Health Insurance Scheme for pensioners including those residing in NonCGHS area.
Health Insurance Scheme for pensioners including those residing in NonCGHS area. The 29th meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) was held under the chairmanship of Hon'ble MOS(PP) on 12.01.2017 Health Insurance Scheme for pensioners including those residing in NonCGHS area. Ministry of Health informed that the final EFC Memo is under submission to the Secretary. The proposal covers Central Government civil employees and pensioners only and that too for indoor treatment. OPD and applianceswould not be covered under the proposed scheme. Disabled War Veterans (India) raised the issue of covering prosthesis under this scheme and stated that this will facilitate rehabilitation. The Hon'ble MOS(PP) observed that the prosthesis of good quality are now available. It was decided that Secretary (P&PW) will have a meeting with the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to discuss the ques...