
Showing posts from February, 2017

Health Insurance Scheme for pensioners including those residing in NonCGHS area.

Health Insurance Scheme for pensioners including those residing in NonCGHS area. The 29th meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) was  held under the chairmanship of Hon'ble MOS(PP) on 12.01.2017 Health Insurance Scheme for pensioners including those residing in NonCGHS area. Ministry of Health informed that the final EFC Memo is under submission to the Secretary. The proposal covers Central Government civil employees and pensioners only and that too for indoor treatment. OPD and applianceswould not be covered under the proposed scheme. Disabled War Veterans (India) raised the issue of covering prosthesis under this scheme and stated that this will facilitate rehabilitation. The Hon'ble MOS(PP) observed that the prosthesis of good quality are now available. It was decided that Secretary (P&PW) will have a meeting with the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to discuss the ques...

Amendment/Revision in notification of Life Certificate

Amendment/Revision in notification of Life Certificate The 29th meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) was held under the chairmanship of Hon'ble MOS(PP) on 12.01.2017 Amendment/Revision in notification of Life Certificate It was clarified that Digital Life Certificate is an additional facility. CPAO stated that there are 3 options for submission of Life Certificate:- (i) By presenting himself/herself to the authorised bank officer to record the life certificate (ii) By producing a Life Certificate in the prescribed Proforma signed by any of the person specified in para 15.2 of the Scheme for payment of pensions to Central Government Civil Pensioners by authorised Banks. (iii) Though Aadhar based Biometric Authentication system.

AICPIN for the month January 2017

AICPIN for the month January 2017 Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) for the month of January 2017. The Labour Bureau today published the statistical index of CPI-IW for the calculation purpose of Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief for the existing and retired employees of Central Government. This Consumer Price Index also used for the calculation of Dearness Allowance for Workmen and Officers Employees in Banks. The All-India CPI-IW for January 2017 decreased by one point and stood at 274. For more details, Click the link to view the Press Release For more AICPIN updates... AICPIN for the month of Feb 2018 AICPIN for the month of Jan 2018 AICPIN for the month of Dec 2017 AICPIN for the month of Nov 2017 AICPIN for the month of Oct 2017 AICPIN for the month of Sep 2017 AICPIN for the month of Aug 2017 AICPIN for the month of Jul 2017 AICPIN for the month of Jun 2017 AICPIN for the month of May 2017 AICPIN for the month of Apr 2017 AICPIN...

Inclusion of more areas in the Demarcation of CGHS Wellness Centre Jharoda Kalan

Inclusion of more areas in the Demarcation of CGHS Wellness Centre Jharoda Kalan F.No.53-1/2013-CGHS/N.Z./789-829 Office of Add,. Director, North Zone Central Govt. Health Scheme New Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi Dated: 21/2/2017 CIRCULAR Subject: Inclusion of more areas in the Demarcation of CGHS Wellness Centre Jharoda Kalan As per approval of Competent Authority, it has been decided in include the following 12-areas more under the jurisdiction Jharoda Kalan Wellness Centre (D-33-A) with immediate effect: 1. Jaffarpur Kalan 2. Samspur 3. Ujwa 4. Malikpur 5. Daryapur Kalan 6. Ghumanhera 7. Rawta 8. Dhansa 9. Galibpur 10. Isapur 11. Kadipur 12. Bakargarh The CGHS beneficiaries both Serving/Pensioners and other categories residing in these areas can get their CGHS Plastic Cards registered with CGHS Wellness Centre Jharoda Kalan. However the domiciliary visit facility will be provided only to those beneficiaries (Serving / Pensioners) who...

CGHS Subscription as per 7th CPC – Clarification for Pensioners Superannuating on 31.1.2017

CGHS Subscription as per 7th CPC – Clarification for Pensioners Superannuating on 31.1.2017 “It is clarified that those employees superannuating on or before 31.1.2017 and had submitted their application on or before 31.1.2017 may be allowed the subscription at the prevalent rates applicable as on 31.1.2017 vide OM No.S.No.S.11011/2/2008-CGHS(P) dated 20.5.2009 “. No.S.11011/11/2016-CGHS(P)/EHS Government of lndia Ministry of Health and Family Welfare EHS Section Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Dated the 9 February, 2017 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Revision of rates of subscription under Central Government Health Scheme due to revision of pay and allowances of Central Government employees and revision of pension/ family pension on account of implementation of recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission- clarification reg. Attention is drawn to this Ministry’s OM of even No. dated 9th January, 2017 and a subsequent OM of even no. dated 13/7/2017, on the s...

