
Showing posts from June, 2014

Press Release of AICPIN for May 2014 - 2 Points increased and stood at 244

Press Release of AICPIN for May 2014 - 2 Points increased and stood at 244 Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) – May, 2014 No. 5/1/2014- CPI GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF LABOUR & EMPLOYMENT LABOUR BUREAU `CLEREMONT’, SHIMLA-171004 DATED: the 30th June, 2014 Press Release Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) – May, 2014 The All-India CPI-IW for May, 2014 increased by 2 points and pegged at 244 (two hundred and forty four). On 1-month percentage change, it increased by 0.83 per cent between April, 2014 and May, 2014 when compared with the rise of 0.88 per cent between the same two months a year ago.


AICPIN FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 2014 – EXPECTED DA FROM JULY 2014 Labour Bureau published the index of CPI-IW for May 2014 has increased by two points from the existing level and pegged at 244. Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers on Base 2001=100 CPI(IW) Base 2001=100 Monthly Index Letter – MAY 2014

Confederation writes for removal of limit of 3 spells for Child Care leave in a calender year

Confederation writes for removal of limit of 3 spells for Child Care leave in a calender year CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES & WORKERS 1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi - 110001 Website : Ref: Confd./GENL/2014 Dated - 30.06.2014 To The Secretary (Personnel) Department of Personnel & Training Ministry of Personnel Public Greivances North Block, New Delhi - 110001 Sir, Sub: - Child Care Leave for removal of limit of 3 spell in a calendar year - reg .  Ref: - DOPT OM No. 13018/6/2013-Estt (L) dated 05.06.2014 A kind reference is invited on the above cited OM. While we welcome the removal of earlier stipulation of child care leave for minimum period of 15 days at a time, it is requested now to dispense the limitation of three spells in a calendar year.

AICPIN for the month of May to be released today

AICPIN for the month of May to be released today AICPIN(I-W) for the month of May 2014, the data on price rise and inflation, is going to be released today. The twice-a-year Dearness Allowance given to Central Government employees is calculated on the basis of Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers based on 2001=100. At the end of each month, the Labour Bureau, a Central Government agency, releases the AICPIN number for the previous month, based on the month’s price fluctuations. The Bureau is expected to release the APCIN number today. If one goes by the other statistics released for the month of May (Agricultural Labourers 771 to 777; Rural Labourers 773 to 780), the AICPIN number is expected to be on the ascent.

Additional Demands proposed by IRTSA for inclusion in the Memorandum to 7th CPC by JCM Staff Side

Additional Demands proposed by IRTSA for inclusion in the Memorandum to 7th CPC by JCM Staff Side GENERAL DEMANDS OF CG EMPLOYEES & PENSIONERS FOR SEVENTH CPC FOR CONSIDERATION OF JCM STAFF SIDE & GS AIRF MACPS 1. Improved Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) - with a financial upgrading after every 8 years of service – with consequential benefits of higher Grades - to provide adequate motivation and to ensure optimum efficiency. 2. MACP on promotional hierarchy instead of Grade Pay hierarchy as per judgment of various Courts.

Guidelines for retention for Government accommodation by the allottee who are not regular Govt. Servant Viz Consultant etc

Guidelines for retention for Government accommodation by the allottee who are not regular Govt. Servant Viz Consultant etc . No.12035/4/ 2012-Pol.II Government of India Ministry of Urban Development Directorate of Estates Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 17.5.2012 Office Memorandum Subject: - Guidelines for retention for Government accommodation by the allottee who are not regular Govt. Servant Viz Consultant etc.

AIRF highlighted genuine demands of Railway Employees for Railway Budget 2014-15

AIRF highlighted genuine demands of Railway Employees for Railway Budget 2014-15 Railway Budget 2014-15 – Suggestions of AIRF All India Railwaymen’s Federation 4, State Entry Road, New Delhi – 110055 No.AIRF/60 Dated: June 28, 2014 Hon’ble Minister for Railways, Ministry of Railways, (Government of India), New Delhi Respected Sir, Sub: Rail Budget 2014-15 – AIRF’s suggestions All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF), the largest federation of the Ministry of Railways, would like to place following general and genuine demands of the Railwaymen and their dependents for inclusion in the forthcoming Rail Budget 2014-15.

