
Showing posts from March, 2009

Govt clears further pay hikes for salary PSU officers

Conceding to the demand from officials of public sector undertakings, the government today announced a further hike of up to 20 per cent in pay packets of about four lakh executives . The improvement is over and above the pay package notified by the government in November last year, which prompted officers, particularly in the oil sector, to take to the streets.The decision for bettering the pay packages just ahead of the general elections was taken after government took the clearance from the Election Commission. Asked about the total benefits to the officers and non-unionised supervisory staff after the revision, Home Minister P Chidambaram, who briefed on Cabinet decisions, said it would depend on individual PSUs.Excluding superannuation benefits, on a basic salary of Rs 100 an officer will now draw Rs 370.48 as against Rs 351.12 that was approved last year. Source: PTI

Grant of DR (Dearness Relief) to Central Government Pensioner / Family Pensioners Revised from 1.1.2009 - DOPT order

No. 42/12/2009 - P&PW (G) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi, the 27th March, 2009 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Grant of dearness relief to Central Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners – Revised rate effective from 1-1-2009. 1. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM No. 42/2/2008 P&PW (G) dated 12th September, 2008 and 25-9-08 sanctioning the installment of Dearness Relief (DR) admissible from 1-7-2008 and to say that the President is pleased to decide that DR shall be paid to the Central Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners to compensate them for the rise in cost living at the rate of 22% w.e.f. 1-1-2009 in suppression of the rate mentioned in the OM dated 12.9.2008 and 25.9.2008 referred to above. 2. These orders apply to (i) All Civilian Central Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners (ii)...

Bank customers will be able to withdraw money from any bank ATM for free of charge from April 1 - RBI

Any Bank… Any ATM…! In a significant development Reserve Bank of India announced on Friday that Bank customers will be able to withdraw money from any bank Automated Teller Machines (ATM) for free of charge from April-1 . Last year on March 10, the RBI had come out with guidelines limiting the fee charged by banks for using their ATMs by clients of other lenders to Rs 20. It had also allowed the use of ATM for purposes like balance enquiry free of any charge. However, banks will have the freedom to fix the service charge on cash withdrawal using credit cards and from ATMs located overseas. Some banks are already offering this service free of cost. But because they are having a smaller customer base and the volumes of such transactions are quite low, they might not be shelling out huge interchange charges to other banks. At present, at the higher end, the customer is charged anywhere up to Rs 57 for each withdrawal from a third-party ATM, and up to Rs 20 for the balance inquiries. ...

BSNL Chief General Manager, D. Varadarajan, handing over netPC to the first customer in Madurai on Saturday

Bharath Sanchar Nigam Limited on Saturday launched Nova netPC, a service giving access to Internet and computing applications , without having to shell out a few thousands on a personal computer (PC). Launching the service in Tamil Nadu circle here on Saturday, the BSNL Chief General Manager, D. Varadarajan, hoped to penetrate rural areas where cost of personal computers was still prohibitive, preventing people from getting broadband connections. The service would be offered by Novatium Solutions through BSNL’s broadband. “Instead of spending on the central processing unit for the PC, one can get connected to the Internet and other computing applications through the netPC’s central server using broadband connectivity,” said S. Ganapathyraman, of Novatium. The service, called desktop utility delivery model, would provide maintenance-free computing service. People need not worry about virus, spyware, software upgradation, privacy and maintenance of their hardware, he said. Of course,...

Defence Civilian Medical Aid Fund - Revised Subscription Fee

Defence Civilian Medical Aid Fund - Revised Subscription Fee Membership Fee:- The rates of Annual Membership subscription and Full Service Membership subscription were last enhanced in 2002 w.e.f. 01 Jan, 2003. Since 2003, Defence Civilians Medical Fund(DCMAF) has introduced various new benefits for its members resulting in increase of its financial liabilities. With a view to ensure that the Fund is self sufficient and able to meet it liabilities to provide enhanced financial assistance to its member, it has been decided to revise the Annual Membership Subscription (AMS) and Full Service Membership Subscription (FMS) of DCMAF w.e.f. 01 April 2009 as under:- Pay Band Annual Membership (in Rs.) Full Service Membership(in Rs.) 1S to PB-1 60 400 PB-2 100 600 PB-3 200 800 PB-4 400 1000

