
Showing posts from August, 2013


CALCULATION OF DEARNESS ALLOWANCE FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 2013  Expected DA from Jan 2014 :- Calculation of Dearness allowance for Central Govt Employees and Pensioners for the month of July, 2013, after releasing the AICPIN for July by the Labour Bureau... The below table denotes how to calculate the Dearness allowance with All India Consumer Price Index as per the norms recommended by 6th CPC...

Directorate of Estates Orders : Revision of Guidelines for Allotment of Government Accommodation from General Pool to the Political Parties

Directorate of Estates Orders : Revision of Guidelines for Allotment of Government Accommodation from General Pool to the Political Parties No. 1201 4/2/96- Pol.II (Vol.II) Government of India Ministry of Urban Development Directorate of Estates Policy-II Section Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi - 110 108. Dated the 29th August, 2013. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Revision of guidelines for allotment of government accommodation from General Pool to the Political Parties. The Directorate of Estates, Ministry of Urban Development had issued the revised guidelines for allotment of government accommodation from general pool to Political parties vide O.M.No.12014/2/96-pol.II dated 20.7.2000. These guidelines have been reviewed by the competent authority and it has been decided to modify para 1 (iii) of the aforesaid O.M. dated 20.7.2000. After modification the revised guidelines shall be as under:

Grievances Related to Family Pension

Ministry of Finance Grievances Related to Family Pension  As on 23.08.2013, no grievance relating to non-payment of arrears of family pension which are registered in System in pending at CPAO level.  As per information available with the Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO), during the period from 25.03.2011 to 22.08.2013, 541 numbers of grievances relating to family pension were registered with CPAO. Out of these, 200 numbers of grievances were registered during the current year 2013. All grievances were forwarded to authorized Central Pension Processing Centre and concerned Pay & Accounts Office/Head of Office and were monitored by CPAO till settlement. 

Bank Charges for Non-Home Branch Customers

Bank Charges for Non-Home Branch Customers  Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has informed that they have advised Scheduled Commercial Banks, vide their circular dated 01.07.2013 to follow a uniform, fair and transparent pricing policy and not to discriminate between their customers at home branch and non-home branches. If a particular service is provided free at home branch, the same should be available free at non-home branches also. 

Expected DA from Jan 2014 - AICPIN for the month of July 2013

Expected DA from Jan 2014 - AICPIN for the month of July 2013 Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) July 2013  According to a press release issued today by the Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour & Employment the All-India CPI-IW for July, 2013 rose by 4 points and pegged at 235 (two hundred and thirty five) . On 1-month percentage change, it increased by 1.73 per cent between June and July compared with 1.92 per cent between the same two months a year ago. 

CGHS Orders - Revival of "Continuous Empanelment Scheme" for private hospitals & Diagnostic centres under CGHS.

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA No.CGHS/Hyd/Admn/Emp/2013/ The Additional Director Central Govt. Health Scheme K.S.Bhavan, Begumpet Hyderabad - 500 016 Dated the 31st July 2013 CIRCULAR Subject : Revival of "Continuous Empanelment Scheme" for private hospitals & Diagnostic centres under CGHS. Ref : 1)  Ministry’s  No.S.11011/23/2009-CGHS D.II/Hospital Cell (Part IX) Dt. 14.02.2013. 2)  Mnistry's OM No.S.11045/23/201 3-CGHS D.II/Hospital Cell (Part IX) Dt. 30.4.2013 3) Dte. General of Central Govt. Health Scheme, New Delhi, Letter No. S.11045/23/2013/CGHS D.II(HEC)/CGHS(P)/(Pt) Dt. 15.07.2013. With reference to the above of the memorandums/office order dated 14-02-2013, 30.04.2013 and 15.07.2013 on subject cited above, under the Continuous empanelment scheme for private hospitals and diagnostic centres under CGHS after following the due process the list of private hospitals and diagnostic centres were finalized as per the terms and ...

Item Wise reply of Railway Board on the issues raised by AIRF

Item Wise reply of Railway Board on the issues raised by AIRF.  The following issues raised by Federations which are outside the purview of this Ministry were referred/have been referred to concerned Ministries/Deptts. :-

Dopt Orders on Risk Allowance - Risk Allowance to Central Government employees - clarification reg.

Dopt Orders on Risk Allowance - Risk Allowance to Central Government employees - clarification reg.  The order said that ' there is no need for issuing separate instructions continuing payment of Risk Allowance beyond 31.12.2012'. No.21012/01/2010-Estt. (Allowance) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension Department of Personnel & Training Block No.IV, Old JNU Campus, New Delhi, 26th August, 2013. Office Memorandum Subject: Risk Allowance to Central Government employees - clarification reg.

The next and 47th National Council JCM meeting is expected to be held by the end of October 2013 - Confederation News

The next and 47th National Council JCM meeting is expected to be held by the end of October 2013 - Confederation News Confederation Secretary General Shri M.Krishnan informed through his official blog today that the next meeting of National Council JCM is expected to be held by the end of October 2013. 

Convening the 47th National Council Meeting – regarding

The Secretary of National Council Shri. Umramal Purohit writes to the Secretary of Dopt, urge to meet next and  47th National Council meeting to resolve various issues of Central Government employees... The letter is reproduced and  given below for your information... No. NC-JCM-2013/4th N.C.Meeting August 14, 2013 The Secretary, Department of Personnel and Training North Block, New Delhi. Sub : Convening the 47th National Council Meeting – regarding.

Agenda items for next meeting of the JCM National Council

Agenda items for next meeting of the JCM National Council Agenda for next meeting of the JCM National Council has been finalized on 27.08.2013 in consultation with DOP&T. Twelve demands raised by Confederation in the charter of demands are included. (including GDS employees demand). The charter of demands are given below...