Bunching of stages in the Revised pay structure in the grade of Assistant Section Officers – DoPT Orders

Bunching of stages in the Revised pay structure in the grade of Assistant Section Officers – DoPT Orders F.No.7/1/2017-CS-1(A)(Pt.) Government of India Department of Personnel & Training 2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan Khan Market, New Delhi-3 Dated 27.02.17 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Bunching of stages in the Revised pay structure in the grade of Assistant Section Officers – Reg. DoP&T has been receiving many references from various Ministries/ Departments seeking clarification on the issue of grant of bunching to Assistant Section Officers of Central Secretariat Service in terms of Department of Expenditure’s O.M. dated 07.09.16. It has also been noticed that there have been divergent views on the matter that while some Ministries/ Departments have given the benefit on their own, some other Ministries/ Departments have sought clarifications on various issues they are facing while giving the benefit of bunching in terms of DoE’s O.M. dated 07.09.1...

7th Pay Commission - Rajasthan Govt appoints 3 Member Committee

7th Pay Commission - Rajasthan Govt appoints 3 Member Committee 7th Pay Commission - Rajasthan Govt appints 3 Member Committee to examine the recommendatations of 7th CPC. The Rajasthan State Government has formed a committee headed by former Chief Secretary D.C.Samanth to view the existing Pay and allowances and for the implementation of Seventh Pay Commission for Rajasthan State Govt employees. The committee will have the following members:- 1.Shri D.K.Mitthal - Retired from Rajasthan's Accounting Services   2.Sheri M.P.Dikshith - Retired from Rajasthan's Accounting Services The committee will discuss the following points and will report its recommendations to the state government within three months:- 1 The committee will express its point of view and based on the Rajasthan Pay Scale, 2008 for the employees on running pay band and grade pay. 2 The committee will take into consideration state employees' pay scale and make proper recommendat...

Merger of Associate Banks with SBI - Immediate Jobs to be done - AIBEA

Merger of Associate Banks with SBI - Immediate Jobs to be done - AIBEA Closure of Associate Banks – Immediate Jobs to be done – AIBEA CIRCULAR LETTER No. 28/9/2017/10 24-2-2017 TO ALL OFFICE BEARERS/STATE FEDERATIONS/ SSBEA/OUR UNIONS IN ASSOCIATE BANKS & SBI Dear Comrades, • Government’s Gazette Notification on closure of Associate Banks and merger with SBI Notwithstanding the fact that merger of Associate Banks with SBI is unwarranted and avoidable and despite all our protests, campaign and public/political opinion, the Government has gone ahead and typical of this Government’s commitment to banking reforms, they have now gazette the Notification on closure of the 5 well-run Associate Banks and their merger with SBI with effect from 1-4-2017. At this juncture it is very important to take care of the interests of our members in the Associate Banks who have always held the flag of AIBEA very high against all provocations and challenges. It is importa...

Cabinet Decision on 7th CPC Allowances only after 11th March 2017

Cabinet Decision on 7th CPC Allowances only after 11th March 2017  "Retention of the rates of HRA and date of effect of allowances should be from 1st January 2016 and revision of rates of Transport allowances, OTA and NDA apart from retention of many of the allowances - COC Karnataka". Allowances Comrades, The media is debating that the allowances committee headed by Shri Ashok Lavasa Finance Secretary has submitted its report to the Hon’ble Finance Minister Arun Jaitleyji on 22nd or not. Comrades as you aware that this committee period has expired on 22nd February 2017, the question is that even if it has submitted its report to the Hon’ble Finance Minister Arun Jaitleyji it is confidential document all media creation on the HRA rates are not be believed, the actual truth will be known only after the assembly elections results of five states which will be declared on March 11. The past experience is that even if the committee decides positively the unio...

