
Showing posts from December, 2008

Recruitment of various posts in HPPSC and HAL

Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission Nigam Vihar, Shimla - 171 002 (HP) Post Vacancy Pay Scale Last Date HP Police Service 9 7880-13500 31-01-2009 Excise & Taxation Officer 5 7000-10980 31-01-2009 Please visit at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) 15/1 Cubbon Road, Bangalore - 560 001 Post Vacancy Pay Scale Last Date 1.Asst. Eng. 99 Rs.6550-11,350 24-01-2009 2.Asst. Catering Officer 01 Rs.6550 -11,350 24-01-2009 3.Security Officer 01 Rs.8600 - 14,600 24-01-2009 4.Sr.Medical Officer 01 Rs.8600 - 14,600 24-01-2009 5.Dy.Medical Officer 03 Rs.8600 - 14,600 24-01-2009 6.Deputy Managers 01 Rs.10,750 - 16,750 24-01-2009 Please visit at How to Apply : Applications should be submitted strictly 'ONLINE' by logging on to HAL Website



GOOGLE SMS CHANNEL:You can also create groups over SMS to communicate with your friends, family, and co-workers

Google SMS Channels is Google’s solution to SMS groups message broadcasting and subscription. This service enables you to get content from Google, Google partners, and all other websites and blogs with RSS support. You can create your own channel and publish content that other users can subscribe to. You can also create groups over SMS to commun icate with your friends, family, and co-workers, just like the SMS GupShup service. This is a free service. You don’t pay anything to send or receive messages using Google SMS Channels website. When you post a message to your channel, all the members of your channel get the message forwarded for free. Any Indian mobile number will work with this service. Google SMS Channel uses the normal number 9870807070, and not the premium short codes. So any SMS charge you incur is as low as you sending an SMS to your friend. There is no charge for receiving the updates. SMS tariff charges may apply when you configure the service or publish to a ch...


PENSIONERS WANT ALL FACILITIES The All India Central Government Pensioners Association (AICGPA) will conduct a meet on December 29 and 30 here to address various issues related to pensioners. The Association will seek inclusion of all those above the age of 60 as senior citizens.Mr. A. K. Palnitkar, president of Thane unit of the association today said the 61st annual meet of the pensioners will open with a Central Working Committee meet followed by an All India Conference. The association, with 72 branches across the country, has total 47,000 members. The meet would discuss the issue of disparity in pension, which was not solved by the Sixth Pay Commission. The other issues include an increase in pension from the age of 65, payment of pension in a single installment instead of the present two for those above 70 and the family of the deceased, immediate payment of medical allowance alongwith a hike from present Rs 100 to 500 and introduction of insurance based medical scheme.Giving t...

Application for BSNL Broadband Offer

BSNL 20% Discount for Central Government Employees - A format of application form given below... FOR GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES SCHEME Date: .......................... From To Dear Sir, Sub: BSNL promotional offer availing reg. I would like to avail the discount of 20% in Broadband Service Charges applicable for the government employees. Please find the enclosed undertaking countersigned by the Drawing and Disbursing Officer. My existing connection details are given below. Telephone Number : Exchange : Customer No : Yours Truely, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Undertaking by the Drawing and Disbursing Officer Certified that Shri/Shrimati/Kum……………………………………………. of is a Temporary/ Permanent employees of ……………………………………………… from …………………………………and is at present holding the post of ……………………. It is certified that organization is a central / State Government / Public Sector / Undertaking / Stat...

Benchmark for processing requests from employees

No.I-17011/11(4)/2008-H.III Government of India Ministry of Urban Development (Housing -III section) ***** Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi. Dated:- the 27th Nov, 2008 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:    Benchmark for processing requests from employees .        The undersigned is directed to inform that benchmarks for processing requests received in Admn. Division from employees of this Ministry have been fixed. A detailed list of items of work for which benchmarks have been fixed is enclosed herewith for information. s/d (Jitender Kumar) Under Secretary (Admin.) Sl.No. Item Section Maximum days for processing of request 1 GPF Advance/withdrawal Admn-II 5 days 2 TA Advance Admn-II 5 days 3 TA Settlement Claim Admn-II 5 days 4 LTC Advance Admn-II 5 days 5 LTC Settlement Claim Admn-II 5 days 6 Scooter/Computer/Motor Car Advance Admn-II 5 days 7 Leave E...

