
Showing posts from May, 2012

Latest Clarification on Children Education Allowance/Hostel Subsidy : Dopt orders

Latest Clarification on Children Education Allowance/Hostel Subsidy : Dopt issued orders on 31st May, 2012. Clarification on the subject of the definition of 'station' for the purpose of Hostel Subsidy under Children Education Allowance Scheme. The Department of Personnel and Training has issued the clarification orders regarding the above subject today.  It has been clarified that the Government servant if he/she keeps his/her children in a hostel of a residential school/institution located beyond a distance of 50 kilometres from his/her residence shall be admissible and it is further clarified that grant of Hostel Subsidy is not related to transfer liability of the Government servant. The order is reproduced and given below for your ready reference… No.12011/07/2011-Estt.(AL) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension Department of Personnel & Training New Delhi, May 31, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subjec...

All India Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers on Base 2001=100 for the Month of April, 2012

All India Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers on Base 2001=100 for the Month of April, 2012 Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Labour & Employment 31-May-2012 16:53 IST All India Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers on Base 2001=100 for the Month of April, 2012 All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 for the month of April, 2012 increased by 4 points and stood at 205 (two hundred five). During April, 2012, the index recorded maximum increase of 9 points in Amritsar centre, 8 points each in Jaipur, Madurai and Vadodara centres, 7 points each in Mundakkayam, Bhilwara and Faridabad centres, 6 points in 7 centres, 5 points in 11 centres, 4 points in 15 centres, 3 points in 16 centres, 2 points in 7 centres and 1 point in 10 centres. The index decreased by 2 points in Belgaum centre and 1 point in Munger Jamalpur centre, while in the remaining 3 centres the ...


Government of India Ministry of Urban Development DIRECTORATE OF ESTATES Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi - 110 108 No.12035/16/2010/-Pol.II May 21, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM SUB : ALLOTMENT OF ANNUAL POOL RESIDENTIAL ACCOMMODATION UNDER AUTOMATED SYSTEM OF ALLOTMENT—UPGRADATION OF DATA/RECORDS ON ANNUAL BASIS The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Directorates OM No.12035/16/2010-Pol.II dated 22/12/2010, 24/8/2011 and 18/11/2011 regarding allotment of quarters through Automated System so as to bring transparency in the allotment of quarters. Recently. while reviewing the position of quarters, it was felt that the names of some non-serious applicants continue in the waiting list on year to year basis. Such non-serious applicant neither update their data i.e., upgradation of pay by way of increment etc. nor they give option for quarters. The Directorate of Estates finds it difficult to assess the exact requirement of quarters in each type because of ...

Fixation of enhanced family pension - pre-2006 pensioners / family pensioners -Clarification regarding

F.No.1/3/2011-P&PW(E) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi Dated: the 25th May, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Fixation of enhanced family pension - pre-2006 pensioners / family pensioners -Clarification regarding. The orders of the Government on implementation of the recommendations of the 6th central Pay Commission were issued by this Department in September, 2008. The family pension in respect of pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners was consolidated w.e.f. 01.01.06 as provided for in this Department’s O.M. No.38/37/08- P&PW(A), dated 01.9.08 and clarified vide O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A).Pt.I, dated 03.10.08 and 14.10.08. 2. The fixation of family pension at ordinary rates is subject to the provision that the revised family pension in no case shall be lower than 30% of the minimum of the pay in the pay band ...

Completion Certificate from CMDA for CGEWHO’s Chennai (Phase-II) Housing Scheme

CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES WELFARE HOUSING ORGANISATION (CGEWHO) Head Office: 6TH FLOOR, ‘A’ WING JANPATH BHAWAN NEW DELHI-110 001 Website ; E.MaiI : T-109/15 By Post Date 28/05/2012. To, The beneficiaries of Chennai (Phase-II) Housing Scheme. Subject: Completion Certificate from CMDA for CGEWHO’s Chennai (Phase-II) Housing Scheme : reg. Sir/Madam, Kindly be informed that Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA) has finally issued a partial ‘Completion Certificate’ vide CC No. EC/North/64/2012 dated 10/05/2012: holding 10 blocks i.e. A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-15 & B-16 in Kendriya Vihar-II, Chennai. We are following up for completion certificate of the balance blocks, as stated above with CMDA. 2. In view of the above development, CGEWHO will not further issue any possession letter of DU / FIat of the above blocks till a CC is obtained since it was clarified by the Secretary, Housing & Ur...

Final result of NDA & Naval Academy Exam, 2011

Final result of NDA & Naval Academy Exam, 2011 837 candidates have qualified for admission to the Army, Navy and Air Force wings of National Defence Academy for the 128th Course and for the 90th Indian Naval Academy Course commencing from 29th June, 2012. For detailed information regarding the date of commencement of the above courses, candidates can visit the Websites of Ministry of Defence i.e or The list of the successful candidates is in order of merit after the written examination held by UPSC on 21st August, 2011 and the interviews conducted by the Services Selection Board of the Ministry of Defence. 

Incentive System for Central Government Employees

Incentive System for Central Government Employees The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Shri.V.Narayanasamy said in the parliament regarding the new benefit scheme for government employees very soon. The below information has given by the Minister as a written reply in the Parliament on 7th December, 2011. "The Sixth Pay Commission has recommended the introduction of a new performance based pecuniary benefit,over and above the regular salary, for Government employees.The benefit will be called Performance Related Incentive Scheme (PRIS) and will be payable taking into account the performance of the employees during the period under consideration.

