
Showing posts from October, 2014

Expected DA from Jan 2015 - AICPIN for the month of September 2014

Expected DA from Jan 2015 - AICPIN for the month of September 2014 No.5/1/2014- CPI GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF LABOUR & EMPLOYMENT LABOUR BUREAU ‘CLEREMONT’,  SHIMLA-171004: Dated the 31st October, 2014 Press Release Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) – September, 2014 The All-India CPI-IW for September, 2014 remained stationary at 253 (two hundred and fifty three). On 1-month percentage change, it remained stalic between August, 2014 and September, 2014 when compared with the rise of 0.42 per cent between the same two months a year ago.

Ban on creation of Plan and Non-Plan posts - Finance Ministry

Ban on creation of Plan and Non-Plan posts - Finance Ministry Posts that have remained vacant for more than a year are not to be revived except under very rare and unavoidable circumstances and after seeking clearance of Department of Expenditure. Domestic and International Travel While officers are entitled to vanous classes of air travel depending on seniority, utmost economy would need to be observed while exercising the choice keeping the limitations of budget in mind. However, there would be no bookings in First Class." Purchase of vehicles: Purchase of new vehicles to meet the operational requirement of Defence Forces, Central Paramilitary Forces & security related organizations are permitted. Ban on purchase of other vehicles (including staff cars) will continue except against condemnation.


NC JCM STAFF SIDE UNITY SHOULD BE FOR STRUGGLE -  Central Government Employees are eagerly waiting for the outcome of the National Convention which will be held on 11.12.2014. NDA Government which came to power after General Election has rejected all the main demands of the Central Government Employees which includes merger of DA , Interim Relief. .. NFPE  firmly believes that if the present unity among the JCM staffside organizations is not channelized for building up united struggle including indefinite strike of entire Central Government Employees the  National Convention will become a futile exercise and an eye-wash to cool down  the growing discontentment among the employees...

Extension of validity of empanelment of All Health Care Organizations empanelled under CGHS cities outside Delhi/NCR

Extension of validity of empanelment of All Health Care Organizations empanelled under CGHS cities outside Delhi/NCR F.No: S.11045/36/2012/CGHS (HEC) (Pt.) Government of India Directorate General Of Central Govt. Health Scheme Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan New Delhi 110108, dated the 30th October, 2014 OFFICE ORDER Subject: Regarding extension of validity of empanelment of All Health Care Organizations empanelled under CGHS cities outside Delhi/NCR. Attention is drawn to the Office Memorandum issued earlier extending validity of empanelment of all health care organizations under CGHS outside Delhi/NCR till 31st October, 2014.

Dopt issued policy guidelines for Extension of tenure of Board level Incumbents where vigilance clearance is not available

Dopt issued policy guidelines for Extension of tenure of Board level Incumbents where vigilance clearance is not available No.17(9)EO/2014-ACC Government of India Secretariat of the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet Department of Personnel & Training Office of the Establishment Officer North, Block, New Delhi Dated : 30.10.2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Policy guidelines for Extension of tenure of Board level Incumbents where vigilance clearance is not available. As per extant policy, in case the initial term of 05 years of a Board-level appointee come to an end prior to his/her date of superannuation, extension of his/her tenure upto the date of superannuation is considered with the approval of the ACC subject to his/her being free from vigilance angle and meeting the prescribed performance parameters. In terms of existing instructions, services of any Board-level appointee cannot be terminated on completion of his Initial term, if he/she is du...

Early Closure of Offices on 30th October, 2014 in connection with the “Run for Unity” flag off at Vijay Chowk by Our PM - Dopt Orders

Early Closure of Offices on 30th October, 2014 in connection with the “Run for Unity” flag off at Vijay Chowk by Our PM - Dopt Orders Early Closure of Offices on 30th October, 2014 in connection with the “Run for Unity” flag off at Vijay Chowk by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India No.12/17/2014-JCA 2  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions  (Department of Personnel and Training) North Block, New Delhi Dated the 29th October, 2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Early Closure of Offices on 30th October, 2014 in connection with the “Run for Unity” flag off at Vijay Chowk by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India. In connection with the arrangements for the “Run for Unity” flag off at Vijay Chowk by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on 31st October, 2014, it has been decided that the Government offices located in the buildings indicated in the Annexure I to this O.M would be closed early at 14:00 hrs. on 30th October, ...


CG EMPLOYEES FEDERATIONS OBSERVE 'NATIONAL PROTEST DAY' - DEMANDS INCLUDING DA MERGER, INTERIM RELIEF, MACP & BONUS... Observation of 'National Protest Day' on 5.12.2014 Central Government Employees Federations to observe Protest Day on 5th December Press Note CGEC, NOCGE, INTUC To observe “NATIONAL PROTEST DAY” ON 5th December, 2014 All Over India along with all Central Trade Unions in India New Delhi, Nagpur, Mumbai, Ranchi, Bangalore, Cochin; 24/10/2014 Central Government Employees Confederation (CGEC); National Organisation of Central Government Employees (NOCGE) and INTUC have unanimously resolved to observe “NATIONAL PROTEST DAY” on 5th December, 2014 all over India along with all Central Trade Unions in India (Viz: INTUC, BMS, CITU, HMS, AITUC, TUCC, AIUTUC, AICCTU, UTUC, SEWA, LPF and all Federations of Banks, Railways (NFIR & AIRF), Defence (INDWF & AIDEF), Insurance, Central/State Govt. and other Service Establishme...

