
Showing posts from September, 2016

7th CPC Pay Fixation and Grant of Increment in revised pay structure – Finmin issued clarification orders on 29.9.2016

7th CPC Pay Fixation and Grant of Increment in revised pay structure – Finmin issued clarification orders on 29.9.2016 Fixation of pay and grant of increment in the revised pay structure – clarifications – regarding. No.1-6/2016-IC(Pt.) Government of India Department of Expenditure Implementation Cell Room No.214, The Ashok, New Delhi Dated the 29th September, 2016 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Fixation of pay and grant of increment in the revised pay structure – clarifications – regarding. Following the notification of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2015, this Depertment has received references seeking clarifications regarding various aspects of fixation of pay in the revised pay structure as also pay fixation and grant of increment in future under revised pay structure. The matter has been considered in this Department and the points of doubts are clarified as under: 1. Point of doubt: As per the provisions of FR22 (l) (a) (1), the Governm...

Ex-Service men Pay Fixation – Confederation writes to Hon’ble Minister of State, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension

Ex-Service men Pay Fixation – Confederation writes to Hon’ble Minister of State, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension Ref: CONF/GENL/Ex-service men/2016-19 Dated – 28.09.2016 To, Dr. Jitendra Singh Hon’ble Minister of State Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension 102, North Block New Delhi – 110001 Respected Sir, Sub: – Ex-Service men pay fixation – intervention requested. 1. It is submitted that pay fixation of re-employed Ex-Service men who held rank below commissioned officer/Group A at the time of their retirement is not carried out in many departments (Eg; Postal department) as per Government orders issued from time due to misinterpretation/wrong classification by the administrative authorities. The re-employed Ex-Servicemen are being deprived of their due by the controlling authorities. 2. Department of Personnel & Training under Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension is the nodal authority in the su...

DPE issues guidelines to expedite the process for clousure of CPSEs

DPE issues guidelines to expedite the process for clousure of CPSEs. Department of Public Enterprises (DPE), Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprise has recently issued guidelines to expedite the process for closure of CPSEs so that all administrative Ministries would follow uniform procedure for closure of the CPSEs. Earlier, DPE had issued guidelines for “streamlining the mechanism for revival and restructuring of sick/ incipient sick and weak Central Public Sector Enterprises: General principles and mechanism of restricting”. As per these guidelines, the CPSEs were to be categorized into strategic and non-strategic and revival/restructuring strategy was prescribed. However, there are certain CPSEs in non-strategic sector which have no scope for revival and are to be closed in a time bound manner. Since there are employees working in these CPSEs, Government decided that closure should not cause hardship to them and has now laid down a uniform policy to give workers...

Clarification regarding bunching of stages in the revised pay structure under RS(RP) Rules, 2016

Clarification regarding bunching of stages in the revised pay structure under RS(RP) Rules, 2016 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR) Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya) (Railway Board) S. No. 6/PC-VII RBE No.: 113/2016 File No. PC-VII/2016/RSRP/3 New Delhi, dated: 26.09.2016 The General Manager/CAOs(R), All India Railways & Production Units, (As per mailing list) Sub:- Clarification regarding bunching of stages in the revised pay structure under RS(RP) Rules, 2016. The recommendations of 7th CPC w.r.t. bunching of stages has been examined by Ministry of Finance and it has been decided that in. cases where in revision of pay, the pay of Government servants drawing pay at two or more stages in pre-revised Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale, as the case may be, get fixed at same Cell in the applicable Level in the new Pay Matrix, one additional increment shall be given for every two stages bunched and the pay of Government servant drawing higher pay in ...

Exemption of Road Toll Tax to Defence Civilians

Exemption of Road Toll Tax to Defence Civilians REF: BPMS / MoD / 90th SCM (4/1/M) Dated: 26.09.2016 To, The Dy Secretary (CP) Govt of India, Min of Defence, ‘B’ Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi – 110011 Subject: Exemption of Road Toll Tax to Defence Civilians Respected Sir, With due regards, your attention is invited to the Agenda Point No. 65 raised by this federation BPMS in the Steering Committee meeting for the 90th Departmental Council (JCM) (MoD) held on 27.09.2013 {Refer MoD F.No. 5(2)/2013/D(JCM), Dated 24.09.2013}. This federation BPMS submitted that Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways have issued a notification vide Notice No. NH-11065/12/2003-P&M, dated 15.09.2004 to Secretary, PWD of all States/Union Territories and National Highways Authority of India clarifying that the provisions of Indian Tolls (Army and Air Force) Act, 1901 is applicable to all States and National Highways whereby Army personnel are exempted from paying tolls ...

