Meeting with Chairman of AS(A) - AIDEF, INDWF & BPMS in connection with the Notice of “Indefinite Strike” from 17.02.2014 by Defence Civilian employees.
Meeting with Chairman of AS(A) - AIDEF, INDWF & BPMS in connection with the Notice of “Indefinite Strike” from 17.02.2014 by Defence Civilian employees.
Minutes of the meeting held on 06.02.2014 - AIDEF, INDWF & BPMS in connection with the notice of “Indefinite Strike” from 17.02.2014 by Defence Civilian Employees
Subject :- Follow up action on the ‘Minutes’ of the Meeting held on 06.02.2014 under the Chairmanship of AS(A) with the representatives of Recognized Federations of MoD i.e. AIDEF, INDWF & BPMS in connection with the Notice of “Indefinite Strike” from 17.02.2014 by Defence Civilian employees.
A copy of the ‘Minutes’ of the above meeting is enclosed for perusal and necessary appropriate action.
2. All concerned are requested to ensure necessary appropriate action, wherever necessary, on the issues concerning them.
3. An instant action on the above will be appreciated.
(R.K. Jaiswal)
Under Secretary (JCM)
‘Minutes’ of the Meeting held on 06.02.2014 under the Chairmanship of AS(A) with the representatives of Recognized Federations of MoD i.e. AIDEF, INDWF & BPMS in connection with the notice of “Indefinite Strike” from 17.02.2014 by Defence Civilian Employees:
The Declaration made by the Federations.
I. List of participants is at Annexure.
II. At the outset, AS(A) welcomed the representatives of the Federations and Official Side Members. He stated that the efforts will be made to sort out the problems expeditiously in the best interest of employees. The representatives of the Federations expressed their unhappiness at the accumulation of pending demands which compelled them to come at this juncture to go on ‘Indefinite Strike’ but hoped to get good discussion and solutions to their problems today. Then, AS(A) invited the representatives of all the three Recognized Federations to discuss the issues indicated in their Charter of Demands.
III. Discussions on Agenda Points raised :
Agenda Point-1 Grant of 2nd / 3rd MACP in Grade Pay Rs 4600/- to the Artisan Staff of Defence Establishments who were granted 2‘ ACP in the Char to 31.12.2005 in spite of MoD’s recommendation matter is pending with Defence Finance)
Decision : Addl FA & JS(RS) agreed to the issuance of clarification on this issue. Staff Side demanded discussions on the framing of RRs for MCM and Chargeman before referring the same to DOP&T and Was also agreed to.
Agenda Point-2 Correlation of the hourly rate of Industrial Workers deployed on Piece Work system in Ordnance Factories in 6th CPC Pay Scale w.e.f. 01.01.2006 (in spite of MoD’s recommendation matter is pending with Defence Finance)
Decision: Demand was agreed to. However, the issue of giving retrospective effect to the same will be examined separately.
Agenda Point-3 Grant of Departmental Overtime Wages to the Industrial Workers deployed on Piece Work ; system in the Ordnance Factories(in spite of MoD’s recommendation matter is pending with Defence Finance).
Decision: The demand will be re-examined by DDP and a justified action will be taken as per policy.
Agenda Point No-4 Grant of hourly rate to the Piece Workers of Ordnance Factories who were given MACP benefits. (inspite of MoD’s recommendation matter is pending with Defence Finance).
Decision: Depending upon the decision on agenda point No.1, a decision on this issue will be taken by,DDP.
Agenda Point No-5 Grant of revised ACP benefits to the labourers who have completed 30 years of service by granting an one time exem tion of Trade Test. MoD’s; recommendation in the matter is pending with DoP&T).
Decision: To get the matter expedited, a meeting with DOP&T is to be held
Agenda Point No-6 Grant of revised ACP benefits to the erstwhile Group “D” NIEs (MoD’s recommendation in the matter is pending with DoP&T).
Decision: As detailed in reply to Item No. 5.