Holidays for central government employees in 2014

CGDA Orders : Holiday to be observed in Central Government offices during the year 2014. Holidays for central government offices in 2014 : CGDA issued orders regarding the holiday to be observed in Central Government offices during the year 2014. Office of the CGDA Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt - 10 No. AN/III/3011/Vol-XXXII  Dated 22.08.2013 (Through CGDA Mail Server) To All PCsDA / PCA (Fys) PIFAs CsDA /CsFA (Fys) / IFAs/RTCs Subject :- Holiday to be observed in Central Government offices during the year 2014. A copy of Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Personnel and Training, New Delhi F. No.12/5/2013-JCA-2 dated 11.07.2013 on the subject mentioned above is enclosed for information, guidance and necessary action. 2. The instructions contained in Para 2, 3.1 & 3.2 may be adhered to strictly while deciding the Holidays in respect of offices located outside Delhi/New Delhi. The ...

Pensioners Portal Orders : All the Pensioners Associations under present SCOVA

Pensioners Portal Orders : All the Pensioners Associations under present SCOVA F. No. 42/6/2013-P&PW(G) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare 3d Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi- 110003 Date:- 26 August, 2013 To, All the Pensioners Associations under present SCOVA. Subject: 23 meeting of the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies(SCOVA) under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS (PP) to be held on September, 2013 in New Delhi.

ESIC Orders - Clarification on grant of CCL and other related benefits for the third Child, in case of second surviving child...

ESIC Orders - Clarification on grant of CCL and other related benefits for the third Child, in case of second surviving child... No.A-24020/01/2013-SS.I  Government of India/Bharat Sarkar  Ministry of Labour & Employment/Shram Aur Rozgar Mantraylya  Social Security Division/Samajik Surakasha Prabhag Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Delhi.  Dated the 30th July’ 2013 To,  The Director General,  ESI Corporation,  Panchdeep Bhawan,  CG Marg,  NEW DELHI 110002. Subject: Clarification regarding grant of CCL and other related benefits - reg.

PFRDA Orders - Portability of PRAN – NPS Lite/Swavalamban to NPS – All Citizen Model and other sectors

PFRDA Orders -  Portability of PRAN – NPS Lite/Swavalamban to NPS – All Citizen Model and other sectors Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority CIRCULAR PFRDA/2013/13 /PDEX/08  20th August 2013 Subject: Portability of PRAN – NPS Lite/Swavalamban to NPS – All Citizen Model and other sectors There were several requests from NPS Lite/Swavalamban subscribers seeking porting of their PRANs from NPS Lite/Swavalamban to the All Citizen Model of NPS(UOS). PFRDA after examining the matter has approved the shifting/porting of NPS/Lite/Swavalamban accounts to NPS-All Citizen model and other Sectors through an Inter platform shift process which is detailed as below:

Eligibility criteria for Motor Car, Motorcycle, Scooter and Moped Advances

Eligibility criteria for Motor Car Advance : Employees drawing Pay in the Pay Band Rs.19,530 or more are eligible for the grant f the advance.  Motorcycle, Scooter and Moped : Pay in the pay band of Rs.8560 or more and advances for purchase of Bicycle and Warm Clothing(Grade pay not exceed Rs.2800) are being treated as interest advances from 7.10.2008. More Advance orders...

DCMAF - Revision of nutritious dietary allowance to Lactating female members and spouses of the male members

DCMAF - Revision of nutritious dietary allowance to Lactating female members and spouses of the male members  has been reduced from Rs. 3,200/- for four months (@ Rs.800/- per month) to Rs. 2,800/- for four months (@ Rs. 700/- per month).  As per the decision taken in the 57th Annual meeting of the Managing Committee of Defence Civilians Medical Aid Fund (DCMAF), the additional subscription also to be paid per year, till the subscription rates are revised.

Eligibility criteria for Computer Advance - PCDA Orders

Eligibility criteria for Computer Advance - PCDA Orders PRINCIPAL CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS  107, LOWER AGRAM ROAD, AGRAM POST, BANGALORE-56000 7  NO. AN/II/1832/Comp.Adv   DTD: 24th June 2013  To:  1) All Sections in Main Office  2) All Sub-Offices under PCDA Bangalore  3) All HAL (DAD) Offices  SUB: GRANT OF COMPUTER ADVANCE - 2012-13.   It is proposed to prepare a fresh panel of applicants for Computer advance for the year 2013-14. All those Officers / Staff who are eligible as per conditions given below and are desirous of applying may be advised to submit their applications in the Prescribed Proforma alongwith Invoice / estimates from the authorised dealer. 

NFIR's meeting with Railway Board on 23.8.2013 - Discussion points are updated on the official website of NFIR

NFIR's meeting with Railway Board on 23.8.2013 - Discussion points are updated on the official website of NFIR   NFIR National Federation of Indian Railwaymen 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD, NEW DELHI -110 055 NFIR's MEETING WITH RAILWAY BOARD In response to the NFIR’s letter No.IV/MR/CORRES/2013 dated 28th June, 2013 given to Hon’hle Minister of Railways, over non-settlement of demands of Railway Employees (in spite of discussions, meetings etc..) compelling NFIR to take strike ballot for deciding indefinite strike on Railways, the Railway Ministry invited NFIR for meeting on the issues raised. Accordingly, a meeting was held at Rail Bhavan, New Delhi on 23/08 2013 between Railway Board and the NFIR wherein following have participated: Official Side  1. Shri Arunendra Kumar CRB  2. Shri M. Raghavaiah General Secretary 3. Shri R.P. Bhatnagar, Wkg. President NFIR 1. Shri Guman Singh. President 2. Shri S.K. Jain MS/ME  3. Shri R. Kashyap F.C....

Dental Clinics in CGHS Dispensaries

Dental Clinics in CGHS Dispensaries   The dental services in CGHS Delhi have been outsourced in 13 Wellness centres (5 under Central Zone and 8 under South Zone) for 22 dental procedures. The location wise details are at Annexure-A. The details of payments made to the service provider in respect of these clinics from the starting of the services till July, 2013 are at Annexure-B.

EPFO shows much better improvement

EPFO shows much better improvement  The number of contributing members to Employee Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has crossed 4.00 crore as on 17.08.2013. Similarly, number of establishments covered under EPF & MP Act, who are contributing and filing their return through electronic system has increased to 4 lakh. EPFO also distributed pension to more than 44 lakh pensioners during July, 2013. EPFO’s remittances have also increased over the years. Rs. 5,962 crore were received in the accounts of EPFO for the month of July, 2013 which is around Rs. 229 crore more than the average receipt of the preceding 3 months (April-June 2013). This has been revealed by the Central Provident Fund Commissioner Shri K.K. Jalan while reviewing the performance of the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization pertaining to July, 2013. 