Promotional avenues for CGHS employees

Promotional avenues for CGHS employees The below information was given by the Minister of Health and Family Welfare in parliament on 22nd May, 2012. The Minister was given in written reply in the Parliament that the requisite information regarding names of the posts (excluding medical posts), number of the posts, their pay scales etc. of the paramedical and other staff of CGHS are annexed. They are granted promotion, ACP, MACP etc. in accordance with their Recruitment Rules pertaining to the respective cadres and the Govt. instructions issued from time to time. Annexure Group- B Officers

Appointment on compassionate grounds cannot be claimed as a matter of right

'Compassionate appointments not a matter of right' New Delhi: Appointments in government offices on compassionate grounds cannot be claimed as a right and they are permissible only in genuine cases as per rules, else it would violate the Constitution, the Supreme Court has ruled.  "Appointment on compassionate grounds cannot be claimed as a matter of right. As a rule, public service appointments should be made strictly on the basis of open invitation of applications and merit.  "The appointment on compassionate ground is not another source of recruitment but merely an exception to the aforesaid requirement taking into consideration the fact of the death of the employee while in service leaving his family without any means of livelihood," the apex court said.  A bench of justices B S Chauhan and Dipak Misra gave the ruling while upholding the Union government's appeal against an Allahabad High Court order to appoint Shashank Goswami on compass...

AIRF: MACP anomalies to be settled in the next meeting of National Anomaly Committee

AIRF: MACP anomalies to be settled in the next meeting of National Anomaly Committee All India Railwaymen Federation General Secretary and one of the member of National Anomaly Committee Shri.Shiv Gopal Mishra has written a letter to the Secretary of DOPT pertaining to the issues pending before the National Anomaly Committee. He expressed in that letter that the long and large number of pending issues has created frustration among all the Central Government employees, particularly Railwaymen. He further stated, need immediate settlement of the long pending anomalies in the next meeting. The following anomalies are pending and to be settled…

Authorised Medical Attendant for KVS & their employee of Gandhi Nagar(Gujarat)for the periods (01-04-12 to 31-03-13)

Authorised Medical Attendant for KVS & their employee of Gandhi Nagar(Gujarat)for the periods (01-04-12 to 31-03-13) KENORIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN (HQ) F.11029/01/2011-KVS (HQ) / Admn.II Dated : 11.04.2012 OFFICE ORDER With reference to Kendriya Vidyalaya Sarngathan Regional Office letter No. 12040/KVS/RO AHMD, dated 30.01.2012, the approval of the AddI. Commissioner (Admn), Kendriva Vidyalaya Sangathan (HQ) is accorded for appointment of the following doctors as Authorised Medical Attendants (AMAs) for Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan and the Kendriya Vidyalaya employees and members of their families at Gandhinagar (Gujarat) for the period 01.04.2012 to 31.03.2013 in terms of the Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944 :-


TRADE UNIONS OPPOSE PETROL PRICE HIKE BY PROTEST RALLIES ON MAY 30 & 31 New Delhi, May 26: The central trade unions  BMS, INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, AICCTU, UTUC, TUCC, LPF and SEWA jointly issued the following statement. All the central trade unions of the country express deepest concern at the reckless decision of the government to increase the price of petrol more than Rs. 7 per litre, unprecedented dose of increase so far, at a time when the economy is in deep crisis. Food inflation has again crossed double-digit when slow down in the economy is unabated, all round economic crisis has overtaken the country. When it was urgently necessary to take effective steps to curb the criticality of the economic crisis, government has moved in the reverse way perpetuating the crisis and pushing  the people, particularly the working masses into intolerable hardships.

Common Admission Examination Process with Weightage to Performance in Class 12th Board from 2013

Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development  28-May-2012 18:17 IST Common Admission Examination Process with Weightage to Performance in Class 12th Board from 2013: Shri Kapil Sibal IIT Merit List to be Based on Advance Exam Subsequent to Screening  After a process of deliberations and consultations spanning over two years, a meeting of the Joint Councils of Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), National Institutes of Technology (NITs), Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs) and other Central Educational Institutions approved the conduct of a common admission examination process with weightage to performance in the Class XII Board examinations in its meeting today which was presided over by the Minister for Human Resource Development, Communications & IT, Shri Kapil Sibal.  The multiplicity of entrance examinations that a student intending to pursue a course in engineering has to appea...

Fee Concession in Kendriya Vidyalayas

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan File No.110335/1/2012-KVSHQ(Acad.) Date 10.05.2012 The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan All Regional Offices. Subject : Fee Concession in Kendriya Vidyalayas Sir / Madam, As per Article 123 of Education Code various concession in the fee have been provided to the students. However, it has come to our notice that such provisions are not known to a large number of parents. As a result, they directly approach KVS HQs with queries. Hence, it is requested that principal of KVs under your jurisdiction be given instruction to publicize the provision of Article 123 and display it on the school website so that deserving students get the benefit of such provision.

Encashment of 300 days of Earned Leave for Defence and other Industrial employees other than Railways

Encashment of 300 days of Earned Leave for Defence and other Industrial employees other than Railways The Industrial Employees other than Railways were not allowed to accumulation of EL upto 300days and it was limited to 120 days before the issuance of order on 07/11/2006 . It was a long pending demand of Staff Side Members of National Council JCM to grant of accumulation and encashment of 300 days of earned leave and it was agreed and granted with effect from the date of issue of the order that is from 07th November 2006. The employees those who were retiring on and after 07/11/2006 were unable to encash the Earned Leave to the extent of 300 days since they were restricted to accumulate their EL upto 120 days only. Due to that they couldn’t avail the benefit of encashment of 300 days EL at that time. This anomaly had been removed after a long struggle and necessary order was issued on 25th September 2008 regarding the issue of shortfall in Earned Leave . To make up the shor...

Employment News Weekly Updates for the week from 26th May to 1st June 2012

Employment News Weekly Updates for the week from 26th May to 1st June 2012 Job Highlights  (26 May - 01 Jun 2012) 1.Uco Bank invites applications for recruitment of 1000 Clerks. Last date for online Registration : 02.06.2012. 2.Steel Authority of India Limited, Burnpur invites applications for 507 non-executive posts. Last Date : 21.06.2012. 3.Headquarter Southern Naval Command, Kochi requires 399 Safaiwalas, unskilled Labourers, Fireman Watchman, Mali, Peon etc. Last Date: 21 days after publication 4.Mahanadi Coalfields Limited requires 353 Jr. Overman, Mining Sirdar and Deputy Surveyor. Last Date : 11.06.2012 5.Assam Rifles invites applications for recruitment of 242 Tradesmen. Last Date : 19.06.2012.

