
Showing posts from June, 2016

Percentage of HRA in 7th pay commission after cabinet approval

Percentage of HRA in 7th pay commission after cabinet approval The Pay commission has recommended HRA should be rationalized by using the factor 0.8 which is used for rationalising the percentage based allowances. The 7th CPC recommended 24 percent, 16 percent and 8 percent of the Basic Pay for Class X, Y and Z cities respectively. The Commission also recommended that the rate of HRA will be revised to 27 percent, 18 percent and 9 percent when DA crosses 50 percent, and further revised to 30 percent, 20 percent and 10 percent when DA crosses 100 percent. The cabinet committee reviewed the recommendations on Allowances and they are not able to give a decision over the Allowances. Hence the Union Cabinet  decided to constitute a Committee headed by Finance Secretary for further examination of the recommendations of 7th CPC on Allowances. And it is said that the Committee will complete its work in a time bound manner and submit its reports within a period of 4 months. In...

Cabinet approved improvements in the Defence Pay Matrix in Some Levels

Cabinet approved improvements in the Defence Pay Matrix in Some Levels The Cabinet approved further improvements in the Defence Pay Matrix by enhancing Index of Rationalisation for Level 13A (Brigadier) and providing for additional stages in Level 12A (Lieutenant Colonel), 13 (Colonel) and 13A (Brigadier) in order to bring parity with Combined Armed Police Forces (CAPF) counterparts at the maximum of the respective Levels. Some other decisions impacting the employees including Defence & Combined Armed Police Forces (CAPF) personnel include : · Gratuity ceiling enhanced from Rs. 10 to 20 lakh. The ceiling on gratuity will increase by 25 % whenever DA rises by 50 %. · A common regime for payment of Ex-gratia lump sum compensation for civil and defence forces personnel payable to Next of Kin with the existing rates enhanced from Rs. 10-20 lakh to 25-45 lakh for different categories. · Rates of Military Service Pay revised from Rs. 1000, 2000, 4200 & 6000 to 3...

NFIR Disappointed over not increasing Minimum wage and Fitment Factor

NFIR Disappointed over not increasing Minimum wage and Fitment Factor National federation of Indian railwaymen 3,Chelmsford road,New delhi-110055 PRESS NOTE The National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (NFIR)’s General Secretary expressed serious disappointment and unhappiness over the Government’s decision on minimum wage. Although there is justification of upward revision of minimum wage, the Government has not done justice to the employees. Similarly, the multiplier factor has not adequately been revised, Dr. Raghavaiah General Secretary NFIR said. ” Dr. Raghavaiah further said that as already decided by the NJCA, Railway employees will go on strike from 6:00 AM of 11th July 2016″ (Dr. Raghavaiah) General Secretary Source: NFIR

No improvement in Minimum Wage and Multiplying Factor is highly disappointing – AIRF

No improvement in Minimum Wage and Multiplying Factor is highly disappointing – AIRF A.I.R.F All India Railwaymen Federations 4,STATE ENTRY ROAD, NEW DELHI-110055 No.AIRF/160 Dated: June 29, 2016 The General Secretaries, All Affiliated Unions, Dear Comrades! Sub: Cabinet approval on the VII CPC report As all of you are aware that the Union Cabinet has accepted the report of the VII CPC today. It has been noticed that there is no improvement in Minimum Wage and Multiplying Factor as well, which was our hard pressed demand. Instead, wages, as recommended by the VII CPC have been accepted as it is, which is highly disappointing. Only two committees have been formed, one to take care of the allowances and another for National Pension Scheme, which will submit their reports within four months time. It is quite unfortunate that, our demand for improvement in the report of the VII CPC has not been considered by the government. Therefore, it would ...