Agenda Point No-7 Revision of Night Duty Allowance w.e.f. 01.01.1996 and from 01.01.2006 in the 5th and 6th CPC rates respectively by implementing the Court Judgments on the subject
Decision: Defence Finance will look into the matter expeditiously
Agenda Point No-8 Doubling of the Risk Allowance for Defence Civilian Employees w.e.f. 01.09.2008 has agreed in the National Anomaly Committee Meeting.
Decision: DOP&T may be reminded and matter to be pursued
Agenda Point No-9 Implementation of the following judgment to the similarly placed emloyees as per provisions of DOP&T OM No. A11019/2/98-AT dated 03 September, 1998.
i) Grant of MACP in promotional hierarchy (Government’s SLP dismissed in the case of CAT Chandigarh Bench Judgment on OA No.1038/CH of 2010.
Decision: Comments noted.
ii) Placement from HS Grade to HS Grade-I should be ignored for granting MACP (Judgment of CAT Principal Bench New Delhi in the case of Employees of 505 ABW, New Delhi referring various Supreme Court Judgments)
Decision: Comments noted.
iii) Restoration of the opportunity of Chowkidars and Safaiwalas of MES for re-designation as Mate (SS) (Judgment of the Hon’ble CAT Ernakulam Bench in OA No.109/2012 dated 12.12.2012)
Decision: Matter already resolved.
iv) Removal of discrimination and grant of skilled pay scale of Rs.260-4000/ 950- 1500 to non-petitioner Valvemen of MES (Judgment of Hon’ble CAT Jodhpur Bench in OA NO.51/2002 dated 21st July, 2003)
Decision: D(Works-II) to consider the matter and expedite the same.
v) Inclusion of HRA and Transport Allowance etc. for computation of OT Wages under Factories Act 1948 based on the judgment of Madras High Court.
Decision: Comments noted.
vi) Implementation of higher Pay Scale and grade structure for the similarly placed Cooks of all Defence Establishments as granted to the Cooks of Air Force vide MoD Letter No. Air HO/23064/Cooks/PC-4/444-CC/D(Air-III) dated 12th November 2013 based on the judgment of Hon’ble Principal Bench CAT, New Delhi.
Decision: Directions may be issued to cadre controlling authorities to carryout the cadre review of Cooks cadre in line with Cooks of the Air HQr.
Agenda Point No-10 Approval of all cadre review proposals of MTs, Durwanl Fireman, Drivers, Storekeeping Staff, Industrial Canteen Staffs Para Medical Staff, Stenographers, DEO, JWM and Clerical Staff of OFB, DRDO, DGOA, Navy, EME, AOC, Air Force and other Directorates pending at different level.
Decision: (i) Cadre reviews pending with Defence Finance be finalized.
(ii) Cadre review proposal not submitted shall be submitted within in one month and settled.
(iii) DRDO shall consult Staff Side Federations before finalization of DRTC cadre review.
Agenda Point No-11 Grant of PR1S to the DRDO Employees at par with Department of Atomic Energy and ISRO.
Decision: DRDO shall expedite a decision at RM level.
Agenda Point No-12 Revision of Fixed Medical Allowance to the Defence Employees posted at hard stations/isolated places and also grant of medical reimbursement for impatient treatment for such employees by implementing the judgment of Punjab and Haryana High Court.
Decision: Matter may be pursued with Ministry of Health & Family Welfare to expedite a decision.
Agenda Point No-13 Grant of Four Grade Structure to the Ammunition Mechanic or NAD under navy.
Decision: Matter may be pursued with Ministry of Finance to expedite a decision.
Agenda Point No-14 Grant of Four Grade Structure to the Meter Reader of MES at Par with the Artisan Staff
Decision: Matter may be pursued with DOP&T to expedite a decision. Agenda Point No-15 Extension of CSD Canteen facilities for retired defence civilian employees at par with Ex-Serviceman.