New Pension System - Lok Sabha News

New Pension System The below information was given by the  Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance Shri.Namo Narain Meena in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha on 4th May 2012.  The New Pension System (NPS) was extended to all citizens of India w.e.f. 01st May, 2009.  A total of 21 Points of Presence (PoPs) were registered in the year 2009 with 844 branches of the PoPs acting as Points of Presence - Specified Points (PoP-SPs). As on date, the number of PoPs registered are 53 with 19463 branches of the PoPs acting as PoP-SPs. As per the information furnished by PFRDA the six states i.e. Haryana, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh have announced co-contributory schemes for specific occupational groups for the workers of unorganized sector. The quantum of contribution will be decided by States itself. 

Rotational Transfer of Assistant with more than 16 years of service in the same Ministry / Department reg.

No.7/4/2012-CS-I(A)  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions  Department of Personnel and Training 2nd Floor, Lok Naysk Bhavan,  Khan Market, New Delhi-110003  Dated: 25th May 2012. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Rotational Transfer of Assistant with more than 16 years of service in the same Ministry / Department reg. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated 11th April 2012 whereby Cadre Units were requested to furnish information/preference of posting of Assistants who have completed more than 16 years of service in any capacity in a particular Ministry/Department (excluding those who are due for superannuation within two years as on 01.01.2012). 2. It is noticed that a number of cadre units have not furnished the requisite information so far. The defaulting Cadre Units addressed below are therefore, requested to furnish information/preference of posting of As...

How to calculate GPF interest

How to calculate the interest rates for General Provident Fund The rate of interest on GPF is generally fixed after taking into consideration the average secondary market yields on government securities. The rates of interest on General Provident Fund (GPF) is 8% for the period from 1.4.2011 to 30.11.2011 and 8.6% from 1.12.2011 to 31.3.2012 , whereas the rate of interest on EPF for the financial year 2011-12 is 8.25%. whereas the rate of interest on EPF is fixed on the recommendation of the Central Board of Trustees (CBT) by the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO), Ministry of Labour and Employment based on the income earned on the accumulated fund during the financial year.

Recruitment against Physically Handicapped Quota- Launch of Special Recruitment Drive

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No.E(NG)II/2009/RC-2/7 New Delhi, dated 22.05.2012 The General Manager (P), All Indian Railways/PUs. Sub:- Recruitment against Physically Handicapped Quota- Launch of Special Recruitment Drive. Ref:- Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2006/RC-2/11 Pt. IV, dt. 1/5/12. In continuation with Board’s letter under reference on the above subject, following may be noted :- i) With respect to indents notified by RRBs but not yet finalized , it is stated that since the process of recruitment has already been initiated by RRBs, no further action is required to be taken by the Railways/PUs. ii) With respect to indents diverted from categories where 3% was to be kept vacant, Railway needs to fill up the backlog vacancies in the original category If they have not yet been diverted and have not so far been notified. Also, if the backlog vacancies has been diverted to other categories b...

Latest Air India Domestic Fare List - 8th May 2012

Latest Air India Domestic Fare List - 8th May 2012 Air India Domestic Fare list updated with LTC Scheme – LTC Fare List 2012 Journey by Air Travel while availing LTC, stipulating that the orders insisting to travel by Air India only. Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ officers (Gazetted and Non-Gazetted) are entitled to travel by Air to NER on LTC. Other employees are entitled to travel by Air to NER from Guwahati or Kolkata airport only. One more restriction of travel by Air India only need not apply to non-entitled employees who travel by air and claim LTC reimbursement by entitled class of rail. An employee can avail LTC to visit NER by conversion of one block of home-town LTC. Reimbursement of the actual expenses on air travel while availing LTC, will be restricted to cost of travel by the economy class only.

Central has no proposal to extend CGHS to new cities

Central Government has no proposal to extend CGHS to new cities in India. When answering the question in Lok Sabha regarding the subject of CGHS covered cities, the Minister of Health and Family Welfare Shri.Ghulam Nabi Azad said that the at present no proposal to expand CGHS to new locations due to severe resource constraints, especially the acute shortage of qualified medical and paramedical professionals, besides financial and logistic constraints. Now, the medical scheme of CGHS is functional in 18 states and 2 Union Territories of the country and 10 states are not covered under CGHS.

Implementation of Recommendations of 6th CPC - Merger of grades - Revised Classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts – Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2011

RB/Estt. No.65/2012 Government of India Ministry of Railways Railway Board No. E(NG)I-2008/PM1/15 New Delhi , Dated 23/05/2012 The General Manager, All Indian Railways & Production Units. (As per standard list) Sub : Implementation of Recommendations of 6th CPC - Merger of grades - Revised Classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts – Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2011. Ref : Board's letters of even no dated 03.09.2009 and 21.11.2011 on the above subject. As the Railways are aware that in terms of instructions issued vide this Ministry's letters of even number dated 03.09.2009 and 07.06.2010 on the above subject, scheme for filling up of vacancies as may arise up to 31.08.2009 and 31.12.2011 respectively were circulated to the Railways. Further vide letter of even number dated 21.11.2011, the existing methodology to fill up the promotional vacancies has been extended till 31.12.2012 and vide para 2.1 of the l...

