Amendment/Revision in notification of Life Certificate

Amendment/Revision in notification of Life Certificate

The 29th meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) was held under the chairmanship of Hon'ble MOS(PP) on 12.01.2017

Amendment/Revision in notification of Life Certificate

It was clarified that Digital Life Certificate is an additional facility. CPAO stated that there are 3 options for submission of Life Certificate:-

(i) By presenting himself/herself to the authorised bank officer to record the life certificate

(ii) By producing a Life Certificate in the prescribed Proforma signed by any of the person specified in para 15.2 of the Scheme for payment of pensions to Central Government Civil Pensioners by authorised Banks.

(iii) Though Aadhar based Biometric Authentication system.


Anonymous said…
As it is,the digital life certificate,is not functioning well,due to certain sceurity reasons.Hence to depend on Pension Disbursing Agency is the best available option,in which case pensioners and family pensioners are to appear in person.

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