Revision of remuneration rates in para-medical categories in Group ‘C’ on contract basis - Railway Board Order

Revision of remuneration rates in para-medical categories in Group ‘C’ on contract basis - Railway Board Order GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) RBE No. 66/2014 E(NG)II/2005/RC-4/SC/2 New Delhi, dated 25.6.2014 The General Manager (P) All Zonal Railways/Pus RE/Allahahad & Metro Railway, Kolkata. Sub: Revision of remuneration rates in para-medical categories in Group ‘C’ on contract basis Ref: E(NG)II/2004/RC4/SC/2 dated 01.02.2010 The issue of revision of monthly remuneration rates for filling up posts in para-medical categories in Group ‘C’ on contract basis, have been engaging the attention of the Board. It has now been decided by the Ministry of Railways that the following monthly remuneration (consolidated) will be effective from 1.7.2014.

A Reader’s Opinion about Performance Related Incentive Scheme (PRIS)

A Reader’s Opinion about Performance Related Incentive Scheme (PRIS) The Tamil newspaper Dinamalar recently published an opinion of one of its readers about Performance Related Incentive Scheme. According to the writeup, based on the recommendations by the Sixth Pay Commission, the scheme had been introduced more than five years ago in select central government departments like atomic energy, space research and defence. The scheme has already been implemented in atomic energy, space research and scientific and technical research departments under the name of “Performance Based Incentive Scheme”. As a result, there has been tremendous improvement in the productivity and output of these departments.

Grant of Honorarium to Inquiry Officers (IO)/Presenting Officers (PO) - Dopt Orders

Grant of Honorarium to Inquiry Officers (IO)/Presenting Officers (PO). No. 142/15/2010-AVD.1  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions  Department of Personnel & Training  North Block, New Delhi  Dated 23rd June, 2014  OFFICE MEMORANDUM  Subject: Grant of Honorarium to Inquiry Officers (IO)/Presenting Officers (PO).   The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's OM of even number dated 31.7.2012 laying down the rates of honorarium payable to Inquiry Officer / Presenting Officer for holding departmental proceedings. 


ILC TO CALCULATION OF MINIMUM WAGES AS ON MAY 2014 – NC JCM STAFF SIDE  PRICES OF THE INGREDINTS SPECIFIED IN THE 15TH ILC TO CALCULATE THE MINIMUM WAGES AS ON 01.05.2014 ITEMS DELHI MUMBAI KOLKTA CHENNAI BNGLR BBSR TRVDM HYDBD AVERAGE PCU/day in gms Per Month 3 CU ( in Kg) Rice/Wheat 44 49 44 48 47 58 42 44 47 475 gms 42.75 kg 2009 Dal (Toor/Urid/Moong) 99 102 140 100 97 97 95 94 103 80 gms 7.2 kg 742 Raw Vegetables 44 46 41 40 42 50 48 41 44 100 gms 9.00 kg 396 Green Vegitables 42 43 40 42 42 43 44 40 42 125 gms 11.25 kg 473 Other Vegitables 43 43 41 40 40 41 49 40 41 75 gms 6.75 kg 277 Fruits 111 114 108 112 109 108 108 109 110 120 gms 10.8 kg 1188 Milk 44 44 39 39 36 36 36 38 39 200 ml 18 ltr 702 Sugar/Jaggery 44 43 42 44 45 44 46 44 44 56 gms 5.00 kg 220 Edible Oil 148 159 142 159 142 141 141 140 138 40 gms 3.6 kg 497 Fish 315 325 315 375 305 310 335 320 325 2.5 kg 813 Meat 423 420 438 388 403 397 398 488 425 5.0 kg 2125 Eg...