Tomorrow All India Bank Strike - AIBEA & AIBOA

Tomorrow All India Bank Strike - AIBEA & AIBOA Joint Circular on Strike CIRCULAR TO ALL UNITS & MEMBERS  February 26, 2017 Dear Comrades, MAKE 28TH FEBRUARY ALL INDIA STRIKE A TOTAL SUCCESS We are sure that all efforts are being taken by all our units in all the States and in every Bank to make the UFBU’s call for All India Strike on 28th February, 2017 a total success. In the light of the increasing attacks on account of the Government’s anti-public sector policies, defending public sector banking is very important. Fighting back all attempts to privatise the PSBs is a paramount duty. When Banks are facing challenges, Government has announced recapitalization of just Rs. 10,000 crores in this year’s Budget. This means that either the business of the banks will get choked or Banks will be compelled to tap private capital from the market thus diluting public sector character. We have seen how the Government is bulldozing all protests and opp...

7th CPC Allowance Committee Report Submitted to the Govt or not?

7th CPC Allowance Committee Report Submitted to the Govt or not? Was the 7th CPC Allowance Committee Report submitted to the government as early as February 22? A high-level committee, under the chairmanship of Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa was constituted by the Central Government to review the Seventh Pay Commission’s recommendations regarding the allowances being given to the Central Government employees. According to information, the committee had already submitted its report on February 22. Irrespective of who possesses the report now – the committee or the government – what is more intriguing is the recommendations that it contains. One could see that the 7th Pay Commission suggested either rationalization or simplification at many places. An example is the Pay Matrix Table, which has now brought the entire Pay Structure of more than 35 lakh employees under one Table. Although there are some anomalies, the system has dramatically simplified the process of ann...

Sources Confirmed Allowance Committee Report Submitted

Sources Confirmed Allowance Committee Report Submitted One of the NJCA leader, On Condition of Anonymity, told that the committee constituted to examine the allowance has finalized its reports and submitted it to the Government on 22nd February 2017. On asking whether the NJCA knew the details of the committee report, he said that they were not provided with the committee report. But the committee has informed them that their demand on allowance would be considered favorably. Hence it is expected the HRA will be retained in old rates (Sixth CPC rates) from the beginning itself and will be paid in 7th CPC Pay Scale when revised allowances come into effect. However, the news of revised allowances would be implemented with effect from 1.4.2017 is not reliable. NJCA will not accept this and clearly said that it should be implemented with effect from 1.1.2016 retrospectively. X cities- 30% Y cities- 20% Z cities- 10% Transport Allowance may be split into two elem...

Benefits to Paramilitary Forces at par with Army

‘Benefits to paramilitary forces at par with army’ issue raised in Parliament :  Whether Government has any proposal to extend same benefits to paramilitary forces at par with army? GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO-710 ANSWERED ON-08.02.2017 Benefits to paramilitary forces at par with army 710 . Shri A. Vijayakumar (a) whether Government has any proposal to extend same benefits to paramilitary forces at par with army; (b) if so, the details thereof; (c) whether there is any such pending demand by paramilitary forces; and (d) if so, the details thereof? ANSWER MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI KIREN RIJIJU) (a) to (d): The proposals from Central Armed Police Force for grant of benefits at par with Army include, inter-alia, Risk & Hardship Allowance, Para Military Service Pay, Discontinuation of New Pension Scheme etc. The CAPF personnel are entitled for pension and...

Central Government Issues Notification On Associate Banks and Merger With SBI - AIBEA

Government issues Gazette Notification  On closure of Associate Banks and  Merger with SBI w.e.f. 1st April, 2017. CIRCULAR No. 28/5/2017/5  23-2-2017 TO ALL UNITS AND MEMBERS: Dear Comrades, Government issues Gazette Notification On closure of Associate Banks and Merger with SBI w.e.f. 1st April, 2017. Protecting our members in the Associate Banks – need of the hour Clarion call from AIBEA’s All India SBI Emp. Association Our units and members are aware of our prolonged and principled opposition to the process of consolidation and merger of Associate Banks with SBI. There have been innumerable struggles and strike actions on this issue in the last more than a decade. Especially, when there were attempts to close the remaining 5 Associate Banks for merger with SBI, there have been very intensified agitations and progrmames. Our units and members in the Associate Banks have also led many struggles including number of strike actions. Th...