Reimbursement of Medical claim pertaining to in-patient treatment to the Defence Civilians who are getting Fixed Medical Allowance - BPMS

Reimbursement of Medical claim pertaining to in-patient treatment to the Defence Civilians who are getting Fixed Medical Allowance. BHARATIYA PRATIRAKSHA MAZDOOR SANGH (ALL INDIA FEDERATION OF DEFENCE WORKERS) AN INDUSTRIAL UNIT OF B.M.S (RECONGNISED BY MINISTRY OF DEFENCE GOVT.OF. INDIA) CENTRAL OFFICE: 2-A,  NAVEEN MARKET, KANPUR – 208001,  PH & FAX : (0512) 2332222 MOBILE: 0915733686, 09235729390, 09335621629,  WEB : Ref: BPMS / CSMA / 156 (8/1/L)                                                                                      Dated:25.10.2014 To, The Under Secretary, D(Civ-II), Govt of India, Min of Defence, ‘B’ Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi – 110011 Subject: Reimbursement of Medical claim ...

Allotment of ground floor residential accommodation to disability persons under discretionary quota on medical grounds - Directorate of Estates Orders

Allotment of ground floor residential accommodation to the applicants with disabilities under discretionary quota on medical grounds No. 12035/2/97.Pol II(Vol III) Government of India Ministry of Urban Development Directorate of Estates Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi — 110 108. Dated the 7 October, 2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Guidelines for discretionary out of turn allotments of general pool residential accommodation in Delhi — allotment of ground floor residential accommodation to the applicants with disabilities under discretionary quota on medical grounds. The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Personnel and Training O M.No.36O35/3/2013.Es(Res) dated 31.3.2014 and to say that it has been decided by the competent authority that preferably ground floor accommodation will be allotted to the applicants with disabilities under the discretionary allotments on out of turn basis on medical grounds as per the extant guidelines of the Directorate of E...

Dopt orders on enhancement of grant-in-aid to Resident Welfare Association

Dopt orders on enhancement of grant-in-aid to Resident Welfare Association No. 5/11/2010-Welfare Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi-110003, Dated the 8th May 2013 To  The sectetary Resident Welfare Association (As per list attached ) Subject:- Enhancement of grant-in-aid to Resident Welfare Association-reg. Sir, I am directed to s4 that Department of Personnel and Training has been sanctioning grant-in-aid to recognized Residents Welfare Associations subject to a maximum of Rs. 4,500/- per annum to enable them to meet part of their expenses to be incurred by the Association on the welfare activities/programmes to be organized within the financial year. The existing limits were fixed in 2001. Now, It has been decided to revise the quantum of grant-in-aid to Resident Welfare Associations to Rs. 101000/-. 2. The pattern of grant-in-aid to ...

UIDAI Based Biometric Attendance system in government offices - Aadhaar is now the world’s largest biometric database

UIDAI Based Biometric Attendance system in government offices - Aadhaar is now the world’s largest biometric database Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Rural Development  28-October-2014 16:49 IST The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has issued 70 crore Aadhaar numbers as on 28th October 2014.  As on date, nine states including Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, have crossed 90 percent Aadhaar coverage, while sixteen states have Aadhaar coverage of over 70 percent. UIDAI is also conducting Aadhaar enrolments in the newly assigned states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Uttarakhand and Chhattisgarh, at a fast pace. These four states with a combined population of about 34 crore, were added earlier this year to UIDAI’s mandate by the government. Till date, Aadhaar numbers have been issued to 8.93 crore residents in these states, which is 26% of the target population. 

7th Central Pay Commission’s visit to Shimla, Himachal Pradesh from 12th to 13th November, 2014

7th Central Pay Commission’s visit to Shimla, Himachal Pradesh  from 12th to 13th November, 2014 Commission’s visit to Shimla, Himachal Pradesh The Commission, headed by its Chairman, Justice Shri A. K. Mathur, proposes to visit Shimla, Himachal Pradesh from 12th to 13th November, 2014. The Commission would like to invite various entities/associations/federations representing any/all categories of employees covered by the terms of reference of the Commission to present their views.

National Convention of the NC (JCM Staff Side) for DA Merger and Interim Relief

National Convention of the National Council (JCM Staff Side) to be held on 11.12.2014. Shiva Gopal Mishra Secretary Ph: 23382286 National Council (Staff Side) Joint Consultative Machinery for Central government Employees 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001 E Mail : gmail .com Ref. No.NC-JCM/2014/SC Dated: October 25, 2014 All Constituent Organisations, National Council(JCM) Dear Comrades, Sub: Holding of National Convention of the National Council (JCM)(Staff Side) As you are aware, the Staff Side, JCM National Council had, as desired by the 7th CPC, submitted a separate memorandum on Interim Relief and Merger of DA, copy of which had also been sent to the Finance Ministry . During the Informal Discussions the Staff Side had with the Pay Commission, they had assured us to take up the issue with the Government seeking amendment to the Terms of Reference to enable them to act upon our memorandum.

