the Government of India or equivalent level, eligible for appointment under the Central Staffing Scheme are eligible for the post. The peri...

Meeting with MoS, DoP&T Dr. Jitendra Singh - BPMS

Meeting with MoS, DoP&T Dr. Jitendra Singh - BPMS Hon’ble MoS has assured positively to enhance the minimum pay, multiplying factor of 7th CPC BHARATIYA PRATIRAKSHA MAZDOOR SANGH (An Industrial unit of Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh)  Recognized by Ministry of Defence, Govt of India  02 A, Naveen Market Kanpur – 208001 REF: BPMS / Circular / 17th TC / 01 Dated: 07.05.2016 To, Office Bearers & CEC Members BPMS, President / Secretary of unions affiliated to BPMS. Subject: Meeting with MoS, DoP&T Dr. Jitendra Singh . Dear Brothers & Sisters, Namaskar, I hope that all of you will be quite well. This is to inform you that today (07.05.2016), a meeting held with Hon’ble MoS, DoP&T Dr. Jitendra Singh, attended by Shri Sadhu Singh, Shri Virendra Sharma along with other office bearers of Railways, Postal, Autonomous Bodies under the leadership of Shri Pawan Kumar, Regional Organizing Secretary Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh. Hon’ble M...

Abolition of 85% post falling vacant meant for direct recruitment in the grade of JSA(erstwhile LDC) - Dopt orders

Abolition of 85% post falling vacant meant for direct recruitment in the grade of JSA(erstwhile LDC) - Dopt orders DoPT has abolished 85% reservation for direct recruitment quota in the grade of JSA (erstwhile LDC) of CSCS based on Cadre Restructure committee recommendations. No. 13/3/2016-CS.II(B) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel and Training (CS.II Division) 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi – 110 003. Dated: 5th May, 2016. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Abolition of 85% post falling vacant meant for direct recruitment in the grade of JSA(erstwhile LDC)-reg. In pursuance of DoP&T’s O.M. No. 9/2/2003-CS-ll dated 20th April, 2005, it was decided to abolish 85% of the posts falling vacant on or after 03-10-2003 meant for direct recruitment quota in the grade of JSA (erstwhile LDC) of CSCS. The said decision was taken by the Cabinet after considering the recommendati...

Anubhav- showing outstanding work done during service- Submission of details by the retiring employees regarding

Anubhav- showing outstanding work done during service- Submission of details by the retiring employees regarding F.No-21/ 13/2015- CS I (P) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Departmen t of Personnel & Training) Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi Dated 05th May 2016 Office Memorandum Subject:-“Anubhav”-showing outstanding work done during servlceSubmission of details by the retiring employees regarding. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even number dated 04th January 2016 and 01st February 2016 on the subject mentioned above and to state that the write-ups in respect of the CSS/CSSS officers, as mentioned in Annexure-I, are yet to be accepted/ published on the “Anubhav Portal”. 2. HoO and HoD of the Ministries/Departments concerned are requested to kindly scrutinize the pending write-ups for acceptance/publication at the earliest. 3. All Ministries/Departments are also requested t...

MACP on Promotional Hierarchy – Associations Demand for Withdrawal of SLP from Supreme Court

MACP on Promotional Hierarchy – Associations Demand for Withdrawal of SLP from Supreme Court Mr. SK. Mann President, National Head Quarters Confederation of Defence Recognised Associations (CDRA) has written a letter to the Prime Minister of India, regarding MACP on Promotional Hierarchy. MACP on Promotional Hierarchy – MACP Scheme on Grade pay basis instead of the promotional hierarchy as it was in ACPS, resulting into the great detriment and huge financial and terminal benefit loss to the employees. Mr. SK. Mann President, National Head Quarters Confederation of Defence Recognised Associations (CDRA) has written  a letter to the Prime Minister of India, regarding MACP on Promotional Hierarchy.  here are the quotes : 1. With profound regards we on behalf of more than 50 recognized associations functioning in various directorates of MoD request your honour for redressal of our genuine and justified grievances with regard to the injustice about the financial u...

7th Pay Commission accepted few of the demands in principle – BPS

7th Pay Commission accepted few of the demands in principle – BPS Secy Genl. BPS speech at Lumding on 2.4.2016 on 02.04.2016 Respected Guests, office bearers Govt pensioners welfare organization MujjafarNagar , Brothers & Sisters, I thank you all to have invited me and to be with you this day at Mujjafar Nagar. Ladies & gentlemen we are all eagerly waiting for the notification implementing 7th CPC recommendations. Presently Implementation cell of the Empowered Committee of Secretaries is examining the grievances of employees and the Pensioners. After giving final touch to report, Empowered Committee will send recommendations to PMO for its nod. Once PMO go through the report, it will be placed before the Cabinet for final approval. The whole process may still take another about one months or so. We are getting information through print media that PMO has forwarded our representations/demands to the Empowered Committee of Secretaries with instructions to adjust...

Central Government takes strict action against defaulting/non performing tax officers

Central Government takes strict action against defaulting/non performing tax officers Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Finance 05-May-2016 17:28 IST Government takes strict action against defaulting/non performing tax officials/officers; For the First Time, 33 officials/officers including 7 Group ‘A’ officers prematurely retired for non-performance and 72 officers/officials including 6 Group ‘A’ Officers dismissed in other departmental / disciplinary actions in the last two years. There is a general perception that no action is taken against the defaulting tax officials for their non performance as well as in case of harassing the tax assesses among others. The present Government has taken various steps to change this perception following the principle of good governance. After the present Government took over two years back, it has taken strict action against such revenue officers/officials in order to fix their accountability. Fo...

Recommendations of 7th Pay Commission – Rejoinder submitted by NCJCM staff side

Recommendations of 7th Pay Commission – Rejoinder submitted by NCJCM staff side We have submitted a rejoinder on the report of VII CPC, seeking bilateral settlement on the issues related to VII CPC. You are gracious enough to convene a meeting on 1st March, 2016, wherein members pf the Staff Side, National Councii(JCM) and Empowered Committee of Secretaries participated. Subsequently, another truncated meeting was held on 30th March, 2016. In both the meetings Official Side heard our views, but no re.action of the Official Side was expressed except general remarks. I have been directed to draw your kind attention towards minutes of the Standing Committee of National Councii(JCM) held on t h May, 2008 and our rejoinder submitted to government in the matter of report of VI CPC. You will kindly find that, it was not only a general discussion, but also Official Side explained their views on each and every issue. I would , therefore, request your goodself to kindly...

Revision of time limit for drawal of advance for the purpose of LTC journey by train - Clarification orders issued by Dopt on 13.5.2016

Revision of time limit for drawal of advance for the purpose of LTC journey by train - Clarification orders issued by Dopt on 13.5.2016 F. No. 31011/8/2015-Estt (A.IV) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training Establishment A-IV Desk North Block, New Delhi-110 001  Dated May 13, 2016 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Revision of time limit for drawal of advance for the purpose of LTC journey by train. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s O.M. No. 31011/5/98-Estt.(A) dated 30.03.1998 regarding relaxation of time-limit for drawal of LTC advance, wherein it has been stated that a Government employee can draw advance for LTC journey for himself and his family members sixty-five days before the proposed date of the outward journey. 2. Since, the Ministry of Railways has decided to increase the Advance Reservation Period (ARP) for booking accommodation in trains from 60 d...