GPF and SDS Interest Rates Revised for the Financial Year 2012-13

Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Finance 24-May-2012 12:36 IST GPF and SDS Interest Rates Revised for the Financial Year 2012-13 Government of India has revised the Interest Rates for the financial year 2012-13 in respect of State PFs (GPF) and Special Deposit Schemes (SDS) for non-government Provident, Superannuation and Gratuity funds (SDS), 1975, from 8.6% to 8.8%  with effect from 01.04.2012 . The funds concerned are:-

Implementation of recommendations contained in Para 61 of 44th Report of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs - following a time schedule for disbursement of pension

No.38/64/98-P& PW(F) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare (Desk-F) 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, New Delhi-110003 Dated the 1st May, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject- Implementation of recommendations contained in Para 61 of 44th Report of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs - following a time schedule for disbursement of pension — regarding. In Para 61 of the 44th Report of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Home Affairs, the Committee observed that timely payment of pension and retirement dues is not being made to the retiring employees of the Union Government. The Committee drew attention to the employees Provident Fund Scheme and the Notification issued by the Ministry of Labour on 27.10.1997 amending the Employees Pension Scheme, 1995. In terms of provisions under Employees Provident Fund and Misc. Provisions Act, 1952. t...

GPF (General Provident Fund) interest rate for 2012-13

(PUBLISHED IN PART I SECTION OF GAZETTE OF INDIA)  F.No.5(1)-B(PD)/2012  Government of India  Ministry of Finance  (Department of Economic affairs) New Delhi, the 22nd May, 2012 RESOLUTION It is announced for general information that during the year 2012-2013, accumulations at the credit of subscribers to the General Provident Fund and other similar funds shall carry interest at the rate of 8.8% (Eight point eight per cent) per annum. This rates will be in force during the financial year beginning on 1.4.2012. The funds concerned are :-

Children Education Allowance Clarification

No.12011/07/2011-Estt.(AL) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) New Delhi, Dated 23rd May, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Children Education Allowance / Hostel Subsidy-Clarification The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Personnel & Training’s  O.M. No.12011/03/2008 Estt.(AL) dated 2nd September, 2008 and subsequent clarification  No.12011/08/2010-Estt.(AL) dated 30th December, 2010 on the above subject and to say that  this Department has been receiving various references seeking clarification whether fee  charged by schools for teaching through audio-visual aids can be reimbursed.  It is clarified  that fee paid to the school for the use of any aid or appliances by the child is reimbursable.  Hence, if fee is charged by the school for teaching through audio-visual tools, the same is  reimbursable as “fee” mentioned in...

AC Charges of room/suit of Holiday Homes/Touring Officer's Hostels / Guest Houses and reduction in time for submission of application

No.D-11028/23/82/-Regions (Vol.II) Government of India Ministry of Urban Development Directorate of Estates Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Dated 19th April, 2012 Office Memorandum Subject :- AC Charges of room/suit of Holiday Homes/Touring Officer's Hostels / Guest Houses and reduction in time for submission of application. The undersigned is directed to refer to Directorate of Estates O.M. of even No.dated 30th January 2012 regarding revision of rates of room charges of Holiday Homes and Touring Officer's Hostels under the Ministry of Urban Development. It is stated that both types of room i.e. AC and Non AC rooms are available in Holiday Homes and Touring Officers Hostels / Guest Houses. Accordingly, it has been decided to levy AC charges (wherever AC facility is available) other than VIP suits @ Rs.30/- per day per room / suit of holiday homes / touring officers hostels / guest houses in addition to booking charges of room / suit. AC charges to be deposit...

Payment of EPF

Ministry of Labour & Employment Payment of EPF Employees of a liquidated company can file their claim for provident fund, duly attested by any of the following authorized persons:  Member of Parliament;  Member of Legislative Assembly;  Magistrate;  A Gazetted Officer;  Sarpanch of the Village;  Manager of the Bank in which the Bank Account of the claimant is maintained; and  Notary Public, etc.

Resettlement of Ex-Servicemen

Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Defence  21-May-2012 16:23 IST Resettlement of Ex-Servicemen  Some allegations regarding running of resettlement schemes for Ex-servicemen by the officials of the Directorate General of Resettlement have been made by some individuals / agencies. The allegations are regarding availing of multiple benefits by some ESM in connivance with the officials of DGR.  These allegations were investigated by an In-house Enquiry Committee which submitted its report. The matter has been handed over to Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs for a detailed investigation against the officials mentioned in the report of the In-house enquiry committee. However, to ensure more transparency in the functioning of the DGR's organization, necessary instructions have been issued.  This information was given by Minister of State for Defence Dr MM Pallam Raju in a wr...

Govt. Employees take Pledge on Anti-Terrorism

Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs  21-May-2012 12:10 IST Govt. Employees take Pledge on Anti-Terrorism Anti Terrorism Day is being observed throughout the country today. Employees in Govt. offices, Public Sector Undertakings and other public institutions in the country took a pledge to oppose all forms of terrorism & violence. The Union Home Minister Shri P.Chidambaram administered the oath to the officers and staff of the Ministry of Home Affairs in North Block this morning. The Day is observed to generate awareness in the country among all sections of people, about the danger of terrorism, violence and its dangerous effect on the people, the society and the country as a whole.  `The objective behind the observance of Anti-Terrorism Day is to wean away the youth from the terrorist/violence cult by highlighting the suffering of the common people and showing how it is prejudicial to the national interest. Thes...

Functioning of RRBs

Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Finance  18-May-2012 16:22 IST Functioning of RRBs The Government reviews the performance of Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) on an ongoing basis. The Committee constituted by Government under the chairmanship of Dr. K.C. Chakrabarty on Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio (CRAR) has reviewed the performance and the financial position of Regional Rural Banks (RRBs). After assessment of financial position of RRBs the Committee in April, 2010 inter-alia recommended recapitalization of 40 RRBs to improve their CRAR.  In view of the recommendations of Dr. Chakrabarty Committee, an amount of Rs. 66.49 crore was released to 5 RRBs during 2010-11 and Rs.402.43 crore has been release to 19 RRBs during 2011-12 as the release of Central Government share is subject to the release of proportionate share by concerned State Government and sponsor bank.  As per information reported by NABARD, the total...

Allotment of Government Accommodation.