Treatment from CGHS Empanelled Hospitals

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Treatment from CGHS Empanelled Hospitals  As per the existing guidelines, a CGHS beneficiary is required to obtain permission from his administrative Department / Office or CMO in charge (in case of pensioner beneficiary) to avail medical treatment in a CGHS empanelled private hospital. However, in case of emergency he can go to any hospital whether empanelled or not, to avail medical treatment. This provision is necessary to ensure proper medical treatment of a CGHS beneficiary in consultation with the Government specialists. This is also a measure of ‘checks and balances’ to ensure financial propriety and optimum utilization of public money. 

Service Provided by CGHS

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Service Provided by CGHS  This below information was given by the Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare ShriGhulamNabi Azadin written reply to a question in the LokSabha yesterday. This Ministry has been receiving complaints/grievances in respect of the following major aspects.

Dopt Orders - Disclosure of personal information under the RTI Act, 2005

Latest Dopt Orders - Disclosure of personal information under the RTI Act, 2005 No.11/2/2013-IR (Pt.) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi, Dated the 14th August 2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Disclosure of personal information under the RTI Act, 2005. The Central Information Commission in one of its decisions (copy enclosed) has held that information about the complaints made against an officer of the Government and any possible action the authorities might have taken on those complaints, qualities as personal information within the meaning of provision of section 8 (1) (j) of the RTI Act, 2005.

AIRF publishes outcome of meeting held with the Chairman, Railway Board

AIRF publishes outcome of meeting held with the Chairman, Railway Board on 23.08.2013 to discuss the grievances of the railwaymen… All India Railwaymen's Federation No.AIRF/24(C) Dated: August 23, 2013 The General Secretaries, All Affiliated Unions, Dear Coms., Sub: Feedback on the meeting held with the Chairman, Railway Board on 23.08.2013 to discuss the grievances of the railwaymen On being called by the Chairman, Railway Board, today, i.e. 23.08.2013, to discuss the grievances of the Railwaymen, Com. Umraomal Purohit, President AIRF, Com. Rakhal Das Gupta, Working President AIRF and myself, met the Chairman Railway Board, wherein Member Staff, Financial Commissioner, Adviser (Finance), ED(IR) and Director, Estt.(LR), Railway Board, were present. In the meeting, the following decisions were arrived :-

LDC-UDC Issue -Letter sent to the PM forwarded to JCA for action

All India Association of Administrative Staff (NG), General Secretary Shri TKR Pillai published an important letter on his official blog today that the letter which was sent to Prime Minster is forwarded to JCA section to take necessary and appropriate action... The letter is reproduced and the image of the reply letter also given below for your ready reference...              LDC-UDC Issue - Letter sent to the PM forwarded to JCA for action

Railway Board Orders - Introduction of Mechatronics Trade at DLW, Varanasi

Railway Board Orders - Introduction of Mechatronics Trade at Diesel Locomotive Works (DLW) Varanasi. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR) MINISTRY OF RMLWAYS (RAIL MANTRALAYA) (Railway Board) RBE No.82/2013 No.E (MPP)2013/1/45 New Delhi, dated 13/08/2013 General Manager D.L.W. Varanasi Sub : Introduction of Mechatronics Trade at DLW, Varanasi. DLW vide their letter No.CME/Plant/Mechatronics Trade dated 02/06/2011, have proposed introduction of "Mechatronics” trade in the Technician category. The matter has been considered by Board and it has been decided that a separate cadre of “Mechatronics” trade be created by transferring the existing vacancies of Direct Recruitment quota which is normally 25% of the total vacancies of Technicians in the trades of Mechanical Fitter, Electrician and Motor Mechanics trades in Maintenance Department of DLW. DLW should also ensure that under no circumstances, higher grade posts are transferred and in no case the pr...

Dopt Orders - Combined Section Officers’/Stenographers’(Gr.B/Gr.I) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 2009,2010 & 2011- allocation of qualified candidates- regarding.

Dopt Orders - Combined Section Officers’/Stenographers’(Gr.B/Gr.I) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 2009,2010 & 2011- allocation of qualified candidates- regarding. No.4/6/2013-CS.II(A) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel & Training 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi Dated the 22 August 2013. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject :- Combined Section Officers’/Stenographers’(Gr.B/Gr.I) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 2009,2010 & 2011- allocation of qualified candidates- regarding. The undersigned is directed to say that on the basis of final results of the SOs/Stenos (Gr. ‘B’/Gr. ‘I’) Limited Departmental Competitive Examinations 2009, 2010 & 2011, 144 candidates have been recommended by the UPSC for their appointment to PS Grade of CSSS for these years. Allocation of the candidates recommended by the Commission on the basis of the above Examination has been made...

Retirement Age 62 – Once again it has been denied in Parliament…

Retirement Age 62 – Once again it has been denied in Parliament… While answering to a question in Parliament today on 22nd August 2013, the Minister of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Shri. V.Narayanasamy said that ‘at present there is no proposal to increase the age of retirement of Government employees’. He also added, as per Fundamental Rules 56(a) except as otherwise provided, every Government servant shall retire on attaining the age of 60 years.

Aadhaar Card as Address Proof

Aadhaar Card as Address Proof  Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has notified that the Aadhaar Card is a valid proof for opening of a bank account under the Know Your Customer (KYC) scheme.  RBI vide its circular dated 28.09.2011 has advised banks to accept the Aadhar letter issued by Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) as an officially valid document for opening bank accounts without any limitations applicable to small accounts. Further, the RBI has also advised the banks vide its circular dated 10.12.2012 that if the address provided by the account holder is the same as that on Aadhaar letter, it may be accepted as a proof of both identity and address. 

