Clarification provided on reservation in promotion by the Minister in Lok Sabha...

Clarification provided on reservation in promotion by the Minister in Lok Sabha...


Minister of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Shri.V.Narayanasamy replied to a question in Lok Sabha on 12th December 2012 regarding the subject of reservation in promotion.

In his written reply, reservation is available to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes at the rate of 15% and 7.5%, respectively, in all Groups viz. A, B, C (including erstwhile Group D posts) in case of promotion by non-selection method. In case of promotion by selection method, reservation is available in Group B, C and upto the lowest rung of Group A at the same rates. 

As regards senior posts of Secretary, Additional Secretary and Joint Secretary in the Central Ministries/ Departments, these posts are filled on deputation basis under the Central Staffing Scheme except the posts in the Ministry of External Affairs. Reservation does not apply to posts filled on deputation. The officers borrowed from various cadres including the State Cadres, who are empanelled to hold such posts and who give their option for deputation are appointed under the Central Staffing Scheme. Likewise, the posts of Director (not including the posts in Central Secretariat Service) are also filled under the Central Staffing Scheme. 

In case the empanelment does not lead to adequate representation to categories like SC/ST, women, particular State Cadres, North East, etc., the criteria for empanelment would be suitably relaxed to give due representations. For this purpose, adequacy of representation would mean the cumulative representation in four batches, i.e. current batch and immediately preceding 3 batches being less than 2/3rd of all India percentage of empanelment. The number of officers to be selected on this basis shall not exceed about 15% of the number included in the recommended list and these selections would follow the required process albeit with suitably relaxed norms. The relaxation is given in terms of Average Weighted Score obtained by an SC/ST officer in comparison to General Category Officers, if he/she is clear from vigilance angle. 

Instructions exist that in promotions by selection within Group A (Class I) carrying an ultimate salary of Rs.18, 300/- (pre-revised) per month or less, the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe officers, who are senior enough in the zone of consideration for promotion so as to be within the number of vacancies for which the select list has to be drawn, would be included in the list provided they are not considered unfit for promotion. 


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