
Showing posts from May, 2009

Tamil Nadu implements sixth pay commission recommendations

About 12 lakh Tamil Nadu Government employees will receive a 30 per cent hike in wages with the government deciding to adopt the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission. The revised pay scales will be implemented with immediate effect and employees will get the revised pay next month, State Finance Secretary K Gnanadesikan told reporters here today. The Government would incur additional expenditure of Rs 5,155.79 crore per annum due to the revised scales which will hike salaries of the employees by 30 per cent, he said. "Currently Rs 14,000 crore has been incurred by government on salaries per annum while for pensioners it is at Rs 7,000 crore totalling a sum of Rs 21,000 crore. After the revised pay, it will be Rs 26,155.79 crore", he said. Giving some salient features of the revision, he said, "emoluments like House Rent Allowance and City Compensatory Allowance will be doubled, while the same are granted for the first time to all employees on Spe...

Classification of Posts - Both V CPC and VI CPC

Watch Hot...! Keenly Watch...! Classification of Posts Classification of Posts V CPC (Description of Posts) VI CPC (Description of Posts) Group “A” posts carrying pay or scale of pay with a maximum of not less than 13500/- CS Scale (Rs.90000-fixed), Apex Scale (Rs.80000-fixed) HAG Scale (Rs.75500-80000) Grade Pay: Rs.12000, Rs.10000, Rs.8900 and Rs.8700 (PB-4), and Rs.7600, Rs.6600 and Rs.5400 (PB-3) Group “B” pay with a maximum of not less than Rs.9000/- but less than 13500/- Grade Pay: Rs.5400, Rs.4800, Rs.4600 and Rs.4200 (PB-2) Group “C” Rs.4000/- but less than Rs. 9000./- Grade Pay: Rs.2800, Rs.2400, Rs.2000, Rs.1900 and Rs.1800 (PB-1) Group “D” Below Rs.4000/- Grade Pay: Rs.1300, Rs.1400, Rs.1600, Rs.1650 in the scale of pay of Rs.4440-7440 in 1S Scale (Till the posts are upgraded)


We all know that the “Children Education Allowance Scheme” announced in the Sixth Central Pay Commission has got huge appreciation among the Central Government Employees. Central government employees children should go to school, get good knowledge by joining good institutes – This has been the main aim of Central Government Children Education Allowance Scheme, has given good hopes in the minds of central government employees about their children’s education and future. The employees who were unable to send their child to school as because they were working in under developed places or economically backward places and also those employees who found hard to give good education to their lads because of their economical state are sincerely thinking about their children’s studies through this scheme. This is a welcome improvement. It is sure that in future this scheme will nurture many more talents. Earlier before Sixth Pay Commission we were getting meagre amount for education ...

Non-Functional upgradation for Officers of Organized Group 'A' Services in PB-3 and PB-4

No.AB.14017/64/2008-Esst.(RR) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training New Delhi, Dated the 21st May, 2009 Office Memorandum Subject: Non-Functional upgradation for Officers of Organized Group 'A' Services in PB-3 and PB-4. A reference is invited to this Department OM of even No. dated 24.04.09 on the above subject. As indicated at point (v) of para 1, the details of batch of the officers belonging to the Indian Administrative Service who have been posted at theCentre in the various grades of PB-3 and PB-4 w.e.f. 01.01.2006 as well as the date of posting of the officer belonging to the batch is annexed. Necessary action posting may be taken for grant of higher scale for the Officers belonging to batches Organized Group A Services that are senior by two year or more and have not so far been promoted to that particular grade. 2. Hindi version will follow. (S.J. Kumar) Deputy secretary to the Government of Ind...

Clarification reg. date of next increment in cases who are not able to join posts in a particular grade pay on promotion/appointment on 1st January

No.14021/5/2009-AIS-II Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) North Block, New Delhi-110001 Dated, the 20th May, 2009 To The Chief Sercretaries of all the State Government and UTs. Subject: Clarification regarding date of next increment in cases where Government servants are not able to join posts in a particular grade pay on promotion / appointment on 1st of January of a year due to Sunday or Gazetted holiday for All India Service officers. Sir, I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of the clarification issued by the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their office Memorandum No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 13th March, 2009 regarding date of next increment in cases where Government servants are not able to join posts in a particulargrade pay on promotion / appointment on 1st of January of a year due to Sunday or Gazetted holiday and to state that same clarification would be applicable to the All India...


Some of key features of the new Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for Central Government Civilian Employees w.e.f. 1.09.2008... 1. There shall be Three Financial upgradations under MACPS counted from the direct entry grade on completion of 10, 20 and 30 years respectively. 2. All cadres including Group A (excluding organized Gr.A services) are eligible for grant of MACP. 3. The scheme would be operational w.e.f. 01.09.2008. In other words, financial upgradations as per the provisions of the old ACP of August, 1999 would be granted till 31.08.08. 4. Financial up gradation will be in next higher grade pay in the hierarchy of Grade Pay and not in the promotional hierarchy. 5. A Screening Committee shall be constituted and follow a time schedule to meet twice in a financial year preferably in the month of January (April to September) and of July (October to March). 6. Financial upgradation under MACPS is purely personal to the employee and staff shall have no relevance to ...

Discontinous of Continuous Empanelment Scheme under CGHS

Central Government Health Scheme have been empanelling private hospitals and diagnostic centres, both in Delhi and outside, under Continuous Empanelment Scheme for quite sometime. The Scheme has been under consideration for revision of guidelines. Now it has been decided to discontinue continuous empanelment scheme with immediate effect, both in Delhi and outside Delhi, till further orders.

