Will 7th Pay Commission recommend the Revised Pay Scale without Grade Pay?
Will 7th Pay Commission recommend the Revised Pay Scale without Grade Pay?
Is there a possibility that the 7th Pay Commission would introduce the new Pay Scale for the CG Employees without Grade Pay?
Unionist who had interacted directly with the members of the 7th Pay Commission say that the chances are high. Although it is impossible to confirm this at the moment, all the employee federations have, through their memorandum, requested that the Grade Pay system be avoided this time.
The 6th Pay Commission had included the concept of Grade Pay as part of the basic pay. The intention behind such a concept was never explained. The Commission too didn’t bother to explain why.
So, do we really need Grade Pay Structure?
What are the advantages?
What do we lose if we avoid it?
As far as we could see, there was nothing to gain by splitting the basic pay into two.
A demand was placed before the 6th Pay Commission that increment be given with each promotion. This demand was stressed by all the employee federations at that time. As a result, the 6th Pay Commission recommended that Promotional Increment be issued with each promotion. All CG Employees federations had an important role to play in the Government’s decision to hike the Pay Commission’s recommended the rate of increment from 2.5% to 3%.
Prior to the 6th Pay Commission, if an employee’s promotion takes him from one pay scale to the next scale, he is then eligible for two promotional increments. If the promotion remained confined within the same pay scale span, then there was no increment. The federations highlighted this situation while making its demand. Also, an average employee hardly gets three promotions in his career, before retirement. In terms of monetary benefits, there was nothing much.
There might not be any relationship between Grade Pay and Promotional Increment, but there is definitely no connection between the Grade Pay and the Annual Increment.
From the day it was introduced, Grade Pay had only created pay anomalies for the employees. The system of Departmental Hierarchy, which had been in place for years, was divided into Promotional Hierarchy and Grade Pay Hierarchy. This was the main culprit. Grade Pay was also responsible for the formation of separate committee for MACP, like the National Anomaly Committee.
I was working in BCGVL chennai from feb 1992 onwards still no promotion was given even ACP in 2004 was denied, so basic was stagnated no increment in 2006, the below matric getting higher grade pay then qualified employee.SO THE SYSTEM OF GRADE PAY MUST BE REMOVED.
Those who got ACP under Promotional Hierarchy have been enjoying huge perks in certain offices, whereas the same cadre officers after introduction of MACP is getting a paltry sum. A welfare government should not snatch away some benefits already given to the people. Now where is parity in pay, leave alone equality.