Dopt introduced new initiatives to boost morale of its employees - Idea Boxes, Employee of the Month etc.,

Dopt introduced new initiatives to boost morale of its employees -  Idea Boxes, Employee of the Month etc., Best Practices and New Initiatives introduced by the Department of Personnel & Training to boost morale and effective functioning of the employees of the Department - Regarding:  No. I-28011 /46/2014-Coord  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, P. G. & Pensions  (Department of Personnel & Training)   North Block, New Delhi  Dated: 18th June 2014  OFFICE MEMORANDUM  Sub: Best Practices / New Initiatives introduced by the Department of Personnel & Training to boost morale and effective functioning of the employees of the Department - Regarding:  During the year 2013-2014, the Department of Personnel & Training has introduced the following new initiatives to boost the morale of its employees and to give a fillip to their effective functioning: - 

Andhra Pradesh Government Hikes Retirement Age to 60

Andhra Pradesh Government Hikes Retirement Age to 60 The Andhra Pradesh state legislative has unanimously passed a resolution for increasing the retirement age from 58 to 60 for government employees. In addition to this, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu has also announced a number of incentives and schemes for the state government employees. While introducing the Bill in the state legislative, the Chief Minister said that the current laws were implemented in 1984. 

Dopt orders regarding weeding out of files/records

Dopt orders regarding weeding out of files/records No.25/17/2014-CS-II(A) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension Department of Personnel & Training 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi-110003, Dated: the 24th June, 2014. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub:- Weeding out of files/records – reg. The undersigned is directed to say that on review, a large number of old dossiers of ACRs/ APARs in respect of PSs, PPSs ahd Sr. PPSs retained in this section are being considered for weeding out. The ACRs/APARs of officers may be destroyed after five years/more from the date of his/her retirement. As per the instruction contained in this Department’s OM No. 21011/1/2005- Estt(A)(Part-III) dated 02.04.2012, before any ACR dossier is weeded out on completion the normal retention period, it may be certified by the concerned section that no request for handing over the ACR dossier has been received from that retired officer.

Retirement issue is to be handled with social mindset – says Dr. Jitendra Singh

Retirement issue is to be handled with social mindset – says Dr. Jitendra Singh There are approximately 40,000 fresh retirees every year from the Central Government Civil establishments alone. This number could be close to 1,00,000 including defense, railways, posts and telecom. In addition there is a pool of around 50 lakh existing pensioners. This group of personnel can, by and large, offer greater maturity, experience and stability. With improved living conditions and the best of medical facilities, most of these retiring government employees would be capable of putting in a good 5-7 years of active service.

Foreign Tour for Central Government Employees – Demanded by NC JCM Staff Side

Foreign Tour for Central Government Employees – Demanded by NC JCM Staff Side Explore the possibility of allowing an employer to undertake tour outside India once in his life time in lieu of the LTC. Leave Travel Concession Leave Travel Concession is a facility extended to the Government employees, which enables scheme to avail holidays and undertack travel as a tourist with his family. The facility provides him with an opportunity to be away from the monotonous daily routine and be with his family without the botherisation of the official duties. It is an established fact that if employer is encouraged to take such holidays they will reform rejuvenated and the employer is benefitted through his increased productivity.

Suggestion on Dearness Allowance for 7th Pay Commission – NC JCM STAFF SIDE

Suggestion on Dearness Allowance for 7th Pay Commission – NC JCM STAFF SIDE National Council JCM Staff Side suggested on the issue of Dearness Allowance in 7th Pay Commission, the existing formula of computation of Dearness allowance and its payment with effect from 1st January, and 1st July may continue… Dearness allowance The neutralisation envisaged under the present system of computation of dearness compensation is supposed to be cent per cent, but in reality it is not the case. Actual consumer price index is much higher than the level at which DA is calculated on the basis of 12 monthly average. The average is always lower than the actual cost of living.


PROPOSED PAY SCALE OF 7TH PAY COMMISSION UNDER DISCUSSION - STAFF SIDE National Council Joint Consultative Machinary Staff Side PROPOSED PAY STRUCTURE UNDER DISCUSSION POST IV CPC V CPC VI CPC Multiple factor between low pay to high as 1:8 New pay  scale w.r. to the pay of 5th CPC New pay  scale rounded to 1000 Multiple Factor for rounded scale New Pay Scale After Merging Multiple Factor for NP scale after Merging PB Pay in PB GP Pay + GP S-1 750-12-870-14-940 2550-55-2660-60-3200 5200-20196 5200 1800 7000 S-2 775-12-891- 14-1025 2610-60-3150-65-3540 5200-20200 5200 1800 7000 S-2A 775-12-871-14-955-15-1030-20-1150 2610-60-2910-65-3300-70-4000 5200-20200 5200 1800 7000 S-3 800-15-1010-20-1150 2650-65-3300-70-4000 5200-20200 5360 1800 7160 S-4 825-15-900-20-1200 2750-70-3800-75-4400 5200-20200 5530 1800 7330 26000 / 2550 = 0.2 26010 26000 3.55 26000 3.55 SS-5 950-20-1150-25-1500 3050-75-3950-80-4590 5200-20200 5880 1900 7780 3050 x 10.2 31...