Implementation of Govt. decision on the recommendations of the 6th CPC revision of Pension of Pensioners / Family Pensioners

References have been received in this Department seeking clarification on some provisions of the O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 1.9.2008 and O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 2.9.2008. The matter has been considered in consultation with the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure and the following clarifications are issued in this regard... Source document from

Government okays pension for all in paramilitary forces

The Centre has accepted the long-standing demand of paramilitary forces to restore pension benefits to all jawans who have joined the ranks since 2004. With this decision, at least 20,000 personnel serving in CRPF, BSF, CISF, ITBP and SSB would benefit. "I am pleased to announce that the government has accepted our demand of restoring the old pension scheme. Now, everyone in the forces will get the pension," Director General of Border Security Force M L Kumawat said at a function here. Government polices a few years back did not find those eligible who had joined the paramilitary forces after 2004 for pensionary benefits. However, the three services of the Armed Forces were getting the benefits resulting in resentment in paramilitary forces. The Sixth Pay Commission, however, endorsed such a pension scheme for the new recruits. Directors General of CPOs also wrote to the government saying such a step would discourage the youth from joining the forces and lead to demoralizati...


MODIFIED ASSURED CAREER PROGRESSION SCHEME FINANCIAL UPGRADATION SCHEME FOR CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES Latest MACP News 7th CPC MACP Financial Upgradation for JCO/OR - Illustration 7th CPC MACP Financial Upgradation for JCO/OR Benchmarking for financial upgradation under MACPS – AIRF MACP On Promotional Hierarchy MACP for the CG Employees – Implementation of 7th CPC Recommendations – CGDA Orders Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme(MACP) for the Central Government Employees – DoPT’s Clarification on 13.7.2017 7th CPC Pay Fixation on Promotion/MACP Calculator with Matrix Table Regarding grant of MACP/ACP benefit to SAS qualified officers - CGDA Incorrect fixation of pay in the Non-Functional Grade (GP 4200/-) in the case of Pharmacist Recommendations of 7th CPC on benchmark for the purpose of MACPS – Clarification reg 7th CPC Pay Fixation : Clarification regarding exercise of option under Rule 5 Grant of financial upgradation under MACP Schem...

Railway Board Order - reg. ACP

Government of India MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Railway Board) No. PC-V/2009/ACP/1 New Delhi, Dated the 11.02. 2009 The General Managers All Indian Railways and PUs. Sub: Financial upgradation under the ACP Scheme on implementation of revised pay structure under Sixth CPC . As a consequence of implementation of 6th CPC recommendations a new pay structure has come into existence w.e.f. 01.01.2006. With a view to regulate the ACP Scheme in context of new / revised pay structure a reference seekingcertain clarification has been made to DOP&T advised that implementation of ACP Scheme may please be suspended immediately till further instructions are issued from Board's office. (N.P.Singh) Deputy Director, Pay Commission-V Railway Board.


Proposed strike decision 19/20 may 2009 -deferred BSNL Workers alliance meeting healed with Director HRD today 18.5.2009. 1. Quantum of advance arrears Shall be increased further 2. Grant of enhance HRA at par with executive 3. Suggestions to involve other unions negotiations shall be considered More detail:

Clarifications regarding Plastic Cards for Individual CGHS beneficiaries

F.No.11-1/2004-C&P/Pt-XII Government of India Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Department of Health & Family Welfare Department of Health & Family Welfare CGHS (P) Division Nirman Bhawan, Maulan Azad Road, New Delhi - 110011. Dated the 15th May, 2009 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Clarifications regarding Plastic Cards for Individual CGHS beneficiaries - With reference to the above mentioned matter the undersigned is directed to state that individual Plastic Cards are being issued to all CGHS beneficiaries in Delhi and NCRT in place of Family Cards. In this regard this office has beenreceiving several queries seeking clarifications and therefore, this Ministry has decided to issue an Office MemorandumClarifying the issues. It is clarified that: 1. Data of CGHS beneficiaries is available on Data base of Servers located at NIC Headquarters. 2.The individual Plastic Cards are only Identity cards bearing a unique number for each beneficiary, validity for ...
BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED BSNL offers 20 percent discount on Broadband services (usage and Rental) to visually impaired customers, both existing as well as new customers. BSNL offers 20 percent discount on Broadband services (usage and Rental) To visually impaired customers, both existing as well as new customers. Please visit BSNL website

Classification of posts under the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965

No.11012/7/2008-Estt.(A) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training)   North Block, New Delhi, Dated the 17th April, 2009   OFFICE MEMORANDUM   Subject: Classification of posts under the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965   Under the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965, all Central Government posts are classified into four categories, viz., Groups “A”, “B”, "C" and “D”. This classification at present is based on the norms prescribed by the Department of Personnel and Training vide S.O. 332(E) dated 20.04.1998 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary. 2. As per clause (4) of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 notified vide notification No G.S.R. 622(E) dated 29.8.2008, the pay band and grade pay or the pay scales , as applicable, of every post/grade specified in column 2 of the First Schedule thereto shall be a...

Supreme Court seeks response from Kerala government on creamy layer

The Supreme Court on Thursday sought response from the Kerala Government on its decision to raise the income ceiling for the 'creamy layer' among OBCs from Rs 2.5 lakh to Rs 4.5 lakh. A bench headed by Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan issued notice to the state government on a petition filed by Kerala-based Nair Service Society challenging the notification in this regard. The Society said without determining the criteria, the state government raised the income ceiling giving reference of a similar decision taken by the Centre which has been challenged in the apex court. It said it would have been appropriate for the Kerala Government to appoint an independent Commission for dwelling on the issue of the creamy layer. The bench tagged the petition with another petition which in October last year had challenged the Centre's decision to raise the income ceiling for the creamy layer. Some of the anti-quota petitioners had alleged that the Union Cabinet's decision to raise ...