Public Notice / Caution Notice from CGEWHO

Public Notice / Caution Notice from CGEWHO PUBLIC NOTICE/CAUTION NOTICE By way of this notice, it is brought to the knowledge of Public that my client “ CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES WELFARE HOUSING ORGANISATION” or “CGEWHO ” also known as “KENDRIYA SARKARI KARMACHARI KALYAN AWAS SANGATHAN” having its office at 6th Floor ‘A’ – Wing, Janpath Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi- 110001 Phones: 23717249, 23739722 is an autonomous organisation under the administrative control of Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Govt. of India registered as a society under the Societies Registration Act, of 1860 under a Governing Council which is headed by Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India and undertakes housing scheme for Central Govt. Employees throughout the Country and operates on “NO PROFIT NO LOSS BASIS” and  “SELF FINANCING SCHEME. Since its formation in the year, 1990 CGEWHO has executed about 32 projects across the Country in various locations such...

Employment News Weekly Report for the week ending 3.3.2017

Employment News Weekly Report for the week ending 3.3.2017 JOB HIGHLIGHTS INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION Name Of Post : Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ No.of Vacancies : 87 Last Date :07.03.2017 PDDAV COLLEGE (Eve), UNIVERSITY OF DELHI Name Of Post : Administrative Officer, Librarian, Assistant Professor No.of Vacancies : 38 Last Date :14.03.2017 STATE BANK OF INDIA Name Of Post : Probationary Officers No.of Vacancies : 2313 Last Date :06.03.2017 INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION Name Of Post : Various Scientists Engineers ‘SC’ Post No.of Vacancies : 49 Last Date :04.03.2017 ORDANANCE FACTORY MEDAK Name Of Post : Electrician, Fitter, Machinist, Welder etc No.of Vacancies : 370 Last Date :10.03.2017 MINERAL EXPLORATION CORPORATION LIMITED, NAGPUR Name Of Post : Assistant Geologist, Assistant Chemist, Assistant Geophysicist No.of Vacancies : 35 Last Date :03.03.2017 INDIAN AIR FORCE Name Of Post : Store Keeper, Lower Division Clerk, MTS etc No.of Vacan...

All India Protest Day of Central Government Employees - 6th March 2017

All India Protest Day of Central Government Employees - 6th March 2017 All India Protest Day of Central Government Employees Demanding Honour the Commitment Made by Group of Ministers On 30th June and 6th July, 2016. Revised the Minimum Wage, Multiplication Factor, Allowances and Resolve NPS Issue, Resove 21 Charter of Demands. Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers BLACK DAY - 6th March 2017

TamilNadu Teachers Eligibility Test (TNTET 2017) – Notification and Syllabus

TamilNadu Teachers Eligibility Test (TNTET 2017) – Notification and Syllabus Applications are invited for Teacher Eligibility Test, Paper I and Paper II for the year 2017 from the eligible candidates in Tamil Nadu. One of the essential qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher in any of the schools referred to clause (n) of section 2 of the RTE Act is that he/she should pass the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) which will be conducted by the appropriate Government. The State Government has designated the Teachers Recruitment Board as the Nodal Agency for conducting Teacher Eligibility Test and recruitment of Teachers as per G.O. (Ms) No. 181, School Education (C2) Department, Dated 15.11.2011. 1. Schedule of Dates: Sale of Application  06.03.2017 to 22.03.2017 9 am to 5 pm Last Date for Receipt of Application Form 23.03.2017 by 5 pm Written Examination:Paper I Paper II 29.04.2017 30.04.2017 ...

NFIR General Secretary meets Railway Minister on 23.2.2017

GS/NFIR MEETS Shri SURESH PRABHU, MINISTER OF RAILWAYS ON 23.02.2017   NFIR National Federation of Indian Railways 3, Chelmsford Road, New Dehli - 110 055 No.IV/l/Part III / No.II/14/Part VII Dated: 23/02/2017 The General Secretaries of Affiliated Unions of NFIR Brother, Sub: NFIR General Secretary's meeting with Hon'ble Railway Minister on23-02-20l7. 1. The General Secretary, NFIR met the Railway Minister Shri Suresh Prabhu today at 16:00 hrs., and reiterated NFIR's demand for withdrawal of Board's decision dated 30/01/2017 as the said decision is unconstitutional and gross violation of law of the land. 2. The General Secretary, NFIR discussed with the Minister with regard to Federation's proposal dated 23/02/2017 to grant relaxation of minimum service condition of 5 years in the case of request transfers of ex-servicemen Railway employees. Hon'ble MR has been positive and he endorsed on the Federation's letter for the Rail...