Employment News Weekly Report – From 25 to 31 October 2014

Employment News Weekly Report – From 25 to 31 October 2014 Every week Employment News Weekly is publishing the new job lists for young unemployed youth. This week explore new vacancies from Central Coalfields Limited, Ranchi and Steel Authority of India Limited etc., Weekly Job Highlights : 1. Utkal University, Bhubaneswar Name of Posts – Professor, Assistant Professor, Reader and Lecturer in Anthropology, Bio-Technology, Botany, Business Administration, Physics etc. No. of vacancies- 49 Last Date – 05.11.2014

Medicines under CGHS can be issued for up to 3 months at a time in chronic diseases – Amendment CGHS Order on 21.10.2014

Medicines under CGHS can be issued for up to 3 months at a time in chronic diseases on the basis of a valid prescription and for up to 6 months for those beneficiaries who are going abroad. Issue of medicines / reimbursement of expenditure on investigations / treatment procedures / implants and other medical devices under CGHS- regarding F.No 2-2/2014/CGHS PPT/CGHS(P) Government of India Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Department of Health & Family Welfare Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road New Delhi 110 108 Dated: the 21st October , 2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub- Issue of medicines / reimbursement of expenditure on investigations / treatment procedures / implants and other medical devices under CGHS- regarding With reference to the above mentioned subject the undersigned is directed to draw attention to paragraph (c) and (d) of the Office Memorandum of even No dated the 25th August 2014 and to state that in response to the representations rec...

Suggestions for review of Staff Benevolent Fund – Regarding

Suggestions for review of Staff Benevolent Fund – Regarding No.2/1/2014-Welfare Government of India Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions (Depart of Personnel & Training Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market New Delhi, dated October 20, 2014 To Joint Secretary (Admn.), All Ministries/Departments, Government of India, New Delhi. 21 OCT 2014 Subject:-  Suggestions for review of Staff Benevolent Fund – Regarding Sir/Madam, The undersigned is directed to say that the Central Government being the largest single employer in the country, bears the major responsibility of looking after the welfare of a large number of employees spread all over the country. This Ministry recognizing that welfare of employees is one of prime tasks of personnel management, provides and aids a large network of staff welfare programmes underlining the fact that improvement in the working and living conditions of the employees and their families, leads to ...

PM's surprise visit to Siachen: PM said the promise of *One Rank, One Pension* had been fulfilled

PM’s surprise visit to Siachen; celebrates Diwali with officers and jawans of the Indian Armed Forces PM to jawans: I come to celebrate my first Diwali as PM with you. Happy to be among my own. PM to jawans: You make it possible for 125 crore Indians to celebrate Diwali happily. “Your dreams and responsibilities are the responsibility of us all. The entire nation stands shoulder to shoulder with you.” The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today made a surprise visit to Siachen. Addressing officers and jawans of the Indian Armed Forces at Siachen Base Camp at a height of over 12,000 feet, he praised their valour and courage, saying that 125 crore Indians could celebrate Diwali today, and go about their lives in comfort, because the jawans stood guard at the borders, prepared to make every sacrifice for the nation. The nation is proud of all three wings of the armed forces, the Prime Minister added.

KVS Orders - Payment of Dearness Relief @ 107% w.e.f. 01/7/2014

KVS Orders - Payment of Dearness Relief @ 107% w.e.f. 01/7/2014 KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SAN GATHAN (HQ) 18, Institutional Area, SJ. Marg, New Delhi-110016. F. No.110230/1.Corr.-SBI/2014/KVS/P&I/1077 Dated: 20-10-2014 The Manager(Instt.) State Bank of India, Main Branch(4th Floor), Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001. Sub.: Payment of Dearness Relief @ 107% w.e.f. 01/7/2014 . Sir, The Department of Pension & Pensioner Welfare, Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances & Pension vide O.M. No.42/10/2014-P&PW(G) dated 29th September,2014 has already enhanced the existing rate of Dearness Relief @ 100% to 107% w.e.f. 01/7/2014, the same has already been implemented by the KVS. You are therefore, requested to ensure payment of Dearness Relief @ 107% to all the Pensioners of KVS w.e.f. 01/07/2014. Yours faithfully, sd/- (B.C.D. KUMAR) Assistant Commissioner(Fin.) Source: [

Transport Allowance and Travelling Allowance Rules at a glance

Transport Allowance and Travelling Allowance Rules at a glance At first glance, both transport allowance and traveling allowance might look the same. But, the two are very different for Central Government employees. Recent spate of orders issued by the DOPT and Finance Ministry on TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE was the inspiration behind this write-up. In its order last week, the DOPT said that senior officers who have to travel by air for official purposes may not have to submit the boarding passes while settlement of TA claims. They will have to henceforth submit the passes only when required. The very next day, the Finance Ministry issued an order that made it mandatory for senior officials to submit boarding passes alongwith TA bills for air journey performed on Government account.