House Building Advance-enhancement in past cases-regarding

No.I-17011/11(4)/2008-H.III Government of India Ministry of Urban Development (Housing -III section) ***** Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi. Dated:- the 27th Nov, 2008 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:     Interest bearing advances/Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendation on House Building Advance-enhancement in past cases-regarding.        The undersigned is directed to say that the implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission relating to interest bearing advances, including House Building Advance, granted to Central Government employees is under consideration of the Government. 2.      Pending finalisation of the new arrangements, the matter has been examined in consultation with the Department of Expenditure and the following provisions for House Building Advance shall be in operation: (i)       The maximum limit for grant of HBA shall be 34 mon...

CITU Congratulates Striking Insurance Employees

The Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) heartily congratulates the 3 lakhs insurance employees and officers and their unions for the magnificent all India strike on 23rd December 2008 against UPA government's decision to increase FDI in the insurance sector. The strike, observed immediately after the introduction of the bill in Rajya Sabha proposing increasing the FDI from 26% to 49%, registers the strong opposition to further opening up of the insurance sector to the foreign insurance companies, who stand exposed before the entire world for the worst kind of fraud perpetrated on the common people and their role in the global financial crisis. The Indian economy was protected to some extent till now because our financial sector was not allowed to be liberalised to the extent the government wanted, because of the strong resistance of the trade union movement and the Left parties. It is a shame that the UPA government now wants to hand over greater control of our insurance sector...

LTC norms relaxed for Central Government employees to visit North Eastern region of India

Central Government has relaxed Leave Travel Concession (LTC) Rules In a major decision to boost tourism in the scenic north eastern region, the Centre has relaxed Leave Travel Concession (LTC) Rules for its employees permitting them to travel by air.The new rules will apply to employees irrespective of their grade or post and the order will be in operation for two years, sources in the Ministry of Personnel today said. Under the revised rules, Group A and B Central Government employees will be entitled to travel by air from their place of posting or nearest airport to a city in the north eastern region. Employees belonging to other categories will be entitled to travel by air to a city in the north eastern region from Guwahati or Kolkata.All Central Government servants would be allowed conversion of one block of Home Town LTC into LTC for destinations in the north eastern region, the order said. The Ministry said that data regarding the number of employees availing LTC to the nort...

LIC Employees strike call on Dec-23 against introduction of FDI hike bill in the Parliament

All India LIC Employees' Federations announced strike": All India LIC Employees' Federations have given a day strike call on December 23 against introduction of FDI hike bill in the Parliament to raise the limit from 26 percent to 49 percent of share holding in Insurance Companies. Allowing hike "FDI limit to 49 percent in Insurance Companies at the critical juncture will be like inviting" devil for a dinner or pushing vessel into the rough sea weather when Tsunami waves already have started roaring, P.Mahesh, General Secretary, South Central Zonal Council of All India LIC Employees Federation said in a release here on Monday. FDI is being advocated with the primary objective of enlarging non debt creating foreign capital inflows. Further technology acquisition and market access appear to be secondary objective. The most important need under today's conditions is to create substantially, reduce volatility and ensure smooth undisturbed growth. None of th...


PROFESSIONAL TAX 1."Employee" means a person employed on salary and includes, 2.A Government servant receiving pay from the revenue of the Central Government or any State Government; 3.A person in the service of a body whether incorporated or not, which is owned or controlled by the Central Government or any State Government, where, such body operates within the municipal limit even though its headquarters may be outside the municipal limit; and 4.A person engaged in any employment by an employer not covered by sub-clauses (i) and (ii); 5."Employer" in relation to an employee earning any salary on a regular basis under his means, the person or the officer who is responsible for disbursement of such salary and includes the head of the office or any establishment as well as the Manager or Agent of the employer; 6."Half-year" shall be from the 1st day of April to the 30th day of September and from the 1st day of October to the 31st day of March ...

Demands tabled by A I D E F and N F P E

Biggest Trade Union and Federations of Central Government Employees are demanding to the Government to implement immediately... One of the Federation for Ordnance Employees is demands as follows... Demands tabled by All India Defence Employees Federation Charter of Demands 1.No corporatization of ordnance factories as recommended by the 6th CPC, no grant of RUR to private industries, no outsourcing of Defence jobs to private section and no RDI in Defence sector. 2.No abolition of group "D" Post and no outsourcing of jobs to contractors. 3.To fix the minimum wages as per the 15th ILC norms. 4.To revise the fitment formula as suggested by the staff side to ensure a minimum wages increase of 40% to all categories of employees. 5.Revise the Pay Scale of Master Craftsman to Rs.9300 - 34800 + Rs.4200 Grade Pay and revise the cadre structure of Industrial Workers (Workshop Staff) 6.Anomaly in the fitment fromula to be rectified in case of employees promoted on or after 01-...

