From the Desk of AIRF General Secretary...

Tile with “From the Desk of General Secy. - Nothing Without Struggle.” article from AIRF General Secretary Mr.Shiva Gopal Mishra, the letter has been uploaded on its official website today. He demands various issues like, 25% increase in running allowance demand, merging of Grade I and Grade II employees of technical branches, case of awarding 4800/- to Sr. most inspectors and Supervisors…etc.

We have reproduced here full contents of the letter for your consideration…

Nothing Without Struggle.

About phrase is from Greatest Epic of India, Mahabharat When Lord Krishna wanted to make a compromise between Pandvas and Kauravas with merely 5 villages under Pandava’s control and rest entire estate with Kauravas but Kaurvas replied “Can’t give a peace of land even equal to the top of needle without a war.

Same situate before us today Govt. of India is insisting us for confrontation on our every demand by adapting delaying tactics. May if be (i) 25% increase in running allowance demand, merging of Grade I and Grade II employees of technical branches, case of awarding 4800/- to Sr. most inspectors and Supervisors on implementation of the unanimous decision of departmental anomalies committee, case of taking away Rs. 2000/- grade pay from the national anomalies committee, case of improvements increments between February and June, all these burning question are so called infinite consideration of inactive Finance Ministry, National Anomaly Committee’s are not being held.

At the level of Rail Ministry(Rly. Board)

a) Non-filling up more than 2 lacs of vacancies existing on Indian Railways.
b) Non creation of new posts for new works.
c) Continuous surrender of vacant posts.
d) Encouraging outsourcing and contractual activities.
e) Zero maintenance of Railway Colonies.
f) Stoppage of recruitment of substitutes.
g) No improvement in LARSGEES scheme.

Are the demands of Railwaymen which are awaiting action from authorities pending for long.

In recently held cadre restructuring committee meeting, it transpires that Railway Board are planning to snatch something existing instead of giving something when we demanded a parity in promotional opportunities for technical supervisors, Board denied clearly. On our objection, they accepted
reconsideration but no assurance of any sort.

In view of status detailed in above few lines, there appears to be no way-out available for us but a struggle.

We are however, making our best efforts with Member Staff, Chairman Railway Board, and Minister for Railways to find a way for simplification of recruitments under LARSGEES Scheme but the attitude of Govt. of India and Railway Board on our pending demands is becoming unbearable. Comrades, we are going to  assemble at Chennai on 14-16, November in connection with Annual Convention of AIRF and I hope, we will be able to come to a consensus on our future course of action against these challenges from the Govt. of the day.

With Best Wishes,

Shiva Gopal Mishra
   General Secretary.


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