RRCB holds Recruitment Examination for over One Crore Candidates
RRCB holds Recruitment Examination for over One Crore Candidates
“Google link Map Also Been Provided On the RRCB Admit Card”
Landmark Recruitment Drive by Railway Recruitment Control Board (RRCB)
RRCB holds Recruitment Examination for over One Crore Candidates for Recruitment to Level-1 Posts The examination is being held in over 400 centers. Each day 3 to 4 Lakh Candidates appear at the examination and the attendance is over 60% To help Candidates reach the test centers, Google link map has been provided on the admit card
Railway Recruitment Control Board (RRCB) has achieved a milestone of holding recruitment examination for over one crore candidates for recruitment to Level-1 posts (erstwhile Gr.D). In all, 1.89 crore candidates are to sit for this examination to compete for recruitment against 62907 vacancies of Level- 1 posts. This mammoth examination has been organized by Railway Recruitment Control Board for Indian Railways. The examination is being held in over 400 centers. Each day 3 to 4 lakh candidates appear at the examination and the attendance is over 60%. It will be completed in 51 days by end of December, 2018. Before this ongoing exam for Level- 1 posts, RRBs have also completed first stage Computer Based Test for 47.56 lakh candidates for ALP and Technician posts from 9th August to 4th September, 2018. Thus on current round of these two recruitments put together, the exam of more than 1.5 crore candidates has already been conducted so far.
Elaborate arrangements have been made by Indian Railways for this unprecedented scale of examination. The examination is online and each center is equipped with modern electronic devices so as to be as candidate friendly as possible. To ensure free and fair examination CCTV cameras have been installed in the examination halls. Apart from trained invigilators flying squads have been deputed to visit centers so that there is no unfair means adopted by any candidate. To help candidates reach the test centers, Google link map has been provided on the admit card.
Source: PIB News