Cabinet approves Implementation of the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission

Cabinet approves Implementation of the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission 7th Pay Commission implementation Highlights The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the implementation of the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) on pay and pensionary benefits. It will come into effect from 01.01.2016. In the past, the employees had to wait for 19 months for the implementation of the Commission’s recommendations at the time of 5th CPC, and for 32 months at the time of implementation of 6th CPC. However, this time, 7th CPC recommendations are being implemented within 6 months from the due date. The Cabinet has also decided that arrears of pay and pensionary benefits will be paid during the current financial year (2016-17) itself, unlike in the past when parts of arrears were paid in the next financial year. The recommendations will benefit over 1 crore employees. This includes over 47 lakh central government...

Cabinet approved the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission

Cabinet approved the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission The Cabinet approved the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission on Wednesday The recommendations will result in a hike in salaries of over one crore government employees and pensioners. The pay panel had in November last year recommended 14.27 per cent hike in basic pay at junior levels. The entry level pay has been recommended to be raised to Rs 18,000 per month from current Rs 7,000 while the maximum pay, drawn by the Cabinet Secretary, has been fixed at Rs 2.5 lakh per month from current Rs 90,000. Reports says that Minimum pay is Rs.18000/ and maximum pay 2,50,000 The Pay commission recommended Minimum pay Rs.18,000 with increase of 14.29%. The same is approved without any change.  Detail of the pay commission will be announced later in a press conference.

Union Cabinet likely to discuss report on recommendations of 7th Pay Commission today

Union Cabinet likely to discuss report on recommendations of 7th Pay Commission today The Cabinet is likely to discuss the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission today. The recommendations will result in a hike in salaries of over one crore government employees and pensioners. The pay panel had in November last year recommended 14.27 per cent hike in basic pay at junior levels. The entry level pay has been recommended to be raised to 18,000 rupees per month from current 7,000 rupees while the maximum pay, drawn by the Cabinet Secretary, has been fixed at 2.5 lakh rupees per month from current 90,000 rupees. The date of implementation for the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission is from 1st of January this year. As per government estimates, the total financial impact of implementing the pay commission recommendations in the 2016-17 fiscal is likely to be 1.02 lakh crore rupees. Source:

Implementation of 7th CPC : Finance Ministry prepared a Cabinet note based on ECoS report – AIDTOA

Implementation of 7th CPC : Finance Ministry prepared a Cabinet note based on ECoS report – AIDTOA Based on the ECoS report, the Finance Ministry may be preparing a Cabinet note and the VII CPC issue may come up for approval by the Cabinet as early as June 29. GOVT SHOULD NOT TAKE THE CENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES & OFFICERS FOR A RIDE. CONFRONTATION WILL BECOME INEVITABLE IF UNILATERAL ORDERS ARE ISSUED It seems that Govt. is not in favour of a negotiated settlement on the 7th CPC related issues. Based on the ECoS report, the Finance Ministry may be preparing a Cabinet note and the issue may come up for approval by the Cabinet as early as June 29. The Seventh CPC report was submitted on 19th November 2015 after a delay of about 3 months. The Government especially the Finance Minister had assured that the final decision over the report will be taken within 4 months. On 19th June 2016, the delay has crossed seven months. Till date the Govt. has not come forward for a n...

Cabinet consent likely for the Seventh Pay Commission recommendations tomorrow

Cabinet consent likely for the Seventh Pay Commission recommendations tomorrow The Seventh Pay Commission was constituted in order to revise the salaries and pensions to the Central Government employees and pensioners. After 21 months, the commission submitted its detailed report in November. With intense opposition from all quarters, including pensioners, the Centre constituted a high-level committee led by PK Sinha, to look into the recommendations. The committee has submitted its report to the Government. After incorporating the recommendations and suggestions made by the committee, the Ministry of Finance is all set to obtain the approval of the cabinet tomorrow, June 29, 2016. A meeting of the cabinet will be called for tomorrow. The Central Government employees have been more than curious to know about the recommendations suggested by the PK Sinha committee. Speculations continue on issues like minimum wages and Fitment Factor, confusing the employees more and more....