National Convention will adopt a joint resolution on DA Merger, Interim Relief

National Convention will adopt a joint resolution on DA Merger, Interim Relief JCM STAFF SIDE NATIONAL CONVENTION ON 11TH DECEMBER 2014 AT NEW DELHI. WILL DECLARE JOINT PROGRAME OF ACTION ON CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES COMMON DEMANDS JCM Staff Side leadership has decided to organize a National Convention of all Central Government Employees (Railway, Defence & Confederation) on 11th December 2014 at New Delhi from 12 PM to 4 PM. Convention will adopt a joint resolution on the common demands of the Central Government Employees viz; Merger of DA, Interim Relief, Inlcusion of GDS under 7th CPC, Scrap New Pension Scheme etc and will declare joint programs of action.

Commencement of online booking of Touring Officer’s Hostel/Guest House in Nizam Place, Kolkata

Commencement of online booking of Touring Officer’s Hostel/Guest House in Nizam Place, Kolkata. No. D-11020/1/2013-Regions Government of India Ministry of Urban Development Directorate of Estates Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Dated 14.10.2014 Office Memorandum Subject: Commencement of online booking of Touring Officer’s Hostel/Guest House in Nizam Place, Kolkata. Renovation work in B Block of Guest House, Nizam Place, Kolkata has been completed by CPWD. It has been decided to commence online booking of room available in B Block may be made with immediate effect. Details of Booking Authority are as follow :

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Central Government Employees on Transfer from one station to another station – MoD orders

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Central Government Employees on Transfer from one station to another station – MoD orders Tele : 23012408 No. A/81397/DGQA/ADM/RMD (CW) 9 Oct 2014 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE  DGQA/ADM/RMD (CW) GRANT OF HRA TO CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES ON TRANSFER FROM ONE STATION TO ANOTHER – INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING 1. As per the instructions contained in Min of finance (Departments of Expenditure) OM No. 11014/2/Ell(B)/82 dt 19 Mar 1983 read in conjunction with Min of Finance OM No. F2(37)-Ell(B)/64 dt 27 Nov 1965, ” A Government servant, who, on transfer, has been permitted to retain Government accommodation at the old station on payment of normal rent or penal rent or retains Government accommodation unauthorisedly on payment of market rent etc, will not be entitled to HRA at the new station for the period beyond 8 months from the date of his transfer”.

Uploading of RTI replies on the respective website of Ministry/Department

Uploading of RTI replies on the respective website of Ministry/Department - Dopt Orders No.1/1/2013-IR Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi-1 Dated : 21-10-2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Uploading of RTI replies on the respective website of Ministry/Department . Attention is invited to DOPT’s guidelines on suo motu disclosure issued vide 0M. No.1/6/2011-IR dated 15-4-2013 whereby Public Authorities have an obligation to proactively disclose RTI applications and appeals received by them and their responses on their websites. 2. In order to facilitate uploading of RTI applications/appeals received and their responses on the website, a new feature has been added to the CPIO/FAA’s module on the ‘RTI online” portal on pilot basis for DOPT. This feature provides an option to the CPIO and FAA to upload the reply to RTI application and first appeal respectivel...

One hour in-house weekly training for all Group of Central Government employees

One hour in-house weekly training for all Group of CG employees An another important orders has been published by the Dopt regarding the 'In-house Weekly Training' for all Group of CG employees. Department of Personnel & Training has started in-house weekly training for its employees which was inaugurated by the Additional Principal Secretary to PM on 9th October 2014. All officials from LDC up to Under Secretaries will be nominated in batches of 45-50 and the training will be conducted every Wednesday from 10.00 am to 11.00 am.

7th Pay Commission proposes to visit Mumbai from 6th to 8th November 2014

7th Pay Commission proposes to visit Mumbai from 6th to 8th November 2014 The commission has, in its first phase of interaction, been seeking the views of various stakeholders on its terms of reference. To this end, meetings have been held in Delhi with various organisations and heads of various agencies. In its second phase of interaction, the Commission has started holding meetings in different parts of the country to facilitate stakeholders staying in various areas to present their views personally before the Commission and ensure larger representation. This exercise is being undertaken to enable the Commission to get a first-hand impression about the functioning and the condition of service prevailing in different parts of the country.