Issue of Individual Plastic Cards to each CGHS Beneficiary

The last date for submission of completed application forms in the Dispensary is 31st March, 2009... CGHS vide Circular No. Misc.6024/2007/CGHS(HQ)/CGHS (P) dated 17/12/2007 made it mandatory for each CGHS beneficiary to have Individual Plastic Card in place of Index Card for the family. All existing CGHS Card Holders in Delhi/NCR, who have not applied for Plastic Cards so far, may apply immediately. CGHS Card holders are requested to apply for individual Plastic Cards in the prescribed application form and the duly filled in application form may be deposited to Chief Medical Officer In-Charge of their respective Dispensaries. The last date for submission of completed application forms in the Dispensary is 31st March, 2009. The application form can be downloaded click here

Office Memorandum from Finance Ministry regarding HRA...

No.2(19)/E/II(B)/2008 Ministry of Finance Deptt. of Expenditure (E.II.(B) Section) New Delhi, the 26th March, 2009 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: HRA at old duty station for civilian employees of the Central Government serving in the State and Union Territoriesof North Eastern Region including Andaman&Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep Islands . The undersingned is directed to refer to the O.M. of even number dated 2-01-2009 on the above subject and tosay that para 4 of the said Office Memorandum has been amended to read as under: FOR "These orders will be applicable to Central Government employees posted to Ladakh on or after 1.9.2008" READ "These orders will be applicable to Central Government employees in Ladhakh as on 01-09-2008 or posted to Ladhak on or after 01-09-2008" All other terms and conditions of the said Office Memorandum remain unchanged. (R.Prem Anand) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

The Negotiation to start next week and will be continued till agreement is reached - BSNL

General Secretary, BSNLEU, Com. V.A.N. Nambooeiri has discussed with Shri. R.K.Batra, Chairman Wage Negotiation Committee and it is decided to start wage negotiation next week and to continue till the agreement is reached. The sub-committee on wage revision has visited SAI, GAIL, NTPC Head Quarters in Delhi and stuided the Pay scales, allowances, reirement benefits in these PSUs. Continue reading Click to view the wep page...

All Pensioners Associations are advised to send their representations relating to alleged anomalies relating to pension to the National Council (JCM)

Subject:- Setting of Anomaly Committee to settle the anomalies arising out of the implementation of the Sixth Pay Commission’s recommendation . The undersigned is directed to say that a National Anomaly Committee consisting of representatives of the Official Side and the Staff Side has been set up by the Department of Personnel & Training vide their OM. No. 11/2/2008-JCA dated 4.2.2009 read with OM dated 12.1.2009 to settle the anomalies arising out of the implementation of the 6th Pay Commission’s recommendations. In accordance with DoPT’s OM dated 12.1.2009, the anomaly will include cases where the Official Side and the Staff Side are of the opinion that any recommendations is in contravention of the principle or the policy enunciated by the Sixth Central Pay Commission itself without the Commission assigning any reason. The Department of Personnel and Training has informed that the said committee will examine all kinds of anomalies which are covered under the definition of a...

First working day of the year will be treated to have completed 6 months of service on first of July –Order from Finance Ministry

F.No.1/1/2008-IC Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure Implementation Cell *********** New Delhi, dated the 13th March, 2009 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Date of next increment in cases where Government servants are not able join posts in a particular grade pay on promotion/appointment on 1st of January of a year due to Sunday or Gazetted Holiday – Clarification regarding . As per the provisions of Rule 10 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008, w.e.f. 1.1.2006, in the case of all Central Government employees there is a uniform date of increment, i.e. 1st July of every year. Government servants completing six months and above in the revised pay structure as on 1st of July are eligible to be granted the increment. From the above provision of CCS (RP) Rules it flows that Government servants who have rendered less than 6 months of service as on 1st of July of a year will not be eligible to draw increment on that day and their date of increment will fall 12 ...