DOPT ORDERS - Model RRs for the posts of Administrative Officer (Group A & B)

DOPT ORDERS 201 3 - Model RRs for the posts of Administrative Officer (Group A & B) No. AB-14017/18/2012-Estt(RR) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions Department of Personnel and Training New Delhi Dated the 16th August, 2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Model RRs for the posts of Administrative Officer (Group A & B) The Model RRs for the post of Administrate Officer (Group A & B issued in this Department OM No. AB 14017/82/2007-Estt.(RR) dated 25th January 2008 have been reviewed in the light of 6th CPC recommendations on revision of pay scales, instructions issued by this Department, etc. Accordingly, the revised Model Recruitment Rules for the same are enclosed as Annexure to this Office Memorandum.

Railway Board Orders - Fixing uniform number of vacations / holidays for Railway school teachers

Railway Board Orders - Fixing uniform number of vacations / holidays for Railway school teachers RBE No.83/2013 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA  MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS  (RAILWAY BOARD) No. E (W)/2011/SC-2/4  New Delhi, dated: 14/08/2013 The General Manager, All Zonal Railways and CLW & DLW. Sub : Fixing uniform number of vacations / holidays for Railway school teachers. In a Court case bearing O.A.No.1239/2005 filed by Shri K.S.Patnaik and 78 other Railway school teachers before Central Administrative Tribunal, Kolkata Bench, Kolkata, regarding vacations / holidays admissible to Railway teachers, the Hon’ble Tribunal has observed

Railway Board Orders 2013 - Recruitment to posts in Pay Band-I of 5200-20200 (Grade Pay: Rs.1800) on Indian Railways - Filling up of applications online regarding

Railway Board Orders 2013 - Recruitment to posts in Pay Band-I of  5200-20200 (Grade Pay: Rs.1800) on Indian Railways - Filling up of applications online regarding GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAIL MANTRALAYA) (RAILWAY BOARD) No. E (NG)-II/2009/RR-I/10/Pt.  New Delhi, dated: 19/08/2013 The General Manager (P), All Zonal Railways, Sub : Recruitment to posts in Pay Band-I of  5200-20200 (Grade Pay: Rs.1800) on Indian Railways - Filling up of applications online regarding. Ref : Letter of even number dated 05/7/2013. The issue of laying down uniform guidelines for issuance of notification for open market recruitment for the vacancies accruing during the period 01/1/2014 to 31/12/2014 has been under consideration of this Ministry. The matter has been examined and the decisions arrived at by the Board are apprised for compliance:- . (a) The current procedure of selection from open market in vogue shall be adhere...

Dopt Orders 2013 - Sanctioned strength of officials of CSCS streamlining of procedure for collecting on-line data/in formation reg.

Dopt Orders 2013 - Sanctioned strength of officials of CSCS streamlining of procedure for collecting on-line data/in formation reg. IMMEDIATE No.25/16/2013-CS.II(B) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi -3 Dated, the 14th August, 2013. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Sanctioned strength of officials of CSCS streamlining of procedure for collecting on-line data/in formation reg. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated 03.07.2013 on the subject cited above and to say that many Cadre Units have not furnished the information so far. 

Select List of Section Officers’ Grade for the year 2010 against Examination Quota on the basis of Combined Limited Departmental Competitive Examination -2009, 2010 & 2011 held by the UPSC.

IMMEDIATE F.No.6/1/2012-CS.I(S) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training 2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi -110 003, the 19th August, 2013. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject :  Select List of Section Officers’ Grade for the year 2010 against Examination Quota on the basis of Combined Limited Departmental Competitive Examination -2009, 2010 & 2011 held by the UPSC. The undersigned is directed to say that the Department of Personnel & Training had reported 268 (UR - 229, SC - 24 & ST - 15) vacancies for the year 2010 to be filled up in the Section Officers grade of Central Secretariat Service(CSS) on the basis of the results of the Combined SOs/Stenographers (Gr. 'B’/Gr 'I') Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 2009, 2010 & 2011conducted by UPSC. UPSC has since declared the final result of LDCE 2009, 2010 & 2011 on 24 July, 2013. The detail...

Granting of Grade Pay hierarchy to UDC to the next promotional post of Assistants - Ministerial Staff Association

Granting of Grade Pay hierarchy to UDC to the next promotional post of Assistants - Ministerial Staff Association... Secretary General of Ministerial Staff Association writes a detailed letter to the Secretary of Department of Science and Technology regarding the discrepancies in implementation of MACP Scheme to the ministerial staff working in the department of Survey of India.  Particularly the Upper Divisional Clerk (UDC) may be granted 4200 Grade Pay under the MACP Scheme to next promotional post of Assistant… The detailed letter has been uploaded in the official blog of Ministerial Staff Association, for your ready reference we have reproduced and given below…

Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) in CRPF, BSF, ITBP, SSB, CISF and AR

Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) in CRPF, BSF, ITBP, SSB, CISF and AR : Statistics of year wise retired CAPF personnel under VRS... The below information was submitted in Parliament as a written reply by the Minister of Home Affairs on 6th August, the table of CAPF personnel proceeded on Voluntary Retirement during each of the last three years and the current year. And the action taken by the Central Government as remedial measures to stop such cases and improve the service and working of CAPF. Last three years and current year report is given below...

Retirement Age 62 : Govt not considering to raise retirement age to 62

Retirement Age 62 : Govt not considering to raise retirement age to 62 Government not considering to raise retirement age to 62 years... NEW DELHI : There is raging speculation that the Centre may raise the retirement age of its staff but top sources say there is no such move. "There is no such plan to raise the retirement age to 62 from 60 years," a reliable source in the government said. There are about 50 lakh central government employees working in various departments including the Railways across the country. 

All Tax Payers should file their Income Tax returns even after deadline...

All Tax Payers should file their Income Tax returns even after deadline... A press release of PIB Mumbai said that those who missed the deadline of August 5 can still file their income tax returns... IT Department urges all those tax payers to file their IT Returns, who missed even the extended deadline of August 5. The Income Tax Department has urged all those tax payers who have not filed their Income Tax Returns, even by the extended deadline of August 5, 2013, to file their returns at the earliest to keep away unavoidable difficulties.

