Pension Payment Orders on the Day of Retirement: Central Government Decides

Pension Payment Orders on the Day of Retirement: Central Government Decides

The Central Government has decided to issue orders that will enable retiring employees to receive their Pension Payment Orders on the very day they retire. On Thursday, while speaking at the interactive Conference with the State Secretaries (Pension), Dr. Jitendra Singh, the Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, said, “ The Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare is taking steps to ensure that the government employees continue to live a life of dignity.”

The press release from the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, said that the Department of Pension & Pensioner’s Welfare is taking a number of steps regarding speeding up and simplifying the process of verifying the records regarding pension disbursal. A new scheme, named Bhavishya, has been launched to issue sanctions for Pension Payment Orders online, to monitor the disbursal of pension funds, and other such activities.

There are currently more than 50 lakh employees working in various central Government departments, and 30 lakh pensioners who are receiving pensions. 


Anonymous said…
whatever government decides nothing will work because the attitude of govetnment administrative and accounts department does not change. I volantry retired on january 23, 2014. Till now I am waiting for my pension, commuted amount, EL encashment and salary of january 2014. gpf and gratuity were credited after several months after lot of followup. Nothing is pending from my side. I Vacated the government accomodation well in time. I don't know who is responsible for loss due to blocking of my money which is more than Rs. 2700000.
abha mishra said…
Vinod Kumar Mishra (My Father's retirement date was 31-07-2011, due to inordinate delay at the part of Controller of Defence (Pension, Draupadi-Ghaat, Allahabad - My Pension Payment Order could be issued in Dec.2013, and the all pension amount to the tune of more than Rs.8.00 lakh could be credited on 24-01-2014,(means- it may be called as 7-months belated encashment), for which, interest is still awaiting to be paid, while in this regard RBI-Instructions clearly authorise for payment of interest as per bank-rate, and this RBI-Instruction is based upon one special agreement taken place between aforesaid two-authorities, but execution of RIB-Instruction by SBI-Authority, is not so satisfactory....(REQUEST- THIS FEED-BACK DESERVES TO BE SENT TO THE APPROPRIATE AUTHORITIES...SUITABLY)...
Anonymous said…
state bank of india cbd belapur navi mumbai received ppo orders but has no credit single paise to the pensioner account of some pensioners who have been waiting for the last 5 to 6 months. thanks to the government of india cpao office who dispatches the pensiones copy after a month after sending to the bank. bank is overloaded or waiting for pensioners to pursue and does not inform the pensioner for months and blame the pensioner for delay. it is true and can be verified by any one by filing rti seeking number of pending credit of pension since last one month.
abha mishra said…
No appropriate action seems to have taken on my earler-feedback... Why...Otherwise, the interest on the total Amount -(to the tune of near-about Rs.9.00 lakh) was to be released by the Pension Disbursing Authority/ SBI-Govindpura Branch-Bhopal. Therefore, it is humble request to the concerned authority-they should watch the matter seriously, and also on priority....

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