Loan rates may come down

Housing Loan rates for existing borrowers may come down The government on Thursday said it is talking to bankers to cut the lending rates for home loans even for the existing borrowers. "Yes, we are talking to bankers as their prime lending rate (PLR) is refixed. They (banks) must reset the loan rates for past borrowers also. As PLR is brought down, even floating rates must come down," Home Minister P Chidambaram said in the Lok Sabha. The former finance minister replies on finances in Parliament from the government side. Chidambaram's statement assumes importance as public sector banks on Monday said interest rate for fresh home loans of up to Rs 5 lakhs will not exceed 8.5 per cent, while the lending rate is a maximum of 9.25 per cent for new housing loans in the bracket of Rs 5 lakh and Rs 20 lakh. However, the existing borrowers did not get such relief. "Questions have been rightly asked, what about the past loans at floating rate of interest,"...



Inflation dives to nine-month low of 6.84%

Inflation dives to nine-month low of 6.84% A cut in petrol and diesel prices pushed inflation down to 6.84 per cent, the lowest in nine months, even as the Finance Ministry said this could help further ease interest rates in the economy. Inflation, measured by wholesale price movement, dipped by 1.16 per cent for the week ended 6th December from the previous week, triggering demands from the industry for further cuts in key policy rates by the Reserve Bank. Inflation, which touched a peak of 12.91 per cent in August, has fallen for the sixth straight week mainly on account of fall in crude prices in the international market. Per barrel crude prices have dipped to about USD 40 from a high of USD 147 in July. The fuel index itself has dipped by 3.7 per cent in the week under review. Apart from fruits and vegetables, prices of imported edible oil, rice bran oil and coconut oil declined. Prices of chemicals and chemical products declined, and those of transport equipment and parts a...

Leave Travel Concession Scheme

Leave Travel Concession Scheme NACIL is offering you a revised Leave Travel Concession Scheme (LTC-80), which was presently being offered under LTC-30 with effect from 01st December 2008 HIGHLIGHTS Under this scheme you can travel in Economy Class on selected domestic sectors. You can not avail child & Infant Fare or any other discount under this scheme. Tickets booked under LTC Scheme are refundable. However you will have to pay refund Fee of Rs. 100 per ticket, cancelled at least 1hour prior to the departure. But if you get the Ticket cancelled less than 1hour prior to the departure, it will be treated as no-show. you can re-book and change your reservation by paying just Rs.100 per ticket at least 1hour prior to departure. After commencement of the journey you can not Re-Route your booking. For verification you are required to carry the Employee Identity Card while traveling. You are also required to present your Employee identity card at the time of issuance ...

Holiday Homes

Online Bookings of Ministry of Urban Development Holiday Homes The Ministry of Urban Development has launched the online booking facility in the Ministry of Urban Development Holiday Homes for the Central Government employees. This was formally launched by Shri R.C. Mishra, Additional Secretary, of the Ministry of Urban Development, here today. Ministry of Urban Development has Holiday Homes at 10 locations and Touring Officers. Hostels at 30 odd locations all over India. The conventional method of booking of accommodation in these Guest Houses was time consuming and the facility was not accessible to a large section of the Central Government employees, posted all over the country. The new user-friendly system shall enable the Central Government employees - To apply online for booking of rooms in these Holiday Homes and Touring Officers¡¦ Hostels; To know the status of their applications online; and To obtain Confirmation Slips online. With the installation of online booking facil...


INDEFINITE STRIKE FROM 17.12.2008 (Wednesday) No agreement reached, talks held between DDG [Estt] and staff side At 15.00 Hrs. on 16.12.2008 however no settlement could be reached. Detailed news from National Postal Employees Federation On the direction of the Regional Labour Commissioner the Department of Posts held a discussion with the Staff Side consisting of the GDS Union and the NFPE with all its General Secretaries at 15.00 Hrs today. The Deputy Director General [Estt] took the meeting. The delay caused by the Senior Officers Committee in not discussing with the Staff Side and not completing its task before the assigned time of 7th December 2008 are protested by us and pointed out that this has caused the resentment at the lower levels. Talks were held for nearly one hour. However no settlement could be reached. The Indefinite Strike decision of the GDS Union stands good. The Federal Secretariat decision to join the strike also stands good. Make all out preparations fo...