The below information was given by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Urban Development Shri.Saugata Roy in a written reply in Lok Sabha on 8.5.2012 regarding the question of allotment  of Government Accommodation. All Central Government employees working in eligible offices and the employees working in eligible offices in the Government of NCT of Delhi, National Political Parties and their Presidents, Ex-President of India, Ex-Prime Minister of India, Ministers, Judges of Hon’ble Supreme Court and Hon’ble High Court of Delhi and Members of Parliament are entitled for allotment of accommodation from General Pool. Total number of Government accommodation in General Pool (type-wise) is as per Annexure.

Private Insurance Services

Private Insurance Services   The Government had launched the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) on 01.10.2007 to provide for smart card based cashless health insurance cover of Rs. 30000 per annum on a family floater basis with the premium being shared by Central Government and the State Government in the ratio of 75:25 respectively to BPL families (a unit of five) in the unorganized sector, including single women, widows and senior citizens. The scheme became operational w.e.f 01.04.2008. This Scheme is being implemented by public sector general insurance companies as well as private insurance companies.  RSBY has been extended to building and other construction workers, street vendors, beedi workers, MGNREGA beneficiaries and domestic workers. As on 30.04.2012 the scheme is being implemented in 25 States/UTs. More than 2.95 crore smart cards have been issued upto 30th April, 2012  This information was given by the Minister of State for Finance, Shri Na...

Opening of Holiday Home at Port Blair

No.D-11016/53/2007-Regions Government of India Ministry of Urban Development Directorate of Estates Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Dated 18.05.2012 Office Memorandum Subject : Opening of Holiday Home at Port Blair . Holiday Home at Port Blair has been completed and it has been decided to open booking of rooms/suits of holiday home with immediate effect as detailed below : Name of Office/Booking Authority Suit /Room No. (i) Directorate of Estates (DoE) New Delhi 201, 202, 203, 204, 205 (VIP), 306 (VIP) (ii) O/o AEM, Chennai 301, 303 (iii) O/o EM/AEM, Kolkata 101, 103, 304 (iv) EE, ACD, CPWD, Port Blair 302, 206 (VIP) 2. The Telephone and Fax Nos. of Executive Engineer-cum-Estate Manager, ACD, CPWD, Kendriya Sadan, Lamba Line, Port Blari - 744103 are 03192-241906 and 03192-233583 respectively. Holiday Home at Port Blair is within the campus of Kendriya Sadan, Port Blair. 3. At present, Holiday Home at Port Blair is under Category 'C' for ...

Departmental proceedings against Government servants - Procedure for consultation with the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

No. 39034/07/2012-Estt (B) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) North Block, New Delhi, 15th May 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: - Departmental proceedings against Government servants - Procedure for consultation with the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). The undersigned is directed to make a reference to this Department’s O.M. No. 39021/4/81-Estt (B) dated 29th May, 1982 and 0M. No.39034/1/2009-Estt (B) dated 12th January, 2010 which inter-alia provide that the Disciplinary Authority should not express any opinion regarding the penalty to be imposed on the officer while forwarding a disciplinary case for consultation with the Union Public Service Commission UPSC has brought to the notice of this Department that in many cases the Disciplinary Authorities (DAs)  while referring the disciplinary case to the Commission for advice proposed the quantum ...

Selling Online Air Tickets by IRCTC

Ministry of Railways Selling Online Air Tickets by IRCTC Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) has been selling air tickets at its website since May 6, 2010 as a white label arrangement with a backend content provider. However, now IRCTC has launched air ticketing website on its own since May 7, 2012. This initiative has been taken to improve customer satisfaction and provide a seamless passenger movement over various modes of transport. IRCTC has developed in house air ticketing module for booking tickets for domestic and international airlines through website and IRCTC now has directly entered into agreement with the major airlines and the low cost carries in the country like Air India, Jet Airways, Kingfisher, Spicejet, Indigo and Go Air. Initially, the customer will be able to book tickets for these airlines for domestic travel and later the international airlines for international travel. This information was given by ...

Bank Accounts with Zero Balance

Ministry of Finance Bank Accounts with Zero Balance With a view to achieve the objective of greater financial inclusion, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued instructions to all Scheduled Commercial Banks in November 2005, to make available a basic banking ‘no-frills’ account either with ‘nil’ or very low minimum balances as well as charges that would make such accounts accessible to vast sections of population. As per RBI, the number of no-frills accounts outstanding with Public Sector Banks (excluding Regional Rural Banks) and Private Sector Banks at end of March 2012, is 1032.06 lakhs. This information was given by the Minister of State for Finance, Shri Namo Narain Meena in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.

NPS (New Pension System) and the old defined benefit (DB) pension system

Ministry of Finance New Pension System The Government has implemented the New Pension System (NPS) for Government employees who join Central Government (except armed forces) on or after 1st January, 2004. The NPS and the old defined benefit (DB) pension system are two different pension systems. Therefore, there can not be any comparison between the two in so far as the benefits to employees are concerned. The Pension benefits under the DB system are defined, however, under NPS the amount of pension would depend on the investment returns, the accumulation upto the age of retirement and level of annuitisation and type of annuity chosen. Some representations of Employees’ Associations have been received by the Government. The major reasons for its opposition by the Employees’ Associations are minimum pension, safety and returns on investment. Many measures have been taken to protect the interests of the NPS subscribers, like prescribing a flexible investment pattern, establishi...

Grant of Ration Money Allowance to the Non-Gazetted personnel of Andaman & Nicobar Police, including personnel of India Reserve Battalion

Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs  17-May-2012 20:22 IST Grant of Ration Money Allowance to the Non-Gazetted personnel of Andaman & Nicobar Police, including personnel of India Reserve Battalion The Union Cabinet today approved the following: (i) The grant of Ration Money Allowance at the rate of Rs.1697/-per month per head to the non-gazetted personnel of A&N Police and such personnel of India Reserve Battalions (IRBn) as are posted in Andaman & Nicobar Islands with immediate effect; and (ii) The revision of the rate of Ration Money Allowance from time to time in accordance with the same formula as is currently applicable to the non-gazetted personnel of Central para military forces.