CGHS Orders - Continousion of empanelment of private hospitals under CGHS in Ahmedabad

CGHS Orders - Continousion of empanelment of private hospitals under CGHS in Ahmedabad GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Office of the Additional Director CGHS 2nd Floor S.R.House, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad-380009 CGHS/AHMD/PVT.HOS/EMPANELMENT/860  16/07/2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM The undersigned is directed vide Directorate General of Central Govt. Health Services New Delhi Office Order No.S.11045/23/2013/CGHS D.II9HEC)/CGHS(p)/(pt) dtd. 15-7-2013 to Invite reference to Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Office Memorandum no.S.11011/23/2009-CGHS D.II/Hospital Cell (Part.IX) dated 14/2/2013 vide which continuous empanelment scheme was initiated for empanelement of private hospitals/diagnostic centers under CGHS. 

DOPT ORDERS - Managing Committee for Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens located in Central Government Offices

DOPT ORDERS - Managing Committee for Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens located in Central Government Offices. File No. 27/1/2005-Director(Canteens) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, P.G & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market New Delhi, Dated 14/08/2013 Office Memorandum Subject: Managing Committee for Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens located in Central Government Offices. On the subject cited above, the undersigned is directed to say that provisions relating to the constitution of Managing Committee as contained in chapter VIII of the Green Book have been reviewed, keeping in view various changes which have occurred in status of Canteen employees, provision of funds etc. Accordingly provisions in Chapter VIII of Green Book have been revised. The revised provisions are enclosed. It is also requested that copy of minutes of Managing Committee may also be endorsed to office of Director of Canteens. ...

Dopt Orders - Appointment of direct recruit Assistants, Central Secretariat Service based on Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGLE), 2012-reg.

Dopt Orders 2013 - Appointment of direct recruit Assistants, Central Secretariat Service based on Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGLE), 2012-reg. No.7/7/2013-CS I(A) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training 2nd floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan Khan Market, New Delhi-110003 Dated the l4th August, 2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Appointment of direct recruit Assistants, Central Secretariat Service based on Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGLE), 2012-reg. The undersigned is directed to nominate the successful candidates recommended by Staff Selection Commission based on the CGLE, 2012 to the various participating Ministries/ Departments (Cadre Units) of Central Secretariat Service as detailed in Annexure.

KVS Orders : Amendment in Admission Guidelines 2013-14-Part-C, Procedure for Admissions, Para-9 (I), Method of admission in Class XI (KV Students)

  KVS Orders :  Amendment in Admission Guidelines 2013-14-Part-C, Procedure for Admissions, Para-9 (I), Method of admission in Class XI (KV Students). KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SNAGATHAN (Min. of HRD, Deptt. of Education, Govt. of India) 18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg New Delhi-110016 F.No.110331/01/2013/KVS (HQ)/Acad Date: 11.06.2013 To The Deputy Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, All Regional Offices and ZIET's. Sub :- Amendment in Admission Guidelines 2013-14-Part-C, Procedure for Admissions, Para-9 (I), Method of admission in Class XI (KV Students). 1. KV Students: Admissions in different streams viz. Science, Commerce, Humanities of Class XI in KVs for KV students who have passed Class X will be regulated as follows:

KVS Orders - Compliance of Admission orders issued under clause XIX (f ) of admission Guidelines- reg.

KVS Orders - Compliance of Admission orders issued under clause XIX (f ) of admission Guidelines. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (Min. of HRD, Deptt. of Education, Govt. of India) 18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg New Delhi-110016 F.No.11033/02/2013/KVS (HQ)/Acad  Date: 14.08.2013 To The Deputy Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, All Regional Offices. Sub :- Compliance of Admission orders issued under clause XIX (f ) of admission Guidelines. Madam/Sir, It has come to the notice that admission orders issued by KVS HQ under clause XIX (f) of admission Guidelines are not being honored by the Principals on the plea that admission orders have not been received by the school authorities. Consequently parents are facing hardships and the education of the child is being delayed.

Retirement age 62 – No hike in Retirement age of Central Government employees…

Retirement age 62 – No hike in Retirement age of Central Government employees… Millions of Central Government employees were looking for the announcement of hike in retirement age in the Prime Minister’s Independence Day speech today, but no such matter was announced. please click the below link to view the complete speech of Prime Minister’s address. There was widespread speculation in the media about the announcement of retirement age past two weeks. And retiring employees are in hope still on this issue..!

ESIC Orders - Holiday Home at Gangtok in West Bengal Region

ESIC Orders - Holiday Homes - Holiday Home at Gangtok in West Bengal Region Employees' State Insurance Corporation Government of India Ministry of Labour & Employment No.41.D/11/14/H.H/2012-Genl.   Dated 01/08/2013 CIRCULAR Sub:- Holiday Home at Gangtok in West Bengal Region. It is informed to all concerned that a Holiday Home at Gangtok will be operational w.e.f. 16th August, 2013 for a period of 3 (three) years. Details of Holiday Home and terms & conditions are appended below :

ESIC Orders - Holiday Home at Darjeeling in West Bengal Region

ESIC Orders - Holiday Homes -  Holiday Home at Darjeeling in West Bengal Region Employees' State Insurance Corporation Government of India Ministry of Labour & Employment No.41.D/11/14/H.H/2012-Genl.   Dated 01/08/2013 CIRCULAR Sub:- Holiday Home at Darjeeling in West Bengal Region. It is informed to all concerned that a Holiday Home at Darjeeling will be operational w.e.f. 1st Sep., 2013 for a period of 1 (one) year. Details of Holiday Home and terms & conditions are appended below :

Directorate of Estates Orders - Issue of Medical/disability certificate for allotment of Govt. accommodation - inclusion of AIIMS regarding

Directorate of Estates Orders -  Issue of Medical/disability certificate for allotment of Govt. accommodation - inclusion of AIIMS regarding No.3/5/2013/CDN-II Government of India Directorate of Estates Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi, Dated the 8-8-2013 To Dr. D.K. Sharma, Medical Superintendent, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi - 110029. Subject:- Issue of Medical/disability certificate for allotment of Govt. accommodation — inclusion of AIIMS regarding. Sir, I am directed to refer to your letter No.F.16/Treatment/2012-Estt.(H) dated 07.11.2012 on the subject cited above and to say that in view of practical difficulties are being faced by the AIIMS for issue of Medical/Disability certificate for allotment of Govt. accommodation and as requested by the AIIMS for deletion of its name from the proforma of medical/disability certificate, it has been decided to delete name of AIIMS from performa of medical/disability cer...


HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY 2013 India’s 67th Independence Day

President’s Address to the Nation on the Eve of India’s 67th Independence Day

Press Information Bureau  Government of India Presidents Secretariat   14-August-2013 19:39 IST President’s Address to the Nation on the Eve of India’s 67th Independence Day  Following is the text of the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee’s address to the Nation on the eve of the 67th Independence Day: 

Railway Board Orders - Norms/Procedure for future Promotion in the Unified Cadre of Track Maintainers

R.B.Estt. No.81/2013 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RMLWAYS (Railway Board) No.E (NG)-I/2012/PM5/1 New Delhi, dated 13/08/2013 The General Manager, All Indian Railways/Production Units. (As per standard list) Sub: Norms/Procedure for future Promotion in the Unified Cadre of Track Maintainers. Railway Board vide letter No.2010/CE-I(SpI)/GNS/15(pt.) dated 17.08.2012 have issued instructions for restructuring/reorganizing staffing pattern of Trackmen on Indian Railways. In para 2 of the letter ibid it was indicated that instrructions regardingnorms/procedure for future promotion in the Unified Cadre of Track Maintainers will be iIssued by the Establishment Directorate separately.

ESIC Orders - Clarification on booking of air tickets for LTC to ESIC Employees

Air Tickets for LTC : Clarification on booking of air tickets for LTC to ESIC Employees Employees State Insurance Corporation has reiterated through an order about the booking of air tickets for Leave Travel Concession... Booking of Tickets for LTC Employees' State Insurance Corporation Government of India Ministry of Labour & Employment No.F/26/27/1/Misc/06/Acct-3   Dated 29/07/2013 To JDs/DDs/ADs (Finance) All ROs/SROs/ Directorate (Med) Delhi/Noida, ESIHs. subject :  Booking of Tickets for LTC Attention is invited on the subjected bringing out the provisions that ESIC has no separate LTC rules therefore CCS (LTC) Rules are applicable to ESIC in toto but with the only exception approved that employees of ESIC can travel by a private airline.

Retirement Age 62 - Prime Minister likely to declare on his Independence Day speech

Retirement Age 62 - Prime Minister likely to declare on his Independence Day speech According to the media report, important and controversial announcement may be declared on 15th August, 2013 by the Prime Minister in his Independence Day speech. As reported in the media, the nodal department of Central Government, Dopt has finalized the draft proposal in this matter last week. All central government employees including the employees of state government are expecting the announcement eagerly..!

Finmin Orders : Grant of Transport Allowance to Orthopaedically handicapped Central Government employees

No. 21-1/2011-E.II(B)  Government of India  Ministry of Finance  Department of Expenditure North Block, New Delhi  Dated: 5th August, 2013. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Grant of Transport Allowance to Orthopaedically handicapped Central Government employees . The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s Office Memorandum No. 19029/1/78-E.IV(B) dated 3rd December, 1979, as amended from time to time and to say that the criteria for orttiopaedically handicapped employees to draw Transport Allowance at doub’e the normal rates has been reviewed in consultation with the Minisy of Health & Family Welfare.

KVS Orders 2013 : Opening Of Second Shift in KVs

KVS Orders : Opening Of Second Shift in KVs KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN 18, InstitutionaI Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi 110 016 F.11077-5/2013-KVSHQ (Admn-I) Date: 12.08.2013 OFFICE ORDER Sanction of the Hon’ble HRM-cum-Chairman, KVS is hereby accorded for introduction of 2nd shift in following Keridriya Vidyalayas with immediate effect. The details with classes proposed to be run in these Vidyalayas during the academic year 2013-14 have been indicated below :-

Dopt Orders - Extension of RTI web portal for online filing of RTI application

No.1/1/2013-IR Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi Dated: 12/08/2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Extension of RTI web portal for online filing of RTI application. In continuation of this Department's O.M. of even number dated 22/04/2013, it is intimated that the facility of RTI online web portal has been extended to 37 Ministries/Departments of Government of India, so far (list enclosed). This facility would be extended to all the remaining Ministries/Departments of Government of India with effect from 21 st August, 2013. This facility is presently not proposed to be extended for field offices/attached/subordinate offices.

DOPT ORDERS : Encadrement of newly created posts into corresponding grades of CSS/CSSS on the strength of Min. of Rural Development

F.No.24/2/2013-CS.I (P) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi Dated the 12th August. 2013 Order Approval of the competent authority is accorded to encadrement of the newly created posts into the corresponding grades of Central Secretariat Service/Central Secretariat Stenographers Service, on the strength of Ministry of Rural Development, as detailed hereunder :-

CGHS ORDERS 2013 : Fresh empanelment of Private Hospitals for EYE and DENTAL under CGHS Jaipur

CGHS ORDERS 2013 : Fresh empanelment of Private Hospitals for EYE and DENTAL under CGHS Jaipur Government of India Office of the Additional Director, Central Government Health Scheme, Kendriya Sadan Parisar, Block-B, Ground Floor, Sector-10, Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jaipur. No: CGHS/JPR/RPH&DC/2013/(Admn.)/7071-7194 Dated: 31.07.2013. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Fresh empanelment of Private Hospitals under CGHS, Jaipur. In pursuance of Office Memorandum No. S.11011/23/2009 CGHS D.II / Hospital Cell (Part IX) dated 14.02.2013 the following hospitals under CGHS, Jaipur are empanelled under Continuous Empanelment Scheme with immediate effect :-

CGHS Orders : Change of speciality and category of empanelled hospital in Jaipur under CGHS

CGHS Orders : Change of speciality and category of empanelled hospital in Jaipur under CGHS Government of India Office of the Additional Director, Central Government Health Scheme, Kendriya Sadan Parisar, Block-B, Ground Floor, Sector-10, Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jaipur. No: CGHS/JPR/RPH&DC/2013/(Admn.)/6520-6641 Dated: 31.07.2013. OFFICE MEMORANDUM In pursuance of Office Memorandum No. S.11011/23/2009 CGHS D.II / Hospital Cell (Part IX) dated 14.02.2013 it is informed that the following Hospitals the speciality added / change of category by the empanelled allowed to them with immediate effect :-