Cabinet is likely to take up 7th Pay Commission recommendations for Central Government employees on June 29

Cabinet is likely to take up 7th Pay Commission recommendations for Central Government employees on June 29 The Cabinet is likely to take up Seventh Pay Commission recommendations for government employees on June 29. Implementation of new pay scales recommended by the 7th Pay Commission is estimated to put an additional burden of Rs 1.02 lakh crore on the exchequer annually. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had in his Budget for 2016-17 provisioned Rs 70,000 crore towards Seventh Pay Commission awards, which is around 60 per cent of the incremental expenditure on salaries. The Pay Commission’s recommendations are due from January 1, 2016. The central government constitutes the pay commission every 10 years to revise the pay scales of its employees. The Commission was set up by the UPA government in February 2014 to revise remuneration of about 48 lakh central government employees and 55 lakh pensioners. Source : NDTV Profit


PARLIAMENT MARCH & RALLY OF ABOUT 20000 CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES – CONFEDERATION MASSIVE PARLIAMENT MARCH & RALLY OF ABOUT 20000 CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES INDEFINITE STRIKE FROM 11TH JULY 2016 33 LAKHS CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES WILL PARTICIPATE A massive parliament march and rally of about 20000 Central Government Employees was held at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi on 24th June 2016. The rally was organized by National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) of Central Government Employees comprising Railways, Defence, Confederation and Postal organizations demanding modification in the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commissions including minimum wage and fitment formula. Other demands are scrapping of New Contributory Pension Scheme, No FDI in Railways and Defence, Grant of Civil Servant status to Gramin Dak Sevaks, filling up of vacancies, enhancement of bonus ceiling, No outsourcing, downsizing, contractorisation and corporatisation etc. The NJCA had ...

Holidays to be observed in Central Government offices during year 2017 - Dopt Orders

Holidays to be observed in Central Government offices during year 2017 - Dopt Orders 12/8/2016-JCA-2 Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training JCA-2 section North Block, New Delhi Dated the 24th June. 2016 Subject: Holidays to be observed in Central Government offices during year 2017- reg. It has been decided that the holidays as specified in the Annexure —I to this O.M. will be observed in the Administrative Offices of the Central Government located at Delhi/New Delhi during the year 2017. In addition, each employee will also be allowed to avail himself / herself of any two holidays to be chosen by him/her out of the list or Restricted Holidays in Annexure — II. 2.Central Government Administrative Offices located outside Delhi / New Delhi shall observe the following holidays compulsorily in addition to three holidays as per para 3. below: 1. REPUBLIC DAY 2. INDEPENDENCE DAY 3...

Cabinet Approval for 7th Pay Commission Recommendation in 1st week of July 2016

Prime Minister himself will come forward to announce the Increase and changes in recommendations of 7th CPC “It is expected the that the Prime Minister himself will come forward to announce the Increase and changes in recommendations of 7th CPC, keeping in mind of CG Employee’s dissatisfaction over recommendations of 7th CPC.” Cabinet Approval for 7th Pay Commission Recommendation in 1st week of July 2016 Some News websites claims that the Meeting of Empowered Committee of Secretaries took place on 14th June and the report was submitted to Finance Ministry. The News further stated that the Cabinet Note was being prepared by Finance Ministry and it will be sent to Union Cabinet for its approval. The Staff Side, however, were unable to confirm this news. But the Agencies closely associated with the Ministry told, the Report of Empowered Committee was finalized and Cabinet Approval for Implementation of 7th Pay Commission Recommendation will be accorded in the fi...

Non-settlement of genuine demands of the Central Government Employees

Secretary of NC JCM Staff Side writes to MPs regarding VII CPC and Genuine Demands of CG Employees Ph.: 23382286 National Council (Staff Side) Joint Consultative Machinery for Central Government Employees 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001 E Mail : No.NC/JCM/2016 Dated: June 17, 2016 Respected Sir/Madam, Sub: Non-settlement of genuine demands of the Central Government Employees More than 32 lakh Central Government Employees working in various ministries of the Government of India. including Railways, Postal, Defence (Ordinance Factory and other Civilian Employees), Central Secretariat, Income Tax, Audit & Accounts and other employees of the government departments are aggrieved since long on non-settlement of their various demands. The report Of the Vll CPC has further made them aggrieved because of the retrograde recommendations, including non-scientific calculation of Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula. The issue of National Pensio...