Revision of Grade Pay of Lab Technicians – GP 4200 effect from 1.1.2006

Revision of Grade Pay of Lab Technicians – GP 4200 effect from 1.1.2006 Up-gradation of Grade Pay from 2800 to 4200 to Laboratory Technician working in O. F Hospitals. Text of Order received by email from Shri Vikas Garg is reproduced below: BY COMNET No. 042/BPMS/CAT/PER/M Government of India Ministry ofDefence Ordnance Factory Board 10 A: S. K Bose Road KOLKATA – 700 001. Date: 17-10-2014 To The Sr. General Manager/ General Manager Ordnance & Ordnance Equipment Factories Sub: Up-gradation of Grade Pay Laboratory Technician working in O. F Hospitals. Ref: (i) MOD ID No. 50(7)/2012-D (Estt./NG) dt.15-10-2014. The Competent Authority in the Government of India has agreed to revise the Pay Scale of the post of Lab Technicians working in the Hospitals of DGOF Organisation as under:

Grant of Dearness Relief to CPF beneficiaries in receipt of ex-gratia payment w.e.f. 01.07.2014

Grant of Dearness Relief to CPF beneficiaries in receipt of ex-gratia payment w.e.f. 01.07.2014. F.No.42/10/2014-P&PW(G) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi – 110003 Date: 20th Oct, 2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Grant of Dearness Relief to CPF beneficiaries in receipt of ex-gratia payment w.e.f. 01.07.2014. In continuation of this Department’s OM No.42/10/2014-P&PW(G) dated 7th May, 2014, the President is pleased to grant the Dearness Relief at the rate of 5th CPC w.e.f. 1.7.2014 to the following : (i) The surviving CPF beneficiaries who have retired from service between the period 18.11.1960 to 31.12.1985 and are in receipt of ex-gratia @ Rs.600/ p.m. w.e.f. 1.11.1997 under this Department’s OM No. 45/S2/97-P&PW(E) dated 16.12.1997 & revised to Rs.3000, Rs.1000, Rs.750 & Rs.650 for Group ...

Need a direction from Central for Interim Relief - 7th Pay Commission

7th Pay Commission wanted a direction from the Government to consider grant of Interim Relief to CG Employees The President of Karnataka Pensioners Association Shri Ramanatha Rao sent a letter to our email. The content of the letter is reproduced and given below for your information… “The Pensioners Assns in Karnataka had met the 7th Pay Commission team at Bangalore on Aug 24. The Chairman clearly appeared to be in favour of the grant of Interim Relief. But, he wanted a direction from the Govt. to consider such an issue. Thereupon, I have already written to the Prime Minister on Aug 26. Copy is Attached”. Rgds to all SS Ramanatha Rao, Bangalore/13.10.2014. Click to continue reading...

Bank Employees Strike on 12th November 2014

Bank Employees Strike on 12th November 2014 UFBU have announced a all India token strike on November 12 to reiterate their demands for a wage revision. The decision was made at the meeting that was held in Bengaluru yesterday. It has been more than two years since the wage revision agreement had expired. Following this, a number of meetings were held between the associations and the bank management over the new salary and increment contracts. The IBA didnít accept the demand for a 25% salary hike. Instead, the management offered 11% hike. The negotiations failed.

Formation of new Commissionerates following the implementation of Cadre Restructuring in CBEC

Formation of new Commissionerates following the implementation of Cadre Restructuring in CBEC The Central Board of Excise and Customs has implemented the cadre restructuring of the Indirect Taxes formations, with effect from 15th October 2014. The restructuring of formations is aimed creating larger number of compact commissionerates, by reorganizing the existing commissionerates. This shall provide better tax payer services and deepen the tax base.

7th Pay Commission visited Siachen base camp and Daulat Beg Oldie

7th Pay Commission visited Siachen base camp and Daulat Beg Oldie and spent considerable time for  interacting with soldiers and asking them about the conditions in one of the toughest areas of the worldÖ Pay Commission team visits Siachen to get first-hand experience - India Today article The 7th Pay Commission visited forward areas in Jammu and Kashmir, including the worldís highest battlefield on the Siachen glacier, to get the first-hand feel of the freezing temperatures and hardship faced by soldiers. The 16-member team headed by the panelís chairman, retired judge A.K. Mathur, spent time at the base camp in Siachen and went to other forward areas. The three services have submitted a joint memorandum to the Pay Commission regarding their ìwish listî. The panel will visit other defence installations as it continues its deliberations till January 1, 2016.

Dedication of Portability through Universal Account Number (UAN) for Employees Provident Fund

Dedication of Portability through Universal Account Number (UAN) for Employees Provident Fund ìThe minimum pension for employees has been introduced first time so that employeesí pension is not less than Rs. 1000 per month. The wage ceiling has been raised from Rs. 6500 to Rs. 15000 per month to ensure that vulnerable groups are covered under EPF Schemeî. Under the scheme complete information for approximately 4 crore subscribers of EPF has been centrally compiled and digitized and a UAN has been allotted to all. The UAN is being seeded with Bank account and Aadhar Card and other KYC details for financial inclusion of vulnerable section of society and their unique identification. Camps are being organized to facilitate opening of bank account and Aadhar card for those subscribers who have no bank account or Aadhar card as on date. This will ensure portability of the Social Security Benefits to the labour of organised sector across the jobs and geographic areas. The EPF ac...