SBI employees to go on indefinite strike from April 3

Banking services at the State Bank of India (SBI) are likely to be disrupted from April 3 onwards as the employees and officers of the largest commercial bank of the country are to proceed on an indefinite strike demanding revision in pension scheme . “More than two lakh employees and officers of the bank will participate in the strike seeking revision in the pension scheme,” All India State Bank Officers’ Association (AISBOA) general secretary, Shantha Raju said on Tuesday. He added that All India SBI Staff Federation would also join the strike. Elaborating the demand, Mr Raju said that the pension ceiling at the bank had been kept unchanged at Rs 4,250 based on the salary structure of 1992 salary revision. “We demand pension amount should be hiked at par with other organisations where they pay pensions amounting to 50% of the last salary drawn,” Mr Raju added

New Pension Scheme (NPS) is extend to all citizens from 1.4.2009. Implementation delay due to election...

New Pension Scheme (Salient Features) The New Pension Scheme works on defined contribution basis and will have two tiers – Tier-I and II. Contribution to Tier-I is mandatory for all Government servants joining Government service on or after 1-1-2004 (except the armed forces in the first stage), whereas Tier-II will be optional and at the discretion of Government servants. In Tier-I, a Government servant will have to make a contribution of 10% of his basic pay plus DA, which will be deducted from his salary bill every month by the PAO concerned. The Government will make an equal matching contribution. However, there will be no contribution from the Government in respect of individuals who are not Government employees . Tier-I contributions (and the investment returns) will be kept in a non-withdraw able Pension Tier-I Account. Tier-II contributions will be kept in a separate account that will be withdraw able at the option of the Government servant. Government will not make an...

Report on Effect of Economic Slowdown on Employment in India (January-2009)

Labour Bureau submitted a report on “Effect of Economics slowdown on Employment in India” during October – December, 2008 to the Ministry of Labour & Employment on 30th January, 2009 . Keeping in view the sensitivity of the issue, the Ministry desired a quick assessment of employment situation in the month of January, 2009 for discussion in the forthcoming session of Indian Labour Conference. Continue reading…

National Executive of confederation will meet on 1.4.2009 at New Delhi

Notice is given through Confederation of Central Government Employees Website by General Secretary of Mr.K.K.N.Kutty, for a meeting of the National Executive of the Confederation on First April, 2009 at Manishinath Bhawan, A/2/95 Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. 110 027. The meeting will commence at 02.30 PM. The agenda for the meeting is as under: (a) To consider the resolution on the task and approach of the Central Government employees at the ensuing general election. (b) Consideration of the anomaly items to be placed at the National Council. (c) Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.

D.A. for CG employees and Central Autonomous Bodies w.e.f. 1.1.2009

Dearness Allowance w.e.f. 1.7.2008 in respect of employees of Central Government and Autonomous Bodies who continue to draw their pay and allowances in the pre-revised scales of pay were issued. The rates of DA admissible to above categories of employees of CG and Central Autonomous bodies shall be enhanced from the existing 54% to 64% w.e.f. 1.1.2009. All other conditions as laid down in the O.M. dated 3rd October, 2008 will continue to apply. The payment of arrears of DA for the months of January and February, 2009 shall not be made before the date of disbursement of salary of March, 2009. The contents of this O.M. may also be brought to the notice of the organizations under the administrative control of the Ministries/Departments which have adopted the Central Government scales of pay.

The RTI Act, 2005 given more information regarding Compassionate Appointment

COMPASSIONATE APPOINTMENT Objective:- The objective of the scheme is to grant appointment on compassionate grounds to a dependent family member of a Government Servant dying in harness or who is retired on medical grounds, thereby leaving his family in penury and without any means of livelihood, to relieve the family of the Government Servant concerned from financial destitution and to help it get over the emergency. Read more... Click the link

Clarifications regarding pay fixation of existing Group ‘D’ employees in the revised pay structure

F.No. 1/1/2008-IC Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure Implementation Cell New Delhi, the 24 th December, 2008 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:    Clarifications regarding pay fixation of existing Group ‘D’ employees in the revised pay structure. ****       Consequent upon the acceptance of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission by the Government, related to Group 'D' cadres in Central Government, all existing Group 'D' employees are requested to the upgraded to the pre-revised Group 'C' scale of Rs.2750-4440 corresponding to the grade pay of Rs.1900 in PB-1 (Rs.5200-20200) in the manner prescribed in the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 (attention is drawn towards Note 1 below Rule 7 of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, which prescribes the procedure for fixation of pay of Group 'D' employees n the revised pay structure). Further, in future, posts will be created only in PB-1 and th...