BCPC Final Memorandum to 7th Pay Commission

BCPC Final Memorandum to 7th Pay Commission BHARAT CENTRAL PENSIONERS CONFEDERATION 13-C,Ferozshah Road, New Delhi-110 001 Mobile No. 9868244035 To All Pensiioners Organisations. Dear Comrade, Attached herewith is the final draft of Memorandum on Pension and other Retirement Benefits to be submitted to the VII CPC by 30th June, 2014.

Improvement in Pension disbursing System - Issues with State Bank of India Bank regarding - Pensioners Portal Orders

Improvement in Pension disbursing System - Issues with State Bank of India Bank regarding - Pensioners Portal Orders F.No.56-6/2014-P&PW(C) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan New Delhi dated 18th June, 2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Improvement in Pension disbursing System- Issues with State Bank of India Bank regarding. The names of the officers responsible for dealing with respect to pension issues in State Bank of India for Central Government Pensioners are given as below:

Principles of Determination of Pay and Minimum & Maximum Wages Submitted to 7th CPC by IRTSA

Principles of Determination of Pay and Minimum & Maximum Wages Submitted to 7th CPC by IRTSA Presentation on Principle of Pay determination & Minimum and Maximum Pay - Compiled by Er. K.V. Ramesh, Senior JGS/IRTSA Principles of Determination of Pay & Determination of Minimum & Maximum Wages Submitted to 7th CENTRAL PAY COMMISSION Indian Railways Technical Supervisors Association (IRTSA) M. SHANMUGAM HARCHANDAN SINGH Central President General Secretary Compiled by K.V.RAMESH, Senior JGS/IRTSA Relevant Terms of reference 2.a) To examine, review, evolve and recommend changes that are desirable and feasible regarding the principles that should govern the emoluments structure including pay, allowances and other facilities / benefits, in cash or kind, having regard to rationalization and simplification therein as well as the specialized needs of various Departments, agencies and services, in resp...

Agitation Programme throughout the country from 7th to12th July 2014 - BPMS

Agitation Programme throughout the country from 7th to12th July 2014 - BPMS BHARATIYA PRATIRAKSHA MAZDOOR SANGH (AN ALL INDIA FEDERATION OF DEFENCE WORKERS) (AN INDUSTRIAL UNIT OF B.M.S) (RECOGNISED BY MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, GOVT. OF INDIA) CENTRAL OFFICE: 2-A, NAVEEN MARKET, KANPUR – 208001, PH & FAX : (0512) 2332222  MOBILE: 09415733686, 09235729390, 09335621629, WEB :  No. BPMS/09/CIR/2014  Dated: 21.06.2014  To,  The Office Bearers / CEC Members &  President / Secretary of the unions  Affiliated to BPMS  Subject: Agitation Programme from 07th to 12th July, 2014  Dear Brothers & Sisters,  Sadar Namaskar,  It has been decided in the Central Executive Committee of Government Employees National Confederation (GENC) held on 11.06.2014 at BMS Office, Paharganj, New Delhi that all the constituent Federations of GENC will observe an Agitation Programme throughout t...

Disbursement of interest on the amount of Fixed Deposit of a person with disability by Money Order

Disbursement of interest on the amount of Fixed Deposit of a person with disability by Money Order No.110-01/2012-SB Ministry of Communications & IT Department of Posts (F.S. Division) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,  New Delhi, Dated 16.11.2012 To The Chief Commissioner O/o The Chief Commissioner For Person with Disabilities Min of Social Justice and Empowerment Department of Disability Affairs Sarojini House, 6, Bhagwan Dass Road New Delhi -110001 Sub: Disbursement of interest on the amount of Fixed Deposit of a person with disability by Money Order. Kindly refer to your office letter No. 29/1102/12-13 dated 12.09.2012 on the subject. The undersigned is directed to say that there is a scheme called Monthly Income Scheme in post offices where money is deposited for a fixed period of 5 years and interest is paid on the monthly basis @8.5%.  In this Scheme, payment of monthly interest can be taken either by coming to post office or by givi...