No “one rank-one pension” for Armymen

“one rank-one pension” Rejecting a long-standing demand of ex-servicemen, the government today said it was not contemplating providing “one rank-one pension” to similarly placed officers and jawans after their retirement.Replying to a question in the Lok Sabha, Minister of State for Defence M M Pallam Raju said the demand was “not found acceptable” due to administrative, financial and legal reasons. Moreover, Raju said, the pensionary benefits of personnel below officer rank, particularly of the three ranks of Sepoy, Naik and Havildar have been significantly increased by increasing weightage from five years to ten, eight and six years respectively. They were also allowed pension before January 1996 to be computed with reference to the maximum of the pay scale introduced from January 1, 1996. With the Pay Commissions increasing the pay of armed forces and men every 10 years, the gap between the pension received by those who retired before the implementation of the respective commissio...

Revision of Conveyance Allowance to Central Government Employees under SR-25

F.No.19039/2/2008-E.IV Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure **** New Dlehi, the 23 rd September, 2008 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject :       Revision of Conveyance Allowance to Central Government Employees under SR-25. Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission.       Consequent upon the acceptance of the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission and in modifications of this Department’s OM No. 19039/3/98-E.IV, dated 18th September, 1998 the President is pleased to revise the rates of Fixed Conveyance Allowance admissible under SR-25 as indicate below:             Fixed Conveyance Allowance Average monthly travel For journeys by own motor car For journeys by other On official duty modes of conveyance      (in Rupees)   (in Rupees) 201-300 kms ...

Grant of increased rate of Washing Allowance to common categories of Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ employees

F.No.14/3/2008-JCA Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training ... New Dlehi the 11 th September, 2008 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:-       Grant of increased rate of Washing Allowance to common categories of Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ employees of various Ministries/ Departments.       Consequent upon the decisions taken by the Government on the recommendations made by the Sixth Central Pay Commission and in supersession of this Department’s O.M. No.14/9/95-JCA dated 12.12.2000 on the subject of Washing Allowance, the President is pleased to order that the rate of Washing Allowance will be revised from the existing Rs.30/ - per month to Rs.60/- per month for all common categories of Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ employees who have been supplied with uniforms. Moreover, the rate of washing allowance will be increased by 25% every time the Dearness Allowance payable on revised...

Special Allowance for child care for women with disabilities and Education Allowance for disabled children of Govt. employees.

No.21011/04/2008-Estt.(Allowance) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training New Dlehi the 11 th September, 2008 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject :-       Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission – implementation of decisions relating to Special Allowance for child care for women with disabilities and Education Allowance for disabled children of Govt. employees.       Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations made by the Sixth Central Pay Commission for providing extra benefits to women employees with disabilities especially when they have young children and children with disability, the President is pleased to issue the following instructions:- (i)       Women with disabilities shall be paid Rs.1000/- per month as Special Allowance for Child care. The allowance shall ...

Natural Calamity Advance

Flood Advance for CG employees in TamilNadu Last month, Cyclone ‘Nisha’ hit the state of TamilNadu and it brought heavy rains for one week which resulted in floods all over the state. It affected the normal life of the people largely in the coastal districts and lots of damage was done there. The TamilNadu government announced the districts of Chennai, Tiruvallur, Trichy and some other parts as flood hit areas. After this, various central government employees unions demanded flood relief to the affected employees. The unions pointed out that as per 6th CPC, flood advance was hiked up to two times of the previous amount and demanded Rs.5000 to be paid as advance to the employees. In the year 2006, Rs.2500 was paid as flood advance to the central government employees (who were working in affected areas) after a cyclone hit the state of TamilNadu. The amount was recovered at Rs. 100 per month for 25 months. Now the central government employees in TamilNadu are in high expectation th...

Govt staff may lose job if they don't perform

The government employees could lose their job after 20 years of service if they failed to come up to the expectations of their superiors under a new system of assessment suggested on Friday. The Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC), headed by M Veerappa Moily, recommended far-reaching changes in the service rules of government servants and suggested two intensive reviews to make civil servants accountable. The report on 'Refurbishing of Personnel Administration' said the first review at 14 years would primarily serve the purpose of intimating to the public servant about his or her strengths and shortcomings, while the second review at 20 years would mainly serve to assess the fitness of the officer for further continuation in service. "The services of public servants, who are found to be unfit after the second review at 20 years, should be discontinued. A provision regarding this should be made in the proposed Civil Services Law," the second Administrative Re...