Statement showing the facilities benefits given to senior citizens by different Ministries / Departments Sl. No. Name of the Ministry/Department Facilities/Benefits given to Senior Citizens 1 Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment is the nodal Ministry responsible for welfare of the Senior Citizens. It has announced the National Policy on Older Persons which seeks to assure older persons that their concerns are national concerns and they will not live unprotected, ignored and marginalized. The National Policy aims to strengthen their legitimate place in the society and to help older people to live the last ph...

Death and Disability in service - payment of ex-gratia lumpsum compensation to families of CG employees as per 6th CPC

No.45/7/2008-P&PW (F) Government of India Department of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare *********** 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi - 110 003 Dated 16th March, 2009 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Implementation of the Government’s decision on the recommendation of the Sixth CPC- Revision of provisions regulating special benefits in the cases of Death and Disability in service – payment of ex-gratia lumpsum compensation to families of central Govt. employees – modification regarding - 1. The undersigned is directed to say that in implementation of the decisions on the recommendation contained in Para 5.1.45 of the Report of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, the rates of ex gratia in cases of death occurring due to accidents in the course of performance of duty, death attributable to acts of violence by terrorists, anti-social elements etc., death occurring due to enemy action in internatio...

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited to introduce pay revision for employees

BSNL to introduce pay revision for employees Despite a decline in its revenue over the past couple of years, the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has decided to introduce pay revision across the board. Owing to stiff competition from the private players in the telecom sector, BSNL had been recording a decline in its revenue over the last couple of years. During the last fiscal, BSNL had suffered a decline of Rs 2,000 crore in its revenue. The figure is likely to go up in the current fiscal. Amidst this situation, a hike of nearly 50 percent has been effected for BSNL employees, that too with retrospective effect from January 2007. Highly placed sources in BSNL told ‘Express’ that the additional amount required in view of the implementation of the new pay scale was yet to be worked out. Moreover, 40 percent of the arrears will have to be paid during this month. This payment will also cause huge financial burden to the public sector undertaking at the end of the financial year....

Revision of Scale for BSNL Executives w.e.f. 01.01.2007

Revison of Pay Scales of Pay of Board Level and below Board Level Executives of BSNL w.e.f. 1.1.2007. The arrear from 1.1.2007 to 28.2.2009 will be paid in two installments like the Central Government Employees, 40% in this financial year 2008-09, and the balance of 60% in financial year of 2009-10. Click to view the O.M.-1 Click to view the O.M.-2

All-India Kendriya Vidyalaya teachers’ plea for salary arrears

Kendriya Vidyalaya teachers are on the warpath against what they describe as the discriminatory treatment being meted out to them. N. Sadanandan, regional secretary of the All India Kendriya Vidyalaya Teachers Association, said on Friday that the 45,000 teaching and non-teaching staff of around 1,000 Kendriya Vidyalayas under the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan were yet to get salary arrears. He said that the Central government employees had received 40 per cent of salary arrears in cash as per the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission and were about to receive the remaining 60 per cent. The delay in giving 40 per cent of the salary arrears to teachers was a violation of the Centre’s decision to disburse it this financial year itself. Source: The Hindu

Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government Employees – Revised rates effective from 1.1.2009

Office Memorandum from Finance Ministry... 1. Dearness allowance payable to Central Government Employees shall be enhanced from the existing of 16% to 22% with effect from first January, 2009. 2. The payment of arrears of D.A. for the months of January and February, 2009 shall not be made before the date of disbursement of salary of March, 2009. Click to view the O.M. from Finance Ministry

A national conference-cum-continuing medical education programme of the Indian Railways

National conference on cancer A national conference-cum-continuing medical education programme of the Indian Railways Cancer Institute and Research Centre-CRICON 2009- would be held at the Cancer Research Institute, Lahartara, on Saturday. A national conference-cum-continuing medical education (CME) programme of the Indian Railways Cancer Institute and Research Centre-CRICON 2009- Would be held at the Cancer Research Institute (CRI), Lahartara, on Saturday. Giving details at a press conference on Thursday, medical director, CRI, Varanasi (NER), Dr TP Srivastava said the one-day programme would focus on creating awareness about early detection of cancer cases in the region. The programme would also witness discussions on recent developments and advancements in the treatment of cancer, he added. Chief specialist, CRI, Dr PK Mishra said there would be as many as six technical sessions on different aspects of cancer, including radiology and nuclear medicine, cancer of uterine cervix,...