Outcome of the meeting with Railways Ministry on 19.6.2014 - AIRF

Outcome of the meeting with Railways Ministry on 19.6.2014 - AIRF All India Railwaymen's Federation 4 STATE ENTRY ROAD. NEW DELHI-110055 INDIA POINTS RAISED BY THE GENERAL SECRETARY AIRF IN THE MEETING OF HON’BLE MR WITH THE GENERAL MANAGERS AND DRMS OF THE INDIAN RAILWAYS ON 19.06.2014 IN RAIL MUSEAUM, NEW DELHI At the outset, while thanking Hon’ble MR, MoSR, CRB, other Railway Board Members, General Managers, General Secretary AIRF, Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra, raised the issue of digitalisation of records and making all the offices paperless. He also requested Hon’ble MR for introduction of such software which can provide all the information pertaining to employees on their mobile phones, particularly balance of leaves, Basic Pay, Dearness Allowance, Travelling Allowance, House Rent Allowance etc. and deduction being made from the salaries of the employees. He also emphasised the demand for scrapping New Pension Scheme that came into effect from 01.01.2004 ...

Compiling an extensive collection of articles written and published by 90Paisa

Compiling an extensive collection of articles written and published by 90Paisa Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Government employees who have differently abled children exempt from transfer - Dopt Orders The Department of Personnel and Training has ordered exemption from transfers and rotational transfers to Central Government employees who have differently abled children. And they will not be asked to take voluntary retirement on refusing such postings. Click to read continue... Tuesday, June 17, 2014 Leave Travel Concession – Air Travel concession ends today… Concession of Air travel, which the Central Government employees have been enjoying for the past 6 years, comes to an end today. It is saddening to see that a scheme, that was so popular and enjoyed by all across ranks, has come to an end. Click to read continue...

NC(JCM) Secretary writes to FM regarding the important major issues of Central Govt Employees as Pre-Budget Consultation

NC(JCM) Secretary writes to FM regarding the important major issues of Central Govt Employees as Pre-Budget Consultation National Council(JCM) Secretary Shri.Shiva Gopal Mishra writes to Finance Minister regarding the major important issues of Central Government Employees as Pre-Budget consultation on 17th June 2014. He insists in the letter, Exemption of Income Tax be raised to 5 lakh, make adequate allocation of funds for Merger of Dearness Allowance , Withdrawal of New Pension Scheme and allocation of requiste funds be made for Interim Relief.

Clarification regarding purchase of Air Tickets from Authorized Travel Agents for the purpose of LTC - Dopt Orders June 2014

Clarification regarding purchase of Air Tickets from Authorized Travel Agents for the purpose of LTC - Dopt Orders June 2014 F.No. 31011/4/2014-Estt (A.IV)  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions  Department of Personnel and Training  North Block, New Delhi-110 001  Dated: 19th June, 2014  OFFICE MEMORANDUM  Subject: - Clarification regarding purchase of Air Tickets from Authorized Travel Agents for the purpose of LTC.  The undersigned is directed to refer to the instructions issued from time to time on the above noted subject and say that the Government employees are required to book their air tickets directly from the airlines (Booking counters, website of airlines) or by utilizing the service of Authorized Travel Agents viz. 'M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company'. 'M/s Ashok Travels & Tour' and 'IRCTC' (to the extent IRCTC is authorized as per DoPT O.M. No.31011/6/2002-Estt.(A) dat...

Budget 2014 – CII suggests raising 80C deductions to Rs. 2.5 Lakhs

Budget 2014 – CII suggests raising 80C deductions to Rs. 2.5 Lakhs In its Pre-Budget wish list regarding Income Tax 80C, the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) has suggested to the Finance Ministry that the consolidated deduction under 80C be raised from Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2.5 lakhs. Most Central Government employees have savings schemes that are linked with General Provident Fund. Under this scheme, the employee not only gets interest for the money saved, but also enjoys the option to withdraw the money whenever required. The money is also entitled to exemption under Section 80C. It has to be mentioned here that new employees (appointed on or after 2004) do not have this option. If the Income tax deduction is raised from Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2.5 lakh under Section 80C, then there are possibilities that savings will increase among the employees.