Information from Minister of State for Defence Production

Quality of Production in Ordnance Factories There are 39 Ordnance Factories which are involved in production of various type of military hardware and two factories of Bharat Dynamics Ltd that manufacture missiles. Two more Ordnance Factories are being established to produce ammunition and small arms. Ordnance Factories produce arms and ammunition and other military hardware as per laid down specifications and supply to the armed forces only after the products have been accepted by the quality assurance agency. The manufacturing cost of the arms and ammunition produced by the Ordnance Factories is competitive in most of the cases. In May, 2001, the defence sector was opened to 100 % participation by Indian private sector with cap of 26 % on FDI as part of the ongoing process of economic reforms. Security concerns in allowing private sector to participate in defence production have been addressed by incorporating suitable provisions in the guidelines for licensing production of ...

List of Central Government Holidays - 2009

List of Central Government Holidays - 2009 No. Government Holiday Month Date Day 1. Muharram January 08 Thursday 2. Republic Day January 26 Monday 3. Milad-Un-Nabi / Id-E-Milad March 10 Tuesday 4. Holi March 11 Wednesday 5. Ram Navami April 03 Friday 6. Mahavir Jayanthi April 07 Tuesday 7. Good Friday April 10 Friday 8. Budha Purnima May 09 Saturday 9. Janamashtami August 14 Friday 10. Independence Day August 15 Saturday 11. Id-ul- Fitr September 21 Monday 12. Dussehra September 28 Monday 13. Gandhi Jayanthi October 02 Saturday 14. Diwali October 17 Saturday 15. Guru Nanak's Birthday November 02 Monday 16. Bakrid November 28 Saturday 17. Christmas December 25 Friday 18. Muharam December 26 Saturday List of Restricted Central Government Holidays during the year- 2009 No. Government Holiday Month Date Day 1. New Year Day January 01 Thursday 2. Guru Govind Birth Day January 05 Monday 3. Makara Samkranthi (N.I.) January 13 Tuesday 4. Makara Samkranthi (Bengal) January 14 Wednesda...

Interest bearing advances - for Motor Car ,Scooter, Moped and Computer and Cycle

F.No 12(I)/E.II-A/2008 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure North Block,New Delhi Dated 24th October,2008 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Interest bearing advances / Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendation The undersigned is directed to state that the implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission relating to interest bearing advances granted to Government employees is under consideration of the Government. 2. Meanwhile, pending finalization of the new arrangement, the existing provisions for interest bearing advances relating to purchse of Motor Car,Motorcycle, Scooter, Moped and Personal Computer would continue to be in operation. The eligibility criteria will be as follows: Advance Eligibility Criteria Motor Car (including Personal Computer) Pay in the pay band of Rs.19530/- (Nineteen thousand five hundred and ...

House Building Loan

Hosing Loan Interest would fall very soon…! The government has announced public sector banks would soon introduce a package for those seeking home loans. Presently banks and housing finance firms are charging between 12% and 14% for fixed-rate home loans and offering between 9.5% and 11.75% for floating rate home loans. But the latest measures announced by RBI has started easing the cost of funds for the banks following which they are expected to decline the interest rate further. "Public sector banks will sho rtly announce a package for new borrowers for home loans in two categories -- for loans of up to Rs 5 lakhs and Rs 5-20 lakhs ". The government pointed out that there is a large unmet demand for housing in the country, especially for middle and low income groups. The demand in residential segment has declined in the last six months on account of high interest rates on housing loans and steep rise in property prices during last two to three years.The government highli...

Clarification: Child Care Leave (CCL)

An important office memorandum has been issued by Dopt related that the Child Care Leave for Women employees... The latest DOT Order says that only after exhausting Earned Leave (EL) can avail CCL...!  When EL comes to an end only the CCL will start…! That is, all the Earned Leave exhaust from her account only after she may take to eligible for CCL.  On recommendations of sixth pay commission, the CCL was announced to help women employees to take better care of their children and family. But the privilege backfired to several central government departments being like a hill with applications from women employees for CCL.  This issue is big headache for all departments of head of Sections and petitioned to higher officials being face shortage of employees. DOP&T has now modified the earlier order. The new DOP&T order clearly says that CCL can be availed only if the employee concerned has no Earned Leave in her account. Those who have already taken the...