Dopt Orders : Fixation of range of seniority for promotion from UDCs of CSCS to Assistant Grade of CSS- Select List for the years 2009 - regarding

MOST IMMEDIATE No. 11/1/2011-CS.II(B) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi-3 Dated, the 08th August, 2013. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject :- Fixation of range of seniority for promotion from UDCs of CSCS to Assistant Grade of CSS- Select List for the years 2009 - regarding. The undersigned is directed to say that on the basis of the vacancy position intimated by CS.I Division, it has been decided by the competent authority to prescribe the range of seniority for the Select List of Assistant of CSS for the Years 2009 (Seniority Quota). Sl. - Year Total No. of vacancy SC ST UR 2009 48 7 3 38

CGHS Orders : Notification of fresh empanelment of Private Hospitals & Diagnostic Centers under continuous empanelment scheme of CGHS, Meerut

OFFICE OF THE ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR CENTRAL GOVERNMENT HEALTH SCHEME SURAJ KUND ROAD, MEERUT E-mail:, Tel. No. 0121-2601426, Fax- 0121-2762890 No. 9-4/13-CGHS/MRT/ESTT Dated: 05-08-2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Notification of fresh empanelment of Private Hospitals & Diagnostic Centers under continuous empanelment scheme of CGHS, Meerut. In reference to MOHFW OM No. S.11011/23/2009-CGHS D II / Hospital Cell (part-IX) dated 14-02-2013 and this Directorate letter No. S11045/23/2013/CGHS D-II (HEC)/CGHS (P)/(Pt) dated 15-07-2013 for continuous fresh empanelment of Private Hospitals & Diagnostic Centers under CGHS Meerut, a committee was formed with two senior most CMOs headed by undersigned including Consultant as Special Invitee. Inspection for authentication of documents submitted was carried out by Transparency officer, CGHS Meerut, Office Superintendent CGHS Meerut & Sr. Consultant CGHS Meerut as Special Inv...

Railways Commercial Circulars - Revised rates of TA / DA to Non-official Members of ZRUCC / DRUCC / SRUCC / NRUCC

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (Bharat Sarkar) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Rail Mantralya) (RAILWAY BOARD) No.2012/TG.1/28/NR/Suggestions New Delhi, dated 25.06.2013 The General Managers, All Zonal Railways. (COMMERCIAL CIRCULAR NO.49 OF 2013) Sub: Payment of Travelling Allowance & Daily Allowance to the Non-official Members of Railway Users’ Consultative Committees and National Railway Users’ Consultative Council (NRUCC). Please refer to this offiec letter No.2001/TG-I/24/TA/DA dated 08.01.2002 on the subject quoted above wherein the rates of Travelling Allowance / Daily Allowance payable to Members of Railway Users’ Consultative Committees and National Railway Users’ Consultative Council were, inter alia, advised.

MCM Grade Pay Issue in Ordnance Establishments - Granting of 4600 Grade Pay to Master Craftsman (MCM) on 3rd MACP for Defence Civilians Employees

MCM Grade Pay Issue in Ordnance Establishments - Granting of 4600 Grade Pay to Master Craftsman (MCM) on 3rd MACP for Defence Civilians Employees INDWF General Secretary Shri.R.Srinivasan writes to DOPT Secretary regarding the matter of granting 4600 Grade Pay to MCM on 3rd financial upgradation on MACP Scheme in Defence Establishments. He explained about the status of MCM cadre in the 5th CPC and he also appealed to grant of 4600 Grade Pay to MCM on 3rd MACP as per the Dopt clarification of 2001... The text of the letter is reproduced and given below for your information...

Railway Board Orders : Clarification regarding qualification prescribed for direct recruitment to the post of Lab. Supdt., Gr.III in Pay Band of Rs.9300-34800 (Grade Pay: Rs.4200).

Railway Board Orders : Clarification regarding qualification prescribed for direct recruitment to the post of Lab. Supdt., Gr.III in Pay Band of Rs.9300-34800 (Grade Pay: Rs.4200). GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR) MINISTRY OF RMLWAYS (RAIL MANTRALAYA) (Railway Board) RBE No. 79/2013 No.E (NG)-II/2001/RR-1/20 New Delhi, dated 3/08/2013 The General Manager (P), All Zonal Railways/Production Units, CORE/Allahabad, MTP/Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai, CAO (R), DMW/Patiala, COFMOW/New Delhi, Director General, RDSO/Lcuknow, RSC/Vadodra, Director, IRISE/Secundrabad, IRICEN/Pune, IRIEEN/Nasik and IRIM/EE/Jamalpur and Chairman/Railway Recruitment Boards, Managing Director/Konkan Railway Corporation Limited.  Sub: Clarification regarding qualification prescribed for direct recruitment to the post of Lab. Supdt., Gr.III in Pay Band of Rs.9300-34800 (Grade Pay: Rs.4200). Attention is invited to Board’s letter of even number dated 12.11.2001 (RBE No.225/2...

Railway Board Orders - Clarification regarding acceptance of qualification of Diploma in Mechanical Engineering obtained from Kuban State University of Technology Krasnodar.

Railway Board Orders - Clarification regarding acceptance of qualification of Diploma in Mechanical Engineering obtained from Kuban State University of Technology Krasnodar. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR) MINISTRY OF RMLWAYS (RAIL MANTRALAYA) (Railway Board) RBE No. 78/2013 No.E (NG)-II/2009/RR-1/11 New Delhi, dated 2/08/2013 The General Manager (P), All Zonal Railways/Production Units, CORE/Allahabad, MTP/Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai, CAO (R), DMW/Patiala, COFMOW/New Delhi, Director General, RDSO/Lcuknow, RSC/Vadodra, Director, IRISE/Secundrabad, IRICEN/Pune, IRIEEN/Nasik and IRIM/EE/Jamalpur and Chairman/Railway Recruitment Boards, Managing Director/Konkan Railway Corporation Limited.  Sub: Clarification regarding acceptance of qualification of Diploma in Mechanical Engineering obtained from Kuban State University of Technology Krasnodar. Further to the instructions contained in Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/99/RR-1/76 dated 28/7/2000 (...

