Defence Civlians Medical Aid Fund (TB, Cancer & Leprosy)

Medical Aid Fund
(DCMAF - Defence Civlians Medical Aid Fund)

This Fund was established in 1953 as Defence Civilians Welfare (TB, Cancer & Leprosy) Fund. However, after its scope was enlarged it is now known as Defence Civilians Medical Aid Fund ( DCMAF). It is a Society registered under Societies Registration Act 1860.

The Fund has been established to provide financial assistance to its members in case they or their dependents suffer from specified ailments. In case of TB, Cancer or Leprosy · Nutritious Diet Allowance @ Rs.800/- per month

After Care Allowance @ Rs. 600 /- per month upto 6 months (after having completed domiciliary treatment).

Ex - Gratia Grant of Rs. 20,000/- to the family if member patient dies. · Reimbursement of the cost of X-ray films and other laboratory tests.


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