7th Pay Commission News – NJCA Writes to PM on 7th Pay Commission issues

7th Pay Commission News – NJCA Writes to PM on 7th Pay Commission issues Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra, Secretary/Staff side writes to the Prime Minister on 14th of June 2016 regarding issues raised by the NJCA on the recommendations of the 7th pay commission sent to Cabinet Secretary vide letter dated 10th December 2015 7th Pay Commission – NJCA Writes to PM on 7th Pay Commission related issues and regarding NPS – He reports that the central government employees are very much disappointed with the recommendations of the 7th pay commission Here is the excerpt of the letter which Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra, Secretary/Staff side wrote to the Prime Minister on the 14th of June 2016 regarding 7th Pay Commission recommendations. ‘With Great regret I bring to your notice that the central government employees demands have no ears to hear, hence we are forced to go on an indefinite strike from 11th July 2016. Dear Sir, the central government employees are very much disappointed wi...

Empowered Committee recommendations on 7th Pay Commission report – Detailed report by Mr.Dorai

Empowered Committee recommendations on 7th Pay Commission report – Detailed report by Mr.Dorai MEDIA REPORT THAT EMPOWERED COMMITTEE OF SECRETARIES ARE PLANNING TO RECOMMEND 30 PERCENT INCREASE IN BASIC PAY SHALL ACTUALLY RESULT IN LOWER BENEFIT THAN WHAT THE 7TH CPC RECOMMENDED – M.DORAI Recent news appearing in the media that the Empowered Committee of Secretaries are planning to recommend 30 percent increase in the Basic Pay of Central Government employees has come as a bolt from the blue as it shall fetch lower benefit than what has been recommended by the 7th Central Pay Commission. It is not clear whether the media is bungling on this issue without confirming the authenticity of any such move by the Empowered Committee. Surprisingly quite a large number of central government employees and the Central Government Employees Federations/Associations including the media are not aware that 7th CPC had already recommended a minimum of 32% increase in the basic pay. In ...

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Railway Employees posted to new zones/new divisions – Railway Board orders

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Railway Employees posted to new zones/new divisions – Railway Board orders GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) RBE.No.63/2016 No.E(P&A)II-98/HRA-6 New Delhi, dated 13/06/2016 The General Manager/CAO’s All Indian Railways & Production units Sub: Grant of House Rent Allowance to Railway Employees posted to new zones/new divisions – regarding. Attention is invited to the instructions contained in Board’s letter of even number dated 9/3/2004 and 17/02/2016 on the above subject. 2. The matter has been considered by the Board subsequent to issue of letter No.e(G)2009 QR-1-2 dated 05/04/2016 and it has been decided that railway employees posted to ECR and NWR may be allowed house rent allowance upto 31.12.2016 on the same terms and conditions laid down in the letter of even number dated 09/03/2004 ibid and as emended/clarified from time to time. 3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance ...

Policy / Guidelines for setting up of Sanskriti type schools

Policy / Guidelines for setting up of Sanskriti type schools No.22/212010 -Welfare Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi, dated 07.06.2016 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Policy / Guidelines for setting up of Sanskriti type schools. The success of the innovative and experimental project of setting up of SANSKRITI School has led to demands from various other regions of the country for setting up of such schools in those locations as well. 2. It is observed that All India Services as well as Central Services Officers face similar problems in other large metro cities where they are posted on transfer and where it becomes very difficult for them to secure admission for their children in schools. Similarly officers of all India services and State Civil Services also get frequently transferred from various stations within the State to state capital and ...