Degree and Diploma holders on par for promotions: Supreme Court

There is nothing unconstitutional if the government treats degree and diploma engineers on par for the purpose of promotion to a higher cadre, the Supreme Court has ruled . Supreme Court A bench of justices R V Raveendran and Markandeya Katju rejected the argument of the degree holders that such a treatment amounts to violation of Article 14 of the Constitution. The degree holders argued that the Article is violated not only by treating "equals as unequals", but also by treating "unequals as equals." "It is entirely for the authorities to decide whether the degree holders and diploma holders should be treated at par or not for the purpose of promotion from the post of junior engineer to the post of Assistant Engineer," the bench observed while dismissing the special leave petition(SLP) filed by Dilip Kumar Garg and others. Garg and the other degree holders had challenged the validity of Rule 5 (ii) of the UP Public Works Department Group-B Civil Enginee...



Turnover of central PSUs up 36% in April-Sep

The state-owned companies have performed well during the first half of the current fiscal recording an impressive increase of about 36 per cent in turnover. "As per the information received from, Central Public Sector Enterprises , the turnover (during April-September 2008-09) is likely to grow by about 36 per cent over the corresponding period last year," according to the minister of heavy industries and public enterprises, Santosh Mohan Dev. This is significant as the turnover of the CPSEs during the whole of 2007-08 went up by 12.13 per cent to Rs 10.82 lakh crore (Rs 10.82 trillion). The 36 per cent increase in turnover recorded by the central PSUs during the first half does not reflect the impact of the global financial meltdown on the performance of the state-owned companies. The impact of the financial crisis, which hit the world in mid-September following collapse of iconic investment banker Lehman Brothers will become manifest during the second half of the fisca...

Risk Allowance to Central Government employees

No. 21012/4/88- Allowances Government of India/ Bharat Sarkar Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training New Delhi, the 22 nd August, 1988 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Risk Allowance to Central Government employees . The undersigned is directed to refer to the recommendations of the IV Pay Commission contained in paragraph 17.23 of their Report relating to grant of Risk Allowance to Central Government employees whose duty involves risk and to say that in pursuance of this, a Committee was constituted and after considering the recommendations of the Committee, the President is pleased to decide as follows:- (i) For determining the categories of staff exposed to risk in employment the following criteria may be adopted:- those engaged in duties involving greater hazards or whose health is liable to be adversely affected progressively over a long period of time because of the particular avocation, and Sweepers/ Safaiwa...

National Policy on Safety, Health and Enviroment at work place...


Comments on the Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Amendment Bill, 2009

An order has been published from Directorate General of Employment &Training Ministry of Labour & Employment Government of India Comments on the Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Amendment Bill, 2009 are solicited by 3rd April, 2009. Read more...


All Industrial Employees Federations strongly condemned the non-permission of availing (180 Days) and Child Care Leave (730 Days) to the female Industrial Employees those who are in Central Government Service. The question arises that why disparity between Industrial and non – Industrial Employees regarding the Maternity and Child Care Leave exists. There is no reason explained against this privilege. This clearly indicates that each and every privileges have to be obtained only by protesting as in the case encashment of 300 Earned Leave retirement to the Industrial Employees which was only 120 Days. All Industrail Employees between that this demand regarding Maternity Leave will be put up in the JCM Level Meetings and will be solved.

An order has been published by Central Board of Direct Taxes

Government of India, Ministry of Finance CENTRAL BOARD OF DIRECT TAXES Directorate of Income Tax (Human Resource Development) ICADR Building, Plot No.6, Vasant Kunj Institutional Area Phase-II New Delhi - 110070. Telefax 26130594, Tel. 26130592 dated 6th March, 2009 th F.No. HRD/CM/175/15/2008-09/324 Clarification on grant of Grade Pay of Rs. 5400 in PB-2 on non-functional basis to Income Tax Officersof Income Tax Department To, All Chief Commissioners of Income Tax (CCA) All Director Gererals of Income Tax Sir / Madam, I am directed to invite your attention to Government of India, Department of Expenditure resolution No. 1/1/2008-1Cdated 29th August 2008 notifying acceptance of recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission, wherein it was dicidedto grant Grade Pay of Rs. 5400 in PB-2 on non-functional basis to Group B officers of Income Tax Department (i.e. Income Tax Officers) after 4 years of regular service in the grade pay of Rs.4800 in PB-2. The relevant portio...

