Revised Pay Scale from 1.7.2017 for Karnataka Govt Employees
Revised Pay Scale from 1.7.2017 for Karnataka Govt Employees
Check Your Revised Pension / Family Pension as on 1.7.2017
Check Your Revised Pension / Family Pension as on 1.7.2017
REVISED SCALES OF PAY: The existing scales of pay are revised as specified below:-
DATE OF EFFECT: The revised scales of pay shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 1st July 2017. The monetary benefit of the revised scales of pay shall be admissible from 1st April 2018.
The increase in pay and allowances and pension on account of the revision of scales of pay shall be payable in cash with effect from 1st April 2018.
The revised scales of pay are linked to the cost of living situation represented by the index average of 276.9 points as on 1st July 2017 in the All India Average Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers (General) (Base: 2001=100).
The revised pay scales are specific segments of Master scale of pay of Rs.17000-400-18600-450-20400-500-22400-550-24600-600-27000-650-29600-750-32600-850-36000-950-39800-1100-46400-1250-53900-1450-62600-1650-72500-1900-83900-2200-97100-2500-112100-2800-128900-3100-150600.
The scale of pay applicable to any post, as from 1st July 2017, shall be the revised scale of pay specified in column (3) of paragraph 2.1 above as shownagainst the existing scale of pay applicable thereto as specified in column (2).
The Special Allowance of Rs.450/-, 400/- and Rs.500/- sanctioned to Primary School Teachers, High School Teachers and Pre-University College Lecturers respectively shall be merged with the basic pay of teachers drawing pay in the respective pay scales applicable and shall be as specified in the following paragraph 4.3.
The respective Government Orders governing the grant of the Special Allowance of Rs.450/-, 400/- and Rs.500/- in respect of Primary School Teachers, High School Teachers and Pre-University College Lecturers as the case may be are hereby rescinded with effect from 1st April 2018.