Agenda Point No-15 Extension of CSD Canteen facilities for retired defence civilian employees at par with Ex-Serviceman.
Decision: Matter may be taken up again.
Agenda Point No-16 Revision of Bonus payment ceiling and Gratuity ceiling limit. Decision: Not discussed being national issue.
Decision: Not discussed being national issue.
Agenda Point No-17 Opening of CGHS Dispensaries in all major cities and reorganization of Hospitals under CGHS in Hill Stations.
Decision: Not discussed as the issue relates to Ministry of Health & F.W.
Agenda Point No-18 Withdraw DPP-2013 which is against the interest of DRDO and Ordnance Factories
Decision: The demand may be examined by DDP.
Agenda Point No-19 No FDI in Defence Sector
Decision: Comments noted
Agenda Point No-20 No disturbance in the functioning of DRDO by implementing Professor Rama Rao
Committee recommendations.
Decision: Comments noted
Agenda Point No-21 No arbitrary reduction of manpower in the various Army Units in the name of ASEC Report in violation of the Cabinet Secretary’s directions.
Decision: instructions in this regard may follow.
Agenda Point No-22 No closure of any Defence Units including Military Farms. Decision:
Decision: Comments noted
Agenda Point No-23 Stop all types of outsourcing/contract and replarize all the existing contract/casual workers
Decision: Comments noted.
Agenda Point No-24 Fill up all posts lying vacant in all the Defence Establishments.
Decision: JS(P&C) will examine.
Agenda Point No-25 Withdraw the New Pension Scheme
Decision: Not discussed being national issue.
Agenda Point No-26 Grant of Compassionate Appointment 100% as being granted by the Railway Ministry.
Decision: The matter may be taken up with DOP&T at higher level
Agenda Point No-27 No reduction of sanctioned strength of the Ordnance Factories based on Sourab Kumar Committee Report.
Decision: Comments noted
Agenda Point No-28 Regular meeting with the recognized Federations by the MoDand other Directorates should be ensured.
Decision : Staff Side was advised to submit a calendar on the line of action.
Agenda Point No-29 Three meetings of the Departmental Council (JCM) and four meetin . of the JCM-III Level Council as per the constitution of the JCM Scheme should be ensured.
Decision: Timely meetings may be ensured.
Agenda Point No-30 Grant of Trade Unions rights to all the non gazetted employees working in the Defence Establishments as being given in the case of Railway. (Up to 4200).
Decision: As detailed in reply to item No.32.
Agenda Point No-31 Grant of Trade Unions ri hts to the Em s to ees of Hos s itals and Training Establishments under MoD since these Establishments are already recognized as Industry by the Labour Ministry.
Decision: As detailed in reply to item No.32
Agenda Point No-32 Grant of Trade Unions rights to the Defence Civilian Employees posted at area declared under SRO-17E.
Decision; On agenda point Nos.30, 31 & 32, a meeting will be held onreceipt of comments from the Federations.
Agenda Point No-33 : Settle all the 6th CPC Anomalies and all Cadre review proposals before 7th CPC starts functiong.
Decision : As detailed in reply to Item No. 10.
Agenda Point No-34 Accept all the terms of reference of 7th CPC submitted by the Staff Side of National Council (JCM) to the DoP&T.
Decision : As being done previously, Staff Side may be consulted before submitting the proposal to VII CPC on common issues.
Agenda Point No-35 Implement the revised comprehensive pay package for the CentraI Government Employees as on 01.01.2014.
Decision : Not discussed being national issue.
Agenda Point No-36 To consider the demand of merger of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief with Basic Pay and Basic Pension and also grant of interim relief.
Decision: Not discussed being national issue.
Addl. Secy (A) appealed the Federations that considering the discussion and decisions taken in the meeting, the Federations may please consider to withdraw their proposed ‘Indefinite Strike’ action.
The representatives of the Federations expressed the hope to get the ‘Minutes’ of the meeting by 11th February, 2014 so as to enable them to take a final decision on the proposed strike. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
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