Encahment of leave in respect of Central Government employees
Encahment of leave in respect of CG employees: (Those who are retire after 1.Sep.2008)
Consequent upon the decisions taken by the Govt. relating to encashment of leave, both Earned Leave and Half Pay Leave shall be considered for encashment of leave subject to overall limit of 300 days.
The cash equivalent payable for Earned Leave shall continue unchanged.
The cash equivalent payable for Hal Pay Leave shall be equal to leave salary as admisible for Half Pay Leave plus Dearness Allowance admissible on the leave salary without any reduction being made on account of pension and persion equivalent of other reirement benefits payable.
To make up the shortfall in Earned Leave, no commutation of Half Pay Leave shall be permissible.
The cahs equivalent for half pay leave component shall, henceforth, be calculated in the manner indicated below,Cash payment in lieu of half pay leave component=Half pay leave salary / 30 x Number of days of half pay leave.
These orders shall take effect from 1st september 2008