CGDA clarifies enhancement of rate of various allowance by 25% when DA goes up by 50%

Enhancement of rate of various allowance by 25% to Central Government employees, when DA goes up by 50%.

The Department of Controller General of Defence Accounts (CGDA) has once again directed to all concerned establishments regarding that the enhancement of rate of various allowances by 25%, when Dearness allowance goes up by 50%. In order to this department has received various clarifications about the enhancement of allowances, a detailed office order has been published by this department. In every individual order itself mentioned clearly that the rate of allowance will automatically be increased by 25% with effect from the date on which the Dearness allowance went up by 50% (i.e. 01.01.2011).

We have tabled the allowances with the orders, date and download link…

S.No. Name of the Allowances Order No. Date Link
1. Special Compensatory (Remote Locality) Allowance

No. 3(1)/2008-E.II(B)

29.8.2008 Download
2. Special Compensatory Hill Area Allowance

No. 4(2)/2008-E.II(B)

29.8.2008 Download
3. Bad Climate Allowance

No. 5(1)/2008-E.II(B)

29.8.2008 Download
4. Project Allowance

No. 6(3)/2008-E.II(B)

29.8.2008 Download
5. Daily Allowance on Tour

No. 19030/3/2008-E.IV

23.9.2008 Download
6. Mileage for road journey by taxi/own car/auto rickshaw/own scooter/bicycle etc.

No. 19030/3/2008-E.IV

23.9.2008 Download

Transportation of personal effects.

No. 19030/3/2008-E.IV

23.9.2008 Download
8. Schedule/Tribal Area Allowance

No. 17(1)/2008-E.II(B)

29.8.2008 Download

Cycle Maintenance Allowance

No. 19039/3/2008-E.IV

29.8.2008 Download

Washing Allowance

No. 14/3/2008-JCA

11.9.2008 Download


Related posts…

Enhancement in the rate of various allowances by 25% as a result of enhancement of dearness Allowance w.e.f. 01.01.2011
Rates of allowances will be enhanced by 25% w.e.f.01.01.2011
List of Allowances and Advances to be revised as per the recommendation of 6th CPC from Jan-2011


Anonymous said…
just wanted to ask one question that upon increase of DA to 100% w.e.f. 1.1.2014 what will be the impact on Children Education allowance. Whether Children Education all will be 15000+3750 or it will be 15000+ 3000. pl. clarify

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