CPWD Orders - Financial upgradation under MACP may be granted only on specific requests from individual Junior Engineers : CPWD clarification

CPWD Orders -  Implementation of MACPS to the cadre of JEs of CPWD...

Financial upgradation under MACP may be granted only on specific requests from individual Junior Engineers : CPWD clarification

Government of India
Central Public Works Department


Date: 21-11-2013


Subject: Implementation of Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) to the cadre of Junior Engineers of CPWD.

Reference is invited to this Directorate OM of even No.897 dated 11.11.2013, vide which earlier order dated 31.3.2011 of this Directorate for keeping hold the implementation of the MACPS to the cadre of Junior Engineers has been revoked.

2. In continuation to above referred OM, it is clarified that financial upgradation under MACPS may be granted only on specific requests from individual Junior Engineers.

This issues with the approval of Director General, CPWD.

Source: www.cpwd.gov.in


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