Medical Insurance Scheme for Bank Employees and Officers who have retired after 1-10-2015

Medical Insurance Scheme for Bank Employees and Officers who have retired after 1-10-2015 Continuation of Medical Expenses Reimbursement Insurance Scheme for employees/officers who have retired after 1-10-2015. CIRCULAR TO ALL UNITS 8th August, 2016 Dear Comrades, Reg: Continuation of Medical Expenses Reimbursement Insurance Scheme for employees/officers who have retired after 1-10-2015. In terms of the 10th Bipartite Settlement and Joint Note on Officers Wage Revision, Banks have introduced the Medical Expenses Reimbursement Insurance Scheme and all employees and officers have been covered by the Scheme from 1-10-2015. Since the Policy commenced from 1st October, 2015, it will end on 30th September, 2016. Our Settlement / Scheme provides that employees/officers who retired during this period will continue to be covered by the policy upto 30-9-2016 and can continue in the Scheme thereafter on payment of the requisite premium. However, the Insurance Policy for ...

Promotion to the post of Supervisor (NT) from Leading Fireman: Norms Relaxation in OFB - BPMS

Promotion to the post of Supervisor (NT) from Leading Fireman: Norms Relaxation in OFB. REF: BPMS / MoD / 90th SCM (4/1/M)  Dated: 26.09.2016 To, The Under Secretary D (Estt./NG) Govt of India, Min of Defence , ‘B’ Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi – 110011 Subject: Promotion to the post of Supervisor (NT) from Leading Fireman: Norms Relaxation in OFB. Respected Sir, With due regards, your attention is invited to the Agenda Point No. 63 raised by this federation BPMS in the Steering Committee meeting for the 90th Departmental Council (JCM) (MoD) held on 27.09.2013 {Refer MoD F.No. 5(2)/2013/D(JCM), Dated 24.09.2013}. This federation submitted that Hon’ble CAT/Principal Bench, New Delhi in OA No. 1396 of 2008 – Shri M.R.Meena Vs Union of India has ordered that parity should be maintained between Leading Hand Fire with other feeder grades (viz. LDC, Photographer, Telephone Operator-II & Subedar Durwan) for the promotion to the post of Supervisor (NonTechn...

Minimum wage and fitment formula for Central Government Employees

Minimum wage and fitment formula for Central Government Employees Comrade, The 7th CPC while calculating the minimum wage of Central Government Employees has arrived at Rs 18,000/- the 7th CPC has erred in prescribing provision to cover education, recreation, ceremonies, festivals and medical expenses has been moderated to 15 percent against the provision of 25% . Supreme Court’s ruling in the Raptakos Brett Vs Workmen case of 1991 , the Hon’ble Supreme Court delivered a historic judgement and directed that children’s education, medical requirement, minimum recreation including festivals/ceremonies, provision for old age, marriage etc. should further constitute 25% of the minimum wage and be used as a guide in fixation of minimum wage. The Hon’ble Minister of Labour & Employment Shri Bandaru Dattatreyaji in his press statement on 24-September-2016 has stated in Understanding Minimum Wages and Bonus article as follows. “The norms recommended by the Indian Labour Confer...

Latest list of CGHS Hospitals in Bhubaneswar 2016

Latest list of CGHS Hospitals in Bhubaneswar 2016 NAME OF THE EMPANNELED HOSPITAL CGHS, BHUBANESWAR 1.AMRI HOSPITAL LTD Plot No.-1, Besides Satyasai Enclave, Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar-751030 Non-NABH Facilites Empanelled for: All 2.KALINGA HOSPITAL Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar-7501023 Non-NABH Facilites Empanelled for: All 3.KANUNGO INSTITUTE OF DIABETES SPECIALITIES PVT.LTD.(KIDS) Plot No.-1120, Dumduma, Bhubaneswar-751019 Non-NABH Facilites Empanelled for: All 4.SARA GASTRO &  LAPAROSCOPIC HOSPITAL Plot No. 3564/4951,Guri Nagar, Near Garage Chhak Non-NABH Facilites Empanelled for: All 5.SPARSH HOSPITAL & CRITICAL CARE(P) LTD A/407,Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar-751007 Non-NABH Facilites Empanelled for: All 6.ADITYA CARE HOSPITAL(A unit of Quality care India Limited) Plot-No- 329/1929(P) Newar Municipal Kalyan Mandap Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar-751014 ph-0674-3053200 NABH Facilites Empanelled for: All 7.INSTI...