Confederation published the details of Central Government Pensioners Organisations meeting

Confederation published the details of Central Government Pensioners Organisations meeting BHARAT CENTRAL PENSIONERS CONFEDERATION Camp: Chennai Date: 14.06.2014 As scheduled the meeting of the representatives of various Central Government Pensioners Organisations took place today in Chennai. The meeting was presided over by one of the Vice Chairman of BCPC Comrade R.L.Bhattacharyya. 31 representatives from fifteen Organisations participated in this meeting. This meeting was called to discuss all the amendments and suggestions received on the draft memorandum prepared by BCPC and exhibited in the websites. Two organisations viz., All India Railway Retired Employees Federation, Secunderabad led by Comrade Y.N.Sasthry and All India Federation of Pensioners Associations, Chennai led by Comrade Balasubramanian have sent their written suggestions for amendment of the Draft Memorandum. Some of the representatives on the spot gave their suggestions either in writing or even verb...


PENDING DEMANDS AND NEW GOVERNMENT - CONFEDERATION NEWS "Chairman, 7th CPC, has also made it clear that unless the Government refer the issues of DA merger, Interim relief and GDS issues to the Commission, it will not consider these issues.  Hence the ball is now in the Government’s court" . PENDING DEMANDS AND NEW GOVERNMENT  New Central Government under the leadership of Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi has taken charge with a clear majority in the Lok Sabha election.  People of the country and the Central Government employees who suffered a lot under the UPA Government, have voted for a change.  Now it is the turn of NDA Government.  Coming days will prove whether the selection made by the voters is correct or not.

Family Planning Allowance to KV Teachers as per 6th CPC

Family Planning Allowance to KV Teachers as per 6th CPC KVS published orders regarding Payment of Family Planning Allowance to Teachers consequent upon implementation of 6th Pay recommendation.  KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN 18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg New Delhi 110 016 F.170228/01/2011/KVS(HQ)/Audit Dated:- 09-06-2014 The Deputy Commissioner / Director Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanganthan All Regional / ZIET Offices Subject:- Payment of Family Planning Allowance to Teachers consequent upon implementation of 6th Pay recommendation-regarding Madam/Sir, I am to invite a reference to the subject cited above and to state that the matter regarding regulation of Family Planning Allowances to the teachers who undergone family planning operation before the implementation of 6th C.P.C. was referred to MHRD vide this office letter of even no. dated 03/05/2013. It has since been clarified by MHRD that the PRT who has drawn F.P.A. @ Rs.1...

Travel by Air to J&K and NER under LTC is extended..?

Travel by Air to J&K and NER under LTC is extended..? A news agency 'Daily Excelsior' from Jammu & Kashmir is today published the news about the extension of air travel to J&K and NER under LTC for further two years. It is not authentic news, but still we are searching from our sources and if any will be intimated as and when available. LTC by air extended for 2 more years to Jammu and Kashmir and North East Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, June 17: The Union Ministry for Tourism today extended by another two years a proposal to grant Leave Travel Concession (LTC) to Jammu and Kashmir and North East by air.

Government employees who have differently abled children exempt from transfer - Dopt Orders

Government employees who have differently abled children will be exempted from transfer - Dopt Orders Dopt issued new guidelines on transfer policy for Central Government employees who have differently abled children on 6th June 2014.  The Department of Personnel and Training has ordered exemption from transfers and rotational transfers to Central Government employees who have differently abled children. And they will not be asked to take voluntary retirement on refusing such postings Raising disability children with special needs is a daunting and very stressful task. In order to ease the pain of these parents and ensure care and upbringing of these children, the Dopt has issued an sympathetic order on the 6th of this month. 

MACP on Promotional hierarchy- DoPT ignores appeal of Ordinance Factory Board, Kolkata.

MACP on Promotional hierarchy- DoPT ignores appeal of Ordinance Factory Board, Kolkata. The repeated requests of the Ordinance Factory Board, Kolkata for implementation of CAT Principal Bench order have been ignored by the Ministry of Defence/DoPT.  We produce below the copy of the information on the matter obtained by Shri Vithoba Gopala Dahekar of Nagpur under RTI Act.