Raising the age of retirement by two years which is under the consideration - Chief Minister

Demand under consideration: Chief Minister Srinagar, May 14: Days after dissenting employees threatened to dislodge his government, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah Monday said the demand for enhancement of their retirement age was under consideration. “We have fulfilled all the demands of the employees including grant of 6th pay commission arrears, release of HRA, DA, etc excepting one that of is raising the age of retirement by two years which is under the consideration of the government,” Omar told a public gathering after inaugurating the additional block of JLNM hospital Rainawari here. Expressing dismay over what he called unnecessary protests by certain groups of employees, the Chief Minister said the government has all along been employee-friendly. “We are looking forward for some via media (on retirement age) which shall satisfy the interests of both the employees and the educated youth,” he said hinting towards the possibility of the government raising the retirement...

Employment News Weekly Updates : Job Highlights (12 May – 18 May 2012)

Employment News Weekly Updates :- Job Highlights  (12 May – 18 May 2012) Union Public Service Commission invites online recruitment applications for 58 posts of Junior Scientific Officers, Associate Professors, Assistants Professors, Director, Assistant Director and Senior Cartographer. Closing Date: 31.05.2012. Railway Recruitment Boards invites applications for the Common Preliminary Examination for 6829 post of Non-Technical popular category (Graduate), Assistant Station Masters & Traffic Assistants. Last Date: 11.06.2012. Border Security Force requires 3277 Constables (Tradesmen). Last Date: 30 days after publication. Central Bank of India requires 1000 Probationary Officers. Last Date for online applications : 25.05.2012. Steel Authority of India Limited requires 365 Operator-cum-Technician Trainees. Last Date : 22.05.2012. Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited requires 46 Administrative Officers. Last Date : 23.05.2012. Bhabha Atomic Resear...

Retirement Age in HMT

Retirement Age in HMT The age of superannuation in most of the Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) is same as for Central Government Employees i.e. 60 years. However in some CPSEs (mainly sick and loss making) the age of superannuation is 58 years. As per DPE guidelines dated 20th April, 2007, HMT Limited and its subsidiaries excluding HMT International Limited are not eligible for enhancement in the age of retirement as these companies do not qualify as per DPE guidelines. However, a proposal for increasing the age of retirement of the employees of HMT Limited from 58 years to 60 years has been incorporated in HMT Limited’s proposed revival plan.

Government sought report on backlog reserved vacancies by Monday

Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions 17-May-2012 14:04 IST Government sought report on backlog reserved vacancies by Monday The Government has asked all the Ministries and Departments to submit the final report on filling up of the backlog reserved vacancies through Special Recruitment Drive by 21st of this month. Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office Shri V.Narayanasamy said that the final status from various Ministries and Departments is being received in this regard. He was replying to a question in the Rajya Sabha today that whether DoPT has asked to submit a status report on 60,000-odd reserved vacancies in Government jobs, including for the OBCs have been filled. The Minister said that the Special Recruitment Drive, 2008 was reviewed and the Government had re-launched the Drive on 26.07.2012 and all the Central Ministrie...

Empanelment of Annuity Service Providers (ASPs) for National Pension System (NPS)

Empanelment of Annuity Service Providers (ASPs) for National Pension System (NPS) for providing annuity services to the subscribers of National Pension System Subscribers to the National Pension System (NPS) will now have a choice of Annuity Service Providers, from whom they can choose their annuity schemes on their exit from NPS on attainment of 60 years of age.    Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has empaneled  the following  six IRDA approved life insurance companies  for providing annuity services to the subscribers of National Pension System (NPS).

Revised and corrected table for CGEGIS 2012

Revised and corrected table for CGEGIS 2012 The Finance Ministry has published an another office memorandum pertaining to the insurance scheme for Central Government employees on 9th May 2012. An earlier on 24th April, this department issued an accumulate table of benefits for the savings in the insurance scheme fund for the period of this year. The CGEGIS table 2012 has now been cancelled due to certain inadvertent error by the this Ministry.

Increase in Number of Tax Payers

Increase in Number of Tax Payers   The number of effective income tax assesses as well as the number of registered Central Excise and Service Tax assesses during the years 2006-07 to 2010-11 are as under: Financial Year Income Tax Assesses Central Excise Service Tax 2006-07 31903137 92035 947970 2007-08 33662801 96719 1070068 2008-09 32650627 100163 1221846 2009-10 34085426 101709 1224316 2010-11 33739124 113482 1300226 The amount of revenue collected from direct and indirect taxes during the period 2006-07 to 2010-11 is given below:

Withdrawal of PF by International Workers

Ministry of Labour & Employment Withdrawal of PF by International Workers In accordance with amended para 69 (under para 83 of Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme, 1952), an International Worker is allowed to withdraw the full amount standing to his credit in the fund: • on retirement from service in the establishment at any time after attaining the age of 58 years; • on retirement on account of permanent and total incapacity for work due to bodily or mental infirmity duly certified by the medical officer;

Social Security under EPF

Ministry of Labour & Employment Social Security under EPF The following Social Security Schemes are run under the Employees’ Provident Funds &Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952: (i)    Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme(EPF), 1952, (ii)  Employees’ Pension Scheme(EPS), 1995, and (iii) Employees’ Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme (EDLI), 1976. As per the audited Balance Sheet of the EPFO, the amount paid to the beneficiaries on the said Schemes during last three years are as under:

Written Result of Special Class Railway Apprentice’s Examination, 2012

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Written Result of Special Class Railway Apprentice’s Examination, 2012 The result of Written Examination of SCRA, 2012 has been declared by the Union public service Commission and the same is available on the Commission’s Website, It is informed that all the qualified candidates are required to fill up and submit the Detailed Application Form (DAF) ONLINE followed by sending of ink signed copy of the printout of DAF along with their photograph and all relevant documents to the Commission. The DAF shall be available on the Commission’s Website till 29-05-2012. Important Instruction for filling up and submitting the ONLINE DAF are also available on the Website along with the Rules of SCRA Examination, 2012. 