AIDEF Observe Protest Day on 16.3.2017

AIDEF Observe Protest Day on 16.3.2017 SOLIDARITY TO CONFEDERATION'S STRIKE. AIDEF TO OBSERVE PROTEST DAY ON 16.03.2017 All India Defence Employees  Federation (AIDEF) has decided to observe 16th March 2017 as "PROTEST DAY" by holding massive demonstrations in front of all Defence Establishments to protest against the unhelpful and adamant attitude of NDA Government in settling 7th CPC demands of Central Govt Employees  and other major outstanding demands of Defence Employees.  AIDEF circular dated 20.02.2017 stated that the observance of Protest Day on 16.03.2017 is also to extend solidarity with the Central Government Employees other than Railways & Defence who have decided to observe one day strike on 16th March 2017 based on the decision of Confederation of Central Govt Employees & Workers. M.KRISHNAN Secretary General  Confederation Mob & WhatsApp:  09447068125 Email : Source: http://confed...

Extend Full Support and Solidarity to Fighting Civil Accounts Employees and Officers

EXTEND FULL SUPPORT AND SOLIDARITY TO FIGHTING CIVIL ACCOUNTS EMPLOYEES AND OFFICERS. Dear Comrades ,  Coordination Commitee (COC) of Civil Accounts Employees and Officers Association is on struggle path against the totally negative and autocratic attitude of the Controller General of Acconts and also against (1) the decision of the CGA to fill up 643 vacancies of AAO by calling deputationists ignoring the recruitment rules and denying promotion to the AAO (civil) examination passed candidates (2) Refusal to undertake Cadre Review of Group - C & B , defying DOP&T instructions etc. Detailed circular is enclosed below. Confederation National Secretariat calls upon all affiliates and COCs to extend full support and solidarity to the Civil Accounts Comrades who are on uncompromising struggle against the anti - worker attitude of the CGA. M.KRISHNAN Secretary General  Confederation  Mob & WhatsApp :             ...

Action Taken Statement of Standing Committee and National Anomaly Committee after 6th CPC

Action Taken Statement of Standing Committee and National Anomaly Committee after 6th CPC F.No. 11/1/20156-JCA Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi Dated the 21st February, 2017 To Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra Secretary, National Council Staff-Side(JCM),  13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi. Subject:-  1. Standing Committee meeting held on 25.10.2016- ATS reg. 2. ATS in respect of NAC meetings held after 6th CPC Sir, 1. I am directed to refer to the discussion held in the Standing Committee meeting on 25.10.2016 under the Chairmanship of Secretary(P) in DOPT, and to send herewith a copy of an Action Taken Statement (ATS) in respect of 19 items on which discussion was held in that meeting. The information in respect of the other items also discussed in the same meeting will be sent upon receipt of the ATS from other Ministries/Departments which...

Impact of Confederation's One Day Strike on 16.3.2017

IMPACT OF CONFEDERATION'S ONE DAY STRIKE ON 16.03.2017 Govt of India has acknowledged the strike notice and charter of demands submitted by Confederation of Central Govt Employees & Workers and issued directions to all concerned Ministries to take appropriate action. Letters received from Govt is given below. M.KRISHNAN Secretary General Confederation  Mob & WhatsApp:  09447068125. Email : F.No. 3/1/2016-JCA Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel & Training Establishment JCA Section North Block, New Delhi Dated the 17th February, 2017 Charter of Demands given by Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers (CCGEW) - regarding. The undersigned is directed to say that a Charter of Demands from the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers has been forwarded by the Cabinet Secretariat. The said Confederation was to ha...

Clarification on Benchmark for Promotion

Clarification on Benchmark for Promotion No.20-45/2016-SPB-II Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts Personnel Division Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi – 110 001 Dated the 1st February, 2017 To All Chief Postmaster(s) General Subject: Clarification on Benchmark for Promotion Sir, I am directed to refer to subject cited above and to say that the modalities of the benchmark to be taken for pormotion after implementation of 7th Pay Commission Report has been examined in consultation with Department of Personnel & Training (DOPT). DoPT has stated that the modalities of the benchmark are being examined in consultation with UPSC and Department of Legal Affairs. In this regard, all Circles are, hereby, requested to follow instructions contained in DOPT’s OM No.35034/7/97-Estt(D) dated 8.02.2002 untill further clarification is uploaded/issued by DOPT on its website or issued by DoP. A copy of DOPT’s ID No.1211382/2016/CR dated 8.12...