Supreme Court issues notice to UGC to enhance superannuation age from 62 to 65

New Delhi: 23.02.2009 The Supreme Court issued notices to University Grants Commission (UGC) and state of Bihar on a petition filed by Dr B R Ambedkar Bihar University Senior Teachers Association, praying to the court to enhance their age of superannuation from 62 years to 65 years. A bench comprising Justices Lokeshwar Singh Panta and B Sudarshan Reddy issued notices after hearing senior counsel M N Rao, R S Singh who contended that the age of superannuation for central universities is 65 years and therefore, there should be uniformity in the age of retirement. They also contended that qualification and other service conditions are the same in case of state university teachers as well as for the teachers of central universities and therefore, there is no justification for discrimination in the age of superannuation.B R Ambedkar University is situated in Muzaffarpur district of Bihar. Source: UNI

Order from DoP&T

F.No.8/10/2008-JCA Government of India Ministry of Personnel P.G. and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training JCA Section North Block,New Delhi dated 2nd th March, 2009 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Rates of Daily Allowance for Staff members of the Department / National Council and Third Level / Regional of JCM The undersigned is directed to saythat consequent upon the revision of daily allowance by the Department of Expenditure vide O.M. No. 19030/3/2008-E.IV dated 23rd September, 2008, the JCM members shall be entitled to Daily Allowance in the following manner w.e.f. 1st September, 2008. A. (i) National Council / Departmental Council (JCM) Reimbursement for Hotel accommodation of up to Rs. 3000 per day; reimbursement o non-AC taxi charges of up to 50kms.per diem for travel within the city and reimbursement of food bills not exceeding Rs. 300 per day. (ii) Regional / Office Council Reimbursement for Hotel accommodation of up to Rs. 1500 per day; reimbursement o...
INTERNATIONAL WOMENT'S DAY CELEBRATION The Ministry of Women and Child Development is organizing day-long celebrations on the occasion of International Women’s Day on 8th March . The Ministry will release Gender Development Index and a report on Gender Empowerment Measures in India in a function to be organized at Siri Fort Auditorium. Discussion on various legislative measures including case studies on domestic violence will also be held on the day. The Ministry has also launched awareness campaign for empowerment of women. Several public private partnership initiatives have been made under the campaign. A report on Bell Bajao campaign and on appointment of Protection Officers for the implementation of Child Marriage Act and Prohibition of Domestic Violence Act will also be released on this occasion. Folk dances and songs by women’s group will also be present on the occasion.

Notification of CCS Rules - 2009

The new Notification of CCS Rules - 2009 has been published by Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension today. Department of Personnel and Training NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 29th January, 2009 G.S.R. 12. - In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 and clause (5) of article 148 of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in relation to persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965, namely :- 1. (1) These rules may be called the  Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965. (2) They shall come into force on the date of the publication in the Official Gazette. 2. In the Schedule to the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965, in Part V, against serial number 1, in sub-paragrap...

Pay your insurance premium at Post Offices ...

INDIA POST TIE-UP WITH ICICI PRUDENTIAL POSTAL GOLD COINS GO TO HARYANA AND UTTAR PRADESH NEXT WEEK In yet another move to expand its basket of services, India Post has done a tie-up with ICICI Prudential for collection of insurance premium through Post Offices. The service is now available at more than 200 Post offices in Gujarat, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Maharashtra Postal Circles. Their will be no additional cost involved for the customer. The premium amount realized will be sent to ICICI Prudential through ePayment system of India Post. The tie-up with ICICI Prudential is a step in the direction to make the Post office a one stop shop for the community. Now, the customers will have the convenience to pay their insurance premium at their neighborhood Post office. This tie-up is expected to bring the customers closer to Post office. In the service category, insurance is one of the fastest growing industries with a very high potential. The highly popular sale of gold...