Dopt Orders on Posting of Government employees who have differently abled dependents

Dopt Orders on Posting of Government employees who have differently abled dependents  No.42011/3/2014-Estt.(Res.)  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions  Department of Personnel and Training   North Block, New Delhi  Dated the 6th June, 2014  OFFICE MEMORANDUM  Sub: Posting of Government employees who have differently abled dependents - reg.  There has been demand that a Government employee who is a care giver of the disabled child may not have to suffer due to displacement by means of routine transfer/rotational transfers. This demand has been made on the ground that a Government employee raises a kind of support system for his/her disabled child over a  period of time in the locality where he/she resides which helps them in the rehabilitation. 

Leave Travel Concession – Air Travel concession ends today…

Leave Travel Concession – Air Travel concession, particularly to J&K and NER ends today… Concession of Air travel , which the Central Government employees have been enjoying for the past 6 years, comes to an end today. Prior to continue reading, first click the Dopt orders issued on 15.6.2012  and 30.4.2012  respectively regarding the concession of Air Travel to J&K and NER. With conversion of Hometown to All India LTC to J&K and NER regions by air comes to an end today. It is saddening to see that a scheme, that was so popular and enjoyed by all across ranks, has come to an end. 

Central Government is planning to raise the Income Tax exemption slab to Rs. 5 Lakhs

Central Government is planning to raise the Income Tax exemption slab to Rs. 5 Lakhs According to information from the Finance Ministry, the Government is giving serious thoughts about raising the income tax exemption slab from the current Rs. 2 lakhs to Rs. 5 lakhs. The information adds that Modi is planning to make the raising of income tax exemption slab from Rs. 2 lakhs to Rs. 5 lakhs as one of the achievements of his Government’s tenure. The Finance Ministry has, it seems, sought a report regarding this from the Income Tax department. A number of other financial incentives are also likely to be announced by the Modi Government.

BPMS leaders met Finance & Defence Minister Arun Jaitley

BPMS leaders met Finance & Defence Minister Arun Jaitley BPMS leaders met Finance & Defence Minister Arun Jaitley – Outcome of meeting held with Finance & Defence Minister Arun Jaitley on 16.6.2014… BHARATIYA PRATIRAKSHA MAZDOOR SANGH (AN ALL INDIA FEDERATION OF DEFENCE WORKERS) (AN INDUSTRIAL UNIT OF B.M.S.) (RECOGNISED BY MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, GOVT. OF INDIA) New Delhi Dated: 16.06.2014 To,  The Office Bearers, CEC Members, JCM (II, III) members, Union’s President/Secretaries of B.P.M.S. SUBJECT: – Brief of meeting held with Hon’ble Fin. & Def. Minister Dear Brothers & Sisters, Sadar Namaskar, It is for your kind information that our delegates S/Sri V L Nawade , Sadhu Singh, Mukesh Singh & Virendar Sharma today had a meeting with Hon’ble Finance & Defence Minister, Shri Arun Jaitley at 1300 hrs. It was scheduled as a courtesy meeting but we invited his attention to the news articles on 100% FDI in defence sector...

Memorandum on FDI in Defence Sector submitted to Finance Minister - BPMS

Memorandum on FDI in Defence Sector submitted to Finance Minister - BPMS   GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES NATIONAL CONFEDERATION (A CONFEDERATION OF DEFENCE, RAILWAYS, POSTAL, AUTONOMOUS BODY, CENTRAL & STATE GOVT EMPLOYEES’ FEDERATIONS)  (A UNIT OF BHARATIYA MAZDOOR SANGH) Ref: GENC / FDI / 01 Dated: 16.06.2014 To, Shri Arun Jaitley ji, Union Minister for Finance & Defence, Government of India, South Block, DHQ PO, New Delhi – 110011 Memorandum on FDI in Defence Sector Respected Sir, Government Employees National Confederation (GENC), an affiliate of Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, represents the 02 crores Government employees working in Central Government, State Government and Local Bodies. It has been working since last 45 yrs for the rights and welfare of employees besides taking into consideration the progress and interest of the Nation as well.

General Budget 2014-15: NFIR Presents list of proposals to be considered

General Budget 2014-15: NFIR Presents list of proposals to be considered NFIR has made a list of all the proposals that Central Government employees expect in the 2014-15 General Budget.  On the 11th of this month, Mr. Raghavaiah, the General Secretary of NFIR , sent a letter to the Finance Ministry, containing certain proposals that are worth considering.  The letter contains nine points that deserve serious consideration from the Ministry. These points were formulated based on the needs and demands of about 34 lakh Central Government employees, including 14 lakh Railway workers.