Understanding Minimum Wages and Bonus

Understanding Minimum Wages and Bonus Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Labour & Employment 24-September-2016 10:35 IST Understanding Minimum Wages and Bonus *Bandaru Dattatreya A minimum wage is the lowest remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers or it is the price floor below which workers may not sell their labour. The concept of minimum wages first evolved with reference to remuneration of workers in those industries where the level of wages was substantially low as compared to the wages for similar types of labour in other industries. As far back as 1928, the International Labour Conference of International Labour Organization, at Geneva, adopted a draft convention on minimum wages requiring the member countries to create and maintain a machinery whereby minimum rates of wages can be fixed for workers employed in industries in which no arrangements exist for the effective regulation of wages and where wages ar...

Latest list of CGHS Diagnostic Centres and Dental Hospitals in Bangalore July 2016

Latest list of CGHS Diagnostic Centres and Dental Hospitals in Bangalore July 2016 HOSPITALS: – BANGALORE CONSOLIDATED HOSPITAL LIST 17.02.2016 EXCLUSIVE EYE CENTRES: – BANGALORE DIAGNOSTIC CENTRES:-BANGALORE 1.Chanre Diagnostic Laboratory (w.e.f 17/11/2014) Contact Details: # 121 /1, 3rd main bet 10th & 11th Cross, Margosa Rd, Malleswaram, bangalore – 03,080-40810611 NABL Facilities Available: Laboratory Investigations and Ultrasound, 2D ECHO, TMT, Doppler, ECG, Denstistry, Advanced Diagnostic Laboratory 2.Kanva Diagnostic Services Pvt Ltd (w.e.f 17/11/2014) Contact Details: #/2/10. Dr Rajkumar Road, 4th N Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore- 560010 Phone: 080-23133838/39/40/41/42 FAX:080-23133844 krupa06@kanv NABL Facilities Available: Laboratory Services including Biochemistry, Special Biochemistry, Hematology, Microbiology, Histopathology, Clinical Pathology, Cytology...

Latest list of CGHS Eye Hospitals in Bangalore July 2016

CONSOLIDATED HOSPITAL LIST 17.02.2016 HOSPITALS: – BANGALORE EXCLUSIVE EYE CENTRES: – BANGALORE 1.Abhishek Nethradhama (w.e.f 20/02/2015) Contact Details: #HIG 2024,3rd cross, ‘B’ sector, opposite to National Public School, ICICI Bank road, Near SBI, yelahanka New town, Bengaluru-64 Ph: 080- 40933219, 7795715203, 7204446073 NON NABH Exclusive Eye Care Centre 2.Aditya Netralaya(w.e.f 25/03/2015) Contact Details: #244, 7th Cross, VI Block, III Phase, 3rd Stage, BSK, Bengaluru-560085 Ph no. 080-26695392 NON NABH Exclusive Eye Care Centre 3.Bangalore Nethralaya (w.e.f 25/03/2015) Contact Details: #946, 21st Main, Near BDA Complex, Banashankari, 2nd Stage, Bangalore- 560070.Ph no. 080-65375566 NON-NABH Exclusive Eye Care Centre 4. Bangalore West Lions Superspeciality Eye Hosp (w.e.f 17/11/2014) Contact Details: No 5 Lions Eye Hospital road (Off j c road) bangalo...

Latest list of CGHS Hospitals in Bangalore July 2016

Latest list of CGHS Hospitals in Bangalore July 2016 CONSOLIDATED HOSPITAL LIST 17.02.2016 HOSPITALS: – BANGALORE 1. Fortis Hospitals Limited Cunningham Road (w.e.f 17/11/2014) NON NABH Contact Details: No 14, Cunningham Road Bangalore -560052. Contact No 080-41994498/080- 41994649 manish.mattoo@fortishealthcar Facilities Available: CTVS, Cardiology, Orthopedics, General Medcine, Urology, Gastroenterology 2. Imperial Hospital and Research Centre(Apollo) (w.e.f 17/11/2014) NABH Contact Details: No.154/11, Opp. IIMB-B, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore -560076. Tel:080- 26304034/35 Facilities Available: Cardiology, CTVS, Vascular Surgery, Orthopedics (Joint Replacements, Spine Surgery), Paediatrics & Gynecology, General Surgery, Bariatric Surgery, Urology, Nephrology (Transplantation and Dialysis), Medical & Surgical Gastroenterology, Neurology &Neuro Surgery, ENT Surgery, Opthalmology, Imaging Services (CT, MRI, PE...