Married Accommodation Project

Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Defence  14-May-2012 14:45 IST Married Accommodation Project Married Accommodation Project (MAP) has been undertaken by Ministry of Defence for providing adequate residential/married accommodation for the defence personnel. Under the project, a total of 198881 Dwelling Units (DUs) are being constructed in four phases, at an estimated cost of Rs.17357.97 Cr. Presently, 53957 DUs have been constructed out of a total of 57875 DUs under Phase-I of the project. Phase-ll of the project involving construction of 69992 DUs has also begun. In order to ensure that the balance of 71014 dwelling units of MAP Phase-Ill and Phase-IV also get completed expeditiously, Phase- Ill and Phase-IV have been merged. The total number of DUs proposed to be constructed is based on assessment of requirement.

Special Recruitment Drive for filling up backlog reserved vacancies for Persons with Disabilities.

REMINDER No. 36038/2/2008-Estt. (Res.)  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions  Department of Personnel and Training North Block, New Delhi  dated 10th May, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Special Recruitment Drive for filling up backlog reserved vacancies for Persons with Disabilities. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departments OM of even number dated 9th April, 2012 (copy enclosed) whereby all the Ministries/Departments were requested to send the final report about the outcome of the Special Recruitment Drive by 30.4.2012. As already informed the Cabinet has to be apprised about the final outcome of the Drive.

Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme-1980 —Tables of Benefits for the savings fund for the period from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012.

No.7(1)/EV/2012  Government of India  Ministry of Finance  Department of Expenditure New Delhi the 9th May, 2012 CORRIGENDUM Sub: Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme-1980 —Tables of Benefits for the savings fund for the period from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s Office Memorandum of even no. dated 24th April, 2012, forwarding therewith the Tables of Benefits for the savings fund of the Scheme for the year 2012 based on a subscription of Rs.10 per month from 1.1.1982 to 31.12.1989 and Rs.15 per month w.e.f. 1.1.1990 onwards and table of benefits based on a subscription of Rs.10/- p.m throughout.

Vacancies in CVC

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Vacancies in CVC As on date, there are 296 sanctioned posts in the Central Vigilance Commission. Of these, 43 posts are vacant. These include 9 Group ‘A’, 15 Group ‘B’ and 19 Group ‘C’ posts. The occurrence of these vacancies range from the period 2010 to 2012. The reasons for posts remaining vacant include non-availability/non-joining of officers under the Central Staffing Scheme, lack of response to the posts to be filled up on deputation and non-joining of candidates nominated by the Staff Selection Commission etc. The posts in the Central Vigilance Commission are filled either under the Central Staffing Scheme or under the Recruitment Rules prescribed for the posts. The reasons cited above are normal exigencies and effort on continuous basis is made to fill up these vacancies.

How to calculate annual or promotional increment for Central Government employees as per 6th CPC..?

INCREMENT CALCULATION FOR CG EMPLOYEES How to calculate annual or promotional increment for Central Government employees as per 6th CPC..? The logic is very simple, but everyone should know about the procedure of calculation. We explain with some illustrations... The increment is an increase in pay for each year in a particular date. As per 6th CPC the annual increment has been granted on 1st July of every year and the qualifying period for earning an increment is six months on 1st July. One increment is equal to 3% (three per cent)  of the sum of the pay in the pay band and the grade pay will be computed and rounded off to the next multiple of ten.  "As per the Rule No.13 of CCS(Revised Pay) Rules 2008, “In the case of calculation of increments under the revised pay structure, paise should be ignored, but any amount of a rupee or more should be rounded off to next multiple of 10".  To illustrate, if the amount of increment comes to Rs.1900.70 paise, th...

Steps to fill up vacancies in CBI

Steps to fill up vacancies in CBI The vacancy positions in CBI as on 18.4.2012 is as under:- Cadre Sanctioned Strength Available Strength Vacancy Executive 4510 3901 609 Legal 318 258 60 Technical 155 115 40 Ministerial 1,538 1,436 102 Canteen posts 70 43 27 TOTAL 6,591 5,753 838 The occurrence and filling up of vacancies are continuous processes. Despite some vacancies in CBI, speedy investigation of various cases is ensured through effective use and deployment of existing personnel. The Central Government has approved a scheme for engagement of Special Prosecutors and Assistant Special Prosecutors on contract basis. Till date 43 Special Prosecutors/Assistant Special Prosecutors have been engaged on contract basis. The Central Government inter alia has taken following steps to fill up the vacancies:-

Air India Domestic Fare list updated with LTC Scheme – LTC Fare List 2012

Air India Domestic Fare list updated with LTC Scheme – LTC Fare List 2012 Journey by Air Travel while availing LTC, stipulating that the orders insisting to travel by Air India only. Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ officers (Gazetted and Non-Gazetted) are entitled to travel by Air to NER on LTC. Other employees are entitled to travel by Air to NER from Guwahati or Kolkata airport only. One more restriction of travel by Air India only need not apply to non-entitled employees who travel by air and claim LTC reimbursement by entitled class of rail. An employee can avail LTC to visit NER by conversion of one block of home-town LTC. Reimbursement of the actual expenses on air travel while availing LTC, will be restricted to cost of travel by the economy class only. To visit J&K by any Airlines subject to their entitlement being limited to LTC-80 Fares of Air India. Employees who are entitled to travel by rail by 2nd AC class for availing LTC to Andaman & Nicobar Islands can tr...

Amendment to Industrial Dispute Act

Ministry of Labour & Employment Amendment to Industrial Dispute Act Government of India has recently formulated the National Manufacturing Policy to accelerate growth in the manufacturing sector. The new Policy has been notified by the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP). For implementation of the Policy, the DIPP has referred certain Action Points to the Ministry of Labour & Employment, which are presently under process in this Ministry.