Policy for Welfare of Families of Martyrs

Ministry of Defence Policy for Welfare of Families of Martyrs  The Government formulates various policies / programmes for the welfare of the families of martyrs and disabled soldiers and Ex-Servicemen which are also applicable to War Widows / dependents, from time to time. These include Liberalised Family Pension, Death Gratuity, Ex-Gratia, Army Group Insurance, Disability Pension, War Injury Pension, Constant Attendance Allowance, Ex-Gratia Lumpsum Compensation, Income tax exemption, Allotment of Oil Product Agencies, Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme, Financial Assistance, Children Education Allowance, allotment of LPG Agency under Rajiv Gandhi Gramin LPG Vitrak Yojana, Allotment of LPG distributorship, Coal Tipper Attachment Scheme, Allotment of Army Surplus Vehicles, Prime Minister`s Scholarship Scheme, Reservation in Medical / Dental Colleges, War Memorial Hostels, Financial Assistance from Raksha Mantri`s Discretionary Fund (RMDF) etc. 

Casual and Contract Labourers : Estimated number of contract labourers in India

Ministry of Labour & Employment Casual and Contract Labourers  Estimated number of contract labourers engaged by licenced contractors in central sphere all over India including the industrial sector in the last three years is as under which shows an upward trend:

List of state-wise and gender-wise number of persons with disabilities...

Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment Welfare Measures for Persons with Disabilities  Section 33 of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) (PwD) Act, 1995 envisages three percent reservations for persons with disability in identified posts in Government establishments. Under the Scheme of Incentives to the Private Sector for Employment of Physically Challenged Persons, the Government provides the employer’s contribution for Employees Provident Fund (EPF) and Employees State Insurance (ESI) for 3 years, for employees with disabilities including visually impaired persons employed in the private sector on or after 01.04.2008, with a monthly salary upto Rs.25, 000. The National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation provides concessional credit to Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) for taking up income generating activities for self-employment.

Welfare Measures for Persons with Disabilities

Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment  07-August-2013 15:55 IST Welfare Measures for Persons with Disabilities Section 2 of Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) (PwD) Act, 1995 defines "Disability" as:-  (i) Blindness;  (ii) Low vision;  (iii) Leprosy-cured;  (iv) Hearing impairment;  (v) Loco motor disability;  (vi) Mental retardation;  (vii) Mental illness; 

Reservation Policy : Revision of Income limit of Creamy Layer for OBCs

Reservation Policy :  Revision of Income limit of Creamy Layer for OBCs  Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment Revision of Income Criterion for Obcs  The Government has increased the income criterion for the persons to avail reservation benefits for Other Backward Classes from Rs. 4.5 lakh to Rs. 6 lakh per annum with effect from 16.05.2013.  The increase in the income limit to exclude Creamy Layer is in keeping with the increase in the Consumer Price Index.  The increase in income limit of Creamy Layer would enable more people of Other Backward Classes to take advantage of reservation in Government Services and admission in Central Educational Institutions, thereby bringing about equity and greater inclusiveness in society. 

CSD Unit Run Canteens : Framing of Rules for URC Employees

CSD Unit Run Canteens : Framing of Rules for URC Employees  Ministry of Defence Framing of Rules for URC Employees  The Unit Run Canteen employees are getting paid as per the rules regulating the terms and conditions of the services of the civilian employees of the URCs, issued by Army Headquarters in April 2003. These rules were made as per the directions of Hon`ble Supreme Court.  It has been held by the Hon`ble Supreme Court in its order dated 28-4-2009, in the case of R.R. Pillai Vs the commanding officer HQ SAC(U), that employees of the URC are not government servant. 

Employees’ Pension Scheme : Pension to Retired Employees Covered Under PF Scheme

Employees’ Pension Scheme : Pension to Retired Employees Covered Under PF Scheme  Ministry of Labour & Employment Pension to Retired Employees Covered Under PF Scheme  The Employees’ Pension Scheme, 1995 came into effect from 16th November, 1995 replacing the erstwhile Employees Family Pension Scheme, 1971, which inter-alia provides superannuation/retirement and family pension.  In order to secure a minimum pension of Rs. 1,000/- per month under Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS), 1995 to the member pensioners, the present Government contribution to EPS, 1995 is required to be raised from the existing 1.16% to 1.79% of wages thereby increasing the Government’s present contribution from approximate Rs.990 crore per annum to Rs.1533 crore per annum in the first year. An analysis of the trend in the contribution made by the Central Government suggests that the contribution of the Central Government has been increasing at an average of 10-15% per annum over t...

Confederation News - National convention of all Central Trade Unions held on 6.8.2013

Confederation News - Confederation published a brief note of the national convention of all central trade unions held on 6th August, 2013 and also published resolution on its official blog recently... CENTRAL TRADE UNIONS HELD NATIONAL WORKERS CONVENTION AT NEW DELHI ON 06TH AUGUST 2013 A massive National convention of all Central Trade Unions, Central and State Government Employees &; Teachers Federations and Public Sector employees Unions etc was held at Mavlankar Hall New Delhi on 6th August 2013. The convention was addressed by the leaders of BMS, INTUC, AITUC, CITU, HMS, AIUTUC, TUCC, SEWA, AICCTU, UTUC, LPF . Presidium consisted of the leaders of all the above Central Trade Unions. The resolution adopted by the National convention called upon the workers to organize following.

Scrap PFRDA Bill - Confederation calls upon the CG Employees to organize mass protest demonstration on the day when the bill is taken up for discussion in Parliament...

Confederation News : Confederation calls upon the Central Government employees  to organize mass protest demonstration in front of all offices throughout the country after walking out from offices for two hours, on the day when the bill is taken up for discussion in Parliament  ... CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES & WORKERS 1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi – 110001 WITHDRAW CONTRIBUTORY PENSION SCHEME SCRAP PFRDA BILL PFRDA BILL LISTED IN THE AGENDA OF THE CURRENT SESSION OF THE PARLIAMENT