Amendment in Administrative Tribunals Act - Jurisdiction of Benches of Central Administrative Tribunal

Amendment in Administrative Tribunals Act - Jurisdiction of Benches of Central Administrative Tribunal Notification under sub-section (1) of section 18 of the Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985 specifying jurisdiction of Benches of Central Administrative Tribunal. MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS (Department of Personnel and Training) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 23rd September, 2014 G.S.R. 683(E). - In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (I) of Section 18 of the Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985 (13 of 1985), the Central Government hereby makes the following further amendment in the Notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Persormel and Training, Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances and Pensions vide No. G.S.R. 610(E) elated the 26th July, 1985, namely :ó

Latest list of CGHS Hospitals & Revised Package Rates effective from 1.10.2014

Latest list of CGHS Hospitals & Revised Package Rates effective from 1.10.2014 Ministry of Health and Family Welfare published the detailed list of new Hospitals, Eye, Dental and Diagnostic Centres under Central Government Health Scheme. The fresh empanelment of private Health Care Orgnizations (HCOs) and revision of package rates applicable under CGHS Delhi and NCR. The Directorate of General of Central Government Health Scheme issued an office memorandum, which states the revised rates and terms & conditions will come into effect from 1st October 2014. The new empanelment shall be for a period of two years from 1.10.2014.

Rs. 10 Lakh Compensation if Government Employee Dies During Election Duty

Rs. 10 Lakh Compensation if Government Employee Dies During Election Duty The Tamil Nadu Election Commission’s Chief Commissioner, Praveen Kumar says that the Election Commission has announced a compensation of Rs. 10 lakhs for employees who die while on election duties. Normally during state elections, more than 3 lakh state and Central Government employees, including teachers, local police personnel, police personnel from the neighboring states, paramilitary forces and private videographers, participate. If death occurs in poll-related violence or if the employee dies of cardiac arrest while on election duty, his/her family was, until now, given a compensation of Rs. 5 lakhs. This has been increased to Rs. 10 lakhs from 2014 onwards. Under this scheme, personnel who had died on duty during the May elections will be paid a compensation of Rs. 10 lakhs, says Praveen Kumar.

Declaration of Public Holiday on 15.10.2014 – General Assembly Elections in Maharashtra – Orders issued

Declaration of Public Holiday on 15.10.2014 – General Assembly Elections in Maharashtra – Orders issued Maharahstra Government and Indian Bank Association has issued orders on declaration of Public Holiday under Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 on 15.10.2014 on account of polling for the General Assembly Elections in the State of Maharashtra.

Protest against Aadhar Card based Biometric Attendance System for the Central Govt Employees

Protest against Aadhar Card based Biometric Attendance System for the Central Govt Employees Resolutions Adopted by the 6th Federal Council Meeting of NATIONAL FEDERATION OF CIVIL ACCOUNTS ASSOCIATIONS Held at Cochin on 17th and 18th September 2014 RESOLUTION – I (IN PROTEST AGAINST BIOMETRIC ATTENDANCE SYSTEM) The 6th Federal Council meeting of the National Federation of Civil Accounts Associations held at Cochin on 18th and 19th September 2014 discussed the decision of Govt. of India to introduce the Aadhar Card based biometric attendance system for the Central Govt. Employees. The meeting observed that introduction of Aadhar based attendance and punctuality in the offices- (a) Every employee is expected to be on seat and to start work at the prescribed opening of office hour. Ten minutes grace time may be allowed in respect of arrival time to cover up any unforeseen contingencies.

National Council JCM Staff Side meeting is going to take place tomorrow in New Delhi

National Council JCM Staff Side meeting is going to take place tomorrow in New Delhi Much Anticipated National Council JCM Staff Side Meeting Tomorrow The National Council JCM Staff Side meeting is going to take place tomorrow in New Delhi. The meeting, to be attended by the representatives of all federations, will be chaired by the Staff Side Secretary, Shiva Gopal Mishra. Important agendas of the meeting include demanding a change in the attitude of the Central Government towards the Central Government employees, merger of DA , granting interim relief and to hold discussions over the date of effect of the recommendations of the 7th CPC.

Consolidated Instructions on compassionate appointment – Dopt Orders on 7.10.2014

Consolidated Instructions on compassionate appointment – Dopt Orders on 7.10.2014 F.No.14014/02/2012-Estt. (D)  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions  Department of Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi Dated the 7th October, 2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Consolidated Instructions on compassionate appointment — regarding. The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Department’s O.M. of even number dated 16th January, 2013 vide which Consolidated Instructions on compassionate appointment were issued. In Part —A of the Proforma annexed at pages 15-18 therein, the candidate applying for compassionate appointment has to furnish a declaration/undertaking to the effect that the facts given by him/her are, to the best of his/her knowledge, correct and if any of the facts herein mentioned are found to be incorrect or false at a future date, his/her services may be terminated. The candida...

RTI online Certificate Course conducted by the Department of Personn and Training

RTI online Certificate Course conducted by the Department of Personn and Training F No.111012009-IR Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training North Block, New Delhi-I 10001 Dated: 7.10.2014 Office Memorandum Subject: RTI online Certificate Course conducted by the Department of Personn and Training The Department of Personnel and Training has been conducting an justify to  Information Online Certificate Course in English since the year 2009 and in Hindi and Telugu since the year 2012. The course is hosted through Centre for Good Governance, Hyderabad on the url . The RTI online certificatecourse not only offers the benefit of away from Class room learning, but also provides a platform for reinforcing one’s learning through interacting with experts and fellow candidates. This course is open for all the citizens and is available free of cost.

