SSC to recruit over 90,000 Constables in CPOS through Common Process 8,000 Personnel to be Recruited for FCI
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
SSC to recruit over 90,000 Constables in CPOS through Common Process 8,000 Personnel to be Recruited for FCI
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will be conducting examination for recruitment of Group ‘B’ Non-Gazetted and Group ‘C’ Non-Technical Personnel for Government of India. During 2011-12, the Commission will be offering at least 90,000 jobs.
It has now been decided that there will be a single common recruitment for all six CPMFs and the Notice for the Combined Recruitment of Constables (General Duty) and Riflemen in CPOs, 2012 is scheduled to be published on 3rd December, 2011. MHA has indicated the tentative vacancies as below:
Assam Rifles : 8724
BSF : 16484
CISF : 2500
CRPF : 10240
SSB : 5864
ITBP : 7180
It is proposed to complete the recruitment by 31.10.2012.
A proposal to entrust recruitment of about 8000 ‘Category III’ personnel in the Food Corporation of India to the Commission, over two years on consultancy basis, has been approved by the Government of India as a special dispensation. 3755 posts in the FCI have been advertised by the FCI in late October, 2011 with the entire work of ‘Application to Result’ being taken up by the Commission on consultancy basis.
On the request of Ministry of Home Affairs, the Commission undertook the responsibility of recruiting about 90,000/- Constables to the Central Para-Military Forces during 2011 and advertised the vacancies in February, 2011. Results of recruitments for Assam Rifles and ITBP were finalized and published within six months of the advertisement, as scheduled. Results of Combined Recruitment for BSF, CISF, CRPF and SSB are under finalization and will be published shortly.
Established in 1976, SSC has grown manifold in terms of applications handled and jobs offered since its inception. The last two years have witnessed phenomenal growth in applications handled and applicants selected as seen from the following figures:-
Year | Applications (in lakhs) | Jobs offered |
2008-09 | 11.49 | 6304 |
2009-10 | 19.66 | 10,576 |
2010-11 | 61.79 | 23,658 |
2011-12 (till September) | 42.40 | 17869 |