Demand for 50% DA Merger presented to the new government

Demand for 50% DA Merger presented to the new government It looks as if this time all the Central Government Employees Federations are seriously committed to getting 50% Dearness Allowance added to their basic pay! All the CG employees federations have strongly made this demand to the newly formed Government at the Centre. They have all explained the reasons and submitted the justification, why they have made this demand and have requested that it be implemented. The demand was first put forth in the middle of last year. It was hoped that the demand would be implemented before the general elections. Everybody expected an announcement in this regard at the end of the last cabinet meeting that was held on February 28, 2014. The disappointment they felt wouldn’t be easy to forget.

Pension Payment Orders on the Day of Retirement: Central Government Decides

Pension Payment Orders on the Day of Retirement: Central Government Decides The Central Government has decided to issue orders that will enable retiring employees to receive their Pension Payment Orders on the very day they retire. On Thursday, while speaking at the interactive Conference with the State Secretaries (Pension), Dr. Jitendra Singh, the Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, said, “ The Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare is taking steps to ensure that the government employees continue to live a life of dignity.”

Six Days Week : No such proposal is under consideration with the Government at present - Cabinet Secretary

Six Days Week : No such proposal is under consideration with the Government at present - Cabinet Secretary Press Release about Government's plan to make six days a week working in the administrative offices of Central Government. Shiva Gopal Mishra Secretary Ph.: 23382286 National Council (Staff Side) Joint Consultative Machinery Central Government Employees 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi - 110001 E Mail : PRESS RELEASE  NEW DELHI: 14 JUNE, 2014  Present whispering about reverting back to six days a week in place of the prevalent five days week working in the Administrative Office of the Central Government. 

Feedback of the meeting held between the Cabinet Secretary(Government of India) and Secretary(Staff Side), NC/JCM

Feedback of the meeting held between the Cabinet Secretary(Government of India) and Secretary(Staff Side), NC/JCM Shiva Gopal Mishra Secretary Ph.: 23382286 National Council (Staff Side) Joint Consultative Machinery Central Government Employees 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001 E Mail : No.NC/JCM/2014 Dated: June 13, 2014 All Constituent Organizations, National Council(Joint Consultative Machinery) Dear Coms., Sub: Feedback of the meeting held between the Cabinet Secretary(Government of India) and Secretary(Staff Side), NC/JCM A meeting was held today between the Cabinet Secretary(Government of India) and Secretary(Staff Side), National Council(JCM), wherein the undersigned raised the issue of non-holding of meeting of the NC/JCM since more than last four years.

Government’s Travel Allowances for the MPs

Government’s Travel Allowances for the MPs Recently, there were controversies regarding the travel allowances of Members of the Parliament. Let’s take a look at the actual travel allowance granted by the Central Government to the MPs: Members of the Parliament are given concessions to travel to attend the Parliament sessions and to participate in the meetings. These to-and-from travel concessions are given from the usual place of residence of these members to the Parliament or to the place where the meeting is going to be held. Via Train/Airplane: In case of train journey, charges for one First Class ticket and one Second Class ticket are given. The concession is given for whatever class the MP travels in.

Merger of DA with Pay and sanction of Interim Relief for the Central Government Employees.

Merger of DA with Pay and sanction of Interim Relief for the Central Government Employees. Shiva Gopal Mishra Secretary National Council (Staff Side) Joint Consultative Machinery for Central Government Employees 13-C, Ferozashah Road. New Delhi – 110001 No.NC/JCM/2014 Dated: June 12, 2014 The Cabinet Secretary And Chairman National CounciI(JCM), Government of India, North Block, New Delhi Resp. Sir, Sub: Merger of DA with Pay and sanction of Interim Relief for the Central Government Employees. I take this opportunity to bring to your kind notice that, while Government of India have appointed 7th Central Pay Commission for the Central Government Employees to make recommendations in regard to revision of wages and other allowances, merger of Dearness Allowance with Pay and payment of Interim Relief have neither been considered by the government itself nor included in the Terms of Reference(ToR) of the VII CPC.