Is Interim Relief Likely for Central Government Employees?

Is Interim Relief Likely for Central Government Employees? Is it really possible for Central Government employees to get an interim relief this time? Let us look at it in detail. ‘Interim Relief’ may be defined as the temporary relief given to employees before the new Pay Commission’s recommendations are implemented. ‘Interim relief will be treated sui generis’, most of the Finance Ministry orders included the sentence when sanctioning interim relief. If one looks at the interim relief granted in 1983 and 1993, it can also be inferred that interim relief is granted in order to correct the errors in salary revision once every ten years. One gets the feeling as if an entire Pay Commission was lost simply for the sake of a small hike.

Travelling Allowance (TA) Rules – Submission of Boarding Pass along with TA bills - Finance Ministry Orders on 8.10.2014

Travelling Allowance (TA) Rules – Submission of Boarding Pass along with TA bills - Finance Ministry Orders on 8.10.2014 No.19030/3/2014-E.IV Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure North Block, New Delhi Dated the 8th October, 2014 Office Memorandum Subject: Travelling Allowance (TA) Rules – Submission of Boarding Pass along with TA bills- reg. References have been received in this Department seeking review of the existing guidelines relating to submission of Boarding Passes alongwith TA bills for air journeys performed on Government account.

Manner of disposal of PPO – Death of the pensioner with no claimant authorized for family pension in the same PPO

Manner of disposal of PPO – Death of the pensioner with no claimant authorized for family pension in the same PPO GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF EXPENDITURE CENTRAL PENSION ACCOUNTING OFFICE TRIKOOT-II, BHIKAJI CAMA PLACE, NEW DELHI-110066 CPAO/Tech/Bank Performance/2014-15/511-581, 23.09.2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Manner of disposal of PPO – death of the pensioner with no claimant authorized for family pension in the same PPO The Central Pension Accounting Office is a nodal agency for administering the Scheme for pension disbursement through public sector banks. It is in continuous process of streamlining and simplifying the pension delivery to the utmost satisfaction of Pensioner’s/ family pensioner’s comfort and convenience. The disbursement of family pension to the “family pensioner other than spouse” like widowed/divorced daughter is one of those areas in which a lot of efforts have been put in to simply and make them eff...

“Expected DA” phrase losing interest amidst Central Government employees..!

“Expected DA” phrase losing interest amidst Central Government employees..! Nowadays, the attractive and magical word of “Expected DA” is losing interest amidst Central Government employees..! We are proud to claim that we were the first to introduce the phrase, “ Expected DA ”.  Central Govt employees are getting additional Dearness Allowance twice in a year according to the fluctuation of Consumer Price Index. Generally all employees, including state and central government employees are showing interest to know the hike of additional Dearness allowance in advance. In 2009, when, for the first time we wrote an article under the title " Expected DA (Dearness Allowance) from Jan 2009 for Central Government Employees ", we did feel a bit uneasy. We were wondering if the readers would comprehend the title properly. Even the familiar publications like “Swamy’s News” didn’t have such phrases that time. 

Need not submit Boarding Pass along with settlement of T.A. Claims – Dopt Circulars on 7.10.2014

Need not submit Boarding Pass along with settlement of T.A. Claims – Dopt Circulars on 7.10.2014 F.No. G-14019/2/13-Cash Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi Dated : 7th October, 2014 CIRCULAR Subject : Non submission of Boarding Pass for settlement of T.A. Claims Difficulties have been expressed by various quarters in production of original boarding passes along with T.A. Claims from time to time. The matter has been considered and it has been decided with the approval of the competent authority that in order to simplify the procedure of settlement of T.A. Claims, the condition of submission of Boarding Pass alongwith settlement of T.A. claim is dispensed with.

Relaxation of Upper Age Limit for Recruitment to Central Civil Services and posts Amendment Rules, 2014 - Dopt Orders

Relaxation of Upper Age Limit for Recruitment to Central Civil Services and posts Amendment Rules, 2014. [TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, EXTRAORDINARY, PART-II, SECTION 3, SUB-SECTION (i)] Government of India Ministry of Personnel. Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) New Delhi, dated the 30th September, 2014 G.S.R. ————-(E) – In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 and clause (5) of article 148 of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India in relation to the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit for Recruitment to Central Civil Services and posts) Rules, 1997, namely:-

Law Ministry never advised DOP & PW to implement qua petitioners - BPS

Law Ministry never advised DOP & PW to implement qua petitioners Ministry of Law & Justice Department of Legal Affairs Dy. No.1295/LS/2014 F. No. 38/77-A/09-P&PW (Vol.II) D/o Pension & Pensioners Welfare has referred this file to examine on the following issues: (i) The Curative Petition filed in respect of OA No. 655/2010WP(C) No. 1535/2012/SLP (c) No. 23055/2013/Review Petition No. 2492/13 has been dismissed by a Five Member Bench of the Hon’ble Supreme Court headed by Chief Justice of India. Therefore, we may implement the CAT/High-Court order in respect of petitioners only subject to acceptance of this option by the CAT, Principal Bench in the pending Contempt Petition. The implementation of CAT order will be subject to the clarification sought from the CAT and mentioned in Para 2 above. (ii) We may implement the CAT order in respect of all pre-2006 pensioners subject to the final outcome of the pending SLP No. 36148-50/2013. (iii) Alth...