Maternity Benefit Act, 1961

Ministry of Labour & Employment Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 Review and amendments of various labour laws is an ongoing process. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 was amended in 2008 by which for section 8, the following section was substituted: “8(1) Every woman entitled to maternity benefit under this Act shall also be entitled to receive from her employer a medical bonus of one thousand rupees, if no pre-natal confinement and post-natal care is provided for by the employer free of charge. (2) The Central Government may before every three years by notification in the Official Gazette increase the amount of medical bonus subject to the maximum of twenty thousand rupees”.

Pay Parity in Services

Ministry of Defence Pay Parity in Services Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission and several improvements made thereon by the Government have been largely well received by the armed forces personnel. Some issues regarding service conditions, pay and allowances have subsequently been received. These issues are examined by the Government on case to case basis. In the matter relating to retirement benefits, an Anomaly Committee was set up under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Defence/Finance). This Committee identified some anomalies which have since been addressed to by the Government. Improvement of service conditions, pay, allowances and retirement benefits of armed forces personnel is a continuous process.

Reservation for Ex-Servicemen

Ministry of Defence Reservation for Ex-Servicemen The Central/State Government provides for the following reservation for Ex-Servicemen in the civil jobs:- Group 'C' Group 'D' (a) Central Ministries/Departments 10% 20% (b) PSUs/Nationalized Banks 14.5% 24.5% (ii)        10% posts of Assistant Commandants in paramilitary forces and 100% posts are reserved for ESM in Defence Security Corps.

Highlight of Civil Services Exam, 2011 Results

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions 04-May, 2012 15:47 IST Highlight of Civil Services Exam, 2011 Results             Following are the important highlights of the Civil Services Examination, 2011, for which final result has been declared today. Ø      The Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2011 was conducted on 12th June, 2011.  A record number of 4,72,290 candidates applied for this examination, out of which 2,43,003 candidates have actually appeared. Ø      11984 candidates were declared qualified for the Main written examination held in October-November, 2011 out of which 2417 candidates were selected for the Personality Test conducted in March-April, 2012.  Finally, 910 candidates (715 male & 195 female) have been recommended for appointment to the IAS, IFS, IPS and other Central Services against 1001 reported vacancies.  Vacancies unfilled presently are ...

Subscribers to NPS to Now have Choice of Annuity Service

Ministry of Finance Subscribers to NPS to Now have Choice of Annuity Service Providers; PFRDA takes Important Step towards Providing an Exit Route to the Subscribers Subscribers to the National Pension System (NPS) will now have a choice of Annuity Service Providers, from whom they can choose their annuity schemes on their exit from NPS on attainment of 60 years of age. Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has empanelled the following six IRDA approved life insurance companies for providing annuity services to the subscribers of National Pension System (NPS).

Linking of GPF Interest Rates With EPFO

Ministry of Finance 04-May, 2012 17:05 IST Linking of GPF Interest Rates With EPFO The rates of interest on General Provident Fund (GPF) is 8% for the period from 1.4.2011 to 30.11.2011 and 8.6% from 1.12.2011 to 31.3.2012, whereas the rate of interest on EPF for the financial year 2011-12 is 8.25%. Rate of interest on EPF is fixed on the recommendation of the Central Board of Trustees (CBT) by the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO), Ministry of Labour and Employment based on the income earned on the accumulated fund during the financial year. However, rate of interest on GPF is generally fixed after taking into consideration the average secondary market yields on government securities of similar maturity.

Govt directs employees to avoid contacts with foreigners

Govt directs employees to avoid contacts with foreigners Government has directed its employees to avoid maintaining close liaison with foreigners as they could be spies wanting to extract classified information from them. In a letter to Secretaries of all ministries and departments, the Home Ministry asked them to sensitise officers and other employees to avoid such contact with foreigners as they could be moles of foreign intelligence agencies working against India's interests. The Home Ministry letter mentioned that a few incidents have been detected in the past where government employees shared classified information with foreigners which compromised country's interests, official sources said.

Old Age Homes for Senior Citizens

Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment Old Age Homes for Senior Citizens Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment, Shri D. Napoleon informed Rajay Sabha today in a written reply that an allocation of Rs.100 crore was made for a proposed Centrally-sponsored Scheme to assist construction of Old Age Homes for Indigent Senior Citizens in 2010-11. However, the Scheme could not be approved during the Eleventh Five Year Plan. 

Vacancies in Railway Hospitals in Rural Areas

Vacancies in Railway Hospitals in Rural Areas Vacancies of doctors in Railways, including in Railway hospital in rural areas, are filled up by posting Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) selected doctors. Short term vacancies are being filled up by appointing Contract Medical Practitioners or by deputing doctors from near-by Railway hospitals ensuring continuous availability of doctors in these Health Units. All Health Units have adequate availability of medicines. X-ray and Lab facilities are made available on basis of outsourcing. Instructions have been issued to provide 20 Medical Road Mobile Vans at different locations to provide easy access to medical facilities in remote & inaccessible areas. Presently there is no fixed tenure of rural posting for doctors as services are being satisfactorily managed by need based transfer and posting of doctors. This information was given by the Minister of State for Railways Shri K. H. Muniyappa in written reply to a question i...

Loss Due to Train Cancellation

Ministry of Railways Loss Due to Train Cancellation The total number of passenger carrying trains cancelled due to Bandhs/blockade/agitations during 2009-10 was 3934; during 2010-11 it was 7100 and during 2011-12 it was 3399. The loss is not calculated train wise of passenger carrying trains. The loss due to disruption of goods trains from 2009-12 is estimated to be Rs. 1933 crore approximately. In case of cancellation of trains and late running of trains by more than three hours, full refund of fare is permitted to passenger holding reserved tickets, subject to the condition that the ticket is surrendered within the stipulated periods.  Maintenance of law and order in the Railway premises is the statutory responsibility of the State Governments concerned. Railway through Railway protection Force (RPF) supplements the efforts of the State Governments to ensure smooth running of train services. Punitive action is taken by the State Police (Civil Police and Governm...