Report of the committee to decide reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations

Report of the committee to decide reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations under different Ministries/Departments and rationalization of pay, incentive, allowances etc. of CVOs F.No.325/10/2015-AVD-III Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi Dated the 10 June, 2016 OFFICE MEMORANDAM Subject: Report of the committee to decide reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations under different Ministries/Departments and rationalization of pay, incentive, allowances etc. of CVOs. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even number dated 10thDecember, 2015 whereas a report of the committee chaired by AS(S&V), DoPT, for reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations under different Ministries/Departments and rationalization of pay, incentive, allowances etc. of CVOs, was sent to 33 Minis...

Parliament Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice to visit Bengaluru, Chennai and Bhopal

Parliament Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice to visit Bengaluru, Chennai and Bhopal The Department-related Parliament Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice will visit Bengaluru, Chennai and Bhopal beginning 20th June, 2016. The committee consisting of 28 MPs will be chaired by Dr E.M.S. Natchiappan. During the visit, the Committee will hold meeting with the representatives of recognised political parties and Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of the state on implementation of Model Code of Conduct for Political Parties during General Elections. The members will also meet the representatives of State Governments, State Public Service Commission and Administrative Training Institute and Indian Institute of Management in the respective states, on the subject of appointment of advisors/experts in Government establishments. During visit to Bengaluru, the committee will visit the National Law School of India University ...

Non Resident Indians (NRIs) can now join and subscribe to NPS online through eNPS

Non Resident Indians (NRIs) can now join and subscribe to NPS online through eNPS NRIs have a pivotal role to play in the Indian economy. India has the second-largest Diaspora in the world, with around 29 million people living in over 200 countries and out of these 25% live in the Gulf countries. Most of the Indians going to the Gulf and some other countries go for employment and return to India after having worked abroad for a certain period. NPS can provide a long term solution to their old age income security. NPS has been available to NRIs for some time through Bank offices and now, to further ease the process of joining, eNPS is being extended to Non-Resident Indian subscribers. NRIs can now open NPS Accounts online if they have Aadhaar Card or PAN card Till now, NRIs could open NPS accounts only through paper applications by approaching Bank offices but this has now changed. Through eNPS, a subscriber will be able to open an NPS account from the comfort of his h...

Minutes of the Pre Retirement Counseling workshop held on 31st May,2016

Minutes of the Pre Retirement Counseling workshop held on 31st May,2016 Minutes of the Pre Retirement Counseling workshop held on 31st May,2016 at Vigyan Bhawan under the chairmanship of Secretary (Pension) A Pre Retirement Counseling workshop was conducted on 31st May,2016 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi for retiring employees of various Ministries/Departments of the Central Government. At the outset, Joint Secretary (Pension) welcomed the participants and gave a brief overview of the workshop. During the technical sessions she informed the participants about the road map for sanction of pension and other retirement benefits and the role and responsibility of the retiring employee as well as that of Head of Office for timely payment of retirement dues. Participants were asked to complete all formalities in time and submit Form 5 to Head of Office. Head of Departments were requested to monitor the delay at various stages through Bhavishya. In the next session, participant...

Change in Retirement age of Non-Teaching, Public Health and GDMO sub-cadres of CHS

Change in Retirement age of Non-Teaching, Public Health and GDMO sub-cadres of CHS Cabinet approves enhancement of age of superannuation of Non-Teaching, Public Health Specialists and General Duty Medical Officers sub-cadre of Central Health Service to 65 years Press Information Bureau  Government of India Cabinet 15-June-2016 16:34 IST Cabinet approves enhancement of age of superannuation of Non-Teaching, Public Health Specialists and General Duty Medical Officers sub-cadre of Central Health Service to 65 years The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given its approval for enhancement of the age of superannuation of (i) Non-Teaching and Public Health Specialists of Central Health Service from 62 years to 65 years and (ii) Doctors of General Duty Medical Officers (GDMOs) sub-cadre of Central Health Service (CHS) to 65 years. The target group would be officers of Non-Teaching, Public Health and GDMO sub-cadres of CHS. The de...