Minutes of JCM meeting with Secretary (Pension) held on 25.9.2014

Minutes of JCM meeting with Secretary (Pension) held on 25.9.2014 Bharat Pensioners Samaj (BPS) has uploaded the details of the meeting held on 25.9.2014 on pensionary matters… JCM (on Pension matters) The meeting was held under the chairmanship of the Secretary (Pension) at Lok Nayak Bhawan on 25.9.2014. On behalf of the Staff Side, the following comrades attended. Com. Shiv Copal Mishra, General Secretary. AIRF. Com. Rahal Dasgupta, President. AIRF. Com. S.K. Vyas, Advisor, Confederation of CGE and Workers. Corn KKN. Kutty, President. Confederation of CGE and Workers Com. Srikumar, General Secretary. All lndia Defence Employees Federation.

Will the 7th Pay Commission Submit an Interim Report to the Government?

Will the 7th Pay Commission Submit an Interim Report to the Government? Is there any likelihood that the 7th Pay Commission will submit an interim report to the Central Government? The Commission was formed and its Terms of Reference were given in February 2014. The Commission is supposed to submit an interim report if the Government asks for it. But, it is highly unlikely that the Government would. The Commission can voluntarily submit an interim report to the Centre. But it also looks as if they wouldn’t. With only 18 months to submit its recommendations, the Commission has its hand full. That being the case, it is highly unlikely that it would volunteer to submit a report.

Demands for DA Merger & Interim Relief strengthen Once again…NC JCM Staff Side emergency meeting on October 12

Demands for DA Merger & Interim Relief strengthen Once again…NC JCM Staff Side emergency meeting on October 12 National Council JCM Staff Side meeting will be held on 12th October 2014 to discuss and finalise future course of action on major demands of DA Merger, Interim Relief and Date of effect of 7th CPC. The responsibility of Trade Unions and Federations is to ensure that the demands and anticipation of the employees are fulfilled. Demands for DA Merger are being raised for more than 3 years now, ever since Dearness Allowance crossed 50% (01.01.2011).

Urgent meeting of the Staff Side of JCM (National Council) to discuss various demands including DA Merger and Interim Relief...

Urgent meeting of the Staff Side of JCM (National Council) to discuss various demands including DA Merger and Interim Relief... Urgent meeting of the Staff Side of JCM (National Council) on 12.10.2014 JCM National Council, Staff Side Meeting on 12th October 2014 – To give final shape and formulate strategy to have vigorous campaign at Grass Root level.

Will the 7th Pay Commission submit its Interim Report to the Central Government..?

Will the 7th Pay Commission submit its Interim Report to the Central Government..? Eight months have passed since the 7th Pay Commission was constituted by the Central Government. In the Terms of Reference of the 7th Pay Commission, it was mentioned that the Commission could submit an interim report to the Government, if required.

Grant of Children Education allowance/Hostel subsidy to third child when first / second child is not in a position to go to school due to severe disability.

Grant of Children Education allowance/Hostel subsidy to third child when first / second child is not in a position to go to school due to severe disability. Government of India Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) No. E(W)2014/ED-2/4 New Delhi, Dated 24.09.2014 The General Manager (P), All Indian Railways & Production Units. Sub: Grant of Children Education allowance/Hostel subsidy to third child when first / second child is not in a position to go to school due to severe disability. References have been received from Zonal Railways seeking clarification regarding admissibility of Children Education Allowance / Hostel Subsidy in respect of third child of the Railway employee when the first / second child is not in a position to go to school as he/she is born with profound mental retardation or is totally invalid and cannot even go to a school meant for the special children.

Dopt clarification orders on granting of Children Education Allowance / Hostel Subsidy to third child...

Grant of Children Education Allowance / Hostel Subsidy to third child when first child is not in a position to go to school due to profound mental retardation. No.A-27012/1/2014-Estt.(AL) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) New Delhi, dated 25/26th August,2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Grant of Children Education Allowance / Hostel Subsidy to third child when first child is not in a position to go to school due to profound mental retardation.

AIRF writes to Railway Board regarding the issue of compulsory attendance on 2nd October 2014 to take Cleanliness Pledge

AIRF writes to Secretary, Railway Board regarding the issue of compulsory attendance on 2nd October 2014 to take Cleanliness Pledge. AIRF said, forcing the staff to attend the Shapath on 2nd October will be against the religious sentiments… All India Railwaymen’s Federation (Estd, 1924) 4, State Entry Road, New Delhi – 110055 INDIA No.AIRF/150 Dated: September 29, 2014 The Secretary, Railway Board, New Delhi Dear Sir, Sub: Swachh Bharat Mission – Taking of “Swachhata Shapath” Ref.: Board’s letter No.20I4/G/SBM dated 29.09.2014